Не работает микрофон в scp secret laboratory как исправить

SCP: Secret Laboratory

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Решение проблемы с голосовым чатом.

By nekoChan

Если у вас накрылся голосовой чат и вы не можете говорить и слышать других, то это должно помочь, ну наверное:
-Скачиваете установщик, там всё чисто и без всякой лабуды: https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/ ( Самый рабочий вариант ).
-Ещё есть выход, поставить микрофон по умолчанию в настройках. (Если слышишь людей, но не можешь говорить)
-И самый простой, просто переустановить игру и всё.
[UPDATE 1.0]





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Меня съел дед. 


просто у меня микро накрылся изи хэлуинской обновы

сделал все 3 способа, не помогло.
микрофон у меня не работает только в этой игре

А жаль, задумка проекта очень крутая



19 Nov, 2020 @ 10:19am 

Да игра п*здец какая кривая, на юнити же сделана.

Тоже не помогает, пробовал способы многие которые предлагали в официальном дискорд канале игры – без результатов. Одно единственное устройство записи у меня включены и оно по умолчанию стоит. Игра настолько кривая, что даже с микрофоном баг или что это, я не знаю, но отрицательный отзыв я оставил.

Попробуй переустановить игру и установить библиотеку mono, ссылка выше указанна

Микрофон по умолчанию стоит но все-равно не могу говорить в голосовой чат, что за хрень????? Всех слышу но сам не могу говорить, в других играх и в дискорде все нормально

Rick Gold – Strenght, Ability and Wisdom, а так работает.

This guide will help you fix the mic not working issue in SCP: Secret Laboratory game. This problem is faced by many players in this game who are not being able to use their mic properly. Hence the game audio is being affected which is quite irritating for players. In this guide, I will help you understand the issue better and help you to overcome this difficulty. So let’s have a look now.

The Problem

So, this issue has been happening for over a month now. A lot of players are complaining about this. The problem is two-fold. Some players have said that whenever they join a server and want to chat with people, they press Q for voice, yet it doesn’t work. The mic appears at the bottom of the screen, but whenever they hold down Q, nobody can hear them, and the mic doesn’t light up.

While others have complained that their mic works completely fine in Discord which they are using at the same time as the game. Some use VoiceMod, so they thought that might be the problem, so when they went to switch the mic in-game, they found there is literally no option to change which mic you can use which is pretty much a needed feature for a game like this.

Anyways, these players are not muted in-game and can hear other people’s fine. It’s just that no one can hear them. People have tried restarting their computer and running the game as an administrator, which doesn’t even let you join servers. So I have made this guide with the solution to address this problem.


Even if you don’t have a microphone, the icon will still show up when you hold down Q. It is by no means a good way to test if your mic works or not. The best bet is to go into your control panel and bring up the sound devices window to see if your computer is registering your microphone.

It may be detecting the wrong one (in the case of you having a headset with a microphone and a USB mic) or your computer might not have even made your microphone the default one. Bring up the sound devices window in the control panel, click on the recording tab, and see which one lights up in green when you speak.

Set that one to default and it should work. If none light up, make sure your microphone’s drivers are installed, and then maybe restart your computer, although you may never need to. Install a mono library from your game folder mono.msi and make sure you restart your computer after installation.

Make sure that Steam is choosing the right microphone, it may turn out that Steam just wasn’t listening to the right audio device. Go to Friends > Settings > Voice. You have to go into the windows setting and put your Voicemod input in “default” because instead of making options to change the mic like any other game, this game just uses the default entry so there you go.

Image Guide

If you need more help regarding setting up your microphone then use these images and instruction tutorial as a reference. First of all, right-click on the audio icon on your desktop/laptop as shown in the below image.

scp secret lab guide 1

Select a recording device from the drop-down.

scp secret lab guide 2

Now select the Voicemod Virtual Audio Device or WDM from there. In the below Screenshot, it is the last one.

scp secret lab guide 3

The last thing to do is to select the “By Default” button and you should be all good to go!

I hope that after following this guide you will be able to resolve your microphone problem. If the solution works for you then please leave a comment to let me know. If you need help regarding anything else, feel free to write to us. We have more such guides related to other games which you can check out from our latest posts. Cheers!

Last Updated on September 25, 2021

An avid listener of music from a number of countries. Writing is his hobby and passion. A follower of all the latest android and PC games. Not to mention his favorite: Mobile Legends!



2 года назад




2 года назад

микро включается зажатием “Q”, в игре не предусмотрены настройки микрофона, но возможно проблема в том, что микрофон не включен на компьютере либо в Steam. Включение микро на компе: правой кнопкой мыши по динамику звука -> записывающие устройства -> выбираешь свой микро, пкм и включить, если включен, то опять правой кнопкой и свойства там посмотри, может он выкручен на 0.
Включение микро в Steam: окно Друзья -> шестеренка что под крестиком закрытия окна -> раздел Голосовые, чаты там настроить устройство ввода и проверить бегунки что бы они не были выключены.

РустамовЗнаток (478)

2 года назад

если не сработает, попробуй установить Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 или 2017

Саня СаневскийУченик (96)

3 дня назад

Помогите когда ты заходишь в игру тебе пишет примерно так: ЧЕЛ У ТЕБЯ ЕСТЬ МИКРО? ДА ИЛИ НЕТ. Я выбрал нет у меня появился микро Но пишется что включить можно в настройках но в настройках нетуууу

SCP: Secret Laboratory (SCP: SL) is a free-to-play multiplayer horror game heavily based on the SCP Foundation series and its expanded universe of monsters and paranormal phenomena.  here is a full guide on how to fix the Microphone or voice chat not working issues.

How to Fix “Voice Chat & Microphone Not Working” Issue?

Method 1:

The first thing to check is if your mic is set as your default device. to do that follow this guide: Changing default sound input device in Windows 10

If the above doesn’t work also make sure that “Exclusive mode” is disabled on your mic. Follow this guide to do that: How do I turn off exclusive mode for a Windows Audio Playback Device

If the above 2 do not help installing mono can fix this issue. To install mono simply:

  1. Right click SCP:SL in Steam and click properties.
  2. Navigate to the “Local Files” tab.
  3. Click the “Browse Local Files” button
  4. Run the file named “mono” or “mono.msi” if you have file extensions turned on. (Do not run monoinstall.vdf)
  5. Go through the mono install wizzard and when it’s finished restart your PC.

If you still have no voice chat, look at your log from point 15 and you find this:

  • “Important system file that is needed for voice chat is missing, please install all windows updates.” You have to install the updates either by using Windows Update tool and installing all updates (preferred), or by > installing them manually.

One last thing you can try is to go to the games folder, open the SCPCL_Data folder and delete AudioPluginDissonance then verify the games integrity.

Credit to FAQ

Method 2

You have to go into windows setting and put your Voicemod input in “default” because instead of making options to change mic like any other game, this game just use the default entry so there you go.

Method 3

1. On desktop in lower right corner click RMB on speaker.
2. Click on “Recording devices”
3. If you have got more than 1 microhone click RMB on real microphone and set it default device and default chat device.
4. If you still get problems download mono library for x86 and x64 : http://www.mono-project.com/download/

That’s all my share about “SCP Secret Laboratory How to Fix Mic & Voice Not Working Issues”. if these solutions still not work for you. you can leave a comment below.


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u/undefined avatar

Mic Not working – Please help

So, this has been happening for over a month now. Whenever I join a server and want to chat to people, I press Q for voice, yet it doesn’t work. The mic appears at the bottom of the screen, but whenever I hold down Q, nobody can hear me, and the mic doesn’t light up. Please help me, Reddit.
-Sincerely a SCP:SL player

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