Not available in your country саундклауд как исправить

SoundCloud is a popular platform that brings together bands, podcasts, independent artists, and music aficionados in a seamless manner.

So it would seem a bit unfair if you discover that SoundCloud is not available in your country, right?


Well, like many other online services, SoundCloud can be subject to geoblocking. The way these restrictions work is by preventing users from certain regions of the world to access some services.

As you may already know, a lot of these geoblocks can be circumvented by using specialized software such as VPNs.

However, while using a VPN is highly effective in this case, it’s not the only way you can access SoundCloud if it’s not available in your country.

🌎 Why some songs on SoundCloud are not available in my country?

SoundCloud lets independent artists share their musical creations, and if you can’t access certain songs from a specific location, it’s due to the artist’s licensing rights.

Depending on their country of residence and the policies put in place by it, some artists may not have the right to share their songs everywhere.

📍 What countries is SoundCloud available in?

Currently, SoundCloud is available in the following countries:

  • North America: United States, Canada
  • Europe: United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden. Russia
  • Oceania: Australia, New Zealand

The platform is planning to expand to more places around the world. For the time being, if you live outside those locations, you can use one of our solutions below to bypass geo-blocks.

And if you’re having similar issues with other popular streaming platforms, you can check the following easy guides:

  • 3 Easy Solutions to Fix TIDAL Not Available in Your Country
  • Fix Audible Not Available in Your Region using 5 Quick Ways

How to bypass SoundCloud geoblocking?

1. Use a VPN

  1. Get a VPN subscription. We recommend ExpressVPN because it has a large server network, with locations in 94 countries. It can offer great, buffer-free SoundCloud streaming, and comes with 3 extra months free with a 1-year plan.
  2. Download the VPN client to your PC.

    Download ExpressVPN

  3. Install the VPN and launch it.
  4. Once you’ve logged into your account, go to the server list. Pick a location where SoundCloud is available. We selected the United States. Click on the big On button to connect to the VPN.

    expressvpn us servers

  5. Enjoy SoundCloud without restrictions.

    expressvpn soundcloud

Using a VPN is one of the most popular ways to get around geo-restrictions.

Not only will a VPN successfully mask your location, but it will also re-route and encrypt your traffic to secure your connection.

So you’re actually getting a three-for-one deal, which is not bad at all. You get to access SoundCloud without compromising your online identity and keeping your connection secure against MITM attacks. Sweet, right?

The reason why we wholeheartedly recommend ExpressVPN for this task is its impressive network of servers and stable connections.

ExpressVPN has high-speed servers in 94 countries, so you can easily bypass any form of geo-restriction. Plus you have a lot to choose from, so if one location doesn’t work, you can switch them around as much as you want.

A VPN can also boost up Internet speed, which is a plus if you want seamless listening sessions on SoundCloud.



Is SoundCloud not available in your country? Access it from anywhere using ExpressVPN!

2. Access SoundCloud from Tor

connect to SoundCloud

Tor has been under the spotlight more than just a bunch of times and it’s already consolidated its position as a strong anonymization tool on the market.

The best part of Tor? It’s completely free. You can fire up Tor, connect to the network, then use a properly configured browser to access SoundCloud.

Note that Tor is configured to use random exit nodes from any country in its network, so you’ll have to get your hands dirty and configure it manually.

Or, if you don’t have the patience to do so, you could just disconnect/connect until you get it right.

3. Change your IP with a proxy server

Proxy servers seemed to have lost a bit of ground to more modern approaches (we’re looking at you, VPNs). Most likely because proxy traffic can be detected and blocked without too much effort.

But that doesn’t mean that using a proxy server doesn’t pay off in certain situations. For once, SoundCloud doesn’t have an aggressive stance against proxy users, unlike Netflix.

So, at least for the time being, you could rely on a proxy server to unblock SoundCloud in your country.

Pro tip: there are a lot of free proxy servers just laying around on the Internet; all you need to do is look them up and use them. They might not work every time and might even be slow, but hey, at least they’re free.

4. Try Smart DNS Proxy

Smart DNS Proxy services may just be one of the most effective ways to bypass geo-restrictions. A Smart DNS replaces your ISP-assigned Domain Name System (DNS) with a private one, located in your country of choice.

Additionally, it strips your requests clean of any data that would give away your real location. As a result, websites such as SoundCloud will think you’re in a different country.

What really makes Smart DNS services shine is their speed. Since there’s no encryption involved, your connection will be as fast as it can go. Using a VPN, by comparison, involves encryption and may slow down your connection.

On the other hand, the lack of both encryption and IP cloaking may cost you some privacy points.

The bottom line is that using a Smart DNS will hide your location, sometimes even better than a VPN, but won’t offer you anything in terms of privacy and security.

Final thoughts on SoundCloud not being available in your country

All things considered, if you discover that SoundCloud is not available in your country, there are plenty of things you could do about it, as we’ve explained above.

First and foremost, don’t give up if one of our suggestions doesn’t seem to work. Just try another method; we’re sure you’ll find one that works best for you in no time.

Last, but not least, it’s worth mentioning that our fix also works for SoundCloud tracks that are not available in your country, and for SoundCloud Go+ as well.

SoundCloud — это площадка для прослушивания музыки. Здесь можно найти композиции популярных авторов в разных жанрах и оценить их творчество в хорошем качестве, без рекламы и в удобном формате. SoundCloud работает на каждом континенте и является брендом мирового уровня. В этой статье рассмотрим, из-за чего SoundCloud в России не работает.



  1. Почему же SoundCloud заблокирован в России?
  2. Not available while you’re offline SoundCloud — как исправить?
  3. Как теперь пользоваться SoundCloud в России
  4. Получить карту зарубежного банка можно несколькими способами:

Почему же SoundCloud заблокирован в России?

В последние месяцы, если какой-то зарубежный сервис перестаёт работать в России, то все говорят о том, что он покинул этот рынок из-за конфликта в Украине, присоединившись к санкциям США и Европы. Недоступность SoundCloud в России появилась также по причине конфликта. Вот только с одним отличием — сервис не уходил с рынка России, а был заблокирован контролирующим органом Роскомнадзор.

Официальная причина блокировки в том, что, по мнению экспертов контролирующего органа, в сервисе Саундклауд имеются признаки призыва населения к насилию, гражданским беспорядкам, экстремизму, не законным массовым сборам. По мнению некоторых пользователей, блокировка вызвана наличием в этом сервисе композиций (в том числе и российских исполнителей), которые осуждают войну.

Блокировка произошла 1 октября 2022 года. Однако из SoundCloud и до этого, весной 2022 года, ушла большая часть аудитории из России. И это тоже было связанно не с уходом этого сервиса из местного рынка, а с вводом санкций от платёжных систем Mastercard и Visa. Из-за этих ограничений производить оплату на зарубежные счета с помощью карт Mastercard и Visa эмитированных российскими банками, стало невозможно. Также карта Мир тоже стала не пригодной для оплат в зарубежные банки.

Так как SoundCloud — это немецкая компания, большинство россиян со своими картами оказались изолированы, и оплачивать подписку в SoundCloud стало невозможно. А без подписки в этом сервисе мало что интересного можно сделать. Поэтому части аудитории пришлось уйти из SoundCloud ещё до его блокировки в октябре. Те же, кто остались, у кого были другие возможности для оплаты подписки, смогли попользоваться сервисом только до 1 октября, и теперь появилось новое препятствие.SoundCloud на смартфоне

Not available while you’re offline SoundCloud — как исправить?

Если теперь из России посетить сервис SoundCloud через мобильное приложение или в браузере, то появится сообщение Not available while you’re offline SoundCloud. И, соответственно, слушать музыку нельзя. Если перевести эту ошибку на русский язык, то получится «SoundCloud недоступен, пока вы не в сети». То есть приложению или сайту не удаётся подключиться к своему серверу, чтобы вы стали онлайн.

Ошибка Not available while you’re offline SoundCloud возникает именно из-за того, что сервис заблокирован Роскомнадзором. В эпоху массовых блокировок и интернет-цензуры пользователи уже научились обходить эти ограничения. И поэтому при необходимости можно будет получить доступ к SoundCloud из России.Servis SoundCloud

Как теперь пользоваться SoundCloud в России

Если вы хотите послушать музыку в SoundCloud, находясь в России, то вы столкнётесь с двумя трудностями:

  1. Оплатить российской картой не получится.
  2. Получить доступ к сервису просто так не получится.

Используя кое-какие «костыли», можно обойти эти ограничения. Так, чтобы получить доступ к сервису SoundCloud, используйте приложения VPN. Приводить конкретные примеры мы не станем, потому что эти приложения также часто блокируются контролирующим органом и актуальный список работающих программ постоянно меняется.

Чтобы найти рабочие в вашем регионе VPN для смартфона, напишите в поисковике любого магазина приложений запрос «VPN» и скачайте что-то из первых нескольких в поисковой выдаче. После установки приложения, откройте его и подключитесь с его помощью к серверу VPN. После этого IP вашего смартфона изменится и вы будете посещать SoundCloud как будто из другой страны.

Аналогично и для компьютера, если хотите пользоваться SoundCloud через браузер. Найдите в поисковике актуальный для вас VPN, скачайте, установите, подключитесь и пользуйтесь SoundCloud.

Вам может быть это интересно: Как поменять страну в Спотифай?

С оплатой будет немного сложнее — привязать российскую карту и оплатить с её помощью подписку в SoundCloud не получится из-за санкций. Поэтому остаётся единственный выход — использовать карту зарубежного банка.

Получить карту зарубежного банка можно несколькими способами:

  1. Самый лучший вариант — съездить самому в ближнее зарубежье и открыть там карту. После ввода санкций «карточный туризм» стал очень популярным. Чтобы получить карту в другой стране, в большинстве случаев необходимо иметь только заграничный паспорт и местный идентификационный номер. Иногда также бывает нужно разрешение на проживание в данной стране. Карта изготавливается за 2-3 дня.
  2. Если есть родственники или друзья за границей, то попросите их открыть карту для вас на своё имя и передать вам её реквизиты, чтобы вы смогли привязать её.

SoundCloud is a popular online streaming platform that features music from talented independent artists from around the world. Because of this, not all of the content on this platform is able to be legally distributed in all regions. If you try to access SoundCloud from a country that is not approved, you will get an annoying error message.

SoundCloud not available in your country.”

If you find Soundcloud is not available in your country, you can easily unblock SoundCloud by using a SoundCloud VPN service.

Soundcloud logo

Using a SoundCloud VPN, your VPN traffic is sent through an encrypted server, hiding your IP address and replacing it instead with an IP address that corresponds to your VPN server location instead of your actual location.

Unblocking SoundCloud using a VPN, however, will only work if you use one of the reliable, pre-vetted VPN services.

Keep reading to find out how to choose the best VPN service to fix “SoundCloud not available” errors and download content from anywhere in the world.

In a Hurry? Here’s How to Unblock SoundCloud in Your Country

Why Does SoundCloud Block Some Countries?

SoundCloud features a compilation of music from artists around the world, some of whom do not have legal rights to distribute their content in different locations.

Because some content on SoundCloud is only licensed for distribution in particular regions, the content will be restricted in regions in which there are no content licensing agreements. All regions that the SoundCloud artists have limited will be blocked from access.

Using a VPN service, you can unblock SoundCloud by spoofing your location, concealing IP addresses that identify your blocked location.

How to Bypass SoundCloud Geo-Restrictions

To bypass SoundCloud geo-blocks, here are a few tactics:

Connect to a Remote VPN Server:

A VPN connection is the best way to bypass geo-restrictions to access SoundCloud. A Virtual Private Network service will conceal your actual location and IP addresses, sending your traffic through an encrypted tunnel to a remote server.

This means that you will be able to unblock SoundCloud while maintaining your online privacy and security.

To do this:

  1. Choose a reputable VPN provider and subscribe. We recommend using ExpressVPN.
  2. Download your VPN and install it on your device.
  3. Launch your VPN app and log in.
  4. Connect to one of your VPN’s servers in a location that supports SoundCloud access.
  5. Use SoundCloud with no restrictions!

Remember to connect to a VPN server before opening your SoundCloud app so that you do not lose your saved offline tracks!

Use Tor Browser:

Tor is a great tool for browsing the web anonymously for free.

Keep in mind, though, that you will have to do some legwork to configure Tor manually since Tor’s configuration involves random exit nodes from anywhere in the Tor network.

Try Using Smart DNS:

To get past geo-restrictions, Smart DNS may be a good idea. Smart DNS swaps out your DNS that was assigned by your ISP, replacing it with a private DNS in the country you choose.

A huge benefit of using Smart DNS is that, because it doesn’t encrypt your data like a VPN, your speeds are even faster. But, because it lacks encryption, your IP address and traffic are not encrypted, so you will not get the private internet access that a VPN affords.

Use Proxy Servers:

Now that most people are using VPNs, proxy servers are not as commonly used, especially since online proxy traffic is detectable and easily blocked.

In certain scenarios, however, using a proxy server is a great choice, and you can even go ahead and try a free proxy server.

What Makes a Good VPN for Soundcloud 

Since not all VPN services will successfully be able to unblock SoundCloud, it is important to be discerning when picking the appropriate VPN app for your needs.

Here are the important VPN features to keep in mind:

☑️ User-friendly apps and VPN software: It is vital that a reliable VPN for SoundCloud offers user-friendly apps and intuitive software that are easy to use even by novices, and these apps should be compatible with multiple platforms and devices.

☑️ Reliability and connection speed: Anytime you are listening to SoundCloud music, you will want to make sure that you are not using a slow internet connection, which will affect the quality in which you are able to stream music. Make sure to use a VPN that has fast server speeds with very infrequent connection drops, which will have you streaming lightning fast.

☑️ Robust security features: When you are using a VPN for streaming music on SoundCloud, you should ensure that it offers a no-logs policy and military-grade encryption, as well as other top features.

☑️ Impressive server network: Make sure your VPN for SoundCloud offers access to multiple servers in many different server locations around the globe, which will let you conveniently stream music and geo-targeted content from anywhere.

3 Best VPNs to Access SoundCloud in Your Country

We have tested over 25 VPN services to find out which ones could best unblock SoundCloud in any country.

Here are the VPNs that have proven to be the most reliable at getting past these blocks:

Devices compatible with ExpressVPN

If you are looking for the best SoundCloud VPN service, with great streaming speeds and reliable connections, ExpressVPN is it.

ExpressVPN has over 3,000 servers located in more than 90 countries globally, and it has speeds and connectivity that will ensure you don’t experience streaming lags and interruptions when using SoundCloud.

ExpressVPN is also able to access other streaming services, like Hulu, Netflix (more than 20 libraries!), BBC iPlayer, Disney+, and more, all without buffering.

If you frequently download files from P2P sharing sites, it is important to know that this VPN has top online protections, like military-grade encryption settings, DNS leak protection, a strict-no-logging policy, stealth VPN feature, and a Kill Switch.

You will find a dedicated app for almost every device and platform, and you can connect ExpressVPN to up to 5 devices simultaneously on a single user account, so you can access SoundCloud from anywhere while your spouse streams BBC iPlayer and your kids stream other geo-restricted content.

You can test ExpressVPN for up to 30 days with a refund guarantee, and cancel at any time just by contacting a live-chat support representative, so there are no strings attached if you subscribe today.


  • 5 simultaneous connections
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 24/7 live-chat support
  • Top online protection
  • Fastest speeds


  • More expensive plans

Devices compatible with NordVPN

To use SoundCloud from anywhere in the world, NordVPN is another great VPN option.

NordVPN is consistently able to access SoundCloud and other streaming platforms, like Hulu, Disney+, Amazon Prime Video, and more, and you can connect up to 6 devices to a single account, so you can use your mobile device for SoundCloud while other members of your household unblock other streaming sites.

In terms of online protection, NordVPN offers a strict no-logs policy, military-grade encryption, and an automatic Kill Switch, so you will always have private internet access when connected to this VPN.

You can also test this VPN for 30 days with a refund guarantee, so you can give it a try today with SoundCloud with no need to commit long term.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • 24./7 live-chat service
  • Supports 6 devices simultaneously
  • Double VPN servers
  • Good connection speed


  • Desktop app can be inconsistent

Devices compatible with Surfshark

Surfshark is the most affordable VPN for unblocking SoundCloud from anywhere around the world.

If you are worried about your online privacy and security, Surfshark’s affordable price does not come at the expense of these features. Surfshark offers a strict no-logs policy, military-grade encryption, a Kill Switch, and other top security features.

Surfshark allows users to connect an unlimited number of devices to a single user account, which is really convenient if you want to access multiple blocked streaming services at once in your household.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Affordable price
  • 24/7 live-chat support
  • Unlimited devices simultaneously


  • Speeds can be slower
  • Some server inconsistencies

Can I Use a Free VPN to Unblock Soundcloud? 

We would not recommend using a free VPN to unblock SoundCloud, as it is not likely to give you a reliable connection.

Free VPN servers are often the first ones that are blocked by platforms like SoundCloud because they typically have a very small network of servers and they simply do not have the resources to stay ahead of these blocks.

In addition, free VPNs often are lacking important online protection features, so you may find your security and privacy compromised when using one.

We recommend using a top premium VPN service, like ExpressVPN, which will let you test it for up to 30 days, with a refund guarantee.

Can I Unblock Soundcloud at School?

You may have trouble accessing SoundCloud at school because of the fact that network administrators may be enforcing blocks on streaming platforms and social media platforms to keep their student body from using these distracting and potentially inappropriate sites at school.

To get past your school’s local network ban, all you have to do is connect to a VPN server in a remote location outside your network, and you can enjoy streaming!

Can Soundcloud Detect VPNs?

Don’t worry. SoundCloud is not able to detect the fact that you are using a VPN to gain access to its platform. This means that any issues you are having accessing SoundCloud is probably due to the VPN’s inability at unblocking SoundCloud since not all VPNs will be strong enough to get around SoundCloud’s geo-blocks to access this music service.

Other Ways to Use a VPN

If you are already using a VPN to easily unblock SoundCloud, it is a good idea to find out what else your VPN can do for you!

A VPN can:

☑️ Help you torrent anonymously: If you like to visit P2P-sharing sites, you are going to want to make sure you can achieve anonymous torrenting, so even your ISP won’t be able to detect what you are doing.

☑️ Access other streaming services: Since many streaming platforms use geo-blocking systems, you can use a VPN to spoof your location to bypass geo-restrictions and access streaming sites from anywhere.

☑️ Online protection: Offer military-grade encryption and additional security features to ensure your private traffic and identity are safeguarded at all times.

☑️ Bypass censorship: If you are living in a heavily censored location, using a VPN can help you slip under the radar to avoid restrictions and censorship.


In what countries is SoundCloud banned?

SoundCloud artists do not have to license permission to release tracks in all locations.

SoundCloud is banned in a range of countries, including China and some countries in the Middle East.

How do I use a VPN with SoundCloud?

To use a VPN with SoundCloud, all you have to do is check out these easy steps:

  1. Subscribe to a reputable VPN for SoundCloud, like ExpressVPN.
  2. Download and install the VPN software to your device.
  3. Connect to a VPN server in a location where you can access SoundCloud.
  4. Enjoy SoundCloud in your country, even if it is not available in your country!

Why are songs on Soundcloud not available in my country?

Because the artists on the SoundCloud streaming service do not have legal permission to release tracks in all regions, SoundCloud songs may be blocked in various countries.


Using a VPN, you will be able to access SoundCloud even if it is not available in your country. The best VPN for SoundCloud is ExpressVPN. Try ExpressVPN today and get 49% off your plan!



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SoundCloud Not Available in Your Country: How to Unblock It?

SoundCloud is one of the largest music streaming platforms globally, with over 175 million monthly users. However, similar to other streaming services like Netflix, Spotify, and Disney+, it is inaccessible in some regions due to copyright and licensing problems. So, can you get through their geo-blocks with that in mind? And, if that’s the case, how do you get SoundCloud unblocked if it’s not available in your country?

Using a VPN to unblock SoundCloud is the simplest and most powerful way. If you choose the right Virtual Private Network service, you’ll be able to consistently circumvent SoundCloud’s geo-blocks and enjoy streaming, among several other benefits.

Why Does SoundCloud Block Certain Countries?

SoundCloud is an online listening website that features music from artists worldwide. As a result, certain artists and businesses do not have the legal right to distribute their work worldwide. They’ll only license their material to SoundCloud as a publisher in unique regions in such situations. Simultaneously, all other territories the artist has decided to limit the content will be blocked.

How to Unblock SoundCloud in your Country?

Here’s a quick guide to getting SoundCloud unblocked in your country:

  • Sign up for a VPN that allows you to unblock SoundCloud.
  • Install the VPN software that is suitable for your computer.
  • Connect to a server in a country that offers SoundCloud.
  • Sign up for a SoundCloud account.
  • Before using SoundCloud, make sure you’re connected to a VPN server.

The most successful way to unblock SoundCloud in your country regularly is to follow this step-by-step guide. Keep phase number five in mind if you’re using SoundCloud GO+ on your mobile device. This is because using the mobile app without a VPN link could lose your saved offline tracks, forcing you to re-download them.

How to Listen to Songs not Available in Your Country on SoundCloud?

Unlike some other big streaming sites, including Netflix and the BBC iPlayer, SoundCloud does not have a mechanism in place to identify and block VPN-related IP addresses. As a result, you can listen to music when listening on this website without fear of being banned.

If you connect to a VPN server but still receive the message “This song is not available in your region,” it’s possible that the content isn’t available in the country where the VPN’s server is located. To fix this, switch to a different server in a neighboring country and try again.

How to Unblock Soundcloud at School? 

Even if SoundCloud isn’t geo-restricted in your area, you may still have trouble accessing it at school or work. This is because network managers often impose social media and streaming site bans to discourage students and workers from using them excessively at school or work.

The easiest way to get SoundCloud unblocked at school or work is to use a VPN, which we discussed earlier. You can circumvent your school’s local network ban and any potential geo-restrictions by connecting to a remote VPN server and listening to SoundCloud music at school.

Can SoundCloud Detect a VPN?

No, SoundCloud cannot tell whether you’re using a VPN to access their service. However, if you’ve had trouble accessing SoundCloud with a VPN in the past, it’s most likely due to the VPN’s inability to bypass SoundCloud’s geo-restrictions.

If you choose a reputable and high-quality VPN service, this shouldn’t be an issue. Any of the five VPNs mentioned above are capable of unblocking SoundCloud, and you should have no trouble doing so with any of them.

What Features Should you Look for in a VPN to Unblock SoundCloud?

When it comes to choosing a VPN to unblock SoundCloud, consider a few things. To unblock SoundCloud, the following are the most critical features to look for in a VPN:

  • Connection Speed and Reliability – The last thing you want to encounter when listening to music on SoundCloud is a sluggish Internet connection. As a result, you should look for a VPN that will provide fast server speeds and consistent performance with little to no link drops.
  • Server Quality and Quantity – To effectively bypass geoblocks, choose a VPN that has a large and well-distributed server network. More importantly, the servers should be located where you need them to ensure that you have several ways to access SoundCloud.
  • Robust Security Features – When selecting a SoundCloud VPN, you can look for at least 256-bit encryption and a zero-logs policy. Aside from these, DNS leak protection and a kill-switch are two other security features to look for.
  • Software and Apps That Are Easy to Use – A stable SoundCloud VPN should be simple to use and provide additional functionality. It should ideally support several platforms and have simple applications to use and understand.

What Else a VPN Can Do 

Unblocking SoundCloud with a VPN is incredibly easy. However, a high-quality VPN can do far more than unblock SoundCloud. Here are a few more things a VPN can help you with:

  • Unblock Other Streaming Services – Most streaming sites, including SoundCloud, implement a region-locking mechanism due to licensing and copyright concerns. You can unblock any streaming service on the Internet and watch free and limitless content with a VPN.
  • Avoid Censorship and Area Locks – A VPN can be very useful in avoiding censorship and geo-targeted content if you live in a highly censored country or travel frequently.
  • Anonymous Torrenting – If you regularly download files from P2P websites, a VPN can be a valuable ally. No one (including your ISP) will be able to see what you’re doing or uploading if you use it while torrenting.
  • Safeguard Your Critical Information – The most important features of any VPN are security and privacy. You will use it to safeguard your sensitive personal to financial data and ensure that it does not fall into the wrong hands.

A Quick Takeaway

SoundCloud is an excellent outlet for listening to popular music and discovering new artists and bands. Although its geo-blocking systems are an annoyance, using any of the five VPN services mentioned above will enable you to bypass SoundCloud’s country restrictions and listen to your favorite music without difficulty. All you have to do now is pick the one that works best for you.

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