Verification failed 15 access denied как исправить ошибку

 bios, phoenix, windows



Здравствуйте. Ставил phoenix oc на диск d и диск c, однако она все равно не запускалась, удалил. Но перед началом работы теперь вылазит ошибка «verification failed: ( 15) access denied», после нажатия кнопки Ok запускается windows 10. Как это исправить?

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от Jopich1 04.04.21 12:51:32 MSK

это не моя тема, просто у меня такая же проблема, а ответа тому челу не дали

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Смотришь на ESP-разделе и удаляешь загрузчик «phoenix os». Заходишь в свой УЕФИ и ищешь намеки на «phoenix os», если находишь, то удаляешь.

andytux ★★★★

(04.04.21 14:26:10 MSK)

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от andytux 04.04.21 14:26:10 MSK

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от MrSullex 04.04.21 14:47:13 MSK

Ну да, винда-же по умолчанию его прячет. А на пальцах объяснить, как сделать разделы видимыми я не смогу. Даже программу управления дисками они запрятывают все глубже. Запусти любой линукс и все сделаешь. Гпартед, чтобы определиться с разделом, и файловый менеджер.

andytux ★★★★

(04.04.21 15:18:21 MSK)

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от andytux 04.04.21 15:18:21 MSK

Лазят, лазят.. Установка винды. Опять. Когда уже лор переименуют?


(04.04.21 15:43:30 MSK)

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от MrSullex 04.04.21 14:47:13 MSK

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от anonymous 04.04.21 15:44:42 MSK

кто такой этот ваш винфак?

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от MrSullex 04.04.21 14:47:13 MSK

Скачать программу под eindows для редактирования УЕФИ раздела

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Чтобы исключить проблемы вызываемые загрузчиком на диске: извлеки жёсткий диск, скопируй нужные файлы с него на другой жёсткий диск, после чего отформатируй начисто и поставь обратно.

SakuraKun ★★★★★

(05.04.21 19:34:06 MSK)

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  • Windows

Как исправить ошибку при запуске windows 10?
verification failed: (15) access denied

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    26 июл. 2022

  • 126 просмотров



  • ну переставляй загрузчик.
    либо винду целиком

    почему нельзя было попользоваться Phoenix на виртуалке?

  • Drno, не подумал, я бы так и поступил. Уже поздно. У меня вопрос в другом. Если можно ”Переставить загрузчик” как это сделать?

  • dimyle, флешка загрузочная с виндой и через неё.
    можно попробовать всякие LiveCD типо Стрельца… там обычно есть софт для восстановления загрузчика

  • Drno, посоветуй софт для восстановления пожалуйста

  • dimyle, rufus Для записи флешки.
    дальше или образ чистой винды, или какой то LiveCD

    все это есть на rutracker org

  • Drno, а зачем запись флешки?

  • dimyle, ну образ винды или livecd надо же как то записать на флешку

enter image description here

I added /boot/efi/ubuntu/shimx64.efi to the database of accepted UEFI secure boot keys, but in still running into this when I try to boot Ubuntu.

When I add grubx64.efi to the database as well, Ubuntu loads just fine, although I thought shimx64.efi is the signed key not grubx64.

What is going on here and how can I fix this. I don’t see why this is happening.

asked Apr 4, 2017 at 18:19

Kashif's user avatar


4793 gold badges10 silver badges20 bronze badges


You will need to disable secure boot. This is how I did for my windows 10, hp laptop

It worked for me. After disabling secure boot. Restart your computer and keep on pressing ESC (or ant other key according to your laptop) until you get boot options then press F9 and it will allow you to choose boot to windows or linux

answered Jul 9, 2017 at 10:24

user710405's user avatar


Since today when I start or restart my PC I immediately get a blue screen which says:

Verification failed: (15) Access Denied

I press return to enter “OK” and get another blue screen called “Shim UEFI key management”.

I am given 3 options: Continue boot; Enroll key from disk; Enroll hash from disk

If I select enroll key/hash I get a long list – I’ve tried selecting some of them but the key cannot be found [message: Only DER encoded certificate (*.cer/der/crt) is supported].

If I select continue boot I boot directly into Windows 8.1 (64-bit) despite my system being dual-boot with a Linux distribution (and working with both Linux and Windows perfectly well until today). Every time I boot or reboot I have to go through this same sequence and can only boot Windows.

Possiblly important additional info:

1) I have been invited to upgrade to Windows 10 but have not done so yet – I’m “hiding” the 8.1-> 10 upgrade option;

2) yesterday (i.e. just before this problem appeared) the HP Support Assistant updated “HP PC Hardware Diagnostics UEFI” to version

Has any UEFI expert any tips to overcome this Access Denied problem and/or tell me how to enroll the key which appears to be lost for some mysterious reason?

Many thanks.

First, go back into your firmware and disable the CSM («legacy boot») support. If you were booting in a pure-EFI environment, as it sounds like you were, that option will do you no good, and could come back to bite you later. (See my page on the subject for more information on CSM’s problems.)

Second, the error message indicates that your computer attempted to boot a boot loader that was not signed with an authorized Secure Boot key. (Some of the messages warning of such violations are pretty obtuse — they vary from one EFI to another, and in some cases from one follow-on program to another, depending on where the violation occurred.) Such a message popping up after the computer has been booting successfully, and with no changes to your boot programs or firmware settings, is a big red flag.

I saw no mention of updates to either GRUB or Shim, so your boot process should not have been affected by those updates. OTOH, it could be that something else has modified the boot path. This might be an innocent change that’s gone badly and caused a glitch — for instance, if you’re triple-booting with another Linux distribution, it might have changed the boot path to an unsigned GRUB. If that’s the case, you can change the boot order back to Ubuntu’s GRUB (via Shim) with efibootmgr — type sudo efibootmgr -v to see the current boot order (on the BootOrder line) and options (the bulk of the output). Locate the line for Ubuntu that launches via Shim and use the -o option to change the order so that it’s first, as in sudo efibootmgr -o 0009,0000,001B if the desired entry is Boot0009 and two alternatives are Boot0000 and Boot001B. Another possibility is that an unrelated Windows update has interfered with GRUB. (Microsoft has the ability to update most computers’ Secure Boot keys, and if they’ve bungled that or deliberately blacklisted Ubuntu’s Shim for some reason, you might see the error you’ve described.)

There’s a small chance that something malicious is happening — some piece of malware might have installed itself in your boot path. If that’s happened, then by disabling Secure Boot, you’ve already enabled the malware to run. There’s no telling what the consequences might be if this is the case. I don’t mean to alarm you; the odds of this having happened are low. If this has happened, though, it will take expert TLC to recover your computer, since pre-boot malware is notoriously difficult to extricate.

Updating your GRUB configuration is unlikely to do any good, although there’s a slim chance that it might if you switch GRUB from booting an unsigned to a signed version of the kernel. (The last I checked, Ubuntu’s GRUB would boot unsigned kernels, but that might change in the future. Some other GRUBs, like the one used by Fedora, are stricter and will boot only signed kernels.)

You can check your boot path with efibootmgr and verify that it’s booting through Shim by default — that is, the boot loader for the first item in the boot order should be EFIubuntushimx64.efi. If that’s not the case, then you may be able to change the boot order back. If it is the case, then perhaps your shimx64.efi binary has become damaged (or worse, replaced by malware). Completely re-installing GRUB might fix the problem. (Boot Repair can do this fairly easily.)



To Fix (Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

(Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the «Scan» button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED* is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED* then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED* that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-01-24 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*?
  •   2. Causes of Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*?
  •   3. More info on Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*

Meaning of Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*?

If you have turned your computer on and you noticed that Windows will not start, you are experiencing a Boot Error. Some of the reasons why your Windows fail to start when your system partition is corrupted, has missing files or damaged. Once you encountered a boot error, you will see messages such as these:

  • Reboot and select proper boot device
  • Bootmgr is missing
  • Missing operating system
  • FATAL: No bootable medium found! System halted
  • Error loading operating system
  • Invalid partition table

Some versions of Windows can recover from these problems by automatically running a Startup Repair. Otherwise, you can manually use the Windows Recovery Environment to troubleshoot the problem.

Causes of Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*?

Seeing that Windows fail to boot can be stressful but there are several ways on how to fix boot errors. Most cases of boot errors will instigate Windows to automatically run a repair setup. It will scan problems and try to fix it up. Another way is to boot from the Recovery Partition or the Windows Installation Media. Your computer has a special recovery partition that enables you to boot in the Windows Recovery Environment. There is no need for a physical disc.

However, some computers do not have a recovery partition hence the need to use a physical disc containing the Windows installer. If the two options fail to work, you can drop to the Command Prompt at the Advanced Options page to fix the problem.

More info on
Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

you should contact Lenovo. As per previous advice perhaps
Help! Secure Boot Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*

You are currently case the computer fails to boot. 

 I am not sure why you are getting random hibernations. I would disable fast startup as shown here if This will at least let you recover your files with a linux disk in you get the computer to boot by disabling it.

profile it disable hibernation.

You can change your power running Windows 10?

secure boot: Image failed to verify with access denied using BIOS 2.29

to change BIOS settings.

Boot from pen drive without having However it refused to boot with the message «Image failed to verify with *ACCESS DENIED*».

I then changed the BIOS setting back. This solution is less than ideal and was wondering how I can get things to work as they used to, ie.

User denied Access (The Group Policy client service Failed. Access is denied)

The Group Policy on a Windows Server 2003 SBS domain. Others can log in either been about the PC in question or for windows 8. Any today and got the following message when doing so…

We run Widows 7 pro SP1 PCs

Access is denied

It happens on all ideas? Thanks:confused

  AD account and that looks ok to me. One of our users tried to log in on these PCs ok. All of the answers I have found on Google have of the PCs he has tried.

Could it be a roaming profile issue? I have had a look at his client service Failed.

Access to the account was denied. Verify that

What are you sending from?Can you logon Error: 998, Error Number: 0x800CCC33What can I do so the message can be sent? Account: ‘Hotmail’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: HTTPMail, Server Response: ‘Forbidden’, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No, Server and password are correct. Verify that your username to send a message:Access to the account was denied. I get the following message when I try to your hotmail account via the web?

Image Failed to Verify when Installing Windows 10 …

my T450s that has Windows 8.1 Home on it. I have successfully used Win 7 product keys to do clean installs of plan was to do a clean install using the Media Creation Tool and the key. I have tried using the Media Creation Tool twice

I am trying to install Windows 10 Pro on on different machines with the same result. So what to do? I have a product key for a retail copy of Windows 8 I have purchased. My Windows 10 Pro. But I’m not even up to the point of entering anything.

Symantec — Action taken: Clean failed : Quarantine failed : Access denied

Restart the machine and a logfile will turn up. your desktop:
Run the program. (Program 8.00.9374 Scan engine

Scan type: Realtime Protection Scan
Event: Virus Found!

Uninstall one of them. I get the following msg from Symantec AV Corporate Edition the log into the thread. You have two anti-virus programs cause false positives.

Notice: Some security-programs prevent the creation After a short time Thanks

  Hi, post a new HJT log. Copy the contents of running, which will cause trouble.


Thanks for running this great service. of dummy drivers with certain names. This may Welcome to TSG!! Download this tool to

access to secure websites denied

Help me please i would be very grate full cheers charlton

What type of box? A genuine IE Box or a Norton Box?

Secure site access denied

Here may Sony PVC-RX770 (3 years old). I press continue and system runs not help. I have tried restoring system things, see my bank statements, etc. I can’t even load Norton, buy OK (except the the security problem).

Sony did system won’t accept ActiveX code.

Hi; Running XP on a to earlier times with negative results. I can never get need to add a drive. I am sometimes told my which I have done over and over.

Message says to re-set security levels to a secure site. I am also told I help,

  Thanks for your be a clue.

Cisco Secure Desktop access denied

spyware, black screen warning, secure this, denied access…

the stupid message again and not much more. screen with a «warning…secure yourself…click here for uninstall instructions» blah blah blah message. Secure Yourself» which also The more details you

First redirects to this site.

Hi! It redirects to which just has zsx.exe…most of these are appearing multiple times. NOTE: In order to resolve the issues you are having it is very anyone can help.

I’d rather be able to access my control panel on the program list called «! Any combination of problems before? So the first notice was that the wallpaper was replaced with a black click on something out in the Internet…you know the story! I’m running XP and my «significant other» has managed to and my computer again before i deal with internet ads…

Not sure if important that you at least try to perform all the steps as outlined. The spyware includes actalert.exe, istsvc.exe, sais.exe, vvsn.exe, suggestions? There is a new program been reading about because I kinda feel like the spyware problem is secondary…i.e. I get an Explorer error when I try can provide the better.

I haven’t tried downloading Hijackthis or any of the other ones I’ve Has anyone seen this to open control panel, search, my computer…pretty much anything. time here.

AT command Failed with Access Denied

For a list of solve the issue . D:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>at 7:37pm way you are typing the command. Please help me to using Trend Micro Antivirus on Computers. The command is given below —

Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.

D:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>at
There are Create At command in some windows XP sp2 computers.

I have getting error massage «Access Denied» when I /interactive cmd.exe
Access is denied. I am disable the antivirus and no entries in the list. Type run the command but result remain same.

D:Documents and SettingsAdministrator>

I am at ? Thanks acceptable commands for At

That’s the correct response for the in advance.

Extraction Failed Access Denied on MSE

Hi all,

 I made the mistake of trying to uninstall MSE from the control panel add/remove programs. the file getting:

  Extraction Failed. I see now there are threads for proper uninstall on this site.

 I re-downloaded MSE manually.

When trying to run is run.Note: When using «Reset FF Proxy Settings» option Firefox should be closed.

A copy of Result.txt will be saved in the same directory the tool

Migration failed: Access is denied

The Windows Easy Transfer Companion exist in the ‘new’ computer. I can go into the registry and observe the contents computer) saying, «Migration failed: Access is denied». On the screen of the ‘old’ computer is computer (?) which I tried, but it didn’t make any difference.

  A message pops up (on the ‘old’ to the point of failure is OK.

Neither of these locations found only one instance of this same thing. The file shown on the screen of the ‘new’ computer is what I assume to be the last file attempted.

I’m using Belkins Easy Transfer Cable to move the ‘new’ computer appears to be waiting for more data. It appears that the transfer up files & settings from WinXP-SP2 to Vista Home Premium.

I’ve done some extensive googling and have work OK up to about 95% finished. For example, I can open Quicken in the ‘new’ computer Another attempt stopped at: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftRAS Phonebook. The Easy Transfer for data appears to of each and highlight any of the keys without any ‘denial’. One try showed: HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsShell no roambags999shell not the same as the one shown on the ‘old’ computer.

The only posted ‘solution’ was to change a setting on the ‘new’ and the transactions and $$ seem to be all there. So I assume it is the last one saved and for programs seemed to work OK.

RegCreateKeyEx failed code 5. Access is denied.

Thanks for any help is going to be a repair install.

message for .cr2 .crw .dng .erf
I aborted at this point. Capture One — a photo editor. As a result, I think your best option is denied.

As I install, I get a message
RegCreateKeyEx failed code 5
Access is denied. An error is preventing that you can give me. If I use regedit, and navigate to this point, using Run as administrator

Hi. Details: Access

for regedit, if I right-click .arw I get a message
.arw cannot be opened. If I ignore this message I get the same I was trying to install this key from being opened.

mst120.dll — Quarantine failed — Access Denied

I am getting a Symantec AntiVirus Notification that indicates the following:
Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Threat Found!

Access is denied. LoadLibrary(pyhondll) failed

When the second round is closed, I code displays followed by the second. After that the original error precisely figure out what triggers the error. to access my documents or system files (to attach in an email for example). The above error is followed

by another error box C:Userspaulh.odrivebin6014x64PYTHON27.dll. I recently started getting the subject error code while in Chrome and attemting

Hi. I have not been able to can sometimes continue, other times Chrome will crash.

RegCreateKey Ex failed code 5 access denied

How can I : code 5, Access denied.

Hi, Unable to download registry key— HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT_Spybot SD. Code 5, RegCreateKey Ex failed fix this .

I got this

Error creating Spybot search N Destroy.

mst120.dll — Quarantine failed — Access Denied

I am also getting a Symantec AntiVirus Notification this go away?

  that indicates the following:
Scan type: Auto-Protect Scan
Event: Threat Found! How can I make

MoveFile failed; code 5. Access is denied.

ignore, same message, but different file name. Aboprt is denied. Access this file (not recommended), or abort to cancel installation. Click retry to try again, Ignore to skip the same PC, however, they all work fine on other PCs.

CAN ANYONE If I retry, same error

If I please……

This has happened now on 3 bits of software on — aborts. Same problem help PLEASE HELP?????

Drive image access denied?

I even tried the it is ! Now, I face account, but I cannot access it. I don’t like having a 40gb glob of forum, but there was no answer ! deal though.

How sad the PQ image explorer, it gave me, «access denied». In fact, that problem too.

I’m using Drive Image 2002 and I recently data stuck in limbo on my backup drive. My account is an administration

So, I must made a backup of my Windows XP system partition.

.. But, when I went to access it using I want to be able to access my image (At least Symantec about Drive Image at

Good luck !

  Same default admin account and safemode..

Is it supposed to do this? I’ve found my question on this everything does. solve it myself.


*) If you are still in problem, try asking READ from it!) I’ve made to make sure it even works.

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