Можете просто примерно написать как думать, а то вообще идей нет
задан 6 окт 2019 в 6:26
first_max = int(input())
second_max = int(input())
if first_max < second_max:
first_max, second_max = second_max, first_max
element = int(input())
while element != 0:
if element > first_max:
second_max, first_max = first_max, element
elif element > second_max:
second_max = element
element = int(input())
ответ дан 6 окт 2019 в 6:27
Андрей КрузликАндрей Крузлик
1,2633 золотых знака11 серебряных знаков17 бронзовых знаков
Пожалуй эффективнее всего будет воспользоваться функцией heapq.nlargest():
from heapq import nlargest
res = nlargest(2, items)[1]
ответ дан 6 окт 2019 в 7:14
Можно написать функцию:
def find_maxes(array, count):
# копируем список чтобы не изменить старую
copied_array = array.copy()
maximums = []
if count > len(copied_array):
raise ValueError('Количество не может превышать длину списка')
for _ in range(count):
max_val = max(copied_array) # получаем максимальное значение
copied_array.remove(copied_array) # удаляем его из списка
maximums.append(max_val) # добавляем в наш ожидаемый результат
return maximums
или же можно поступить хитро
def find_maxes(array, count):
if count > len(array):
raise ValueError('Количество не может превышать длину списка')
sorted_array = sorted(array) # отсортировать список
# Забрать последние элементы из спика так как они будут максимальными
return sorted_array[len(array)-count: len(array)]
ответ дан 6 окт 2019 в 6:44
1,89811 серебряных знаков23 бронзовых знака
функция set позволит создать множество отсортированных по возрастанию отличных друг от друга чисел, функция list позволит создать список и обратиться к предпоследнему (или -2) элементу.
ответ дан 29 окт 2020 в 21:37
12 бронзовых знака
Когда в списке много элементов, нам может понадобиться найти максимальный или минимальный элемент, и Python значительно упростил нам задачу.
В этой статье мы расскажем, как можно найти второе по величине число в списке Python с помощью следующих принципов:
- Сортировка списка и печать предпоследнего числа списка.
- Удаление максимального элемента.
- Нахождение максимального элемента.
- Перемещение по списку.
Давайте разберем первый подход.
Сортировка списка и печать предпоследнего числа
Следующая программа показывает, как это можно сделать на Python.
Пример –
#program to find the second largest number of list # declaring the list list_val = [20, 30, 40, 25, 10] # sorting the list list_val.sort() #displaying the second last element of the list print("The second largest element of the list is:", list_val[-2])
The second largest element of the list is: 30
Объяснение –
- Мы объявили список, из которого хотим изъять второй элемент, начиная с конца списка.
- После этого мы использовали метод сортировки, чтобы все элементы нашего списка располагались в порядке возрастания.
- Теперь мы используем отрицательную индексацию, так как второе по величине число будет на предпоследней позиции.
Второй метод – получить второй по величине элемент списка, удалив максимальный элемент.
Давайте посмотрим, как мы можем это сделать.
Удаление максимального элемента
Пример –
#program to find the second largest number of list # declaring the list list_val = [20, 30, 40, 25, 10] # new_list is a set of list1 res_list = set(list_val) #removing the maximum element res_list.remove(max(res_list)) #printing the second largest element print(max(res_list))
Объяснение –
Давайте разберемся, что мы сделали в вышеуказанной программе:
- Мы объявили список, из которого хотим изъять второй по величине элемент.
- После этого мы использовали метод set, чтобы взять все уникальные элементы списка.
- Теперь мы используем max(), чтобы получить максимальное значение из списка, а затем удаляем его.
- После этого мы печатаем максимум результирующего списка, который даст нам второе по величине число.
В третьем методе мы будем использовать цикл for и и с его помощью найдем второй максимум из списка.
Нахождение максимального элемента
Пример –
# declaring empty list list_val = [] # user provides the number of elements to be added in the list num_list = int(input("Enter number of elements in list: ")) for i in range(1, num_list + 1): element = int(input("Enter the elements: ")) list_val.append(element) # sort the list list_val.sort() # print second largest element print("Second largest element is:", list_val[-2])
Enter number of elements in list: 5 Enter the elements: 10 Enter the elements: 20 Enter the elements: 30 Enter the elements: 40 Enter the elements: 50 The second largest element is: 40
Объяснение –
- Мы объявили пустой список, в который будем вставлять элементы.
- После этого мы просим пользователя предоставить нам количество элементов, которые мы хотели бы добавить в наш список.
- Используем метод сортировки, чтобы все элементы нашего списка располагались в порядке возрастания.
- Теперь мы применим отрицательную индексацию, так как второе по величине число будет на второй последней позиции.
Перемещение по списку
В последней программе мы пройдемся по списку, чтобы найти наибольшее число, а затем с помощью условных операторов найдем второе по величине число в списке.
Следующая программа это проиллюстрирует:
def calc_largest(arr): second_largest = arr[0] largest_val = arr[0] for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i] > largest_val: largest_val = arr[i] for i in range(len(arr)): if arr[i] > second_largest and arr[i] != largest_val: second_largest = arr[i] return second_largest print(calc_largest([20, 30, 40, 25, 10]))
Объяснение –
Давайте разберемся, что мы сделали в вышеуказанной программе:
- Первый шаг – создать функцию, которая проверяет наибольшее число из списка, просматривая его.
- В следующем цикле for мы снова просматриваем список для поиска наибольшего числа, но на этот раз исключаем предыдущий, так как здесь наша цель – найти вторую по величине функцию.
- Наконец, мы передаем наш список в функцию.
Итак, в этой статье у нас была возможность подумать нестандартно и открыть для себя несколько новых способов разработки логики поиска второго по величине числа в Python.
Изучаю Python вместе с вами, читаю, собираю и записываю информацию опытных программистов.
I’m learning Python and the simple ways to handle lists is presented as an advantage. Sometimes it is, but look at this:
>>> numbers = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> numbers.remove(max(numbers))
>>> max(numbers)
A very easy, quick way of obtaining the second largest number from a list. Except that the easy list processing helps write a program that runs through the list twice over, to find the largest and then the 2nd largest. It’s also destructive – I need two copies of the data if I wanted to keep the original. We need:
>>> numbers = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> if numbers[0]>numbers[1]):
... m, m2 = numbers[0], numbers[1]
... else:
... m, m2 = numbers[1], numbers[0]
>>> for x in numbers[2:]:
... if x>m2:
... if x>m:
... m2, m = m, x
... else:
... m2 = x
>>> m2
Which runs through the list just once, but isn’t terse and clear like the previous solution.
So: is there a way, in cases like this, to have both? The clarity of the first version, but the single run through of the second?
asked Apr 25, 2013 at 22:16
You could use the heapq module:
>>> el = [20,67,3,2.6,7,74,2.8,90.8,52.8,4,3,2,5,7]
>>> import heapq
>>> heapq.nlargest(2, el)
[90.8, 74]
And go from there…
answered Apr 25, 2013 at 22:23
Jon ClementsJon Clements
138k32 gold badges244 silver badges278 bronze badges
Since @OscarLopez and I have different opinions on what the second largest means, I’ll post the code according to my interpretation and in line with the first algorithm provided by the questioner.
def second_largest(numbers):
count = 0
m1 = m2 = float('-inf')
for x in numbers:
count += 1
if x > m2:
if x >= m1:
m1, m2 = x, m1
m2 = x
return m2 if count >= 2 else None
(Note: Negative infinity is used here instead of None
since None
has different sorting behavior in Python 2 and 3 – see Python – Find second smallest number; a check for the number of elements in numbers
makes sure that negative infinity won’t be returned when the actual answer is undefined.)
If the maximum occurs multiple times, it may be the second largest as well. Another thing about this approach is that it works correctly if there are less than two elements; then there is no second largest.
Running the same tests:
=> 74
=> 1
=> 2
=> 10
=> 1
=> None
=> None
I restructured the conditionals to drastically improve performance; almost by a 100% in my testing on random numbers. The reason for this is that in the original version, the elif
was always evaluated in the likely event that the next number is not the largest in the list. In other words, for practically every number in the list, two comparisons were made, whereas one comparison mostly suffices – if the number is not larger than the second largest, it’s not larger than the largest either.
answered Apr 25, 2013 at 23:15
Thijs van DienThijs van Dien
6,4411 gold badge29 silver badges48 bronze badges
You could always use sorted
>>> sorted(numbers)[-2]
answered Apr 25, 2013 at 22:21
30.9k10 gold badges80 silver badges88 bronze badges
Try the solution below, it’s O(n)
and it will store and return the second greatest number in the second
variable. UPDATE: I’ve adjusted the code to work with Python 3, because now arithmetic comparisons against None
are invalid.
Notice that if all elements in numbers
are equal, or if numbers
is empty or if it contains a single element, the variable second
will end up with a value of None
– this is correct, as in those cases there isn’t a “second greatest” element.
Beware: this finds the “second maximum” value, if there’s more than one value that is “first maximum”, they will all be treated as the same maximum – in my definition, in a list such as this: [10, 7, 10]
the correct answer is 7
def second_largest(numbers):
minimum = float('-inf')
first, second = minimum, minimum
for n in numbers:
if n > first:
first, second = n, first
elif first > n > second:
second = n
return second if second != minimum else None
Here are some tests:
second_largest([20, 67, 3, 2.6, 7, 74, 2.8, 90.8, 52.8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 7])
=> 74
second_largest([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2])
=> 1
second_largest([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1])
=> 1
second_largest([10, 7, 10])
=> 7
second_largest( [1, 3, 10, 16])
=> 10
second_largest([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
=> None
=> None
=> None
answered Apr 25, 2013 at 22:51
Óscar LópezÓscar López
231k37 gold badges310 silver badges385 bronze badges
You can find the 2nd largest by any of the following ways:
Option 1:
numbers = set(numbers)
Option 2:
answered Jul 12, 2018 at 16:12
Sahil ChhabraSahil Chhabra
10.2k4 gold badges61 silver badges62 bronze badges
The quickselect algorithm, O(n) cousin to quicksort, will do what you want. Quickselect has average performance O(n). Worst case performance is O(n^2) just like quicksort but that’s rare, and modifications to quickselect reduce the worst case performance to O(n).
The idea of quickselect is to use the same pivot, lower, higher idea of quicksort, but to then ignore the lower part and to further order just the higher part.
answered Jun 13, 2015 at 18:36
Edward DoolittleEdward Doolittle
3,9702 gold badges14 silver badges27 bronze badges
Why to complicate the scenario? Its very simple and straight forward
- Convert list to set – removes duplicates
- Convert set to list again – which gives list in ascending order
Here is a code
mlist = [2, 3, 6, 6, 5]
mlist = list(set(mlist))
print mlist[-2]
answered Nov 7, 2016 at 7:36
This is one of the Simple Way
def find_second_largest(arr):
first, second = float('-inf'), float('-inf')
for number in arr:
if number > first:
second = first
first = number
elif second < number < first:
second = number
return second
answered Oct 19, 2021 at 11:58
there are some good answers here for type([]), in case someone needed the same thing on a type({}) here it is,
def secondLargest(D):
def second_largest(L):
raise Exception("Second_Of_One")
KFL=None #KeyForLargest
KFS=None #KeyForSecondLargest
n = 0
for k in L:
if(KFL == None or k>=L[KFL]):
KFL = n
elif(KFS == None or k>=L[KFS]):
KFS = n
return (KFS)
KFL=None #KeyForLargest
KFS=None #KeyForSecondLargest
raise Exception("Second_Of_One")
raise Exception("TypeError")
for k in D:
if(KFL == None or D[k]>=D[KFL]):
KFL = k
elif(KFS == None or D[k] >= D[KFS]):
KFS = k
a = {'one':1 , 'two': 2 , 'thirty':30}
b = [30,1,2]
Just for fun I tried to make it user friendly xD
answered Jan 13, 2015 at 16:24
9,4705 gold badges28 silver badges49 bronze badges
O(n): Time Complexity of a loop is considered as O(n) if the loop variables is incremented / decremented by a constant amount. For example following functions have O(n) time complexity.
// Here c is a positive integer constant
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i += c) {
// some O(1) expressions
To find the second largest number i used the below method to find the largest number first and then search the list if thats in there or not
x = [1,2,3]
A = list(map(int, x))
y = max(A)
k1 = list()
for values in range(len(A)):
if y !=A[values]:
z = max(k1)
print z
answered Aug 2, 2016 at 6:27
8236 silver badges5 bronze badges
def SecondLargest(x):
largest = max(x[0],x[1])
largest2 = min(x[0],x[1])
for item in x:
if item > largest:
largest2 = largest
largest = item
elif largest2 < item and item < largest:
largest2 = item
return largest2
answered Apr 30, 2018 at 22:33
4504 silver badges12 bronze badges
Just to make the accepted answer more general, the following is the extension to get the kth largest value:
def kth_largest(numbers, k):
largest_ladder = [float('-inf')] * k
count = 0
for x in numbers:
count += 1
ladder_pos = 1
for v in largest_ladder:
if x > v:
ladder_pos += 1
if ladder_pos > 1:
largest_ladder = largest_ladder[1:ladder_pos] + [x] + largest_ladder[ladder_pos:]
return largest_ladder[0] if count >= k else None
answered Jan 9, 2019 at 5:39
7316 silver badges15 bronze badges
list_nums = [1, 2, 6, 6, 5]
minimum = float('-inf')
max, min = minimum, minimum
for num in list_nums:
if num > max:
max, min = num, max
elif max > num > min:
min = num
print(min if min != minimum else None)
answered May 12, 2020 at 12:55
Using reduce
from functools
should be a linear-time functional-style alternative:
from functools import reduce
def update_largest_two(largest_two, x):
m1, m2 = largest_two
return (m1, m2) if m2 >= x else (m1, x) if m1 >= x else (x, m1)
def second_largest(numbers):
if len(numbers) < 2:
return None
largest_two = sorted(numbers[:2], reverse=True)
rest = numbers[2:]
m1, m2 = reduce(update_largest_two, rest, largest_two)
return m2
… or in a very concise style:
from functools import reduce
def second_largest(n):
update_largest_two = lambda a, x: a if a[1] >= x else (a[0], x) if a[0] >= x else (x, a[0])
return None if len(n) < 2 else (reduce(update_largest_two, n[2:], sorted(n[:2], reverse=True)))[1]
answered Aug 17, 2022 at 13:11
>>> l = [19, 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 20]
>>> sorted(set(l))[-2]
answered Jul 21, 2015 at 22:52
Brent D.Brent D.
5432 silver badges7 bronze badges
This can be done in [N + log(N) – 2] time, which is slightly better than the loose upper bound of 2N (which can be thought of O(N) too).
The trick is to use binary recursive calls and “tennis tournament” algorithm. The winner (the largest number) will emerge after all the ‘matches’ (takes N-1 time), but if we record the ‘players’ of all the matches, and among them, group all the players that the winner has beaten, the second largest number will be the largest number in this group, i.e. the ‘losers’ group.
The size of this ‘losers’ group is log(N), and again, we can revoke the binary recursive calls to find the largest among the losers, which will take [log(N) – 1] time. Actually, we can just linearly scan the losers group to get the answer too, the time budget is the same.
Below is a sample python code:
def largest(L):
global paris
if len(L) == 1:
return L[0]
left = largest(L[:len(L)//2])
right = largest(L[len(L)//2:])
pairs.append((left, right))
return max(left, right)
def second_largest(L):
global pairs
biggest = largest(L)
second_L = [min(item) for item in pairs if biggest in item]
return biggest, largest(second_L)
if __name__ == "__main__":
pairs = []
# test array
L = [2,-2,10,5,4,3,1,2,90,-98,53,45,23,56,432]
if len(L) == 0:
first, second = None, None
elif len(L) == 1:
first, second = L[0], None
first, second = second_largest(L)
print('The largest number is: ' + str(first))
print('The 2nd largest number is: ' + str(second))
answered Sep 29, 2016 at 5:47
3764 silver badges7 bronze badges
Objective: To find the second largest number from input.
Input : 5
2 3 6 6 5
Output: 5
*n = int(raw_input())
arr = map(int, raw_input().split())
print sorted(list(set(arr)))[-2]*
answered Oct 24, 2017 at 8:14
you have to compare in between new values, that’s the trick, think always in the previous (the 2nd largest) should be between the max and the previous max before, that’s the one!!!!
def secondLargest(lista):
max_number = 0
prev_number = 0
for i in range(0, len(lista)):
if lista[i] > max_number:
prev_number = max_number
max_number = lista[i]
elif lista[i] > prev_number and lista[i] < max_number:
prev_number = lista[i]
return prev_number
answered Mar 6, 2020 at 16:47
Brian SanchezBrian Sanchez
7941 gold badge10 silver badges11 bronze badges
Best solution that my friend Dhanush Kumar came up with:
def second_max(numbers):
glo_max = numbers[0]
sec_max = float("-inf")
for i in numbers:
if i > glo_max:
sec_max = glo_max
glo_max = i
elif sec_max < i < glo_max:
sec_max = i
return sec_max
assert second_max([-1,-3,-4,-5,-7])==-3
assert second_max([5,3,5,1,2]) == 3
assert second_max([1,2,3,4,5,7]) ==5
assert second_max([-3,1,2,5,-2,3,4]) == 4
assert second_max([-3,-2,5,-1,0]) == 0
assert second_max([0,0,0,1,0]) == 0
answered Nov 5, 2020 at 13:46
You can also try this:
>>> list=[20, 20, 19, 4, 3, 2, 1,100,200,100]
>>> sorted(set(list), key=int, reverse=True)[1]
answered Oct 24, 2016 at 5:54
A simple way :
arr = set(map(int, input().split()))
print (max(arr))
answered Dec 18, 2017 at 15:41
3,5342 gold badges37 silver badges40 bronze badges
use defalut sort() method to get second largest number in the list.
sort is in built method you do not need to import module for this.
lis = [11,52,63,85,14]
answered Apr 23, 2018 at 12:20
13.6k2 gold badges79 silver badges54 bronze badges
def secondlarget(passinput):
passinputMax = max(passinput) #find the maximum element from the array
newpassinput = [i for i in passinput if i != passinputMax] #Find the second largest element in the array
#print (newpassinput)
if len(newpassinput) > 0:
return max(newpassinput) #return the second largest
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(input().strip()) # lets say 5
passinput = list(map(int, input().rstrip().split())) # 1 2 2 3 3
result = secondlarget(passinput) #2
print (result) #2
answered Aug 19, 2019 at 6:58
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = int(input())
arr = list(map(float, input().split()))
high = max(arr)
secondhigh = min(arr)
for x in arr:
if x < high and x > secondhigh:
secondhigh = x
The above code is when we are setting the elements value in the list
as per user requirements. And below code is as per the question asked
numbers = [20, 67, 3 ,2.6, 7, 74, 2.8, 90.8, 52.8, 4, 3, 2, 5, 7]
#find the highest element in the list
high = max(numbers)
#find the lowest element in the list
secondhigh = min(numbers)
for x in numbers:
find the second highest element in the list,
it works even when there are duplicates highest element in the list.
It runs through the entire list finding the next lowest element
which is less then highest element but greater than lowest element in
the list set initially. And assign that value to secondhigh variable, so
now this variable will have next lowest element in the list. And by end
of loop it will have the second highest element in the list
if (x<high and x>secondhigh):
answered Oct 2, 2019 at 8:38
Max out the value by comparing each one to the max_item. In the first if, every time the value of max_item changes it gives its previous value to second_max. To tightly couple the two second if ensures the boundary
def secondmax(self, list):
max_item = list[0]
second_max = list[1]
for item in list:
if item > max_item:
second_max = max_item
max_item = item
if max_item < second_max:
max_item = second_max
return second_max
answered Dec 25, 2019 at 12:31
454 bronze badges
Most of previous answers are correct but here is another way !
Our strategy is to create a loop with two variables first_highest and second_highest. We loop through the numbers and if our current_value is greater than the first_highest then we set second_highest to be the same as first_highest and then the second_highest to be the current number. If our current number is greater than second_highest then we set second_highest to the same as current number
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
def find_second_highest(numbers):
min_integer = -sys.maxsize -1
first_highest= second_highest = min_integer
for current_number in numbers:
if current_number == first_highest and min_integer != second_highest:
elif current_number > first_highest:
second_highest = first_highest
first_highest = current_number
elif current_number > second_highest:
second_highest = current_number
return second_highest
answered Nov 12, 2018 at 6:42
20.8k6 gold badges101 silver badges81 bronze badges
Below code will find the max and the second max numbers without the use of max function. I assume that the input will be numeric and the numbers are separated by single space.
myList = input().split()
myList = list(map(eval,myList))
m1 = myList[0]
m2 = myList[0]
for x in myList:
if x > m1:
m2 = m1
m1 = x
elif x > m2:
m2 = x
print ('Max Number: ',m1)
print ('2nd Max Number: ',m2)
answered Feb 6, 2021 at 17:22
1,1965 gold badges28 silver badges59 bronze badges
Here I tried to come up with an answer.
2nd(Second) maximum element in a list using single loop and without using any inbuilt function.
def secondLargest(lst):
mx = 0
num = 0
sec = 0
for i in lst:
if i > mx:
sec = mx
mx = i
if i > num and num >= sec:
sec = i
num = i
return sec
answered Apr 22, 2021 at 11:27
277 bronze badges
We can use 2 loop to compare and find the second largest number from list rather than removing max number from list:
def second_largest(list1):
second_max = list1[0]
max_nu = max(list1)
for i in range(len(list1) -1):
for j in range(1,len(list1)):
if list1[i] > list1[j] and list1[i] < max_nu :
second_max = list1[i]
elif list1[i] < list1[j] and list1[j] < max_nu:
second_max = list1[j]
return second_max
l = [2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 7, 21, 20]
answered Nov 17, 2021 at 8:09
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Задача «Второй максимум»
Последовательность состоит из различных натуральных чисел и завершается числом 0. Определите значение второго по величине элемента в этой последовательности. Гарантируется, что в последовательности есть хотя бы два элемента.
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0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 15.04.2020 Сообщений: 6 |
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15.04.2020, 21:41. Показов 15670. Ответов 6
Ввести с клавиатуры массив из 5 элементов и найти два максимальных элемента массива и их номера. Помогите написать на питоне.
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DobroAlex Заклинатель змей 611 / 508 / 213 Регистрация: 30.04.2016 Сообщений: 2,412 |
15.04.2020, 21:48 |
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Добавлено через 1 минуту
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0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 15.04.2020 Сообщений: 6 |
15.04.2020, 21:51 [ТС] |
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А если без функции max?
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Заклинатель змей 611 / 508 / 213 Регистрация: 30.04.2016 Сообщений: 2,412 |
15.04.2020, 21:55 |
4 |
lalala2020, давайте вы сначала напишите хотя бы поиск наибольшего числа без max сюда, а я потом подскажу, как найти второе наибольшее
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lalala2020 0 / 0 / 0 Регистрация: 15.04.2020 Сообщений: 6 |
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DobroAlex Заклинатель змей 611 / 508 / 213 Регистрация: 30.04.2016 Сообщений: 2,412 |
15.04.2020, 23:48 |
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lalala2020, почти верно, только индексацию надо начинать с 0, а не с 1.
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Модератор 2859 / 1562 / 508 Регистрация: 21.02.2017 Сообщений: 4,179 Записей в блоге: 1 |
16.04.2020, 12:16 |
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DobroAlex, а зачем с нуля начинать, если ты нулевой элемент берешь как максимум? Добавлено через 4 минуты
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