Если Go To Bed: Survive the Night не запускается, мы рекомендуем вам попробовать отключить ваш антивирус или поставить игру в исключения антивируса, а также еще раз проверить соответствие системным требованиям и если что-то из вашей сборки не соответствует, то по возможности улучшить свой ПК, докупив более мощные комплектующие.
Survive the nights 2021 как запустить пиратку
Survive the Nights is and always will be a multiplayer game. It’s what we set out to make and it’s what we’re still making. We always saw this game as a co-op friend fueled experience, the more the merrier. That being said, a lot of players don’t seem very interested in playing with others. One feature (if not the most requested one) is single player and while time and design doesn’t really allow for a true single player, we’ve done our best to replicate this experience.
To get right down to it Survive the Nights requires a server and currently there’s no way around that. This doesn’t mean we can’t replicate a single player experience though. In the 1.7 build you will find a «Solo» tab. Opening this will display all solo options and allow you to start what is essentially a solo server using your local host. You will be able to adjust basic settings and play by yourself without the worry of other players possibly ruining your good time. The solo process works by creating a locally hosted server doing so should require no extra input from the player. This should work for the majority of people. All you need to do is simply click the solo tab, select your setting and click the play button. The game will take care of the rest.
This process will not be cheap. You will need a decent amount of ram to run a solo server smoothly. We will be working on optimizations across the board in the coming updates.
Solo Tab
- Disclaimer: Solo play requires running a local server but should not require any ports opening. Additional RAM is required for solo play.
- Game Difficulty — Easy, Medium, Hard (Default), Hardcore.
- Easy — No hordes | Fewer zombies | High loot | Starting items
- Medium — Easier hordes | Fewer zombies | Starting items
- Hard — Matches Official Servers (Default)
- Hardcore — Harder Hordes | More zombies | Start with nothing (This is the one you want)
- Time Persistence — When true time progresses based on the ‘Day Cycle Length’ option. False results in time staying the same as launch time or the ‘/time’ the server admin sets the server to.
- Day Cycle Length — The in game time cycle length based on minutes 15m, 30m, 45m (Default), 1h, 1h 30m, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h and lastly 24h (for the maniacs).
- Starting Weather — The weather when the server is started. Sunny (Default), Light Rain, Heavy Rain, Storm, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Snow Storm.
- Random Weather — Should server have random weather events. If false then server remains in starting weather state.
- Player Nutrition — Do players need to consume food and drinks?
- Stamina Drain — Should the player have stamina drain and how fast should it drain?.
You will notice a Database tab as well. This tab will allow you to backup your solo match. You can use it to save and restore old server states or delete your current state.
Browse — This will open the directory location of your database save file and backups that you have taken. Backup — Quickly backs up the server database.
The browse button will allow you to access the current server database .stn-server this is the file that controls your current servers state. It stores all the relevant information when it comes to the server ‘world’. As an example, if the player were to spawn into a solo match, place a plank on a window then quit and delete .stn-server, the plank would no longer be there on the next join. Everything has a save state and it’s all controlled by .stn-server.
The window that opens upon clicking the «Browse» button
Чтобы исправить эту ошибку, нужно найти необходимую библиотеку DLL и установить ее в систему. Проще всего сделать это с помощью программы DLL-fixer, которая сканирует систему и помогает быстро найти недостающие библиотеки.
Правила чата
1. Админ всегда прав.
2. Запрещены маты и оскорбления сочатовцев.
3. Запрещены флуд, спам и .
4. Запрещается решать и писать о проблеме(или обновлении) игры в чате (для этого есть форум и тема с игрой)
Последнее с форума
CPU (Процессор): 2000 Мгц;
RAM (Память): 4 Гб;
Video: 512 Мб(GeForce GT240 / Radeon 5700);
HDD: 15 Gb
О игре: Кооперативный сурвайвал, в котором Оказавшись на заброшенном острове главной вашей задачей будет — ВЫЖИТЬ, любой ценой. Для этого собирайте инструкции по выживанию, различные приспособления, еду, воду, до того, как Вас уничтожат.
Способ игры: Steam (По приглашению).
Жанр: Экшены, Приключенческие игры, Ролевые игры, Совместное прохождение.
1.1) Скачать торрент How to Survive Storm Warning Edition (steam-rip версия 1.0, update 11)
1.2) Открываем скачанный торрент, открываем папку How to Survive и распаковываем туда содержимое сетевого фикса
Запуск How to Survive по сети в мультиплеер:
2.1) Открываем обычный стим.
2.2) Для запуска игры используем файл HowToSurvive.exe .
2.3) В гл. меню выбираем ONLINE GAME =>
Создание сервера к Игре:
3.1) Онлайн-Игра => Выбираем подходящие нам параметры => Ждём други игроков.
3.2) ИЛИ Жмём Пригласить Друга ( Invite a Friend) , для того чтобы пригласить друга.
Подключение к игре:
4.1) Указываем предпочитаемые настройки сетевой игры и жмем Accept (игра автоматически подберет сервер, а если такового нет — создастся новый).
4.2) ИЛИ Принимаем приглашение через систему друзей стима.
Дополнительная информация и возможные проблемы:
— Если игра просит запустить Steam. — Перезапустите его и убедитесь что удалили файл steamclient.dll (из папки с игрой).
Помимо антивирусной программы, также следует попробовать отключить «Защитник Windows». Поскольку он тоже запросто может быть причиной появления этих ошибок. Для этого нужно сделать следующее:
Survive the Nights (2021) Early Access PC игру скачать торрент
Survive the Nights — игра на выживание в жанре шутер от первого лица, в которой основное внимание уделяется командной работе, укреплению, творчеству и стратегии. Охраняйте строение или свобно перемещайтесь по открытому миру, выбор за вами.
Survive the Nights фокусируется на реалистичном выживании после заражения зомби. В игре используются дневные и ночные циклы. Подготовка в светлое время суток при передвижении по миру менее рискованна. Используйте существующие конструкции вместо того, чтобы строить их. Играйте в команде, чтобы повысить свои шансы на выживание каждую ночь.
Также хотим обратить ваше внимание на новые игровые подборки для ПК Экшен: Сталкер Другая История торрент игра и после загрузки с торрента поставить выше свою оценку для рейтинга на этой странице https://spellen.fun/1722-survive-the-nights.html.
Смотреть краткий видеообзор к игре: Survive the Nights 2021 Early Access v Alpha 1.7 с ютуб
Используйте дневные часы, чтобы бродить по острову, находить добычу и готовиться к предстоящей ночи. Укрепляйте постройки, ставьте ловушки, разжигайте костры, готовьте еду и бинты. Когда наступит ночь, вам не захочется уходить слишком далеко от надежного сооружения.
Рекомендованые системные требования:
ОС: Windows 7, 8, 10 (64-bit)
Процессор: 2ghz
Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 760 or higher/AMD Radeon HD 7870
DirectX: Версии 9.0
Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
Место на диске: 10 GB
The main reason to edit this file would be to increase a players user group. The number directly after the long Steam ID. When in game players can promote other player to any rank that is lower than their own. To set a rank in-game.
Go To Bed: Survive the Night не скачивается. Долгое скачивание. Решение
Скорость лично вашего интернет-канала не является единственно определяющей скорость загрузки. Если раздающий сервер работает на скорости, скажем, 5 Мб в секунду, то ваши 100 Мб делу не помогут.
Если Go To Bed: Survive the Night совсем не скачивается, то это может происходить сразу по куче причин: неправильно настроен роутер, проблемы на стороне провайдера, кот погрыз кабель или, в конце-концов, упавший сервер на стороне сервиса, откуда скачивается игра.
Go To Bed не устанавливается. Прекращена установка. Решение
Перед тем, как начать установку Go To Bed: Survive the Night, нужно еще раз обязательно проверить, какой объем она занимает на диске. Если же проблема с наличием свободного места на диске исключена, то следует провести диагностику диска. Возможно, в нем уже накопилось много «битых» секторов, и он банально неисправен?
В Windows есть стандартные средства проверки состояния HDD- и SSD-накопителей, но лучше всего воспользоваться специализированными программами.
Но нельзя также исключать и вероятность того, что из-за обрыва соединения загрузка прошла неудачно, такое тоже бывает. А если устанавливаете Go To Bed: Survive the Night с диска, то стоит поглядеть, нет ли на носителе царапин и чужеродных веществ!
Реестр в операционной системе Windows 10 – это большая база данных. И именно эти данные определяют свойства и поведение системы. Поэтому редактирование в нём иногда помогает избавиться от ошибок. Только вот без должного опыта или надёжной инструкции лезть туда самостоятельно крайне не рекомендуется.
Распространённые сетевые ошибки
Не вижу друзей / друзья в Survive the Nights не отображаются
Неприятное недоразумение, а в некоторых случаях даже баг или ошибка (в таких случаях ни один способ ниже не поможет, поскольку проблема связана с серверами). Любопытно, что с подобным сталкиваются многие игроки, причём неважно, в каком лаунчере приходится играть. Мы не просто так отметили, что это «недоразумение», поскольку, как правило, проблема решается простыми нижеописанными способами:
- Убедитесь в том, что вы вместе с друзьями собираетесь играть в одном игровом регионе, в лаунчере установлен одинаковый регион загрузки.
Создателю сервера нужно открыть порты в брандмауэре
Многие проблемы в сетевых играх связаны как раз с тем, что порты закрыты. Нет ни одной живой души, друг не видит игру (или наоборот) и возникают проблемы с соединением? Самое время открыть порты в брандмауэре, но перед этим следует понимать как «это» работает. Дело в том, что программы и компьютерные игры, использующие интернет, для работы требуют не только беспроблемный доступ к сети, но и вдобавок открытые порты. Это особенно важно, если вы хотите поиграть в какую-нибудь сетевую игру.
Часто порты на компьютере закрыты, поэтому их следует открыть. Кроме того, перед настройкой нужно узнать номера портов, а для этого для начала потребуется узнать IP-адрес роутера.
Закрытые порты, или что делать, если игр не видно/не подключается?
Если вы заметили, что в Tunngle/Hamachi никого нет, да и в игре тоже различные косяки с соединением, то есть большая вероятность что у вас просто.
- Открываете окошко с командной строкой (открывается командой «cmd» в Пуске).
- Прописываете команду «ipconfig» (без кавычек).
- IP-адрес отобразится в строчке «Основной шлюз» .
- Открываете командную строку с помощью команды «cmd» в Пуске.
- Вновь прописываете команду «ipconfig » без кавычек.
- Запускаете команду «netstat -а» , после чего отобразится полный список с номерами портов.
- Обязательно следует убедиться в том, что вы обладаете правами администратора Windows.
Ошибка DirectX в Survive the Nights
Ошибки, связанные с DirectX, могу возникать конкретно при запуске Survive the Nights. Не удивляйтесь, если одна игра работает адекватно, а другая выдаёт ошибку. Подобных ошибок, как правило, довольно много, поэтому мы собрали наиболее распространённые среди пользователей. Так что если у вас вдруг появилось сообщение «DirectX Runtime Error» , «DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_RESET» , «DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG» или же «DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED» , воспользуйтесь ниже описанными инструкциями по устранению данных ошибок.
- Первым делом необходимо установить «чистую» версию драйвера вашей видеокарты (то есть не стоит сразу спешить устанавливать тот же GeForce Experience, ничего лишнего от AMD и аудио).
Checking / Installing Drivers
First of all, you need to check all the drivers:
- free utility [Driver Pack] (if you have a blank page, try logging in through an incognito tab or disable AdBlock)
- analogue Driver Booster
- go to the website of the manufacturer of your laptop or motherboard and download the drivers there
You can also separately install drivers for video cards and related software on the websites of video card developers, where drivers appear faster than in auto-updaters:
- Nvidia
- IntelHD
DirectX update
All errors that have the prefix D3D, X3D, xinput *** .dll most likely report the absence of the necessary DirectX libraries.
- Here you can download the web installer
Installing the NET Framework library also may help.
- Download Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5
- Download Microsoft .NET Framework 4
Updating Microsoft Visual C++ Libraries
If the name mentions the MSVC prefix, and if it does not, updating these libraries for games is extremely important. Even after installation, you may notice that the error keeps repeating. The reason is that you need to download all versions, both x64 and x86, some games require both.
Download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Libraries
Cleaning the system with Advanced SystemCare Free
Download the program
Run it, use Artificial Intelligence-driven analysis. The program, probably, will find out a huge number of junk files, broken registrys and etc.
Wait until it is complete to apply automatically fix (correction)
System requirements Survive the Nights (2017)
Make sure your computer meets the minimum specifications required for this game:
Операционная система: 64-разрядная Windows 7
Процессор: с тактовой частотой 2.0 ГГц
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 760 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
Оперативная память: 8 ГБ
Место на диске: 10 ГБ
Интернет-подключение: широкополосное
DirectX: 9.0
Операционная система: 64-разрядная Windows 10
Процессор: с тактовой частотой 3.0 ГГц
Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 480
Оперативная память: 10 ГБ
Место на диске: 10 ГБ
Интернет-подключение: широкополосное
DirectX: 11.0
Computer Viruses
Check your PC for viruses, you can use free and trial versions of programs, for example:
- Avast Free Antivirus
- Dr. WEB CureIT
Antivirus program blocking the launch of Survive the Nights (2017)
The situation is the opposite of the previous one. Installed or built-in (Microsoft Defender) antivirus blocks the launch of the game. To solve this problem, you must either disable this program for a while, or add the game folder to the exceptions. However, if the defender managed to quarantine any files, the game will have to be reinstalled.
How to temporarily turn off Microsoft Defender
Select Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings (In early versions of Windows 10, select Virus & threat protection) → Real-time protection setting to Off and choose Yes to verify.
How to add files and folders to exclusions Microsoft Defender
Go to Start → Settings → Update & Security → Windows Security → Virus & threat protection → Manage settings. Under Exclusions, select Add or remove exclusions → select from files, folders, file types, or process.
Survive the Nights (2017) full screen game window is offset to wrong position or zoomed, the image does not expand to full screen, screen resolution problems
Of course, you have already checked the “screen resolution” and “full screen” items in the game settings.
The problem may lie in the wrong scaling. Go to shortcut properties → Change high DPI settings → check the box at the bottom and click OK.
Survive the Nights (2017) misidentifies monitor, runs on wrong monitor
If you’re trying to display your game on a different monitor, article 5 ways to display your game on a second monitor might help you.
Survive the Nights (2017), downloaded from Torrent does not work
Pirated versions of games do not guarantee stable operation at all, their developers are not responsible to you for the quality of the product. There is a possibility that the repack will turn out to be inoperative, or unfinished specifically for your characteristics. In any case, we recommend using licensed versions of games, this will save your computer from all kinds of spyware, miners and other troubles, as well as providing stable support and the release of new patches from developers.
Survive the Nights (2017) not downloading or downloading take so long. Lag, high ping, game latency
First of all, check the speed of your Internet connection on speedtest.net, if the declared speed is in order, check if your channel is loaded, maybe you have several devices connected to Wi-Fi, the operating system is being updated, something is downloading in the browser , or a movie is running. Look at the network load in Device Manager. Check the integrity of the cable going to your device. If you still use a torrent, it is possible that the upload speed is limited due to a lack of distributors. As a last resort, you can always call your ISP and see if everything is okay with your internet.
Survive the Nights (2017) gives an error about the missing DLL file
Write down the name of the DLL file and download it using an Internet search, there should be a description of what exactly this file is and where it should be. If there is no description, we recommend looking for alternative download sites. Or use the DLL-Fixer utility.
Survive the Nights (2017) is not installed. Installation aborted
Check for free space on your disk. If everything is in order with the place, we also recommend checking the disk for bad sectors using free programs VictoriaHDD or CrystalDiskInfo
Screen freezes but Survive the Nights (2017) keeps playing
The problem may be caused by the game itself, this is a good option. But this may indicate a malfunction in the processor and video card. Check the temperatures of the CPU and GPU, the normal level can be found on the developer’s website by the device model. If the temperature is too high, the device is no longer under warranty and has not been cleaned for a long time, do it yourself (if you know how to do) or take it to a service center for cleaning and replacement of thermal paste. If the problem persists, there is a possibility that other components have failed: the motherboard, RAM, or power supply.
Survive the Nights (2017) slows down. FPS drops and stuttering
Probably your PC does not have enough power for stable operation Survive the Nights (2017). First of all, enable vertical sync if it is disabled and check the result. After that try lowering all graphic settings to the minimum, except for the screen resolution. Then increase until the picture remains comfortable. If lowering does not help, it remains only to lower the screen resolution.
Survive the Nights (2017) has no sound. Can’t hear anything
Check the sound in the game settings. We check the sound on the PC, for example, music in the browser. If there is nothing:
- check the sound level in windows (your OS), maybe the sound level is set to 0
- check the correct connection of speakers, headphones
- if the device is non-standard, it may require its own drivers from the developer
- perhaps there are no sound drivers in the system at all (update it, see the first paragraph)
- In extreme cases, there is a possibility that the sound card has failed.
Survive the Nights (2017) not responding to the mouse, keyboard or gamepad. Control not working
Firstly, go to the game settings and check your control device is switched to a gamepad (if the problem is in it). Are the wires tightly connected? Do devices work outside of the game? The solution may be to check the drivers using utilities (see the first paragraph) or do disconnection → connection.
Old game won’t launch or crashes
Operating system incompatibilities may cause the game to crash when launching. You need to go to the properties of the shortcut (right-click on the shortcut and go to the very bottom) and specify the compatibility mode, for example: Windows XP or other, you can experiment with this setting.
The game does not enough permissions to run
Go to shortcut properties → compatibility → check “Run this program as an administrator” (See screenshot above).
Survive the Nights (2017) does not start and pops up an error 0xc0000142
If Survive the Nights (2017) pops up an error message is 0xc0000142, fix things can in one of the following ways. It is best to try one by one until the problem is solved.
- Disable all antivirus software before downloading the game.
- Check the path to the game folder, everything should be written in Latin letters (English). For example – C:GamesGame Folder.
- The Windows username must also be in Latin characters. Press Win+R → type the command netplwiz → highlight the username → Properties.
- Go to the properties of the game by right-clicking on the shortcut. Compatibility → Compatibility mode → Select a compatibility mode other than your OS → Check the box “Run as administrator“.
If these tips did not help, then you need to look for a problem in the stability of the OS and in the game files.
- Using CCleaner / Advanced SystemCare Free, perform a standard cleaning (see the paragraph at the beginning).
- Replace registry value: Search → Registry Editor → HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE → SOFTWARE → Microsoft → Windows NT → *CurrentVersion * → Windows → LoadAppInit_DLLs → in the Value line, replace 1 with 0.
- Check your computer for malware and viruses. After checking and cleaning, restart your PC and download the game again.
- Check that you have installed all the necessary versions of the components, namely Microsoft Visual C ++, DirectX, Drivers (see paragraphs at the beginning).
Steam Relays
Improved Hosting (Steam Relays | No more port forwarding!) START HERE!
We’ve taken our network solution and overhauled it to be able to work with Steams Relay network. This means that the network traffic is now routed through steam. In simple terms, steam has net traffic through to your computer. Utilizing this means that you (the player) doesn’t have to worry about configuring your router to use UPNP or manually port forwarding for the game server.
On a low level, the only change is that the bytes of data are sent through steam instead of a direct connection. Meaning you just sit back and hit ‘host’, invite your friends and we’ll do the rest.
1 – Launch the game and click the host tab. The host tab contains all the basic server setup you should need to start playing with friends.
2 – Create and name your new world
3 – Setup the server as you would like it
4 – Ensure “Use Steam Networking” is enabled along with “Allow Multiplayer”. Click play and you will automatically join your new server. At this point all you have to do is have your friends join you or invite them via the Steam overlay.
5 – Press shit-tab to bring up the Steam overlay. Open your friends list, right click a buddy and invite them to play.
Setting up a Server and Opening Ports (Advanced Settings)
Hosting a Survive the Nights server does take a bit of setup. You need to open at least one port on your router. This process is the same with nearly all providers for the most part. You’ll also want to be sure Survive the Nights is allowed through your firewall and port connections are allowed. As an example opening port 8888 and 8889 to allow connection and listing in public server list.
1 – Check to ensure that your firewall is allowing Survive the Nights and connections. In the windows search bar type :
Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
Once you’re there ensure Survive The Nights is allowed.
Opening and forwarding ports, you’ll need to do this to allow connections to your PC. If you’re looking to just host locally we suggest using solo play or running a local server using ip:
Port forwarding seems like a big task but shouldn’t be that difficult. That being said all routers are different and you’ll need to connect to yours to allow traffic through ports.
Router List – Port Checker has a great router list with step by step directions for most.
Host tab settings
In game server hosting is a nice simple solution for those that want to play online with friends. The host option will allow a player to start a public or privately hosted server. It can be placed on our public server list for all to see or you can simply share your IP with a friend and allow them to join discreetly. This option does require quite a bit more knowhow than the solo option. Ports need to be opened and forwarded to allow for outside connections. This is not recommended for players new to networking and multiplayer games. This host option is more of a co-op experience. The server is only running when you’re playing so friends wont be able to join without you. This option isn’t our dedicated server option. You will see that shortly as we have a bit more to work on. The dedicated servers will run linux and be available via a Steam depot.
- Progress Time – This option is the same as the solo setting. When true time progresses based on the ‘Day Length’ option. False results in time staying the same as launch time or the ’/time’ the server admin sets the server to.
- Day Cycle Length – The in game time cycle length based on minutes 15m, 30m, 45m (Default), 1h, 1h 30m, 2h, 3h, 4h, 5h and lastly 24h.
- Time Persistence – When true time progresses based on the ‘Day Cycle Length’ option. False results in time staying the same as launch time or the ‘/time’ the server admin sets the server too.
- Starting Weather – The weather when the server is started. Sunny (Default), Light Rain, Heavy Rain, Storm, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Snow Storm.
- Random Weather – Should server have random weather events. If false then server remains in starting weather state.
- Name Tag Distance – The distance that name tags are visible from. No name tags, Near, Medium (Default), Far.
- Announce Logins – Should players be notified when other players join the server? (True | False) e.g. “JB has joined the server”
- Announce Deaths – Should other players be notified when another player dies. (True | False) e.g. “JB has been killed by a Zombie”
- Player Nutrition – Do players need to consume food and drinks?
- Stamina Drain – Should the player have stamina drain and how fast should it drain?.
- Loot Spawn – The rate at which loot spawns. Also controls the quantity of loot. 0 (No loot) – 9 (Overload).
- Hordes – The horde difficulty in game. Can be used to turn hordes off completely.
- Zombie Amount – The amount of zombies on the server. Off, Low, Medium (Default), High.
- Vehicles Amount – The amount and spawn frequency of vehicles on the server. Off, Low, Medium (Default), High.
- Starting Components – The amount of items machines like fires and generators spawn with. None,Low, Medium (Default), High. e.g. A campfire should have firewood and tinder already in it when server starts.
- PvP Disabled – If true players cannot hurt each other.
- Player Starting Items – The item ID numbers to items you want the player to start with. Item ID numbers must be separated with a. comma. The last ID doesn’t need a comma e.g. 1000, 525, 3004 > You can find an Item ID list HERE.
- Server Name – The server name as displayed in the server list.
- Server Password – The server password.
- First Join Message – The message that players receive when they first join your server.
- Return Join Message – The message players receive when they return to your server.
- IP Address – The IP of your server. This should be set to the public IP address of your current network.
- Connection Port – The port that other players should use to connect to your server. Note that this port needs opening and forwarding via your router.
- Show in Public Servers – When true your server will show in the public list of servers. When false players must join using the direct connect text field and your servers IP and Port.
- Steam Query Port – The port that Steam uses to query your server. Used for showing in the public server list. Only required if ‘Show in Public Servers’ is set to true. Note: Should not be the same as connection port.
You will notice a Database tab as well. This tab will allow you to backup your solo match. You can use it to save and restore old server states or delete your current state. This functions exactly the same as the Solo setting does.
Server Configuration Files and More
The in game server host tab gives you a lot of options to get started with. If you feel you’d like to venture a little further there are a few more adjustments that can be made in the serverconfig.txt. You will be able to better tailor your experience if you’d like although we do suggest you check out some presets first to get a good feel for things. There are quite a few additional files that can be edited as well.
An example of a craftable json file.
{ "allCraftables": [ { "craftableName": "Air Horn Tripwire", "produces": [ "4023:0" ], "consumedItems": [ { "itemName": "Firewood", "item": "2527:0", "resourcesOverride": 0 }, { "itemName": "Wire Spool", "item": "2526:0", "resourcesOverride": 0 } ], "requiredTools": [], "showFirstToolNameInCraftableName": false, "showFirstConsumedNameInCraftableName": false, "customStringInBrackets": "", "workBenchType": 0, "timeToCraft": 3.0, "keepsFirstConsumablesQuality": false, "keepsFirstConsumablesResources": false, "craftableIsEnabledIngame": true } ] }
An example of a consumables json file.
{ "allConsumableJSON": [ { "consumableName": "Drop_Apple", "pickupItem": "791:0", "consumableType": 0, "thisConsumablePortion": 0, "cals": 0, "hydration": 0, "health": 0, "stamina": 0, "sicknessChance": 0, "passiveTaskTokens": 0, "requiredToConsume": [], "givesBack": "" }, { "consumableName": "Drop_Banana", "pickupItem": "792:0", "consumableType": 0, "thisConsumablePortion": 0, "cals": 0, "hydration": 0, "health": 0, "stamina": 0, "sicknessChance": 0, "passiveTaskTokens": 0, "requiredToConsume": [], "givesBack": "" }, { "consumableName": "Drop_Berry_Large_Green", "pickupItem": "518:0", "consumableType": 0, "thisConsumablePortion": 0, "cals": 25, "hydration": 15, "health": 0, "stamina": 25, "sicknessChance": 1, "passiveTaskTokens": 0, "requiredToConsume": [], "givesBack": "" } ] }
// _____ _ _______ _ _ _ _ _ _ // / ____| (_) |__ __| | | | (_) | | | | // | (___ _ _ _ ____ _____ _____ | | | |__ ___ | | |_ __ _| |__ | |_ ___ // ___ | | | | '__ / / / / _ | | | '_ / _ | . ` | |/ _` | '_ | __/ __| // ____) | |_| | | V /| | V / __/ | | | | | | __/ | | | | (_| | | | | |___ // |_____/ __,_|_| _/ |_| _/ ___| |_| |_| |_|___| |_| _|_|__, |_| |_|__|___/ // / ____| / _(_) __/ | // | (___ ___ _ ____ _____ _ __ ___ ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ |___/ // ___ / _ '__ / / _ '__| / __/ _ | '_ | _| |/ _` | // ____) | __/ | V / __/ | | (_| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | // |_____/ ___|_| _/ ___|_| ______/|_| |_|_| |_|__, | // __/ | // |___/ // // Configuration Options // // Usage // // Options // ServerOwner: {String} Optional //This is only required for first start in order to write to the ServerUsers.txt this must be your steamID64, find ID at - https://steamid.io/ // ServerName: {String} Required //Default "New Private Server". Quotations required but will not show in server list. // ServerPassword: {String} Optional //String server password. Must not contain spaces. Quotations required but will not be included in password. // FirstJoinWelcomeMessage: {String} Optional //Message displayed to player when player joins the server for the first time. // RecurringWelcomeMessage: {String} Optional //Message displayed to player when player rejoins the server. // ProgressTime: {true, false} Optional //Enable day night cycle. // DayCycleInMinutes: {int} Optional //Length of a day night cycle in minutes. // TimePersistence: {true, false} Optional //Continue from time, day and month after server restart. False means the server starts at mid day in spring on server start. // StartingWeather: {0,1,2,3} Optional //Default 0. Sunny=0 LightRain=1 HeavyRain=2 Storm=3 LightSnow=4 HeavySnow=5 SnowStorm=6. // RandomWeather: {true, false} Optional //True by default. Weather switches at random to match season. // NameTagDistance: {0,1,2,3} Optional //The distance at which nametags no longer show. 0 = off, 1 = near, 2 medium(default) and 3 = far. // ShowLoginMessages: {true, false} Optional //Should login messages show when new player enters or leaves the server. // ShowDeathMessages: {true, false} Optional //Should the server announce when a player dies. // PlayerNutrition: {true, false} Optional //Does the players nutrition and hydration go down. // StaminaDrainRate: {true, false} Optional //Does stamina drain. // LootSpawnRate: {0-9} Optional //Global loot spawn rate. 0=NoLoot 1=Rare 2=Medium 3=High // GrowRate: {0,1,2,3} Optional //Global grow rate. 0=NoGrowing 1=Slow 2=Medium 3=Fast // HordeDifficulty: {0,1,2,3} Optional //Horde difficulty. 0=NoHorde 1=Easy 2=Medium 3=Hard // ZombieAmount: {0,1,2,3} Optional //The overall density of zombies in the world between 0 and 5. 0 = off // PassiveAiAmount: {0,1,2,3} Optional //The overall density of passive AI in the world between 0 and 5. 0 = off // VehicleSpawnRate: {0 - 9} Optional //Global spawn rate for vehicles. This number is a multiplier against LootSpawnRate // StartingComponentsAmount:{0,1,2,3} Optional //The global amount of starting components inside of machines like generators and electricity panels. // ForcedSpawnPoint {0 > max} Optional //the spawn point that is chosen by default. Based on the spawnPoints array. Comment or remove if not needed. Alternatively mark as -1 to disable. // ServerLoadType {0>} Optional //Determines the amount of sectors loaded when running in the editor. 0 = soft load and likely wants to be on when testing. // RestartRate {int} Optional //The amount of hours between server restarts. Note if set to 12 then the servers will restart at 3am and 3pm local time. If set to 24h then server will restart at 3am // SoloDifficulty {int} Optional //Presets for game difficulty on solo server. 0=easy, 1= med, 2 hard and 3 = hardcore. // // Format // string Example: ServerOwner=76561198004636696 // int Example: DayCycleInMinutes=45 // ServerIP="" ServerPort=0 ServerOwner= ServerName="New Private Server" ServerPassword= WelcomeMessage="Welcome to the server." RecurringWelcomeMessage="Welcome to the server." ProgressTime=true DayCycleInMinutes=45 TimePersistence=true StartingWeather=0 RandomWeather=true NameTagDistance=2 ShowLoginMessages=true ShowDeathMessages=true PlayerNutrition=true StaminaDrainRate=true LootSpawnRate=3 HordeDifficulty=2 ZombieAmount=2 PassiveAiAmount=2 VehicleSpawnRate=2 StartingComponentsAmount=2 ShowInPublicLobby=true PvpDisabled=false PlayerStartingItems=2574 SoloDifficulty=2
The ServerUsers.txt file stores all the players that have ever been on a server. Altering this file directly should not generally be required.
The main reason to edit this file would be to increase a players user group. The number directly after the long Steam ID. When in game players can promote other player to any rank that is lower than their own. To set a rank in-game.
- /setrank userName indexOfRank
- /setrank userName rankName
Example user: 76561198004636696,3,false,false,Jayty
As the ReadMe indicates the serveruser file contains a list of all players who have entered your server.
- 76561198038502026,2,false,false,JB (SteamID, Rank, – , – , Steam Name)
- 76561198004636696,3,false,false,Jayty
The TpPresets.json holds a series of teleportation locations. To edit, add or remove these presets the following commands can be used in game.
- /tppreset add nameOfPreset //This adds a tp location a the place where your player is currently located.
- /tppreset update nameOfPreset //This will edit an existing preset to the location the player is currently located.
- /tppreset remove nameOfPreset //Deletes preset of name.
- /tppreset clear //Clears all tp presets.
- To use preset locations enter the commands.
- /tp me nameOfPreset //Tp’s yourself to location.
- /tp userName nameOfPreset //Tp’s another player to location.
NOTE: Requires teleportation permissions to edit/use.
An example of a TpPreset.json.
{ "presets": [ { "name": "oldtown", "preset": { "x": -1394.1190185546875, "y": -31.57574462890625, "z": -2496.749755859375 } }, { "name": "addersfield", "preset": { "x": 3287.663330078125, "y": -43.600486755371097, "z": -894.3609008789063 } }, { "name": "blackrock", "preset": { "x": 2680.36181640625, "y": -56.40800476074219, "z": -2946.27197265625 } }, { "name": "sagecreek", "preset": { "x": 2040.5694580078125, "y": 51.473960876464847, "z": 1239.3262939453125 } }, { "name": "unionpoint", "preset": { "x": -939.76123046875, "y": 54.973411560058597, "z": 813.2296142578125 } }, { "name": "mountbaron", "preset": { "x": -1528.0, "y": 320.0, "z": -752.0 } }, ] }
The UserPermissions.json file contains the base set of user groups and permissions. The UserPermissions.json can be changed while the server is offline in order to setup ranks and their perms.
By default base user groups such as ‘User’ (All general users) right through to ‘Owner’ status is setup. Any user group that has the permission ‘*’ has access to ALL in game commands and this should be used sparingly.
Editing: The most important thing when editing is to ensure that the json architecture is maintained. Otherwise the server will fail to read the file and not run.
Creating / Editing User Ranks and Command Groups
User Ranks
User Ranks are a group of permissions that you assign to the rank. You can then assign that User Rank to a user, granting them all of the permissions defined in that rank.
A User Rank has the following five properties:
- Index – This should be a numeric value (no quotes), and should be in consecutive order.
- Rank – This is the name that you will use to assign the rank to a specific user. Make it something meaningful to the permissions you add to it.
- ChatPrefix – When a user with this rank assigned to them types something in the chat window, this text will be prefixed to each chat message they send.
- PrefixColour – This is the color of the above ChatPrefix text. Valid values for this field are listed below under (Prefix Colors)
- Permissions – This is a list of the various permissions that will be assigned to this user group (and thus, any users assigned this group), see below for a list of all permissions possible.
Command Groups
If you find that you have a common set of permissions that you are assigning your users, you can group those permissions in to what is called a Command Group.
A command group is simply a list of permissions, with a name for that group. An example usage might be something like creating a Command Group named: Supporters. You can then simply assign that Command Group to a user, instead of having to assign all of the individual permissions that you might want them to have.
Command Groups also allow you to do things like assign a user the Mod User Rank, but then specifically assign a user a Command Group with other permissions within it. This would make it so that all of your Moderators who had the Mod User Rank could do those actions, but only the user you assigned the Command Group to, would have those additional permissions.
A Command Group has the following two properties:
- Group Name – This is the name that you will use to assign the rank to a specific user. Make it something meaningful to the permissions you add to it.
- Permissions – This is a list of the various permissions that will be assigned to this user group (and thus, any users assigned this group), see below for a list of all permissions possible.
List of all perms. Note that some may not work as expect or work at all.
- BasicUser,
- DropAllSelf,
- DropAllOthers,
- DeleteAllSelf,
- DeleteAllOthers,
- SpawnAI,
- KillAI,
- SetTime,
- SetMonth,
- SetWeather,
- WeatherOnOff,
- TpToLocation,
- TpToPlayer,
- TpPlayerToMe,
- TpPlayerToPlayer,
- TpPresets,
- GodSelf,
- SuperSprint,
- ServerInfo,
- Give,
- Mute,
- Kick,
- Ban,
- UnBan,
- SetStatsSelf,
- SetStatsOthers,
- KillPlayer,
- SetRank,
- CleanUp,
- Up,
- AlwaysSafeLogOff,
- StuckOthers,
- ChatOff,
- Video,
- Restart
List of colors that you can use for the PrefixColor property
- black
- blue
- darkred
- darkgrey
- cyan
- gray
- green
- grey
- magenta
- purple
- red
- white
- yellow
{ "SystemRanks":[ { "Index_DontChange":-2, "Name_DontChange":"Console", "ChatPrefix":"[Console]", "PrefixColour":"white" }, { "Index_DontChange":-1, "Name_DontChange":"Whisper", "ChatPrefix":"[Whisper]", "PrefixColour":"darkgrey" } ], "UserRanks":[ { "Index":0, "Rank":"User", "ChatPrefix":"[User]", "PrefixColour":"white", "Permissions":["Tell", "Reply", "ServerInfo"] }, { "Index":1, "Rank":"Mod", "ChatPrefix":"[Mod]", "PrefixColour":"yellow", "Permissions":["Tell", "Reply", "Mute", "UnMute", "Kick", "GodSelf", "SuperSprint", "cmdGroup.TP", "DropAllSelf", "DropAllOthers", "Up" ,"ServerInfo"] }, { "Index":2, "Rank":"Admin", "ChatPrefix":"[Admin]", "PrefixColour":"darkred", "Permissions":["*"] }, { "Index":3, "Rank":"Owner", "ChatPrefix":"[Owner]", "PrefixColour":"purple", "Permissions":["Tell", "Reply", "Mute", "UnMute", "Kick", "SetTime", "Ban", "UnBan", "ServerInfo"] } ], "CommandGroups":[ { "GroupName":"TP", "Permissions":["TpToLocation","TpToLocation", "TpToPlayer", "TpPlayerToMe", "TpPlayerToPlayer"] }, { "GroupName":"Weather", "Permissions":["SetTime", "SetMonth", "SetWeather", "WeatherOnOff"] }, { "GroupName":"ExampleGroupNinjaMod", "Permissions":["Kick", "Mute", "GodSelf"] } ] }
Привет, выжившие!
Нам очень жаль, что у некоторых из вас возникли проблемы с сохранениями, где был бы бесконечный экран загрузки, и мы работали так быстро, как могли, чтобы просмотреть отчеты и файлы сохранений, отправленные нам! У нас есть исправление причины проблемы, а также исправление некоторых поврежденных файлов. См. Полные примечания здесь:
Исправлена проблема, приводившая к повреждению сохранений и бесконечным экранам загрузки.
Для обеспечения некоторого контекста: в самом последнем патче возникла проблема, которая сама по себе не причинила никакого вреда, однако в некоторых случаях, если игроки сохранялись после возникновения этой проблемы, это могло вызвать бесконечный экран загрузки при попытке загрузить это сохранение и потенциально повредить сохранению.
Исправлена проблема, приводившая к повреждению сохранений после нескольких циклов сохранения и загрузки.
Это предотвратит повреждение текущих сохранений, но, к сожалению, сохранения, которые уже повреждены из-за этой проблемы, не исправлены. Мы работаем над решением этой проблемы. Пожалуйста, сохраните все испорченные сохранения.
Благодарим всех за терпение, и мы будем держать всех в курсе наших дальнейших успехов.
Пусть у вас будет много добычи и чтобы ваши обезьяны были сыты!