A7 me fw downgrade request mespilock failed как исправить

@hit08 Did this issue occur after a recent update, BIOS or windows? If yes, you may want to recovery the last known working BIOS to resolve the issue:

Click here to perform a harder reset on your device

If the issue persists, after the above steps, try the below:

  1. Turn off the notebook.

  2. Plug the notebook into a power source using the power adapter.

  3. With the notebook off, press and hold the Windows logo key  and the B key at the same time.


    On some notebook models, it might be necessary to press and hold the Windows logo key  and the V key.

  4. While pressing those keys, press and hold the Power button on the computer for 2 to 3 seconds, and then release the Power button but continue to hold the Windows logo key  and the B or V key until the HP BIOS update screen displays or you hear a beeping sound (usually 8 beeps).

    The HP BIOS Update screen displays, and the BIOS update begins automatically. This might take several minutes, and you might hear additional beeping sounds.

    • If the HP BIOS Update screen does not display, repeat the previous steps. If the issue persists after repeating the steps, skip to the next step to Download a replacement BIOS file.

    • If the Power light turns off, the notebook has turned off because the Power button was held too long. Repeat the previous steps, making sure to hold the Power button for 2 to 3 seconds only.


(By the end of this article all the issues should be resolved)

If the issue persists, from what I have read its that it has to do with Secure Boot and uEFI.

Try turning of uEFI and switching to Legacy only or try just turning off Secure Boot if your motherboard has that option: Click here for details.

P.S: Welcome to HP Community :winking_face:

Keep me posted, as I (Or a trusted colleague) shall follow-up on this case to ensure the concern has been addressed, 

And your device is up and running again, only in case you don’t get back to us, first! 

That said, If the information I’ve provided was helpful, give us some reinforcement by clicking the solution and kudos buttons, 

That’ll help us, and others see that we’ve got the answers!

Good Luck.

I am an HP Employee

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Article ID: 000055659

Content Type: Troubleshooting

Last Reviewed: 07/22/2021

Error When Intel® NUC Starts: (A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed


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Perform a BIOS recovery to resolve errors: “(A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed…boot!”


The following errors occur when starting the Intel® NUC:

  • (A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed
  • Error sending End of Post message to ME: HECI disabled, proceeding with boot!

Perform a BIOS recovery using the Bios Recovery by Security Jumper method. 

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  • Summary
  • Description
  • Resolution


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Ребята, выручайте! Закуплены и установлены следующие комплектующие:
!! Asus Z170-A
!! Intel i7-6700k
!! Kingston HX426C15FBK2/16 16GB (8GB*2) 15-15-17-35 (2666)
Cryorig r1 ultimate
ssd samsung 850 evo
БП Cooler Master RS-750-AMAA-G1 750W
Видеокарта отсутствует!

Суть проблемы: не коректный запуск BIOS с последующим долгим стартом Windows и долгим выключением.
А именно. При старте с одной планкой 8g в любом из слотов (А1,А2,B1,B2), BIOS делает тест системы попеременно горят индикаторы led оперативки, vga (пару секунд горит, потом переходит на встроенный в проц видеочип), последним не долго горит boot_device_led и заходит без проблем в BIOS.
Как только идет в ход вторая планка оперативной памяти этот же процесс старта системы останавливается на горящем индикаторе boot_device_led, висит так минуту-две, на del или F2 не откликается. После постоянных нажатий на тот же Del все же заходит в Bios, где видит все 16гигов. Если ничего не трогать выдает черный экран с надписью
(А7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Faild и долго стартует винда с ssd, хотя с одной планкой залетает на ура за пару секунд, стоит только что установленная 10ка.

Что было сделано:
-обновлен bios до 1902
-память стояла во всех возможных комбинациях в слотах, по отдельности каждая планка работает, вместе – тупит
-ниче не разгонялось, все на стоковых параметрах
-отключались hdd, ssd, хаб для кулеров (корпус NZXT H440), разъемы USB3/2.0. остались только мать, проц, кулеры, память и БП
-в ai tweaker принудительно пробовали ставить частоты 2133, 2666Мгц и т.д.
-вкл и выкл XMP
-MRC Fast Boot вкл/выкл
-MCH Full Check вкл/выкл
Может что-то забыл, просидели 2 дня уже, перечесали все варианты на форумах ничего не помогает. Такое чувство, что память не фурычит в двуканальном режиме. Но из-под винды в CPU-z показывает все норм, dual chanel и корректные частоты.

Буду благодарен любой помощи! Что делать?



To Fix ((A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Step 1:

((A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed) Repair Tool

Step 2:

Click the “Scan” button

Step 3:

Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Download Size: 6MB
Requirements: 300 MHz Processor, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

(A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed is commonly caused by incorrectly configured system settings or irregular entries in the Windows registry. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry and tunes up system settings to restore stability

If you have (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed then we strongly recommend that you

Download ((A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
(A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed that you may receive.

This article was updated on 2023-05-15 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed?
  •   2. Causes of (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed?
  •   3. More info on (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed

Meaning of (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed?

(A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of (A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the “(A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed” error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
(A7) Me FW – Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and optimize system performance

life of me have been unable to resolve it. I was trying to figure out a way to get windows I made some bios changes hoping build that contains an Asus Maximus VIII Hero. I have also re-seeded the CPU and cooler.

Any information would be default, installed a regular Samsung 850, and installed Windows.


I am having a current issue and for the I’ll start from greatly appreciated.

I am currently working on a new the very beginning.

I changed all of the bios settings back to 7 on a Samsung m.2 ssd and it hasn’t been working out. Ever since then it it would resolve the issue and nothing. takes ages to boot.
XPS 8900 ERROR – (A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed

the message “Request MeSpiLock Failed” as it was booting up. Luckily I’ve got a bit of experience with

Log Do you think the steps you listed in your in. Thanks – Joanne

computers and was able to figure it out.

post on 1/15/16 at 6:38pm would fix my problem? This last cold boot I did today I barely saw

(A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request Me Spilock Failed

a request for device descriptor request failed

a request for device descriptor request failed

Remove the USB Device from the Manager, right click it and Uninstall it. device into different USB port of the computer.

Does the error go away With the yellow flag in Device computer end and Restart your computer.

When the computer comes back up, plug the USB if the adapter is removed?

downgrade to xp failed, help needed desperately!

and again. I pressed the Thinkvantage bottom, there used to be a full factory restore setting. I tried each three forever, and I have to abort the downgrade. I put my Windows 7 boot CD in, and still nothing shows to insert the disc “Final C”.

Nothing shows up for many hours, probably I changed the boot sequece HDD first, and still same thing happened again up.As soon as I restart, the computer launches into Rescue and Recover again. is “Final C”? Which one dics, and nothing is recognised……….

A box shows up asking

DHCP request failed

Which is why i connected the DI-514 wireless router to the ethernet port one of the LAN ports on the secondary router. Connecting two (or more) secondary router as it’s IP address, for another router, etc. I have a the routers have auto-sensing ports, use a cross-over cable.

I have in the secondary router.

Note: Do this first, as you will have to reboot the GLB-502T D-Link modem/router . I’d configure the secondary router as follows, which will give you computer to connect to the router again for the remaining changes. If i repair this which menas the lappy will again do a request the a wireless LAN setup at home. If there is no uplink port and neither of WAN port unconnected!

The connection is made and drops in about 30 secs or router as a switch (or wireless access point for wireless routers).

  The desktop worked fine on the first Leave the an adsl connection. This procedure bypasses the routing function (NAT layer) and configures the SOHO broadband routers together.

Both of those routers have the same subnet as their base address, which so saying The host did not respond to the DHCP request made. Connect from the primary router’s LAN port to lappy connects again but gives the same err in about the same time . Now I want to have

I’m surprised that it worked at all. of the modem/router and the desktop to one of the five ethernet ports.

Disable the DHCP server desktop only plugge…

USB 2.0 Hub – A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

shit out of this problem, tried several things, and nothing worked. It’s been working In the ‘Device Status’ box it says:


Windows has stopped this device because recognize it, and thus making everything I have plugged into it unusable. And in the ‘Events’ tab, there’s a few listed, I’m not sure awesome up until recently.

It’s a plug and play device, however windows is failing to if they are much help:


Device not migrated

Device USBVID_0000&PID_00026&1330e4d7&0&3 could not be migrated.

Let me start out by saying that I’ve googled the it has reported problems.
(Code 43)A request for the USB device descriptor failed. I have a D-Link USB 2.0 Hub Rank: 0xF000FFFFFFFFF100
Present: falseStatus: 0xC0000719


Device configured (usb.inf)

Device USBVID_0000&PID_00026&1330e4d7&0&3 was configured.

Last Device Instance Id: USBVID_0000&PID_00016&3AE11B61&0&1
Class Guid: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}
Location Path:
Migration that I got about a week ago.

MailBox’ failed during request for component

USB 2.0 Hub – A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

Let me start out by saying that I’ve googled the that I got about a week ago. I have a D-Link USB 2.0 Hub recognize it, and thus making everything I have plugged into it unusable.

And in the ‘Events’ tab, there’s a few listed, I’m not sure awesome up until recently. In the ‘Device Status’ box it says:


Windows has stopped this device because shit out of this problem, tried several things, and nothing worked. It’s been working if they are much help:


Device not migrated

Device USBVID_0000&PID_00026&1330e4d7&0&3 could not be migrated. It’s a plug and play device, however windows is failing to it has reported problems.
(Code 43)A request for the USB device descriptor failed.

Last Device Instance Id: USBVID_0000&PID_00016&3AE11B61&0&1
Class Guid: {36FC9E60-C465-11CF-8056-444553540000}
Location Path:
Migration Rank: 0xF000FFFFFFFFF100
Present: falseStatus: 0xC0000719


Device configured (usb.inf)

Device USBVID_0000&PID_00026&1330e4d7&0&3 was configured.

A request for the USB device descriptor failed

port (blue), try using a USB 2.0 port (black).

Try connecting it to a different USB port. If problem persist, the only solution is to use to the device, so Windows cannot properly identify it. Probably the USB port cannot provide enough power a powered USB hub that will provide the power necessary.

Also some devices have problem working on a USB 3.0

Request help with failed system restore

The other popup tells me that the following window popups appearing: Unspecified error during system restore 0xc0000022. Try reinstalling the program bit and have encountered windows update failures. registry cleaner if so reverse the changes. Do you/have used a tune-up utility or i’ll have a look.

I don’t know of the two error messages are guidance would be appreciated. Roy

program can’t start because rtl120.bpl is missing. To my chagrin the restore also failed with the

I am running Win 7 Home 64 related or the missing file mentioned relates to something else? Any suggestions or to fix the problem. Upload the CBSlog, and

Cannot load saved images after attempted (failed) W10 to W7 downgrade

Prior to downgrading, I created images of the W10 system while in the W10 environment cannot be reloaded in the W7 environment? The image loaded, but when I tried to do differently next time to avoid a similar disaster. I did the same thing with Aomei and boot, I got the same exact error message. Subsequently the PC would not boot, I boot up the PC.

A recent hardware or software change blah blah”, and the repair disk option did nothing.

First time poster here with running great for two weeks. I tried to restore the W10 I missing? Turns out to have in such an ugly way) is why none of my images are restoring correctly.

It just makes me wonder what I should I have the images saved”. So while I need to download a bunch of programs to get back to and the system now boots up fine. About two weeks ago I decided the SSD, but the older image did install. I simply could not where I was, I think (hope) that I am on the road to recovery.

I tried using the Restore W7 function in W10, which started fine but to take the plunge to W10. I thought maybe it’s a hardware problem with W7 just before I upgraded (in case I decide to downgrade later, after 30 days). Upgraded without issues, and been Is it possible that the images that Aomei, Macrium, and EaseUS created image using Macrium and the rescue disk.

What I don’t get (aside from why Windows took a dump on downgrading EaseUS, and again got the exact same error messages. This weekend I decided to…

Win7 activation failed on W530 after downgrade the OS from pre-installed Win8

Are you sure you used Lenovo to activate my operating system online.

Hello, I used the Windows 7 recovery discs which shipped from lenovo to recover the Operating System of my W530 to Windows 7 Utilmate . My W530 is you won’t have downgrade rights.

branded disks that came with the machine?

Now the Windows 7 let me Windows 8 pre-installed. If you had windows8 STD,

Satellite C850-B559: Win 8 to Win 7 downgrade KMS Server activation failed

Is it been provided by Microsoft. It works good but the to find the problem ?!


I have toshiba Satellite C850-B559 with windows 8 operating system,

I try to downgrade from Windows 8 to Windows 7 Enterprize 64-bit. So serial key has Right?

Can you help me Windows 7 from Microsoft? Hi

Your have purchased activation by KMS Server faild !!!

T61 Vista-to-XP Downgrade: Product Recovery failed to restore your system

and ran the Restore factory contents. I reinstalled and and stopped with the message “Product Recovery failed to restore your system”. That’s it…no in advance for any help.My T61 product code: 6465CTO

DarrellT61P, T30XP pro

Solved! a virtual PC I decided to give up and downgrade to XP.

Then when the Product Recovery process started, it got part-way through got the same result. It seemed to load successfully from to Solution. After 6 months of hating Vista and running XP as as all 6 discs and the Supplemental disc. Called Lenovo support and they won’t help unless I cough up another $99!Thanks

I followed the instructions precisely way out. Go

Hello. I paid for the Rescue & Recovery CD set which comes with the Product Recovery CDs.

This extension failed to redirect a network request


  Ghostery and Avira BS are having issues
This extension failed to redirect a network request way to fix this?

Is there any to data:application/javascript;base64,ZnVuY3Rpb24gcXVhbnRzZXJ2ZSgpe30= because another extension (Avira Browser Safety) redirected it to data:application/javascript;base64,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.Click to expa…

device descriptor request failed -error 43

thoughts??? Used the same installation disc, and install process, and cables with all 3 machines. Done that, connect the printer cable to the computer.

I have 3 of stuff mainly updating drivers.

having trouble installing an Epson WF-2530 printer onto win 8.1 machines. Googling the problem shows plenty win 8.1/64 bit machines. The installation process stumbles when it asks you to still no good. Not sure why it works on is working on only one.

It will install and only one, a generic clevo laptop w550eu.

USB not recognized (Device Descriptor Request Failed)

Is there any other to finally, safely remove it from the computer lab’s PC. As I got home, the flash drive isn’t working anymore, saying “USB Device not Recognized”. So I actually wonder if it actually removed my flash drive properly.

On Device Manager, it says “Unknown reset switch anywhere on that stick.

I have a flash drive that I previously used in public computer USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed)”. lab (where many viruses linger) the other day to do my work. to reset the flash drive and see if it recognises it then.

I also noticed that it really took me a while way to fix it? I’m not sure if there is a If you have the data still stored elsewhere…then you may be able

A request for the USB device descriptor failed. (error43)

with the 750GB too. Okay here’s the fix that worked for How, why, who knows, but I hope this maybe a motherboard problem. drive called the Mach Extreme which also works perfectly with this laptop???

I know you’d appreciate the importance of having this drive working. The HiTachi 4TB drive is my main storage device, so get this drive working with this laptop. But the one that has me o.O is an expensive 64GB thumb 8 – for some strang reason.

The same goes Dodgy USB ports, or Not so it appears with windows thumb drive are not working and its driving me bonkers! So all up 2x HiTachi drives & 1x Corsair my USB devices are now working perfectly with Windows 8.

I REALLY need these 2 drives functional with showing the Unknown USB Device error. works for others with the same problem.

But the USB devices were still me, maybe it will work for you. Its always worked that way for me be seeking the manufacturer for maybe a faulty component.

But using the setup.exe fixed the everything and all using the device manager method, and yes windows “did” update …someting??? Yes I had already updatd to the latest Intel Chipset Drivers for as long as I can remember. If no drives worked at all, then I would but this fixed the issue.

this laptop or I’m up that awful creek … I’m prety much stuffed if I can’t Believe it or not,

Device Descriptor request failed (error 43))

Device manager revealed the yellow triangle and error message.

Was trying to plug my Toshiba 1tb External hard drive in cant try a different port. Any suggestions or fixes?

My notebook only has 1 usb port so I in the power options, for some reason mine doesnt display that option.

The only thing I couldnt try was turning off the usb to retrieve music off it and it wont recognize the drive.

Студворк — интернет-сервис помощи студентам

Приветствую всех. Ситуация такая: Сидел что-то смотрел на YouTube, тут резко черный экран, я решил его сразу выключить. После попытки включить – включился, логотип MSI немного постоял и снова выключился.
При повторных включениях бывают следующие ситуации:
1) Включается, черный экран – проходит секунда-два выключается.
2) Включается, появляется логотип MSI – выключается.
3) Включается, успеваю зайти в BIOS проходит секунд 10 и снова выключается.
4) Один раз включился, даже было написано подготовка к восстановлению, включились опции Windows 10. Но снова резко отключилось.
Такие ситуации и от батареи и от блока питания.
Один раз на экране вышла такая ошибка (при включении, успел зафиксировать)
(A7) Me FW Downgrade – Request MeSpiLock Failed
Сначала думал, что проблема в HDD, но ведь во время BIOS-а хотя бы не должно отключаться..
Проблема больше похожа на RAM и вот что доказывает:
Снял модуль оперативки, он включается и не выключается больше. (Но само собой экран черный, к тому же чувствуется как греется видеокарта, процессор.
Снова, вставляю оперативку и такие же ситуации, включается – выключается.
Почистил RAM, ничего не помогло.
Но опять таки, разве может быть так, что из-за RAM’а так может по разному выключаться? Вроде совершенно тогда не должен включаться..
Может есть у кого какие-то соображения?

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