Adb shell su permission denied как исправить

There is an app on Google Play called ADBD Insecure by Chainfire. This app lets you run adbd in root mode if your device is rooted when running the devices Stock ROM. I just recently found out about this app.

The version on Google Play is not Free, but there is a free version available. The link to the free version is linked in the description of the application in Google Play.

What is great about this app, it works with Stock ROMs that have been rooted. If you are using a custom kernel, or a custom ROM, you probably won’t need this application. But if you are still using a stock rom, just rooted, then you may want to get this application for your device.

adbd Insecure lets you run adbd in root mode if your device is rooted.
(Note that if you are running a custom kernel, it is likely that it already implements this functionality)

If you are running a stock (made by the phone manufacturer) kernel on your device, chances are adbd is running in “secure” mode, even if you are rooted. This app lets you run adbd in “insecure” mode, which gives you root access in “adb shell”, allows access to system files and directories through “adb push/pull”, and lets you run the “adb remount” command to make your /system partition writable.

enter image description here

I have this “old” Lenovo A2107 tablet which I rooted years ago (using a download from, tho running its root.bat script by hand from my GNU/Linux machine) and that worked fine.

Then I passed this tablet to my daughter for a couple years, and now I got it back.

/system/bin/su is still present, still the same date and size, still mode “rwsr-sr-x”, still the same firmware (Android 4.0.3) so all looks fine, but when I try to run it from a shell, it just tells me “Permission denied”.

Any idea what might be going on? What I could try to do to track it down?

Minzkraut's user avatar


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asked Sep 2, 2015 at 12:27

Stefan's user avatar


Nowadays Magisk is commonly used for rooting.

I’ve found that on my Oneplus 5 (Oxygen OS, Nougat) it was sufficient to go to Magisk Manager app, open superuser permissions screen and toggle Shell ( to resolve the adb su permission denied problem.

answered Jan 28, 2018 at 15:26

Vadzim's user avatar


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OK, for those curious to know, I figured out what it was: the /system/bin/su program either accepts the request as-is (depending on who asks) or passes the request to some other program (Superuser.apk).

As it turns out, I still have /system/bin/su but Superuser.apk was missing. Luckily, /system/bin/su worked fine from the “adb shell”, even though it said “Permission denied” when used from ConnectBot and other terminal emulators. So I used “adb shell” to get root access and manually copied Superuser.apk into /system/apps.

d2alphame's user avatar

answered Sep 4, 2015 at 20:14

Stefan's user avatar


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FWIW… I had a similar problem ( running ‘su’ from ADB shell yielded ‘permission denied’ ), so I’ll describe my solution.

For context, I had rebrained my Galaxy Nexus with CyanogenMod.

So, I looked at the system settings, and it contains a ‘Superuser’ section; in that section’s own settings ( small menu ), there is a ‘Superuser Access’ option, which was set to ‘Apps only’. I changed that to ‘Apps and ADB’, and then I was able to start an ADB shell, and from that shell, I was now allowed to run ‘su’. 🙂

answered Mar 1, 2016 at 17:06

bernz's user avatar


1556 bronze badges

9 ответов

Согласно adb help:

adb root                     - restarts the adbd daemon with root permissions

Что действительно разрешило проблему для меня.

05 июнь 2012, в 14:24


Без rooting. Если вы не можете подключить свой телефон, используйте команду run-as <package> для доступа к данным вашего приложения.


$ adb exec-out run-as ls -R /data/data/

exec-out выполняет команду без запуска оболочки и обработки вывода.

Fabian Zeindl
10 июль 2016, в 15:25


Причина отказа в доступе объясняется тем, что ваша машина Android не была правильно внедрена. Вы видели $ после запуска adb shell? Если вы правильно укоренили свою машину, вы бы увидели #.

Если вы видите $, попробуйте ввести режим суперпользователя, набрав su. Если Root включен, вы увидите # – без запроса пароля.

15 авг. 2012, в 11:31


Возможно, вам потребуется активировать adb root из меню настроек разработчика.
Если вы запустите adb root из строки cmd, вы можете получить:

root access is disabled by system setting - enable in settings -> development options

После активации опции root (только ADB или Apps и ADB) adb перезапустится, и вы сможете использовать root из строки cmd.

04 март 2013, в 13:14


Раздел data недоступен для пользователя, не являющегося пользователем root, если вы хотите получить к нему доступ, вы должны получить root права на свой телефон.

adb root не работает для всех продуктов и зависит от типа сборки телефона.

В новой версии на Android Studio вы можете исследовать /data/data path для отлаживаемых приложений.

19 дек. 2018, в 05:36


Будьте осторожны с косой чертой, измените “” на “/”, например:
adb.exe нажмите SuperSU-v2.79-20161205182033.apk/storage

26 дек. 2017, в 04:43


Запустите свой cmd как администратор, это решит мои проблемы.

Kishan Oza
06 нояб. 2017, в 09:01


Сделайте adb remount. И затем попробуйте adb shell

Pavankumar Vijapur
13 сен. 2011, в 10:01


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How it currently CAN be done
During my morning routine reading my RSS feeds, I stumbled on a review at N-Droid, discussing an app named APEFS. This app is developed by German students (hence its description on the Playstore is in German, even if you set the language to English). But for our non-German readers, a short description here:
Basically, APEFS is an alternative front-end to the Google Playstore. You browse the playstore as you do with the original app, and search it the same. But when on the results list1, an advanced filter2 comes into play:

As the second screenshot shows, you can select what permissions your wanted app is permitted to have (checkbox marked), and what permission it should not have (checkbox unchecked).
However: While this can be used to filter out apps with unwanted permissions (e.g. show only apps whitout the Internet permission), you can not restrict your results to the opposite (e.g. show only apps with Internet permission). The app clearly targets at users concerned about their privacy/security — and according to the review (I just found it a couple of minutes ago, so I could not test it yet) it does a very good job.

As it’s already a year ago, and the promise on the APEFS Homepage (GTransed to English, as their own English version doesn’t have that statement in the first paragraph) seems not to be fulfilled anytime soon (the app is still offline): Please consider the web-based solution from my other answer as an alternative meanwhile.

  • #1

My Google Pixel 6 has Busybox Pro installed and the phone is successfully rooted with Magisk 24.3, see attached screenshot.

In “adb shell” when I type “su”, “Permission denied” is returned.

How to fix, please? I need to edit the /system/etc/hosts file with my LAN entries.

Thank you.

  • rooted_pixel_6.png


    79.2 KB

    · Views: 185


  • #2

from the guide:

Points of note:

  • The boot image is NOT the bootloader image. Do not confuse the two – YOU are expected to know the difference. Flashing the wrong image to bootloader could brick your device.
  • While the Magisk app is used for patching the boot image, the app and the patch are separate. This is what you should see in Magisk for functioning root:

    V0latyle · Nov 2, 2021 at 9:06 PM

    ” style=”box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; max-width: 100%; cursor: pointer;”>


  • “Installed” shows the version of patch in the boot image. If this says N/A, you do not have root access – the boot image is not patched, or you have a problem with Magisk.
  • “App” simply shows the version of the app itself.
  • If you do not have a patched master boot image, you will need to download the factory zip if you haven’t already, extract the system update inside it, then patch boot.img.
  • If you prefer updating with the factory image, you can also extract and manually patch the boot image if desired.

does magisk show this?
“Installed” shows the version of patch in the boot image. If this says N/A, you do not have root access – the boot image is not patched, or you have a problem with Magisk.


  • #3

does magisk show this?
“Installed” shows the version of patch in the boot image. If this says N/A, you do not have root access – the boot image is not patched, or you have a problem with Magisk.

The boot image is patched and installed according to Magisk 24.3, please see attached screenshot. Maybe there


a problem with that version of Magisk … can you successfully “su” with the version you’re using?

  • magisk-24.3_pixel_6.png


    53 KB

    · Views: 138

Last edited: Apr 2, 2022


  • #4

The boot image is patched and installed according to Magisk 24.3, please see attached screenshot. Maybe there


a problem with that version of Magisk … can you successfully “su” with the version you’re using?

sorry don’t have your phone so i can’t confirm that. you might try a different magisk…..its not a bad idea.


  • #5

sorry don’t have your phone so i can’t confirm that. you might try a different magisk…..its not a bad idea.

I’m wondering, please, if you can successfully “su” from an “adb shell” on


phone it is that you have rooted with Magisk … or have you? I explicitly followed the recipe in the link you provided prior to my installation of Magisk, and


want to think that you just copy-n-pasted from that link without having actual experience with Magisk yourself.

From my laptop to Pixel 6 with Android 12 and Magisk 24.3

$ adb shell
oriole:/ $ whoami
oriole:/ $ su
Permission denied
13|oriole:/ $ su –
Permission denied
13|oriole:/ $ exit

My previous Nexus 6P with Android 8.2 and Magisk 24.3

$ adb shell
angler:/ $ whoami
angler:/ $ su
angler:/ # whoami
angler:/ # exit
angler:/ $ exit

Last edited: Apr 2, 2022

  • #6

My Google Pixel 6 has Busybox Pro installed and the phone is successfully rooted with Magisk 24.3, see attached screenshot.

In “adb shell” when I type “su”, “Permission denied” is returned.

How to fix, please? I need to edit the /system/etc/hosts file with my LAN entries.

Thank you.

Your device is not rooted correctly. Re root the device and check that the boot.img is patched correctly.


  • #7

Your device is not rooted correctly. Re root the device and check that the boot.img is patched correctly.

^^^^^^ this is what i was thinking as well…..that the boot.img is either patched incorrectly or the wrong boot.img was used.


  • #8

  1. Magisk is now uninstalled from the phone, and doesn’t appear in the list of apps on the Pixel 6.
  2. On the laptop:
    $ adb install Magisk-v24.3.apk
    Performing Streamed Install
  3. Invoking Magisk on the phone indicates that the App 24.3 (24300)(27) is installed, Magisk “Installed: NA”
  4. From the factory image, unzipping into a tmp directory:
    $ adb push boot.img /storage/emulated/0/Download/boot.img
    boot.img: 1 file pushed, 0 skipped. 51.4 MB/s (67108864 bytes in 1.246s)
  5. In Magisk Install “Select and Patch a file”, the boot.img is selected. “LET’S GO” results in a sequence ending with the name of the patched file and “All done!”
  6. On the laptop:
    adb pull /storage/emulated/0/Download/magisk_patched-24300_jdnPc.img magisk_patched.img
    /storage/emulated/0/Download/magisk_patched-24300_jdnP…ulled, 0 skipped. 35.6 MB/s (67108864 bytes in 1.796s)
  7. $ adb reboot bootloader
    $ fastboot flash boot magisk_patched.img
    Sending ‘boot_a’ (65536 KB) OKAY [ 1.683s]
    Writing ‘boot_a’ OKAY [ 0.100s]
    Finished. Total time: 1.785s
  8. Android reboots normally. The Magisk app reports “Installed: 24.3 (24300)
  9. On the laptop:
    $ adb shell
    oriole:/ $ su
    Permission denied
    13|oriole:/ $ exit
  10. Please tell me where was my rooting error. :thinking: I assure you that the correct factory boot.img was transferred to Magisk, and the correct patched *.img file was uploaded and flashed to the phone.

Last edited: Apr 3, 2022



  • #10

Yes, I downloaded the factory image and flashed the phone with it, then reconstructed my environment. The boot.img patched by Magisk is the one from that same factory image. A “Root Checker” screenshot is attached here.

The thread in the link you provided was munged and locked because the closed-source .apk carried some potentially malicious payloads.

FWIW, from “adb shell”:
1|oriole:/ $ ls -l $(which su)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2022-04-02 23:15 /system/bin/su -> ./magisk

oriole:/ $ ls -l $(which su) /system/bin/magisk
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 222928 2022-04-02 23:15 /system/bin/magisk
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 8 2022-04-02 23:15 /system/bin/su -> ./magisk

I’ve flashed the most recent factory image, configured everything from scratch several times, all with same result of successful Magisk installation but without “su” capability.


es and installed Magisk

  • magisk_installed-1.png


    302 KB

    · Views: 131


  • #11

hmmmmm i’m not sure. you might want to post this in the xda guide and see if anyone there might know of an answer……as i am stumped at this point.


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