An unexpected database error occurred please try again later как исправить

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  • dssd asdasd


    на голосовании

    4 года назад

    An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later. Ну так вот зашел я на сайт один чтобы скачать программму (Для установки модов на игру “Terraria”) сайт если что проверенный. Зашел я на сайт и тупо белый экран с надписью An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.Помогите решить проблему

    Голосование за лучший ответ

    Василй Караганда



    4 года назад

    Если это дерьмо происходит с сайтом, то сайт скорее всего лежит (подожди)
    Или тебя на него решил не пускать антивирусник
    Или тебя по айпи забанили
    Вариантов не так много…

    dssd asdasdУченик (120)

    4 года назад

    Благодарю. Скорее всего 1 вариант. ( прост антивирус уже пробовал выключать а забанить никто не мог меня забанить да и за что)

    • #1

    I am in the process of changing hosts and this is the response I am getting. I suppose it is a DB issue obviously but what should I be looking at to correct it? I have changed the login information for the db on the new host but still there is an issue. It has been awhile so looking for a reminder on what to look for. Thanks in advance.

    • #2

    Much likely you forgot to change the credentials in your config file, like add the new database name or database password.

    • #3

    Much likely you forgot to change the credentials in your config file, like add the new database name or database password.

    I did do that actually. Thinking its a permission issue but not sure where yet. Thanks for the input though.

    • #4

    I did do that actually. Thinking its a permission issue but not sure where yet. Thanks for the input though.

    Did you manage to fix it? I’m currently getting the same message and I didn’t do anything.

    • #5

    An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.
    <!– MySQL statement prepare error [1286]: Unknown storage engine ‘InnoDB’ –>

    • #6

    @Brogan, is the problem I have the same you shed some light on here?

    An unexpected database error occurred

    When I load the site I get this error. “An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.” Could anyone help me with this. It was fine one day then the next just that. This is the site Thank you


    • #7

    Yes, it’s the same issue.

    InfinityFree Forum


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    1. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      i for months have problem with any Guru3D posting.. i always got some timeout or this error:
      An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.

      I tried couple of computers and browsers, but it seems to be not related to them its something with my account, some nasty SQL statement which dont like my data or ends with timeout or something like that.

      When i logout from my account and got to Guru3D forum, logless loading is much faster..

      When try something to post, its is tooking lots of tries.. im even getting this error during writing this message in some popup window

    2. I use to get that error when trying to post year or 2 back, happened frequent too. But been fine for very long time. Guru3D and it forums are one very few site i have whitelist cookies for so they dont get deleted, and i have had it set like that for 10+ years.

      Speed wise guru3d load pretty fast for me reguardless if i logged in or not and I located in US NJ/NC

    3. 386SX

      Ancient Guru

      Likes Received:

      No errors on my side. Everything is fast and loads almost instantly.
      I guess you already tried with another device to rule out local errors on your machine, right?

    4. what browser,
      what extensions.

    5. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      Its not browser thing, its same on all browsers on more computers.. itt some probably some nasty SQL on forum side.. Now i tried Edge, i never used it with Guru3D and it has same problems.

    6. All errors are happening while you’re connected to the Guru3D over the same internet router/connection?

    7. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      No i have same issue on my mobile phone through LTE.. And i dont have issue with any othersides.. it really looks like server issue, not client side issue.. it took me 5 tries to get to this thread and i expected other few to post.
      My location is Czech republic, but i dont think that it matters, main side its working fine.. For example it tooks forever to load alerts and it often failing.. if someone can just check my sever side logs.. if there is something like that if there is way to connect user id and some SQL ids.. there should be some clue.

    8. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      in error name is database error after all, i dont thing that i could make this happen on client side.. and it seems that it corelate with some DB big load hours.. todays is maybe a bit better in normal work days..

    9. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      Ok, i Google Chrome Javascript console is this, without any other info:

      HTTP response code 500:
      An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later.
      <!– Mysqli prepare error: MySQL server has gone away –>

    10. Try to make another one Guru3D test-account. If issues stops then you’ll know it something on Guru3D side, something related related to your original Guru3D account.

    11. The problems he experiences and this last bit “MySQL server has gone away” makes me think there is another server in between having issues because I havent ever seen that problem from the UK, and I’ve not had any connection issues for months and months.
      I wonder if his connection is indirect, possibly going through another system that logs data in/out of the region? ie another database is complaining not Guru3Ds.
      Does Guru3D use MySQL?
      Just a thought :)

    12. A timeout can happen when automated backups etc are made on the server-side, that it client-side timeouts. However what you’re showing is a timeout, MySQL simply drops the connection as it gets tired of waiting, considering the forums work nominal for everybody, it really is something that is happening on your end. Basically, the server is awaiting a response, it waits for 30 seconds and then will drop the connection if unanswered.

      This can be related to virus checkers, malware, or things like anti-ad software stalling the connection, or just that your internet connection (packet loss), or an ISP side SQL filter. While there’s always a possibility that a timeout can occur, but I’m afraid there’s little we can do on our end.

      386SX and Mufflore like this.

    13. I just added a few server-side mysql tweaks, I doubt it’ll help though

    14. Ok, it took forever would be able to logout, now with new account its fast.. i will try old account..

      I really doubt that i could be virus checker, because im using Avira only for desktop checking, some machines have only MS Defender and some browsers are without plugins, same as mobile browsers..

      Im tired to pointing to my end, its some unhandled exception on your code side.. I dunno if you have 1 server, or multiple in which location, how loadbalancing is working etc..

      Its problem 24/7, only sometimes is needed less tries, but forum is still very slow.. My guest is really something special in my data which is creating some ugly SQL, is not indexed and take forever so it hit timeout..

      Last edited: Nov 14, 2021

    15. Noisiv

      Ancient Guru

      Likes Received:

      Hilbert just said he tweaked the hell out of it!

      Seriously, if you’re alone… I mean it’s not quantum chromodynamic :)

    16. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      With my normal account its still slow as hell, so its not my ISP, browser, plugins etc.. its something on your side.. Because its in other browsers is not even some cookie thing.

      Its really some bad code and it depends if able to trace my request or not.. is it get stuck on web container, aplication server, some middle ware or DB.. on some load balancer etc..

    17. ruthan

      Master Guru

      Likes Received:

      <quote>Seriously, if you’re alone… I mean it’s not quantum chromodynamic </quote>
      Maybe other people are tired you zillion tries of to post something, to even report it.. On internet is quite few threads about this generic error and they are pointing to some cookies etc, so maybe they are trying and trying to fix it their side, which is not possible, i already tried quite few of these.. before i reported it.. but now its obvious that is account specific..

    18. Noisiv

      Ancient Guru

      Likes Received:

      It’s FIXED with the new acc. Must be that big troll’s head taking forever to load :D

    19. So, with new G3D test-account everything on forum runs smooth while you’re logged in (tried more thsn once?) but with old account you have those issues/slowdowns once in a while? It that’s the case dnno what type of account data/cache reset can be done on G3D side but issues you have are really weird.

      Right now browsing the G3D forum via my ancient debloated tablet Asus MeMo Pad HD7 ME173X (QC/1GB/16GB/Android4.2.2) with Firefox 68.11.0 and forum runs so smooth, every time, and I’m using that one whenever I’m lazy to sit down in front of some desktop or laptop PC, don’t like to use small screen smartphones for casual surfing the net, I’m in love with this old tablet :)

      Hope it’ll get solved for you, maybe some other G3D member has some suggestion.

    20. Airbud and Noisiv like this.
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