Application support mac как найти на

Всем привет👋

Бывают моменты, когда хочешь просто отвлечься от чего-нибудь и поиграть в игрушку. Но некоторых владельцев Mac не пугает факт того, что игра может не “полететь” даже не смотря на то, что продукт официально сделан под эту операционную. А если и будет работать, то все равно или пойдет что-то не так, или чисто игра надоест и надо будет удалить.

Этот пост будет полезен в основном как новичкам, так и всем пользователям Mac

Если игра скачана не с App Store, а просто с официального сайта

И здесь начинается интересное. Процесс удаления далеко не на раз-два. Но это не относится к приложениям, скачанных с магазина, с которыми проще.

“Ну я же удалил приложение, а память системная забитой так и осталась. Как найти остаток этот программы? Не знаю”

На самом деле мы просто удаляем клиент, который буквально ничего не весит. А все, что закачалось – просто залетело в свободную память и потом Mac определяет это системной вещью. Не “другое”, не “приложения”, а – системной.

Самое простое удаление

На строке Finder нажимаете на Переход и зажимаете alt и кликаем на Библиотеку.

И попадаем в окно и ищем папку Application Support.

Эта та папка, которая хранит в себе остатки программ, кеш и многое другое, что занимает память устройства.
Эта та папка, которая хранит в себе остатки программ, кеш и многое другое, что занимает память устройства.

Нажимаем на нее и ищем то, что нужно удалить. В моем случае это танки:

Игру удалили, а системная все еще занята: рассказываю, как на MacBook освободить память, которая распознается "системной"

Можно открыть и узнать, что в ней хранится. А тут очень мноооого папок разных. Это и занимает память. И вот что в ней:

Папка Windows? Может из-за этого у меня не запускалась игра?
Папка Windows? Может из-за этого у меня не запускалась игра?

А теперь отправляем эту папку приложения в Корзину. Удаляем не Application Support, а именно ту папку, которая внутри.

Сравним что получилось:


Итак, мы видим, что кешовая папка в корзине. И, заметьте, что Mac не предупредил “об сбоях” при перемещении в корзину, а это значит, что с ноутбуком будет все хорошо. Можем смело удалять эту папку и память прибавится.

В простом поиске названия игрушки или примерно клиента – не найти. Получается, чтобы найти эту пропавшую папку нужен особый доступ. Это самый простой способ найти ненужную папку.

Ну а на этом все. Спасибо что дочитали до конца. Оставляйте свои комментарии помогло вам это или нет, буду рада почитать.

application support folder mac

You may have deleted your Application Support folder by accident or used cleaner software to remove unwanted software files from your Mac in an effort to increase storage. Whatever the reason, you might notice some or most of your apps misbehaving as a result.

This article will explain why this is happening and how to restore the application support folder on your Mac, which should fix any unwanted side effects. Read on.

Application Support Folder on Mac Explained

What is an Application Support folder and where do you find it?

The Application Support folder is where apps store the files they need to operate. When you install an app, it creates its own subfolder in the Application Support folder where it keeps its registration data, settings, and other files that it requires to run. Even after uninstalling, most apps leave data behind in this subfolder so users can restore previous settings in case they decide to reinstall.

Advanced users also use the Application Support folder to make DIY modifications to an app or to address an error. However, most users are discouraged from even accessing this folder as it can mess with installed apps.

To find the Application folder on Mac, open Finder. Then, click Go on the Apple menu bar and click Go to Folder…

Go To Folder button in Go dropdown menu

Type the following path in the field and hit Return: ~/Library/Application Support

Application Support path in Go To window

If you want to locate individual files in your Application Support folder, you can use Spotlight (Command + Space) and use keywords and extensions to find files on your Mac.

Why May Application Support Folder Disappear on Mac

macOS does its best to secure the Application Support from users in order to protect the integrity of its contents. However, accidents happen and even things out of the user’s control can cause an integrity issue with the folder. Here are common reasons that can cause the Application Support folder to go missing:

  • The folder is hidden. If your applications folder disappeared on your Mac without you deleting it, maybe it’s just hidden. We’ll show you to unhide it in the next section.
  • Accidental deletion. Apps and their data take up a lot of storage space on your Mac’s drive, prompting some users to erase data from the Application Support folder.
  • Virus infections. Viruses can not only corrupt but can even silently erase files and folders on your Mac.
  • Corruption. Corruption of the Application Support folder can be caused by virus infections and interrupting macOS while it’s writing data.

Fortunately, recovery is possible in any of these cases as long as you act quickly. The only time permanent data loss happens is when deleted files get overwritten by new data. Before that happens, proceed to the next section.

The contents of the Application Support folder are critical for your apps to run properly… So to avoid permanent data loss (and having to reinstall all your apps), we recommend these three methods to restore the Application Support folder on Mac:

Method 1: Unhide Folder

As we mentioned in the last section, it’s entirely possible that your Application Support folder is just hidden, not missing or deleted. To unhide your Application Support folder, open Finder > Go (in the menu bar) > Go to Folder… and type ~/Library in the field. Hit Return to open the Library folder, where the Application Support folder is located.

library path in Go to window

Then, hit the following keys at the same time: (Command + Shift + >). This should unhide any files and folders in Finder.

Method 2: Restore from a Time Machine backup

Time Machine is a Mac backup tool that creates incremental saves (called “snapshots”) of your files and folders. If you had Time Machine enabled before your Mac application folder was empty or went missing, Time Machine may have captured a snapshot of your intact Library folder (where Application Support is stored). We can restore that snapshot and reverse any side effects of the missing data.

To restore the Application folder on MacBook from a Time Machine backup:

Step 1. Launch System Preferences > Time Machine.
Time machine icon in System Preferences window

Step 2. Make sure the box beside Show Time Machine in menu bar is checked. Close the window.
Show Time Machine in menu bar button

Step 3. Connect your Time Machine drive to your Mac and open Finder. Then, on the menu bar, click Go > Go to Folder…
Go To Folder button in Go dropdown menu

Step 4. Type the following path into the field and hit Return:
~/Library/Application Support
Application Support path in Go To window

Step 5. On the menu bar, click the Time Machine button > Enter Time Machine.Enter Time Machine button

Step 6. Use the arrow buttons on the right to locate a snapshot of your Library folder where the Application Support folder is still intact. Click on your Application Support folder and note that restoring a Time Machine backup will replace any existing data/data created after the snapshot was taken. Then, click Restore.
navigation keys in Time Machine

Method 3: Recover using Data Recovery Software

If you were unable to restore a Time Machine backup of your Application Support folder, you’ll need to use data recovery software to extract and rebuild it directly from the file system. For this article, we’ll use Disk Drill. It has a simple interface and recognizes most macOS files, increasing our chances of restoring all of the Application Support folder’s contents.

To use Disk Drill to restore your Application Support folder:

Disk Drill Basic for Mac does not currently offer free data recovery. However, you can preview your data and determine your chances of recovery. Free data recovery software exists, but they all have their own limitations.

Step 1. Download and install Disk Drill for Mac.

Step 2. Launch Disk Drill (Finder > Applications).
Disk Drill icon in Finder

Step 3. Select the drive that stored your Application Support folder. By default, it should be your system drive (“Apple SSD”). Then, click Search for lost data.
Drive selection window in Disk Drill

Step 4. Wait for Disk Drill to complete its scan. Then, click Review found items.
scan results in disk drill

Step 5. Locate your Application Support folder. You can type “application support” in the search bar to find it faster.
search bar in disk drill

Step 6. Tick the box next to the Application Support folder and any other data you want to restore. Then, click Recover.
file selection window in Disk Drill

Step 7. Select a destination for your recovered files. We suggest saving your folder in a separate drive first to avoid overwriting any data. Then, click Next to proceed with recovery. Once you restore your Application Support folder, you can add it back to your Library folder.
destination folder selection dialog in disk drill


The Application Support folder is important for keeping your Mac operating the way it should. We suggest that users avoid modifying it in any way – however, accidents and corruption are always possible. With this in mind, the best way to preserve the integrity of your Application Support folder is to routinely create Time Machine backups on your Mac (especially after installing new apps).


To get to your Application Support folder on your Mac, open Finder and click Go > Go to Folder… and type ~/Library/Application Support in the field. macOS should then locate your Application Support folder – hit Return.

Yes, the Application Support folder is necessary for Mac because it contains all the support files needed by your apps to function properly. It also comes in handy when you want to restore an app’s previous settings when you reinstall the app later.

To clean up your Applications folder on your Mac, you may use the search bar to locate residual data from apps you have already uninstalled (as in you’ve dragged the app to the Trash folder from the Applications folder on Mac) and delete them. You also have the option of using a third-party cleaner tool. However, be extremely careful and create Time Machine backups before modifying the Application Support folder in any way.

No. The Application Support folder is important for your Mac to function properly. Deleting it will prevent your apps from running as intended

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How can I access my application support folder from my new macbook retina?

I would like to access my application support folder so that I can modify my minecraft, but I cannot seem to be able to find any way of reaching it. Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.

MacBook Pro with Retina display,

Mac OS X (10.7.4)

Posted on Jul 5, 2012 8:03 AM

Specific for User

Open the Finder

Click on the ‘Go’ menu in the top menu bar.

Hold down the ‘Option’ key on the keyboard

‘Library’ should appear in the menu between ‘Home’ and ‘Computer’

There you will find the ‘Application Support’ folder. 🙂

For System

Click ‘Go’

Click ‘Computer’

Open ‘Macintosh HD’

Open ‘Library’

The Application Support folder should be there. 🙂

Posted on Jul 5, 2012 8:12 AM

How can I access my application support folder from my new macbook retina?

The Application Support folder Mac stores a lot of files from your installed applications and ensures they work properly on macOS, including your registration information, settings, and configuration data.

Every time you install applications on your MacBook Pro or other Mac models, the subfolders of applications will be generated and stored in the Application Support folder Mac. Even after you uninstall applications, they leave data behind in their subfolder.

subfolders in Application Support folder

It’s convenient for users to restore previous settings when they reinstall the deleted applications. In addition, you can use the Application Support folder to make modifications or address its error.

Note that the Application Support folder can influence the installed applications, so in most cases, accessing the Application Support folder is not suggested.

How to Find Application Support Folder

If you want to access your Application Support folder on your Mac, here is a screen recording about how to locate Application Support folder on your Mac:

  • 00:06 Click ‘Go’ on the Apple menu bar
  • 00:11 Find the Users folder
  • 00:31 Go to the Application Support folder

To find the Application Support folder on your Mac, you can follow the steps below:

Step 1. Open “Finder” on your Mac, and click “Go” on the Apple menu bar.

Step 2. Select “Go to Folder” or press the key combination “Shift + Command + G”.

Step 3. Type the path ~/Library/Application Support in the search box and press “Return”.

type the path

And then, you can see numerous folders in the Application Support folder on your Mac.

numerous folders in the Application Support folder

Can You Delete Application Support Folder

When you are clearing system storage on your Mac, you may find the Application Support folder is huge, so is it safe to delete files in the Application Support folder to free up space on Macintosh HD? You can delete the entire subfolder of an uninstalled application to release your storage space.

However, if the application you are using now and won’t delete it later, you can’t do that. Deleting the subfolder of an app in the Application Support folder leads to a malfunction of the app, and it won’t perform properly since its subfolder is missed.

As we mentioned before, most of the applications retain their data in the Application Support folder after being uninstalled on Mac. Therefore, you should manually delete the files of deleted applications in the Application Support folder.

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Application Support Folder Mac Missing

It is well known that folders in Application Support are essential to run the installed program on a Mac. But in some situations, accidents happen and cause the Application Support folder to be missing. Here are the main reasons cause the Application Support missing:

Application Support folder is hidden: This is one of the most common reasons. In some Mac settings, the Application Support is to be hidden by default to prevent some computer users from causing program errors.

Accidentally deleted the Application Support folder: applications installed and their data created that take up too much storage space on Mac, so some users delete files from the Application Support folder as they clean up system data to release space.

recover deletd files from Trash

How to Recover Deleted Files on Mac After Emptied Trash Bin

This article introduces effective methods to recover deleted files on Mac computers before or after the Trash bin has been emptied. Read more >>

Corruption of the Application Support folder: virus infections or interrupting macOS while writing data may cause the Application Support folder to be missing after corruption.

Restore Missing Application Support Folder on Mac

As we know, files in the Application Support folder are an important condition to ensure the normal operation of applications. So, restoring the missing Application Support folder on Mac is necessary. Besides restoring the accidentally deleted Application Support folder from Mac Trash, to avoid data loss, we recommend three methods to restore it.

Method 1. Unhide Folders to Restore Application Support Folder

When your Application Support folder is hidden, not missing or deleted, you can refer to the following steps to unhide your Application Support folder on your Mac:

Step 1. Open “Finder” on the Apple menu bar.

Step 2. Click “Go” and then select “Go to Folder”.

Step 3. Type ~/Library into the search box, and hit “Return” to open the Library folder.

type library

Step 4. Press “Command + Shift + >” simultaneously to unhide any files/folders in Finder.

Method 2. Restore Application Support Folder with Time Machine Backup

If you enabled Mac Time Machine before the Application Support folder is empty or missing, you could restore files in the Application Support folder with the snapshots created by the Time Machine backup function. Just follow the steps below:

Step 1. Open “System Preferences” and go to “Time Machine”.

Step 2. Turn on the “Show Time Machine in menu bar” option and then close the window.

Step 3. Select “Finder > Go to Folder”, and type ~/Library/Application Support.

Step 4. Hit “Return”. Then click “Enter Time Machine” of the Time Machine icon.

Step 5. Locate a snapshot of your Library folder using the arrow buttons.

Step 6. Click “Restore” to recover your Application Support folder.

Note that restoring the Application Support folder using a Time Machine backup will replace the existing files and data generated after the snapshot was taken.

Method 3. Recovery Restore Application Support Folder using Data Recovery Software

Without backups in Time Machine, you can restore data in the Application Support folder using data recovery software. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac can help you recover data from the missing Application Support folder effectively and quickly.

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac

  • Recover permanently deleted files on Mac, including documents, photos, audio, music, emails, videos, images, etc.
  • Recover missing files after the system crashes, and recover lost files after macOS Ventura update.
  • Support recovery for suddenly disappearing files on Mac, hard drive files corruption, missing files on external hard drives, etc.

To easily understand the operation to restore the missing Application Support folder on Mac, you can refer to three steps:

Step 1. Select the drive to be scanned

In the main EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard window, there will be a list of the drives connected to your Mac. Select the drive you need to recover lost/deleted files from, and click the “Search for lost files” button.

select a location and scan for lost Mac data

Step 2. Select your lost data/files

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac will immediately scan your selected disk volume and display the scanning results on the left pane. You can sort the results to find the wanted files if you are looking for certain files.

Select your lost data/files

Step 3. Recover lost/deleted data

Once you have found the desired files, preview the files and then click “Recover” to begin the recovery of your deleted/lost Mac files.

recover lost Mac data


The Application Support folder stores files and data of applications you installed on your Mac. And if you delete these files, the application can’t work properly on your Mac. So, if the Application Support folder is missing, you need to restore it. When your Application Support folder is hidden, not missing or deleted, you need to unhide it.

However, if you want to restore the missing Application Support folder without Time Machine backup, data recovery software could help. EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard for Mac supports data recovery under various conditions, including restoring the missing Application Support folder.

Application Support Folder Mac FAQs

Here are some questions people also ask when they search for the Application Support folder on Mac:

1. Can you delete the Application Support folder on Mac?

If you don’t want to use the app, you can delete the entire subfolder of it in the Application Support folder to release the storage space. But don’t do that if the app you are still in use.

2. Where is the application support folder hidden?

Application Support folders are in the Library folder. You can follow the steps to access the Application Support folder:

Step 1. Go to “Finder” and select “GO”.

Step 2. Hold the “Option” key down.

Step 3. Select “Library” in the menu and press “Return”.

3. Where is the application support folder in Windows 10?

You can view the AppData folder manually by entering your Users folder on Windows 10’s C drive. Usually, the path is C:UsersADMIN.

4. How do I clean up my Applications folder on Mac?

Most apps are in your Application Support folder, so you can go to the Application Support folder, select the app you don’t need, and move it to the Trash.

Asked by: Kaela Moore Jr.

Score: 4.2/5
(59 votes)

In Finder, hold the option key while perusing the Go menu. Select Library. Application Support is in that Library folder. and in that folder you should see an Application Support folder.

What is application support on Mac?

The Application Support folder is a library folder that your Mac applications use to save files required for their operations. For instance, the Google Chrome application installed on your Mac stores its support files in the Application Support folder.

Where is the Applications folder on a Mac 2020?

It is relatively straightforward. Either to go the top-level Finder menu, then along to the Go dropdown. Scroll down and click on Applications. This should open a folder containing the files and shortcuts of every app you’ve ever downloaded or own/use by default.

How do I get to application support on Mac 2021?

In Finder, hold the option key while perusing the Go menu. Select Library. Application Support is in that Library folder. and in that folder you should see an Application Support folder.

Why doesn’t my Mac have an Applications folder?

You could try opening up Finder preferences, select the Sidebar button at the top and deselect ‘Applications’ from the Places section then reselect it. That may help. If it doesn’t help, open a new Finder window and go to the top level of your HD (Macintosh HD?)

31 related questions found

Can you delete everything in application support on Mac?

The Application Support folder holds files that some apps need to run. … You can delete this folder, but you should restart your Mac immediately after you do so, since some apps may think certain cache files are still present.

What is application Support?

Applications support is a service that ensures the operational processes in a business run smoothly and enables users to conduct their business. It is available to both internal and external stakeholders of an organization. The internal users are the organizational employees, management and ownership.

Is application support safe to delete?

The answer is still no. You likely have a lot of cache files in there, possibly from a different version of Ae.

How do you delete on a Mac?

Delete an item from your Mac or iCloud Drive

On your Mac, drag the item to the Trash in the Dock or select the item, then press Command-Delete. If an item is locked, click Continue to confirm you want to move the locked item to the Trash.

What happens when you delete cache on Mac?

Clearing your cache deletes unnecessary data and frees up disk space. … If you’ve never cleaned out your caches, you may have gigabytes of unnecessary files taking up space on your machine. That’s why regularly clearing the cache is a great way to help clean up your Mac. And remember, a clean Mac is a faster Mac.

Can I delete Application Support folder Mac Adobe?

If the Adobe application folder exists, drag it to Trash. By default, the folders are located in the Applications folder on the hard disk. Drag the preferences folder to Trash from the Users/[User]/Library/Preferences folder. (For example, drag the Acrobat folder to Trash.)

What is the difference between technical support and application support?

At the risk of oversimplifying things, if you have strong software/database skills you should consider Application Support while if you have an interest in networks, systems and other infrastructure you should focus on Technical Support roles.

Why is application support important?

Application support reduces the probability of failure and provide assurance of better performance of the application, which reduces the frequency of issues resulting in retaining the customer thus avoiding business losses.

How does application support work?

Application Support Analysts support IT services delivered to users within an organisation, enabling the required operational processes needed for the business to be successful. By default, Application Support Analysts enable people to execute their responsibilities within the relevant business processes.

How do I completely remove an application from my Mac?

Use the Finder to delete an app

  1. Locate the app in the Finder. …
  2. Drag the app to the Trash, or select the app and choose File > Move to Trash.
  3. If you’re asked for a user name and password, enter the name and password of an administrator account on your Mac. …
  4. To delete the app, choose Finder > Empty Trash.

How do you restore a Mac to factory settings?

Factory reset

You need to put your MacBook ($498 at Amazon) into Recovery Mode in order to erase all of your data and reinstall MacOS. To enter Recovery Mode on an Intel-based Mac, restart it and immediately press and hold Command-R. You can release the keys once you see the Apple logo.

How do I clear other storage on my Mac?

How to delete Other Storage on Mac

  1. From your desktop, press Command-F.
  2. Click This Mac.
  3. Click the first dropdown menu field and select Other.
  4. From the Search Attributes window, tick File Size and File Extension.
  5. Now you can input different document file types (. pdf, . …
  6. Review the items and then delete as needed.

Is application Support a good career?

An applications support position can lead to a variety of career paths, including application development, application engineering, networking and systems administration, database administration or management. “Applications support can be an interesting job and great stepping stone to other careers,” says VanderWilk.

How do you build an application support team?

How to Build a Thriving Support Team and Department from Scratch

  1. Define “great customer service” for your company.
  2. Decide which channels to support.
  3. Hire the right people.
  4. Measure the right data.
  5. Pick your tools.
  6. Create your knowledge base.
  7. Integrate support into your product and company.
  8. Do the work.

What is the difference between technical support and customer service?

Customer Service and Technical Support both have their roles in organizations. … Customer Service focuses on the experience of the customer. Technical support focuses on resolving a technical issue or problem in the fastest, most cost-effective way.

What is the difference between technical support and desktop support?

Desktop support is a different type of technical support, even though it serves a similar purpose to that of a help desk. With desktop support, technicians access the affected machine directly, working through a virtual chat or telephone line to coordinate with the end-user.

What are the interview questions for technical support?

Technical Support Interview Questions

  • What made you get into technical support? …
  • What is your troubleshooting process? …
  • How do you communicate with customers who aren’t tech-savvy? …
  • Why did you want to work in our IT department?
  • What makes you qualified to provide tech support?

What is Adobe Cleanup utility?

The Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner tool is intended for advanced computer users and can fix many common problems (such as removing old Adobe software, cleaning corrupt installation files, and fixing your host files to establish a connection with Adobe servers).

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