Cache unlinklru null link как исправить

error: cache unlinklru null link when playing Brutal Half-Life beta 2

how can i fix this issue? i understand that the mod is in development i just would really like to continue playing it. can’t get past the part with the vortigaunt ambush without encountering crashing!

Showing 111 of 11 comments


3 Nov, 2020 @ 6:08am 

i had the same issue with bhl but i just restartet half life and it worked

hazle una copia de seguridad a tu juego tienes que utilizar el xash engine no se realmente lo que hace pero ayuda en la compatibilidad

Xash 3D :

una vez instalado no podrás jugar en multijugador , debe ser por que se cambia el executable y ya no sera el original

Originally posted by kilian:

how can i fix this issue? i understand that the mod is in development i just would really like to continue playing it. can’t get past the part with the vortigaunt ambush without encountering crashing!

did you ever fix this?

Originally posted by 剣聖 Sabo:

Originally posted by kilian:

how can i fix this issue? i understand that the mod is in development i just would really like to continue playing it. can’t get past the part with the vortigaunt ambush without encountering crashing!

did you ever fix this?

unfortunately there does not seem to be a fix. But sometimes, it just doesn’t crash at this part?? So it doesn’t rlly matter u just have to be lucky and hope it doesn’t crash

If you don’t mind setting it up, try playing it through Xash3D; it’s more stable when it comes to mods such as this.


27 May, 2022 @ 9:11pm 

Delete your old saved files and start a new one! It works!

I really like this mod, but the amount of times this happens and you have to do what AC13 does just to fix it is getting on my damn nerves, I made it to We’ve Got Hostiles and had to restart due to this error.

Last edited by Echo-One;
20 Jul, 2022 @ 12:06pm


31 Dec, 2022 @ 12:49pm 

Actaully to avoid this error just get away from the animations in this game like the animation which 2 scientist are pulled by a zombie from the vents in the Office complex

Last edited by M7MD;
2 Jan @ 7:09am

i recommend to play mod with XASH version of HL, more info you can find in web, it will decrease crash chance as i know

I was having the same issue, launching it directly from the game files worked for me.

Showing 111 of 11 comments

Hello everyone,

as you see in title i have a really annoying problem.

When i enter in a certain server (Note* With register/log system + save datas) after 5 minutes of playing or simply 2-3 secs it kicks me out of the game while giving me this shit*y problem:

Cache_UnlinkLRU: NULL link

This happens only in that certain server and i never had it before..

Im googleing it for already 2-3 days and couldnt find a shit.. (or at least i dont understand what they r talking about LOL.. it might be this too) I asked friends and also some of the admins in that server = NOTHING…

Also im using steam. I heard that my steam-id its a little bit more special than others so this may be the problem too idk.

Truth be told, this is the first problem that i couldnt fix by myself or with my friends help without making a thread in a amxmodx-based website.

Im hoping that someone will help me!

Best regards,


  • #1

When I`am playin open_beta, it suddenly stops and shuts down then it says FATAL ERROR Cache_UnlinkLRU: NULL link. Its really annoying when I`m close to transform:cry: ;( What can i do to fix this?? Its half-life fatal error

  • #2

Well I don’t understand much about the “Unlink” part, but “LRU” is about the the Least Recently Used data that was cached in memory.
I think this process happens when there’s not enough memory left to cache new data… so it decides it needs to delete and write over the cached stuff used longest ago.

However, something seems to have gone wrong is this process…
I’m guessing it failed to detect what it was supposed to delete, got confused, and then error’d.
One way to fix this might be to get more RAM, or somehow give Half-Life more memory to use.

Lol, Sorry I couldn’t explain that in a simple way at all could I?
My posts always go on too long with lots of un-necessary rambling… 🙂

  • #3

I fully understood that.:smile: I know all about computer components, programs etc. But i dont understand the computer language quite yet

  • #4

Get MaxMem. It’s a program that frees your virtual memory and optimizes your PC’s performance by doing so. Your PC will run smoothly, and probably the same is true for games. Long story short, it frees RAM. If you have RAM, that error won’t happen.

  • #5

Get MaxMem. It’s a program that frees your virtual memory and optimizes your PC’s performance by doing so. Your PC will run smoothly, and probably the same is true for games. Long story short, it frees RAM. If you have RAM, that error won’t happen.

Thanks!:smile: I already solved the problem:) , but this helps me to insure that theres no further difficulties

Using the engine function g_engfuncs.pfnGetModelPtr on an entity that has a sprite model will cause Cache_Check to treat whatever’s located right in front of the sprite’s data in memory as a cache_system_t.

Sprites set their cache data to the msprite_t instance. The sprite is allocated using Hunk_AllocName instead of Cache_Alloc, so there is no cache system to check.

As a result it will treat the memory as part of an intrusive linked list that tracks cache data usage. If this happens to be a region of zero value bytes the error Cache_UnlinkLRU: NULL link will occur, otherwise data corruption or a crash will occur.

To fix this, Mod_Extradata should not call Cache_Check for sprite models and should just return the contents of mod-> directly.

Note that any other code that treats model_t::cache as a valid cache can cause this problem as well. It may be required to reallocate the msprite_t instance in the cache to fix this.

Alternatively, remove caching and just load model data as needed, without unloading it since this system is meant to reuse the least recently used cache memory. The game was made for computers with little memory (total heap size < ~136Mb) so it isn’t really a problem to keep everything loaded these days.

Originally found by tschumann here:

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