Disconnect server uses different class tables как исправить

Yea I am running of my PC and I just want me and other people to be able to play on it ;-;

Could someone please tell me how to fix this

Im having this issue as well. I have updated my server and i still cannot join the server. I will check for updates and see if anything happens.

how do I get to the place where you can do that

It will launch for me but when i try and load a map even gm_construct it gets to initializing game data it crashes. Any Help???


3 Apr, 2014 @ 4:15pm 

I have the same problem :’C

So there’s tons of people in here who don’t know how to run a server. You need to manually update the application (steamcmd, login, app_update 4020). If you can’t do this, you probably should have someone else webmaster the server.

garry broke gmod
end of story

I started my server for the first time yesterday and everything was dandy. About an hour in, people couldn’t connect anymore. I reset the server, tried to join myself, and BOOM, “different class tables”. I’ve updated the server, AND my client, and still nothing… Talk about luck.

*EDIT* I ran app_update 4020 validate (for the fourth time) today, and I was able to log into my server… Now just gotta wait and see if anyone else can…

Last edited by Synful;
4 Apr, 2014 @ 6:50am

Same problem.
I updated Garry’s Mod when I logged on to steam, I played a bit of TTT, but then suddenly, I completely lost connection to servers and couldn’t join. The reason was: Disconnect: Server uses different class tables.

Needs fixing ASAP.

Only advice I can personally give is to close down steam, reupdate Steam, and just make sure your GMOD is updated too… There was a major ♥♥♥♥ up with the server updates yesterday, so a lot of them are probably only just catching up.

Originally posted by Sayuri Firebrand:

So there’s tons of people in here who don’t know how to run a server. You need to manually update the application (steamcmd, login, app_update 4020). If you can’t do this, you probably should have someone else webmaster the server.

Well i use it for singleplayer messing around and creating scenarios.

Originally posted by synysterdemon:

Only advice I can personally give is to close down steam, reupdate Steam, and just make sure your GMOD is updated too… There was a major ♥♥♥♥ up with the server updates yesterday, so a lot of them are probably only just catching up.

That’s the thing, UPDATED Gmod, and this happened.




12 лет назад

скачал тим фортерс 2 установил патч (последний)теперь на всех серверах пишет Disconnect:server user different class table!




12 лет назад

“Disconnect: Server uses different class tables” это значит что на том сервере к которому вы подключаетесь стоит новый патч, вам придется обновить игру новым патчем

bobofett писал(а):народ у меня проблема. немогу никак подключиться к любому серваку у меня пиратка. обьясните как тупому пошагово как сделать правильнее. команду в консоле вводить и т.д.

[spoiler=””FAQ написаное мною для локального форума(некоторые Q с ксмании)””]Вопрос: Я хочу поиграть, с чего мне начать ?
Ответ: Для начала скачайте игру, и патчи

Вопрос: Что дальше?
Ответ: Запустите tf.exe , откройте консоль (~), впишите connect ‘адрес сервера.’

Вопрос: Список серверов не подкините ?
Ответ: Вам сюда: viewtopic.php?t=4100

Вопрос: Я бы хотел потренироваться прежде чем играть, боты есть?
Ответ: Есть. Чтобы их поставить пишите в консоле следующее sv_cheats 1, дальше bot, потом bot_changeteams 1.

Вопрос: При соединении выкидывает с ошибкой Connection failed after 4 retries.
Ответ: Много разных причин!
1. Вы попытались соединится с интернет сервером, не подключив соединение ‘интернет’.
2. Вы попытались соединится с сервером которого не существует (неверно ввели адрес).
3. В данный момент сервер отключен и вы не можете с ним соеденится.

Вопрос: Как сменить ник в игре?
Ответ: Консольная команда name <ваш ник>.

Вопрос: Не получаеться сменить ник!
Ответ: Если предыдущий вариант не сработал, значит у вас включен steam (server monitor), в нём просмотр > настройки > nickname.

Вопрос: Можно ли наблюдать за кем-то в игре?
Ответ: Да, чтобы выбрать режим наблюдателя кликните по телевизору в “меню смены команды”.

Вопрос: Можно записывать демо-видео(демки)?
Ответ: Да, для етого есть программа sourseTV.

Вопрос: Выдаёт ошибку “The server requires that you be running Steam” при попытке подключения на сервер. Что теперь делать?
Ответ: Попробуйте поставить программу Servers Monitor (Steam).

Вопрос: Что делать, если вылетает ошибка вида “Server uses different class tables” или жалуется на отличие карты от оригинальной?
Ответ: Обновите ваш клиент патчами!

Вопрос: После обновления при подключении к серверу со включенным ServersMonitor/Star-Steam вылетает ошибка Disconnect: Client timed out
Ответ: Cервер на который вы пытаетесь зайти ломан/неломан старым VUPом. Просите админа чтоб использовал VUP. Незабудте скачать новый Star-Steam или ServersMonitor!

Вопрос: После патча ( меня не пускает на некоторые серверы пишет что-то про ошибку 2048..
Ответ: Сервер который выдает такие ошибки не обновлен, играйте на другом сервере.[/spoiler]

ServerInfo, players: 0/10 | map: gm_flatgrass | name: Garrys Mod Server | gm: sandbox | count: 1 | left: 2 | step: 3
Receiving complete: 399 fragments, 102077 bytes
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: downloadables | maxentries: 8192 | size: 14 | entries: 25 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: modelprecache | maxentries: 4096 | size: 13 | entries: 450 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: genericprecache | maxentries: 512 | size: 10 | entries: 1 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: soundprecache | maxentries: 16384 | size: 15 | entries: 830 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: decalprecache | maxentries: 512 | size: 10 | entries: 213 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: instancebaseline | maxentries: 1024 | size: 11 | entries: 60 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: lightstyles | maxentries: 64 | size: 7 | entries: 64 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: userinfo | maxentries: 256 | size: 9 | entries: 10 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: server_query_info | maxentries: 4 | size: 3 | entries: 2 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: ParticleEffectNames | maxentries: 2048 | size: 12 | entries: 18 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: EffectDispatch | maxentries: 1024 | size: 11 | entries: 19 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: Materials | maxentries: 1024 | size: 11 | entries: 7 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: Scenes | maxentries: 4096 | size: 13 | entries: 1325 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: ServerMapCycle | maxentries: 128 | size: 8 | entries: 1 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: GameRulesCreation | maxentries: 1 | size: 1 | entries: 1 | compressed: 0
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: networkstring | maxentries: 2048 | size: 12 | entries: 382 | compressed: 1
Received svc_CreateStringTable, name: client_lua_files | maxentries: 8192 | size: 14 | entries: 884 | compressed: 1
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13120
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12640
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 21192
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 13960
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12872
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12904
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 4 | bits: 29704
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 15760
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14168
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14360
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14208
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14224
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14320
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14184
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14200
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14168
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14328
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14208
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14336
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14328
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12824
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13896
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 14456
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12920
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13296
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12704
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13800
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25208
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25256
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12680
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12784
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 26272
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13888
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 15840
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 13760
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12832
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13984
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25008
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13920
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13944
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13048
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25008
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13112
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 2 | bits: 13280
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25208
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 12736
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25264
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14320
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 14168
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 25272
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 5 | changed: 1 | bits: 13144
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 32 | bits: 11072
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 39 | bits: 11349
Received svc_UpdateStringTable, id: 21 | changed: 33 | bits: 9603
Received svc_GMod_ServerToClient, type: 3 |  bits: 8
net_SetConVar: 59
sbox_maxemitters to: 5
sbox_maxbuttons to: 20
sbox_maxhoverballs to: 20
sbox_maxthrusters to: 30
sbox_maxwheels to: 20
sbox_maxlamps to: 20
sbox_maxsents to: 20
sbox_maxballoons to: 10
sbox_maxeffects to: 50
sbox_maxvehicles to: 6
sbox_maxragdolls to: 5
sbox_maxprops to: 150
sk_plr_dmg_ar2 to: 8
sk_npc_dmg_ar2 to: 3
sk_max_ar2 to: 60
sk_max_ar2_altfire to: 3
sk_plr_dmg_alyxgun to: 5
sk_npc_dmg_alyxgun to: 3
sk_max_alyxgun to: 150
sk_plr_dmg_pistol to: 5
sk_npc_dmg_pistol to: 3
sk_max_pistol to: 150
sk_plr_dmg_smg1 to: 4
sk_npc_dmg_smg1 to: 3
sk_max_smg1 to: 225
sk_plr_dmg_buckshot to: 8
sk_npc_dmg_buckshot to: 3
sk_max_buckshot to: 30
sk_plr_dmg_rpg_round to: 100
sk_npc_dmg_rpg_round to: 50
sk_max_rpg_round to: 3
sk_plr_dmg_sniper_round to: 20
sk_npc_dmg_sniper_round to: 100
sk_max_sniper_round to: 30
sk_plr_dmg_grenade to: 150
sk_npc_dmg_grenade to: 75
sk_max_grenade to: 5
sk_plr_dmg_smg1_grenade to: 100
sk_npc_dmg_smg1_grenade to: 50
sk_max_smg1_grenade to: 3
sk_plr_dmg_357 to: 40
sk_npc_dmg_357 to: 30
sk_max_357 to: 12
sk_plr_dmg_crossbow to: 100
sk_npc_dmg_crossbow to: 10
sk_max_crossbow to: 10
sk_plr_dmg_airboat to: 3
sk_npc_dmg_airboat to: 3
sk_max_gauss_round to: 30
sk_npc_dmg_gunship to: 40
sk_npc_dmg_gunship_to_plr to: 3
sv_skyname to: painted
think_limit to: 0
sk_combineball_guidefactor to: 1
sk_combineball_seek_angle to: 15
sv_allow_voice_from_file to: 0
sv_maxrate to: 20000
sv_minrate to: 0
sv_client_predict to: 1
net_SetConVar_end, left: 5
Received net_SignOnState: 3, count: 4
KK __ 3
LOL: 22
Disconnected: Server uses different class tables
Reconnecting in 100 ms ...Reconnecting..
Challenge: 1494751456__190519362|Auth: 3|SKey: 0|VAC: 0
Connected successfully
Receiving complete: 1 fragments, 176 bytes

Map: gm_flatgrass
Players: 1 / 10
Build: 7836
Server Number: 1 

If you are a TF2 player, you may have experienced the error “Server Uses Different Class Tables” on TF2. This error is caused when the class tables on the server do not match the ones on the client. 

This is a common issue that can be easily fixed, however, it can be a bit of a hassle. So in this post, we’ll explain what the error is and how to fix it.

TF2 Server Uses Different Class Tables Error: How to Fix

The “Server Uses Different Class Tables” on TF2 error occurs when the server you are playing on uses a different version of the class tables than the ones on your client. 

This can be caused by a number of factors such as differences in patch versions, mod versions, or settings.

TF2 Server Uses Different Class Tables

To fix this error, you will need to make sure that the class tables on the server match the ones on the client. To do this, you will need to check that the patch version, mod version, and settings are all the same on both the server and the client.

Once you have ensured that the patch version, mod version, and settings are all the same on both the server [1] and the client, you should be able to connect to the server without any issues.


The TF2 “Server Uses Different Class Tables” message is a common issue that can be easily fixed. First, you must make sure that the class tables on the server match the ones on the client. This way, all are the same on both the server and the client.

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