Docker desktop stopping как исправить

TL;DR: If you can, just ditch Docker Desktop for Windows, and just run docker through your preferred WSL2 distro.

I decided to just uninstall Docker Desktop. It chews up a ton of additional resources, works intermittently, doesn’t provide any functionality that I can’t get elsewhere, would consume a ton of CPU after awaking from Hibernate, and had too many caveats that I’d had to work around for too long.

If you don’t actually need any of the features of Docker Desktop, or need to use Windows containers, then I’d recommend just installing vanilla docker on your WSL2 OS of choice, and working with the \wsl${distro} directory within Windows to interact with your data. It took a little while to shift everything over, but once I did it was much simpler. I could run my SQL database container without having constant workarounds with data file permissions, and whole host of other crap.

I know it’s a pain, and probably not what people are looking for from a response to this issue, but I’ve really found it much simpler in the long run.

Installed docker desktop for windows, after having installed the linux kernel update package and changing to wsl 2 version (virtualization is enabled) but i get the message “Docker Desktop stopped…” as shown below.


  • uninstalling and reinstalling again
  • run application as administrator

enter image description here

asked Feb 11, 2022 at 18:13

Yanis 's user avatar

Yanis Yanis

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I had the same problem. If you are using docker 4.5.0, try uninstall and install 4.4.4 instead. That worked for me.

answered Feb 11, 2022 at 20:48

Drachbar's user avatar


A new version of Docker Desktop (4.5.1), released on 2022-02-15 fixes this problem.

If you are running Docker Desktop on Windows Home, installing 4.5.1 will switch it back to WSL 2 automatically. If you are running another version of Windows, and you want Docker Desktop to use the WSL 2 backend, you must manually switch by enabling the Use the WSL 2 based engine option in the Settings > General section. Alternatively, you can edit the Docker Desktop settings file located at %APPDATA%Dockersettings.json and manually switch the value of the wslEngineEnabled field to true.

answered Feb 15, 2022 at 16:32

Charles-edouard POISNEL's user avatar


I also get the same problem after updating my Docker version from 4.4.4 to 4.5. It was crashed when I want to run my container today. I try to reinstall with 4.5 version and get the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”. Then, I try to reinstall with 4.4.4 version, and now it just run perfectly fine like before.

answered Feb 13, 2022 at 15:09

muhduzairmf's user avatar


Also had this issue on Mac (Intel chip) after updating to v4.5.0.

Reinstalling and a system restart solved the issue.

answered Feb 28, 2022 at 1:20

elliotls's user avatar


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Подскажите пожалуйста как побороть данную болезнь и запустить докер на windows 10?

У меня windows 10, home версия
Установил с офф сайта docker desctop для windows
Предварительно включил виртуализацию через биос.
Запускаю docker desctop

Он выдает Docker Desktop stopped… при этом кит анимирует в треи бесконечно, если кликнуть в настройки то там лоадер тоже бесконечный.

Если в консоли попытаться вызвать команду докера вываливается ошибка error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get “http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/version”: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.

Если попытаться скачать образ удаленный пишет error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Post “http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/images…”: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.







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Зачем docker desktop, когда можно докер прям в wsl2 поставить?
Если хочется GUI, то есть portainer

UPD: сейчас переехал на podman + podman Desktop в качестве GUI – полёт вцелом нормальный, настраивается всё легко. В целом совместим со всеми инструментами для докера. Проблема пока только с docker-compose, который не хочет на подмане подниматься.

Ненадо ставить докер в винду
Виртуалка с линукс и на неё докер…

Попробуйте еще установить Rancher Desktop – переключитесь там на докер. Работает вполне стабильно!

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I am new to Docker and trying to set it up on my Windows 10 machine. I installed Docker Desktop but when I run it, I get this “Docker desktop stopping…” message rightaway and Docker doesn’t seem to start. What am I doing wrong?

asked Aug 30, 2022 at 15:14

Alexu's user avatar


I had the same probably using Windows. To fix it, I had to make sure WSL 2 was installed properly:—download-the-linux-kernel-update-package

If it’s already installed on your machine, try uninstalling and reinstalling it.

However, I can see that people have already mentioned that solution. If you’ve done it and it didn’t work, try this as well:

Open Docker Desktop and click on the ‘troubleshoot’ icon in the top right corner. Click ‘Clean/Purge Data’ and select ‘WSL 2’ only and click ‘delete’. Then restart your machine and it should work. Hope that helps!

answered Sep 4, 2022 at 12:38

Scott-MEARN-Developer's user avatar


The Error “Docker Desktop stopped…”, is an error that is invoked when you are working on docker and are trying to install it initially.

Given below is the snippet of the error you might get:

Docker Desktop stopped...

I would like to share with you the steps I took to fix the “Docker Desktop stopped…”

Why “Docker Desktop stopped…” Error is Seen?

The error, “Docker Desktop stopped…” is seen because this is an error from docker’s technical side itself and this is specific to version 4.5.0 as of now. The error is seen in this specific version 4.5.0 is because the “wslEngineEnabled” is set to false in the configuration files.

The WSL 2 backend is intentionally disabled by default in Desktop 4.5.0, despite the fact that Windows Home is the only environment in which it should be available. This error is fixed in the latest version of docker that is version 4.5.1.

Sometimes a simple restart of docker or your system also seems to solve the problem.

The detailed solution to fix the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”, is given below:

How to fix “Docker Desktop stopped…” Error?

To fix the error, the simplest fix, would be to update the docker desktop to latest version 4.5.1 as this error has been fixed in 4.5.1 version. If you still need to use the version 4.5.0 then you will have to go to the config file at the location C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingDockersettings.json, and set "wslEngineEnabled":true.

Also an alternative solution would be to go to your setting and change  WSL engine setting to checked.

To fix the error, “Docker Desktop stopped…”, you will have to follow one of the methods mentioned below depending on your operating system:

Method 1: update Docker to Latest Version 4.5.1

To fix the error you will first have to update your docket to the latest version that is 4.5.1 because this error has been fixed in the latest version of docker. When installing 4.5.1, Docker Desktop on Windows Home will automatically switch back to WSL 2.

This should fix the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”.

Method 2: Changing Settings

If you still face the error and insist on using the version 4.5.0 then you will have to go to the config file at the following location: C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingDockersettings.json, and then change your "wslEngineEnabled": true.

This should fix the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”.

Method 3: Update the Kernal and Delete WSL2

If you still face the error and insist on using the version 4.5.0 then open the settings in your docker app when it shows the erorr that it stopped. You will notice that the WSL engine settings was not checked.

You can check mark the settings and resart your app to check if you still face the error have to downgrade that particular module.

First uninstall the module completely and then install the specific version again regardless if you are using yarn or npm.

This should fix the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”.

Method 4: Downgrade Docker version or Restart Docker

If you still face the error even after following all the above methods then you might have to consider downgrading you dokcer version to version 4.4.4.

The error is specific to the version 4.5.0 and downgrading your docker should fix the problem.

Sometimes a simple resart of your docker app and your computer system also can fix your error.

This should fix the error “Docker Desktop stopped…”.


To fix the error, the simplest fix, would be to update the docker desktop to latest version 4.5.1 as this error has been fixed in 4.5.1 version.

If you still need to use the version 4.5.0 then you will have to go to the config file at the location C:Users<username>AppDataRoamingDockersettings.json, and set "wslEngineEnabled":true.

Also an alternative solution would be to go to your setting and change  WSL engine setting to checked.

IF nothing works, sometime a imple system/PC restart should fix the “Docker Desktop stopped…” Error.

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