Elite dangerous sirius corporation как найти

Sirius Corporation

«Энергия Галактики»
Из всех мегакорпораций, главенствующих в обитаемом космосе, ни одна не сравнится по богатству и власти с Sirius Corporation.
Её взлёт начался в 2339 г., когда организация отправила первую в своём роде корпоративную миссию по колонизации к системе Sirius. С этого момента и далее корпорация стала основным поставщиком топлива и разработок и для Империи, и для Федерации, получив таким образом статус влиятельного энергетического центра. А обещание не примыкать ни к одной из сторон в случае конфликта закрепило позиции корпорации.
По мере роста, основным направлением Sirius оставались поставки топлива и производство двигателей, хотя освоение в разумных пределах других сфер поспособствовало ещё большему расширению.
Конечно, взлёт не мог пройти без осложнений. В 3251 г. корпорация представила пассажирский лайнер Antares, вобравший в себя новейшие технологии. Корпорация рассчитывала открыть с ним новую эру в межпланетных путешествиях. Но, к несчастью, во время первого полёта корабль пропал. Поговаривали, что причиной аварии стала ошибка в системах внутренней оболочки. Только в 3302 г. обломки корабля нашлись, и они подтвердили это предположение.
«Инцидент с Antares» оставил неизгладимую память, и заставил Sirius Corporation приостановить разработки новых сверхбыстрых лайнеров. Но в 3278 г. удача снова улыбнулась корпорации: публике предстала новая, более быстрая двигательная система. Успех новой системы с лихвой покрыл потери, вызванные гибелью Antares, и вознёс Sirius к новым высотам.
Сегодня корпорация содержит множество отделений, многие из которых сами стали гигантскими конгломератами, но её основным направлением остаётся производство реакторов, гипердвигателей, и топлива для гипердвигателей, Это отделение до сих пор работает под названием «Sirius Corporation», хотя на самом деле это головная компания, а технически направлением занимается Sirius Hyperdrives.
Крупнейшие отрасли компании – это добыча ресурсов, производство и энергетика. Sirius Mining работает в тесном сотрудничестве с Sirius lndustrial над производством специализированного оборудования для добычи на планетах и астероидах, а также над металлургическими и очистными комплексами, атмосферными установками и мусороперерабатывающими реакторами. Sirius Power производит генераторы от установок на 10 кВт до станций на 100 ГВт для промышленных комбинатов и атмосферных установок.
Sirius Corporation держит обширный частный флот для защиты собственных интересов. Большинство этих кораблей произведены компанией Gutamaya, хотя некоторая их часть построена по лицензии на собственных верфях Sirius.

Под контролем корпорации находятся десятки звёздных систем, и для управления этими системами даже создано собственное административное подразделение Sirius Gov. Замечено, что качество жизни населения этих систем — а благодаря частному флоту Sirius и их безопасность – намного выше, чем во многих независимых системах.

— Из описания в игре

Sirius Corporation(«Корпорация Sirius», «Sirius Corp.») является старейшей и самой могущественной мегакорпорацией, влияние которой распространяется на сотни крупнейших населённых систем освоенного космоса. Хотя существуют даже более крупные мегакорпорации, такие как Faulcon DeLacy[1], ни одна из них не сравнится с богатством и влиянием Sirius.[2] Влияние корпорации Sirius на галактические дела настолько велико, что ее иногда называют «четвертой сверхдержавой».[3] Её основной офис находится в системе Sirius. Но посетить эту систему могут лишь те, кто доказал свою верность идеалам корпорации и в итоге получил её разрешение.

Корпорация Sirius специализируется на разработке и производстве термоядерных реакторов, электрогенераторов, водородного топлива и моделей гипердвигателей, таких как FSD, и сохраняет активный интерес к дальнейшему исследованию и колонизации галактики.[3][4] Это также один из двух основных поставщиков персональных компьютеров в галактике, наряду с Achilles Corporation.[5] Sirius Corporation включает в себя подразделения: Sirius Catering, Sirius Mining, Sirius Power, Sirius Luxury Transports, Sirius Industrial, Sirius Atmospherics. Другое подразделение, Sirius Gov, является правительственным органом, созданным для управления системами и населением, находящимися под непосредственным контролем корпорации.[2]

Главой корпорации Sirius на сегодняшний день является Ли Йон-Руй. Все станции в системах, контролируемых или эксплуатируемых Ли Йон-Руй, предлагают скидку на модули, оружие и корабли всем независимым пилотам.



К 2200 году корпорации мёртвой хваткой держали в своих руках многие стороны жизни, и ситуация не изменилась во время колонизации, хотя первая полностью корпоративная система появилась далеко не сразу. Колонизация системы Sirius исключительно корпоративной командой в 2339 году и быстрое превращение её в крупнейшего поставщика топлива сначала Федерации, а затем и Империи, привело к расцвету корпоративных спекуляций на трениях между двумя сверхдержавами. В этот период конфликты интересов возникали у конгрессменов, имевших также корпоративные интересы. Однако делегаты Sirius Corporation также несли ответственность за начало переговоров между сверхдержавами в 2379 году, чтобы положить конец длительной холодной войне, последовавшей за битвой за Achenar. В 2381 году это привело к подписанию формального мирного договора, в котором Федерация согласилась предоставить системе Achenar и её колониям полную автономию, а также признать наследственное положение Императора.[6][7][1]

Новые разработки двигателей

В 3278 году оборот корпорации значительно упал из-за появления новой, более быстрой двигательной системы. В то время сходства с её системой, применённой на хайлайнере «Antares», отрицались, хотя десятилетиями позже открылись признания, что системы были созданы на основе результатов одной исследовательской программы. В последующие годы улучшения систем были предложены как компанией Sirius, так и её конкурентами, причём каждое значительно сокращало время прыжков. В результате стало возможно очень быстрое, так называемое гиперпространственное перемещение — путешествия, ранее занимавшие несколько дней, стали совершаться за несколько секунд[8] Новый рамочно-сместительный двигатель (Сокр. FSD) был представлен публике в 3297 году, а к 3300 году все зарегистрированные корабли были модернизированы с использованием новой технологии.[1]

В течение 3270-х годов Альянс перепроектировал технологию таргоидов для производства FSD, не распространяясь об этом. Чтобы помешать какой-либо одной силе или фракции использовать её, Клуб обеспечил, чтобы эта технология попала в руки Sirius Corporation, которая монополизировала её и распространила среди всех держав и фракций, чтобы обеспечить равные условия всем.[9]

Успех FSD не только вызвал новый виток галактической экспансии, но также привел к расширению Sirius Corporation в различных других областях, с офисами по всему человеческому пространству.[8]

Предложение Рэм Та

26 октября 3304 года Sirius Corporation предложила инженеру Рэм Та установить партнерство с целью расширения разработки гибридных технологий Человечество-Стражи. Приглашение пришло сразу после попытки вторжения на его базу «Phoenix Base» в системе Meene, якобы с целью захвата образцов технологий Стражей. Генеральный директор Sirius Ли Йон-Руй отметил, что Рэм Та выиграет от доступа к ресурсам и безопасности Sirius.[10] Он отклонил предложение, опасаясь, что корпорация попытается монополизировать гибридную технологию.[11]

Группа наемников была перехвачена и разбита в системе Meene 7 ноября прежде, чем они смогли атаковать «Phoenix Base».[12] В ответ силы безопасности системы начали кампанию в Meene по захвату вражеских агентов с целью расследования нападения и возвращению их спасательных капсул.[13] Несколько наемников были схвачены и допрошены, и было обнаружено, что некоторые из них были младшими офицерами частного флота Sirius Corporation. На фоне обвинений в том, что Sirius пытался напугать Рэм Та, чтобы тот принял их предложение. Компания начала полное расследование.[14][15]

23 ноября Ли Йон-Руй обнародовал результаты расследования: группа заговорщиков из младших офицеров Sirius неофициально сотрудничала с наёмниками, чтобы незаконно получить доступ к «Phoenix Base», и действовала без ведома своего начальства. Он принес публичные извинения Рэм Та за действия своих сотрудников и подтвердил, что им будет предъявлено несколько обвинений и они могут быть приговорены к пожизненному заключению.[16] После того, как Aegis разместила дополнительные силы безопасности в Meene, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшие беспорядки, Ли Йон-Руй незаметно отозвал свое предложение работать с Рэм Та.[17]

Проблемы марлинистов

В конце 3306 года Федерация и Империя пригрозили начать войну из-за беженцев — имперских марлинистов, которые бежали на территорию Федерации, чтобы избежать преследований. Кризис марлинистских беженцев был спровоцирован серией террористических атак и политических убийств, осуществленных в Империи освободительной армией неомарлинистов (сокр. NMLA) — группой радикальных марлинистов, которые считали, что Империя должна быть преобразована в представительную демократию с помощью силы. В то время как Империя требовала возвращения беженцев, чтобы выявить любых членов NMLA, Федерация отказалась и предоставила им временное убежище, создав напряженное противостояние. 10 декабря корпорация Sirius решила вмешаться, чтобы предотвратить крупный конфликт. Генеральный директор Йон-Руй представил решение: переселить марлинистских беженцев в незаселённые системы. И Конгресс Федерации, и Имперский Сенат одобрили план с оговоркой, что любые идентифицированные члены NMLA среди беженцев будут переданы Империи. Доктор Дженна Фэйрфакс, лидер сообщества марлинистов, также выразила своё одобрение плана, поскольку он положит конец неопределенному затруднительному положению, в котором её люди находились в течение нескольких недель.[18]

К окончанию кампании 17 декабря было собрано достаточно припасов для колонизации первых восьми из предложенных систем. Строительство колоний марлинистов должно было быть завершено в начале 3307 года, после чего марлинистские беженцы будут доставлены в свои новые дома. Лидер марлинистского сообщества Аарон Уайт выразил свою благодарность, но также отметил, что отдаленная цель марлинистов — мирное преобразование Империи в демократию — осталась неизменной.[19] К 21 декабря уже шли строительные работы, марлинисты начали подготовку к переезду и созданию временного правительства. Логистикой доставки беженцев в их новые дома должна была управлять организация по оказанию гуманитарной помощи Safeguard Interstellar.[20] Создание марлинистских колоний было официально завершено 14 января 3307 года, к тому времени более 800 миллионов марлинистских беженцев уже были переселены в новые поселения.[21]

Галактический саммит

Sirius Corporation попыталась использовать свой успех с марлинистскими колониями в доказательство того, что она была беспристрастным игроком на политической арене галактики. После того, как Симгуру Пранав Антал, лидер Утопии, предложил провести Галактический саммит трех сверхдержав, генеральный директор Ли Йон-Руй выступил с собственным предложением провести мероприятие, утверждая, что у Sirius Corporation больше ресурсов, чем у Утопии, и она может обеспечить лучшую безопасность и уже пользуется доверием. сверхдержавами.[22]

21 января 3307 года, после того, как сверхдержавы предварительно согласились отправить делегатов на Галактический саммит и была назначена ориентировочная дата в конце февраля, Sirius Corporation и Утопия начали конкурирующие кампании в системах Lembava и Polevnic соответственно, чтобы определить наиболее подходящего организатора конференции. Обе организации запросили информационные материалы для использования при планировании операций по обеспечению безопасности, и группа, получившая наибольшее количество данных, будет объявлена победителем.[23] Корпорация Sirius была одобрена для проведения Галактического саммита по завершении кампании 28 января после того, как получила значительно больше данных, чем Утопия.[24] 18 февраля Sirius Corporation объявила, что Галактический саммит состоится в системе Sirius, и запросила поставки редких продуктов питания, которые будут поданы во время мероприятия. Когда Альянс и Империя подали жалобы на выбор системы с учетом его местоположения на территории Федерации, генеральный директор Йон-Руй указал, что корпорация Sirius полностью независима от Федерации, и все гости саммита будут защищены дипломатическим иммунитетом.[25] Инициатива увенчалась успехом, и конференция могла начаться без промедления.[26]

Делегации начали прибывать 25 февраля и проводить официальные представления на станции «Patterson Enterprise» в системе Sirius. Ли Йон-Руй объявил, что Sirius Corporation будет сотрудничать с каждой сверхдержавой для обеспечения безопасности на каждой неделе Галактического саммита, сначала с Федерацией, затем с Империей, и заканчивая Альянсом.[26][27][28] 4 марта корпорация Sirius предоставила дипломатический иммунитет Архонту Делену и делегации Kumo Crew, которая неожиданно прибыла в систему Sirius и потребовала участия в конференции. Некоторые послы вышли в знак протеста и обвинили Sirius Corp в том, что она уступила Делену из страха спровоцировать большое пиратское вторжение в Sirius.[29]

Галактический саммит завершился преждевременно 11 марта после того, как NMLA осуществила атаки на космопорты в девяти основных системах, включая Achenar, Alioth и Солнечную систему. Конференция была отменена из-за опасений, что в следующий раз будет взорвана станция «Patterson Enterprise», и делегации вернулись в свои домашние системы в условиях повышенной безопасности. Одно из самых ожидаемых достижений Галактического саммита, Договор Сириуса, так и не был подписан.[30]

Грандиозные амбиции

Несколько месяцев спустя, 15 июня 3307 года, бизнес-аналитик Vox Galactica Марлон Ройс указал, что Галактический саммит и другие недавние шаги Sirius Corporation, по-видимому, были согласованными усилиями со стороны генерального директора Ли Йон-Руй по расширению политического влияния корпорации. Статус Sirius Corp был таков, что её уже иногда называли «четвертой сверхдержавой», и Ройс предположил, что конечной целью корпорации было достижение статуса сверхдержавы.[3] Корпорация использовала этот импульс 17 июня, организовав общественную инициативу по сбору необходимых ресурсов для массового производства улучшенного подробного сканера поверхности для распространения через техноброкеров.[31][32]

25 июня советник Ассамблеи Альянса Накато Кейн обвинил премьер-министра Альянса Эдмунда Мэйхона в закулисной сделке с корпорацией Sirius, чтобы помочь завершить строительство двух новых космопортов, «Enterprise Market» в системе LHS 2522 и «Prosperity Core» в Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19. Расследование Кейна показало, что кампания Мэйхона по добыче трития для поддержки строительства космопортов не собрала достаточно материала для полного строительства второго космопорта, записи стыковки показали, что Sirius Corporation сделала ряд незарегистрированных пожертвований, а в «Prosperity Core» разместились корабли корпорации Sirius. Корпорация не рассматривала ситуацию, но канцелярия премьер-министра подтвердила, что мегакорпорация поддерживала программы экспансии Альянса.[33]

С запуском 23 июля нового препарата, Луковой головки, сорт гамма, производимого Kumo Crew в партнерстве с Blue Viper Club, предыдущие отношения Sirius Corporation с Kumo Crew породили предположения, что они был участником этой сделки и согласились тайно поставлять «Луковую головку, сорт гамма» на рынок своей сетью грузовых перевозок. Доказательств такого сговора не было, и вице-президент по корпоративному маркетингу Синклер Фаральдо категорически отверг претензии, но эксперты по логистике отметили, что новая луковая головка распространялся с удивительной скоростью.[34]

Оборонный пакт с Альянсом

Генеральный директор Ли Йон-Руй лично посетил Alioth по приглашению Ассамблеи Альянса 22 декабря, чтобы обсудить потенциальное стратегическое оборонное соглашение между Sirius Corporation и Альянсом. Переговоры были организованы по предложению премьер-министра Мейхона, которое явилось ответом на опасения, что Силы обороны Альянса не были готовы к вторжению таргоидов в системы Альянса. Советник Кейн предупредила, что Sirius имеет слишком большое влияние на некоторых из её коллег, и потребовала большей прозрачности для любых сделок, заключенных с мегакорпорацией.[35]

3 января 3308 года стало известно о подписании оборонного пакта между Sirius Corporation и Альянсом. Корпорация будет тесно работать с Силами обороны Альянса для улучшения кораблей в рамках противотаргоидных операций. Но некоторые члены совета, в частности Накато Кейн, высказались против данного пакта, учитывая, что некоторые его моменты остались засекречены, и неизвестно, чем это обернётся Альянсу.[36] Следствием подписания данного пакта стало включение 10 января в Совет Адмиралов Альянса седьмого члена — адмирала Николаса Гласса, офицера флота Sirius. В его обязанности будет входить координация антитаргоидных операций Альянса при прямой поддержке Sirius Corporation. Премьер-министр Эдмунд Мэйхон и адмирал флота Хэйли Сорокин одобрили его назначение на эту должность с целью укрепления Сил обороны Альянса, которым не хватает мощи по сравнению с Федеральным и Имперским флотом.[37]

14 января 3308 года интеграция Sirius Corporation с Альянсом сделала ещё один шаг вперед, когда Мэйхон разрешил корпорации присутствие в пространстве Альянса. Четыре гигантских корабля Sirius Corp. прибыли в системы Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian и Reorte, а консультанты корпорации официально вступили в Силы обороны Альянса и многочисленные правительственные департаменты, чтобы оптимизировать совместные операции. Это вызвало новую волну неодобрения со стороны советника Кейн, которая утверждала, что действия Мэйхона были незаконными и для приглашения корпорации в системы Альянса необходимо одобрение Ассамблеи. Она отметила, что из-за оборонного акта, согласно которому соглашение считается засекреченным военным договором, любые попытки по отмене исполнительного решения Мэйхона намеренно саботируются.[38]

24 января Reorte Mining Coalition, правящая фракция системы Reorte, заблокировала гигантский корабль корпорации «Chariot of Rhea» и приказала ему покинуть систему, тем самым блокируя решение Мэйхона.[39] 27 января началась открытая конфронтация между Reorte Mining Coalition и корпорацией Sirius. Обе фракции обратились за поддержкой к независимым пилотам и в качестве компенсации предлагают доступ к закрытым системам. Reorte Mining Coalition организует раздачу разрешений для системы Alioth, а Sirius Corporation выдаст допуск в систему Sirius.[40]

Подразделение Sirius

Корпорация Sirius имеет множество дочерних компаний, но её основной бизнес сосредоточен вокруг термоядерных реакторов всех видов — она производит гипердвигатели, топливо для них, большие и малые силовые установки, роскошные наземные транспортные средства, реакторы для переработки отходов, атмосферные установки, промышленные объекты для плавки и очистки, а также широкий спектр горного оборудования. Она укрепила свои позиции, благодаря использованию стандартных деталей для силовых установок, предназначавшихся и для промышленных плавильных печей, и для роскошных лайнеров, и для поселений на поверхности.[41]

Теперь Sirius Corp владеет несколькими десятками систем. Там действует строгая правовая система, свой уголовный кодекс (основанный на законах Федерации), и собственная правоохранительная система. У корпорации даже есть собственный флот.[41]

Sirius Industrial

Sirius Industrial производит широкий ассортимент установок для тяжёлой промышленности (литьё, очистка, переработка, производство). В основном они автоматические, легко собираются на месте, для ключевых частей установок используются местные материалы, если это возможно. Все эти установки работают на энергии реакторов, производимых подразделением Sirius Power — часто несколько реакторов, дающих 100 ГВт, используются как единая электростанция.[42]

Sirius Atmospherics

Ранее для терраформирования предпочитали использовать генетически сконструированные биологические процессы, которые изменяют атмосферу подходящего мира в течение нескольких десятилетий и в итоге создают пригодную для дыхания атмосферу, применяя энергию звезды, преобразованную биологическим путём. Этот процесс был медленным, дорогостоящим (он состоял из множества этапов), а также мог применяться только в ограниченном количестве миров. Идея производить непосредственное химическое превращение в широком масштабе уже существовала, но не воплощалась из-за нужды в больших энергозатратах.

В конце 3306 года Sirius Atmospherics в партнерстве с Альянсом организовал экспедицию по колонизации туманности Угольный мешок.[43] Вскоре после создания постоянных колоний в регионе доктор Максимилиан Норт из Sirius Atmospherics объявил о разработке новых процедур терраформирования, адаптированных к аммиачным мирам, которые ранее игнорировались как цели терраформирования и представляли интерес только для таргоидов.[44][45] Последующий отчет доктора Норта о том, что процедуры терраформирования оказались менее эффективными, чем ожидалось, вызвал предположения таких наблюдателей, как Флинт Лафосс, о том, что проект был всего лишь прикрытием для других действий корпорации Sirius в туманности Угольный Мешок.[46]

Sirius Navy

Sirius Navy — крупная организация, обеспечивающая защиту всех интересов Sirius Corporation. Она владеет собственными крейсерами, построенными на верфях Imperial Gutamaya и, по лицензии, на собственных верфях корпорации Sirius и окрашенных собственной синей ливреей «Sirius Corporation», но основу их флотилии составляют многочисленные имперские корабли класса Cutters.[47]

Дополнительное влияние

Помимо того, что Sirius Corporation осуществляет прямой контроль над различными объектами, ряд дочерних компаний корпорации также соперничают за влияние в качестве малых фракций в различных системах.

Подразделение Представлено в системах[48]
Sirius Atmospherics Col 285 Sector UE-G c11-27
HIP 62154
Coalsack Sector VU-O b6-6
Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1
Musca Dark Region IM-V c2-24
HIP 18390
Sirius Catering Phanes
Sirius Drives 33 Cygni
Song Ku
Sirius Hot2Cold BD+33 801
Ross 591
Sirius Hyperspace Ngalia
HIP 17655
Arietis Sector BV-Y c7
Sirius Industrial Holler
HIP 10792
Eol Prou PC-K c9-91
Sirius Luxury Transports Xi Shan
Col 285 Sector BQ-N c7-21
Col 285 Sector YZ-C b14-1
Col 285 Sector BQ-N c7-13
Antliae Sector XJ-A c15
Col 285 Sector WO-E b13-0
Col 285 Sector WO-E b13-1
Sirius Mining Raurt
Col 285 Sector EB-B b15-4
Hun Hsinas
Guan Gong
HIP 47156
Col 285 Sector BQ-N c7-13
Antliae Sector BQ-Y c4
HIP 44560
HIP 18390
Sirius Mining Merope Merope
Sirius Power Kikapu

Конвенция Sirius

Sirius Corporation работает на основе собственных строгих законов, определяющих права рабочих, привелегии и т.д., а также заключает конвенции, в соответствии с которыми строятся её отношения с клиентами в крупных проектах, и свободно работает, задействуя особое сочетание местных законов и законов Sirius, — хотя и кажется, что условия строжайше зафиксированы. Это стало известно как «Конвенция Sirius»[49], и её часто применяют при заключении соглашений между независимыми системами.

Корпорация Sirius завоевала себе серьёзную репутацию честной компании. Корпорация никогда не обращалась к юрисдикциям соперников, никогда не раскрывала условия сделки с правительством, и все переговоры происходили строго в рамках сделки, не используя ни один из рычагов, к которым часто прибегают менее щепетильные организации. Подобные сделки, как говорится, совершаются по «правилу Sirius» — ещё один термин, прижившийся в современном языке, во многом сходный с бытовавшим тысячелетием ранее «правилом Чатем-Хаус».

Известные сотрудники


  • Ли Йон-Руй — генеральный директор Sirius Corporation[50] и её правительственного подразделения Sirius Gov[51]
  • Патриция Спеллман — вице-президент Sirius Finance[52]
  • Ана Куин — младший вице-президент Interstellar Logistics[53]
  • Синклер Фаральдо — вице-президент по корпоративному маркетингу[34]

Другие сотрудники

  • Текущие:
    • Доктор Максимилиан Норт — эксперт по терраформированию в Sirius Atmospherics
    • Адмирал Николас Гласс (англ. Nikolas Glass) — офицер Флота Sirius, введён в состав Совета адмиралов Альянса[54]
    • Розалин Мерден — исполняющий обязанности председателя MetaDrive Inc.
  • Бывшие:
    • Марко Куэнт — инженер
    • Веллингтон Бек — инженер


  • Хайлайнер «Antares» — экспериментальный пассажирский лайнер, пропавший без вести во время своего первого полета в 3251 году.[55] Некоторые из его обломков были обнаружены в 3301 году, и было официально установлено, что потеря корабля была вызвана неисправностью гипердвигателя, но смерть вице-президента Федерации Найджела Смитона, агента службы безопасности Федерации Сьюзан Монро и репортера Federal Times Элейн Бойд является, как считалось, скоординированной схемой для предотвращения более глубокого расследования.
  • «Spirit of Laelaps» — гигантский корабль, размещенный в системе Sirius для обеспечения безопасности Галактического саммита в 3307 году. Впоследствии был перемещен в систему Luyten’s Star.
  • Корабли корпорации с техноброкерами на борту — «Chariot of Rhea», «El Centinela Cadejo», «Kumiho Sky», «Spirit of Laelaps» и «The Witness Odysseus».[56]


Центральные системы

Sirius Corporation сохраняет обширное присутствие во всех центральных системах, особенно вокруг системы Sirius.[48]

  • Sirius
  • Procyon
  • Luyten’s Star
  • Luhman 16
  • Avik
  • Mildeptu
  • Alpha Centauri
  • Luyten 674-15
  • LHS 380
  • Ross 446
  • LHS 1951
  • RR Caeli
  • LHS 2065
  • Lu Yupik
  • LHS 1918
  • Lopu Maris
  • LTT 4730

Колонии Sirius

Начиная с марта 3301 года, Sirius Corporation создала сеть колоний и аванпостов за пределами центральных систем.[4] Хотя корпорация все ещё присутствует в большинстве этих систем, ряд станций с тех пор попал под контроль других малых фракций. Кроме того, одна система, которую корпорация Sirius планировала колонизировать, Wredguia SX-L d7-92, по необъяснимым причинам так и не была колонизирована, несмотря на наличие двух землеподобных миров.

22 марта 3304 года Sirius Corp объявила, что их присутствие в Sothis и Ceos будет расширено за счет новых космопортов, поселений и гиганстких кораблей.[57] 5 апреля 3304 года Сириус завершил строительство 15 новых орбитальных и планетарных космопортов и нескольких массивных кораблей (танкеры классов «Aquarius» KTF-895, «Naphtha» HTH-082; корабль-ферма класса «Деметра» HXO-889; корабль-ферма класса «Дионис» GTP-8846; корабль изыскателей класса «Freedom» MRM-629; крупные грузовые корабли классов «Гордон» QLR-562, «Геркулес» KAS-093; туристическое судно класса «Sagan» VOY-438), распределенных по его колониям. Sothis, Ceos, Robigo и HIP 8396 получили по три новых порта, Takurua — два, а Almagest — один.

  • Sothis (изначально Wredguia SX-L d7-91)
  • Ceos (изначально Wredguia WD-K d8-66)
  • Robigo (изначально Wredguia QA-N b34-4)
  • Almagest (изначально Wredguia XD-K d8-78)
  • Takurua (изначально Gliese 97.2)
  • HIP 8396
  • Te Kaha (изначально Col 285 Sector WA-L b9-3)
  • CAO Junga


Рекламный плакат корпорации


  1. 1,0 1,1 1,2 Elite Encounters RPG
  2. 2,0 2,1 GalNet: 24 июля 3301. Sirius Corporation — первая из гигантских корпораций
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 GalNet: 15 июня 3307. Sirius Corporation: четвёртая сверхдержава?
  4. 4,0 4,1 GalNet: 12 марта 3301. Старт колонизации
  5. GalNet: 17 августа 3304. Анонсированы новые компьютерные разработки
  6. Туристический маяк № 0179 Основание Sirius Corporation
  7. Туристический маяк № 0202 Колонизация Sirius
  8. 8,0 8,1 Туристический маяк № 0205 Новые разработки двигателей
  9. Elite Dangerous: Предостережение
  10. GalNet: 26 октября 3304. Sirius Corp делает публичное предложение
  11. GalNet: 02 ноября 3304. Рэм Та отвергает предложение Sirius Corp
  12. GalNet: 07 ноября 3304. Вторжение наёмников в Meene
  13. GalNet: 08 ноября 3304. Верните спасательные капсулы в Meene
  14. GalNet: 15 ноября 3304. Возврат спасательных капсул закончен
  15. GalNet: 16 ноября 3304. Раскрыта связь с Sirius Corp
  16. GalNet: 23 ноября 3304. Sirius арестовывает офицеров-разбойников
  17. GalNet: 30 ноября 3304. Aegis обеспечивает безопасность Рэм Та
  18. GalNet: 10 декабря 3306. Кампания Sirius Corporation по организации колоний для марлинистов
  19. GalNet: 17 декабря 3306. Товары для постройки колонии для марлинистов поставлены
  20. GalNet: 21 декабря 3306. Волна терроризма идёт на спад — марлинисты готовятся колонизировать новые системы
  21. GalNet: 14 января 3307. Новым марлинистским системам требуются срочные поставки продовольствия
  22. GalNet: 18 января 3307. Предложение по поводу галактического саммита от Sirius Corporation
  23. GalNet: 21 января 3307. Sirius Corporation и Утопия соревнуются за право проведения галактического саммита
  24. GalNet: 28 января 3307. Sirius Corporation получает право проведения галактического саммита
  25. GalNet: 18 февраля 3307. Для проведения галактического саммита требуются редкие товары
  26. 26,0 26,1 GalNet: 25 февраля 3307. Редкие товары для политических делегатов успешно доставлены
  27. GalNet: 25 февраля 3307. Галактический саммит нуждается в защите
  28. GalNet: 04 марта 3307. Система Sirius нуждается в защите и поставках товаров
  29. GalNet: 04 марта 3307. Архонт Делен произвёл фурор на галактическом саммите
  30. GalNet: 11 марта 3307. Галактический саммит отменён — NMLA нападают на сверхдержавы
  31. GalNet: 17 июня 3307. Необходимы материалы для улучшенного корабельного модуля
  32. GalNet: 24 июня 3307. Кампания по разработке подробного сканера поверхностей достигла своих целей
  33. GalNet; 25 июня 3307. Начали функционировать новые космопорты Альянса
  34. 34,0 34,1 GalNet: 23 июля 3307. Новый сорт луковой головки выходит на рынок
  35. GalNet: 22 декабря 3307. Новый этап в сотрудничестве Альянса и Sirius
  36. GalNet: 03 января 3308. Альянс и Sirius заключают оборонный пакт
  37. GalNet: 10 января 3308. Объединение флота Sirius с Силами обороны Альянса
  38. GalNet: 14 января 3308. Sirius Gov открывает отделение в системе Alioth
  39. GalNet: 24 января 3308. Система Reorte сопротивляется влиянию Sirius Corporation
  40. GalNet: 27 января 3308. Новый конфликт в системе Reorte
  41. 41,0 41,1 Туристический маяк № 0206 Дочерние компании Sirius
  42. Туристический маяк № 0207 Sirius Industrial
  43. GalNet: 09 ноября 3306. «Корабль-призрак» помог Альянсу найти новые ресурсы
  44. GalNet: 03 декабря 3306. Для изучения туманности Угольный Мешок требуются исследователи космоса
  45. GalNet: 10 декабря 3306. Проект изучения туманности Угольный Мешок позволил собрать данные об аммиачных планетах
  46. GalNet: 28 декабря 3306. Проект по терраформированию Туманности Угольный Мешок приостановлен
  47. Туристический маяк № 0209 Флот Sirius (маяк)
  48. 48,0 48,1 По состоянию на 08.12.3307
  49. Туристический маяк № 0203 Конвенция Sirius
  50. GalNet: 15 октября 3301. Sirius Corporation анонсирует новую программу
  51. GalNet: 01 августа 3301. Встречи с Силами — Ли Йон-Руй
  52. GalNet: 10 апреля 3301. Exphiay принимает Теневого Президента
  53. GalNet: 10 февраля 3301. Lambda Andromedae: Предоставление данных о новом доме
  54. GalNet: 10 января 3308. Объединение флота Sirius с Силами обороны Альянса
  55. Туристический маяк № 0123 Утерянное судно Antares
  56. 29 ноября 3308. Vista Genomics увеличивает платежи за биоданные.
  57. GalNet: 23 марта 3304. Sirius Corp объявляет об экспансии

П  О  Р


Космическая отрасль
  • Brewer Corporation
  • Core Dynamics
  • Faulcon DeLacy
  • Gutamaya
  • Lakon Spaceways
  • Saud Kruger
  • Zorgon Peterson
Производство транспорта
  • Imperial Dynamics
  • Vodel
  • Потребительский сектор
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  • Astrogator Tours
  • Blackshadow Productions
  • Bonespire Publishing
  • Brightlight Training
  • Bureau of Galactic Legal Affairs
  • Cordova Group
  • Costada Voyager
  • Darkwater Inc
  • Federal Times
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  • Mars Tribune
  • Money Matters
  • Pioneer Supplies
  • Remlok
  • Rewired
  • Reynhardt Intellisys
  • Utopixx Entertainment
  • Vox Galactica
  • Wallglass Investigations Agency
  • Производители товаров массового потребления Happy Haulers
  • Bank of Zaonce
  • BigSix
  • Galactic Insurance Company
  • Rackham Capital Investments
  • Trouble Banking and Welfare Investments
  • Медицинские услуги
  • Neomedical Industries
  • Pharmasapien
  • Vandermeer Corporation
  • Vitadyne Labs
  • Промышленные
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  • Galactic Logistics
  • Kinematic Armaments
  • MacArthur Mining Ltd
  • Manticore
  • MetaDrive Inc.
  • Mosher Industrial Equipment
  • Pathfinder Solutions
  • Ross Projectiles
  • Takada
  • Vespine Transport Systems
  • Woods Haulage
  • Информационные технологии
  • GalNet
  • Herculean Machines
  • Jick Nackson Enterprises
  • Supratech
  • Материалы
  • Azimuth Biochemicals
  • Lycan Moon Mining
  • Torval Mining Ltd
  • Wreaken Corporation
  • Крупные корпорации
  • Achilles Corporation
  • Caine-Massey
  • Mastopolos Mining
  • Rockforth Corporation
  • Sirius Corporation
  • Universal Cartographics
  • WorldCraft
  • Elite Dangerous

    108 ratings


    Доступ к закрытым системам

    Общие данные

    о7 Товарищи пилоты!
    Недавно задался вопросом о наличии закрытых систем в игре и их, помимо уже известных, оказалось немало… Подобную инфу можно найти на форумах, викиях, но все разбросано и порой не совсем понятно. Поэтому решил самостоятельно заняться этим и объединить всю информацию для удобства любопытным.
    Большинство закрытых систем оказались мало чем интересны, разве что поселиться там с ощущением безопасности ввиду ограниченного доступа среди игроков. В некоторых присутствовал редкий товар, выгодные пассажирские миссии и довольно развитая экономика для торговли! Также многие системы сейчас недоступны (заблокированы разработчиками), видимо Дэвид Брабен готовит там контент, или сдает в аренду Крису Робертсу…

    Для удобства все системы разделю на 3 категории:
    1. Закрытые системы
    2. Системы с ранговым доступом
    3. Заблокированные системы
    Занимался я именно первой категорией, ранговые давно открыл повышая звания, о заблокированных удалось собрать только инфу…

    Для данной затеи очень пригодились несколько кораблей, на которых выполнял миссии для фракций, выдающих разрешения в системы:
    Federal Corvette[coriolis.io] боевой
    Anaconda[coriolis.io] пассажирский
    Viper Mk4[coriolis.io] разведка

    Схема такая: прилетел в нужную систему с наличием требуемой фракции (искать в радиусе до 15 св. л.), вкачал репу от нейтральной до союзной (выполнять нужно миссии, предлагающие в качестве награды повышение репутации со знаком “+”, миссий с “Реп+++++” достаточно будет 6 штук) и профит[i.imgur.com] Разрешения выдаются только на космопортах (Аутпост, Кориолис, Орбис, Оцеллус). Контролирующая фракция не всегда является стороной, предоставляющей разрешение! Месторасположение таких фракций нужно искать через сайт EDDB[eddb.io] Ниже в описании я укажу все фракции для каждой системы.

    Выбор фракции, поиск системы

    Последовательное описание поиска фракций на сайте EDDB[eddb.io]

    Можно пользоваться еще одним полезным сайтом с описанием нужной системы, вводя название в поиск: EDSM[www.edsm.net]

    Закрытые системы

    Перечень закрытых систем, которые не привязаны на данный момент к какому либо сюжету игры, открыть которые можно лишь благодаря любопытству…

    1. Закрытая система: Terra Mater
      Разрешение от фракции: Brotherhood of Terra Mater
      Особенности: уникальный товарКровяные усилители с Терра матер“. Из описания на Wiki, эти усилители возможно пользуются спросом среди олимпийских участников независимой Эвриалы…
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    2. Закрытая система: Jotun
      Разрешение от фракции: Dukes of Jotun
      Особенности: уникальный товарЙотунская МоокаИз описания на Wiki: пушной, декоративный зверёк, у которого при любой опасности мгновенно вылазит от стресса сердце через задний проход
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    3. Закрытая система: van Maanen’s Star
      Разрешение от фракции: Sublime Order of van Maanen’s Star
      Особенности: ничего примечательного, кроме кучки сектантов, которые сконцентрированы в этой системе…
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    4. Закрытая система: Nastrond
      Разрешение от фракции: Defence Party of Nastrond
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    5. Закрытая система: Luyten 347-14
      Разрешение от фракции: Luyten 347-14 Prison Colony
      Особенности: ничего примечательного, кроме сборища зеков со всех уголков обитаемой галактики
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    6. Закрытая система: LTT 198
      Разрешение от фракции: LTT 198 Order
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    7. Закрытая система: Peregrina
      Разрешение от фракции: Peregrina aristocrats
      Особенности: ничего примечательного. Судя по внутриигровому описанию, в системе свирепствует какой-то коронавирус… Пруф[i.imgur.com]
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    8. Закрытая система: Hodack
      Разрешение от фракции: Hodack Prison Colony
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    9. Закрытая система: Crom
      Разрешение от фракции: Crom Silver Boys
      Особенности: уникальный товарКромская серебряная дурь“. Уверен, не хуже крымской…
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    10. Закрытая система: Tiliala
      Разрешение от фракции: Conservatives of Tiliala
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    11. Закрытая система: Pi Mensae
      Разрешение от фракции: Pi Mensae Brotherhood
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    12. Закрытая система: Isinor
      Разрешение от фракции: Chapter of Isinor
      Особенности: ходят слухи, что в системе попадаются грузовые T-10 в сопровождении служб безопасности, перевозящие очень ценный груз, пиратам на заметку! Сам не проверял, утверждать не буду…
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]

    Системы и станции, в которых я находил фракции предоставляющие разрешения: Пикча[i.imgur.com] (но учтите, фракции периодически меняют свое местоположение. Обязательно сверяйте информацию на сайте, указанном выше)

    Как видите из описанных систем, есть смысл озадачить себя данным занятием, каждый в процессе столкнется с чем-то интересным… Лично я не жалею о потраченных 30-ти часах геймплея на это мероприятие!
    Перечень всех редких товаров ТУТ[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]

    Системы с ранговым доступом

    Элитам этот раздел не актуален, а новичкам рекомендовано к ознакомлению!


    1. Закрытая система: Shinrarta Dezhra
      Условия доступа: наличие любого ранга “Элита”
      Особенности: в продаже все модули и корабли со скидкой 10%. Инженер Lori Jameson. Карибасам советую туда летать в соло-режиме / частной группе, система кишит ганкерами…
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    2. Закрытая система: CD-43 11917
      Условия доступа: уровень: 1 “Престиж” CQC
      Особенности: в продаже все модули и корабли на станции Attilius Orbital, а также скидки 20-30% на некоторые виды оружия, внешнее оборудование, малые и средние корабли. Если у Вас есть доступ в эту систему – вам нету равных в задроцтве))
      Описание системы[inara.cz]


    1. Закрытая система: Sol
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Старшина” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: инженер Colonel Bris Dekker
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    2. Закрытые системы: Beta Hydri / Vega
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Главный Старшина” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: Ремонтные доки (Capital Ship Dock) в системе Beta Hydri, возле станции Military Installation.
      В системе Vega, на станции Taylor City, продается уникальный товар “Водоросли для похудения с Веги
      Карта системы Beta Hydri[i.imgur.com]
      Карта системы Vega[i.imgur.com]
    3. Закрытая система: PLX 695
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Уорент-офицер” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    4. Закрытая система: Ross 128
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Энсин” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    5. Закрытая система: Exbeur
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Лейтенант” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    6. Закрытая система: Hors
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Начальник гарнизона” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]


    1. Закрытая система: Achenar
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Оруженосец” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: столица Империи. Инженер Tiana Fortune
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    2. Закрытая система: Summerland
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Барон” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    3. Закрытая система: Facece
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Эрл” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: Ремонтные доки (Capital Ship Dock) возле станции Topaz
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]


    1. Закрытая система: Sirius‏‎
      Разрешение от фракции: Sirius Corporation
      Особенности: инженер Marco Qwent, также есть торговец пром. материалами
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]
    2. Закрытая система: Alioth
      Разрешение от фракции: Alioth Independents
      Особенности: столица Альянса Независимых Систем (АНС). Инженер Bill Turner
      Карта системы[i.imgur.com]


    • Закрытые системы: Azoth, Dromi, Matet, Lia Fail, Orna, Otegine, Tarnkappe,
      Tyet, Sharur, Wolfsegen

      Разрешение от фракции: Pilots’ Federation Administration
      Особенности: стартовые системы, доступны только пилотам “новичкам”

    Информацию про открытые системы можно найти в меню корабля: ТУТ[i.imgur.com]

    Заблокированные системы

    В данном разделе собраны системы, закрытые самими разработчиками для будущего контента, хотя встречаются и заблокированные по ошибке…

    • Закрытая система: Mbooni
      Разрешение от фракции: отсутствует
      Особенности: система не заселена. Раньше называлась Kamba и была закрыта по
      ошибке вместо системы с таким же названием. Потом была переименована на Mbooni,
      но доступ остался закрытым.
    • Закрытая система: HIP 87621
      Разрешение от фракции: отсутствует
      Особенности: не заселена, ссылается на пустую систему HIP 48762, но это ошибка в описании! Пруф[i.imgur.com]
    • HIP 54530фракция находится внутри закрытой системы. В связи с этим получить доступ не представляется возможным, вероятно такие системы заблокированы для контента.
    • Mingfuфракция находится внутри закрытой системы
    • CD-44 1695фракция внутри системы
    • 4 Sextantisфракция внутри системы
    • LFT 509заблокирована, не заселена
    • Witch’s Reachне заселена
    • HIP 22460присутствует космопорт, данных о населении нет
    • HIP 23874не заселена
    • HD 33766не заселена
    • Ссылка на более обширный список заблокированных систем: WIKI[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]
    • Ссылка на заблокированные целые сектора: WIKI[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]


    • Система: Sol спутник: Triton Карта[i.imgur.com]
    • Система: Lave планета: Lave 2 Карта[i.imgur.com]
    • Система: Diso планета: Diso 5 c Карта[i.imgur.com]

    Список будет дополняться по ходу поступления информации…

    За лайки и награды – огромная Вам благодарность !!!

    Другие руководства от автора

    Powering the galaxy.

    — Sirius Corporation’s slogan

    The Sirius Corporation, commonly known as Sirius Corp. or simply Sirius, is the oldest and most powerful of the mega corporations. While even larger mega corporations exist, such as Faulcon DeLacy,[1] none of them compare to the wealth and influence of Sirius.[2] Such is the impact of Sirius Corporation on galactic affairs that it is sometimes referred to as “the fourth superpower”.[3] Its headquarters is located in the Sirius system, which requires a permit that is only granted to Sirius’s allies.

    Sirius Corporation specializes in the development and production of fusion reactors, Power Generators, Hydrogen Fuel, and hyperdrive models such as the Frame Shift Drive, and it maintains an active interest in furthering the exploration and colonisation of the galaxy.[4][5] It is also one of the galaxy’s two main personal computer suppliers, alongside Achilles Corporation.[6] Divisions of Sirius Corporation include Sirius Catering, Sirius Mining, Sirius Power, Sirius Luxury Transports, Sirius Industrial, Sirius Atmospherics. Another division, Sirius Gov, is a government body operated by Sirius to manage systems and populations directly under the corporation’s control.[2]

    Li Yong-Rui is the current CEO of Sirius Corporation. All stations in systems controlled or exploited by Li Yong-Rui offer a discount on modules, weapons, and ships to all independent pilots.



    By 2200 corporations had a stranglehold on a great many aspects of life, and this did not stop during colonisation. The colonisation of Sirius by a solely corporate mission in 2339 and Sirius Corporation’s rapid rise to become the premier supplier of drive fuel to first the Federation and then the Empire led to much corporate profiteering between the two superpowers. Throughout this period, conflicts of interest were raised by congressmen backed by corporate interests. However, Sirius Corporation delegates were also responsible for initiating negotiations between the superpowers in 2379 to end the long cold war that followed the Battle of Achenar, the first interstellar war. In 2381, this resulted in the signing of a formal peace treaty in which the Federation agreed to grant Achenar and its colonies full autonomy, as well as recognize the hereditary position of Emperor.[7][8][1]

    New Drive Technology

    In 3278, the corporation saw a turnaround in its decline with the introduction of a new, faster drive system. Any similarities to the system in the Antares incident were denied at the time, though acknowledgements decades later revealed it was based on the results of the same research program. In the following years further improvements were made available both by Sirius and by its rivals, each dramatically reducing jump times, eventually resulted in very rapid hyperspace travel; journeys that previously took days could now be made in seconds.[9] The new Frame Shift Drive (FSD) was released to the public in 3297, and by 3300 all registered ships had been upgraded with the new technology.[1]

    Unknown to the general public, during the 3270s the Alliance reverse-engineered Thargoid technology to produce the Frame Shift Drive. To prevent any one power or faction from leveraging it, The Club ensured that this technology fell into the hands of Sirius Corporation, which monopolized it and distributed it to all powers and factions to provide a level playing field.[10]

    Not only did the success of the FSD trigger a new period of galactic expansion, but it also resulted in the expansion of Sirius Corporation into various other fields, with offices throughout human space.[9]

    Bid for Ram Tah

    On October 26, 3304, Sirius Corporation extended an offer to the engineer Ram Tah to establish a partnership for the purpose of expanding the development of human-Guardian hybrid technologies. The invitation came on the heels of an attempted incursion into Ram Tah’s Phoenix Base in the Meene system, ostensibly to seize Guardian technology samples. Sirius CEO Li Yong-Rui remarked that Ram Tah would benefit from access to Sirius’s resources and security.[11] Ram Tah declined the offer, fearing that Sirius would try to monopolize the hybrid technology.[12]

    A mercenary group was then intercepted and defeated in Meene on November 7 before they could attack Phoenix Base.[13] In response, the system’s security forces launched a campaign to sweep Meene for any other hostiles and recover their escape pods.[14] A number of mercenaries were captured and interrogated, and it was found that several were junior officers in Sirius Corporation’s private fleet. Amid accusations that Sirius had been trying to scare Ram Tah into accepting their offer, the company opened a full inquiry.[15][16]

    On November 23, Li Yong-Rui revealed the inquiry’s findings: a cabal of junior Sirius officers had unofficially collaborated with mercenaries to illegally gain access to Phoenix Base, and had been acting without their superiors’ knowledge. He issued a public apology to Ram Tah for his employees’ actions, and confirmed they would face multiple charges and could be imprisoned for life.[17] After Aegis stationed additional security forces in Meene to prevent further disruptions, Li Yong-Rui quietly withdrew his offer to work with Ram Tah.[18]

    Marlinist crisis intervention

    In late 3306, the Federation and Empire threatened to go to war over the issue of Imperial Marlinist refugees who had fled to Federal territory to escape persecution. The Marlinist refugee crisis had been sparked by a series of terror attacks and political assassinations carried out within the Empire by the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army, a group of radicalized Marlinists who believed that the Empire should be converted into a representative democracy by use of force. While the Empire demanded the return of the refugees in order to ferret out any NMLA members, the Federation refused and granted them temporary asylum, creating a tense standoff. On December 10, Sirius Corporation decided to intervene to prevent a major conflict. CEO Yong-Rui presented a solution: resettle the Marlinist refugees in up to 10 new colonies in unclaimed systems. Both Federal Congress and the Imperial Senate approved the plan, with the caveat that any identified NMLA members among the refugees be turned over to the Empire. Dr. Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also voiced her approval of the plan, as it would end the uncertain predicament in which her people had been mired for weeks.[19]

    Enough supplies were collected by the campaign’s deadline on December 17 to colonize the first eight of the proposed systems. Construction of the Marlinist Colonies was expected to be completed in early 3307, after which the Marlinist refugees would be transported to their new homes. Marlinist community leader Aaron Whyte expressed his gratitude, but also remarked that the Marlinists’ distant goal of peacefully reforming the Empire into a democracy remained unchanged.[20] Construction work was underway by December 21, and the Marlinists began preparing for the move and setting up an interim government. The logistics of transporting the refugees to their new homes were to be managed by humanitarian aid organisation Safeguard Interstellar.[21] The Marlinist Colonies were officially completed on January 14, 3307, by which time over 800 million Marlinist refugees had already been relocated to the new settlements.[22]

    The Galactic Summit

    Sirius Corporation attempted to parlay its success with the Marlinist Colonies into proof that it was an impartial player on the galaxy’s political stage. After Simguru Pranav Antal of Utopia proposed hosting a Galactic Summit for the three superpowers, CEO Li Yong-Rui countered with his own proposal to host the event, arguing that Sirius Corporation had more resources than Utopia, could provide better security, and was already trusted by the superpowers.[23]

    On January 21, 3307, after the superpowers provisionally agreed to send delegates to the Galactic Summit and a tentative date in late February was set, Sirius Corporation and Utopia began competing campaigns in Lembava and Polevnic respectively to determine the most suitable host for the conference. Both organisations requested data materials to be used in the planning of security operations, and the group that received the most data would be declared the winner.[24] Sirius Corporation was approved to host the Galactic Summit upon the campaign’s conclusion on January 28 after it secured significantly more data than Utopia.[25] On February 18, Sirius Corp revealed that the Galactic Summit would take place in the Sirius system, and requested deliveries of rare food commodities that would be served during the event. When the Alliance and Empire lodged complaints about the choice of Sirius given its location in Federal territory, CEO Yong-Rui pointed out that Sirius Corp was fully independent of the Federation, and all guests of the summit would be protected by diplomatic immunity.[26] The initiative was a success, ensuring that the conference could begin without delay.[27]

    Delegations began arriving and making formal introductions at Patterson Enterprise in Sirius on February 25. Li Yong-Rui announced that Sirius Corp would partner with a different superpower to provide security for each week of the Galactic Summit, starting with the Federation, then the Empire, and ending with the Alliance.[28][29] On March 4, Sirius Corporation controversially extended diplomatic immunity to Archon Delaine and a delegation from Kumo Crew, who arrived in Sirius unexpectedly and demanded to participate in the conference. Some ambassadors walked out in protest, and accused Sirius Corp of acquiescing to Delaine out of fear of provoking a large pirate incursion in Sirius.[30]

    The Galactic Summit ended prematurely on March 11, after the NMLA carried out attacks on starports in nine major systems, including Achenar, Alioth, and Sol. The conference was cancelled because it was feared that Patterson Enterprise would be bombed next, and the delegations returned to their home systems under high security. One of the most anticipated achievements of the Galactic Summit, the Sirius Treaty, was left unsigned.[31]

    Grand ambitions?

    Months later on June 15, 3307, Vox Galactic business analyst Marlon Royce pointed out that the Galactic Summit and other recent moves by Sirius Corporation appeared to be a concerted effort on the part of CEO Li Yong-Rui to broaden the corporation’s political influence. Such was Sirius Corp’s stature that it was already sometimes referred as “the fourth superpower”, and Royce speculated that the corporation’s ultimate aim was to achieve superpower status outright.[3] Sirius Corp built on this momentum on June 17 by organising a public initiative to collect the necessary resources to enable the mass-production of an enhanced Detailed Surface Scanner for distribution via Technology Brokers.[32][33]

    On June 25, Councillor Nakato Kaine of the Alliance Assembly accused Alliance Prime Minister Edmund Mahon of making a backroom deal with Sirius Corporation to help complete the construction of two new starports, Enterprise Market in LHS 2522 and Prosperity Core in Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19. Kaine’s investigation revealed Mahon’s tritium mining campaign to support the starports’ construction had not collected enough material to fully build a second starport, docking records indicated that Sirius Corporation had made a number of unregistered donations, and Prosperity Core inexplicably hosted a Sirius Corporation presence at the time it opened. Sirius Corporation did not address the situation, but the Office of the Prime Minister confirmed that the megacorporation was a partner in the Alliance’s expansion programme.[34]

    With the launch of a new drug, Onionhead Gamma Strain, produced by Kumo Crew in partnership with the Blue Viper Club on July 23, Sirius Corp’s previous dealings with Kumo Crew gave rise to speculation that it was a party to this deal, and had agreed to secretly ship Onionhead Gamma Strain to market with its freight transportation network. There was no evidence of such collusion, and VP of Corporate Marketing Sinclair Faraldo rejected the claims outright, but logistics experts noted that Onionhead Gamma Strain had been distributed with surprising speed.[35]

    Alliance-Sirius strategic defence pact

    CEO Li Yong-Rui personally travelled to Alioth at the invitation of the Alliance Assembly on December 22 to discuss a potential strategic defence contract between Sirius Corporation and the Alliance. The talks were arranged at Prime Minister Mahon’s suggestion, which came in response to fears that the Alliance Defence Force was unprepared for a Thargoid invasion of Alliance systems. Councillor Kaine warned that Sirius held too much influence over some of her colleagues, and demanded more transparency for any deals negotiated with the megacorp.[36] Mahon announced the signing of a defence pact with Sirius Corp on January 3, 3308, following a rare, closed-door, joint vote of the Assembly and the Council of Admirals. While most of the terms of the pact were classified, Mahon explained that in exchange for certain financial opportunities, Sirius Corporation would support the ADF exclusively in anti-xeno operations.[37]

    The pact came into effect on January 10, and was signified by the expansion of the Council of Admirals to accommodate Sirius Navy officer Admiral Nikolas Glass, who would take charge of coordinating the ADF and Sirius Navy’s efforts against the Thargoids. While the change was endorsed by Prime Minister Mahon and Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin, who noted that the ADF lacked the firepower of the Federal and Imperial fleets and welcomed Sirius Corporation’s support, Councillor Kaine was joined in her criticism by Admiral George Varma, who spoke out against the rise of commercial influence in Alliance military matters.[38]

    Sirius Corp’s integration with the Alliance took another step forward on January 14, 3308, with Mahon granting permission for the megacorporation to establish a presence in Alliance space. Four Sirius megaships arrived in Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian, and Reorte, and Sirius advisors officially joined the ADF and multiple government departments to streamline ADF and Sirius Navy joint operations. This provoked fresh disapproval from Councillor Kaine, who argued that Mahon’s executive action was illegal and Assembly approval was needed to invite Sirius Corp into Alliance systems. Kaine also complained that Mahon’s decision could not be reversed in court as it was tied to the defence pact and thus protected as a classified military matter.[39] The Reorte Mining Coalition, the ruling faction of Reorte, concurred with Kaine. On January 24, CEO Fergus Cassidy had the Sirius megaship Chariot of Rhea blockaded and ordered it to vacate the system, a development that threatened to stall broad acceptance of the pact.[40] Sirius Corp refused to move the Chariot of Rhea, and on January 27, Reorte Mining Coalition forces attacked, claiming they were acting to remove an illegal foreign entity, and they ignored Prime Minister Mahon’s orders to stand down. Captain Delfina Dominguez, commander of the Chariot of Rhea, warned that her own forces would defend Sirius assets.[41] The Reorte Mining Coalition struck a decisive blow, and on February 3, Captain Dominguez announced that Sirius Corporation would withdraw from Reorte and the Chariot of Rhea would evacuate to Leesti pending discussions with Allied leaders. The crisis prompted a series of emergency meetings of the Alliance Assembly, and Reorte’s representative, Councillor Ainsley Niven, upbraided Mahon for trying to implement the defence pact without seeking the approval of Alliance members.[42] In response to the incident, Li Yong-Rui sought reassurances from the Alliance that his employees would not be attacked again, explaining that he had a responsibility to protect his subordinates from any client hostility. On February 8, Mahon gave the CEO his personal guarantee that the Reorte conflict would not be repeated, and noted that Sirius Corporation forces had been welcomed in Alioth, Arimpox, and Di Jian.[43]

    The Reorte debacle led to the Assembly censuring Mahon on February 25, 3308 for “disregarding the Alliance’s principles by unilaterally forcing cooperation with Sirius Corporation”. Councillor Kaine called for the strategic defence pact to be reclassified as civil legislation rather than a military contract, and demanded that Li Yong-Rui either accept these new terms or sever the pact and withdraw Sirius Corporation assets from Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian, and Leesti.[44] Yong-Rui appeared before the Assembly on March 9, 3308 to negotiate a compromise: allow a trial period for Sirius to prove its worth to the Alliance, and then decide whether or not to continue the pact. This offer was accepted and the trial period was set for three months, but Councillor Niven warned that this might not be enough to win over some Alliance members.[45]


    The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations[4]

    In GalNet’s series relating key points in human history, popular historian Sima Kalhana addresses the rise of the first mega-corporation.[4]

    Apart from a few isolated backwater systems, the presence of mega-corporations is ubiquitous throughout civilised space. Massive as many of these organisations are, none of them compare to the wealth and influence of the Sirius Corporation.[4]

    The rise of the largest corporation in history started in 2339 when the Sirius Corporation launched the first completely corporate colonial mission arrived in the Sirius star system. The continual state of conflict between the Federation and the Empire catapulted the Sirius Corporation into an economic powerhouse as they became the lead supplier of fuel, then later drives and other technologies.[4]

    Within a century, its products were integrated into military and civilian production. It also developed an envied trusted status with both superpowers and indeed supplied both sides during their conflicts. This in part was due to strict information restriction protocols and an open promise that it would favour neither side during any conflict.[4]

    The Sirius Corporation developed its own code of strict laws to ensure fair dealing as well as the good governance of its workforce. Its influence reached such a state that the so-called ‘Sirius Convention’ was applied not just during deals with the corporation, but between independent systems as well.[4]

    Throughout the years, fuel and drive production has remained their core business, although judicious expansion into other markets has driven its astronomical growth. The Sirius Corporation now operates several product-oriented divisions including: Sirius Catering, Sirius Mining, Sirius Power, Sirius Luxury Transports, Sirius Industrial and Sirius Atmospherics. Most recently they launched a new venture, Sirius Gov, to provide governmental services for population management on all scales.[4]

    Its history has been marked with some failures, most notable of which is the Antares incident which I will examine in the next article. However, its successes have far exceeded those failures and the Sirius Corporation remains the most powerful corporation in known space.[4]

    Sirius Subsidiaries

    The Sirius Corporation has a great many subsidiaries, but its main business centres around fusion reactors of all sorts – it makes and sells hyperdrive fuels, hyperdrives, power plants large and small, luxury surface transports, waste processing reactors, atmospheric processing units, industrial facilities for smelting, refining, and a wide range of mining equipment. It has cemented its position by using standardised parts for its power plants – whether it is at the heart of an industrial smelter, a luxury highliner or a surface city.[46]

    The Sirius Corporation now runs several dozen systems. These have a strict legal system, their own penal code (based on Federal law), and their own law enforcement. They even have their own navy.[46]

    Sirius Corporation subsidiary minor factions include:

    Subsidiary Home System
    Sirius Atmospherics Mons
    Sirius Catering Phanes
    Sirius Drives Song Ku
    Sirius Hot2Cold Ross 591
    Sirius Hyperspace Ngalia
    Sirius Industrial Holler
    Sirius Luxury Transports Xi Shan
    Sirius Mining Raurt
    Sirius Mining Merope Merope
    Sirius Power Kikapu

    Sirius Industrial

    Sirius Industrial, based in the Holler system, makes a broad range of bespoke heavy industrial installations for smelting, refining, processing and manufacturing. There are largely automated and easily assembled on site, using local materials for key elements of the construction where possible. All are centred around large Sirius power reactors – often multiple 100GW units are used in a single plant.[47]

    Sirius Atmospherics

    Sirius Atmospherics is based on the Mons system. Early terraforming tended to use genetically engineered biological processes that would change the atmosphere of a suitable world over many decades to a breathable atmosphere using energy captured from the star via biological processes. This process was both slow, expensive (it was made up of many stages) and only a narrow set of worlds were suitable. The idea of doing direct chemical conversion on a vast scale was there, but not practical because of the vast power requirements.[48]

    In late 3306, Sirius Atmospherics partnered with the Alliance to organize an expedition to colonize the Coalsack Nebula.[49] Shortly after the establishment of permanent colonies in the region, Dr. Maximilian North of Sirius Atmospherics announced the development of new terraforming procedures tailored to Ammonia Worlds, which had previously been disregarded as terraforming targets and had only been of interest to the Thargoids.[50][51] Dr. North’s subsequent report that the terraforming procedures were proving to be less effective than anticipated stoked speculation from observers such as Flint Lafosse that the project was only a cover story for other Sirius activities in the Coalsack.[52]

    Sirius Navy

    Main article: Sirius Navy

    The Sirius Navy is a large organisation, providing vigorous protection for all Sirius Corporation interests. It owns its own cruisers built by Imperial Gutamaya yards, and built under license in Sirius’ own naval yards, branded in the Sirius Corporation’s own royal blue livery, but much of their naval force comes from a large number of Cutters built under license and by Imperial Gutamaya, operating as patrol ships, and a great many fighters.[53]

    Beginning on January 10, 3308, in accordance with a strategic defence pact approved by the Alliance, the Sirius Navy assumed responsibility for assisting the Alliance Defence Force in anti-Thargoid operations, and a Sirius Navy representative was granted a seat on the Alliance’s Council of Admirals.[38]

    The Sirius Convention

    The Sirius Corporation operated under its own strict laws, governing workers rights, privileges etc., and also put in place conventions whereby in dealings with customers for large projects it voluntarily operated under a special hybrid of local law and Sirius law – where the strictest provision was deemed to be in place. This became known as ‘The Sirius Convention’ – and was often applied in treaties between independent systems.[54]

    The Sirius Corporation developed a strong reputation for fair dealing too. It would never refer to rival jurisdictions or deal terms in a negotiation with a government, and would keep such negotiations strictly to the scope of the deal – not using any of the many levers less scrupulous organisations would frequently call upon. Such deals were said to be conducted ‘under the Sirius Rule’ – another term that effectively entered the language, much like the ‘Chatham House Rule’ a millennium earlier.[54]



    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation

    • Li Yong-Rui – CEO of Sirius Corporation[55] and its government division, Sirius Gov[56]
    • Patricia Spellman – Vice President of Sirius Finance[57]
    • Ana Quin – Junior Vice President of Interstellar Logistics[58]
    • Sinclair Faraldo – Vice President of Corporate Marketing[35]

    Other Staff

    • Current
      • Captain Delfina Dominguez – Sirius Navy officer
      • Dr. Maximilian North – Sirius Atmospherics terraforming expert
      • Admiral Nikolas Glass – Sirius Navy officer
      • Rosaline Merden – Acting Chair of MetaDrive Inc.
    • Former
      • Felicia Winters – Employee
      • Marco Qwent – Engineer
      • Wellington Beck – Engineer



    • Chariot of Rhea, Leesti
    • El Centinela Cadejo, Arimpox
    • Kumiho Sky, Di Jian
    • Spirit of Laelaps, Luyten’s Star
    • The Witness Odysseus, Alioth


    • Highliner Antares – An experimental passenger liner that went missing during its maiden flight in 3251.[59] Some of its wreckage was recovered in 3301, and it was officially determined that the ship’s loss had been caused by a hyperdrive malfunction, but the deaths of Federal Vice President Nigel Smeaton, Federal Security Service agent Susan Monroe, and Federal Times reporter Elaine Boyd are thought to have been a coordinated scheme to deter a deeper investigation.


    Core Systems

    Sirius Corporation maintains an extensive presence throughout the Core Systems, and especially in a cluster of systems around Sirius, its permit-locked headquarters. CEO Li Yong-Rui also bases his Powerplay operation in Lembava, but this system does not fall directly under Sirius Corp control.

    • Sirius
    • Avik
    • Luhman 16
    • Luyten 674-15
    • Luyten’s Star
    • Mildeptu
    • Procyon

    Sirius Colonies

    Beginning in March 3301, Sirius Corporation established a network of colonies and support outposts stretching beyond the Core Systems.[5] While Sirius still maintains a presence in most of these systems, a number of the stations have since fallen under the control of other minor factions. Also, one system that Sirius Corporation had slated for colonization, Wredguia SX-L d7-92, was inexplicably never colonized despite the presence of two natural Earth-like worlds.

    On March 22, 3304, Sirius Corp announced that their presence in Sothis and Ceos would be expanded with new starports, settlements, and Megaships.[60] On April 5, 3304, Sirius completed 15 new orbital and planetary starports and multiple Bulk Cruiser Megaships (Aquarius Class Tanker KTF-895, Demeter Class Bulk Cargo Ship HXO-889, Dionysus Class Agricultural Vessel GTP-8846, Freedom Class Survey Vessel MRM-629, Gordon Class Bulk Cargo Ship QLR-562, Hercules Class Bulk Cargo Ship KAS-093, Naphtha Class Tanker HTH-082, and Sagan Class Tourist Ship VOY-438) distributed throughout its colonies. Sothis, Ceos, Robigo, and HIP 8396 each gained three new ports, Takurua gained two, and Almagest gained one.

    System Allegiance Stations and Surface Ports Notes
    Sothis Federation Don’s Inheritance
    Newholm Station
    Sothis Mining
    Vantage Point
    Velinski Enterprise
    Formerly Wredguia SX-L d7-91
    Ceos Federation Babbage Gateway
    Brunel Hub
    New Dawn Station
    Sinclair Market
    Formerly Wredguia WD-K d8-66
    Robigo Empire Hauser’s Reach
    Robigo Mines
    Sirotanovic’s Legacy
    Quaid’s Vision
    Formerly Wredguia QA-N b34-4
    Almagest Independent Attenborough Terminal
    Sirius Reach
    Formerly Wredguia XD-K d8-78
    Takurua Independent Foothold Orbital
    Mackay’s Prospect
    Tharp Depot
    Formerly Gliese 97.2
    HIP 8396 Independent Foster’s Beacon
    Shackleton’s Hope
    Stepping Stone Base
    Titus Station
    Te Kaha Independent New Horizons Orbital Formerly Col 285 Sector WA-L b9-3
    Cao Junga Independent Soddy Port
    Szilard Point


    14 MAR 3308

    • The Reorte Mining Coalition wants to cut ties with the Alliance in protest against the military defence pact with Sirius Corporation. Vox Galactica featured an announcement from the faction’s CEO, Fergus Cassidy: “The pact’s three-month probationary period is clearly a ruse. It is designed to allow time for Sirius agents to bribe, convince or threaten Allied decision-makers into accepting Li Yong-Rui’s presence. We’d rather become an independent faction than allow this greedy and untrustworthy company into Reorte space.” Councillor Ainsley Niven, who represents Reorte, told the Assembly: “Obviously I have argued against this extreme move, but I cannot ignore the strength of feeling from the system’s governing faction. For Reorte Mining Coalition leaders, leaving the Alliance is less risky than allowing Sirius Corporation to become embedded in the system’s infrastructure.” Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported: “There are already wild rumours that this situation might spark mass declarations of independence, similar to the Federation’s secession crisis last year. But there is no indication as yet that these events will play out quite so dramatically. What is certain, however, is how damaging this is for Prime Minister Mahon’s campaign to promote acceptance of Sirius Corporation. A historically significant system such as Reorte withdrawing from the Alliance would likely sour the megacorp’s reputation with those it seeks to impress.”[61]

    09 MAR 3308

    • The Alliance and Sirius Corporation have negotiated a three-month probationary period for its proposed anti-xeno defence agreement. In response to a summons by Councillor Nakato Kaine, CEO Li Yong-Rui appeared in person before the Assembly. As part of a longer speech he stated: “I fully understand that, in order to be effective, the strategic defence pact requires broader political support. But to share its details before the Alliance can experience its benefits may lead to hasty decisions. Instead, we propose that Sirius Corporation is provided with an opportunity to demonstrate how we can enhance Allied security against the Thargoids. At the end of a contractually defined period of time, the Assembly can review the pact and decide whether or not to continue with our partnership.” Following further discussions, Yong-Rui accepted that the probationary period would be reduced to three months from the originally suggested six. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon expressed his gratitude that a solution had been reached. Councillor Ainsley Niven, representing the Reorte system, sounded a cautionary note: “Frankly, some Allied factions won’t tolerate Sirius’s presence for three minutes let alone three months. I fear that this will not be enough to convince all of our member systems to cooperate.”[45]

    25 FEB 3308

    • The Alliance Assembly has delivered an official rebuke to its prime minister following the recent skirmish in the Reorte system. There have been heated debates following the conflict between Reorte Mining Coalition and Sirius Corporation. This was triggered by the megacorp’s unpopular attempt to establish a presence in the system as an anti-xeno defence partner. Councillor Nakato Kaine led a motion to censure against Prime Minister Edmund Mahon, which successfully passed with a plurality of votes after some abstentions. The strongly-worded reprimand focused on ‘disregarding the Alliance’s principles by unilaterally forcing cooperation with Sirius Corporation’. After Mahon formally accepted the reprimand, Councillor Kaine addressed the Assembly: “This body does not have the right to govern its member systems without their consent. The strategic defence pact must become civil legislation rather than a military contract, so it can be passed as law. I call upon Li Yong-Rui to agree to these terms, or else to abandon the pact and remove Sirius Corporation’s forces from the Alioth, Arimpox, Di Jian and Leesti systems.”[44]

    08 FEB 3308

    • The recent battle in the Reorte system has caused Sirius Corporation to question the terms of its partnership with the Alliance. The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported: “When Sirius Corporation megaships arrived in four Allied systems, it’s fair to assume they anticipated a degree of public resistance. But being directly attacked by the Reorte Mining Coalition clearly wasn’t part of their risk assessment. Li Yong-Rui has urgently sought assurances from the Alliance that such conflicts will not happen again. The megacorp’s CEO claimed that he has a duty to protect his employees from aggression by their own clients. In response, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon personally guaranteed that this unfortunate incident was a one-off, stressing that Sirius personnel have been welcomed in the Alioth, Arimpox and Di Jian systems. He added that the Alliance Defence Force is working closely with Admiral Nikolas Glass, the Sirius Navy’s representative. But others in the Assembly are now openly questioning the wisdom of the strategic defence pact. Although Councillor Nakato Kaine’s opposition to Mahon is often viewed as predictable, more members now agree with her that many Allied factions will reject the assertion that Sirius Corporation is an ally to be trusted.”[43]

    03 FEB 3308

    • *Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
      The Reorte Mining Coalition has succeeded in forcing Sirius Corporation to withdraw from the Reorte system. Despite the megacorp’s strategic defence pact with the Alliance, Reorte’s controlling faction claimed the Sirius megaship Chariot of Rhea was an illegal intruder. This resulted in open conflict, which has ended with Sirius Corporation’s defeat. Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, transmitted this message: “With the support of many brave pilots, we have prevented Sirius from sinking its claws into the Reorte system. I hope our victory will convince the Alliance’s leaders to think twice about their deal with the devil.” Captain Delfina Dominguez has confirmed that Sirius Corporation has started to withdraw from Reorte. The megaship Chariot of Rhea will leave Reorte and jump to the Leesti system pending further discussions with Allied leaders. Sources have confirmed that permits to the Alioth and Sirius systems have been allocated to independent pilots depending on the faction they supported during the conflict. The Assembly has held emergency meetings to debate this turn of events. Councillor Ainsley Niven, who represents the Reorte system, delivered a warning to Prime Minister Mahon: “You have invited Sirius Corporation to provide military aid against the Thargoids, but without seeking the approval of those we are pledged to protect. That is not the way of the Alliance, no matter how grave the threat.”[42]

    27 JAN 3308

    • *Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
      The Reorte Mining Coalition has declared its intent to remove the Sirius Corporation presence from its home system. The megaship Chariot of Rhea arrived in Reorte as part of Sirius Corporation’s new role as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner. But the system’s controlling faction ordered it to withdraw. The megaship’s non-compliance has resulted in skirmishes targeting Sirius forces. Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition, announced: “We fully support Councillor Kaine’s position that Sirius Corporation is operating illegally under Alliance law. Therefore, we will defend our territory from this aggressive foreign entity.” A response was broadcast by Captain Delfina Dominguez of the Sirius Navy, who commands the Chariot of Rhea: “Our presence is authorised by the military contract between Sirius Corporation and the Alliance Defence Force. If local forces continue to attack, we will have no option but to defend our assets.” The fighting is not believed to have reached surface level and is expected to remain a ship-based conflict. To rally support from independent pilots, both factions are offering access to permit-locked systems. Reorte Mining Coalition will sponsor distribution of an Alioth system permit, while Sirius Corporation will authorise a permit to the Sirius system. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has ordered the Reorte Mining Coalition to cease hostilities immediately. However, Councillor Ainsley Niven – who represents Reorte in the Assembly and is a political supporter of Nakato Kaine – claims that the faction has the right to protect its territory, since it was not invited to ratify the defence pact.[41]

    24 JAN 3308

    • The presence of Sirius Corporation in the Reorte system at the Alliance’s invitation has been challenged by the controlling faction. In its new role as a strategic defence partner, Sirius Corporation recently established itself in several Alliance systems. But its megaship in Reorte, Chariot of Rhea, has found itself blockaded by system security and refused permission to offload cargo or personnel. A broadcast was made by Fergus Cassidy, CEO of the Reorte Mining Coalition: “Councillor Kaine is right to say that Sirius is acting illegally. The prime minister did not consult us or any other Allied faction on working with them, and there’s good reason to be sceptical of their motives. We regard the Chariot of Rhea as an intruder and insist that it leaves immediately.” Li Yong-Rui has assured Alliance leaders that Sirius Corporation will only be collaborating on anti-Thargoid defence projects. He stressed that there will be no disruption to any local civil or commercial activity. The Alliance Tribune commented on the situation: “Many Allied systems welcomed the news that our military is being bolstered by Sirius Corporation. But others expressed disapproval, particularly among the Old Worlds where the populations tend to be more sceptical of change. What happens in Reorte could determine whether or not the new defence pact becomes widely accepted.”[40]

    14 JAN 3308

    • Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has invited Sirius Corporation to establish a permanent presence within the Alliance. The Alliance Tribune’s political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported: “Sirius Corporation’s new role as a strategic defence partner has expanded swiftly, with a Sirius faction established in the Alioth system to represent the megacorp. In addition, several megaships have arrived in other Allied systems to provide support. The Alliance Defence Force and some government departments now have official advisors from Sirius Corporation on their staff. Prime Minister Mahon announced that these developments will streamline joint operations with the Sirius Navy, and in turn provide effective countermeasures against Thargoid aggression. But Councillor Nakato Kaine claims that the presence of Sirius Gov is illegal as it was not ratified by the Assembly. She has pointed out that since the defence pact makes this a classified military matter, any civil action to reverse Mahon’s executive decision has been deliberately blocked.”[39]

    10 JAN 3308

    • A new member has been appointed to the Council of Admirals to represent Sirius Corporation as the Alliance’s strategic defence partner. Political correspondent Vanya Driscoll reported for The Alliance Tribune: “There are always six seats on the Council of Admirals, taken by senior military commanders from the largest regional fleets. Not only is this the first time that a seventh position has been created, it’s also the first to come from outside the Alliance. The new addition is Admiral Nikolas Glass, a highly decorated officer with the Sirius Navy. His new role is to coordinate the Alliance’s anti-Thargoid operations, which from now on will be directly supported by Sirius Corporation. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin both endorsed this development as a way of strengthening the Alliance Defence Force, which lacks the might of the Federal or Imperial Navy. Many member systems have demanded increased protection against the Thargoid threat, so this news is likely to be well received. As expected, Councillor Nakato Kaine opposed the defence pact, with Admiral George Varma also critical of ‘merging commercial interests with military matters’. Deputy Prime Minister Angela Corcoran also admitted that she abstained during the recent joint vote, but chose not to elaborate on her reasons. So it seems that the Assembly is not fully confident about this union with Sirius Corporation.”[38]

    03 JAN 3308

    • Sirius Corporation has signed an agreement to provide the Alliance with ships, materials and personnel to help combat the Thargoids. The Alliance Assembly and the Council of Admirals held a rare joint vote on the issue of inviting the megacorp to become a strategic defence partner. The motion was debated in private and reportedly passed by a slim majority. Prime Minister Edmund Mahon told The Alliance Tribune: “The danger posed by the Thargoids is increasing once more, perhaps accelerated by the loss of Aegis and a lack of any binding treaty between the superpowers. It is vital that we make a proactive decision to maintain security for Alliance systems. Sirius Corporation will work closely with the Alliance Defence Force to reinforce our member vessels, focusing exclusively on anti-xeno operations. In return, new commercial agreements will provide the company with increased access to certain financial endeavours.” Councillor Nakato Kaine spoke on behalf of several disapproving members of the Assembly: “We are already too entwined with this ruthless corporate giant, so to hand our defences over to them is another blow to the Alliance’s identity. It is also convenient that the details of the pact remain classified under military restrictions. We don’t even know what price we’re paying to hire Sirius to be our guard dog.”[37]

    28 DEC 3307

    • The noted historian Sima Kalhana takes a look back at the turbulent events of the last year in a four-part series of articles.
      “The start of 3307 was a time of crisis. The rise of the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA), the Marlinist refugee crisis and increased Empire-Federation tensions had brought a full-scale superpower war closer, with renewed attacks from the Thargoids increasing the pressure. All of this led to Pranav Antal’s proposal of a diplomatic conference for all three superpower governments to work through their problems – the very first Galactic Summit. Within weeks, Sirius Corporation was selected as the neutral host for the conference. Li Yong-Rui scored another triumph by establishing the Marlinist Colonies for millions of political refugees who had fled from the Empire. In February came the trial of Fleet Admiral Vincent, accused of arranging Starship One’s destruction back in 3301. His paymaster was revealed as Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester, who wanted to replace Federal democracy with direct corporate rule. His breakaway faction Jupiter Division was defeated in battle and Rochester himself jailed for life. This also led to Core Dynamics’s acquisition of Lakon Spaceways being cancelled, leaving the Alliance to purchase a majority sharehold in the company. Key players on the political stage finally gathered when the Galactic Summit began in late February. The Sirius system hosted leaders from the Alliance, Empire, Federation and independent systems. Even pirate warlord Archon Delaine gatecrashed the event, causing controversy with his ‘crown of bones’ speech. It seemed for a while that the bickering between so many strong personalities might trigger a war rather than avert one. But gradually there was progress, with the possibility of a treaty to increase unity against the Thargoid threat. But before reaching this conclusion, the Galactic Summit was derailed by a threat from another source. Nine Martyrs – as named by the NMLA leader Theta Seven – was the largest terrorist attack in history. Hundreds of thousands were killed by starport bombings in nine systems, including the superpower capitals of Alioth, Achenar and Sol. This horrific tragedy ended the conference abruptly, but did give rise to some inter-power cooperation. A new agreement signed at the Galactic Summit allowed the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism unit (ACT) to be formed rapidly. Drawing on the superpowers’ security services and other organisations, its sole purpose was to hunt down and eliminate the NMLA, a task that would dominate the headlines for the rest of the year.”[62]

    22 DEC 3307

    • The Alliance Assembly has invited Sirius Corporation to collaborate on enhancing protection for member systems against the Thargoids. Political journalist Vanya Driscoll reported on the development for The Alliance Tribune: “Sirius Corporation has been a key partner in the Alliance’s expansion programme. Most notably, its subsidiary Sirius Atmospherics helped establish colonies in the Coalsack Nebula to support meta-alloy harvesting. But according to insiders, the suspension of Aegis and the increasing Thargoid presence has raised fears that Alliance systems may be vulnerable to xeno invasion. This has led to Prime Minister Edmund Mahon suggesting a strategic defence contract with the megacorp. In response, CEO Li Yong-Rui himself has travelled to the Alioth system. It’s understood that high-level discussions are taking place on ways in which the company might augment the Alliance Defence Force’s capabilities. Councillor Nakato Kaine, Mahon’s political rival, has repeated her claim that Sirius Corporation has a disturbing amount of influence over some council members. She fears that private agreements are being made behind closed doors, and has called for increased transparency.”[63][36]

    17 DEC 3307

    • The recent counterstrike against the Thargoids has revealed that Salvation is being unofficially supported by trained military personnel. Commodore Morag Halloran was a senior officer with the Alliance Defence Force who is now working for Salvation. She sent this statement to the media: “Over the last few years, I have fought hard to protect Allied interests from the Thargoids. But every battle against them felt like a defensive measure, a holding action. I’m convinced that these creatures are more than capable of wiping us all out. When an entire Thargoid fleet was forced out of the Cornsar system in September, I approached the Council of Admirals about sending ships to help, but my proposal was rejected. Then Salvation contacted me directly, saying that he required military leadership and my experiences in the Coalsack Nebula made me an ideal candidate. Along with Lieutenant Commander Glynn and nearly a hundred crewmates, we resigned our commissions and headed for Hind Mine. I now command many others who were recruited from the Federal, Imperial and Sirius Navies to serve on the Taurus megaships and elsewhere. I’m aware that some will view my actions as dereliction of duty, but I believe our true duty is to stop the Thargoids at any cost. And as our recent success proves, only Salvation has the means of doing so.” The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have all acknowledged the loss of some military personnel to Salvation’s cause. While efforts are being made to prevent further losses, it is rumoured that potential concessions include official support for Salvation’s anti-xeno activities.[64]

    23 JUL 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Onionhead gamma strain is now available in selected industrial anarchy systems. Following the Kumo Council’s initiative, enough product was manufactured to supply approximately 10% of all industrial-based markets controlled by anarchic factions. Unlike previous versions of onionhead, this variant is not listed as a rare commodity. Adalyn Cross, a journalist for Vox Galactica, reported: “Onionhead gamma strain is being marketed to the public for medicinal use, but most customers are under no illusions regarding its real benefits. The Coalition for Legalisation claims that it is ‘no more harmful or addictive than alcohol or coffee, with potential psychological and palliative benefits’. This has not prevented many authorities, especially in the Federation, from demanding that it remain universally outlawed. It is currently illegal in all but anarchy jurisdictions. There are serious concerns that it may act as a gateway drug to more harmful substances. Security services are also unhappy about the extra revenue flowing into Archon Delaine’s coffers. Some logistics experts noted that onionhead gamma strain was distributed with surprising speed. It is already being reported as available from the following systems: Alici, Baraswar, Kishpakho, Nastrond and Nocori. It’s been suggested that Sirius Corporation is secretly ferrying shipments of the drug via its freight transportation network, and is part of the deal between the Kumo Crew and the Blue Viper Club. Sinclair Faraldo, VP of Corporate Marketing, rejected this claim as ‘absurd and libellous’.”[35]

    25 JUN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Two Alliance stations have been constructed following a successful re-election campaign by Prime Minister Edmund Mahon. Enterprise Market in the LHS 2522 system and Prosperity Core in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system are now fully operational. Prime Minister Mahon welcomed visitors to the new starports, promising that they would “further enhance the Alliance’s commitment to creating opportunities”. However, Councillor Nakato Kaine triggered heated debate in the Alliance Assembly when she made this announcement: “My investigation turned up irregularities in the tritium mining campaign, suggesting that it only received enough deliveries to allow one starport to be built. Furthermore, docking records seem to indicate that Sirius Corporation made up the shortfall with a number of unregistered donations. Sirius Corporation now has a presence in the Sharru Sector FW-W c1-19 system. This suggests disturbing parallels with the company’s recent dealings to help build Archon Delaine’s new starports. The question is – what did Mahon promise in return?” A statement from the Office of the Prime Minister clarified that Sirius Corporation was one of many companies currently partnered with the Alliance to support its expansion programme. It did not address the discrepancy in tritium deliveries or refer to any contributions from the megacorp.[34]

    24 JUN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Pilots have delivered commodities to enable Sirius Corporation to mass produce a fully engineered detailed surface scanner. The enhanced ship module will shortly receive a commercial release, having previously only been available during a terraforming initiative by Sirius Atmospherics in late 3306. The Engineered Detailed Surface Scanner V1 increases probe coverage to twice the normally achievable range, offering a more efficient mapping of planetary surfaces. The project’s success was declared by Sinclair Faraldo, marketing director for Sirius Corporation: “We are most grateful to all pilots who brought us shipments of CMM composites, muon imagers and synthetic reagents as requested. Mass production of the enhanced detailed surface scanner has already begun, and it will be available for purchase from human technology brokers very soon.” All pilots who took part in this campaign can now collect payment from Sirius Corporation at Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.[33]

    17 JUN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Sirius Corporation has requested commodities to make a fully engineered detailed surface scanner commercially available. The ship module was produced in limited numbers during a terraforming programme campaign by Sirius Atmospherics in late 3306. It was awarded to pilots who provided data on worlds with ammonia-based atmospheres for its terraforming programme. Sinclair Faraldo, marketing director for Sirius Corporation, provided details: “Following a feasibility study, we have determined that this module can be economically mass produced for general sale. Our fully engineered detailed surface scanner has twice probe coverage, allowing planets and moons to be mapped more efficiently. In order to begin production, we require large quantities of CMM composites, muon imagers and synthetic reagents. We will generously reward pilots who can deliver these to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system.” The Engineered Detailed Surface Scanner V1 will be available for purchase at all human technology brokers, assuming that sufficient quantities of commodities can be obtained.[32]

    15 JUN 3307

    • The galaxy’s largest megacorporation is continuing to influence the political arena and affect billions of lives. A review was published by Marlon Royce, business analyst for Vox Galactica: “With its own government, laws and naval fleet, it’s not surprising that Sirius Corporation is occasionally referred to as ‘the fourth superpower’. That now seems to be its actual goal, as its impact upon interstellar politics increases. When Sirius Corporation resettled the Marlinist refugees in their own colony systems, it averted war between the Empire and the Federation. But this seemingly altruistic move enabled CEO Li Yong-Rui to claim political neutrality, gaining public support to host the Galactic Summit in the Sirius system. That success was undermined by the controversy of granting diplomatic status to pirate warlord Archon Delaine. Rumours of secret business dealings were reinforced when Sirius subsidiaries appeared alongside the Kumo Crew’s new starports. High-level agreements were also made with the Alliance, with Sirius Atmospherics aiding colonisation of the Coalsack Nebula. But some believe that its project to terraform ammonia worlds brought retaliatory strikes from the Thargoids and enormous casualties. The latest news is of a collaboration with technology brokers to make a previously limited ship module commercially available. Is this a shrewd business decision, or part of Sirius Corporation’s strategy of political dominance?”[3]

    30 APR 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Five new starports constructed by Archon Delaine’s recent campaign have now become fully operational. The Orbis stations, which are run by the Kumo Council faction, are listed below:
      Kumo City in the Pegasi sector PN-T C3-14 system (Harma region)
      California Freeport in the HIP 18390 system (California Nebula)
      Crimson Exchange in the HIP 10792 system (Sothis region)
      Fort Xeno in the HIP 62154 system (Coalsack Nebula)
      Delaine Terminus in the Eol Prou PC-K c9-91 system (Colonia region)
      The starports will provide a full range of services, although their low populations bring concerns that they may be under-staffed. Additionally, security agencies in nearby systems expressed fears that since they are operated by the Kumo Crew syndicate, they are likely to harbour black markets and promote illegal activity. Arch-Corsair Kay Volantyne, a senior member of the Kumo Council, addressed this when she told The Pegasi Sentinel: “These starports exist solely to encourage trade, which is the lifeblood of our galaxy. Sometimes a little lifeblood can get spilled here and there, so I’m sure our new neighbours will welcome our protection, yes?” Other factions have appeared in the five systems, including subsidiaries of Sirius Corporation. Several newsfeeds have speculated about an ambiguous connection between the syndicate and the megacorp, whose financial support might explain how the Kumo Crew managed to extend so far beyond its territory.[65]

    11 MAR 3307

    • The conference in the Sirius system has ended prematurely after terrorist bombings against nine starports across the Alliance, Empire and Federation. Sirius Corporation confirmed that the cancellation was due to fears that Patterson Enterprise station may be the next target. All scheduled business, including finalising the Sirius Treaty, has been halted. The delegations are returning to their home systems under high security. Temporary permits for the Sirius system will remain in place for one week. Pilots who contributed to the security and trade initiatives held in partnership with the Empire can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps. Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways will continue to offer a 10% discount on all their ships for one more week. The Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army has claimed responsibility for the simultaneous attacks in nine systems, including superpower capitals Achenar, Alioth and Sol. The following message was broadcast on NMLA propaganda channels: “I no longer have a name. Nor a family. Nor a future. Each taken by the Empire. Now all I have is the dehumanising number printed on my uniform in their torture chambers. Now all I am is Theta Seven. The Alliance and Federation’s rulers have revealed themselves as imperialist supporters of the Duval dynasty, which has crushed our ideals for a thousand years. Peoples of the galaxy – you can change this. We give you your own Nine Martyrs. Use them to retake control and regain your power.” Media newsfeeds are detailing the impact and implications of the attacks. There is speculation that NMLA activists were concealed among Marlinist refugees that fled to Alliance and Federation space to escape Imperial persecution. The Marlinist Parliament has officially stated it has “no connection to Neo-Marlinist extremists”, and that it will cooperate with security and emergency services during this crisis.[31]

    08 MAR 3307

    • At the Galactic Summit, the infamous pirate leader Archon Delaine has demanded to be accepted as the legitimate leader of a political power. A gap in the schedule allowed him to make an address in the main conference chamber: “Most of you see me as a common criminal, rather than the rightful ruler of multiple systems. That must end now! My efforts to build a Kumo nation deserve respect. I am here to declare my sovereignty and take my rightful place on the political stage.” This was immediately dismissed by many delegations. Princess Aisling Duval said this was a barbaric mockery of nobility, while Shadow President Winters asked how much bloodshed the pirates had caused to obtain their power. Archon Delaine replied: “Are you all so innocent, then? Every civilisation begins with barbarism, and maintains authority with the threat of violence. None of you can say otherwise. We all wear a crown of bones.” There followed intense debate as to whether the Kumo Crew’s territory could be recognised as a new nation-state or was simply a rebranded crime syndicate. There is suspicion that some of the many criminal vessels detected in the Sirius system are from Delaine’s pirate fleet. The Federal and Imperial delegations have offered to remove Archon Delaine’s retinue, only to be reminded that Sirius Corporation has granted them full diplomatic immunity.[66]

    04 MAR 3307

    • Pirate warlord Archon Delaine has unexpectedly appeared at the diplomatic conference and demanded to participate as a political delegate. Delaine is the leader of the Kumo Crew, a notorious crime syndicate that controls dozens of systems. Their arrival at Patterson Enterprise station initially caused many delegations’ security teams to begin evacuations. However, representatives of the Sirius Corporation called for calm and delivered this message: “We have vouchsafed Archon Delaine’s presence and extended full diplomatic immunity to his retinue. As with all attendees, they are expected to abide by our rules and etiquettes.” This reassurance did not prevent several ambassadors from walking out in protest. Some accused Sirius Corporation of striking a deal with Delaine to prevent even more pirate vessels from swarming through the Sirius system. Mainstream newsfeeds also covered the impact of Delaine’s arrival.
      The Imperial Herald: “Senator Patreus officially complained about ‘the repulsive sight of pirate scum strolling alongside respectable politicians’. However, Chancellor Blaine agreed that Delaine could address the conference, albeit under close scrutiny.”
      The Federal Times: “Neither Hudson nor Winters have commented on Delaine’s appearance, but the security chief for the Federal delegation remarked: ‘One wrong step and we’ll put some big holes right through their immunity.'”
      The Alliance Tribune: “This is an unwelcome distraction from Prime Minister Mahon’s proposal for Aegis’s remit to be enormously expanded. The Sirius Treaty will fully unite superpowers, corporations and independent systems against the Thargoids – assuming that Mahon can convince his fellow leaders to agree.”[30]

    04 MAR 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      The Empire is aiding Sirius Corporation by offering bounty hunting and trade opportunities to support the Galactic Summit. The diplomatic conference is now entering its second week, with superpower and independent leaders gathered at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system. Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced: “Our thanks to the Federation for organising additional security against unexpected numbers of vessels this past week. Anarchic extremists, political enemies and opportunistic criminals all attempted to disrupt the conference to no avail. Pilots who helped maintain the peace can collect their rewards at the Spirit of Laelaps. For the coming week, we are working with the Empire to maintain the security operation by offering bounties on all wanted ships. The Empire will also pay generously for extra supplies of animal meat, coffee, fish, fruit and vegetables, and wine that are delivered to the Spirit of Laelaps.” Pilots are reminded that neither permanent nor temporary permits to enter the Sirius system apply to fleet carriers. This joint initiative will run for one week, followed by Sirius Corporation partnering with the Alliance for the final week of the Galactic Summit. In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are continuing to offer a 10% discount on all their ships to mark the historic occasion.[29]

    01 MAR 3307

    • Delegates at the diplomatic conference have clashed over long-standing political issues, with some threatening to abandon the event. Journalists at Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system reported their observations via mainstream newsfeeds.
      The Imperial Herald: “Minister Whyte’s claim that the Empire had fomented terrorism by repressing Marlinism was somewhat predictable. But nobody expected Princess Duval’s icy retort, which caused shocked gasps across the chamber.”
      Sol Today: “President Hudson easily dealt with Patreus’s whine about the Federation’s so-called ‘war-mongering’, putting the bombastic Imp in his place.”
      Eye on Achenar: “The dull-witted thug of a president was no match for Senator Patreus, who received cheers for his condemnation of typical ‘Fedneck’ arrogance.”
      The Alliance Tribune: “The conference’s hosts were visibly embarrassed by Councillor Kaine’s claims that Coalsack Nebula terraforming projects had triggered recent Thargoid attacks. Shockingly, several delegates dismissed this as an internal matter for the Alliance.”
      The Federal Times: “Chancellor Blaine’s stonewalling on the co-funding of humanitarian aid brought a rare flash of anger from Felicia Winters: ‘Maybe the Emperor’s puppet could loosen a few strings?'”
      The Sovereign: “Despite Prime Minister Mahon exaggerating the benefits of Alliance membership, several independent ambassadors complained about its incomprehensible bureaucracy, saying it would be less damaging to declare war against the Alliance than join it.”
      A representative from Sirius Corporation reported that the Galactic Summit was “going well”.[67]

    25 FEB 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      The Federation is working with Sirius Corporation to offer bounty hunting opportunities to protect the diplomatic conference. The first Galactic Summit has officially opened at Patterson Enterprise station in the Sirius system. Temporary permits have been issued to all arriving delegates and Commanders for the three weeks of its term, although these do not apply to fleet carriers. Sirius Corporation’s CEO Li Yong-Rui announced: “The data supplied to us in January revealed several unanticipated threats, putting additional strain on our navy and security forces. Working with the generous support of the Federation, we have placed bounties on all wanted ships to ensure delegates’ safety. Pilots defending the Sirius system will be rewarded for handing in bounty vouchers at the Spirit of Laelaps.” The joint initiative will run for one week, after which Sirius Corporation will partner with the Empire to provide for the needs and security of the conference. In related news, Core Dynamics, Gutamaya and Lakon Spaceways are celebrating the political gathering of all three superpowers with a 10% discount on their ships during the next three weeks. Delegations have begun to arrive and formal introductions are taking place, with much media attention. This is the first time that universally recognised figures such as President Zachary Hudson, Prime Minister Edmund Mahon and Princess Aisling Duval have been seen side by side.[27]

    25 FEB 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      A wide range of luxurious food and drink for the Galactic Summit has been delivered to the Sirius Corporation. Orders were placed for Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy. Large quantities of these rare items were shipped to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system. The consumables will be ferried to the nearby Sirius system, where the diplomatic conference will take place. This initiative was considered a priority, since some delegates only agreed to attend if their requests for these rarities were met. CEO Li Yong-Rui has expressed his personal thanks to all pilots who delivered the rare goods, who can now collect their payment at Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system. Sirius Corporation has been organising the Galactic Summit for the past month, which has involved increased freight runs into its home system as well as heightened security. Preparations are now complete, and the first ambassadors from the Alliance, Empire and Federation are on their way.[28]

    18 FEB 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Sirius Corporation has requested deliveries of consumables to Luyten’s Star for the forthcoming diplomatic conference. The Galactic Summit will take place in the Sirius system and last for three weeks, beginning on Thursday the 25th of February. It will be attended by leaders from the Alliance, Empire and Federation, plus representatives from independent systems. Sirius Corporation has placed orders for these rare commodities: Eden Apples Of Aerial, Ethgreze Tea Buds, Gerasian Gueuze Beer, Giant Irukama Snails, Goman Yaupon Coffee, Karsuki Locusts and Lavian Brandy. All shipments are to be delivered to Ashby City in the Luyten’s Star system. They will then be ferried to Sirius before the conference begins. CEO Li Yong-Rui discussed these preparations at a media event: “We will provide all honoured delegates with a comfortable, luxurious environment. This includes offering the finest cuisine from across the galaxy.” Several journalists pointed out that both the Alliance and Empire had registered official complaints about the Galactic Summit’s location being situated deep within Federal space. Li Yong-Rui responded: “I assure you that the Sirius system is politically neutral territory, and Sirius Corporation remains independent from the Federation. I can personally guarantee the safety and diplomatic immunity of all attendees.”[26]

    12 FEB 3307

    • Delegations have been formed by the Empire and the Marlinist Colonies to take part in the forthcoming diplomatic conference. Emperor Arissa Lavigny-Duval will not attend in person, but will be directly represented by Chancellor Anders Blaine. During the conference, Senator Zemina Torval will temporarily assume chancellor duties and act as head of the Senate. In addition, Princess Aisling Duval and Senator Denton Patreus will be in attendance. They will be accompanied by experienced ambassadors from the Imperial Diplomatic Corps. The Marlinist Colonies have also finalised their delegation, which includes First Minister Jenna Fairfax and Minister Aaron Whyte. A spokesperson for the Marlinist Parliament said: “The Galactic Summit offers us an opportunity to engage with the Empire diplomatically, and we sincerely hope our voices will be heard. We also aim to establish mutually beneficial relations with other governments.” There is widespread speculation on how the Empire will respond to political overtures from its own ex-citizens, who were persecuted for following the democratic ideology of Marlinism. However, most societies within the Marlinist Colonies still remain culturally Imperial in nature, despite their republican governance. The Galactic Summit is being hosted by Sirius Corporation and will officially commence on Thursday the 25th of February 3307.[68]

    10 FEB 3307

    • The acquisition of Lakon Spaceways by Core Dynamics has been revoked following revelations of illegal activity. An inquiry by the Independent Commission for Market Equality stated that former Core Dynamics CEO Jupiter Rochester “exerted unduly influence on Lakon shareholders, including bribery and blackmail”. This led to new appointees to the board of directors, who were paid to approve the hostile takeover. The inquiry also factored in the recent Federal High Court trial, which proved that Jupiter Rochester was directly responsible for the destruction of Starship One in 3301. In both cases, he set up shell companies to move enormous funds via unregistered banking systems. Core Dynamics refused to comment on the allegations, but its legal team has terminated the transfer process. The entire corporation is currently in disarray due to several departments becoming an independent faction under the name Jupiter Division. At Lakon Spaceways, Trent Delaney and several other directors have resigned. During an emergency meeting, a majority of stakeholders approved reinstating Naomi Landseer as chairperson. With stock values plummeting and industry confidence low, the future of the company remains uncertain. However, Sirius Corporation confirmed that it has made preliminary offers with regards to acquiring Lakon as a subsidiary.[69]

    28 JAN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Sirius Corporation has received more data than Utopia and will therefore host the Galactic Summit. Both organisations proposed to organise a diplomatic conference for the Alliance, Empire and Federation. After calling on the galactic community to gather data that would support security operations, many pilots handed in anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files. All three superpower governments confirmed that due to its success in preparing effective security systems, they will accept Sirius Corporation as the neutral territory for the conference. CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement: “Thank you to all the independent pilots who supported us. Sirius will now begin work preparing for the first Galactic Summit, which we hope will increase peace and prosperity across the galaxy.” Pilots who delivered to Sirius Corporation can collect their rewards from Goldstein Port in the Lembava system. Simguru Pranav Antal expressed disappointment, but confirmed that all who contributed to Utopia’s initiative will be rewarded at Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system. Sirius Corporation has stated that the Galactic Summit is provisionally scheduled to take place over a three-week period in late February and early March.[25]

    21 JAN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Rival initiatives to arrange a diplomatic conference have been launched by Sirius Corporation and the Utopia commune. The Alliance Assembly, Federal Congress and Imperial Senate have each provisionally agreed to send delegates to the first tri-superpower Galactic Summit in late February. This political gathering will also be attended by representatives from independent systems. All parties have specified that their participation depends upon the event being successfully organised in neutral territory, and with sufficient resources and security in place. Sirius Corporation and Utopia have begun to gather supplies to host the conference. Both have requested assistance from the galactic community to provide a broad range of data, which will be vital for planning security operations. Whichever organisation obtains the greatest amount of data will be deemed most suitable. The following data sources are of interest to both parties: anomalous bulk scan data, atypical disrupted wake echoes, exceptional scrambled emission data and unusual encrypted files. Simguru Pranav Antal has called upon all pilots who support Utopia’s proposal to deliver the data to Tanner Settlement in the Polevnic system. CEO Li Yong-Rui has asked all those who believe Sirius Corporation to be a more suitable host to deliver the data to Goldstein Port in the Lembava system.[24]

    18 JAN 3307

    • Utopia’s ability to host a diplomatic conference for all three superpowers has been challenged by the Sirius Corporation. The megacorp’s counter-proposal was announced by CEO Li Yong-Rui: “With all due respect to Simguru Antal, his commune cannot match our level of resources. Sirius is far better placed in terms of logistics and security, and our navy will be able to ensure the safe transportation of all delegates. Furthermore, we already have excellent commercial relationships with the Alliance, Empire and Federation, and can therefore guarantee neutrality. Our recent philanthropic gesture at creating the Marlinist Colonies proves that we are an impartial, stabilising force for the whole galaxy.” Discussions regarding the conference have been ongoing in superpower and independent systems alike. Some leaders have decried it as a pointless exercise, while others view it as a rare opportunity for political cohesion. Sirius Corporation and Utopia’s propositions for a Galactic Summit are now being compared by potential attendees. However, Zachary Rackham’s offer to host the conference at the actual galactic summit of Rackham’s Peak is not being seriously considered.[23]

    14 JAN 3307

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      The newly settled Marlinist Colonies have asked for urgent deliveries of foodstuffs. Millions of Marlinists have relocated to eight systems colonised for them by the Sirius Corporation, thereby reducing tension between the Empire and the Federation. They have asked Universal Cartographics to delay a census of the systems’ populations, while the refugees lay the infrastructure for their new societies. The Marlinist factions are holding democratic elections to select their leaders. However, the transitional parliament has declared an emergency due to the shortage of food stocks. Community spokesperson Dr Jenna Fairfax announced: “We are grateful to the galactic community and Sirius Corporation for providing homes. However, we need further help to feed our people in the short term, until we can become self-sufficient. The more supplies we can stockpile, the faster our economies will develop. This in turn will allow us to offer greater commodity discounts, to encourage the establishment of regular trade routes.” Pilots are asked to deliver animal meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, and grain to Stillman Hub in the HIP 22550 system. As this system’s defence forces are still being formed, the Free Marlinists of Carinae have offered bounties on all wanted ships to secure these initial trade runs to the Marlinist Colonies.[22]

    28 DEC 3306

    • Sirius Atmospherics has delivered an update on its experiments to terraform ammonia worlds in the Coalsack Nebula. The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working closely with the Alliance to exploit the nebula’s resources and pursue scientific investigation, including terraforming terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres. Project director Dr Maximilian North gave this progress report: “Preliminary efforts at ecosphere conversion have delivered promising results, but our new techniques are not as effective as the simulations based on exploration data suggested. We are still a long way from fully transforming these worlds into habitable environments.” Independent journalist Flint ‘Firemaker’ Lafosse commented on this via the Rewired network: “Does anyone really believe Sirius is there for the terraforming? Of course they can’t magically turn ammonia hellholes into paradise planets overnight! I know a cover story when I smell one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re deliberately trying to provoke the Thargoids for some reason, maybe to capture some specimens. Where there’s xenos, there’s credits.” The Alliance has corroborated Dr North’s report, but also confirmed an increase in Sirius Corporation personnel and equipment arriving in the Coalsack Nebula.[70]

    21 DEC 3306

    • As independent colonies are set up for Marlinist refugees, there has been a lull in terrorist strikes from the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA). In recent months, the paramilitary group launched multiple attacks across the Empire. Starports and administrative buildings were bombed and dozens of individuals assassinated, including Prince Harold and more distant members of the Duval family. However, the number of incidents has fallen drastically following successful operations by the Imperial Internal Security Service: “After the Federal Security Service identified NMLA members aboard the emigrants’ megaships, these were transferred to us for interrogation. We obtained information that enabled us to shut down many terrorist cells, although there is evidence that the NMLA’s network remains widespread.” In related news, hundreds of thousands of Marlinist refugees are preparing to occupy new colony systems established by the Sirius Corporation. Mass transportation will take place early next year, overseen by Safeguard Interstellar. The Empire, Federation and Sirius Gov have all agreed that the settlements will remain fully independent. The refugee population has already begun to determine its future social structure, based on the principles of Marlinism. A transitional parliament has been formed by community leaders such as Dr Jenna Fairfax, Aaron Whyte and Amrita Ross. Democratic elections for a representative government will take place once the Marlinist Colonies are operational.[21]

    17 DEC 3306

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Sirius Corporation has successfully gathered materials to construct new independent settlements for Marlinist emigrants. Both the Empire and the Federation accepted the proposal from Sirius Corporation to establish colonies for the political refugees, who have been the cause of increased tension between the superpowers. CEO Li Yong-Rui made this announcement: “As always, the galactic community’s immense contribution has made this achievement possible. The shipments of atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers will be used to construct new outposts and settlements in 8 uninhabited systems.” The Omega Merchant Command is now offering rewards at Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system to all pilots who delivered commodities. Aaron Whyte, a community leader among the refugees, commented on Vox Galactica: “I suppose we should be grateful that these colonies give us a chance of survival. But none of us wanted to set up our own kingdoms – only to remove the kings. And one day, we will.” The Marlinist population is expected to be transferred from Federal space to the new colonies in early 3307.[20]

    10 DEC 3306

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Commodities are requested to create new settlements for Marlinist refugees who fled from the Empire to the Federation.
      Sirius Corporation has offered to resolve the current standoff between superpowers by establishing colonies where the refugees can live independently. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, summarised his proposal: “It is clear that the Marlinists cannot return to the Empire, and are a destabilising presence within the Federation. We offer an alternative by constructing permanent habitats for their population. These will be self-governed and may freely trade with the galactic community. Sirius cannot stand by while the risk of interstellar war increases. I sincerely hope this leads to a more stable and profitable period for us all.” After intense debate, both Congress and the Senate accepted the proposal, with the proviso that any refugees identified as NMLA members will be returned to the Empire. Dr Jenna Fairfax, a Marlinist community leader, also offered her approval: “We were forced to abandon our entire lives because of our political beliefs. This at least gives us a chance to have homes again.” Traders are asked to deliver atmospheric processors, auto-fabricators, structural regulators and water purifiers to Ellis Gateway in the Bd+05 1146 system. From there, the Omega Merchant Command will distribute resources for the colonisation of up to ten uninhabited systems.[19]

    10 DEC 3306

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Explorers have catalogued many ammonia worlds for a Sirius Atmospherics terraforming project in the Coalsack Nebula.
      The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is one of several companies that are working in partnership with the Alliance to commercially exploit the region. Project director Dr Maximilian North announced the successful completion of the initiative: “The data provided on planets with ammonia-based atmospheres will be invaluable to our terraforming simulations. With our new environmental techniques, some of these poisonous worlds within the nebula may one day become habitable.” Sirius Atmospherics has confirmed that payouts for all contributing pilots are now available at Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system. As the expansion into the Coalsack Nebula progresses, Commodore Morag Halloran of the Alliance Defence Force commented on the possibility of further attacks from the Thargoids: “Anti-xeno security is not as stringent as we had planned, due to the low availability of ADF vessels and Aegis being impacted by Federal and Imperial defunding. It may be necessary to call upon the galactic community again, should we encounter further interference from the Thargoids.”[71]

    03 DEC 3306

    • *Pilots Federation ALERT*
      Sirius Atmospherics has requested help from independent pilots to provide exploration data focusing on ammonia worlds for terraforming purposes. The subsidiary of Sirius Corporation is working in partnership with the Alliance to establish colonies within the Coalsack Nebula, and to identify sites of commercial and scientific interest. Dr Maximilian North, Sirius Atmospherics’s project director, outlined the requirements: “We have developed revolutionary new terraforming procedures for terrestrial planets with ammonia-based atmospheres. Our collaboration with the Alliance is the perfect opportunity to try and put these to practical use, with the goal of transforming the region into a more human-friendly place. Sirius Atmospherics offers rewards for explorers who can provide us with exploration data. We are particularly interested in detailed scans focusing on the composition of ammonia worlds, not just in the Coalsack Nebula but elsewhere. Gathering wide-ranging data will enable us to determine the most suitable targets for environmental conversion.” Pilots are requested to deliver exploration data to the Sirius Atmospherics research facility at Betancourt Base in the Musca Dark Region PJ-P b6-1 system.[72]

    09 NOV 3306

    • Discoveries made two hundred years ago by an abandoned megaship have revealed untapped sources of meta-alloys within the Coalsack Nebula. The Adamastor, which was launched in 3111, returned to the Chukchan system from the Coalsack Nebula on autopilot with no traces of its crew. Thargoid barnacle sites were found in the nebula by independent pilots. The Alliance Assembly has announced an expedition to thoroughly explore the nebula, with the primary goal of securing fresh sources of meta-alloys. A press release stated: “Recent Thargoid activity in the Witch Head Nebula and over-exploitation of that region mean that this latest discovery has come at an opportune time. The Coalsack Nebula will now be the focus of an initiative to identify sites of commercial and scientific interest. To achieve this, we have established new partnerships with several corporations including Sirius Atmospherics. Although the mystery of the Adamastor may never be fully resolved, we hope it will leave a positive legacy for the people of the Alliance.” Mention of corporate partnerships caused ripples in certain industries, with speculation that these have been in the pipeline for months. Political commentators also observed that 3307 will be an election year for the Alliance, placing pressure on Prime Minister Edmund Mahon to secure economic stability.[49]

    30 NOV 3304

    • Aegis has stationed a security force in the Meene system to protect the engineer Ram Tah. An announcement was made by Professor Alba Tesreau: “Ram Tah’s research has been enormously beneficial to our understanding of the Thargoids, and resulted in developments that aid us in the conflict. We therefore have a vested interest in protecting his work. We have deployed a security force that will provide continual support while allowing Ram Tah’s operation to remain completely independent. Hopefully this will prevent any further disruption.” There has been no response from the Sirius Corporation, which recently arrested a cabal of junior officers from its private fleet for launching an incursion into Meene. Li Yong-Rui, the CEO of Sirius Corp, has allegedly withdrawn his offer to work with Ram Tah on Guardian-human technology.[18]

    23 NOV 3304

    • The Sirius Corporation has responded to the revelation that members of its private fleet coordinated a mercenary raid on the Meene system. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corp, told the media: “Following a thorough inquiry, we have confirmed that a cabal of junior officers, with the aid of mercenaries, orchestrated an illegal operation to gain access to Phoenix Base. Although their intentions remain unclear, I can confirm they were acting purely in their own interests, and without official knowledge. The rogue officers, including those extradited into our custody by the Meene Defence Force, now face multiple charges, and could be imprisoned for life. I would like to express my sincere regret over this incident, and to personally apologise to Ram Tah. I continue to hope that we can work together on further Guardian-human technology.”[17]

    16 NOV 3304

    • A link has been established between the mercenary group recently intercepted in the Meene system and the Sirius Corporation. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force said: “With the vital assistance of the galactic community, we were able to apprehend several of the mercenaries. Interrogations revealed that a number of them were in fact junior officers in Sirius Corp’s private fleet. Other mercenaries confirmed that the attack was funded and organised by these individuals, which raises the question of why Sirius should be involved with this criminal enterprise.” The engineer Ram Tah, who operates from Phoenix Base in the Meene system, commented: “Did Sirius really think it could obtain my research by force? Or was this an attempt to scare me into accepting Li Yong-Rui’s offer?” A spokesperson for the Sirius Corporation refuted any allegations of criminal activity, and insisted there would be a full inquiry.[16]

    07 NOV 3304

    • A mercenary group has been intercepted by security forces in the Meene system. Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force reported: “Six hours ago, our forces were attacked by a small fleet belonging to a known mercenary group. Fortunately, we were able to defeat them before they could do serious damage. There is no doubt that the mercenaries’ primary target was Phoenix Base. We suspect that this incident is connected to an attempted raid on the base that was repelled a few weeks ago.” Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, addressed the incident: “I’m relieved that the attack was foiled, but this only demonstrates how precarious Ram Tah’s situation is. I urge him to accept my offer to work with the Sirius Corporation – not only for his own safety, but also to safeguard future Guardian-human technologies.”[13]

    02 NOV 3304

    • The engineer Ram Tah has rejected an offer from the Sirius Corporation to support the manufacture of Guardian-human technology. In a public statement, he said: “These technologies, developed using principles discovered by the Guardians, are too important to become corporate products. I have no doubt that Sirius would aim for maximum profits, rather than using the knowledge to aid humanity. Using tech brokers to distribute the designs allows them to be widely available, and thanks to the generosity of Aegis, the tech brokers’ costs have been reduced, making Guardian-human fighters and systems more affordable.” Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation, has stated that his offer remains open, and that he hopes Ram Tah will have a change of heart.[12]

    26 OCT 3304

    • The Sirius Corporation has publicly offered to work with engineer Ram Tah in the development of further Guardian-human technology. Li Yong-Rui, the corporation’s chief executive officer, made this statement: “Ram Tah’s research into the Guardians is of central importance to humanity’s future, and I would therefore like to place the resources of the Sirius Corporation at his disposal. As the recent incident at Phoenix Base illustrates, Ram Tah’s operation is currently at risk. Not only can we guarantee his safety, but with our manufacturing capabilities we can bring the benefits of Guardian technology to the whole galaxy.” There has been a range of reactions from business analysts. Some have advised Ram Tah to take advantage of the offer to mass-produce his designs, while others have warned that Sirius Corp is seeking a monopoly over Guardian-human technology. As yet there has been no response from Ram Tah. Repairs to his base in the Meene system have been completed, following an attempted incursion by armed intruders.[11]

    22 MAR 3304

    • Sirius Corporation announced that it would be expanding its presence in the remote Sothis and Ceos systems with multiple new starports, settlements, and Megaships. The move was a response to the steadily increasing traffic in those two systems.[60]

    13 JAN 3302

    • Li Yong-Rui announced that the search had resulted in the recovery of the wreckage of the Antares.

    The wreckage appears to confirm that the component failure described in the ship’s final status report did indeed result in the destruction of the Antares. My hope is that by subjecting the wreckage to further analysis, we will be able to determine exactly what caused the malfunction and apply this knowledge to the development of new safety protocols. With luck, we will be able to reintroduce the innovative drive technology used aboard the Antares. This discovery could serve as the catalyst for a whole new era of interplanetary travel.

    — Li Yong-Rui[73]

    22 DEC 3301

    • Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation’s government division, announced a new official search for the Antares. He asked for Wreckage Components to be delivered to Davy Dock in the Procyon system.

    Since the Antares was lost 50 years ago, there have been great advances in scanning technology, and we believe it may now be possible to find the remains of the ship. We are inviting every pilot in the galaxy to deliver wreckage components to our research base at Davy Dock in the Procyon system. Once we have accumulated enough material, we will subject the debris to comprehensive analysis to determine its origin. With luck, not only will we find the remains of the Antares, we will be able to determine her fate.

    — Li Yong-Rui[74]

    18 NOV 3301

    • The Sirius Corporation’s appeal for osmium to at HIP 8396 came to an end, after a positive response in which hundreds of miners contributed.

    The pilots who contributed to this initiative have performed a great service, and proved that the people of this galaxy are motivated as much by altruism as by the promise of reward. We are all humanitarians at heart.

    — Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation[75]

    05 NOV 3301

    • The Sirius Corporation’s appeal for osmium to revitalise the economy of HIP 8396 started.

    The people of HIP 8396 are part of the Sirius Corporation family, but if we are to help our compatriots, we will need help ourselves. So I implore all galactic citizens to contribute to this initiative, and bring a new era of peace and prosperity to HIP 8396.

    — Li Yong-Rui, CEO of the Sirius Corporation[76]

    22 OCT 3301

    • Following increased pirate activity in the Robigo system, Sirius Corporation offered a generous reward for anyone who helped clear the pirates out, in line with the corporation’s zero-tolerance approach to those who threaten its holdings.[77]

    15 OCT 3301

    • Following their expansion earlier in the year into the HIP 8396, Almagest, Sothis, Ceos, and Robigo systems, Sirius Corporation CEO Li Yong-Rui announced a new initiative to revitalise the economies of those systems. The fist stage would consist of an appeal for independent pilots to deliver osmium to HIP 8396.[55]

    15 SEP 3301

    • Investigation data was handed over to the Sirius Corporation that a spokesman for Federation Vice President Nigel Smeaton’s family said might help to locate the wreckage of the Highliner Antares. The data was encrypted, and had been found on a device among Nigel Smeaton’s personal belongings.[78]

    04 AUG 3301

    • A Sirius Corporation shuttle crashed into Patterson Enterprise in the Sirius system and was destroyed, when its docking computer failed on approach to the station. Five died, including Sean Richards, a senior consultant engineer who helped to compile the incident report on the disappearance of Starship One and, 50 years earlier, had been part of the task force of the Highliner Antares enquiry.[79]

    27 MAY 3301

    • In the aftermath of the disappearance of Starship One, specialist teams from Core Dynamics and the Sirius Corporation attempted to analyse the wake and uplink data captured by the President’s Guardian Wing escorts in the moments before all four ships jumped.[80]

    12 MAR 3301

    • The Sirius Corporation announced that it would be returning to its colonisation roots with the launch of 12 new colonial outposts in 9 systems.[5]

    02 MAR 3301

    • The Sirius Corporation announced that the reconnaissance portion of its latest colonisation project had drawn to a close. Hundreds of scout ships had contributed, gathering data on tens of thousands of potential candidate systems.[81]

    28 FEB 3301

    • Sirius Corporation announced that, thanks to the work of hundreds of explorers, 8 new colonisation candidates had been identified.[82]

    23 FEB 3301

    • Sirius Corporation announced its plan to launch a number of new colonial outposts to the very edges of occupied space. They offered sizeable monetary rewards for exploration data submitted to Nourse Orbital in Lambda Andromedae.

    We’re very excited to move forward with this project. It’s been a long time coming, but finally the board have agreed it’s time to get the ball rolling. We’ve got the tech and the volunteers, all we need now is to know where to send them.

    — Ana Quin, Junior Vice President of Interstellar Logistics[58]


    • A Sirius Corporation vessel known as the Highliner Antares disappeared during its maiden flight in the Sirius system. It was the first ship to use a production version of a new type of hyperdrive. When attempting a hyperspace jump it experienced a simultaneous explosion and mis-jump. The final report concluded that the most likely cause was that a part in the drive had failed just before the jump. No wreckage from the vessel was found. This led to considerable speculation and many conspiracy theories concerning what actually occurred.[74][59]


    • The Sirius Corporation launched the first completely corporate colonisation mission, and arrived in the Sirius system. Sirius Corporation had become integrated into military and civilian production, and they had earned a trusted status with both the Federation and Empire, supplying both sides during their conflicts.[2]



    Sirius Corporation logo

    Li Yong-Rui

    Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Corporation


    1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Elite Encounters RPG
    2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 GalNet: The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations
    3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 GalNet: Sirius Corporation: The Fourth Superpower?
    4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 The Sirius Corporation – The First of the Mega-corporations
    5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 GalNet: Launching the Colonies
    6. GalNet: New Computer Designs Announced
    7. Tourist Beacon 0179
    8. Tourist Beacon 0202
    9. 9.0 9.1 Tourist Beacon 0205
    10. Elite Dangerous: Premonition
    11. 11.0 11.1 GalNet: Sirius Corp Makes Public Offer
    12. 12.0 12.1 GalNet: Ram Tah Rejects Sirius Corp
    13. 13.0 13.1 GalNet: Mercenary Incursion in Meene
    14. GalNet: Recover Escape Pods in Meene
    15. GalNet: Escape Pod Recovery Complete
    16. 16.0 16.1 GalNet: Connection to Sirius Corp Uncovered
    17. 17.0 17.1 GalNet: Sirius Arrests Rogue Officers
    18. 18.0 18.1 GalNet: Aegis Offers Security to Ram Tah
    19. 19.0 19.1 GalNet: Sirius Corporation Campaign to Establish Marlinist Colonies
    20. 20.0 20.1 GalNet: Commodities Delivered to Build Marlinist Colonies
    21. 21.0 21.1 GalNet: Terrorism Respite as Marlinists Prepare for New Homes
    22. 22.0 22.1 GalNet: New Marlinist Systems Request Emergency Food Supplies
    23. 23.0 23.1 GalNet: Galactic Summit Proposal from Sirius Corporation
    24. 24.0 24.1 GalNet: Sirius and Utopia Compete to Host Galactic Summit
    25. 25.0 25.1 GalNet: Sirius Corporation Secures Hosting of Galactic Summit
    26. 26.0 26.1 GalNet: Rare Goods Required for Galactic Summit
    27. 27.0 27.1 GalNet: Galactic Summit Begins with Defence Request
    28. 28.0 28.1 GalNet: Rare Goods Received for Political Delegates
    29. 29.0 29.1 GalNet: Defence and Delivery Requests for the Sirius System
    30. 30.0 30.1 GalNet: Archon Delaine Gatecrashes the Galactic Summit
    31. 31.0 31.1 GalNet: Galactic Summit Cancelled – NMLA Attacks Superpowers
    32. 32.0 32.1 GalNet: Materials Needed for Enhanced Ship Module
    33. 33.0 33.1 GalNet: Detailed Surface Scanner Campaign Reaches Target
    34. 34.0 34.1 GalNet: New Alliance Starports Become Operational
    35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 GalNet: New Onionhead Variant Reaches the Market
    36. 36.0 36.1 GalNet: New Phase for Alliance-Sirius Partnership
    37. 37.0 37.1 GalNet: Alliance and Sirius Agree Defence Pact
    38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 GalNet: Sirius Navy Unites with Alliance Defence Force
    39. 39.0 39.1 GalNet: Sirius Gov Enters the Alioth System
    40. 40.0 40.1 GalNet: Reorte Resists Sirius Corporation
    41. 41.0 41.1 GalNet: Conflict Erupts in the Reorte System
    42. 42.0 42.1 GalNet: Sirius Corporation Ejected from Reorte
    43. 43.0 43.1 GalNet: Concerns Raised over Alliance-Sirius Pact
    44. 44.0 44.1 GalNet: Mahon Reprimanded over Reorte Conflict
    45. 45.0 45.1 GalNet: Trial Period Agreed for Alliance-Sirius Pact
    46. 46.0 46.1 Tourist Beacon 0206
    47. Tourist Beacon 0207
    48. Tourist Beacon 0208
    49. 49.0 49.1 GalNet: ‘Ghost Ship’ Leads Alliance to New Resources
    50. GalNet: Explorers Needed for Coalsack Nebula Project
    51. GalNet: Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
    52. GalNet: Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
    53. Tourist Beacon 0209
    54. 54.0 54.1 Tourist Beacon 0203
    55. 55.0 55.1 Sirius Corporation Announces New Programme
    56. GalNet: Meet the Powers – Li Yong-Rui
    57. GalNet: Exphiay Entertains Shadow President
    58. 58.0 58.1 Lambda Andromedae: Bringing Data Home
    59. 59.0 59.1 Remembering the Antares Incident
    60. 60.0 60.1 GalNet: Sirius Corp Announced Expansion
    61. GalNet: Reorte Mining Coalition Proposes Independence
    62. GalNet: A Retrospective of 3307 (Part One)
    63. GalNet: New Phase for Alliance-Sirius Partnership
    64. GalNet: Salvation Recruits Naval Crews
    65. GalNet: Kumo Crew Starports Open for Business
    66. GalNet: The Declaration of Archon Delaine
    67. GalNet: Galactic Summit Imperilled by Political Frictions
    68. GalNet: Empire and Marlinists Prepare for Galactic Summit
    69. GalNet: Takeover of Lakon Spaceways Declared Illegal
    70. GalNet: Coalsack Nebula Terraforming Project Stalls
    71. GalNet: Coalsack Nebula Project Gathers Ammonia Worlds Data
    72. GalNet: Explorers Needed for Coalsack Nebula Project
    73. Sirius Corporation Confirms Discovery of Antares Wreckage
    74. 74.0 74.1 The Search for the Antares
    75. Sirius Corporation Programme Ends Today
    76. Sirius Corporation Programme Begins Today
    77. Sirius Corporation Takes Aim at Pirates
    78. Vice President’s Investigation Data Found
    79. Five Killed in Shuttle Accident
    80. Federal Search Efforts Continue
    81. Sirius Exploration Survey Completes
    82. GalNet Galactic Trade-Labour Report

    v  d  e

    Key Corporations

    Ship & Vehicle Manufacturers
    • Brewer Corporation
    • Core Dynamics
    • Faulcon DeLacy
    • Gutamaya
    • Lakon Spaceways
    • Saud Kruger
    • Vodel
    • Zorgon Peterson
    Personal Equipment Manufacturers
  • Kinematic Armaments
  • Manticore
  • Remlok
  • Supratech
  • Takada
  • Concourse Vendors & Services
  • Apex Interstellar Transport
  • Frontline Solutions
  • Inter Astra
  • Pioneer Supplies
  • Vista Genomics
  • Major Newsfeeds
  • Alliance Tribune
  • GalNet
  • Federal Times
  • Imperial Herald
  • Vox Galactica
  • Mega Corporations
  • Achilles Corporation
  • Bank of Zaonce
  • Caine-Massey
  • Mastopolos Mining
  • Neomedical Industries
  • Rockforth Corporation
  • Sirius Corporation
  • Universal Cartographics
  • Vandermeer Corporation
  • WorldCraft
  • Wreaken Corporation
  • Overview

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    Схема такая: прилетел в нужную систему с наличием требуемой фракции (искать в радиусе до 15 св. л.), вкачал репу от нейтральной до союзной (выполнять нужно миссии, предлагающие в качестве награды повышение репутации со знаком “+”, миссий с “Реп+++++” достаточно будет 6 штук) и

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    [i.imgur.com] Разрешения выдаются только на космопортах (Аутпост, Кориолис, Орбис, Оцеллус). Контролирующая фракция не всегда является стороной, предоставляющей разрешение! Месторасположение таких фракций нужно искать через сайт EDDB[eddb.io] Ниже в описании я укажу все фракции для каждой системы.

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    Закрытые системы

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      Разрешение от фракции: Peregrina aristocrats
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      Разрешение от фракции: Pi Mensae Brotherhood
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    12. Закрытая система: Isinor
      Разрешение от фракции: Chapter of Isinor
      Особенности: ходят слухи, что в системе попадаются грузовые T-10 в сопровождении служб безопасности, перевозящие очень ценный груз, пиратам на заметку! Сам не проверял, утверждать не буду…

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    Как видите из описанных систем, есть смысл озадачить себя данным занятием, каждый в процессе столкнется с чем-то интересным… Лично я не жалею о потраченных 30-ти часах геймплея на это мероприятие!
    Перечень всех редких товаров ТУТ[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]

    Системы с ранговым доступом

    Элитам этот раздел не актуален, а новичкам рекомендовано к ознакомлению!


    1. Закрытая система: Shinrarta Dezhra
      Условия доступа: наличие любого ранга “Элита”
      Особенности: в продаже все модули и корабли со скидкой 10%. Инженер Lori Jameson. Карибасам советую туда летать в соло-режиме / частной группе, система кишит ганкерами…

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    2. Закрытая система: CD-43 11917
      Условия доступа: уровень: 1 “Престиж” CQC
      Особенности: в продаже все модули и корабли на станции Attilius Orbital, а также скидки 20-30% на некоторые виды оружия, внешнее оборудование, малые и средние корабли. Если у Вас есть доступ в эту систему – вам нету равных в задроцтве))
      Описание системы[inara.cz]


    1. Закрытая система: Sol
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Старшина” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: инженер Colonel Bris Dekker

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    2. Закрытые системы: Beta Hydri / Vega
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Главный Старшина” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: Ремонтные доки (Capital Ship Dock) в системе Beta Hydri, возле станции Military Installation.
      В системе Vega, на станции Taylor City, продается уникальный товар “Водоросли для похудения с Веги

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    3. Закрытая система: PLX 695
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Уорент-офицер” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    4. Закрытая система: Ross 128
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Энсин” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    5. Закрытая система: Exbeur
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Лейтенант” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    6. Закрытая система: Hors
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Начальник гарнизона” Федерального Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    1. Закрытая система: Achenar
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Оруженосец” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: столица Империи. Инженер Tiana Fortune

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    2. Закрытая система: Summerland
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Барон” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: ничего примечательного

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    3. Закрытая система: Facece
      Условия доступа: наличие ранга “Эрл” Имперского Флота
      Особенности: Ремонтные доки (Capital Ship Dock) возле станции Topaz

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    1. Закрытая система: Sirius‏‎
      Разрешение от фракции: Sirius Corporation
      Особенности: инженер Marco Qwent, также есть торговец пром. материалами

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    2. Закрытая система: Alioth
      Разрешение от фракции: Alioth Independents
      Особенности: столица Альянса Независимых Систем (АНС). Инженер Bill Turner

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    • Закрытые системы: Azoth, Dromi, Matet, Lia Fail, Orna, Otegine, Tarnkappe,
      Tyet, Sharur, Wolfsegen

      Разрешение от фракции: Pilots’ Federation Administration
      Особенности: стартовые системы, доступны только пилотам “новичкам”

    Информацию про открытые системы можно найти в меню корабля:

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    Заблокированные системы

    В данном разделе собраны системы, закрытые самими разработчиками для будущего контента, хотя встречаются и заблокированные по ошибке…

    • Закрытая система: Mbooni
      Разрешение от фракции: отсутствует
      Особенности: система не заселена. Раньше называлась Kamba и была закрыта по
      ошибке вместо системы с таким же названием. Потом была переименована на Mbooni,
      но доступ остался закрытым.
    • Закрытая система: HIP 87621
      Разрешение от фракции: отсутствует
      Особенности: не заселена, ссылается на пустую систему HIP 48762, но это ошибка в описании!

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    • HIP 54530фракция находится внутри закрытой системы. В связи с этим получить доступ не представляется возможным, вероятно такие системы заблокированы для контента.
    • Mingfuфракция находится внутри закрытой системы
    • CD-44 1695фракция внутри системы
    • 4 Sextantisфракция внутри системы
    • LFT 509заблокирована, не заселена
    • Witch’s Reachне заселена
    • HIP 22460присутствует космопорт, данных о населении нет
    • HIP 23874не заселена
    • HD 33766не заселена
    • Ссылка на более обширный список заблокированных систем: WIKI[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]
    • Ссылка на заблокированные целые сектора: WIKI[elite-dangerous.fandom.com]


    • Система: Sol спутник: Triton

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    • Система: Lave планета: Lave 2

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    • Система: Diso планета: Diso 5 c

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    Список будет дополняться по ходу поступления информации…

    За лайки и награды – огромная Вам благодарность !!!

    Другие руководства от автора


    Sirius Corporation︎

    Present in

    35 star systems


    13 star systems | 36 stations | 204 settlements | 16 installations | 7 megaships


    War in Ceos︎

    2 vs 0

    1 hour ago

    War in Sothis︎


    1 hour ago

    Star systems influence changes

    The minor faction influences in all star systems for 30 days. When too many star systems are present, the systems with biggest influence swings in the last 10 days are prioritized with the trends displayed (positive changes in blue color, negative in red, home star system in yellow). The star systems displayed can be changed manually by clicking on their names below the graph.

    Star system Inf Trend Updated
    Te Kaha 93.0% +3.9% 2 hours ago
    Takurua 88.7% +4.1% 22 hours ago
    RR Caeli 74.7% +5.4% now
    Luhman 16 63.8% +9.0% now
    Lu Yupik 63.4% +9.3% 4 hours ago
    Luyten 674-15 62.4% +4.8% 2 hours ago
    Sirius 60.8% +1.6% now
    Ross 446 55.8% +7.9% 53 minutes ago
    Avik 54.8% +19.0% 3 hours ago
    Procyon 42.6% -2.1% now
    Luyten’s Star 36.3% -8.5% now
    G 14-6 28.5% -15.7% 5 hours ago
    LHS 2065 28.2% +2.8% 53 minutes ago
    Mildeptu 21.5% -2.5% 6 hours ago
    LHS 1918 20.7% -4.1% 53 minutes ago
    Ceos 20.4% -2.4% 53 minutes ago
    Zavijah 19.5% +10.3% 53 minutes ago
    Andecavi 18.4% -5.0% now
    LHS 380 18.2% +7.8% 1 hour ago
    La Rochelle 16.1% -15.7% 2 hours ago
    Almagest 15.9% +2.0% 1 day ago
    Kushen 14.8% -6.1% 53 minutes ago
    HIP 8396 14.1% -4.5% 1 day ago
    Leesti 10.4% -2.3% now
    Alpha Centauri 8.1% -3.4% now
    Tabit 3.6% -4.2% 5 hours ago

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