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When I unzip harbor-offline-installer-v1.8.1.tgz package and run ./ get this error:
failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
root@xxx#docker logs -f harbor-log
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin “sudoers_policy”
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
I searched everywhere for help still failed to solve the problem. Would you please help me fix this problem.
Thanks in Advance
The entire message as below:
[Step 0]: checking installation environment …
Note: docker version: 19.03.2
Note: docker-compose version: 1.24.1
[Step 1]: loading Harbor images …
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-core:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/redis-photon:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/notary-server-photon:v0.6.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/chartmuseum-photon:v0.8.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-db:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/registry-photon:v2.7.1-patch-2819-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-migrator:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/prepare:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-portal:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-log:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/notary-signer-photon:v0.6.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/clair-photon:v2.0.8-v1.8.1
[Step 2]: preparing environment …
prepare base dir is set to /work/harbor-offline/harbor
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registry/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/db/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registryctl/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registryctl/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/log/logrotate.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/jobservice/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/jobservice/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/nginx/nginx.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/core/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/core/env
Generated configuration file: /config/log/logrotate.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/core/env
Generated configuration file: /config/core/app.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/registry/config.yml
Generated configuration file: /config/registryctl/env
Generated configuration file: /config/db/env
Generated configuration file: /config/jobservice/env
Generated configuration file: /config/jobservice/config.yml
loaded secret from file: /secret/keys/secretkey
Generated configuration file: /compose_location/docker-compose.yml
Clean up the input dir
[Step 3]: starting Harbor …
Creating network “harbor_harbor” with the default driver
Creating harbor-log … done
Creating harbor-db … done
Creating redis … done
Creating registry … done
Creating registryctl … done
Creating harbor-core … done
Creating harbor-portal … error
Creating harbor-jobservice …
Creating harbor-jobservice … error
ERROR: for harbor-jobservice Cannot start service jobservice: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: for portal Cannot start service portal: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: for jobservice Cannot start service jobservice: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
docker logs -f harbor-log
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin “sudoers_policy”
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin “sudoers_policy”
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin “sudoers_policy”
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
Project error:
Logging system failed to initialize using configuration from 'classpath:logging-config.xml'
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not initialize Logback logging from classpath:logging-config.xml
at org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystem.loadConfiguration(
at org.springframework.boot.logging.AbstractLoggingSystem.initializeWithSpecificConfig(
at org.springframework.boot.logging.AbstractLoggingSystem.initialize(
at org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystem.initialize(
at org.springframework.boot.context.logging.LoggingApplicationListener.initializeSystem(
at org.springframework.boot.context.logging.LoggingApplicationListener.initialize(
at org.springframework.boot.context.logging.LoggingApplicationListener.onApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent(
at org.springframework.boot.context.logging.LoggingApplicationListener.onApplicationEvent(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.doInvokeListener(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.invokeListener(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(
at org.springframework.context.event.SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster.multicastEvent(
at org.springframework.boot.context.event.EventPublishingRunListener.environmentPrepared(
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplicationRunListeners.environmentPrepared(
at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.prepareEnvironment(
at com.aiot.manager.AiotManagerApplication.main(
Caused by: ch.qos.logback.core.joran.spi.JoranException: I/O error occurred while parsing xml file
at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.event.SaxEventRecorder.handleError(
at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.event.SaxEventRecorder.recordEvents(
at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at ch.qos.logback.core.joran.GenericConfigurator.doConfigure(
at org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystem.configureByResourceUrl(
at org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.LogbackLoggingSystem.loadConfiguration(
... 18 more
Caused by: Connection timed out: connect
at Method)
Check the logging-config.xml file
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
Check if the URL can be accessed, the dtd file may be strengthened. After downloading this file locally, put it in the resources directory, and add the old link in the logging-config.xml file.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//<!---->W3C//<!---->DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "xmlspec.dtd">
Read the local dtd file.
The content of the dtd file is as follows:
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- XML specification DTD ......................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- $Id: xmlspec.dtd,v 1.20 2005/10/13 15:30:39 NormanWalsh Exp $ -->
# "-//W3C//DTD Specification V2.10//EN"
# "">
This XML DTD is for W3C specifications and other technical reports.
It is based in part on the TEI Lite and Sweb DTDs.
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This document is governed by the W3C Software License[3] as
described in the FAQ[4].
The list of historical changes is at the end of the DTD. For recent changes,
see the CVS log.
For all details, see the design report at:
This report is now out-of-date, but no more recent report has been prepared.
#2003-06-25: nwalsh: Added translationloc, preverrataloc, rfc2119
#2003-05-28: nwalsh: Added errataloc, fixed IE bug. Added @num to prod.
Published V2.4
#2003-03-12: nwalsh: Added local.* PEs to a number of additional
places to make customization layers easier.
Published V2.3
#2002-09-04: nwalsh: Added 'phrase' to title, subtitle, version,
w3c-designation, w3c-doctype, day, month, year, name,
affiliation, email, language, role, lhs, rhs, com,
typename, date, loc, nt, sub, sup, term, termref,
titleref, xnt, xspecref, xtermref
This is *solely* to support automated diffing. Users
are explicitly forbidden from using this as an escape
hatch to get extra markup in these contexts.
#2001-10-08: nwalsh: Added local.arg.att and local.proto.att
#2002-08-14: nwalsh: Published V2.2
Added marked sections around element and attlist declarations and
added the altlocs element
Norman Walsh
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
[email protected]
voice: +1 413 256 6985
fax: +1 413 256 6985
Eve Maler
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
[email protected]
voice: +1 781 442 3190
fax: +1 781 442 1437
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for characters and symbols ........................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1998-03-10: maler: Added “ and ”.
# Used 8879:1986-compatible decimal character
# references.
# Merged charent.mod file back into main file.
#1998-05-14: maler: Fixed ldquo and rdquo. Gave mdash a real number.
#1998-12-03: maler: Escaped the leading ampersands.
<!ENTITY lt "<">
<!ENTITY gt ">">
<!ENTITY amp "&">
<!ENTITY apos "'">
<!ENTITY quot """>
<!ENTITY nbsp " ">
<!ENTITY mdash "—">
<!ENTITY ldquo "“">
<!ENTITY rdquo "”">
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for classes of standalone elements ................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-10-16: maler: Added table to %illus.class;.
#1997-11-28: maler: Added htable to %illus.class;.
#1997-12-29: maler: IGNOREd table.
#1998-03-10: maler: Removed SGML Open-specific %illus.class;.
# Added "local" entities for customization.
#1998-05-14: maler: Added issue to %note.class;.
# Removed %[local.]statusp.class;.
#1998-05-21: maler: Added constraintnote to %note.class;.
#1998-08-22: maler: Changed htable to table in %illus.class;.
# Added definitions to %illus.class;.
#2000-03-07: maler: Added proto and example to %illus.class;.
<!ENTITY % local.p.class " ">
<!ENTITY % p.class "p
<!ENTITY % local.list.class " ">
<!ENTITY % list.class "ulist|olist|slist|glist
<!ENTITY % local.speclist.class " ">
<!ENTITY % speclist.class "orglist|blist
<!ENTITY % local.note.class " ">
<!ENTITY % note.class "note|issue|wfcnote|vcnote
|constraintnote %local.note.class;">
<!ENTITY % local.illus.class " ">
<!ENTITY % illus.class "eg|graphic|scrap|table|definitions
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for classes of phrase-level elements ................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-12-29: maler: Added xspecref to %ref.class;.
#1998-03-10: maler: Added %ednote.class;.
# Added "local" entities for customization.
#2000-03-07: maler: Added function, var, el, att, and attval to
# %tech.class;.
# Added sub, sup, and phrase to %emph.class;.
<!ENTITY % local.annot.class " ">
<!ENTITY % annot.class "footnote
<!ENTITY % local.termdef.class " ">
<!ENTITY % termdef.class "termdef|term
<!ENTITY % local.emph.class " ">
<!ENTITY % emph.class "emph|phrase|rfc2119|quote|sub|sup
<!ENTITY % local.ref.class " ">
<!ENTITY % ref.class "bibref|specref|termref|titleref
<!ENTITY % local.loc.class " ">
<!ENTITY % loc.class "loc
<!ENTITY % " ">
<!ENTITY % tech.class "kw|nt|xnt|code|function|var
<!ENTITY % local.ednote.class " ">
<!ENTITY % ednote.class "ednote
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for mixtures of standalone elements .................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-09-30: maler: Created %p.mix; to eliminate p from self.
#1997-09-30: maler: Added %speclist.class; to %obj.mix; and %p.mix;.
#1997-09-30: maler: Added %note.class; to %obj.mix; and %p.mix;.
#1997-10-16: maler: Created %entry.mix;. Note that some elements
# left out here are still allowed in termdef,
# which entry can contain through %p.pcd.mix;.
#1997-11-28: maler: Added %p.class; to %statusobj.mix;.
#1998-03-10: maler: Added %ednote.class; to all mixtures, except
# %p.mix; and %statusobj.mix;, because paragraphs
# and status paragraphs will contain ednote
# through %p.pcd.mix;.
#1998-03-23: maler: Added %termdef.mix; (broken out from
# %termdef.pcd.mix;).
#1998-05-14: maler: Removed %statusobj.mix; and all mentions of
# %statusp.mix;.
<!ENTITY % local.div.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % div.mix
<!ENTITY % local.obj.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % obj.mix
<!ENTITY % local.p.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % p.mix
<!ENTITY % local.entry.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % entry.mix
<!ENTITY % local.hdr.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % hdr.mix
<!ENTITY % local.termdef.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % termdef.mix
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for mixtures of #PCDATA and phrase-level elements .... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Note that %termdef.pcd.mix contains %note.class;
and %illus.class;, considered standalone elements. -->
#1997-09-30: maler: Added scrap and %note.class; to %termdef.pcd.mix;.
#1997-11-28: maler: Added %loc.class; to %p.pcd.mix;.
#1998-03-10: maler: Added %ednote.class; to all mixtures.
#1998-03-23: maler: Moved some %termdef.pcd.mix; stuff out to
# %termdef.mix;.
#1998-05-14: maler: Removed %statusp.pcd.mix;.
#1998-05-21: maler: Added constraint element to %eg.pcd.mix;.
#1999-07-02: maler: Added %loc.class; to %head.pcd.mix;,
# %label.pcd.mix;, %eg.pcd.mix;, %termdef.pcd.mix;,
# %tech.pcd.mix; (net: all PCD mixes have it).
# Removed unused %loc.pcd.mix;.
<!ENTITY % local.p.pcd.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % p.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % local.head.pcd.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % head.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % local.label.pcd.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % label.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % eg.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % local.termdef.pcd.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % termdef.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % local.bibl.pcd.mix " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % bibl.pcd.mix
<!ENTITY % " "> <!-- compensate for IE bug; suggested by ht -->
<!ENTITY % tech.pcd.mix
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for customizable content models ...................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1998-03-10: maler: Added customization entities.
#1998-05-14: maler: Allowed prevlocs and latestloc in either order.
#1999-07-02: maler: Made version optional; added copyright element.
#2000-03-07: maler: Allowed status and abstract in opposite order.
<!ENTITY % spec.mdl
"header, front?, body, back?">
<!ENTITY % header.mdl
"title, subtitle?, version?, w3c-designation, w3c-doctype,
pubdate, notice*, publoc, altlocs?, ((prevlocs, latestloc?) |
(latestloc, prevlocs?))?, authlist, errataloc?, preverrataloc?,
translationloc?, copyright?,
((status, abstract) | (abstract, status)), pubstmt?,
sourcedesc?, langusage, revisiondesc">
<!ENTITY % pubdate.mdl
"day?, month, year">
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Entities for common attributes ................................ -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#2000-03-07: maler: Added %argtypes;.
<!-- argtypes:
Values for function prototype argument datatypes. -->
<!ENTITY % argtypes
<!-- key attribute:
Optionally provides a sorting or indexing key, for cases when
the element content is inappropriate for this purpose. -->
<!ENTITY % key.att
<!-- def attribute:
Points to the element where the relevant definition can be
found, using the IDREF mechanism. %def.att; is for optional
def attributes, and %def-req.att; is for required def
attributes. -->
<!ENTITY % def.att
<!ENTITY % def-req.att
<!-- ref attribute:
Points to the element where more information can be found,
using the IDREF mechanism. %ref.att; is for optional
ref attributes, and %ref-req.att; is for required ref
attributes. -->
<!ENTITY % ref.att
<!ENTITY % ref-req.att
#1998-03-23: maler: Added show and actuate attributes to href.
# Added semi-common xml:space attribute.
#1998-08-22: maler: Used new xlink:form and #IMPLIED features.
#1999-07-02: maler: Reorganized XLink-related entities completely;
# added xmlns:xlink attribute to the mix.
#2000-03-07: maler: Updated XLink usage to February 2000 draft,
# except that href still has no namespace prefix.
<!-- xmlns:xlink and xlink:type attributes:
xmlns:xlink declares the association of the xlink prefix
with the namespace created by the XLink specification.
xlink:type identifies an element as an XLink "simple" linking
element. -->
<!ENTITY % simple-xlink.att
'xmlns:xlink CDATA #FIXED
xlink:type CDATA #FIXED "simple" '>
<!-- href attributes:
The href attribute locates the remote-resource half of a
simple link; the element on which the href appears is the
local-resource half. Some elements are usable links only if
the author chooses to supply a functional href. The attribute
name should really be xlink:href, but is kept without the
prefix for now in order to be backwards-compatible. -->
<!ENTITY % href.att
<!ENTITY % href-req.att
<!-- xlink:show and xlink:actuate attributes:
These attributes offer instructions to the display engine
about how to handle traversal to resource indicated by an
href locator. -->
<!ENTITY % auto-embed.att
'xlink:show CDATA #FIXED "embed"
xlink:actuate CDATA #FIXED "onLoad" '>
<!ENTITY % user-replace.att
'xlink:show CDATA #FIXED "replace"
xlink:actuate CDATA #FIXED "onRequest" '>
<!ENTITY % user-new.att
'xlink:show CDATA #FIXED "new"
xlink:actuate CDATA #FIXED "onRequest" '>
<!-- xml:space attribute:
Indicates that the element contains whitespace that the
formatter or other application should retain, as appropriate
to its function. -->
<!ENTITY % xmlspace.att
'xml:space (default
|preserve) #FIXED "preserve" '>
#2000-03-07: maler: Added common diff attribute. Made %role.att;.
<!-- diff attribute:
Indicates in what way the element has changed. When a value
is not provided, that subelement should inherit a value from
its parent. If the root element has no value supplied,
assume "off". -->
<!ENTITY % diff.att
'diff (chg
|off) #IMPLIED'>
<!-- role attribute:
Extends the useful life of the DTD by allowing authors to
make a subtype of any element. No default. -->
<!ENTITY % role.att
<!-- Common attributes:
Every element has an ID attribute for links, a role
attribute, and a diff attribute. %common.att; is for
common attributes where the ID is optional, and
%common-idreq.att; is for common attributes where the
ID is required. -->
<!ENTITY % local.common.att " ">
<!ENTITY % common.att
<!ENTITY % local.common-idreq.att " ">
<!ENTITY % common-idreq.att
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Common elements ............................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- head: Title on divisions, productions, and the like -->
<!ENTITY % head.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT head (%head.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % head.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST head %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Major specification structure ................................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1998-03-10: maler: Made spec content model easily customizable.
#1999-07-02: maler: Added doctype atts and status att.
#2000-03-07: maler: Added cr, issues, and dispcmts to w3c-doctype.
<!ENTITY % spec.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT spec (%spec.mdl;)>
<!-- w3c-doctype attributes:
Indicates the type of document, so that the appropriate
stylesheet or workflow routing can be applied. Should
*not* generate any text (such as the "REC-" or "NOTE-"
prefix on the W3C designation content). No default. If
w3c-doctype is "other", other-doctype should be filled in.
status attribute:
Indicates the stage of review of the document. May affect
the stylesheet's treatment of ednotes (e.g., whether to
output them). No default. -->
<!ENTITY % local.spec.att " ">
<!ENTITY % spec.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST spec
w3c-doctype (cr
|review) #IMPLIED
other-doctype CDATA #IMPLIED
status (int-review
|final) #IMPLIED
<!ENTITY % front.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT front (div1+)>
<!ENTITY % front.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST front %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % body.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT body (div1+)>
<!ENTITY % body.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST body %common.att;>
#1997-09-30: maler: Added inform-div1 to back content.
<!ENTITY % back.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT back ((div1+, inform-div1*) | inform-div1+)>
<!ENTITY % back.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST back %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % div1.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT div1 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div2*)>
<!ENTITY % div1.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST div1 %common.att;>
#1997-09-30: maler: Added inform-div1 declarations.
#2000-03-07: maler: Added div5 level.
<!-- inform-div1: Non-normative division in back matter -->
<!ENTITY % inform-div1.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT inform-div1 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div2*)>
<!ENTITY % inform-div1.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST inform-div1 %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % div2.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT div2 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div3*)>
<!ENTITY % div2.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST div2 %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % div3.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT div3 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div4*)>
<!ENTITY % div3.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST div3 %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % div4.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT div4 (head, (%div.mix;)*, div5*)>
<!ENTITY % div4.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST div4 %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % div5.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT div5 (head, (%div.mix;)*)>
<!ENTITY % div5.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST div5 %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Specification header .......................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1998-03-10: maler: Made header content model easily customizable.
<!ENTITY % header.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT header (%header.mdl;)>
<!ENTITY % header.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST header %common.att;>
<!-- Example of title: "Extensible Cheese Language (XCL)" -->
<!ENTITY % title.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % title.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST title %common.att;>
<!-- Example of subtitle: "A Cheesy Specification" -->
<!ENTITY % subtitle.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT subtitle (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % subtitle.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST subtitle %common.att;>
<!-- Example of version: "Version 666.0" -->
<!ENTITY % version.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT version (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % version.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST version %common.att;>
<!-- Example of w3c-designation: "WD-xcl-19991231" -->
<!ENTITY % w3c-designation.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT w3c-designation (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % w3c-designation.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST w3c-designation %common.att;>
<!-- Example of w3c-doctype: "W3C Working Draft" -->
<!ENTITY % w3c-doctype.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT w3c-doctype (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % w3c-doctype.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST w3c-doctype %common.att;>
#1998-03-10: maler: Made pubdate content model easily customizable.
<!ENTITY % pubdate.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT pubdate (%pubdate.mdl;)>
<!ENTITY % pubdate.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST pubdate %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % day.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT day (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % day.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST day %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % month.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT month (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % month.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST month %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % year.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT year (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % year.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST year %common.att;>
#1999-07-02: maler: Declared copyright element.
<!ENTITY % copyright.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT copyright (%hdr.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % copyright.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST copyright %common.att;>
<!-- Example of notice: "This draft is for public comment..." -->
<!ENTITY % notice.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT notice (%hdr.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % notice.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST notice %common.att;>
#2000-03-07: maler: Broadened models of *loc to %p.pcd.mix;.
<!ENTITY % publoc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT publoc (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % publoc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST publoc %common.att;>
#2002-08-15: nwalsh: Added altlocs element.
The semantics of the altlocs are equivalent to the Dublin Core relation element
with type="hasVersion". Each of the loc elements inside altlocs should identify
an alternate version of the resource described by the document, for example
HTML, XML, and PDF forms.
<!ENTITY % altlocs.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT altlocs (loc+)>
<!ENTITY % altlocs.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST altlocs %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % prevlocs.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT prevlocs (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % prevlocs.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST prevlocs %common.att;>
#2005-10-13: nwalsh: restrict latestloc content model.
New pubrules allows for multiple latestlocs. For some reason, this element
used to allow PCDATA. Now it allows only loc elements. If this causes
trouble, tell Norm.
<!ENTITY % latestloc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT latestloc (loc+)>
<!ENTITY % latestloc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST latestloc %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % errataloc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT errataloc EMPTY>
<!ENTITY % errataloc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST errataloc
<!ENTITY % preverrataloc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT preverrataloc EMPTY>
<!ENTITY % preverrataloc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST preverrataloc
<!ENTITY % translationloc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT translationloc EMPTY>
<!ENTITY % translationloc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST translationloc
<!-- loc (defined in "Phrase-level elements" below) -->
<!ENTITY % authlist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT authlist (author+)>
<!ENTITY % authlist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST authlist %common.att;>
#1997-09-30: maler: Made affiliation optional.
#1998-03-10: maler: Made email optional.
<!ENTITY % author.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT author (name, affiliation?, email?)>
<!ENTITY % author.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST author %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % name.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT name (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % name.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST name
<!ENTITY % affiliation.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT affiliation (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % affiliation.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST affiliation %common.att;>
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!ENTITY % email.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT email (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
email functions as a hypertext reference through this
required attribute. Typically the reference would use
the mailto: scheme. E.g.:
<email href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</email>
<!ENTITY % email.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST email
#1998-05-15: maler: Changed status content from %statusobj.mix;
# to plain %obj.mix;. statusp is obsolete.
<!ENTITY % status.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT status (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % status.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST status %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % abstract.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT abstract (%hdr.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % abstract.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST abstract %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % pubstmt.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT pubstmt (%hdr.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % pubstmt.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST pubstmt %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % sourcedesc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT sourcedesc (%hdr.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % sourcedesc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST sourcedesc %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % langusage.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT langusage (language+)>
<!ENTITY % langusage.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST langusage %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % language.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT language (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % language.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST language %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % revisiondesc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT revisiondesc (%hdr.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % revisiondesc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST revisiondesc %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Paragraph ..................................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-09-30: maler: Changed from %obj.mix; to %p.mix;.
#1997-12-29: maler: Changed order of %p.mix; and %p.pcd.mix;
# references.
#1997-12-29: maler: Changed order of %statusobj.mix; and
# %statusp.pcd.mix; references.
#1998-05-14: maler: Removed statusp declarations.
<!ENTITY % p.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT p (%p.pcd.mix;|%p.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % p.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST p %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Regular lists ................................................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- ulist: Unordered list, typically bulleted. -->
<!ENTITY % ulist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT ulist (item+)>
<!-- spacing attribute:
Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
use "compact" to get less spacing. The default is dependent
on the stylesheet. -->
<!ENTITY % ulist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST ulist
spacing (normal|compact) #IMPLIED>
<!-- olist: Ordered list, typically numbered. -->
<!ENTITY % olist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT olist (item+)>
<!-- spacing attribute:
Use "normal" to get normal vertical spacing for items;
use "compact" to get less spacing. The default is dependent
on the stylesheet. -->
<!ENTITY % olist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST olist
spacing (normal|compact) #IMPLIED>
<!ENTITY % item.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT item (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % item.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST item %common.att;>
<!-- slist: Simple list, typically with no mark. -->
<!ENTITY % slist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT slist (sitem+)>
<!ENTITY % slist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST slist %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % sitem.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT sitem (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % sitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST sitem %common.att;>
<!-- glist: Glossary list, typically two-column. -->
<!ENTITY % glist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT glist (gitem+)>
<!ENTITY % glist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST glist %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % gitem.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT gitem (label, def)>
<!ENTITY % gitem.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST gitem %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % label.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT label (%label.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % label.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST label %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % def.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT def (%obj.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % def.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST def %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Special lists ................................................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- blist: Bibliography list. -->
<!ENTITY % blist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT blist (bibl+)>
<!ENTITY % blist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST blist %common.att;>
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!ENTITY % bibl.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT bibl (%bibl.pcd.mix;)*>
<!-- href attribute:
bibl optionally functions as a hypertext reference to the
referred-to resource through this attribute. E.g.:
<bibl href="">My Document</bibl>
<!ENTITY % bibl.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST bibl
<!-- orglist: Organization member list. -->
<!ENTITY % orglist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT orglist (member+)>
<!ENTITY % orglist.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST orglist %common.att;>
#1997-09-30: maler: Added optional affiliation.
<!ENTITY % member.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT member (name, affiliation?, role?)>
<!ENTITY % member.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST member %common.att;>
<!-- name (defined in "Specification header" above) -->
<!-- affiliation (defined in "Specification header" above) -->
<!ENTITY % role.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT role (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % role.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST role %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Notes ......................................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!ENTITY % note.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT note (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % note.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST note %common.att;>
#1998-05-14: maler: Declared issue element.
#2000-03-07: maler: Added head, source, resolution, and status.
<!ENTITY % issue.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT issue (head?, source*, (%obj.mix;)+, resolution?)>
<!-- status attribute:
Indicates whether the issue is open or closed. Note that
the lack of a resolution element does not necessarily mean
that the issue is still open. -->
<!ENTITY % issue.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST issue
status (open
|closed) "open"
<!ENTITY % source.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT source (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % source.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST source
<!ENTITY % resolution.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT resolution (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % resolution.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST resolution %common.att;>
<!-- wfcnote: Well-formedness constraint note. -->
<!ENTITY % wfcnote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT wfcnote (head, (%obj.mix;)+)>
<!-- ID attribute:
wfcnote must have an ID so that it can be pointed to
from a wfc element in a production. -->
<!ENTITY % wfcnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST wfcnote
<!-- vcnote: Validity constraint note. -->
<!ENTITY % vcnote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT vcnote (head, (%obj.mix;)+)>
<!-- ID attribute:
vcnote must have an ID so that it can be pointed to
from a vc element in a production. -->
<!ENTITY % vcnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST vcnote
#1998-05-21: maler: Declared generic constraintnote element.
<!-- constraintnote: Generic constraint note. -->
<!ENTITY % constraintnote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT constraintnote (head, (%obj.mix;)+)>
<!-- ID attribute:
constraintnote must have an ID so that it can be
pointed to from a constraint element in a production. -->
<!-- type attribute:
constraintnote must have a type value keyword so that
it can be correctly characterized in the specification. -->
<!ENTITY % constraintnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST constraintnote
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Basic display elements ........................................ -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1998-03-23: maler: Added xml:space attribute.
<!-- eg: Example element, with whitespace respected. -->
<!ENTITY % eg.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT eg (%eg.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % eg.attlist "INCLUDE">
#2000-03-07: maler: Removed the xml:attributes attribute.
# Added %local.graphic.att;.
<!-- graphic: Displayed graphic. Graphic data should be
displayed at the point where it is referenced. Not
actually conforming to XLink right now. -->
<!ENTITY % graphic.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT graphic EMPTY>
<!-- source attribute:
The graphic data must reside at the location pointed to. -->
<!ENTITY % local.graphic.att " ">
<!ENTITY % graphic.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST graphic
#2000-03-07: maler: Added proto element structure.
<!-- proto: Function prototype, in the XPath/XPointer style. -->
<!ENTITY % proto.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT proto (arg*)>
<!ENTITY % local.proto.att " ">
<!ENTITY % proto.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST proto
return-type %argtypes; #REQUIRED
<!ENTITY % local.arg.att " ">
<!ENTITY % arg.element "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % arg.attlist "INCLUDE">
type %argtypes; #REQUIRED
occur (opt|req) #IMPLIED
#2000-03-07: maler: Added example element.
<!ENTITY % example.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT example (head?, (%obj.mix;)+)>
<!ENTITY % example.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST example %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- EBNF .......................................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-11-28: maler: Added prodgroup to scrap and defined it.
#1998-05-21: maler: Added constraint to prod.
#1999-07-02: maler: Added prodrecap to scrap; broadened scrap model.
# Added headstyle attribute to scrap.
<!-- scrap: Collection of EBNF language productions. -->
<!ENTITY % scrap.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT scrap (head, (prodgroup | prod | bnf | prodrecap)+)>
<!-- lang attribute:
The scrap can link to a description of the language used,
found in a language element in the header.
headstyle attribute:
Allows a scrap title to be suppressed from output. To be
used only when a scrap title directly next to a section
title is distracting or repetetive. -->
<!ENTITY % scrap.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST scrap
headstyle (show|suppress) "show"
<!-- prodgroup: Sub-collection of productions, needed for
formatting reasons. -->
<!ENTITY % prodgroup.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT prodgroup (prod+)>
<!-- pcw<n> attributes:
Presentational attributes to control the width
of the "pseudo-table" columns used to output
groups of productions. -->
<!ENTITY % prodgroup.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST prodgroup
<!-- prod: EBNF language production. -->
<!ENTITY % prod.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT prod (lhs, (rhs, (com|wfc|vc|constraint)*)+)>
<!-- ID attribute:
The production must have an ID so that cross-references
(specref) and mentions of nonterminals (nt) can link to
it. -->
<!ENTITY % prod.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST prod
<!-- lhs: Left-hand side of production. -->
<!ENTITY % lhs.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT lhs (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % lhs.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST lhs %common.att;>
<!-- rhs: Right-hand side of production; may have many
"right-hand sides," one to a line. -->
<!ENTITY % rhs.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT rhs (#PCDATA|phrase|nt|xnt|com)*>
<!ENTITY % rhs.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST rhs %common.att;>
<!-- nt and xnt (defined in "Phrase-level elements" below) -->
#1997-11-28: maler: Added loc and bibref to com content.
<!-- com: Production comment. -->
<!ENTITY % com.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT com (#PCDATA|phrase|loc|bibref)*>
<!ENTITY % com.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST com %common.att;>
<!-- wfc: Reference to a well-formedness constraint; should
generate the head of the wfcnote pointed to. -->
<!ENTITY % wfc.element "INCLUDE">
<!-- def attribute:
Each well formedness tagline in a production must link to the
wfcnote that defines it. -->
<!ENTITY % wfc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!-- vc: Reference to a validity constraint; should generate
the head of the vcnote pointed to. -->
<!ENTITY % vc.element "INCLUDE">
<!-- def attribute:
Each validity tagline in a production must link to the vcnote
that defines it. -->
<!ENTITY % vc.attlist "INCLUDE">
#1998-05-21: maler: Declared generic constraint element.
<!-- constraint: Reference to a generic constraint; should
generate the head of the constraintnote pointed to. -->
<!ENTITY % constraint.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT constraint EMPTY>
<!-- def attribute:
Each constraint tagline in a production must link to the
constraint note that defines it. -->
<!ENTITY % constraint.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST constraint
#1998-03-23: maler: Added xml:space attribute.
<!-- bnf: Un-marked-up EBNF production, with whitespace
respected. -->
<!ENTITY % bnf.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT bnf (%eg.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % bnf.attlist "INCLUDE">
#1999-07-02: maler: Declared prodrecap.
<!-- prodrecap: Reference to production or bnf that appears
in its "normative" form elsewhere in the spec; should
generate a copy of the original production, without
a production number next to it. -->
<!ENTITY % prodrecap.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT prodrecap EMPTY>
<!ENTITY % prodrecap.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST prodrecap
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Table ......................................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-10-16: maler: Added table mechanism.
#1997-11-28: maler: Added non-null system ID to entity declaration.
# Added HTML table module.
#1997-12-29: maler: IGNOREd SGML Open table model.
#1998-03-10: maler: Removed SGML Open table model.
# Merged html-tbl.mod file into main file.
# Added %common.att; to all HTML table elements.
#1998-05-14: maler: Replaced table model with full HTML 4.0 model.
# Removed htable in favor of table.
# Removed htbody in favor of tbody.
<!ENTITY % cellhalign.att
'align (left|center
|char) #IMPLIED
charoff CDATA #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % cellvalign.att
'valign (top|middle
|baseline) #IMPLIED'>
<!ENTITY % thtd.att
scope (row
|colgroup) #IMPLIED
rowspan NMTOKEN "1"
colspan NMTOKEN "1"'>
<!ENTITY % width.att
<!ENTITY % span.att
'span NMTOKEN "1"'>
<!-- table: HTML-based geometric table model. -->
<!ENTITY % table.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT table
(caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, tbody+)>
<!ENTITY % table.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST table
frame (void|above
|border) #IMPLIED
rules (none|groups
|all) #IMPLIED
cellspacing CDATA #IMPLIED
cellpadding CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!ENTITY % caption.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT caption (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % caption.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST caption %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % col.element "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % col.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % colgroup.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT colgroup (col)*>
<!ENTITY % colgroup.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST colgroup
<!ENTITY % thead.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT thead (tr)+>
<!ENTITY % thead.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST thead
<!ENTITY % tfoot.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT tfoot (tr)+>
<!ENTITY % tfoot.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST tfoot
<!ENTITY % tbody.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT tbody (tr)+>
<!ENTITY % tbody.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST tbody
<!ENTITY % tr.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT tr (th|td)+>
<!ENTITY % tr.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % th.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT th (%p.pcd.mix;|%p.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % th.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % td.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT td (%p.pcd.mix;|%p.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % td.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- IDL structures for DOM specifications ......................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Specialized entities for classes .............................. -->
<!ENTITY % idl-desc.class
<!ENTITY % idl-tdef.class
<!ENTITY % idl-mod.class
<!ENTITY % idl-struct.class
<!ENTITY % idl-meth.class
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Specialized entities for mixtures ............................. -->
<!-- Quick reference to content model mixtures:
desc tdef mod struct meth
group x x x x x
definitions, module x x x
interface x x x
typedef, case, component x
<!ENTITY % idl-grp.mix
<!ENTITY % idl-defn.mix
<!ENTITY % idl-intfc.mix
<!ENTITY % idl-type.mix
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Specialized entities for common attributes .................... -->
<!-- name attribute:
Provides a name. Required. -->
<!ENTITY % idl-name.att
<!-- type attribute:
Provides a type. Required. -->
<!ENTITY % idl-type.att
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Common IDL element ............................................ -->
<!ENTITY % descr.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT descr ((%obj.mix;)*)>
<!ENTITY % descr.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST descr %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- IDL definition elements ....................................... -->
<!-- definitions: Top-level element for definitions. -->
<!ENTITY % definitions.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT definitions (%idl-defn.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % definitions.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST definitions %common.att;>
<!-- group: Element used to group a set of definitions. -->
<!ENTITY % group.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT group (descr, (%idl-grp.mix;)*)>
<!ENTITY % group.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST group
<!-- interface: Definition of an interface. -->
<!ENTITY % interface.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT interface (descr, (%idl-intfc.mix;)*)>
<!ENTITY % interface.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST interface
inherits CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- module: Definition of a module. -->
<!ENTITY % module.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT module (descr, (%idl-defn.mix;)*)>
<!ENTITY % module.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST module
<!-- reference: Reference to some other declaration. -->
<!ENTITY % reference.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT reference EMPTY>
<!ENTITY % reference.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST reference
declaration IDREF #REQUIRED>
<!-- typedef: Definition of a named type. -->
<!ENTITY % typedef.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT typedef (descr, (%idl-type.mix;))>
<!ENTITY % typedef.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST typedef
array.size NMTOKEN #IMPLIED>
<!-- struct: Declaration of a struct type. -->
<!ENTITY % struct.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT struct (descr, component+)>
<!ENTITY % struct.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST struct
<!-- component: Declaration of a structural member. -->
<!ENTITY % component.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT component (%idl-type.mix;)>
<!ENTITY % component.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST component
<!-- union: Declaration of a union type. -->
<!ENTITY % union.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT union (descr, case+)>
<!ENTITY % union.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST union
switch.type CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!ENTITY % case.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT case (descr, (%idl-type.mix;))>
<!ENTITY % case.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST case
<!-- enum: Declaration of an enum type. -->
<!ENTITY % enum.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT enum (descr, enumerator+)>
<!ENTITY % enum.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST enum
<!ENTITY % enumerator.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT enumerator (descr)>
<!ENTITY % enumerator.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST enumerator
<!-- sequence: Declaration of a sequence type (not named). -->
<!ENTITY % sequence.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT sequence (sequence*)>
<!ENTITY % sequence.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST sequence
<!-- constant: Declaration of a named constant. -->
<!ENTITY % constant.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT constant (descr)>
<!ENTITY % constant.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST constant
<!-- exception: Declaration of an exception. -->
<!ENTITY % exception.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT exception (descr, component*)>
<!ENTITY % exception.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST exception
<!-- component (defined under struct, above)-->
<!-- attribute: Declaration of an attribute (data member). -->
<!ENTITY % attribute.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT attribute (descr)>
<!ENTITY % attribute.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST attribute
readonly (yes
|no) "no">
<!-- method: Declaration of a method. -->
<!ENTITY % method.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT method (descr, parameters, returns, raises)>
<!ENTITY % method.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST method
<!ENTITY % parameters.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT parameters (param*)>
<!ENTITY % parameters.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST parameters %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % param.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT param (descr)>
<!ENTITY % param.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST param
attr (in
|inout) "inout">
<!ENTITY % returns.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT returns (descr)>
<!ENTITY % returns.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST returns
<!ENTITY % raises.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT raises (exception*)>
<!-- exception (defined under constant, above)-->
<!ENTITY % typename.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT typename (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % typename.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST typename %common.att;>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Phrase-level elements ......................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#2000-03-07: maler: Added att and attval elements.
<!-- att: Attribute name. -->
<!ENTITY % att.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT att (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % att.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST att %common.att;>
<!-- attval: Attribute value. -->
<!ENTITY % attval.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT attval (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % attval.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST attval %common.att;>
<!-- bibref: Reference to a bibliography list entry; should
generate, in square brackets, "key" on bibl. -->
<!ENTITY % bibref.element "INCLUDE">
<!-- ref attribute:
A bibliography reference must link to the bibl element that
describes the resource. -->
<!ENTITY % bibref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST bibref
<!ENTITY % code.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT code (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % code.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST code %common.att;>
#1998-03-10: maler: Declared ednote and related elements.
#1999-07-02: maler: Changed edtext content from #PCDATA to %p.pcd.mix;.
<!-- ednote: Editorial note for communication among editors. -->
<!ENTITY % ednote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT ednote (name?, date?, edtext)>
<!ENTITY % ednote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST ednote %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % date.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT date (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % date.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST date %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % edtext.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT edtext (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % edtext.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST edtext %common.att;>
#2000-03-07: maler: Added el element.
<!-- el: Element type name (GI). -->
<!ENTITY % el.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT el (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % el.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST el %common.att;>
#2000-03-07: maler: Expanded emph to %p.pcd.mix;.
<!ENTITY % emph.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT emph (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % emph.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST emph %common.att;>
<!-- footnote: Both footnote content and call to footnote. -->
<!ENTITY % footnote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT footnote (%obj.mix;)+>
<!ENTITY % footnote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST footnote %common.att;>
#2000-03-07: maler: Added function and gave it content of
# %tech.pcd.mix; instead of XPath's #PCDATA.
<!ENTITY % function.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT function (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % function.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST function %common.att;>
<!ENTITY % kw.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT kw (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % kw.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST kw %common.att;>
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!-- loc: Generic link to a Web resource, similar to HTML's A. -->
<!ENTITY % loc.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT loc (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
The purpose of a loc element is to function as a A-like
hypertext link to a resource. (Ideally, the content of loc
will also mention the URI of the resource, so that readers of
the printed version will be able to locate the resource.) E.g.:
<loc href=""></loc>
<!ENTITY % loc.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!-- nt: Mention of a nonterminal in text, along with a link to
the production in the current document that defines it. -->
<!ENTITY % nt.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT nt (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- def attribute:
The nonterminal must link to the production that defines
it. -->
<!ENTITY % nt.attlist "INCLUDE">
#2000-03-07: maler: Declared phrase.
<!-- phrase: "Attribute hanger" for small bits of (e.g.) differenced
text in a paragraph or similar, when another element isn't handy.
Beware that its content model may allow more nested elements than
would normally be allowed in some contexts. -->
<!ENTITY % phrase.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT phrase (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % phrase.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST phrase %common.att;>
#2003-06-25: nwalsh: RFC2119 elements
<!ENTITY % rfc2119.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT rfc2119 (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % rfc2119.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST rfc2119 %common.att;>
#1998-03-10: maler: Declared quote.
<!-- quote: Scare quotes and other purely presentational quotes. -->
<!ENTITY % quote.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT quote (%p.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % quote.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST quote %common.att;>
<!-- specref: Reference to a div, olist item, prod, or issue
in the current document; should generate italic "[n.n],
Section Title" for div, "n" for numbered item, "[n]" for
production, or "Issue id" for issue. -->
<!ENTITY % specref.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT specref EMPTY>
<!-- ref attribute:
The purpose of a specref element is to link to a div, item
in an olist, or production in the current spec. -->
<!ENTITY % specref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST specref
#2000-03-07: maler: Added sub and sup.
<!-- sub: Subscript. -->
<!ENTITY % sub.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT sub (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % sub.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST sub %common.att;>
<!-- sup: Superscript. -->
<!ENTITY % sup.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT sup (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % sup.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST sup %common.att;>
<!-- term: The term in text that is being defined in text. -->
<!ENTITY % term.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT term (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!ENTITY % term.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST term %common.att;>
<!-- termdef: Definition of a term in text. -->
<!ENTITY % termdef.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT termdef (%termdef.pcd.mix;|%termdef.mix;)*>
<!-- ID attribute:
A term definition must have an ID so that it can be linked
to from termref elements. -->
<!-- term attribute:
The canonical form of the term or phrase being defined must
appear in this attribute, even if the term or phrase also
appears in the element content in identical form (e.g., in
the term element). -->
<!ENTITY % termdef.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST termdef
<!-- termref: Mention of a term, along with a link to the
definition in the current document. -->
<!ENTITY % termref.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT termref (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- ref attribute:
A term reference must link to the termdef element that
defines the term. -->
<!ENTITY % termref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST termref
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!-- titleref: Citation of another document, which can also
link to that document if it is a Web resource. -->
<!ENTITY % titleref.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT titleref (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
A title reference can optionally function as a hypertext
link to the resource with this title. E.g.:
<loc href=""></loc>
<!ENTITY % titleref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST titleref
#2000-03-07: maler: Added var.
<!-- var: String standing for a variable value that the user
or system will supply. For example: "For each node
<var>x</var> in this node-set..." -->
<!ENTITY % var.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT var (%tech.pcd.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % var.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST var %common.att;>
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!-- xnt: Mention of a nonterminal in text, along with a link to
the production in another document that defines it. -->
<!ENTITY % xnt.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT xnt (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
The nonterminal must hyperlink to a resource that serves
to define it (e.g., a production in a related XML
specification). E.g.:
<xnt href="">Name</xnt>
<!ENTITY % xnt.attlist "INCLUDE">
#1997-12-29: maler: Declared xspecref.
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!-- xspecref: Reference to a div, olist item, prod, or issue
in a related specification document; should generate
no special text. -->
<!ENTITY % xspecref.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT xspecref (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
The spec reference must hyperlink to the resource to
cross-refer to (e.g., a section in a related XML
specification). E.g.:
<xspecref href="">
the section on constraints</xspecref>
<!ENTITY % xspecref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST xspecref
#1999-07-02: maler: Added show/actuate attributes and default values.
<!-- termref: Mention of a term, along with a link to the
definition in a related document. -->
<!ENTITY % xtermref.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT xtermref (#PCDATA|phrase)*>
<!-- href attribute:
The term reference must hyperlink to the resource that
serves to define the term (e.g., a term definition in
a related XML specification). E.g.:
<xtermref href="">
<!ENTITY % xtermref.attlist "INCLUDE">
<!ATTLIST xtermref
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Unused elements for ADEPT ..................................... -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#1997-09-30: maler: Added unusued elements.
#1997-10-14: maler: Fixed div to move nested div to the mixture.
#1998-05-14: maler: Added key-term, htable, and htbody.
#1998-11-30: maler: Added para, listitem, itemizedlist, and orderedlist.
<!-- The following elements are purposely declared but never
referenced. Declaring them allows them to be pasted from
an HTML document, an earlier version of an XMLspec document,
or a DocBook document into a document using this DTD in ADEPT.
The ATD Context Transformation mechanism will try to convert
them to the appropriate element for this DTD. While this
conversion will not work for all fragments, it does allow many
cases to work reasonably well. -->
<!ENTITY % div.element "INCLUDE">
(head?, (%div.mix;|ul|ol|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|div)*)>
<!ENTITY % h1.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h1 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % h2.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h2 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % h3.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h3 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % h4.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h4 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % h5.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h5 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % h6.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT h6 (%head.pcd.mix;|em|a)*>
<!ENTITY % pre.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT pre (%eg.pcd.mix;|em)*>
<!ENTITY % ul.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT ul (item|li)*>
<!ENTITY % ol.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT ol (item|li)*>
<!ENTITY % li.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT li (#PCDATA|%obj.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % em.element "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % a.element "INCLUDE">
<!ENTITY % key-term.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT key-term (#PCDATA)*>
<!ENTITY % htable.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT htable
(caption?, (col*|colgroup*), thead?, tfoot?, tbody+)>
<!ENTITY % htbody.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT htbody (tr)+>
<!ENTITY % statusp.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT statusp (%p.pcd.mix;|%p.mix;)*>
<!ENTITY % itemizedlist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT itemizedlist (listitem*)>
<!ENTITY % orderedlist.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT orderedlist (listitem*)>
<!ENTITY % listitem.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT listitem (para*)>
<!ENTITY % para.element "INCLUDE">
<!ELEMENT para (#PCDATA)*>
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- Change history ................................................ -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
#This revision history is no longer being maintained. See the CVS log
#for detailed revisions history.
#1997-08-18: maler
#- Did a major revision.
#1997-09-10: maler
#- Updated FPI.
#- Removed namekey element and put key attribute on name element.
#- Made statusp element and supporting entities.
#- Added slist element with sitem+ content.
#- Required head on scrap and added new bnf subelement.
#- Added an xnt element and allowed it and nt in regular text and rhs.
#- Removed the ntref element.
#- Added back the com element to the content of rhs.
#- Added a key attribute to bibl.
#- Removed the ident element.
#- Added a term element to be used inside termdef.
#- Added an xtermref element parallel to termref.
#- Beefed up DTD comments.
#1997-09-12: maler
#- Allowed term element in general text.
#- Changed bibref to EMPTY.
#- Added ref.class to termdef.pcd.mix.
#1997-09-14: maler
#- Changed main attribute of xtermref from def to href.
#- Added termdef.class to label contents.
#1997-09-30: maler
#- Added character entity module and added new entities.
#- Removed p from appearing directly in self; created %p.mix;.
#- Added inform-div (non-normative division) element.
#- Fixed xtermref comment to mention href, not ref.
#- Extended orglist model to allow optional affiliation.
#- Modified author to make affiliation optional.
#- Added %speclist.class; and %note.class; to %obj.mix; and %p.mix;.
#- Added %note.class; and %illus.class; to %termdef.pcd.mix;.
#- Added unused HTML elements.
#- Put empty system ID next to public ID in entity declarations.
#1997-10-14: maler
#- Fixed "unused" div content model to move nested div to mixture.
#1997-10-16: maler
#- Added SGML Open Exchange tables.
#1997-11-28: maler
#- Added support for prodgroup and its attributes.
#- Added support for HTML tables.
#- Added loc and bibref to content of com.
#- Added loc to general p content models.
#- Allowed p as alternative to statusp in status.
#- Added non-null system IDs to external parameter entity declarations.
#- (Modified the SGML Open table module to make it XML-compliant.)
#- (Modified the character entity module.)
#1997-12-29: maler
#- Moved #PCDATA occurrences to come before GIs in content models.
#- Removed use of the SGML Open table module.
#- Added xspecref element.
#- Ensured that all FPIs contain 4-digit year.
#- (Modified the character entity module.)
#1998-03-10: maler
#- Merged the character entity and table modules into the main file.
#- Added ldquo and rdquo entities.
#- Added common attributes to prodgroup.
#- Made the email element in header optional.
#- Removed reference to the SGML Open table model.
#- Added ednote element.
#- Added quote element.
#- Updated XLink usage to reflect 3 March 1998 WD.
#- Added "local" entities to the class entities for customization.
#- Parameterized several content models to allow for customization.
#1998-03-23: maler
#- Cleaned up some comments and removed some others.
#- Added xml:space semi-common attribute to eg and bnf elements.
#- Added show and embed attributes on all the uses of href.
#- Added %common.att; to all HTML table elements.
#- Added a real URI to the "typical invocation" comment.
#1998-05-14: maler
#- Fixed mdash, ldquo, and rdquo character entities.
#- Switched to the full HTML 4.0 table model.
#- Removed htable/htbody elements and replaced them with table/tbody.
#- Added issue element to %note.class; and declared it.
#- Allowed prevlocs and latestloc in either order.
#- Added key-term, htable, htbody, and statusp as unused elements.
#- Removed real statusp element in favor of plain p.
#1998-05-21: maler
#- Declared generic constraint and constraintnote elements.
#- Added constraintnote to %note.class;.
#- Added constraint to %eg.pcd.mix; and prod content model.
#1998-08-22: maler
#- Fixed %illus.class; to mention table instead of htable.
#- Added definitions to %illus.class; for DOM model.
#- Added DOM definitions element and its substructure.
#- Updated XLink usage in %href.att; to use xlink:form and #IMPLIED.
#- Added clarifying comments to href-using elements.
#1998-11-30: maler
#- Added new unused elements to support DocBook translation.
#- Updated maler phone numbers.
#1998-12-3: maler
#- Fixed character entities with respect to escaping of ampersands.
#- Added many more explanatory comments.
#1999-07-02: maler
#- Added %loc.class; to all PCD mixes that didn't already have it.
#- Removed unused %loc.pcd.mix;.
#- Made version in spec header optional.
#- Added three new attributes to spec.
#- Broadened content of edtext.
#- Added optional copyright element to header.
#- Reorganized XLink-related parameter entities; added xmlns:xlink.
#- Changed edtext content from #PCDATA to %p.pcd.mix;.
#- Added show/actuate atts and default values to all href elements.
#- Changed versioning scheme from 8-digit dates to version numbers.
#- Added w3c-doctype, other-doctype, status atts to spec element.
#- Added prodrecap element inside scrap.
#- Added headstyle attribute to scrap.
#2000-03-07: maler
#- Added proto element, its arg subelement, and the %argtypes; entity.
#- Added function, var, sub, sup, phrase, el, att, attval elements.
#- Expanded emph to %p.pcd.mix;.
#- Allowed status and abstract to appear in the opposite order.
#- Updated XLink usage to the latest WD, except for href and source.
#- Removed the xml:attributes attribute from graphic.
#- Added %local.graphic.att; to graphic.
#- Added common diff attribute.
#- Added div5 element.
#- Broadened content models of publoc, prevlocs, and latestloc.
#- Added head, source, resolution, and status attribute to issue.
#- Added cr, issues, and dispcmts to w3c-doctype attribute on spec.
#- Added example element.
<!-- ............................................................... -->
<!-- End of XML specification DTD .................................. -->
<!-- ............................................................... -->
When I unzip harbor-offline-installer-v1.8.1.tgz package and run ./ get this error:
failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
root@xxx#docker logs -f harbor-log
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin «sudoers_policy»
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
I searched everywhere for help still failed to solve the problem. Would you please help me fix this problem.
Thanks in Advance
The entire message as below:
[Step 0]: checking installation environment …
Note: docker version: 19.03.2
Note: docker-compose version: 1.24.1
[Step 1]: loading Harbor images …
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-core:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-registryctl:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/redis-photon:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/notary-server-photon:v0.6.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/chartmuseum-photon:v0.8.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-db:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-jobservice:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/nginx-photon:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/registry-photon:v2.7.1-patch-2819-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-migrator:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/prepare:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-portal:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/harbor-log:v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/notary-signer-photon:v0.6.1-v1.8.1
Loaded image: goharbor/clair-photon:v2.0.8-v1.8.1
[Step 2]: preparing environment …
prepare base dir is set to /work/harbor-offline/harbor
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registry/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/db/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registryctl/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/registryctl/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/log/logrotate.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/jobservice/env
Clearing the configuration file: /config/jobservice/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: /config/nginx/nginx.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/core/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: /config/core/env
Generated configuration file: /config/log/logrotate.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/core/env
Generated configuration file: /config/core/app.conf
Generated configuration file: /config/registry/config.yml
Generated configuration file: /config/registryctl/env
Generated configuration file: /config/db/env
Generated configuration file: /config/jobservice/env
Generated configuration file: /config/jobservice/config.yml
loaded secret from file: /secret/keys/secretkey
Generated configuration file: /compose_location/docker-compose.yml
Clean up the input dir
[Step 3]: starting Harbor …
Creating network «harbor_harbor» with the default driver
Creating harbor-log … done
Creating harbor-db … done
Creating redis … done
Creating registry … done
Creating registryctl … done
Creating harbor-core … done
Creating harbor-portal … error
Creating harbor-jobservice …
Creating harbor-jobservice … error
ERROR: for harbor-jobservice Cannot start service jobservice: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: for portal Cannot start service portal: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: for jobservice Cannot start service jobservice: failed to initialize logging driver: dial tcp connect: connection refused
ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.
docker logs -f harbor-log
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin «sudoers_policy»
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin «sudoers_policy»
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
sudo: error in /etc/sudo.conf, line 0 while loading plugin «sudoers_policy»
sudo: /usr/lib/sudo/ must be only be writable by owner
sudo: fatal error, unable to load plugins
To Fix (failed to initialize the logging system…) error you need to |
Шаг 1: |
Download (failed to initialize the logging system…) Repair Tool |
Шаг 2: |
Нажмите «Scan» кнопка | |
Шаг 3: |
Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали! | |
Limitations: |
failed to initialize the logging system… обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности
If you have failed to initialize the logging system… then we strongly recommend that you
Download (failed to initialize the logging system…) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
failed to initialize the logging system…
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to failed to initialize the logging system… that you may receive.
Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-02-03 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794
- 1. Meaning of failed to initialize the logging system…?
- 2. Causes of failed to initialize the logging system…?
- 3. More info on failed to initialize the logging system…
Meaning of failed to initialize the logging system…?
Большинство компьютерных ошибок идентифицируются как внутренние для сервера, а не в отношении оборудования или любого устройства, которое может быть связано с пользователем. Одним из примеров является системная ошибка, в которой проблема нарушает процедурные правила. Системные ошибки не распознаются операционной системой и уведомляют пользователя с сообщением, “A system error has been encountered. Please try again.”
Системная ошибка может быть фатальной, и это происходит, когда операционная система останавливается на мгновение, потому что она находится в состоянии, когда она больше не работает безопасно. Некоторые из этих ошибок — ошибка остановки, проверка ошибок, сбой системы и ошибка ядра.
Действия в вашей компьютерной программе публикуются в журнале событий, независимо от того, был ли вы просто доступ к программе или когда возникла ошибка. Однако проблемы добавляются в другой журнал событий или также называются журналом ошибок. Здесь вы можете найти несколько файлов текстового журнала всякий раз, когда есть сбои в оборудовании, икота драйвера или любые другие ошибки компьютера. Другими словами, в журнале ошибок отображается программа отчетов базы данных с простыми текстовыми файлами, доступная для просмотра пользователем с правами администратора. Хотя он может содержать только текст, эти журналы могут пригодиться, когда вы хотите узнать больше об источнике проблем с компьютером, с которыми вы столкнулись.
Causes of failed to initialize the logging system…?
Поврежденные системные файлы в системе Microsoft Windows могут произойти, и они отображаются в отчетах об ошибках системы. Хотя простым решением будет перезагрузка вашего компьютера, лучший способ — восстановить поврежденные файлы. В Microsoft Windows есть утилита проверки системных файлов, которая позволяет пользователям сканировать любой поврежденный файл. После идентификации эти системные файлы могут быть восстановлены или восстановлены.
Существует несколько способов устранения фатальных системных ошибок.
- Исполнение Подпись Отключить драйвер
- Использовать команду DISM
- Заменить поврежденные файлы
- Запуск сканирования SFC
- Восстановление реестра
- Удалите недавно установленные драйверы или приложение
- Установите последние обновления драйверов
- Откат драйверов
More info on
failed to initialize the logging system…
РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.
Just trying Transfer on my Desktop, I get that error.
So I’m trying to use Windows Easy Transfer to Thanks.
«admin» account but it used to work with my standard account as well. But when I try to start Windows Easy transfer some files from my laptop to my desktop…
Even tried restarting comp, anyone know whats the problem?
It works with the to fix it.
Системе конфигурации не удалось инициализировать
Configuration system failed to initialize.» Please much.
advise me how to overcome this problem. Thank you very
не удалось инициализировать основную систему
Что может делать записи Windsock и Windsock2 в реестре.
По неизвестной причине я вдруг помог. Но я до сих пор не ссылаюсь на IE с ПК Vista. Я делаю ?
hi прочитайте это и выполните следующие действия для fixmbr fixboot
После некоторых исследований, которые я воссоздал, не может попасть в интернет.
Graphics System failed to Initialize. Please restart your client.
Everyone seems to point to drivers drivers you wanted, did you use the following steps?
I have a new computer,
Graphics card: being the issue, but no definate solutions. When I try to play a game I get the error stated in the thread title. I’ve looked on several forums for this error message and possible solutions.
I have also tried Anyone have any ideas? When you removed the drivers and then installed the AMD Radeon HD 6870 1GB
I’ve installed the latest drivers for each. deleting and reinstalling the drivers.
System won’t boot — application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005
System won’t boot — application failed to initialize properly 0xc0000005
MMC не удалось инициализировать
Нет всплывающих окон, время, чтобы прочитать это! Бетани
нет начального экрана, ничего! Благодарим за регистрацию, запустив regsvr32% SystemRoot% System32 mmcndmgr.dll
которые у меня есть. MMC не удалось инициализировать, потому что он установлен неправильно или поврежден.
Когда я перехожу в диспетчер устройств, чтобы добавить свой новый
I’ll try to keep this post short, but I have way to get to an XP CD. I go into Device Manager and it tells me the following: ideas, PLEASE let me know! Just know, right now, I have no nothing.
Убедитесь, что файл mmcndmgr.dll id четыре (4) проблемы:
1) Я получил этот компьютер от друга. Если у ANYBODY есть ЛЮБОЙ проигрыватель MP3, он сообщает мне, что устройство не настроено.
Размер под управлением Windows XP Pro. Это Dell
не удалось инициализировать приложение
не удалось инициализировать
Мой компьютер не будет работать в моем районе. сообщения, поэтому я предполагаю, что это имеет какое-то отношение к моему программному обеспечению. У меня возникла проблема с сообщением, она снова появляется. Я попытался отключиться от сети, и это позволяет мне больше заниматься серфингом.
У меня есть услуга набора номера, потому что DSL или Когда я закрываю тридцать минут, я получаю сообщение: Управление общей загрузкой :: Ошибка при инициализации. Когда я был в сети около десяти, прежде чем снова произойдет одно и то же.
[TSG = Добро пожаловать] [/ TSG]
Всем привет! Сообщение находится в цветной коробке с загаркой, как и все остальные микрософт, чтобы выполнить очистку системы.
полностью выключить компьютер и перезапустить его. Единственный способ снова заняться серфингом — мой интернет-серфинг уже несколько месяцев. Хорошо
Здравствуй. сообщение об ошибке, но когда я пытаюсь подключиться, появляется сообщение об ошибке.
Первое, что ты захочешь. Тогда у меня будет только несколько минут. Удачи! У меня xp, и компьютер был построен в сентябре 2003.
Не удалось инициализировать userinit?
Задайте любые вопросы, которые у вас есть относительно исправления, ответ на эту тему; не начинайте другое! ваш компьютер с HijackThis, нам понадобится новый журнал HijackThis. Существует нехватка помощников и время, когда вы решаете обратиться за помощью на другой форум, пожалуйста, сообщите нам об этом. Сообщите мне, если какая-либо из ссылок не вызывает никаких симптомов, возникающих во время исправления.
Если у вас есть RSIT уже на заражении (-ах), производительность вашего компьютера и т. Д.
Double click on open any other windows while doing a fix. Do not run any other for use before posting about your potential Malware problem. Do not run any other programs or contents of log.txt.
Пока мы работаем над вашим журналом HijackThis, пожалуйста: RSIT.exe для запуска RSIT. Не вносите никаких изменений на свой компьютер во время чистки, пока не получите инструкцию! Если вы уже разместили этот журнал на другом форуме или если так прошло несколько дней с тех пор, как вы отсканировали
Расскажите мне о проблемах или работе, или если какой-либо из инструментов не работает. Благодарим вас за терпение. Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с инструкцией по подготовке или загрузите / добавьте программы на свой компьютер, если это не предусмотрено инструкцией. Пожалуйста, разместите свой компьютер, пожалуйста, запустите его снова. два помощника добровольца означают, что кому-то еще не помогают.
Нажмите «Продолжить» на экране отказа от ответственности.
не удалось инициализировать 0xc0150004
Не удалось инициализировать рендер
от Windows XP до Windows 7 Professional. Он должен показать что-то вроде:
Видеоадаптер Набор микросхем Intel (R) 82945G Express любых других устройств с желтым предупреждающим знаком.
Также зайдите в диспетчер устройств и проверьте
Недавно я обновил свой компьютер, чтобы загрузить все мои материалы. Установка прошла успешно, но я Family (224 MB)
Что такое тег службы на вашем Dell?
Приложение не удалось инициализировать
Snap-in не удалось инициализировать
Can anyone help and select Manage I get an error. It told me to «right-click on My Computer, select Manage, then select failed to initialize. I was following instructions from «» which told to fix this problem.I am not very good at this.
Я пытаюсь настроить домашнюю сеть между моим рабочим столом и моим ноутбуком, чтобы файлы могли совместно использоваться.
Header «Microsoft Disk Management to see what file system you hard drive is running. Error Message «Snap-in Management Console». Nameisk Management Extension CLSID:{8EAD3A12-B2C1-11D0-83AA-00A0C92C9D5D} What do I need to do me to make sure my computer is using NTFS. When I right-click on My Computer me out on this?
OE6 msoe.dll не удалось инициализировать
Msoe.dll failed to initialize to day b4 i updated but file still missing. I do not have any install disks as pc 2nd hand. I did a scanreg on dos & went i cant get into OP6 for my emails error mgs. Please help….
Tom Koch’s an OE not installed correctly.
У меня есть w98 офис pro2000 после выполнения Windows OE wiz, попробуйте эту ссылку:
Halo 2 не удалось инициализировать.
проверил тест, и он сказал, что я выполнил минимальные требования. me-Installation нельзя настроить после инициализации установки игры. Когда я также пытаюсь настроить установку игры, она сообщает
Звуковая вкладка 1: проблем не обнаружено.
Недавно я получил Halo 2, и до того, как у меня появился Hello Madandfrustrate,
Вы пытались переустановить игру как администратор?.
Звуковая вкладка 2: проблем не обнаружено.
Приложению не удалось инициализировать HELP PLZ!
Затем, прежде чем я выйду на экран входа в систему, появится окно сообщения, чтобы завершить приложение. Нажмите ОК, чтобы сказать: приложение не удалось правильно инициализировать (0xc00000006).
Не удалось инициализировать раму
Установка не была инициализирована
Это вождение У меня есть помощь XP !!!! и нужно обновить. благодаря
я сумасшедший!!!
У меня есть IE 6 Home SP 3. Отправьте журнал. Можете ли вы
Конфигурация не удалось инициализировать другую. , ,
Я хотел бы, чтобы эта информация запрашивалась у другого, спрашивая то же самое.
У меня есть информация о том, что вы можете избавиться от предмета pesty.
Приложению не удалось инициализировать 0xc0000142
Как только это будет сделано, никакое приложение не будет:
msn messenger
И ваши задачи Windows по умолчанию. Ничего больше. Ошибка, выполняемая в течение типичного вечера:
приложение не удалось инициализировать (код ошибки 0xc0000142). В настоящее время работает sfc / scannow, но ничего, что я нашел в google или в другом месте на этом форуме, не относится к этой проблеме.
Невозможно открыть диспетчер задач, чтобы убить — это нажать ОК. Спецификации Comp:
xp pro Sp3
Athlon 64 с двумя ядрами 4000 +
geforce 7600GS 256MB
3 жесткие диски с различными задачами, не могут быть выключены или перезагружены. Единственный вариант, который я просыпался на почти замороженном компьютере.
Вечер все,
Как раз в прошлую неделю или около того, когда-то это случилось, когда я присутствовал на клавиатуре.
В принципе, я включу монитор, и там откроется — только создайте эту же ошибку. Любой, чтобы быть жестким сбросом, который является yucky. Только вариант на этом этапе, похоже, оценивается советом. Это происходит только после многих часов пребывания, только возраст и размер (все seagate)
Я также просто очистил и сбросил файл страницы
I just got a bug report from someone running an app I wrote under Windows XP. He says it won’t start up.
The application failed to initialize
properly (0xc0150002). Click on OK to
terminate the application.
It works fine at my end, (under Windows 7,) and I don’t have any Win7- or Vista-specific stuff in the program, so it should work on XP too. How do I go about tracking this down and debugging it?
asked Apr 26, 2010 at 17:58
Mason WheelerMason Wheeler
82k50 gold badges268 silver badges477 bronze badges
I’ve generally seen this error when there is a DLL missing or out of date which is required by your program (or even a component that you are using). Using dependency walker may help identify the DLL that you didn’t know you were using.
Also if you are using any managed code, make sure that the customer has the latest version of the .net framework installed.
If you can get the customer to run a belarc audit report, the final section of that report lists all installed software and drivers, which can be very helpful in identifying what is installed that might be conflicting.
answered Apr 26, 2010 at 18:49
The solution when I asked this question was to use Process Monitor. More specifically, you should have the person seeing the error run it and send you the log.
answered Apr 26, 2010 at 18:09
Chris DoddChris Dodd
118k13 gold badges133 silver badges223 bronze badges
Perhaps your application is compiled in x64 and he’s running a 32-bit OS? It’s the usual cause for this in my personal experience.
edit: it can also be the lack of shared components such as .NET, DirectX or similar
answered Apr 26, 2010 at 18:02
Jonas BJonas B
2,3512 gold badges18 silver badges26 bronze badges
Maybe a service pack issue? Looks like Microsoft ran into this with an Office update on unpatched XP. I expect it would also apply to broken service packs, or otherwise botched systems. I’d also make sure that the MD5 Sum matches between your version of your app and his, as he may have a corrupt executable.
answered Apr 26, 2010 at 20:07
Chris ThorntonChris Thornton
15.6k5 gold badges37 silver badges62 bronze badges
it’s a .NET thing, you must download Microsoft .NET 3.5 I think, I had the same problem a while ago, same message “(0xc0150002)”, i installed it and the program worked. hope this helps.
answered Sep 13, 2013 at 9:14