Fallout 76 lookup failed как исправить


1 Jul, 2020 @ 12:23pm 


Had the same issue, solved it by deletings Interface and Strings folders in Data directory, also just to be sure i deleted the SeventySix – Interface.ba2, SeventySix – Localization.ba2, and SeventySix.esm files too. After that i validated the game files in Steam and it fixed all these font errors for me.
You have to reinstall all of your mods that modiefed or used those files/folders, of course.

Last edited by Bublek;
1 Jul, 2020 @ 12:30pm

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  1. Rogue

    У меня была такая же проблема, я решил ее, удалив папки Interface и Strings в каталоге данных, также, чтобы быть уверенным, я также удалил файлы SeventySix — Interface.ba2, SeventySix — Localization.ba2 и SeventySix.esm. После этого я проверил игровые файлы в Steam, и он исправил все эти ошибки шрифта для меня.

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Чтобы снять модификации с оружия в Fallout: New Vegas, нужно следовать этим простым шагам:
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u/CraigBeepBeep avatar

How to fix “lookup failed” when using mods?

Can someone provide me with a custom ini file for the latest patch?

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Если кто не решил проблему, попробуйте просто удалить (переместить в другое место) файлы из папки Data/Strings. Мне помогло. Информация взята из другого источника.

I ran into this issue after patch 1.7 and did a lot of a searching to find the right fix.

I finally found this on a different mod site in their post about the 1.7 update patch.

IMPORTANT !!! localization files (strings) for the Data / strings was removed, now all language games localization files will Fallout4 file – Interface.ba2. That is, you will need to remove the strings folder for Data / Strings

So, I deleted the strings folder from /fallout 4/data.

As I install all my mods manually I went and edited the Fallout4.ini file in /username/Documents/My Games/Fallout 4 too.
I simply removed “STRINGS,” from the line…
I keep the Fallout4.ini file read only to prevent some of my game tweaks from being undone so I had to turn that off to edit it, then change it back.

If you are facing the Fallout 76 lookup failed error and don’t know how to fix it, we are here to help. Its post-apocalyptic setting includes both the city of Boston and its outskirts. Local monuments including Bunker Hill, Fort Independence, and the Old North Bridge are best utilized in the game.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fortunately, a huge team of modders has been hard at work reworking the entire game. There are a ton of mods that actually make Fallout 76 play a little bit better, for every one that adds Red Sox underwear and new nighttime stars. This is our compilation of the most useful Fallout 76 mods (to date) that simply improve and enhance the gameplay. Now let’s learn how to fix the Fallout 76 lookup failed error below!

By the way have you caught the Fallout 76 Meat Week 2022?

The most common cause of a “Fallout 76 lookup failed” warning in-game is due to your UI settings. Uninstall Fallout 76 mods by following these steps:

  • Go to the main menu of Fallout 76 and choose Mods.
  • In your Library, locate the mod you want to uninstall.
  • Choose Delete after selecting the mod you want to uninstall. From this option, you can also easily disable the mod if you want to.
  • Note: Playing with mods may result in different user experiences. You download and use mods at your own risk if you choose to. In accordance with the game’s Terms of Service, mods are “Game Mods.” Terms of Service, which include Section 2.D, apply to any Game Mods you download from us.
  • After removing your mods, make sure your game files are intact.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Please totally remove the game and reinstall it if the aforementioned methods do not cure your problem. You might have to start a new game since any saves you have that were used with the mod might be affected.

Except for your saves folder, run a “Fallout 76” search on your computer and remove anything it turns up. Remove all the configurations, caches, and other files, leaving only any folder titled “saves” or “saved games” remain.

Note: People mistakenly believe that uninstalling a game completely removes it from your computer. In reality, uninstalling a game only removes the game itself, leaving behind a variety of useless files in locations such as public/appdata/local/Fallout 76 or documents/Fallout 76. The majority of the time, the issue is caused by an error that has appeared in a configuration file, shader cache, or other file.

When we are forced to reinstall something we remove every trace of it we can find except for saved games. That way when you reinstall it is a truly virgin install instead of a new install which just finds the damaged file and generates the same error or crash.

About Fallout 76 mods

A mod manager is available for every Bethesda video game. Following the release of a Bethesda game, these applications appear early on, and the modding community works to make them compatible. You may quickly install, remove, and temporarily disable modules using the mod manager. Installing a software to make mod installation simpler and more enjoyable is only fair if you’re modding to make the game more enjoyable to play.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: Item sorting

The menus in Bethesda games are notoriously difficult to navigate, and Fallout 76 continues this wonderful trend. Someone will eventually create a stunning, well-designed, and simple user interface to replace Fallout 76’s confusing nested menu system. In the interim, we can at least improve our sorting. This mod sorts all the weapons, drugs, bobbleheads, and other items by kind by prefixing each item with a category. Just because two items start with the same letter doesn’t justify placing one next to the other.

We have good news for you if you’re writhing under the weight of 34 firearms, 17 leather armor suits, and 700 baseballs. You can adjust your carry weight with a fast console command to return to the closest store. Input the following by pressing the key (located at the upper left of the keyboard): “player.modav carryweight 99999.” This increases your carry weight to several thousand tons, which should be plenty to transport your collection of stuffed animals and plastic forks back to Sanctuary. Congratulations, you can now consider yourself a modder.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: Powerlines

Rebuilding the wasteland is the main new feature of Fallout 76. We get the same satisfaction from establishing towns that we did from playing Minecraft, plus we get to enjoy a beautiful retro-futuristic look. Any electrical device requires both a generator and a powerline, however the powerlines in Fallout 76 are incredibly short. This is fixed with longer power lines, allowing you to design and equip your communities anyway you choose.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: Lockpicking

One of Fallout 76’s greatest joys is finding a way into a place you shouldn’t be. Sadly, a locked door serves as an opportunity to break out Bethesda’s stale hacking and lockpicking minigames, which haven’t evolved significantly since Morrowind’s release in 2002. not anymore. This mod does it for you if your character is talented and leveled enough to successfully unlock, crack, or hack a terminal. There will be no more messing around with bobby pins or “hacking” computers by selecting random words from a list.

Fallout 76’s Power Armor is fantastic. We are reluctant to ever get out of mine since it’s like a walking tank. The problem is that the tiny nuclear battery used by Power Armor—fusion cores—is rare and expensive. While a generator powered by one of these fusion cores can last for hundreds of years, a jogging suit of power armor can quickly drain it. This is nonsense. This patch changes the power core balance so that any incredible strength display—including punching, running, and flying in a jetpack—will deplete the power armor’s battery. But only moving about? You have 200 more years to continue doing that.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: Atom bomb

Okay, so this mod isn’t the most useful one on the list. In actuality, it is wholly pointless. However, we adore it because Fallout 76 is all about the bizarre and fantastical. Sean, your kidnapped infant, gets replaced with the tiny nuke model in this update. It appears that Sean is formed of plutonium.


The game’s user-centered design is flawless and exquisite. Players are given character progressions with the name S.P.E.C.I.AL at the start of the game. Seven categories, including power, perception, endurance, charm, intelligence, agility, and luck, are indicated by the system. A player is promoted to a new level after earning a sufficient number of experience points. With his skills now unlocked, he can devote more points to statics.

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

Fallout 76 lookup failed error: How to fix it?

To increase the protagonist’s effectiveness and to further unlock powers, these all have upgrade options. The player has access to around 275 perks. Once the main tale has been finished, the game does not end and there is no level cap. Content extensively covers fallout and error fixes for the lookup failure.

Additionally, it talks about the mod faces that are utilized in the game and how the community participates. This concludes our guide explaining how to fix the Fallout 76 lookup failed error. If you are facing the Fallout 76 won’t launch issue, we got you covered. The game is available on Steam.

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