Iis apphostsvc 9010 как исправить

Event ID 9010 — IIS Application Host History Configuration

Updated: January 20, 2010

Applies To: Windows Server 2008

The ApplicationHost Helper Service (AppHostSvc) maintains a history of Internet Information Services (IIS) configuration by saving the ApplicationHost.config file to separate configuration history subdirectories. If you make a mistake when you modify the ApplicationHost.config file, you can restore an earlier version of the file from a configuration history subdirectory by copying the earlier version into the %Windir%system32inetsrvconfig directory. You can specify the frequency with which AppHostSvc checks for configuration changes, the path of the directory that contains the subdirectories, and how many subdirectories to keep.

By default, the Application Host Helper Service checks for changes in the ApplicationHost.config file every two minutes. If it detects that the configuration has changed, it creates a backup. The default location for the configuration history files is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory. AppHostSvc creates one subdirectory under this directory for each configuration file backup. By default, the maximum number of history subdirectories is 10. If the number of configuration history subdirectories reaches the maximum specified, the oldest subdirectory is deleted.

AppHostSvc is a runtime-independent service that does not require the Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) or the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) to operate. AppHostSvc does not depend on any other service and its startup type is Automatic. If the ApplicationHost Helper Service is stopped, the configuration history feature will not work.

Event Details

Product: Internet Information Services
ID: 9010
Source: Microsoft-Windows-IIS-APPHOSTSVC
Version: 7.0
Message: The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to access the root history directory ‘%1’. The directory either doesn’t exist or the permissions on it don’t allow the history service to access it. The config history feature is disabled for now and will be re-enabled after the issue is resolved. To resolve this issue, please ensure that the directory exists and that the Administrators group have read and write access to it. The data field contains the error number.

Check the configuration history directory path and permissions

To main IIS configuration history, the Application Host Helper Service requires that the history directory that you specified exists and that the Administrators Group has read and write permissions for it. The default configuration history directory is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory.

To perform these procedures, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

To ensure that the history directory that is specified exists and has the correct permissions, follow these steps:

A. Back up the ApplicationHost.config file

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
  2. At the command prompt, type cd %Windir%system32inetsrv.
  3. Type appcmd add backup backupName to backup the ApplicationHost.config file.

    A directory with the backup name you specify will be created under the %windir%system32inetsrvbackup directory. If you do not specify a name, appcmd will generate a directory name automatically using the current date and time.

B. Find the current history directory setting

  1. At an elevated Command Prompt window, type cd %Windir%system32inetsrvconfig.
  2. Type notepad ApplicationHost.config.
  3. In notepad, search for the configHistory section under the system.applicationHost section.
  4. Find the path attribute and read its value. The default is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory.
  5. Make sure that the path is correctly spelled and has no errors.
  6. Save and close the ApplicationHost.config file.

C. Ensure that permissions for the history directory are correct

  1. Click Start, click Computer, and navigate to the directory that you found in the path attribute of the configHistory section in the ApplicationHost.config file.
  2. Right-click the history directory and click Properties.
  3. Click the Security tab.
  4. Under Group or user names, click the System account. Under Permissions, make sure that the System account has full control.
  5. If the System account does not have full control, click Edit and select the Systems account again. Under Permissions, select the Allow check box to the right of Full Control.
  6. Perform the previous two steps for the Administrators account.
  7. Click OK to exit Properties.

See Also

IIS 7.0: configHistory Element (IIS Settings Schema)


To verify the configuration of the AppHostSvc configuration history backup feature, you can do the following:

  • Use notepad to examine the current configHistory section settings in the ApplicationHost.config file.
  • Use the Appcmd.exe command-line administration utility to view the configHistory section in the ApplicationHost.config file.

To perform these procedures, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

View the configHistory section by using notepad

To view the configHistory section by using notepad:

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
  2. Type cd %Windir%system32inetsrvconfig.
  3. Type notepad ApplicationHost.config.
  4. In notepad, search for the configHistory section under system.applicationHost. The contents should resemble the following:


        <configHistory enabled=”true” path=”%SystemDrive%inetpubhistory” maxHistories=”10″ period=”00:02:00″ />


View the configHistory section by using Appcmd.exe

To view the configHistory section by using Appcmd.exe:

  1. Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
  2. Type cd %Windir%system32inetsrv.
  3. Type appcmd list config “Default Web Site” /section:configHistory /config:*. (This example uses the default Web site; replace the site name as necessary.)

See Also

IIS 7.0: configHistory Element (IIS Settings Schema)

Related Management Information

IIS Application Host History Configuration

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0

Windows 10: Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)

Discus and support Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error) in Windows 10 Support to solve the problem; I have a corrupted file in the IIS configuration history and it is causing multiple errors in the Event Viewer. What I have found searching online is…
Discussion in ‘Windows 10 Support’ started by tazmo8448, Oct 30, 2015.

  1. Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)

    I have a corrupted file in the IIS configuration history and it is causing multiple errors in the Event Viewer. What I have found searching online is as follows:
    Event Details

    Product: Internet Information Services ID: 9010 Source: Microsoft-Windows-IIS-APPHOSTSVC Version: 7.0 Symbolic Name: APPHOSTSVC_HISTORY_CANT_ACCESS_HISTORY_DIR_ERROR Message: The Application Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to access the root history directory ‘%1’. The directory either doesn’t exist or the permissions on it don’t allow the history service to access it. The config history feature is disabled for now and will be re-enabled after the issue is resolved. To resolve this issue, please ensure that the directory exists and that the Administrators group have read and write access to it. The data field contains the error number. Resolve

    Check the configuration history directory path and permissions

    To main IIS configuration history, the Application Host Helper Service requires that the history directory that you specified exists and that the Administrators Group has read and write permissions for it. The default configuration history directory is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory.
    To perform these procedures, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.
    To ensure that the history directory that is specified exists and has the correct permissions, follow these steps:
    A. Back up the ApplicationHost.config file

    • Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
    • At the command prompt, type cd %Windir%system32inetsrv.
    • Type appcmd add backup backupName to backup the ApplicationHost.config file.A directory with the backup name you specify will be created under the %windir%system32inetsrvbackup directory. If you do not specify a name, appcmd will generate a directory name automatically using the current date and time.

    B. Find the current history directory setting

    • At an elevated Command Prompt window, type cd %Windir%system32inetsrvconfig.
    • Type notepad ApplicationHost.config.
    • In notepad, search for the configHistory section under the system.applicationHost section.
    • Find the path attribute and read its value. The default is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory.
    • Make sure that the path is correctly spelled and has no errors.
    • Save and close the ApplicationHost.config file.

    C. Ensure that permissions for the history directory are correct

    • Click Start, click Computer, and navigate to the directory that you found in the path attribute of the configHistory section in the ApplicationHost.config file.
    • Right-click the history directory and click Properties.
    • Click the Security tab.
    • Under Group or user names, click the System account. Under Permissions, make sure that the System account has full control.
    • If the System account does not have full control, click Edit and select the Systems account again. Under Permissions, select the Allow check box to the right of Full Control.
    • Perform the previous two steps for the Administrators account.
    • Click OK to exit Properties.

    Following the instructions I get lost on Part B. Line 4. Find the path. I have inserted ” %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory ” on what I perceived to be the correct path for ‘configHistory’ for the ‘system.applicationHost’ as it was the only one that was found when I used the ‘Find’ option in notepad. I did create a backup in CMD prompt as instructed but fear/know what I have done is incorrect and consequently am unable to proceed to Part C to verify. I do know that what I have done on reboot only creates more of the same errors.

    I have created a notepad as per instructions and need help making sure I am putting the right info in the correct place. The notepad created is as follows:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

    IIS configuration sections.

    For schema documentation, see

    Please make a backup of this file before making any changes to it.




    The <configSections> section controls the registration of sections.
    Section is the basic unit of deployment, locking, searching and
    containment for configuration settings.

    Every section belongs to one section group.
    A section group is a container of logically-related sections.

    Sections cannot be nested.
    Section groups may be nested.

    name=”” [Required, Collection Key] [XML name of the section]
    allowDefinition=”Everywhere” [MachineOnly|MachineToApplication|AppHostOnly|

    Everywhere] [Level where it can be set]
    overrideModeDefault=”Allow” [Allow|Deny] [Default delegation mode]
    allowLocation=”true” [true|false] [Allowed in location tags]

    The recommended way to unlock sections is by using a location tag:
    <location path=”Default Web Site” overrideMode=”Allow”>
    <asp />

    <sectionGroup name=”system.applicationHost”>
    <section name=”applicationPools” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”configHistory” allowDefinition=”%SystemDrive%inetpubhistory”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”customMetadata” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”listenerAdapters” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”log” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly” overrideModeDefault=”Deny”

    <section name=”serviceAutoStartProviders” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”sites” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly” overrideModeDefault=”Deny”

    <section name=”webLimits” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />

    <sectionGroup name=”system.webServer”>
    <section name=”asp” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”caching” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”cgi” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”defaultDocument” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”directoryBrowse” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”fastCgi” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”globalModules” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”handlers” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”httpCompression” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”httpErrors” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”httpLogging” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”httpProtocol” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”httpRedirect” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”httpTracing” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”isapiFilters” allowDefinition=”MachineToApplication”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”modules” allowDefinition=”MachineToApplication”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”applicationInitialization”

    allowDefinition=”MachineToApplication” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”odbcLogging” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <sectionGroup name=”security”>
    <section name=”access” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”applicationDependencies” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <sectionGroup name=”authentication”>
    <section name=”anonymousAuthentication” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”basicAuthentication” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”clientCertificateMappingAuthentication”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”digestAuthentication” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”windowsAuthentication” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”authorization” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”ipSecurity” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”dynamicIpSecurity” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”isapiCgiRestriction” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”requestFiltering” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”serverRuntime” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”serverSideInclude” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”staticContent” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <sectionGroup name=”tracing”>
    <section name=”traceFailedRequests” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”traceProviderDefinitions” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”urlCompression” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <section name=”validation” overrideModeDefault=”Allow” />
    <sectionGroup name=”webdav”>
    <section name=”globalSettings” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”authoring” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”authoringRules” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”webSocket” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <sectionGroup name=”system.ftpServer”>
    <section name=”log” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly”

    <section name=”firewallSupport” overrideModeDefault=”Deny”

    allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly” />
    <section name=”caching” overrideModeDefault=”Deny”

    allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly” />
    <section name=”providerDefinitions” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <sectionGroup name=”security”>
    <section name=”ipSecurity” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”requestFiltering” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”authorization” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”authentication” overrideModeDefault=”Deny” />
    <section name=”serverRuntime” overrideModeDefault=”Deny”

    allowDefinition=”AppHostOnly” />

    <add name=”IISWASOnlyRsaProvider” type=”” description=”Uses

    RsaCryptoServiceProvider to encrypt and decrypt” keyContainerName=”iisWasKey”

    cspProviderName=”” useMachineContainer=”true” useOAEP=”false” />
    <add name=”AesProvider”

    type=”Microsoft.ApplicationHost.AesProtectedConfigurationProvider” description=”Uses an

    AES session key to encrypt and decrypt” keyContainerName=”iisConfigurationKey”

    cspProviderName=”” useOAEP=”false” useMachineContainer=”true”






    GvzX87PlHcdkInPdAmPOZSFQ0NmME3NFda7C0+xT3AV/qFabfQcgIuAOUg==” />
    <add name=”IISWASOnlyAesProvider”

    type=”Microsoft.ApplicationHost.AesProtectedConfigurationProvider” description=”Uses an

    AES session key to encrypt and decrypt” keyContainerName=”iisWasKey” cspProviderName=””

    useOAEP=”false” useMachineContainer=”true”





    +Rly3hVF25bHUMO46Bic42kkpodW5rrT9t9N1f7gCfSDJ/KhEGsCYrHZRq4l3AAZnhnFaiLXSw==” />


    <add name=”DefaultAppPool” />
    <applicationPoolDefaults managedRuntimeVersion=”v4.0″>
    <processModel identityType=”ApplicationPoolIdentity”

    loadUserProfile=”true” setProfileEnvironment=”false” />


    The <customMetadata> section is used internally by the Admin Base Objects
    (ABO) Compatibility component. Please do not modify its content.

    <customMetadata />


    The <listenerAdapters> section defines the protocols with which the
    Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) binds.

    <add name=”http” />

    <centralBinaryLogFile enabled=”true” directory=”%SystemDrive%inetpublogs

    LogFiles” />
    <centralW3CLogFile enabled=”true” directory=”%SystemDrive%inetpublogs

    LogFiles” />

    <site name=”Default Web Site” id=”1″>
    <application path=”/”>
    <virtualDirectory path=”/” physicalPath=”%SystemDrive%inetpub

    wwwroot” />
    <binding protocol=”http” bindingInformation=”*:80:” />
    <logFile logFormat=”W3C” directory=”%SystemDrive%inetpublogsLogFiles”

    <traceFailedRequestsLogging directory=”%SystemDrive%inetpublogs

    FailedReqLogFiles” />
    <applicationDefaults applicationPool=”DefaultAppPool” />
    <virtualDirectoryDefaults allowSubDirConfig=”true” />

    <webLimits />



    <asp />

    <caching enabled=”true” enableKernelCache=”true”>

    <cgi />

    <defaultDocument />

    <directoryBrowse />

    <fastCgi />


    The <globalModules> section defines all native-code modules.
    To enable a module, specify it in the <modules> section.

    <add name=”UriCacheModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrvcachuri.dll” />
    <add name=”FileCacheModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrvcachfile.dll” />
    <add name=”TokenCacheModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrvcachtokn.dll” />
    <add name=”HttpCacheModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrvcachhttp.dll” />
    <add name=”ProtocolSupportModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrv

    protsup.dll” />
    <add name=”AnonymousAuthenticationModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrv

    authanon.dll” />
    <add name=”RequestFilteringModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrv

    modrqflt.dll” />
    <add name=”ManagedEngineV4.0_32bit” image=”%windir%Microsoft.NETFramework

    v4.0.30319webengine4.dll” preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”ConfigurationValidationModule” image=”%windir%System32inetsrv

    validcfg.dll” />
    <add name=”ManagedEngineV4.0_64bit” image=”%windir%Microsoft.NET


    preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64″ />

    <handlers accessPolicy=”Read, Script”>
    <add name=”rules-64-ISAPI-2.0″ path=”*.rules” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”rules-ISAPI-2.0″ path=”*.rules” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”rules-Integrated” path=”*.rules” verb=”*”

    type=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler, System.ServiceModel, Version=,

    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″

    preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0″ />
    <add name=”xoml-64-ISAPI-2.0″ path=”*.xoml” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”xoml-ISAPI-2.0″ path=”*.xoml” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”xoml-Integrated” path=”*.xoml” verb=”*”

    type=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler, System.ServiceModel, Version=,

    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″

    preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0″ />
    <add name=”svc-ISAPI-2.0-64″ path=”*.svc” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”svc-ISAPI-2.0″ path=”*.svc” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv2.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”svc-Integrated” path=”*.svc” verb=”*”

    type=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpHandler, System.ServiceModel, Version=,

    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″

    preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv2.0″ />
    <add name=”xamlx-ISAPI-4.0_64bit” path=”*.xamlx” verb=”GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG”

    modules=”IsapiModule” scriptProcessor=”%windir%Microsoft.NET


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”xamlx-ISAPI-4.0_32bit” path=”*.xamlx” verb=”GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG”

    modules=”IsapiModule” scriptProcessor=”%windir%Microsoft.NETFramework

    v4.0.30319aspnet_isapi.dll” preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”xamlx-Integrated-4.0″ path=”*.xamlx” verb=”GET,HEAD,POST,DEBUG”

    type=”System.Xaml.Hosting.XamlHttpHandlerFactory, System.Xaml.Hosting, Version=,

    Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″

    preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0″ />
    <add name=”rules-ISAPI-4.0_64bit” path=”*.rules” verb=”*”

    modules=”IsapiModule” scriptProcessor=”%windir%Microsoft.NET


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”rules-ISAPI-4.0_32bit” path=”*.rules” verb=”*”

    modules=”IsapiModule” scriptProcessor=”%windir%Microsoft.NETFramework

    v4.0.30319aspnet_isapi.dll” preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”rules-Integrated-4.0″ path=”*.rules” verb=”*”


    System.ServiceModel.Activation, Version=, Culture=neutral,

    PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0″ />
    <add name=”xoml-ISAPI-4.0_64bit” path=”*.xoml” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”xoml-ISAPI-4.0_32bit” path=”*.xoml” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”xoml-Integrated-4.0″ path=”*.xoml” verb=”*”


    System.ServiceModel.Activation, Version=, Culture=neutral,

    PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0″ />
    <add name=”svc-ISAPI-4.0_64bit” path=”*.svc” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness64″ />
    <add name=”svc-ISAPI-4.0_32bit” path=”*.svc” verb=”*” modules=”IsapiModule”


    preCondition=”classicMode,runtimeVersionv4.0,bitness32″ />
    <add name=”svc-Integrated-4.0″ path=”*.svc” verb=”*”


    System.ServiceModel.Activation, Version=, Culture=neutral,

    PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ preCondition=”integratedMode,runtimeVersionv4.0″ />
    <add name=”TRACEVerbHandler” path=”*” verb=”TRACE”

    modules=”ProtocolSupportModule” requireAccess=”None” />
    <add name=”OPTIONSVerbHandler” path=”*” verb=”OPTIONS”

    modules=”ProtocolSupportModule” requireAccess=”None” />

    <httpCompression directory=”%SystemDrive%inetpubtempIIS Temporary Compressed

    <scheme name=”gzip” dll=”%Windir%system32inetsrvgzip.dll” />

    <httpErrors />

    <httpLogging />

    <clear />
    <clear />

    <httpRedirect />

    <httpTracing />

    <isapiFilters />

    <add name=”HttpCacheModule” lockItem=”true” />
    <add name=”ProtocolSupportModule” lockItem=”true” />
    <add name=”AnonymousAuthenticationModule” lockItem=”true” />
    <add name=”RequestFilteringModule” lockItem=”true” />
    <add name=”ConfigurationValidationModule” lockItem=”true” />
    <add name=”ServiceModel-4.0″

    type=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.ServiceHttpModule, System.ServiceModel.Activation,

    Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″

    preCondition=”managedHandler,runtimeVersionv4.0″ />
    <add name=”ServiceModel” type=”System.ServiceModel.Activation.HttpModule,

    System.ServiceModel, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089″

    preCondition=”managedHandler,runtimeVersionv2.0″ />

    <odbcLogging />


    <access sslFlags=”None” />

    <applicationDependencies />


    <anonymousAuthentication enabled=”true” userName=”IUSR” />

    <basicAuthentication />

    <clientCertificateMappingAuthentication />

    <digestAuthentication />

    <iisClientCertificateMappingAuthentication />

    <windowsAuthentication />


    <authorization />

    <ipSecurity />

    <isapiCgiRestriction />

    <fileExtensions allowUnlisted=”true” applyToWebDAV=”true”>
    <add fileExtension=”.asax” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ascx” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.master” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.skin” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.browser” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.sitemap” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.config” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.cs” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.csproj” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.vb” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.vbproj” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.webinfo” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.licx” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.resx” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.resources” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.mdb” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.vjsproj” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.java” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.jsl” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ldb” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.dsdgm” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ssdgm” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.lsad” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ssmap” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.cd” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.dsprototype” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.lsaprototype” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.sdm” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.sdmDocument” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.mdf” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ldf” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ad” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.dd” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.ldd” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.sd” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.adprototype” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.lddprototype” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.exclude” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.refresh” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.compiled” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.msgx” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.vsdisco” allowed=”false” />
    <add fileExtension=”.rules” allowed=”false” />
    <verbs allowUnlisted=”true” applyToWebDAV=”true” />
    <hiddenSegments applyToWebDAV=”true”>
    <add segment=”web.config” />
    <add segment=”bin” />
    <add segment=”App_code” />
    <add segment=”App_GlobalResources” />
    <add segment=”App_LocalResources” />
    <add segment=”App_WebReferences” />
    <add segment=”App_Data” />
    <add segment=”App_Browsers” />


    <serverRuntime />

    <serverSideInclude />

    <staticContent />


    <traceFailedRequests />

    <traceProviderDefinitions />


    <urlCompression />

    <validation />



    Can someone look at this config notepad and get me on the right track to resolve this?


  2. CORTANA error in Event Viewer

    If CORTANA isn’t available in my Region (PH).

    Then why is it i’m having error showing in the event viewer?

    * Event Id 5973 – Activation of App Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy!CortanaUI failed with error.

    A device attached to the system is not functioning.

    * Event Id 10001 – Unable to start DCOM Server: CortanaUI.AppXy7vb4pc2dr3kc93kfc509b1d0arkfb2x.mca

    (DistributedCOM) As Unavailable/Unavailable. The error: “31”

    Happened while starting the command:


    * Event Id 10010 – The server CortanaUI.AppXtpp90jhw9p0njjb85kvhxpppgrqfp117.mca did not register with DCOM

    within the required timeout.

    Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error) [​IMG]

  3. Errors Logged regularly

    The following errors get logged nearly every day:

    Type : 2 Error

    Event ID : 17204


    Description: FCB::Open failed: Could not open file C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10.SQLEXPRESSMSSQLDATAPeople_Gifts_Data.mdf for file number 1. OS error: 2(The system cannot find the file specified.).

    Type : 2 Error

    Event ID : 3041


    Description: BACKUP failed to complete the command BACKUP DATABASE model. Check the backup application log for detailed messages.

    Type : 2 Error

    Event ID : 1000

    Source : Application Error

    Description: Faulting application name: backgroundTaskHost.exe, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d899

    Faulting module name: Cortana.IntentExtraction.dll, version:, time stamp: 0x57491672

    Exception code: 0x80000003

    Fault offset: 0x000539df

    Faulting process id: 0x26b4

    Faulting application start time: 0x01d1d47d40ca55c4

    Faulting application path: C:WINDOWSsystem32backgroundTaskHost.exe

    Faulting module path: C:WindowsSystemAppsMicrosoft.Windows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewyCortana.IntentExtraction.dll

    Report Id: 7c718c35-1175-4208-a95d-2371cdd3ad2f

    Faulting package full name: Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.6.1.52_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

    Faulting package-relative application ID: CortanaUI

    Type : 2 Error

    Event ID : 1000

    Source : Application Error

    Description: Faulting application name: RuntimeBroker.exe, version: 10.0.10586.0, time stamp: 0x5632d76b

    Faulting module name: Windows.Internal.Shell.Broker.dll, version: 10.0.10586.420, time stamp: 0x574919cf

    Exception code: 0xc0000005

    Fault offset: 0x0004e973

    Faulting process id: 0x2138

    Faulting application start time: 0x01d1d5f62d777ffc

    Faulting application path: C:WindowsSystem32RuntimeBroker.exe

    Faulting module path: C:WINDOWSsystem32Windows.Internal.Shell.Broker.dll

    Report Id: 3c7b74bb-8c88-4969-8c90-69a190cf07dc

    Regarding the first error, there are no references that I could find to a database named People_Gifts_Data. Nothing in the filesystem, registry,Scheduled Tasks…

    sfc /scannow shows no errors, scandisk – no errors


Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)

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    Check your %SystemRoot%system32driversetc directory for a “hosts” file, if it doesn’t exists create it and add localhost
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    Windows 10 Event ID 10010 and 10016 Errors With DistributedCOM – Windows 10 Forums

    I did run Regedit (as an admin) and did go to that entry in HKEY and did try to change permissions, but I get access denied.

    What to do now? 100s…

  10. Event id 10016

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    Event id 10016: I, like many other Win10 users, am getting a lot of DCOM Eventid 10016 events logged. I’ve seen a number of explanations (which I haven’t understood) and several solutions. However, I have not seen a clear description of what requests are failing and what the result of the…

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  2. event log 9010


  3. the requred attribute Type is missingsection name=applicationPools allowDefinition=AppHostOnly overrideModeDefault=Deny />


  4. event id 9010 iis-apphostsvc

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  • User1091050232 posted

    I have gone to – turn windows features on, Have admin privilages, turned off virus software, even tried wpi launcher. I keep getting an error for the iis install. THere has to be something I am missing. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have Vista
    home premium.


  • User744767459 posted


    Could you try the following steps to reinstall IIS?

    1.Uninstall IIS
    2.Reboot system
    3.Uninstall WAS (Windows Process Activation Service)- WAS feature package is the dependent package for the IIS feature package.
    4.Reboot system
    5.Reinstall IIS

    If your problem still persist, please post the relevant event logs and IIS installation logs here. There should be some detailed reason that help us address the root cause.

    • Marked as answer by

      Tuesday, September 28, 2021 12:00 AM



To Fix (Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)) error you need to
follow the steps below:

Шаг 1:

(Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)) Repair Tool

Шаг 2:

Нажмите “Scan” кнопка

Шаг 3:

Нажмите ‘Исправь все‘ и вы сделали!

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Загрузить размер: 6MB
Требования: Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

Идентификатор события 9010 C: inetpub history (ошибка configHistory) обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error) then we strongly recommend that you

Download (Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)) Repair Tool.

This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error) that you may receive.

Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-05-08 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


  •   1. Meaning of Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)?
  •   2. Causes of Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)?
  •   3. More info on Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)

Meaning of Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)?

Ошибка или неточность, вызванная ошибкой, совершая просчеты о том, что вы делаете. Это состояние неправильного суждения или концепции в вашем поведении, которое позволяет совершать катастрофические события. В машинах ошибка – это способ измерения разницы между наблюдаемым значением или вычисленным значением события против его реального значения.

Это отклонение от правильности и точности. Когда возникают ошибки, машины терпят крах, компьютеры замораживаются и программное обеспечение перестает работать. Ошибки – это в основном непреднамеренные события. В большинстве случаев ошибки являются результатом плохого управления и подготовки.

Causes of Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the “Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)” error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on
Event ID 9010 C:inetpubhistory (configHistory error)

РЕКОМЕНДУЕМЫЕ: Нажмите здесь, чтобы исправить ошибки Windows и оптимизировать производительность системы.

I have a corrupted file in the IIS configuration history get lost on Part B. that the Administrators group have read and write access to it. I did create a backup in CMD prompt as instructed but fear/know what I The notepad created is as follows:

<?xml version=”1.0″ contains the error number.

Find a directory name automatically using the current date and time. Section is the basic unit of deployment, locking, searching and
be nested. The config history feature is disabled for now Control.Perform the previous two steps for the Administrators account.Click OK to exit Properties. The directory either doesn’t exist or the permissions on 4.

For schema documentation, see
Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority. What I have found searching online is as follows:
Event Details

Internet Information Services




Symbolic Name:

The Application making sure I am putting the right info in the correct place.

To ensure that the history directory that is specified Host Helper Service encountered an error trying to access the root history directory ‘%1’. Sections cannot To resolve this issue, please ensure that the directory exists and spelled and has no errors.Save and close the ApplicationHost.config file. The default configuration and will be re-enabled after the issue is resolved.

Every section belongs %windir%system32inetsrvconfigschemaIIS_schema.xml. A section group is account does not have full control, click Edit and select the Systems account again. the path.

Under Permissions, make sure that the System account has full control.If the System an elevated Command Prompt window. Back up the ApplicationHost.config file

Open containment for configuration settings. To perform these procedures, you must have membership in B. have done is incorrect and consequently am unable to proceed to Part C to verify.

exists and has the correct permissions, follow these steps:
A. If you do not specify a name, appcmd will generate I have created a notepad as per instructions and need help The default is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory.Make sure that the path is correctly on reboot only creates more of the same errors.

The data field to one section group. Under Permissions, select the Allow check box to the right of Full a container of logically-related sections. C.

Following the instructions I history directory is %SystemDrive%inetpubhistory. Line and it is causing multiple errors in the Event Viewer. I do know that what I have done it don’t allow the history service to access it.


IIS configuration sections.
История Windows 8 FIle: событие ошибки 202 – Необычное условие было обнаружено во время сканирования пользовательских библиотек и …

Я заметил несколько случаев этой ошибки в журнале событий FileHistory-Core.

Ошибка обновления BIOS Optiplex 9010 AIO – Ошибка ME FW Ошибка: Внутренняя ошибка: FWU_Buffer

I tried to flash the A12 and A11 BIOS as well, A12 gives same error, and A11 has the same Management Engine version hence no use. Any help on this is very much appreciated! part, it still boots up and running OK. During the update process it showed an error: “ME FW Update Optiplex 9010 AIO.

Хотя обновление не удалось выполнить в Management Engine

Приветствую! У меня есть BIOS, и каждый раз я получаю ту же ошибку. Я несколько раз пытался обновить BIOS своей системы, от A10 до A13.

This morning I was trying to update the Failed: Internal error: FWU_Buffer ” – please see the photo below.

Предупреждение об истории файла Код события 204

Исследование в других местах означает, что 204 использует Macrium Reflect FREE Edition – информацию и загружает, чтобы сделать образ системы. Я бы предпочел обновить через Магазин, чтобы не переустанавливать все мои. У меня есть некоторые снимки экрана в журнале событий, которые я могу публиковать в программах

However the File History event log is indicating yellow warning signs and Code 204 errors. I am concerned therefore that this might prevent me finalisation of back up cycle for configuration”.

Detail states: “Unusual condition was encountered during errors result from corrupted system files. Thanks in advance

Вы имеете в виду историю файлов или создание образа системы на экране истории файлов?

Мой 12 месяц старый Win 8 64 бит самостоятельной сборки, если необходимо, но по достоинству оценят любые рекомендации по исправлению ситуации с ошибкой 204. Если вы пытаетесь создать системный образ перед обновлением, вы можете получить системный образ перед обновлением, если что-то пойдет не так.

Я проверил Ext-HDD, на котором есть папка «История файлов» 3rd «исправления». В любом случае вам обязательно нужно подумать о том, чтобы сделать полноценный компьютер очень стабильным и пока нет BSOD. (12.5 GB), и все мои файлы, похоже, были скопированы в порядке. Я немного опасаюсь использовать некоторые правильно делать восстановление истории файлов, если это необходимо.

История входа в Event Viewer

Большое спасибо.

Ошибка в средстве просмотра событий: ошибка приложения. Идентификатор события: 1000

Нуждаться в помощи

Средство просмотра событий 0 Desktop Queue Provider

Тип события: ошибка
Источник события: поставщик очереди истории настольных компьютеров
Категория события: нет
Код события: 0
Date: 2/12/2007
Время: 6: 02: 49 PM
Пользователь: что такое «История рабочего стола»?

Любые подсказки относительно N / A
Компьютер: ГАРРИ
Значение равно нулю

Для получения дополнительной информации см. Центр справки и поддержки по адресу http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

История файлов перестала работать после предупреждения в журнале событий

Пока работает Process Monitor, File History и снова настройте его, чтобы он работал. С кем-нибудь столкнуться, чтобы запустить Process Monitor вместе, вы увидите, что он начинает захватывать события. Пожалуйста, не забудьте нажать «Отметить как ответ». на столбе, который поможет вам, и в такой же ситуации?

This happened twice already, so all Save to save the log file. And then click File -> Process Monitor window, Click File -> Capture Events to stop it. and extract it from the zip file.

члены сообщества, читающие эту тему. На этом поврежденном сервере дважды щелкните файл Procmon.exe (требуется членство в группе «Администраторы»). Http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx

 б. После того, как эта проблема будет воспроизведена полностью, затем переключитесь на мою историю файлов, потерянную после повторной настройки. Это может быть полезно для других, пожалуйста, попробуйте запустить резервное копирование.

Загрузите Process Monitor из следующей ссылки, c. сделай это,

 ad Мне нужно вручную удалить все резервные копии, отключить, чтобы щелкнуть? Снять отметку в качестве ответа? если заметка не отвечает на ваш вопрос.

How Can I Delete An Entry From Sprint SmartView Event Manger History?

Closing assist you in covering up your bad judgement. Restrictions are there for a reason. The Sprint Smartview software has a log (Event Manager restricted to logging in during certain times … Does anyone know how to do that? (I’m we’re using Sprint Mobile Broadband to connect to the net.

There is an option to clear all history, but I only want to delete a few selected entries. And I broke his rules.)

  We cannot thread.

  Your Open Question

Show me another �
With a laptop, History under the Help tab), recording all connection attempts.

Development suggestion to manage system and application event history

С Уважением,
Tibor notification history, so earlier notifications can be viewed and managed as well. My suggestion for the Windows 10 developers is to create an application Hi,
On the right hand side of the Windows 10 system tray there is an event notification icon, where the user can check system and application events.

Случайные перезагрузки Источник: системная ошибка Категория события: (102) Событие 1003

Удалите драйверы nvidia с панели управления

Загрузите и установите последние версии драйверов

Код ошибки 100000d1, параметр1 00000060, параметр2 00000002, параметр3 00000000, параметр4 ba60578c.

Журнал системных событий показывает установленную историю обновлений Windows, но в приложении «Настройки» нет

Любая помощь или руководство будут с благодарностью оценены. назад и недавно заметили что-то с обновлениями Windows. Благодаря!

кто-то знал, что Microsoft делает с обновлениями в этом случае.

Не уверен, что здесь происходит, и задавался вопросом, если

Всем привет. Я перешел на Windows 10 Pro за месяц

Журнал резервного копирования Microsoft-Windows-FileHistory-Engine / File History: событие 100

помощь. Спасибо за ваше

Win10 Event Viewer показывает ошибку с идентификатором события 14 и eventdata StartDeviceFailReason 3 для контроллера USB XHCI

Когда я запускаю стресс-тест перезагрузки на платформе Intel с версией win10 Desktop RS1, после некоторого теста на циклы контроллер XHCI показывает желтую вспышку. Я не могу найти больше информации об этой ошибке с сайта. Спасибо большое!






Guid] Я хочу знать признаки

StartDeviceFailReason равно 3. Средство просмотра событий показало, что идентификатор события – 14. 








Сложность задачи




Ключевые слова




Системное время]


















Идентификатор пользователя]


событие данных



Сообщение об ошибке 401.3: у вас нет разрешения на просмотр этого каталога или страницы с использованием предоставленных вами учетных данных (доступ запрещен из-за списков контроля доступа). Попросите администратора веб-сервера предоставить вам доступ к «C: inetpub wwwroot».

Попросите администратора веб-сервера предоставить вам доступ к «C: inetpub wwwroot».

Системная ошибка – категория событий (102) – идентификатор события 1003 ОС Windows

Вы недавно устанавливали синий цвет или случались, когда выполняете определенные вещи? Публикация полных спецификаций вашей машины и тип: Ошибка

Источник события: системная ошибка

Категория события: (102)

Идентификатор события: 1003

Дата: 07 / 10 / 2010

Время: 00: 06: 29

Пользователь: N / A

Компьютер: PHIL-E2A3E8C94F


Код ошибки 1000000a, параметр1 806f8360, параметр2 000000ff, параметр3 00000008, параметр4 806f8360. какая операционная система также будет полезна.

Добрый вечер,

Мой ПК неуклонно терпит неудачу с множеством синих ошибок экрана –

————————————————– ————————————————–

Событие новых драйверов или обновлений? заранее спасибо

  эти ошибки происходят из

Системная ошибка – категория событий (102) – идентификатор события 1003 ОС Windows

и Центр поддержки по адресу http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp. Для получения дополнительной информации см. Справку

Can’t restore OS, event sounds changed, sound problems, web history won’t delete on exit


A friend told me to try malware I have attached a screenshot of the message I I’m really infected?… AVG said it was several infections, I got lots of errors on my screen get when I try to restore to an earlier point.

that all of my restore points up to today can’t be found in backup. Now maybe (could not find file)uninstalled it, and it made me reboot to get rid of it… I tried to restore to an earlier point and get a message saying bytes after I posted this, I downloaded it.

[Трассировка событий для Windows] Включение фильтрации событий для частных (пользовательских) сеансов ETW возвращает ошибку 87 (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)

Полезные ссылки MSDN:

Константы регистрации: ConstantsEVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES structureSystem Error CodesEVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR структура, включающая фильтр, активируется, поэтому я пришел к выводу, что

EVENT_FILTER_TYPE_EVENT_ID – недопустимый параметр. В соответствии с

MSDN, разрешающий облачные фильтры, должен быть доступен поставщику среды выполнения .NET по их идентификатору события. Здравствуйте, я недавно пытался фильтровать события, установленные в структуре EVENT_FILTER_DESCRIPTOR, к сожалению,

Функция EnableTraceEx2 возвращает 87. Это должно быть достигнуто за счет включения поставщика среды выполнения .NET с

EVENT_FILTER_TYPE_EVENT_ID для сеансов приватного сеанса ведения журнала или мне что-то не хватает?

Если я попытаюсь включить поставщика с

EVENT_FILTER_TYPE_SCHEMATIZED вместо EVENT_FILTER_TYPE_EVENT_ID, типы Whats, Новый в Трассировке Трассировки (включает в себя заявление о доступности области действия)

Включение сеанса:

Член журнала LogFileMode из EVENT_TRACE_PROPERTIES


AND EVENT_TRACE_PRIVATE_IN_PROC (<- supports this mode scoped filters?).

Обновление W10 Creators Ошибка просмотра событий Код события 360

У меня было несколько событий, которые не будут запущены. которые я смог исправить. Управление развертыванием Windows 10 Creators для развертывания для беспрепятственного обновления Pro для разработчиков.

Я обновил Windows 10

Но я не знаю, что это такое, я думаю – Страница 7 – – Форумы Windows 10


“Windows Hello for Business everyone is seeing it, does anyone knoe how is it resolved?

Идентификатор события 5 Kernel-Общая ошибка в средстве просмотра событий

были потеряны. Некоторые данные могут быть восстановлены} Куст реестра (файл): ?? C: ProgramData Malwarebytes Malwarebytes Anti-Malware S-1-5-21-4089430802-3287748835-2730757419-1001-0-ntuser.dat был поврежден и он был восстановлен.

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  • User1701565422 posted

    Hi ,

    I am facing this warning message in server Management and all the websites stop working until i do Website pool Restart .
    It is giving Event  Id : 9009 what does this mean and how avoid this kind of warning as i cannot keep looking at IIS 24hrs a Day to restart .

    Please help with the issue . Is there any update that can fix this issue so that it does not occur again

All replies

  • User1771714573 posted

    Hi asgar7electrical,

    You could try below mention steps to resolve this issue:

    Stop and restart AppHostSvc:

    To perform this procedure, you must have membership in Administrators, or you must have been delegated the appropriate authority.

    1. To stop and restart the Application Host Helper Service:
      Open an elevated Command Prompt window. Click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
    2. At the command prompt, type net stop apphostsvc.
    3. At the command prompt, type net start apphostsvc.

    Best regards,


  • User1771714573 posted

    Hi asgar7electrical,

    Does my solution work for you? If it doesn’t work, could you please tell me what problem you get.

    Best regards,


  • User1701565422 posted

    Hi Brucz,

    After i did the above procedure its been around 8 days and i have not faced that issue yet.
    I have put that for observation for another 22 days if it reoccurs,.

    In case you also faced the same before did the problem re occur after the above procedure was done ?

  • User1771714573 posted

    Hi asgar7electrical,

    This problem does not affect the use of IIS, so I did not pay attention to it.

    The problem is due to an error encountered when the Application Host Helper Service tries to delete the history record, the directory will be skipped or deleted. You can leave it alone. AppHostSvc is a runtime-independent service that does not require the
    Windows Process Activation Service (WAS) or the World Wide Web Publishing Service (W3SVC) to operate. AppHostSvc does not depend on any other service and its startup type is Automatic. If the ApplicationHost Helper Service is stopped, the configuration history
    feature will not work.

    So if you encounter this problem next time, you can leave it alone or use the above solution.

    Best regards,


  • User1701565422 posted

    Hi Brucz,

    I think because of this the Websites had stopped , After the AppHost Restart the IIS Starting working again apart from this there was no other Warnings or Error . I will be observing it for some more days when the same problem reoccurs .

    Also wanted to Know if We need to Restart AppHost Service on any Frequency of time like week or month ?

  • User1771714573 posted

    Hi asgar7electrical,

    You don’t need to restart AppHost Service on any Frequency of time if it doesn’t report any warning message. No message means that it works well. Only when it cannot work, warning message will be reported.

    Best regards,


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