Import config could not be resolved как исправить

My Flask App server is running but I have three imports that cannot be resolved.
unresolved imports

I have tried:

  1. reinstalling the imports individually
  2. reinstalling requirements.txt
  3. I configured VSCode Workspace with an extra path to my project folder (there is now a .vscode file within the root of my project folder where it was not before)
  4. I have updated my venv path settings in VSCode

Here is my file structure:

- > .vscode
- > client *(React front end)*
- > data
- > server *(Python/Flask back end)*
    - > app
    - > venv
    - requirements.txt *(this contains the 3 unresolved, along with several that are resolving)*
- .env
- .flaskenv
- .gitignore
- requirements.txt

Unfortunately none of these things have resolved my imports issue and my routes are still not working. Any ideas/suggestions?

Adam Smooch's user avatar

Adam Smooch

1,1011 gold badge12 silver badges27 bronze badges

asked Jul 22, 2021 at 14:02

SMKrizan's user avatar

  1. Open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P), then select the Python: Select Interpreter. From the list, select the virtual environment in your project folder that starts with .env.

  2. Run Terminal: Create New Integrated Terminal (Ctrl+Shift+` or from the Command Palette), which creates a terminal and automatically activates the virtual environment by running its activation script.

  3. Install sqlalchemy and mongoengine with command pip install. Once installing them successfully, there will intellisense when you import them and no warnings shown.

screenshot install package with pip within environment

Besides, the folder .vscode is to store Workspace settings as well as debugging and task configurations.

Leonard's user avatar


2,45018 silver badges36 bronze badges

answered Jul 23, 2021 at 7:41

Molly Wang-MSFT's user avatar

Molly Wang-MSFTMolly Wang-MSFT

7,5932 gold badges7 silver badges21 bronze badges


If you are using a virtual environment, and even after trying pip installing all the necessary libraries, you have to select the python interpreter that exists in the virtual environment folder.

  1. (Ctrl+Shift+P) then search for “Python: Select Interpreter”
  2. Click “Enter interpreter path” followed by “Find..”
  3. Navigate to your project virtual environment folder
  4. Go into “Scripts” folder and then select “python.exe” as the interpreter.

These steps allow you to select the right python interpreter associated with the project’s virtual environment.

answered Dec 4, 2021 at 7:33

DeeMok's user avatar


6314 silver badges6 bronze badges


To resolve the issue, perform the following steps:

  1. Open the Command Palette by pressing
    Ctrl+Shift+P on your keyboard.
  2. In the Command Palette, select Python: Clear Cache and Reload Window.

Andreas Violaris's user avatar

answered Oct 24, 2022 at 5:57

akash joshi's user avatar

akash joshiakash joshi

6215 silver badges5 bronze badges


I ran into this error after an upgrade of my local python version (brew -> manual install), even though the specified interpreter was already /usr/local/bin/python3.

CMD + Shift + P and re-selecting the [same] interpreter fixed the error.

In hindsight, I suspect that a restart of VSCode could have also fixed this. 🤷‍♂️

answered Sep 15, 2022 at 14:42

Adam Smooch's user avatar

Adam SmoochAdam Smooch

1,1011 gold badge12 silver badges27 bronze badges


I was getting the very same error you have and none of the solutions presented here worked me.
I work on a windows machine. I use miniconda to manage my virtual environments. And when I’m coding I launch every program from the command prompt (cmd), including Vscode.
Even tough inside Vscode the python evironment was correctly settled I was getting the very same import error that you mention. The interesting part of it was that I wasn’t having any problems to run the code, it was working as usuall. But when coding I wasn’t able to see the functions related to the libraries with the import error.

The solution:

Activate the correct conda env for the project before launch Vscode from the command prompt.

Why does this happen?

I BELIVE that this happen because when you don’t activate any conda env before launch Vscode. The base conda env is loaded as default. That generates the import conflict. (You can chek this out installing those packagues into the environment and running everything just as you have been doing)

answered Nov 5, 2022 at 2:43

Nicolás Muñoz's user avatar

Perhaps VSCode is using the incorrect Python path for this reason. A base interpreter should be used instead of the vscode interpreter, if necessary.

answered Aug 17, 2022 at 9:19

jeffasante's user avatar


2,2592 gold badges8 silver badges8 bronze badges

After verifying my Python interpreter was sourced correctly in VS Code, I simply cleaned my env and reinstalled the project locally and the import errors disappeared. I personally had an odd VS Code/Pylance cache and reinstalling the dependencies and modules fixed it for me.

answered Sep 15, 2022 at 18:06

Justin Hammond's user avatar

The main problem related to VSCode Python import not being resolved is that the interpreter cannot find the module or package that you are trying to import. This can be caused by a variety of issues, such as incorrect file paths, missing dependencies, or incorrect configuration settings. To resolve this issue, you need to ensure that the correct interpreter is selected in VSCode and that all necessary modules and packages are installed correctly. Additionally, you may need to check your environment variables and make sure they are configured correctly.

This is likely due to a missing module or package. Try running the following command in your terminal: 

pip install <module_name>

1. This line is instructing the user to install a module or package that is missing.
2. The command “pip install” will install a module or package from the Python Package Index (PyPI).
3. The should be replaced with the name of the module or package that needs to be installed.

About VSCode

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular code editor for Python development. It is open source and available on Windows, Mac, and Linux. VSCode has a built-in terminal that allows you to run your Python code directly from the editor. It also includes an integrated debugger, which makes it easy to find and fix errors in your code. Additionally, VSCode supports many popular Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and Matplotlib. With its powerful syntax highlighting and autocompletion features, VSCode makes writing Python code faster and easier than ever before.

Fixing an import could not be resolved error in Python can be done by making sure the module you are trying to import is installed and available in your environment. You can also check that the path of the module is correctly set in your system’s environment variables. Additionally, you can try using a virtual environment to isolate the project from other installed packages and make sure it has all the necessary dependencies. Finally, if all else fails, you may need to reinstall the package or look for alternative solutions.

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Experts programming in Python. Our intention is to spread this language and help people with programming problems related to Python and its Frameworks.

How to reproduce the error

  1. Create filse and funcs.pyw in one folder
  2. Write the code to the file funcs.pyw:
def test_func():
  1. Write the code to the file
from funcs import test_func


Pylance print:
Import “test9” could not be resolved

Full error info

	"resource": "/d:/Programs/Python3/test_progs/temp/",
	"owner": "_generated_diagnostic_collection_name_#3",
	"code": {
		"value": "reportMissingImports",
		"target": {
			"$mid": 1,
			"external": "",
			"path": "/microsoft/pylance-release/blob/main/",
			"scheme": "https",
			"authority": "",
			"fragment": "diagnostic-severity-rules"
	"severity": 4,
	"message": "Import "funcs" could not be resolved",
	"source": "Pylance",
	"startLineNumber": 1,
	"startColumn": 6,
	"endLineNumber": 1,
	"endColumn": 11

oniigiri, как минимум твой код не рабочий, открываем консоль и повторяем:

pip uninstall telebot
pip uninstall pyTelegramBotAPI
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI

Добавлено через 45 секунд
P.S. Пример:

import telebot
import config
bot = telebot.TeleBot(config.TOKEN)
def f(message: telebot.types.Message) -> None:
    bot.send_message(, message.text)

Добавлено через 1 минуту
P.S.S. Инфа:


Python 3.10.4
pyTelegramBotAPI   4.5.1

Добавлено через 1 минуту
P.S.S.S. Так уж получилось что pip install telebot это другая библиотека, а pyTelegramBotAPI тот самый нужный тебе telebot.

Добавлено через 1 минуту
P.S.S.S.S. То что ты установил(а) оформляется так:

Кликните здесь для просмотра всего текста

from telebot import TeleBot
app = TeleBot(__name__)
@app.route('/command ?(.*)')
def example_command(message, cmd):
    chat_dest = message['chat']['id']
    msg = "Command Recieved: {}".format(cmd)
    app.send_message(chat_dest, msg)
def parrot(message):
   chat_dest = message['chat']['id']
   user_msg = message['text']
   msg = "Parrot Says: {}".format(user_msg)
   app.send_message(chat_dest, msg)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.config['api_key'] = 'xxxxxxxx:enterYourBotKeyHereToTest'

Добавлено через 3 минуты
P.S.S.S.S.S Но в целом твоя проблема в конфликте двух либ, т.к. на двух стульях не усидишь, надеюсь я максимально подробно разжевал.

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Python Import Could Not Be Resolved

Python Import Could Not Be Resolved

How do I fix unresolved import in Python?

If you are working with Visual Studio Code and import any library, you will face this error: “unresolved import”. To resolve this error, In your workspace settings, you can set your Python path like the following. Then reload the VSCode, and it will fix that error.

What does unresolved import mean in Python?

“Unresolved Import” is an error message produced by VSCode, not Python itself. The message simply means that VSCode cannot detect the correct path for a Python module.

How to fix Import could not be resolved from source Pylance

How to fix Import could not be resolved from source Pylance

How to fix Import could not be resolved from source Pylance

Images related to the topicHow to fix Import could not be resolved from source Pylance

How To Fix Import Could Not Be Resolved From Source Pylance

How To Fix Import Could Not Be Resolved From Source Pylance

How install Numpy VSCode?

To install numpy, select pip from the dropdown for Python Environment, then type numpy and click on the “install numpy from PyPI” as shown below. Similarly search for scipy and install it using pip. If you get any errors in installing scipy, then download first anaconda from the following site.

How do I add Python interpreter to Visual Studio Code?

To do so, open the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) and enter Preferences: Open User Settings. Then set python. defaultInterpreterPath , which is in the Python extension section of User Settings, with the appropriate interpreter.

What is unresolved reference in Python?

Many a times what happens is that the plugin is not installed. e.g. If you are developing a django project and you do not have django plugin installed in pyCharm, it says error ‘unresolved reference’. Refer: Follow this answer to receive notifications.

How do I fix unresolved imports in Django?

However, for every import I have states “unresolved import”. Even on default Django imports (i.e. from django. db import models).

What I did to resolve this issue:

  1. Go into the workspace folder (here workspaceRootFolder) and create a . env file.
  2. In this empty . …
  3. Add “python. …
  4. Restart Visual Studio Code.

Why is my import Numpy not working?

Python Import Numpy Not Working

Python import numpy is not working that means eithers the module is not installed or the module is corrupted. To fix the corrupted module, uninstall it first then reinstall it.

See some more details on the topic python import could not be resolved here:

Import could not be resolved/could not be … – Stack Overflow

1.Open Command Palette, then select the Python: Select Interpreter command. From the list, select the virtual environment in your project …

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Import “[module]” could not be resolvedPylance … – GitHub

I am learning a Python book, so I created folder for each chapter to storage code. … Import “a” could not be resolved.

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Import could not be resolved [Pylance] : r/vscode – Reddit

14 votes, 12 comments. I’m trying to use torch in a python script but even though it’s pip installed, pylance doesn’t recognize it…

+ View Here

‘Import “” could not be resolved Pylance …

Solution 1: · In VS Code press + <,> to open Settings. · Type in python.analysis.extraPaths · Select “Add Item” · Type in the path to your library /home/ …

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How do I find my Python path?

Is Python in your PATH ?

  1. In the command prompt, type python and press Enter . …
  2. In the Windows search bar, type in python.exe , but don’t click on it in the menu. …
  3. A window will open up with some files and folders: this should be where Python is installed. …
  4. From the main Windows menu, open the Control Panel:

How do you reload VSCode?

There are some ways to do so:

  1. Open the command palette ( Ctrl + Shift + P ) and execute the command: >Reload Window.
  2. Define a keybinding for the command (for example CTRL + F5 ) in keybindings.json : [ { “key”: “ctrl+f5”, “command”: “workbench.action.reloadWindow”, “when”: “editorTextFocus” } ]

How do I import a NumPy library into Python?

How to Install NumPy

  1. Installing NumPy. Step 1: Check Python Version. Step 2: Install Pip. Step 3: Install NumPy. Step 4: Verify NumPy Installation. Step 5: Import the NumPy Package.
  2. Upgrading NumPy.

What is import NumPy as NP?

The import numpy portion of the code tells Python to bring the NumPy library into your current environment. The as np portion of the code then tells Python to give NumPy the alias of np. This allows you to use NumPy functions by simply typing np.

SOLVED : Import “flask” could not be resolved from sourcePylance in Python

SOLVED : Import “flask” could not be resolved from sourcePylance in Python

SOLVED : Import “flask” could not be resolved from sourcePylance in Python

Images related to the topicSOLVED : Import “flask” could not be resolved from sourcePylance in Python

Solved : Import “Flask” Could Not Be Resolved From Sourcepylance In Python

Solved : Import “Flask” Could Not Be Resolved From Sourcepylance In Python

Does Python install pip?

PIP is automatically installed with Python 2.7. 9+ and Python 3.4+ and it comes with the virtualenv and pyvenv virtual environments.

How do I use Microsoft Visual Studio for Python?

This tutorial guides you through the following steps:

  1. Step 0: Installation.
  2. Step 1: Create a Python project (this article)
  3. Step 2: Write and run code to see Visual Studio IntelliSense at work.
  4. Step 3: Create more code in the Interactive REPL window.
  5. Step 4: Run the completed program in the Visual Studio debugger.

How do I run Python code in Visual Studio terminal?

To run Python code:

  1. use shortcut Ctrl + Alt + N.
  2. or press F1 and then select/type Run Code,
  3. or right click the Text Editor and then click Run Code in the editor context menu.
  4. or click the Run Code button in the editor title menu.
  5. or click Run Code button in the context menu of file explorer.

How do I run a Python script in Visual Studio 2019?

Launch Visual Studio 2019 and in the start window, select Open at the bottom of the Get started column. Alternately, if you already have Visual Studio running, select the File > Open > Folder command instead. Navigate to the folder containing your Python code, then choose Select Folder.

What does it mean when an xref is unresolved?

Causes: The xref is nested and the parent file has changed. The drive letter where the xrefs are stored has changed. The actual xref file was deleted or moved.

How do I resolve import error in PyCharm?

Troubleshooting: Try installing/importing a package from the system terminal (outside of PyCharm) using the same interpreter/environment. In case you are using a virtualenv/conda environment as your Project Interpreter in PyCharm, it is enough to activate that environment in the system terminal and then do the test.

What is the correct process to resolve references one correct answer?

References are resolved using the following steps: If a reference has a HintPath metadata and a file exists at that path (absolute or relative to the project), it will be used. If the name of the reference itself refers to a valid file (absolute or relative to the project), it will be used.

What is the requirement for Django installation and use?

Django is a Python web framework, thus requiring Python to be installed on your machine. To install Python on your machine go to, and download a Windows MSI installer for Python. Once downloaded, run the MSI installer and follow the on-screen instructions.

Where is settings JSON in VSCode?

You can open the settings. json file with the Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) command in the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P). Once the file is open in an editor, delete everything between the two curly braces {} , save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the default values.

How do I access settings JSON VSCode?

vscode/settings. json (shortcut: Ctrl / Cmd + P and type “settings. json”). If that settings.

To open the User settings:

  1. Open the command palette (either with F1 or Ctrl + Shift + P )
  2. Type “open settings”
  3. You are presented with two options, choose Open Settings (JSON)

import ”pandas” could not be resolved from source pylance report missing module source | #code_gyani

import ”pandas” could not be resolved from source pylance report missing module source | #code_gyani

import ”pandas” could not be resolved from source pylance report missing module source | #code_gyani

Images related to the topicimport ”pandas” could not be resolved from source pylance report missing module source | #code_gyani


Import ”Pandas” Could Not Be Resolved From Source Pylance Report Missing Module Source | #Code_Gyani

How do I fix numpy error?

This tutorial shares the exact steps you can use to troubleshoot this error.

  1. Step 1: pip install numpy. Since NumPy doesn’t come installed automatically with Python, you’ll need to install it yourself. …
  2. Step 2: Install pip. If you’re still getting an error, you may need to install pip. …
  3. Step 3: Check NumPy Version.

How do I install all Python libraries?

Install Python and libraries

  1. Install launcher for all users.
  2. Add Python to the PATH.
  3. Install pip (which allows Python to install other packages)
  4. Install tk/tcl and IDLE.
  5. Install the Python test suite.
  6. Install py launcher for all users.
  7. Associate files with Python.
  8. Create shortcuts for installed applications.

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