Incorrect username or password как исправить


  1. Всегда пишет неправильное имя пользователя или пароль при включении Windows 11 и Windows 10 — как исправить
  2. Почему каждый раз при включении появляется окно «Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль. Попробуйте ещё раз» и решение
  3. Windows 10 Fix: The user name or password is incorrect
  4. Method 1: Turn Off Automatic Logon
  5. Method 2: Disable Autologin After Windows 10 Update
  6. FIX: The username or password is incorrect in Windows 10/11
  7. Steps to fix the username or password is incorrect error:
  8. 1. Disable privacy option
  9. 2. Disable/Enable auto-login in Window 10
  10. Autologon the user name or password is invalid
  11. Asked by:
  12. Question
  13. All replies

Всегда пишет неправильное имя пользователя или пароль при включении Windows 11 и Windows 10 — как исправить

Среди прочих проблем со входом в Windows 11/10 можно отметить следующую: пользователь включает компьютер или ноутбук и после загрузки сразу видит сообщение: «Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль. Попробуйте ещё раз», то же самое происходит при каждой перезагрузке. При этом повторный ввод пароля вручную срабатывает и вход в систему выполняется (если это не так и вход невозможен вообще, то смотрим как сбросить пароль Windows 10). Второй частый симптом — в левом нижнем углу экрана при этом дублируется имя пользователя.

В этой инструкции подробно о том, почему так происходит, как исправить проблему и сделать так, чтобы при включении или перезагрузке на экране не было сообщений о том, что были введены неправильное имя или пароль.

Почему каждый раз при включении появляется окно «Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль. Попробуйте ещё раз» и решение

Повторюсь: всё, что описывается далее верно только в сценарии, когда после появления сообщения вы вручную вводите ваш пароль, он подходит и вы успешно входите в систему — то есть вы знаете правильный пароль.

Рассматриваемая ситуация возникает, когда пользователь с помощью системных настроек, а иногда — сторонними программами пробовал отключить запрос пароля при входе в систему. Что именно происходит (в случае ручного отключения):

  1. Пользователь открывает окно Win+Rnetplwiz или Win+Rcontrol userpasswords2
  2. Снимает отметку «Требовать ввод имени пользователя и пароля».
  3. Вводит пароль и подтверждение пароля (а иногда и меняет имя пользователя).
  4. На 3-м шаге правильной ввода никак не проверяется: достаточно ввести любой пароль, главное, чтобы он совпадал и в основном поле, и в поле подтверждения.
  5. При следующем входе в систему производится попытка входа по паролю, который вы задали и, если вы ошиблись на 3-м шаге: не та раскладка, включён Caps Lock, ввели ПИН-код вместо пароля учётной записи (а это разные вещи), вы получите сообщение «Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль», а также — дубль учетной записи на экране входа.
  6. После этого, когда вы вводите пароль вручную, ошибок уже нет и вход производится успешно.

Исходя из природы проблемы, решение будет следующим:

  1. Нажмите клавиши Win+R на клавиатуре (Win — клавиша с эмблемой Windows), введите netplwiz и нажмите Enter.
  2. Если отметка «Требовать ввод имени пользователя и пароля» отключена, установите отметку и нажмите «Применить». Уже это действие сделает так, что сообщений о неправильном пароле появляться не будет, но останется необходимость ручного ввода пароля.
  3. Если вы хотите отключить запрос пароля при входе, снова снимите отметку и очень внимательно введите пароль: чтобы он полностью соответствовал тому, который вы используете при входе на экране блокировки. При этом помните: нужно вводить именно пароль учётной записи, а не ПИН-код, в Windows 11 и Windows 10 — это разные вещи. Примените настройки и перезагрузите компьютер: если всё было сделано правильно, проблема не должна появиться снова.


Windows 10 Fix: The user name or password is incorrect

When you turn on or restart your Windows 10 computer, you might be presented with a screen saying «The user name or password is incorrect. Try again.» even you haven’t typed in the password.

However, after clicking OK, it takes you to the normal sign-in screen. Enter your correct login credentials and Windows allows you to log in successfully. If you come across the error «The user name or password is incorrect» before Windows 10 login screen appears, here are simple ways to fix it.

Method 1: Turn Off Automatic Logon

Once you’ve enabled automatic logon, Windows will automatically sign in to your account every time you start the computer. However, if you later on change Windows password, the system still uses your old password for signing in, so you’ll receive the error message «The user name or password is incorrect» at startup. In that case, you have to turn off automatic logon by following these steps:

Press the Windows + R keys to open the Run dialog, type netplwiz, and click OK.

The User Accounts dialog box appears. Check the box next to «Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer» and click OK.

  • Now, the next time you start Windows 10, it will take you directly to the normal sign-in screen that lets you to enter username and password.
  • Method 2: Disable Autologin After Windows 10 Update

    Recent builds of Windows 10 allow you to sign in automatically to Windows account after an update is installed and your PC is restarted. To get rid of the error message «The user name or password is incorrect» at startup, you might also have to disable this feature.

    Press the Windows key + I shortcut to open the Settings app, and then click on Accounts.

    Select the Sign-in options tab. Scroll down to the Privacy section on the right, turn off the option «Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart«.

  • Now restart your computer and you should never see the irritating error message «The user name or password is incorrect» before you have a chance to type username and password.
  • That’s it. If you receive the error message «The password is incorrect. Try again» instead, it’s likely that you’ve mistyped the password or you forgot your password. When coming to reset/bypass a forgotten Windows password, PCUnlocker could be your lifesaver.


    FIX: The username or password is incorrect in Windows 10/11

    After the recent Windows 10 update, several users have reported issues with the login screen . After the restart, the login screen displays “the username or password is incorrect” error.

    This error usually occurs if you have the auto-login enabled for your Windows 10 computer. You can read similar complaints in the Microsoft community forums.

    Every time I start my laptop this error, “Other User. The username or password is incorrect”, appears. My correct username is in the login box , I enter my password and continue.

    If you are also troubled by this issue, follow the steps in this article to fix auto-login password incorrect error in Windows 10 .

    Steps to fix the username or password is incorrect error:

    1. Disable privacy option

    1. Click on Start and select Settings.
    2. Go to Accounts.
    3. From the left pane, click on Sign-in Options.
    4. From the right pane, scroll down to the Privacy section.
    5. Under the “Privacy” section, you will see “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device and reopen my apps after an update or restart” option.
    6. It is set to On by default. Toggle the little switch to turn it off.
    7. That’s it. Now you can log in to your Windows 10 computer without “this username and password is incorrect” error.

    This issue occurs due to a new feature in Windows 10 ‘s new builds called Improve Boot Up Experience. This feature allows the Windows to use the user’s login information to apply to set up after restart or update.

    However, it can also trigger the error mentioned above. Disabling the feature is the recommended solution.

    2. Disable/Enable auto-login in Window 10

    1. If the issue persists even after disabling the Sign-in options, try disabling or enabling auto- login .
    2. Press “Windows Key + R” to open Run.
    3. Type netplwiz and click OK.
    4. This will open the User Accounts control panel.
    5. In the Users tab, uncheck the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” box.
    6. Click on Apply. You need to enter you user account credentials twice to apply the changes.
    7. Click OK to close the User Accounts window.
    8. Restart your computer and check if auto- login password incorrect error is resolved.

    If the auto- login option is already unchecked, try enabling it. In the User Accounts control panel, check the “users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” box.

    Click Apply again and enter the password . Click OK and restart the computer.

    By following the steps in this article, you can fix the username and password is incorrect Windows 10 error. However, make sure that you don’t enable auto- login on shared computers as other users will be able to access the data from your computer.



    This forum has migrated to Microsoft Q&A. Visit Microsoft Q&A to post new questions.

    Asked by:


    I’m having problem with automatic logon on a Windows 7 Professional, it’s member of a domain.

    I have tried to set it up to automaticly logon.

    What I have done in registry is:
    AutoAdminLogon is set to 1
    DefaultUserName: test
    DefaultPassword: Password1
    DefaultDomainName: MyDomainName

    When then computer is started up, it’ll give me a error message saying username or password is wrong. If I then click ok, and just type in the password of the user it’ll logon just fine.
    I have tried to make some test users, to see if that would help, but it did not.

    Why not just configure it differently? Press Windows R. A command box should appear. Type control userpasswords2 and hit the enter key. This should display the User Accounts screen in Windows 7. Select the user account in the main table and uncheck the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer. A click on the Apply button will open the Automatically Log On window. Enter the password and confirm it to add the password to the system so that it does not need to be entered during logon.

    MCSE, MCSA, MCDST [If this post helps to resolve your issue, please click the «Mark as Answer» or «Helpful» button at the top of this message. By marking a post as Answered, or Helpful you help others find the answer faster.]

    Well, how do I choose a domain user ?

    It seems like it’s not possible to do it the way cdoobs suggested. When a computer is in a domain it’s no problem adding a user that is a domain user, but the option «Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer» is not there.

    Any other suggestions ?

    Please read the following article. As in Windows XP, the second method is not applied for domain clients.

    When we configure auto logon in client with the Registry method, this method will not work if Logon Banner is defined in the server side. You may refer the following article.

    You may check it from the server side.

    Arthur Xie — MSFT

    I have used the first method in that article.

    Logon Banner is not defined on the server.

    I suggest you remove the “DefaulDomainName”, and change the value of “DefaultUserName” to “yourdomainnametest”. Arthur Xie — MSFT

    Sorry for this extremly late reply.

    I have tried removing the DefaultDomainName value, and changed the value of defaultusername to domainnameuser and I have also tried in the form of username@domainname, but it does not matter. It will still report wrong username or password!

    Any other suggestions ?

    Noone has any ideas ? Only chance is to format the computer ?

    We have been having a similar problem, and have made some progress.

    It seems the DefaultPassword entry in the registry is the 2nd place it checks for a password, but only if it cannot find a password in the 1st location. The 1st location is the LSA secret area (HKLMSecurityPolicySecretDefaultPassword).

    It seems, in our case, that there was a LSA secret password. This was being used to autologin, but it was the wrong password. Any attmepts to fill in the DefaultPassword key were useless because it never checked there.

    Using the control userpasswords2 allowed us to change the password. you may not be able to do this on the domain, but I assume this is due to group policy, since we are on the domain and don’t have that issue. I managed to use a tool called autologon.exe (from the MS Shell team) to supply the correct password from the DefaultPassword key to the LSA.

    Unfortunately I know of no real way to clear the LSA password without an extra tool.

    You can test if this is the problem by:

    1) Creating a local account and setting the registry manually to autologon with the DefaultPassword key. This should fail.

    2) Now using userpasswords2, set the local account in the way described (if you can). This should remove the DefaultPassword key from the registry (proof that it is using the LSA). Now let it autologon.

    I will be creating a new thread about clearing the LSA in Win7.


    Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль D-Link

    При попытке изменить настройки WiFi-роутера или ADSL-модема можно столкнуться с тем, что на самом начальном шаге — этапе авторизации в веб-интерфейсе — устройство будет ругаться на неправильный логин или пароль.  Несмотря на то, что у разных производителей сетевого оборудования (Asus, D-Link, TrendNet, TP-Link, NetGear, Ростелеком, Дом.ру и т.д.) программное обеспечение отличается значительно, тем не менее подобные ошибки они стараются хоть как-то стандартизировать. Обычно роутером выдаётся ошибка авторизации «Неправильное имя пользователя или пароль». На англоязычных прошивках она будет выглядеть так: «User Name or Password is Incorrect» или «Authentication Failed». 

    Неправильный логин или пароль роутера

    Смысл, как мне кажется, должен быть понятен любому — была допущена ошибка при вводе логина либо пароля на доступ к веб-конфигуратору. Логично, что перед пользователем встанет вопрос — а какие данные тогда вводить?!
    У подавляющего большинства модемов и роутеров  по умолчанию используется логин admin и пароль admin. Информацию по другим маркам и моделям сетевых устройств Вы можете уточнить здесь.

    Так же Вы всегда можете посмотреть заводской логин и пароль на самом роутере. Они написаны на наклейке, расположенной на нижней части корпуса девайса.

    как узнать логин и пароль роутера

    Восстановление заводского логина и пароля

    Многие современные сетевые устройства при первом посещении веб-интерфейса настоятельно требуют от пользователя сменить заводской пароль роутера на свой собственный. Затем, после того, как будут сделаны необходимые настройки, всё это успешно забывается до того момента, как будет необходимо снова внести какие-либо изменения. И вот тут роутер начинает ругаться на неверный логин или пароль.
    Если попытки подбора по памяти и ввода стандартных значений не увенчались успехом, то выход из ситуации один единственный — надо делать полный сброс текущих настроек до заводских. После этого модем либо маршрутизатор перестанет ругаться на неправильный логин и пароль и пустит со стандартными данными, которые указаны на наклейке.

    Чтобы это сделать, надо на включенном устройстве с помощью скрепки или карандаша нажать кнопку «Reset» и подержать её в таком состоянии 10-12 секунд, после чего — отпустить.
    Аппарат уйдёт на перезагрузку и, спустя несколько минут, будут восстановлены заводские значения.


    Issue: How to fix login error “The username or password is incorrect”?

    Every time I start my PC, whether after sleep or restart, I get an error message “Other User. The username or password is incorrect”. My correct username is already in the login box, but I have to re-enter it to continue. This is really annoying and I’d like to fix it. Any tips?

    Solved Answer

    “The username or password is incorrect” is a bug that emerged with the release of Windows 10 V1709, also known as the Fall Creators Update. This problem is also known as the “sign-in twice” error[1] as it occurs on the log-in screen after waking the system from sleep or rebooting it.

    Although the user enters the correct credentials, he/she receives the “The username or password is incorrect” and has to re-enter the username and password once again. This problem occurs on Windows 10 V1709 version exceptionally and most frequently strikes PCs that were upgraded to the latest Windows 10 build from earlier versions.[2]

    While the error is not critical and is not dangerous, it can be particularly frustrating to users, as they have to enter their details anew each time they want to login to Windows. Therefore, it is not surprising that many users are seeking the “The username or password is incorrect” error fix.

    People get the notification about allegedly incorrect info before the Welcome screen. It may show up even if the user hasn’t even tried to enter a username or password. Entering the user credentials for the second time or dismissing the “The username or password is incorrect” error and entering the password and username anew usually provide access to the desktop.

    Sign-in Screen Appears Twice in Fall Creators Update with “The username or password is incorrect” notification is not the worst Windows 10 bug. Nevertheless, it’s too irritating to be ignored. Many people reported that alongside the login screen showing up twice, Windows 10 automatically logs in users after every system’s restart. In other words, if you are the User1 and reboot your PC as a User1, you may find your User2 as a signed-in user unexpectedly.

    login error “The username or password is incorrect”

    Microsoft has been informed about this bug and has already acknowledged it, so we expect that upcoming Cumulative Updates[3] will patch the “The username or password is incorrect” error completely. Before that happens, you may fix the problem manually.

    According to Windows enthusiasts, the “The username or password is incorrect” at the login screen occurs due to the enabled “Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart” option. If it’s disabled on your PC, then you should try to disable Fast Startup[4] or check the system for malware.

    Fix 1. Turn off the “Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device” option

    Fix it now!

    Fix it now!

    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro Mac Washing Machine X9.

    1. Press Windows key + I and navigate to the Update & Security.
    2. Open Windows Update section and click Advanced options.
    3. Disable the Use my sign-in info setting to fix the problem(s).
    4. Then open the main window of the Settings and select Accounts.
    5. Open Sign-in options and click on Privacy on the left pane.
    6. Turn off Use my sign in info to automatically finish setting up my device after an update or restart setting.

      Turn off the “Use my sign in info" option

    7. Finally, reboot the system.

    Fix 2. Disable Fast Startup

    Fix it now!

    Fix it now!

    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro Mac Washing Machine X9.

    This option reduces the time required by the computer to fully boot the OS. However, frequently, this function causes alternative issues. Disable the function the following way:

    1. Click on the start button and type power. Enter Power and Sleep settings.
    2. In the newly opened window, on the right above corner enter Additional power settings.
    3. Then navigate to the option Change what the power buttons can do.

      Disable Fast Startup

    4. Once you get to another window, you will see that Fast Startup option is disabled by default. In order to customize the settings, click on the option Change settings that are currently unavailable.
    5. Then you will be able to remove the checkmark from the Fast startup. Apply the modification by selecting Save changes.

      Disable Fast Startup 2

    Fix 3. Check for malware

    Fix it now!

    Fix it now!

    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro Mac Washing Machine X9.

    Sign-in problems may also be triggered by malware. Therefore, if the two methods provided above did not help, run a full system scan with a professional anti-malware tool. Our recommendation is RestoroMac Washing Machine X9. This PC optimization utility is capable of fixing various Windows problems. Besides, it has an Avira Antivir scan engine, so it can also find and remove malware and viruses already present on the device.

    Fix 4. Enable auto-login option

    Fix it now!

    Fix it now!

    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro Mac Washing Machine X9.

    This solution is perfect for those who are using home computer and don’t need to protect it with a password. In other words, you can simply disable the login process altogether:

    • Type in netplwiz in Windows search and press Enter.
    • Untick the Users must enter user name and password to use this computer.
    • Click Apply and OK.

      Enable auto login

    • Next time you log in, you will not have to enter your password.

    Fix 5. Change sign-in options

    Fix it now!

    Fix it now!

    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro Mac Washing Machine X9.

    Repair your Errors automatically team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

    do it now!

    Download Fix


    do it now!

    Download Fix


    Compatible with Microsoft Windows
    Compatible with OS X

    Still having problems?
    If you failed to fix your error using RestoroMac Washing Machine X9, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

    Restoro – a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Mac Washing Machine X9 – a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
    This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
    To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Restoro malware removal tool.To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Mac Washing Machine X9 malware removal tool.

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    Malware attacks, particularly ransomware, are by far the biggest danger to your pictures, videos, work, or school files. Since cybercriminals use a robust encryption algorithm to lock data, it can no longer be used until a ransom in bitcoin is paid. Instead of paying hackers, you should first try to use alternative recovery methods that could help you to retrieve at least some portion of the lost data. Otherwise, you could also lose your money, along with the files. One of the best tools that could restore at least some of the encrypted files –  Data Recovery Pro.

    by Tashreef Shareef

    Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

    Updated on August 26, 2020

    After the recent Windows 10 update, several users have reported issues with the login screen. After the restart, the login screen displays “the username or password is incorrect” error.

    This error usually occurs if you have the auto-login enabled for your Windows 10 computer. You can read similar complaints in the Microsoft community forums.

    Every time I start my laptop this error, “Other User. The username or password is incorrect”, appears.  My correct username is in the login box, I enter my password and continue.

    If you are also troubled by this issue, follow the steps in this article to fix auto-login password incorrect error in Windows 10.

    Steps to fix the username or password is incorrect error:

    1. Disable privacy option

    1. Click on Start and select Settings.
    2. Go to Accounts.
    3. From the left pane, click on Sign-in Options.
    4. From the right pane, scroll down to the Privacy section.
      he username or password is incorrect error
    5. Under the “Privacy” section, you will see “Use my sign-in info to automatically finish setting up my device and reopen my apps after an update or restart” option.
    6. It is set to On by default. Toggle the little switch to turn it off.
    7. That’s it. Now you can log in to your Windows 10 computer without “this username and password is incorrect” error.

    This issue occurs due to a new feature in Windows 10‘s new builds called Improve Boot Up Experience. This feature allows the Windows to use the user’s login information to apply to set up after restart or update.

    However, it can also trigger the error mentioned above. Disabling the feature is the recommended solution.

    2 ways to enable auto login in Windows 10

    2. Disable/Enable auto-login in Window 10

    1. If the issue persists even after disabling the Sign-in options,  try disabling or enabling auto-login.
    2. Press “Windows Key + R” to open Run.
      auto-login password incorrect error
    3. Type netplwiz and click OK.
    4. This will open the User Accounts control panel.
      he username or password is incorrect error
    5. In the Users tab, uncheck the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” box.
    6. Click on Apply. You need to enter you user account credentials twice to apply the changes.
    7. Click OK to close the User Accounts window.
    8. Restart your computer and check if auto-login password incorrect error is resolved.

    If the auto-login option is already unchecked, try enabling it. In the User Accounts control panel, check the “users must enter a user name and password to use this computer” box.

    Click Apply again and enter the password. Click OK and restart the computer.

    By following the steps in this article, you can fix the username and password is incorrect Windows 10 error. However, make sure that you don’t enable auto-login on shared computers as other users will be able to access the data from your computer.


    • Unable to open Windowsapps folder in Windows 10? Try this
    • How to remove virtual drives in Windows 10
    • Windows 10 updates ignore active hours? Try this

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    Зарегистрирован: 22 сен 2011, 22:35
    Контактная информация:

    Не могу попасть в admin панель управления

    Здравствуйте! Не могу попасть в панель управления маршрутизатором, пишет

    • Username or Password is incorrect.
      Please refer to the troubleshooting below:

      Is the “Caps Lock” enabled on your keyboard?
      The username and password must be lowercase, please ensure that the “Caps Lock” LED is disabled on your keyboard and try again.
      Forgot your username or password?
      Please reset the device to the factory default settings if you have forgotten your username or password. The default username and password are both set as “admin”.
      Note: The settings will be restored to factory default after the resetting.
      How to restore the device to the factory default settings?
      Firstly locate the reset button on the rear panel of the unit, whilst the device is powered on press and hold the reset button for more than 5 seconds, the device will then reboot and restore itself to the factory default settings.

    Вот скрин проблемы:

    Помогите пожалуйста мне устранить данную проблему! :( Пробовал и отключать питание и держал кнопку Reset Но ни чего не помогает! :(


    Сообщения: 2
    Зарегистрирован: 22 сен 2011, 22:35
    Контактная информация:

    Re: Не могу попасть в admin панель управления


    red_lacosta » 23 сен 2011, 13:14

    Блин, супер! Goodwin, спасибо тебе огромное!! У меня тот же самый антивирус стоит :mrgreen:

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