Invalid command line parameters как исправить

When I click the ‘run as Android application’ option, it shows the following error:

[2010-08-16 16:56:35 - Emulator] invalid command-line parameter: http://hostname:port.
[2010-08-16 16:56:35 - Emulator] Hint: use '@foo' to launch a virtual device named 'foo'.
[2010-08-16 16:56:35 - Emulator] please use -help for more information

Yi Jiang's user avatar

Yi Jiang

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asked Aug 16, 2010 at 11:30

Kandha's user avatar


Apparently the problem are the spaces in the path, so just from:

C:Program FilesAndroidandroid-sdk


If you have a 64 bit system

C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk


Under Windows->Preferences->Android Change the SDK Location as shown above.

Translated from:

user914425's user avatar


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answered Jul 11, 2011 at 6:32

Porfirio Mendez Ocampo's user avatar


I’ve been trying to solve this same problem for two days now, and I just found a solution which works for me:

Cut the ‘Android’ file folder from it’s place in the ‘Program Files’ (or ‘Program Files (x86)’ if you use Windows 7) folder and paste it directly in the C: directory

Your SDK file path should look like this:


Simple as that 😀 Now the Android debugger shouldn’t worry about there being a space in the file path. Let me know if additional clarification is needed

answered Jul 14, 2011 at 15:10

Andrew McGarry's user avatar


If you manually open the emulator from within the Android SDK then run the debugger it works too.

answered Jan 7, 2011 at 21:29

JDM's user avatar

i did the following and my problem was solved(MY PROBLEM:when i wanted to run an emulator from the AVD manager,i received the following error
“invalid command-line parameter: Files.
Hint: use ‘@foo’ to launch a virtual device named ‘foo’.
please use -help for more information”)
i think its happens when in the path of android.exe (in the tools folder in android-sdk directory) any space exists (like C:/Program Files(x86)/… between Program and Files)
So what did i do?
-i deleted all virtual devices that have created.
-copied the whole android-sdk folder somewhere else.
-uninstalled and reinstalled SDK in another path without any spaces(like C:/Android/android-sdk)
-i copied the contents of old sdk-android (which was copied before uninstalling) like platform tools and platforms folders to the new path.(you can download platform tools and platform(s) again from the avd manager but this waist time)
it worked for me and i hope it works for you too.

answered Jul 27, 2011 at 13:34

Peyman's user avatar

I had this same exact error when I would try to launch the emulator from Eclipse. I had all my Android files in my documents to begin with, not my program files. I moved these files and still had the problem because of my user name having a space in it.

So I took the suggestion of Andrew McGarry and put my Android SDK folder in my C: directory and viola, problem solved…well after I redirected it in Eclipse obviously lol.

Just make sure that nothing in your SDK path has a space in it and you should be fine. You shouldn’t have to uninstall or delete anything, and you probably won’t have to move any files around either. Remember…no spaces in the entire path. =)

answered Jul 30, 2011 at 16:54

Mistress phePhe's user avatar

I was facing the same problem with Android when executing the emulator, and I found a solution right now. Please follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the SDK that you have already installed
  2. Create a folder in disc C
  3. Name it like Android
  4. Open it and create inside it a new folder, for me I named it PROGRA~1
  5. Execute the installation of your SDK to be installed in the folder created PROGRA~1

Yi Jiang's user avatar

Yi Jiang

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answered Jul 20, 2011 at 10:44

user853761's user avatar

In the line that says invalid parameter. You need to get rid of all the spaces. I had the same problem – my path was something like jason/phone app/xyz

I changed the directory name to jason/phoneapp/xyz and it worked. You need to change the actual name of the directory that the command line is referencing. Then you need to go into eclipse and go into Windows > Preferences and you will find it says phone app (in my case) and change this also to phoneapp, and all will be well.

Don’t uninstall anything, and don’t move files around because they will the rest of the SDK will eventually go looking for them and not be able to find them.

Yi Jiang's user avatar

Yi Jiang

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answered Jul 20, 2011 at 20:40

jason's user avatar


111 bronze badge

This trick doesn’t work in IntelliJ. To solve it I moved the Android SDK to c:android-sdk-windows.

After that you still have to change the path to Android in IntelliJ of course:
– right click on the module -> open module settings
– go to: platform settings -> SDKs -> Android

Or delete the previous one and create a new one

answered Jul 13, 2011 at 14:47

lukin's user avatar


4711 gold badge4 silver badges12 bronze badges

I’ve been trying to solve this same problem,and I just found a solution which works for me:
@First i saw a file named adb_has_moved.txt.The contents of the file were
“The adb tool has moved to platform-tools/

If you don’t see this directory in your SDK,
launch the SDK and AVD Manager (execute the android tool)
and install “Android SDK Platform-tools”

Please also update your PATH environment variable to
include the platform-tools/ directory, so you can
execute adb from any location.

so i copied adb.exe from platform-tools to tools……BUT THAT DIDN’T WORKED OUT
Then i tried the next solution that is to create a new device bt that also flopped
removing old virtual devices and creating new one was also not working for me

SO i tried the solution below and stated by many.i found it from a spanish blog.i dont knw spanish bt i do knw google translate.

It seems the problem is the spaces in the path for example:C:Program FilesAndroidandroid-sdk


It really worked out for me.

answered Aug 2, 2011 at 19:13

vatsal's user avatar


3091 gold badge5 silver badges13 bronze badges

Delete your previous Virtual devices. Re create it. launch it.

Once the emulator is running, run your application.

Other wise, go to your run configuration and select the emulator you would like to run.

answered Aug 17, 2010 at 7:04

Vinay 's user avatar

Vinay Vinay

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4 Sep, 2012 @ 3:15pm 

why thankyou 😀


4 Sep, 2012 @ 4:31pm 

and nothing again


4 Sep, 2012 @ 4:36pm 

the fix is for the ‘Invalid command line parameters -changedir’ error, if that isnt your problem then look your problem up?

Last edited by Fyre;
5 May, 2020 @ 10:52am


4 Sep, 2012 @ 4:48pm 

thats my prob i am going into properties and typing ‘-changedir’ but nothing happened


4 Sep, 2012 @ 4:50pm 

he says the same thing again


4 Sep, 2012 @ 4:57pm 

i fixed it thanks sir 😀

how did u fix i am getting the same thing on mine and it not working either

yeah im still stuck i tried typing it but it wont work for me either


4 Sep, 2012 @ 11:57pm 

I love you! XD


5 Sep, 2012 @ 2:45am 

Anyone know why this was happening in the first place?

SWEET! You are a lifesaver, good sir! Or ma’am. Whatever. Just thanks, dang.

oooh…awesome. that worked. You rock.

I second the motion for an inquest!


  1. Ошибка «Параметры командной строки недействительны» при запуске задания из агента SQL
  2. 4 ответы
  3. Invalid command line parameters как исправить
  4. Thread: Invalid command line parameters
  5. Invalid command line parameters
  6. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  7. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  8. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  9. Re: Invalid command line parameters
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  14. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  15. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  16. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  17. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  18. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  19. Re: Invalid command line parameters
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  24. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  25. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  26. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  27. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  28. Re: Invalid command line parameters
  29. Thread: Invalid command line parameters
  30. Invalid command line parameters

Ошибка «Параметры командной строки недействительны» при запуске задания из агента SQL

При выполнении задания в агенте SQL Server.

задан 06 мая ’13, 09:05

что вы пытаетесь сделать и с помощью каких инструментов ssis? какие соединения вы используете? Если бы вы могли объяснить настройку, это дало бы лучшее представление. — Inus C

4 ответы

Часто это проблема с конфигурацией параметров, см., например, здесь.

Когда вы запускаете из BIDS, вы находитесь в среде, где доступны ваши параметры. Когда вы планируете пакет SSIS как задание SQL Server, эти параметры должны откуда-то поступать. Вы можете сослаться на них в файл конфигурации, и вы можете переопределить их в вкладка конфигурации для задания.

ответ дан 06 мая ’13, 14:05

Сегодня я столкнулся с точно такой же проблемой, и я исправил ее. Что я сделал, так это переименовал имя подключения (без пробелов, точек и дефисов) в моем пакете SSIS. Раньше у меня было имя подключения по умолчанию, поэтому оно показывало ошибку как

Аргумент «****» для опции «соединение» недействителен. Недопустимые параметры командной строки. Шаг не удался.

позже я изменил имена исходного и целевого соединения (без пробела) и использовал эти пакеты при планировании задания в агенте SQL Server, а также попытался запустить Jot at Step и преуспел.

Создан 22 июля ’15, 13:07

У меня была аналогичная проблема, когда значение параметра заканчивалось обратной косой чертой. Я просто удалил его и добавил обратно в выражение в пакете SSIS.

ответ дан 17 окт ’19, 21:10

У меня также была аналогичная проблема, я внес изменение, развернутое, и оно перестало работать, я попытался удалить пробелы и дефисы, как было предложено выше (у меня есть 2 соединения), и все равно ничего, ну, это дало эффект, как в сообщении об ошибке переключился с одного соединения на другое — аааа, после того, как весь день рвал на себе волосы. У меня просто была мысль удалить задание и создать его заново, и это сработало! Кроме того, BID, я определенно думаю, что есть какая-то ошибка конфигурации в том, что после развертывания и попытки вручную изменить диспетчер соединений он терпит неудачу, поэтому мой обходной путь — сначала настроить, а затем развернуть (удалить существующее задание, если оно есть), а затем создать задание , поэтому повторите для каждой среды, в которой вам нужно выполнить развертывание.

ответ дан 17 мая ’22, 08:05

Не тот ответ, который вы ищете? Просмотрите другие вопросы с метками ssis or задайте свой вопрос.


I’ve been getting this message for a while now. At first, I thought it was just because I didn’t have my own computer, and was playing at the library. So I thought nothing of it.
That changed recently, as I got my own computer. I downloaded it, no issues. However, when I went to play it, I got this notification. I didn’t know what it meant, but it loaded the game anyways. So I thought little of it. During the end of turn 1129 as Spain, the game crashed.
I had saved at 1125, so I reloaded to see if it was because of the massive battle I’d initiated that turn. Didn’t do a darn thing, and halfway through the end-phase of 1129, it happened again.
I’ve seen other posts speaking of making it past this point as Spain, so it’s not my faction choice. I found a suggestion for another game, but I’ve no idea if it would work, and don’t really want to break my new computer by doing something stupid.
Which. ignoring the message in the first place probably was. I really love this game, have since it came out, but this is aggravating.
I’m using Windows 10 if that has anything to do with it, though the forum regarding Win10 doesn’t mention this error, which is why I’m posting a new discussion.
I’m aware of my likely idiocy, if not the manner of it. Any help in resolving this issue would be appreciated.

Update: Danish made it to 1186 before same thing happened. No longer convinced it’s not faction-related.


Thread: Invalid command line parameters

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Invalid command line parameters

I have never seen this before. I was happily playing my game this morning (one hour ago) and exited to do some schoolwork. Now I cant even get the sign in screen. I get «The game client was passed invalid command-line parameters. [205]». I searched the knowledge base and the forums and can not find anything on this 205 error. I also went through tech forums. I sent in a trouble ticket and it says they will respond within 3-5 working days. Thats crazy. Ill bet if I posted something inappropriate I would hear something within minutes.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Have you tried simply rebooting your computer?

«Those are horsepants.» -[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]floon[/COLOR]

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I just got the game again and I am encountering this error.
I thought I installed wrong, or was out of date. I’m upset right now because I just subscribed again yesterday and waited all night and day to play.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I’m no expert, but try running a disk defrag and registry cleaner. Even if it doesn’t fix the problem, every one should run these two fairly regularly.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Is it just me or has Microsoft made defragmenting exponentially less fun by getting rid of all those colored blocks like they had back in the Windows ’95 Defrager?

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Any idea about this?!

I’ve bugged it and I’m really annoyed right now.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Please understand no one is at work today, as it is a National Holiday in the US. I know it sucks (believe me, I’ve been without the game for a long weekend before, too) but you need to be patient.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Well the TurbineLauncher.exe should be passing the lotroclient.exe the correct parameters. Not sure why you are getting this error.

  1. Click Start -> Run
  2. Enter «CMD» and click «OK»
  3. Type «CDProgram FilesTurbineThe Lord of the Rings Online» and press enter.
    1. If you installed to a different directory then change the path above.
  4. Type «lotroclient.exe -a -h» and press enter.
    1. You should change to what ever you use to log in

With any luck it will log you into the last played world.

Also, checkout the log at «My DocumentsThe Lord of the Rings Onlinelotroclient.log» to see if it gives you any hints.

Last edited by Lucibel; Sep 07 2009 at 04:33 PM .

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I know its a holiday for America, its a holiday here too.

And I installed the game on my secondary hard drive which isn’t in the C path so that plan isn’t working, but thank you Lucibel.

The error log:
000000000.000: Invalid Command-line «E:turbyTurbinelotroclient. exe» : You must specify an account name

Re: Invalid command line parameters

In the Run Dialog Box type:
E:turbyTurbinelotroclient.e xe -a -h

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Same issue, actually. Its unresponsive as if I was using the game launcher.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Looks like I was a bit naive. Turns out the -a option is a number not the account name.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I am just hoping I can get some sort of answer towards this unresolved-as-of-yet issue so I can get to playing.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Invalid command line sounds like a virus.Have you run a virus scan?
And i no idea what that -H switch is either.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Yes I installed it to that directory.

But it isn’t a virus.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

There is a thread with your exact same problem and a fix for it.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Not the exact problem. I’m on a secondary hard drive with the game, and I clicked and ran both Invoker and Launcher, with the same problem as the normal launcher. All of them do nothing after logging in and loading to «the server». I get no game popping up and no loading screens. It doesn’t initiate at all. Nothing shows on the log file either.

Edit: Log file error
000000000.000: Invalid Command-line «E:turbyTurbinelotroclient. exe» : You must specify an account name

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Not the exact problem. I’m on a secondary hard drive with the game, and I clicked and ran both Invoker and Launcher, with the same problem as the normal launcher. All of them do nothing after logging in and loading to «the server». I get no game popping up and no loading screens. It doesn’t initiate at all. Nothing shows on the log file either.

Edit: Log file error
000000000.000: Invalid Command-line «E:turbyTurbinelotroclient. exe» : You must specify an account name

Its error 205 same error. Maybe try installing it on the C drive in the normal directory probably will work fine. I think its confused because you put it in a directory it does not recognize.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Reinstalling doesn’t work, as we’ve ruled that out.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I do not see where you said anything about reinstalling it to the default directory. Do not install it on the E drive install it on C drive using the default directories. Might work.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

I am currently downloading the standard res version to the C drive and planning on installing it the recommended way. Again, if this does not work I will still need a fix.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

You shouldnt have to redownload it. Just uninstall and run the installer again.

Re: Invalid command line parameters

Not the exact problem. I’m on a secondary hard drive with the game, and I clicked and ran both Invoker and Launcher, with the same problem as the normal launcher. All of them do nothing after logging in and loading to «the server». I get no game popping up and no loading screens. It doesn’t initiate at all. Nothing shows on the log file either.

Edit: Log file error
000000000.000: Invalid Command-line «E:turbyTurbinelotroclient. exe» : You must specify an account name

You get this error when you launch from lotroclient.exe directly (you need to log into the servers via TurbineInvoker or TurbineLauncher before lotroclient gets «called» by these programs.

What happens when you launch the game via turbineinvoker (vista) or turbinelauncher (XP) after you click on a server and click the «Play» button? Does it hang up at any point after that step or give an error?


Thread: Invalid command line parameters

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Invalid command line parameters

So to start this off I am using the launcher haha.. I had this exact same problem on windows 8 and I did fix it by editing the turbine launcher config file but I have no idea what to do on my mac.. Any fixes for this? I haven’t even had a chance to play. The open cinematic would play, then as it loads my character screen it’ll crash and give me that error.

My turbine launcher.exe.config looks like this right now

So to start this off I am using the launcher haha.. I had this exact same problem on windows 8 and I did fix it by editing the turbine launcher config file but I have no idea what to do on my mac.. Any fixes for this? I haven’t even had a chance to play. The open cinematic would play, then as it loads my character screen it’ll crash and give me that error.

RESOLVED. Thanks for everyone who looked

Invalid command line parameter is something which occurs only at one time.

Basically, there are two programs involved in «starting up» LOTRO.

The Launcher is a stand-alone program which takes your userid and password information and validates it. In other games, this is called an «authenticator.»

The result of that validation is a «token,» which is then passed along to the actual Game-client program — that token is the «command line parameter» which is invalid — i.e. it doesn’t exist.

You will ALWAYS get this if you click «OK» instead of «Close» when an OSX dump screen is displayed. When you click «OK» OSX attempts to restart the program which was running.
So, the Game-client is re-launched, but WITHOUT the validation token. boom «invalid command line parameter.»

One thing which can be confusing:
If you have a problem with the game client and it aborts, the «dump display» takes «time» to pop-up.
The amount of «time» involved depends upon your system’s speed and amount of memory involved.
However, that «time» can be longer than it takes to re-launch which can simply result in confused calls.

As for editing the config file you included — there is nothing in that file which could generate that error. That file is used only during the Launcher phase of startup. You are long past the handoff between the Launcher and the Game client when the character screeen displays.

Bill Magill Mac Player Founder/Lifetimer
Old Timers Guild — Gladden
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Valhad — Elf LM (66)
Valkeeper — Elf RK (87)
Valwood — Dwarf RK (81)

Valhunt — Dwarf Hunter (71)
Valanne — Beorning (105)
Ninth — Man Warden (66)


I’ve upgraded my geth client to version 1.4.10-stable-5f55d95a (from 1.3.5) and now it won’t run with the following command line arguments (the documentation is lackluster when it comes to describing the init parameter):

geth --datadir "./data_dir" --networkid 13 --rpcapi eth,web3,personal --rpc --maxpeers 0 init "gen.josn" --etherbase "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" --mine --minerthreads 2

which worked in 1.3.5.

I’ve tried the following variations:

geth --mine --minerthreads 2 --datadir "./data_dir" --networkid 13 --rpcapi eth,web3,personal --rpc --maxpeers 0 init "gen.json"

which gives:

I0727 11:44:43.892926 ethdb/database.go:82] Alloted 16MB cache and 16 file handles to single_bootstrap_node_geth/chaindata
I0727 11:44:43.917096 core/genesis.go:92] Genesis block already in chain. Writing canonical number
I0727 11:44:43.917411 cmd/geth/main.go:299] successfully wrote genesis block and/or chain rule set: 2279317df6aed704d8d46771ed06fbe4b7a935f7005d341b091b7957bc374def

and also running as:

geth init "gen.json" --mine --minerthreads 2 --datadir "./data_dir" --networkid 13 --rpcapi eth,web3,personal --rpc --maxpeers 0

which gives:

Incorrect Usage.

init [arguments...]

The init command initialises a new genesis block and definition for the network.
This is a destructive action and changes the network in which you will be

flag provided but not defined: -mine

Where can I find the documentation of version 1.4.10?

After Android SDK update, when you try to launch the Emulator from Eclipse show this error message:
[… – Emulator] invalid command-line parameter: FilesAndroidandroid-sdktools/emulator-arm.exe.
[… – Emulator] Hint: use ‘@foo’ to launch a virtual device named ‘foo’.
[… – Emulator] please use -help for more information


In Eclipse go to menu Window -> Preferences -> Android
Change SDK Location
C:Program FilesAndroidandroid-sdk
then click Apply and OK.

Like ahmed said in his comment:
“You have do change the path to the Android SDK to have it without spaces at all.” 😉

Alternative Solution: by Brandon Peters (@cisox):
Create a symlink between the android-sdk folder in C:Program Files (x86) and C:AndroidSDK:

Start Command Prompt Window (Start -> Run -> cmd) and execute the following command:

mklink /D C:AndroidSDK “C:Program Files (x86)Androidandroid-sdk”

Did my solution solve your problem?

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    command-line parameter, virtual device

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