- PUBG – одна из самых популярных игр на рынке, которая во многом способствовала увеличению популярности игр Battle Royale.
- Однако многие игроки пожаловаться на такие проблемы, как высокий пинг, потеря пакета, или даже время от времени дрожит, когда они играют в PUBG онлайн с другими.
- Проверьте лучшие VPN, которые вы можете использовать для уменьшения потери пакетов в PUBG.
- Посетите наш Игровой VPN-концентратор если у вас потеря пакетов или лаги в играх.
PUBG – одна из самых популярных игр на рынке, которая значительно увеличила популярность игр Battle Royale. Прежде всего, стоит упомянуть, что PUBG – это онлайн-игра.
Следовательно, вам нужно подключение к Интернету, чтобы наслаждаться им, и другого пути нет. В королевской битве могут участвовать до 100 игроков (включая вас). Этот игровой режим на самом деле является последним выжившим бойцом.
Если вы последний живой игрок, вы выиграете матч. Это так просто.
Однако тот факт, что вы не можете наслаждаться PUBG в автономном режиме, например, с ботами, может быть проблематичным, особенно если ваше соединение не совсем хорошее. Многие игроки жалуются на такие проблемы, как
высокий пинг, потеря пакетов или даже временное дрожание.
Это может серьезно повлиять на игровой процесс и вызвать такие проблемы, как резинка, резкие скачки задержки и даже внезапные отключения из-за высокого пинга. Одна из самых распространенных проблем по сей день – потеря пакетов.
Что такое потеря пакетов в PUBG?
Потеря пакетов это неспособность фрагментов данных (пакетов) достичь точки назначения. В PUBG потеря пакетов может означать, что пакеты, которые вы отправляете на серверы PUBG, никогда не доходят до места назначения, или что серверные пакеты никогда не доходят до вас.
Эти события обычно заканчиваются серьезными проблемами с рассинхронизацией, из-за которых вас могут выкинуть из игры, чтобы сохранить качество соединения для других игроков.
Это немного расстраивает, когда думаешь, что получил чистый выстрел в голову, но обнаруживаешь, что твой заклятый враг кружит по всей карте. Ему еще хуже, но вы понимаете.
Еще больше раздражает, когда вы понимаете, что иногда потеря пакетов происходит случайно. Более того, это часто разрешается само по себе так же быстро, как и произошло, и немедленного решения этой проблемы нет.
Однако, понимая, что такое потеря пакетов и что ее вызывает, мы можем убедиться, что создаем идеальную среду, чтобы вероятность этого нежелательного явления оставалась минимальной.
Что вызывает потерю пакетов с PUBG?
Правда в том, что, вообще говоря, потеря пакетов не различает. Так что, если это произойдет с PUBG, то, вероятно, произойдет и с другими сервисами. Но не в том случае, если потеря пакетов происходит на стороне сервера, это совсем другая история.
Таким образом, вы должны понимать одно: многие вещи могут вызвать потерю пакетов. Имея это в виду, давайте рассмотрим наиболее распространенные причины потери пакетов:
- Перегруженные сети: большой объем трафика, особенно при наличии нескольких маршрутов между несколькими устройствами
- Нестабильность устройства: слабые процессоры для сетевых устройств могут даже повлиять на другие подобные соседние устройства
- Аппаратные и / или программные неисправности: Если ваше оборудование, будь то аппаратное или программное обеспечение, дает сбои, это может нанести ущерб всей сети и вызвать потерю пакетов
- Плохо настроенные маршрутизаторы или ПК: если ваш компьютер не настроен должным образом для работы с высокоскоростным соединением, вы можете потерять пакеты, и то же самое касается вашего маршрутизатора.
- Плохой интернет-провайдер: если ваш интернет-провайдер предоставляет плохие услуги в сети с плохой маршрутизацией, это также может быть частой причиной потери пакетов.
- Использование Wi-Fi через Ethernet: если вы выберете Wi-Fi вместо проводного подключения, помехи могут вызвать разрывы подключения и утечку пакетов.
- Проблемы с сервером: сервер, к которому вы подключаетесь (в данном случае сервер PUBG), может пропускать пакеты, но в этом случае все игроки должны испытать то же самое, что и вы
Вот и все. Хотя большинство из этих причин не относятся исключительно к PUBG, этот список может помочь вам лучше понять, где искать, если вы столкнулись с потерей пакетов.
Как просмотреть потерю пакетов в PUBG?
- Запустить PUBG
- Открыть главное меню
- Перейти к настройкам
- Перейдите на вкладку Геймплей
- Прокрутите вниз до статистики сетевой отладки.
- Включите его с помощью комбинированного меню
- Нажмите кнопку Применить.
Теперь вы должны увидеть свой пинг, значения скорости уменьшения / увеличения и процент потери пакетов. Однако вы должны знать, что некоторые игроки сообщали о высоких значениях в этих разделах (например, о потерях pkt), даже если их игровой процесс не изменился.
Как исправить потерю пакетов PUBG?
1. Используйте VPN
- Скачать частный доступ в Интернет
- Установите его на свой ПК
- Запустите его и выберите сервер
- Подключитесь к выбранному вами серверу
- Запустить PUBG
- Проверьте, сохраняется ли проблема
Стоит отметить, что этот метод решит проблему с потерей пакетов только в том случае, если она вызвана вашим интернет-провайдером. Если проблема связана с вами или игровым сервером, VPN вам не поможет и, вероятно, только усугубит ситуацию.
Частный доступ в Интернет
Возникли проблемы с потерей пакетов в PUBG? PIA может пригодиться.
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Если вы хотите убедиться, прежде чем пробовать, вы можете запустить тест ping на google.com и проверить потерю пакетов там. Наше подробное руководство расскажет вам все о потере пакетов и о том, как выполнить тест на потерю пакетов.
2. Устраните проблемы с вашим подключением
- Выполните тест на потерю пакетов (воспользуйтесь нашим руководством, чтобы помочь вам)
- Изолируйте переход, на котором происходит потеря пакетов
- Попробуйте решить проблему соответствующим образом (например, проверьте кабели, позвоните своему интернет-провайдеру, настройте маршрутизатор и т. Д.)
Помните, что нет никакого волшебного решения проблемы потери пакетов. Тем не менее, вы можете добиться отличных результатов, если выполните полное устранение неполадок, вместо того, чтобы пробовать быстрые исправления, которые вы найдете в Интернете, которые могут даже нарушить ваш компьютер или соединение.
Потери пакетов в PUBG можно исправить, а еще лучше – избежать
Как мы уже упоминали выше, держитесь подальше от ложных обещаний быстрых решений. Если вы хотите исправить потерю пакетов, попробуйте убедиться, что ваше соединение находится в лучшем состоянии.
Если вы не уверены в выполнении определенных тестов, лучше позвонить своему интернет-провайдеру, чем пытаться установить чудо-инструменты на свой компьютер.
Использование VPN может и, вероятно, будет исправить проблему с потерей пакетов но только если это на стороне вашего интернет-провайдера. Если проблема связана с вами или сервером PUBG, к которому вы хотите подключиться, использование VPN не поможет улучшить вашу ситуацию.
Часто задаваемые вопросы
Как проверить потерю пакетов на сервере PUBG?
Вы можете использовать внутриигровую статистику сетевой отладки, чтобы проверить, нет ли потери пакетов между вами и игровым сервером. Однако некоторые пользователи говорят, что этот показатель не всегда надежен. Запуск потеря пакета тестируйте вручную, как мы описали в нашей статье, может быть более точным.
Решает ли VPN потерю пакетов PUBG?
Если потеря пакетов произошла по вине вашего интернет-провайдера, используйте VPN, например PIA может помочь вам обойти это. Если проблема связана с вами или игровым сервером, использование VPN вам совсем не поможет.
Как снизить пинг в PUBG на ПК?
Ты можешь используйте VPN, чтобы снизить пинг и улучшить игровой процесс. Если выбранный вами VPN-сервер не дает желаемого пинга, вы можете просто переключить сервер и повторить попытку.
by Vlad Constantinescu
Vlad might have a degree in Animal Husbandry and Livestock Management, but he’s currently rocking anything software related, ranging from testing programs to writing in-depth reviews about them…. read more
Updated on March 1, 2023
- PUBG is one of the most popular games on the market and contributed to increasing the popularity of battle royale games by a great deal.
- However, many players complain about issues such as high ping, packet loss, or even jitters every now and then when they play PUBG online with others.
- Check out the best VPNs you can use to improve packet loss on PUBG.
- Visit our Gaming VPN Hub if you have packet loss or lag in games.
PUBG is one of the most popular games on the market and contributed to increasing the popularity of battle royale games by a great deal. First of all, it’s worth mentioning that PUBG is an online game.
Therefore, you need an Internet connection to enjoy it, and there’s no other way around it. Up to 100 players (including yourself) can participate in the battle royale. This game mode is actually a last man standing deathmatch.
If you’re the last player alive, you win the match. It’s as simple as that.
However, the fact that you can’t enjoy PUBG offline with bots, for instance, can be problematic, especially if your connection isn’t exactly great. Many players complain about issues such as high ping, packet loss, or even jitters every now and then.
These can seriously affect gameplay and cause problems such as rubberbanding, extreme lag spikes, and even sudden disconnections due to high ping. One of the most common issues to this day is packet loss.
We tested the game using the following VPNs
What is packet loss in PUBG?
Packet loss is the inability of data fragments (packets) to reach their destination point. In PUBG, packet loss can mean that packets you send towards the PUBG servers never make it to their destination, or that server packets never make it to you.
These events usually end up in full-blown de-syncing issues, which can get you kicked out of the game, so as to preserve the connection quality for other players.
It’s kinda frustrating when you think you got a clean headshot, only to discover that your arch-nemesis is rubberbanding all across the map. It’s even worse for him, but you get the picture.
It gets even more annoying when you get to understand that sometimes packet loss occurs randomly. Furthermore, it often solves by itself as quickly as it happened, and there’s no immediate fix for it.
However, by understanding what packet loss is and what causes it, we can make sure that we create the perfect environment so that the incidence of this unwanted phenomenon stays at a minimum.
What causes packet loss with PUBG?
The truth is that generally speaking packet loss doesn’t discriminate. So if it happens with PUBG, it probably happens with other services, as well. But not if the packet loss is on the server’s side, that’s a whole nother story.
Thus, you must understand one thing: a lot of things can cause packet loss. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the most common causes of packet loss:
- Overloaded networks: a high volume of traffic, especially if there are several routes between multiple devices
- Device instability: weak CPUs for network devices can even affect other similar neighboring devices
- Hardware and/or software malfunctions: if your equipment, be it hardware or software, is glitching, it can take a toll on the entire network and cause packet loss
- Poorly configured routers or PCs: if your PC isn’t properly configured to withstand a high-speed connection, you might end up losing packets, and the same goes for your router
- Bad ISP: if your ISP delivers a poor service on a poorly routed network, this might also be a common cause of losing packets
- Using Wi-Fi over Ethernet: if you choose Wi-Fi over a wired connection, interference might cause connection drops and packet leaks
- Server issues: the server you’re connecting to (PUBG server, in this case) may be leaking packets, but in this case, all players should experience the same thing you are
There you have it. Although most of these reasons don’t apply exclusively to PUBG, this list can help you understand better where to look in case you’re experiencing packet loss.
How to view packet loss in PUBG?
- Launch PUBG
- Open the main menu
- Go to Settings
- Switch to the Gameplay tab
- Scroll down to Network Debug Statistics
- Toggle it on by using the combo menu
- Click the Apply button
You should now be able to see your ping, down/up speed values, and packet loss percentage. However, you should be aware that some players reported seeing high values in those sections (i.e. pkt loss) even though their gameplay seemed unaffected.
How to fix PUBG packet loss?
1. Use a VPN
- Download Private Internet Access
- Install it on your PC
- Launch it and select a server
- Connect to the server you chose
- Launch PUBG
- Check if the problem still persists
It’s worth mentioning that this method will only fix your packet loss issue if it’s caused by your ISP. If the problem is with you or the game server, a VPN won’t help you and will probably only make matters worse.
Private Internet Access
Having packet loss issues with PUBG? PIA might come in handy.
If you want to make sure before trying it, you can run a ping test on google.com and check the packet loss there. Our comprehensive guide will tell you all about packet loss and how to perform a packet loss test.
2. Troubleshoot your connection
- Perform a packet loss test (use our guide to help you)
- Isolate the hop that’s experiencing packet loss
- Try solving the issue accordingly (e.g. check your cables, call your ISP, configure your router, etc)
Remember that there’s no magic fix for packet loss. However, you can achieve great results if you perform complete troubleshooting instead of trying quick fixes that you find on the Internet, which might even break your computer or connection.
Packet loss in PUBG can be fixed, or better yet avoided
As we’ve mentioned above, steer away from quick fixes’ false promises. If you want to fix packet loss, try making sure that your connection is in its best condition.
If you’re not sure about performing certain tests, it’s better to call your ISP than trying to install miracle tools on your PC.
Using a VPN can, and probably will fix your packet loss issue but only if it’s on your ISP side. If the problem’s with you or the PUBG server you want to connect to, using a VPN won’t do anything to improve your situation.
Your connection is not secure – websites you visit can find out your details:
- Your IP Address:
Companies can sell this information, alongside your location and internet provider name, and profit from it by serving targeted ads or monitoring your data usage.
We recommend Private Internet Access, a VPN with a no-log policy, open source code, ad blocking and much more; now 79% off.
Are you tired of experiencing high ping and packet loss while playing PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG)? The frustration of laggy gameplay can quickly turn your gaming experience sour. Luckily, there are ways to fix this issue and enjoy seamless gameplay without any interruptions. This article will discuss effective strategies to fix high ping and packet loss in PUBG.
Enable the PUBG Network Debug Statistics
To test your system and network connection’s performance, you should use an FPS counter and enable your Network Debug Statistics option to preview your server latency and other network-related information to troubleshoot performance issues. Enable your Network Debug Stats option in your PUBG General settings.
PUBG Settings > General > Network
Verify the PUBG Server Status
We suggest verifying the PUBG service status page to ensure your network issues are unrelated to the server you are playing on. You can preview all server outages reported in the last 24 hours on the server status page. Below, you can see which problems are most often reported, such as the Server Connection, Website, or Game Play. Use the live outage map to see where these reports are coming from.
PUBG Live Server Outage Reports
Network Connection Test
If you feel like the issue is related to your own network connection, then test your connection by visiting Speedtest.net. A normal Up & Download speed, without interruption, is essential to have a stable gaming experience. Especially your Ping should remain below 100ms.
Test your internet connection to the closest server
Disable your VPN or Proxy Connection
Account for any VPN service which could be running on your system. Or turn off your VPN while in-game. Make sure to use an ethernet cable to ensure the best possible connection. If you have to use a Wifi connection, restart your router or modem if you haven’t done this in a while, and reduce the number of devices connected to the same network.
Disable Network-Intensive Processes
Open up your Task Manager by searching for it in your Start Menu search. In the Performance tab, click on Open Resource Monitor.
Task Manager > Performance > Open Resource Monitor
In the Network tab, open the Processes with network activity, and after a few seconds, you will see every process using your network connection. This might be your browser running in the background, steam, or a download bottlenecking your connection. I suggest you only end the processes you know won’t break your operating system.
Resource Monitor > Network > Processes with Network Activity
Flush your DNS Resolver Cache
Open up your Command Prompt, by searching for CMD and hitting enter. Use the following commands:
ping google.com
This command will check your latency and packet loss to google’s servers. If your ping is higher than 100ms, or if you encounter any packet loss, you should make a few changes to your connection and follow the subsequent tweaks.
ipconfig /flushdns
This will flush and reset the content of your DNS resolver cache. Using this command can, in some cases, fix network-related issues with PUBG.
Windows Command Prompt
Verify the Internet Connection with your ISP
If you still have latency and lag issues, verify your connection to your ISP and use a decent data plan. You can troubleshoot this step by switching your connection to your hotspot, for example.
Change DNS Server Address
Next, we will change your DNS server address, in case your network connection still causes the problem. Open your Control Panel by searching for it in your start menu search. Make sure to View by: Category, and click on Network and Internet.
Control Panel > Network and Internet
Click on Network and Sharing Center, and select your connection. This will open up this window, containing general information about your connection. Navigate to Properties, and lastly, double-click the Internet Protocol Version 4.
Network and Internet > Network and Sharing Centre
Select to Use the following DNS server addresses option, and as your Preferred DNS server, use:, and as your Alternate DNS server, use: This will for a lot of users fix network-related issues when playing PUBG, as these are the official public DNS server addresses from Google, which are safe to use.
Use the following DNS server addresses
Update your Network Adapter (GPU) Driver
We suggest updating your Network Adapter’s driver to troubleshoot network-related problems further. Search for Device Manager in your start menu search to open it up. Expand your Network Adapters, right-click the one you are using, and select Update Driver. Finally, click on Search automatically for drivers. This will take a second to download and install the latest Network Adapter driver.
Device Manager > Network Adapters > Update Driver
Windows Operating System Update
Ensure your Windows 11 version is up to date. Search for Update to open up your Check for Updates system settings window. Your Settings will open up. Click on Check for Updates, Download or Install Now, and restart your PC after making all these changes to your OS.
Windows Settings > Windows Update
End Resource-Intensive Processes
Lastly, if you still get network-related issues, you most likely have software running on your system that is hindering you from playing PUBG. To fix this problem, we suggest ending processes from running in your Task Manager of recently installed programs that can change your files or use up your available resources, such as OBS, Shadowplay, CCleaner, or Adobe applications, to troubleshoot which program is causing the issue.
Task Manager > Processes > End Task
17 Nov, 2018 @ 3:02am
How to fix constant packet loss?
Quick spec list of both internet and PC :
CPU: i7-8700K @5.2GHz
GPU: 1080Ti FTW3
RAM: 32GB 3200 MHz
BootDrive: 960 EVO
GameDrive: 860 EVO (This has PUBG)
Internet: 300Mbps down and 50Mbps up hardwired in
Router: NightHawk AC3200
Modem: SURFboard SB6190
Connection is fine on every other game, it’s just on this game with the in-game Network Debug
Statistics I’m the only one of my friends with consistent packet loss, yet I have some of the better equipment amongst them. I’m uncertain if some settings within my PC may be blocking the packets from getting sent properly?
I am located in California but my friends (California/Vancouver) and I are all getting the same ping, we feel as if the servers in California have been inactive for the duration of the debug patch maybe even long before that.
Need more information? Ask away. I’ll add the ones I feel could be important to the primary post.
Last edited by SketchyTone;
17 Nov, 2018 @ 3:27am
Date Posted: 17 Nov, 2018 @ 3:02am
Posts: 33
Here we can see, “Pubg Packet Loss: How to Fix It?”
- PUBG is one of the most popular games on the market, and it has significantly boosted the popularity of battle royale games.
- However, when playing PUBG online with others, many players complain about issues like high ping, packet loss, and even jitters.
PUBG is one of the most popular games on the market, and it has significantly boosted the popularity of battle royale games. To begin, it’s important to note that PUBG is an online game.
As a result, you’ll need access to the Internet to enjoy it, and there’s no way around it. The battle royale can have up to 100 players (including yourself). This game mode is a deathmatch with the last man standing.
The contest is won if you are the last player standing. That’s all there is to it.
The fact that you can’t play PUBG offline with bots, for example, can be a pain, especially if your internet connection isn’t fantastic. Many players occasionally report issues such as high ping, packet loss, or even jitters.
These can significantly impact gameplay, causing issues like rubberbanding, excessive lag spikes, and even abrupt disconnections due to high ping. Packet loss is still one of the most common problems nowadays.
What is packet loss in PUBG?
The inability of data fragments (packets) to reach their destination location is known as packet loss. Packet loss in PUBG can imply that packets you transmit to the PUBG servers never arrive at their intended destination or that server packets never reach you.
These occurrences frequently result in full-fledged de-syncing issues, which may result in your being thrown out of the game to protect the connection quality for other players.
It’s a little annoying when you believe you’ve got a clean headshot, only to learn that your arch-nemesis is rubberbanding all over the map. For him, it’s far worse, but you get the point.
It’s even more aggravating when you realize that packet loss can happen at any time. Furthermore, it frequently resolves independently as soon as it occurred, and there is no apparent solution.
However, by understanding what packet loss is and what causes it, we can ensure that the ideal atmosphere is created to keep the occurrence of this unwelcome phenomena to a bare minimum.
What causes packet loss with PUBG?
The truth is that packet loss does not discriminate in most cases. As a result, if it happens in PUBG, it’s likely to happen in other services as well. But not if the packet loss is caused by the server; that’s a different situation.
As a result, you must grasp one thing: packet loss can be caused by various factors. Let’s look at the most common reasons for packet loss with that in mind:
Overloaded networks: a high traffic volume, particularly if numerous routes connecting various devices are used.
Device instability: Network devices with faulty CPUs can cause problems for other comparable devices nearby.
Hardware and/or software failures: if your equipment fails, whether it’s hardware or software, it can affect the entire network and cause packet loss.
Poorly configured routers or PCs: if your PC isn’t set up to handle a high-speed connection, you may lose packets, which is true for your router.
Bad ISP: If your ISP provides bad service on a poorly routed network, you may be losing packets.
Using Wi-Fi over Ethernet: Choosing Wi-Fi over a wired connection may result in connection drops and packet leakage due to interference.
Server issues: the server you’re connected to (in this case, the PUBG server) may be leaking packets; however, all players should be experiencing the same thing as you in this scenario.
That is all there is to it. Although most of these reasons aren’t exclusive to PUBG, they can help you figure out where to check if you have packet loss.
How to view packet loss in PUBG?
- Start playing PUBG.
- Navigate to the main menu.
- Go to the Settings menu.
- Toggle over to the Gameplay tab.
- Network Debug Statistics can be seen by scrolling down.
- Use the combo menu to turn it on.
- Then press the Apply button.
Your ping, down/up speed metrics, and packet loss percentage should now be visible. However, some players reported seeing high values in specific portions (i.e., pkt loss) despite their gameplay being unaffected.
1. Use a VPN
- Download and install a VPN on your computer.
- Start it up and choose a server.
- Join the server of your choice.
- Start playing PUBG.
- Check to see whether the issue still exists.
It’s worth noting that this strategy will only solve your packet loss problem if your ISP is to blame. A VPN will not help you if the problem is with you or the game server and will most likely make things worse.
You can run a ping test on google.com and check the packet loss there if you want to be sure before trying it. Our comprehensive tutorial will teach you all you need to know about packet loss and how to conduct a packet loss test.
2. Troubleshoot your connection
- Make a packet loss test (use our guide to help you)
- Isolate the hop where packets are being lost.
- Try to resolve the problem in a timely manner (e.g., check your cables, call your ISP, configure your router, etc.)
Keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all solution to packet loss. However, full troubleshooting can yield excellent results rather than relying on short remedies found on the Internet, which may damage your machine or connection.
Packet loss in PUBG can be fixed, or better yet avoided
As previously said, avoid quick remedies that make misleading promises. If you wish to fix packet loss, ensure your connection is in good working order.
It’s best to call your ISP and then to try to install magical tools on your PC if you’re unsure about running certain tests.
Using a VPN can, and most likely will, solve your packet loss problem, but only if the problem is caused by your ISP. If the issue is with you or the PUBG server you want to connect to, a VPN will not help.
I hope you found this guide useful. If you’ve got any questions or comments, don’t hesitate to use the shape below.
User Questions
1. How can I resolve a packet loss issue?
- Take a look at the physical connections…
- Make sure your software is up to date.
- Upgrade your computer’s hardware…
- Examine your Wi-Fi connection.
- Congestion of Bandwidth is a problem that needs to be addressed.
- Address any network security flaws or attacks.
2. In PUBG, what causes packet loss?
Poorly configured routers or PCs: if your PC isn’t set up to handle a high-speed connection, you may lose packets, which is true for your router. Bad ISP: If your ISP provides bad service over a poorly routed network, packet loss is typical.
3. Is it common to have packet loss?
Is it common to experience some packet loss? Packet loss is to be expected, but it is rarely a severe issue. The estimated packet loss rate is highly dependent on the network’s size and reliability. The higher the number of hops a signal must travel, the greater the chance of packet loss.
4. packet loss : r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS – Reddit
packet loss from PUBATTLEGROUNDS
5. Please fix the damn packet loss! : r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS
Please fix the damn packet loss! from PUBATTLEGROUNDS