Как найти couch marker

Хотя «Найти маркеры» может показаться просто еще одним опытом в стиле охоты за мусором, он предлагает довольно сложную карту с более чем несколькими сложными секретами, которые нужно найти. С его небольшим февраль 2022 г. Обновление Find the Markers добавило еще пять маркеров для обнаружения игроками, в том числе тот, который мы рассмотрим в этом кратком руководстве, Диван Маркер.

После того, как вы появились в Find the Markers, направляйтесь к заснеженной области карты и найдите большой дом, изображенный ниже. Поднимитесь по лестнице этого дома и войдите в его парадную дверь.

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Внутри этого дома на первом этаже должна быть кушетка и два стула — подойдите к любому из этих предметов мебели и сядьте на один из них.

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Теперь, чтобы получить маркер дивана, нам нужно, чтобы рядом с нами сидели еще четыре игрока, а это означает, что на каждом месте должно быть по одному игроку — трое на диване и по одному на каждом стуле. Если вы играете в одиночку, это означает, что вам, вероятно, придется использовать функцию чата и ввести короткое сообщение с просьбой о помощи к другим игрокам. Спорить с пятью игроками, а затем убедить их остаться и подождать, пока другие присоединятся к вам, может занять очень много времени, поэтому убедитесь, что у вас есть несколько свободных минут!

Связанный: Как получить маркер опасности в Roblox Find the Markers

Как только пятый игрок сядет в нужное место, вы все автоматически телепортируетесь к маркеру кушетки.

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Чтобы получить этот маркер, просто подойдите к нему и коснитесь его. После этого Couch Marker будет автоматически добавлен в ваш Markerdex.

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Ищете больше контента Find the Markers? Ознакомьтесь с нашими недавними руководствами о том, как получить маркер ошибки в Find the Markers — Roblox или как получить… маркер в Find the Markers — Roblox здесь, в Pro Game Guides!

Image via Roblox Find the Markers

While Find the Markers may seem like just another scavenger-hunt-style experience, it offers quite an intricate map, with more than a handful of challenging secrets to find. With its small Feb. 2022 update, Find the Markers has added five more markers for players to discover, including the one that we’ll be covering in this brief guide, Couch Marker.

Once you’ve spawned into Find the Markers, head toward the snowy area of the map and locate the large house pictured below. Walk up the stairs of this house and enter its front door.

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Inside of this house on the first floor should be a couch and two chairs—approach any of these pieces of furniture and sit on one of them.

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

In order to obtain the Couch Marker, we need four more players to sit by us, meaning there needs to be one player in every spot—three on the couch and one in each chair. If you’re playing alone, this means that you’ll likely need to utilize the experience’s chat feature and type a brief message asking other players to help you. Wrangling five players, and then convincing those players to stay and wait while others join you, can be really time consuming, so be sure that you have a few minutes to spare!

Related: How to get the Danger Marker in Roblox Find the Markers

As soon as the fifth players sits in the necessary spot, you will all automatically teleport to the location of the Couch Marker.

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

To claim this marker, simply walk up to it and touch it. Upon doing so, Couch Marker will automatically be added to your Markerdex.

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Looking for more Find the Markers content? Check out our recent guides on How to get the Error Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox or How to get the … Marker in Find the Markers – Roblox here on Pro Game Guides!

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Find the Markers is a new hide’n’seek style game on Roblox. Players will explore many locales and biomes in search of colorful Markers. There are exactly 175 Markers in the game, and today we’ll show you where each one is in our Roblox Find the Markers guide on how to get all Markers! Let’s get going!

Easy Markers

Purple Marker

All players start out in the spawn point. The Purple Marker is standing on the Pedestal of Awesome, right in front of you!

Archer Marker

Enter the Washable Kingdom by going to the Clock Tower and climbing a near-invisible tress up to the top. You should see the Archer Marker to the side of the Castle exterior.

Baby Marker

Head to the Abandoned City and then enter the first apartment on the left. The Baby Marker is lying underneath a bed on the second floor.

Ball Marker

Located rolling around in a ball near the spawn.

Bee Marker

Head to the Forest and you should see the Bee Marker stuck to a tree behind the yellow house.

Big Orange Marker

Head to the Mountain biome and climb a ladder to get into a small cave. You should see a pair of eggs to your left once you walk in, so go ahead and touch them to warp to a secret room. Big Orange Marker is here, but you can’t collect them until you’ve acquired Baby Marker.

Black Marker

Leave the room with Big Orange Marker and head down into the cave. You should see a suspicious alcove in the cave with nothing seemingly in it, but walk towards it, and you’ll be transported to a mysterious dark room with a giant keyboard in it. Black Marker is waiting for you at the end of the room.

Bone Marker

Bone Marker is hiding in a rib cage located near the back corner of the Mountain.

Brown Marker

Near the two eggs that transport you to Big Orange Marker is a path to the right. Go around the corner and you should see Brown Marker.

Cactus Marker

You can find Cactus Marker in the Desert, after completing the short obby. It’ll be near Flower Marker, behind a cactus.

Capless Marker’s Cap

Go to the Factory, which is nestled near the end of the Forest biome. The cap is sitting right outside the entrance to the Factory.

Carpet Marker

Go to the yellow house in the Forest, then walk on the marker-shaped carpet on the floor.

Coral Marker

Go to the Olde Shop near the spawn point and jump into the water surrounding it. The Coral Marker is hiding nestled between some real coral.

Crystal Marker

Enter the Cave, which is the dark tunnel near the spawn point. Go a little inside, and you should see a tiny opening on the left wall—the Crystal Marker is inside.

Dark Blue Marker

Dark Blue Marker can be seen sitting on the bottom of the moat surrounding Olde Shop.

Dragon Marker

Head to Washable Kingdom via the Clock Tower. Climb up the mountain to reach Dragon Cliff, and head inside to find the Dragon Marker guarding three eggs.

Dream Marker

The Dream Marker can be found sleeping in a bed in one of the apartment buildings in the Abandoned City.

Dummy Marker

Inside the Cave, find an NPC named Dummy and run into them.

Explode Marker

In the Snow biome, next to the large cabin, there’s a red button with a sign that says “die button”. Activate the button to receive the Explode Marker.

Fire Marker

Go inside the yellow house in the Forest and walk into the fireplace.

Firefly Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head to the Swamp. All the way in the back corner of the Swamp is a tree with the Firefly Marker in it, so you’ll need to jump on a lily pad to bounce high up into the sky.

Fishbowl Marker

Go inside the yellow house in the Forest. The Fishbowl Marker is on the table to the left.

Ghost Marker

Go inside the Clock Tower in the Abandoned City and climb up the stairs. He’s near the top, but he’s a little hard to see.

Gingerbread Marker

Head to the Candyland biome, and go inside the Gingerbread House. Gingerbread Marker will be waiting on the couch.

Grass Marker

Grass Marker is lying in a patch of grass near the Mountain.

Greedy Marker

Tap on the blue coin button near the bottom of the screen to open the donation menu. You can see Greedy Marker standing next to the donation box, so click on him.

Hanging Marker

Go to the cabin in the Snow biome. Go up the stairs, and you’ll see Hanging Marker hanging from the ceiling by a rope.

Industrial Marker

Head to the Factory inside the Forest. Look for a sign that says “Assembly Line” and then look for an entrance. The Industrial Marker is inside that room.

King Marker

In Washable Kingdom, head to the throne room inside the Castle.

Lava Jump Marker

Go past the first conveyor belt in the Factory, and you’ll reach a room with a bunch of red blocks. Don’t touch them and make your way to the end where the Lava Jump Marker is.

Lavender Marker

Go behind the Forest biome all the way to the edge of the map, and you’ll find a spinning lavender cube.

Lightbulb Marker

In The Olde Shop, jump on the shelves near Yellow Marker.

Liquid Marker

In the Desert biome, look for a small square pool.

Magenta Marker

Go to the cabin in the Snow biome, and then go upstairs into the bathroom, where Magenta Marker is taking a shower.

Marker Deleted

Take the Gallery teleport near the spawn point. Marker Deleted is right next to Cyan Marker’s fanart.

Marker for the Black Baseplate

Go behind the Olde Shop to find the Baseplate biome. You’ll find Marker for the Black Baseplate just sitting in plain view.


Markerplier is gaming inside one of the buildings in the Abandoned City on the first floor.

Markerseed the Fallen

Go inside the Cave and look for a suspicious doorway. Walk into it to get to Markerseed.

Maroon Marker

Head all the way to the back of the Cave, and then turn left to find a hidden hallway in the corner. Follow it down to reach Maroon Marker.

Marshmallow Marker

Go to Candyland, and then climb up to the very top of the arch. Take the rainbow slide down, and you’ll end up right in front of the Marshmallow Marker.

Martian Marker

Go to the Factory, then go to the assembly line. You should see a hole at the end of the line, so fall into it. In this dark room, look for a rocket ship and walk into it to get transported to the Space biome. Behind one of the red dome rocks lies the Martian Marker.

Mud Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, go into the Swamp and look for a mud pile.

Old Marker

Inside the Olde Shop, the Old Marker is resting on top of one of the shelves. You can climb onto the top from the side.

Periwinkle Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, walk to the flower patches to find Periwinkle Marker nearby.

Permanent Marker

Head to the center part of the Factory to find a small room with a piece of paper and the Permanent Marker on it.

Red Marker

You can find Red Marker sitting inside the Clock Tower at the Abandoned City.

Rocket Marker

Go to the Space biome and look underneath the big rocket for the Rocket Marker.

Snow Marker

The Snow Marker is lying down near a tree in the Snow biome.

Snowman Marker

You can see the Snowman Marker as soon as you enter the Snow biome.

Tan Marker

There’s a big statue in the middle of the Desert biome. The Tan Marker is stuck to the backside of the statue.

Temple Marker

Go inside the pyramid in the Desert. Climb up the tress, jump over the dark wires as they’ll kill you on contact, and reach the Temple Marker.

Tied Marker

Go to The Olde Shop, and climb the ladder behind the counter. You’ll be in a room full of storage crates, and way in the back corner of the room behind some crates is the Tied Marker.

Torch Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, climb up the mountain slops to reach Dragon Cliff. Inside the cave, the Torch Marker should be on the wall to your right.

Transparent Marker

Near the end of the Snow biome, you’ll see a semi-transparent box. Inside is the Transparent Marker, but it’s like a maze in there, so you’ll need to chart your own path through.

Triple Marker

The Triple Marker is sitting on top of the Cave entrance. You’ll have to complete a short obby to get to it.

Water Marker

The Water Marker is floating in the moat below The Olde Shop.

Yellow Marker

Yellow Marker is behind the counter in The Olde Shop.

Zombie Marker

There’s a grave in front of the Factory. Walk onto it, and you’ll drop into a room with Zombie Marker.

Medium Markers

Bendy Straw Marker

Go to the Forest biome and go behind the yellow house to reach a waterfall. Carefully walk off the waterfall’s edge on the right side, as there’s a small hole that has Bendy Straw Marker inside. You can rotate your camera to get a better view of the hole before you jump off. See our How to Get the Bendy Straw Marker in Roblox Find the Markers guide for more details.

Blue Marker

Go to the Forest biome and look for a small hill. There’s a tree behind it, with the Blue Marker nearby.

Box Marker

In the factory, go to the room with the inner conveyer belt. There’s a key on the ground, so tap on it to collect it, then go back to the main lobby. The Storage Closet should now be open, and Box Marker is inside behind some boxes.

Brick Marker

Go to the yellow house in the Forest. Walk into the fireplace, then exit to end up on the roof. Brick Marker is hiding behind the chimney.

Chocolate Marker

Chocolate Marker is hiding beneath the chocolate river in Candyland. See our “How to get the Chocolate Marker in Roblox Find the Markers” guide for more details.

Cork Marker

Head towards the Mountain biome. On the side closest to the Cave entrance, you should see a small crack in the wall, where Cork Marker is hiding inside.


In the Abandoned City, there’s a suspicious dirt mound near the back corner of the city next to the Desert. Go to the center of it, and you’ll fall down to the Crayon.

Cyan Marker

To the right of the Cave entrance are two trees. Cyan Marker is behind the tree in the back.

Dark Green Marker

Jump into the water around The Olde Shop. Look for a darker spot on the wall, then go to it to be transported to the sewers. Dark Green Marker is lying down in the sewage.

Flamingo Marker

Look for a translucent square in the Snow biome, near the button that makes you explode. The square will take you to a room with Flamingo Marker.

Golden Marker

Head to the Factory, but don’t go in. Instead, go to the right of it to find a small crevice with a golden box. Touch it to be teleported to Golden Marker.

Gray Marker

Gray Marker is hiding out in the attic of The Olde Shop.

Hammer Marker

In one of the buildings in the Abandoned City, there’s a bathtub with a hammer inside. Touch the hammer to get teleported to Hammer Marker.

Khaki Marker

There’s a tree that’s colored differently near the entrance to the Gallery. Touch the tree to get to Khaki Marker.

Leaf Marker

Leaf Marker is stuck in a tree near the Factory entrance. You’ll need to go up the stairs to reach the vines that lead you to the treetops. Jump across the treetops to get to Leaf Marker.

Licorice Marker

Licorice Marker is hanging upside down underneath the arch. Go up to the top of the arch, drop down onto the pink lollipop, and jump up to Licorice Marker.

Lilypad Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, go to the Swamp and look for the lilypad that has a flower on it. Step on it to be teleported to Lilypad Marker.

Lime Marker

At the spawn point, turn towards the Cave. To the left of the staircase, in the corner, is a hidden hole with Lime Marker inside, next to Ball Marker.


Head towards the waterfall in the Forest where Bendy Straw Marker was. This time, go left and you’ll see a rock with an arrow pointing down. Drop off the edge here to land on an invisible beam, then follow it down to find the Marker?

Mint Marker

Go to the Snow biome and go behind the cabin. On the rocky border, there’s a fake wall with this Marker inside.

Mushroom Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, go to the Swamp and jump into the pond closest to the Dragon Cliff ramp. You’ll fall into a short obby with Mushroom Marker.

Oil Marker

Head to the Space biome. Climb on top of the giant rocket ship and walk into the gray cone to get to Oil Marker.

Olive Marker

Located inside one of the buildings in the Abandoned City, on the upstairs bathroom floor.

Orange Marker

At spawn, turn towards the Clock Tower. Now, go to the right side of the staircase and hug the side to find a secret room with Orange Marker.

Pink Marker

Pink Marker is waiting for you near the peak of the Mountain. You’ll need to complete a short obby to get up there, then you’ll meet Pink Marker right before a translucent truss.

Platinum Marker

Head into the Sewers through the bottom of The Olde Shop pool, and near the end of the tunnel lies a platinum box. Touch it to be teleported to Platinum Marker.

Primrose Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head to the marketplace. Inside one of the stands is Primrose Marker lying down.

Princess Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head towards the yellow portal that takes you back to the normal spawn point. Nearby the portal is a bush with Princess Marker hiding inside.

Rainbow Marker

Make your way to the peak of the Mountain, past Pink Marker. When you get to the snowy part, rotate your camera so that you’re looking behind the Mountain. You should see a small opening in the backside, so fall off and try to land in it. There’s a semi-transparent tress you can climb that leads to Rainbow Marker.

Rock Marker

Go to the yellow house in the Forest. To the right of it lies a rock, and Rock Marker is behind it.

Rust Marker

Inside the Factory, drop into the conveyor belt hole and head into the Sewers. Rust Marker should be hidden within the walls.

Salmon Marker

In the Desert, go behind the pyramid, then start jumping up towards the center of it. You’ll eventually go through a secret wall where Salmon Marker is.

Sand Marker

In the Desert, go behind the pyramid, and you should see a translucent platform floating over the edge. Jump on it to teleport to a rainbow polka dot room. Step back onto the yellow platform to teleport to a secret chamber of the pyramid with Sand Marker.

Smoke Marker

Go to the Forest, then get on top of the hill next to the Factory. Jump onto the Factory’s roof, then climb up to the tallest smoke stack.

Space Marker

Go to the Space biome, and look for a wooden arrow pointing down off the edge. Jump off to teleport to the Space Marker.


Go to the Space biome, and look for a building with a glass dome. Inside, make your way down a tunnel to reach Star-ker.

Static Marker

Go to Candyland and head inside the Gingerbread house. Wait in front of the TV, and when it starts to display static, tap on it.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Marker

Located at the end of the Sewers, reached by going into the grate in the water below The Olde Shop.

Triple-Scoop Marker

Located in a secret cave beneath the arch in Candyland. See our “How to get the Triple Scoop Marker in Roblox Find the Markers” guide for more details.

White Marker

In the Factory, drop into the conveyor belt hole to find White Marker on a shelf.

Xanwood Marker

Go to the Baseplate biome behind The Olde Shop. Look for a suspicious triangle, then walk into it.

Hard Markers

Atomic Marker

Head to the Factory’s main room and use the microscope. Tiny Markers will appear throughout the Factory, so grab them and bring them back to the microscope. You’ll find lots of fakes, but eventually you’ll find the real Atomic Marker.

Aurora Marker

Head to the Mountain peak. At the snowy area, look for a translucent tress. Jump on a nearby tree to reach it, then make your way across the aurora.

BFDI Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head towards the marketplace. The BFDI Marker is sticking out underneath the edge of the map, so rotate your camera until you find it.

Battery Marker

Located in the Abandoned City. One of the houses has a broken fridge, and Battery Marker is behind it.

Bluish Gray Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, head towards the Blue Forest. You’ll need to complete a short obby that leads to the top of the tree with Bluish Gray Marker.

Camo Marker

At the spawn point, look towards the corner between The Olde Shop and the Abandoned City. Go behind the singular tree to find the Camo Marker hiding in the tree.

Candy Cane Marker

In Candyland, you need to get on top of the box where the end of the rainbow slide is. There’s a candy cane where that will teleport you to Candy Cane Marker. See our “How to get the Candy Cane Marker in Roblox Find the Markers” guide for more details.

Capless Marker

Head to the Mountain, and stick to the side nearest to the Cave. There’s a very thin line you can walk on behind the Mountain that leads to the Capless Marker.

Catzo Marker

Type “/e laugh” in chat to be teleported to Catzo Marker.

Cheese Marker

In the Space biome, go to the wooden arrow and jump off the edge it’s pointing to. You’ll be in the room where Space Marker is. Look for a translucent truss near the moon and climb to reach Cheese Marker.

Chicken Marker

In the Forest biome, use the vines to get to the hill in the middle of the Forest. Near the top, there are two rocks that look different from the others. Walk towards them to fall down onto a secret beam.

Cloud Marker

Get on top of the yellow house in the Forest. There are translucent squares floating above the chimney, so jump on top of them to reach Cloud Marker.

Dirt Marker

In the Forest biome, walk up the stairs near the Factory entrance and hug the left side of the hill for a secret entrance.

Evil Marker

Go into the main chamber of the Mountain, and then go left into the empty doorway to reach a secret room with a giant keyboard. Type “INVERT” on the keyboard.

Flower Marker

In the Desert biome, complete the obby with all the wooden parts to reach Flower Marker.


Type a skull emoji ? into chat. Mobile users can do this just fine, but if you’re on PC, you can copy the skull and paste it into chat.

Glitch Marker

Head to the backside of the Mountain. You should see a translucent tress extending out into seemingly nothing. Walk towards the end of it, and then fall off. You’ll teleport to a room with the Glitch Marker.

Green Marker

Walk down the path in between the Cave and Mountain biomes, then when you reach the edge of the map, rotate your camera, and you can see the Green Marker underneath the map.

Ice Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, on the side of Dragon Cliff is a blue hole. Fall into it to reach Ice Marker.

Ivory Marker

Head to the Mountain. Start climbing up towards the peak, but when you get to the part with two ladders, jump to the left, hugging the wall. You’ll go through a secret wall.

Jumpscare Marker

The Jumpscare Marker will ambush you in a gray box as you’re doing the obby above the Snow biome.

Knight Marker

In the Washable Kingdom, make your way to the top of the Castle. You’ll be equipped with a sword, so fight the knight and best him to claim the Marker.

Lollipop Marker

In Candyland, jump inside the dark green lollipop.

Magenta Void Marker

Head to the Gallery near spawn, and walk towards the end of the first floor to find a secret wall on the left that leads to the Magenta Void Marker.

Marker Stack

Go to the left side of the Cave to find a lone blue Marker. You need to find his friends:

  • Green brother is in a tree in the Forest biome
  • Yellow brother is near the cabin fireplace in the Snow biome
  • Red brother is behind the Factory on a thin walkway

After you get all three brothers, return them to the blue brother to get the Marker Stack.

Merchant Marker

In Washable Kingdom, the Merchant Marker is behind one of the stands in the marketplace. You’ll need to find ten coins scattered around, and they’re pretty easy to find.

Missing Texture Marker

One of the trees near the Forest waterfall has a missing texture on it. Touch it to be teleported to Missing Texture Marker.

Nebula Marker

In the Space biome, look for a rectangular rock formation and climb up to the top of it.

Obby Marker

Complete the obby that is floating above the Snow biome.

Paper Marker

Go to the Mountain, and near the backside there’s a secret wall, denoted by a brighter color. Fall into it to get the Paper Marker.

Phoenix Marker

Go to the fireplace inside the yellow house in the Forest biome to get to the Fire Marker. Go to the top left corner of the room to find a fake Marker that teleports you to an obby.

Plaid Marker

There’s a crate on the second floor of The Olde Shop with the Plaid Marker inside.

Polka-Dot Marker

Go behind the pyramid in the Desert biome, and jump onto the translucent pad. You’ll be teleported to a machine where you need to step on the green pad and land on the yellow pad in the middle. This may take a few tries.

Realistic Marker

Go behind the two buildings behind the Clock Tower in the Abandoned City. You’ll see a picture that says “No way” on it, so walk through it.

Runner Marker

Go into the main chamber of the Mountain and head into the secret keyboard room. Type in “DIFFICULTY” to be transported to a secret obby. Make it all the way to the “difficult” section of the obby, and look to the right of the sign for a secret path.

Salted Caramel Marker

In Candyland, get on top of the arch and drop off to the pink lollipop. Climb the licorice vines to reach the Salted Caramel Marker.

Shadow Marker

Reach the top of the Mountain, then drop off the backside of it to reach a hole. This hole leads back into the main chamber of the Mountain where you can find the Shadow Marker.

Strawberry Marker

In the Desert biome, walk up alongside the left side of the pyramid. You should see one of the corners is missing a brick. Walk into it to teleport to a secret room. Avoid the swords and make your way through the room to find Vermilion Marker, and there’s a secret wall to the left that leads to Strawberry Marker.

Vermilion Marker

See above.

Void Marker

In the Space biome, drop off into the secret Space Marker room by following the wooden arrows. There’s a secret wall on the left side of the room that leads to a maze with Void Marker.

Wild Marker

Go into the yellow house in the Forest biome and type “pray to wild card” in chat.

Wizard Marker

In Washable Kingdom, go inside the Castle and hug the left side as soon as you walk in. Past the torch is a secret wall.

Wood Marker

In-between the Forest and Mountain biomes is a tree near the edge of the map. The Wood Marker is hiding behind the tree.

Insane Markers

In the Space biome, enter the Space Marker secret room by following the wooden signs. Look for the secret wall that leads to a maze, and one of the dead ends has a fake floor. Fall through it to reach the … Marker.

Balloon Marker

Get to the middle hill of the Forest biome by crossing the vines. Walk into the broken rocks to be teleported into the sky, and you’ll find the Balloon Marker at the end of the invisible beam.

Bioluminescent Marker

In Washable Kingdom, there’s blue mushrooms in the Blue Forest you can activate. You need to activate them in a certain order, and there’s a map inside Dragon Cliff that shows you the order.

Black Hole Marker

In the Space biome, you’ll find a small cave to the left of the rocket ship. There’s a wire coming out of it that leads to two buttons, one orange and one blue. Step on the orange button to turn on the cave’s power, then go inside the cave. Make your way down the tunnel while memorizing the layout of the tunnel, and you should reach the Black Hole Marker, but it’s behind laser beams. Go back out and now hit the blue button. This will deactivate the laser, but also the lights, so you’ll need to move through the tunnel based on your own memory.

Burning Marker

Go inside the Cave, and find the red crystal. Tap on all three shards to teleport.

Couch Marker

Go to the cabin in the Snow biome. Walk up the stairs to find a room with blue couches—you’ll need five players to sit on all the couches to activate the teleport.

Cough Drop Marker

Go to the secret keyboard in the Mountain main chamber. Type in “HILLROCK” to talk to the Cough Drop Marker. Exhaust their dialogue, then repeat the process two more times to get them.

Devil Marker

Get on top of the Cave entrance, then go towards the back edge of the map. You’ll see a small ledge you can drop to, so hug it to avoid falling and follow it until you reach the Devil Marker.

Error Marker

In the Abandoned City, go to the building with Markerplier and start tapping on his keyboard. Eventually the computer will show a blue error screen, so walk into it.

Gilded Marker

In Washable Kingdom, head to the top of the Castle. Get to the top of the rear right-side tower, then drop off the side to reach a secret window.

Gummy Marker

In Candyland, head behind the arch to find a pit of spikes. There’s a door that has a four button sequence above it—you need to find and press all the buttons in the correct order to open the door.

  • Blue button is on the side of the blue lollipop
  • Green button is inside a crevice by the brown lollipop
  • Red button is in the Gingerbread house
  • Yellow button is on the edge of the map by the door

Inverted Marker

In the Space biome, drop off the edge to reach the Space Marker room. Find the secret wall to reach the void maze, and go through the middle of the maze to reach the Inverted Marker.


Go to the waterfall at the edge of the Forest biome, then make a right to reach a fence. Hug the dirt ledge to find a secret wall.

Pebble Marker

Fall into the hole surrounded by pebbles behind the Abandoned City and go through a gray secret wall as you’re falling down.

Plasma Marker

In the Space biome, head into the moon base and look for an off-colored secret wall. Get through the laser maze to find the Plasma Marker.

Potion Marker

In Washable Kingdom, go to the tower in the Swamp. Use the cauldron and repeat the recipe as it shows you. Repeat this five times to get the Potion Marker. See our “How to Get the Potion Marker in Roblox Find the Markers” guide for more details.

Skinny Marker

In-between the Forest and Mountain biomes is a thin secret wall on the Forest hill. For an easier time, use Shift Lock Switch in the settings.

Stormy Marker

Go in the yellow house in the Forest. Walk into the fire place, then jump up on the squares to reach the clouds. Look for the cloud releasing lightning bolts, then get onto the bolt and cross to the other end.

Sunburnt Marker

In the Forest biome, get on top of the hill closest to the Mountain by crossing the vines. Walk into the broken rocks to teleport to an invisible beam. Fall off the beam to land on the roof of The Olde Shop.

Sus Marker

In the Space biome, walk off the edge where the wooden sign is pointing to reach the Space Marker room. Climb up to reach the moon, and you’ll see a crewmate from Among Us. Touch it to teleport to the Sus Marker.

Teapot Marker

Head into the secret keyboard room in the Mountain and input “MRMARKERMAKER”.

Time Marker

In the Factory, head to the central room with the big conveyor belt. Wait here for five minutes, and a secret portal will appear.

Winning Marker

Get the Winning Smile face option from the Roblox shop. Equip it on your character, then go behind the Factory to find the Winning Marker. You’ll get the Winning Marker if you talk to him with the Winning Smile equipped.

Extreme Markers

90 Degree Marker

Starting at the Baseplate biome, you’ll need to navigate an invisible bridge to the 90 Degree Marker.

Alternate Marker

In the Baseplate biome, look for a box that says “they will decide your fate”. On the back, there’s a keyboard, so input “L5LPDNNN”. Jump in the box that appears.

Cornbread Marker

Currently unavailable due to a rework. Stay tuned for updates!

Medium Stone Grey Marker

Go to where the Snow and Abadoned City biomes meet, then go to the edge of the map. You should see some stone platforms below, so drop off and land on the stones. Complete the obby and get the Medium Stone Grey Marker.

Noob Marker

In the Snow biome, go inside the cabin and up to the microwave with a sticky note on it. Press the E key, and a box will ask for your Roblox profile ID. To get your Roblox profile ID, go to your Roblox profile page and look in the URL. You should see a short string of numbers. Copy that, then paste it into the microwave box, and a secret wall will open up.

Supernova Marker

In the Space biome, check behind a dome rock near the rocket ship to get a silver key. Head into the lab to find a rainbow-colored keypad. Input this code, assuming 1-10 is from left to right:

  1. Red 5
  2. Orange 8
  3. Yellow 2
  4. Green 10
  5. Blue 7
  6. Purple 1

Insert the silver key into the slot at the right end of the console to cause Star-ker to turn into the Supernova Marker.

Technical Marker

Upon launching the game, you’ll see a welcome screen with a row of the Markers at the bottom. Swipe/scroll all the way to the right until you see Technical Marker, then tap on it.

Tree Sap Marker

There’s a tree in the Forest biome with a secret hole that leads to a difficult obby. See our “How to get the Tree Sap Marker in Roblox Find the Markers” guide for more details.

Zen Marker

You must find all five secrets notes.

  • Note 1 is located by the chocolate fountain in Candyland.
  • Note 2 is located by the Lava Checker obby in the Factory.
  • Note 3 is located in the hand of the Desert statue.
  • Note 4 is in Mega Marker’s cave.
  • Note 5 is in one of the lightning arcs in the sky.

Once you have all the notes, go to the cabin in the Snow biome and get the chocolate coin from the kitchen. Take it to the chocolate fountain in Candyland.

Markerous Markers

Difficulty Chart Marker

Head to the secret keyboard room in the Mountain. Type in “DIFFICULTY” to teleport to a secret obby. You must complete the entire obby to get the ultimate Marker, the Difficult Chart Marker.

Whew, that’s a lot of Markers! Thankfully, by the end of this guide, you will have all 175 Markers. Let us know if you have any other questions or helpful hints for getting Markers!

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