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10 способов найти друзей в Steam и не только (in Russian)

Тут я постараюсь рассказать как можно найти друзей на просторах Steam для совместной игры или общения.

Введение :

Приведённая ниже информация поможет вам найти друзей в Steam.

Содержание :

Содержание :
причины отсутствия друзей
кризис мировоззрения
смена обстановки
излишняя зацикленность
неверная самооценка
как же все же найти друзей?

Причины отсутствия друзей

Ты можешь быть общительным и интересным человеком, но быть одиноким. Как так выходит, что у одних куча друзей с кем можно поиграть , когда другие всегда одни? Причины могут быть разными, но они приводят к отсутствию дружеского окружения.

Кризис мировоззрения

В жизни бывают кризисы, когда у нас случаются переломные моменты. В таким моменты меняются приоритеты, устремления, желания. Старые друзья отходят на задний план, когда с ними не по пути, а новые не появляются. В детстве мы могли дружить с кем угодно, но с возрастом становимся более критичными.


Изменение места жительства, учебы или работы приводит к исчезновению товарищей. Это ситуативные друзья, которые были одноклассниками, одногруппниками или коллегами. Смена обстановки приводит к изменению окружения и полному исчезновению друзей.


Порой у нас не бывает даже времени на дружбу. Мы заняты работой, делами или своими увлечениями. Мы можем вариться в своем кругу семьи. Излишняя зацикленность делает так, что мы не выбираемся наружу из своего мирка. А как можно найти друзей не выходя из замкнутого круга?


Заниженная или завышенная самооценка не позволяет полноценно наладить контакт с людьми. Закомплексованность или завышенное самомнение становится преградой к поиску друзей, когда окружающие избегают тебя.

Так как же все же найти друзей ?

Прежде чем посыпать голову пеплом стоит подумать над тем, как изменить данную ситуацию. Как найти новых друзей, единомышленников и своих людей в этом мире? Следует учесть причины отсутствия близких приятелей, а затем исправить это. Кроме этого, следует кардинально пересмотреть свой образ поведения и жизни.

  1. Будь более открытым и поищи друзей в Steam из своего окружения.
  2. Посещая различные форумы , обсуждения , группы по интересам в Steam.
  3. Будь более активным в жизни сообщества Steam.
  4. Больше играй на различных серверах , есть множество многопользовательских игр в Steam и не только.
  5. Постарайся красиво оформить свой Steam профиль.
  6. Никогда не отказывайся поиграть с кем то во что либо.
  7. Посещай различные discord сервера и ищи общения там.
  8. Так же можешь подать заявку в наш “PCHsquad” группу “pcholkin” , либо в нашу группу в ВК , там можно найти тимейтов на любой вкус .

На этом все !

Надеюсь данное руководство было хоть чем то полезно и не один я сталкивался с подобными ситуациями 🙂

“Но даже после прочтения у вас друзья не появятся , все всегда нужно брать в свои руки , а это руководство является неким стимулом и какой либо подсказкой для вас”

Originally posted by pcholkin:

дружба дружбой , служба службой

Так же может быть полезным :

Поиски совместной игры

Minecraft #4131 by Dumuzid
Шукаю тимейта для кооперативного выживания в ванильном майне. Возрастное ограничение от 18 лет (можно 16 если адекватный). Меня зовут Игорь, я немного не товариський, но может нам повезёт ;)..


Minecraft RTX #4129 by Megazakat
Карта по мотивам игры Pay Day 2 где главные герои грабят все: банки тачки броню оружие и т д
МАКСИМУМ 4 ИГРОКА https://discord.gg/nyCAQDdA

Minecraft #4126 by Frestle
Minecraft сервер:
Версия: 1.16.5
Хост: Aternos
Плагинов: 25
На сервере Frimex есть множество донатов, начиная с Hero заканчивая Overlord. Максимальне количество игроков 200. На сервере есть Аукцион, по команде /ah. Есть магазины, команда /rtp, есть плагин на приват..


Minecraft #4124 by froggi2243
Хей хочешь снимать сериалы?? тогда этот сервер точно для тебя. Симаем сериалы в майне, задумали проект про бигфута!?!?! именно!!!! нам нужны билдеры,дикторы,актеры, оператор и режисер, а также дилдоры..


Minecraft #4123 by Miamis
Недавно собрал комп, не играл в майнкрафт года 3-4 минимум, ищу кентика или кентиков с которыми можно будет побегать-повыживать, можно с модами, мне вообще по барабану, главное компания )
У меня: хороший микрофон, не писклявый голос, очешуительная харизма..


Battlefield 4 #4122 by Miamis
Давненько бегаю в батлу 4 в соло, одному уже скучновато-ищу кентика с которым можно будет повзрывать мины на мопеде.
У меня: хороший микрофон, не писклявый голос..

Battlefield 4

Minecraft #4121 by oguzokarbuzok
Мы ищем новых игроков для совместной игры в Майнкрафт. Мы играем на версии 1.19.4 и наша цель – создать крутую базу и выживать вместе. На данный момент, нас уже 3 человека. Пока ещё не начали, ждём ещё пару человек .Если хочешь присоединиться то пиши сюда: талант#2427..


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Meet and play with new people on your favorite video game

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  • Tips

Most games are more fun when you play with people you know and like. Plus, games are a great way to get to know other people and build lasting bonds.[1]
Try a few different methods of looking for gamer friends; you’re bound to get better at it the more you do it, just like a game!

Things You Should Know

  • Take note of players who you enjoy playing with, and send them a friend request or reach out to them when they’re online again.
  • Use Reddit’s r/GamerPals, or hop into a Discord server for your favorite game to talk to like-minded people.
  • Hang around game or special interest shops, or attend conventions to meet people in real life. Also, ask your existing friends to acquaint you with new people.
  1. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 1


    Remember users you enjoy playing with. Remember or write down the username of a gamer you enjoyed playing with. This way, if you see them again, you’ll be able to recall aspects of their playing that you like, or, if they mentioned something specific while playing, you’ll be able to talk about it with them.

    • Compliments are a great way to reach out for the first time. If you liked a strategy that someone used, or noticed a great move they made, let them know. Saying something like “great shot!” may not seem like much, but it lets them know that you’ve noticed them.
  2. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 2


    Reach out when you see them online. Message a user you’ve enjoyed playing with and ask them if they’d like to play again. Consider logging in around the time of day when you last played with them, in order to increase your chances of seeing them online.

    • Many games offer the ability to “friend” another player, which will notify you when they’ve logged into the game. This way you can see when your new friend is playing and invite them to play with you at any time.
    • Say something like, “Great game yesterday! Wanna play another one?”


  3. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 3


    Make plans to play with each other later. If you want to be formal, you can ask someone if they’d like to play again soon, nailing down a date and time for another game. This can be a good way to strengthen beginning friendships. Try phrases like:

    • “I enjoyed playing with you! Want to play again sometime soon?”
    • “You’re good at this. Want to play another one?”
  4. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 4


    Remember to keep it casual. While you might be looking for lifelong friendships, they might just barely be interested enough to play another round with you. Don’t ask for personal information straightaway, and never give up personal information unless you feel safe doing so.

    • If you ever feel unsafe while talking to another user (if they’re asking for personal information, such as your full name, telephone number, mailing address or other sensitive information), block them or stop talking to them.
    • Only offer personal information if you think it will help your friendship grow, and won’t be used in a devious way by another person. For example, if your friend gives you their first name and asks yours, it’s probably not too much to give them your name. You could even give a pseudonym. However, if the same person asks which street you live on, where you go to school, or where you work, it’s not a good idea to give up that information.
    • If your friend ever wants to meet in person, be sure to have a phone or video chat with them beforehand, so you can verify who they are. Avoid alcohol while meeting up, as this can cloud your judgment and lead to an unsafe situation.
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  1. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 5


    Use Reddit’s r/GamerPals to find gamer friends. Make a post on r/GamerPals telling subscribers what game you want to play and what timezone you’re in. This subreddit is devoted exclusively to finding people online to play with. It has more than 23,000 subscribers, and you can ask people to play whatever game you’re currently playing.[2]

    • You’ll have to sign up for Reddit to make a post on r/GamerPals.
    • Post titles typically include age, sex, location, timezone, and the game you want to play (e.g. 28/M/US, CST, looking to play Far Cry 5).
  2. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 6


    Find groups on Facebook. Search for the game you want to play in Facebook’s search bar, then press the “Group” button to filter by group only. Oftentimes, multiple groups are available for each game. Just click the “Join Group” button, and you’ll be added by a moderator. From there, you can start posting in the timeline to see who wants to play.

    • Avoid suggesting that you’re looking for “friends,” as this can make people think you’re looking for a big commitment. Instead, simply say that you’re looking for someone to play today or tomorrow. Keep it relaxed and informal.
    • Try something like, “Hi everyone, looking for someone to play Far Cry 5 with, 5pm CST tomorrow! Does anyone want to play?”
  3. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 7


    Use apps and websites to find gamer friends. There are many apps and websites that you can access on your computer, tablet, or phone to reach out to new gamer friends. To find more, try searching “game chat app” or “find gamer friends online” in your favorite search engine.

    • The app Gamr2Gamr lets you search for games other users are playing. When you find a user you’re interested in, you can send them a friend request and start playing together.
    • GamerLink is an app that fallows you to post on a game forum and specify exactly what you’re looking for (e.g., “I need a tank and a healer”). When players respond to your post, you can add them to a friend list and ask them to play again later.[3]
    • Find Gaming Buddies is a website that offers lists of users sorted by game. Just click on a game and sort through the people who are currently playing that game. You can send a message through the website asking people to play.

    Try using Discord. “I’ve found that a lot of gamers use a messaging app called Discord. Most games, in fact, have an official Discord server that you can join and meet people through! With my friends, Discord is my primary method of communication when gaming. They’ve got voice channels that you can use to talk during the game which are super useful.” Damon, video gamer for 12 years

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  1. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 8


    Go to your local game store and ask what people play. Head over to your favorite video game shop and ask the people who work there what they’re playing. If it’s the same game that you love to play, consider asking them if they’d like to play with you. Tell them outright that you’re looking for someone. Try phrases like:

    • “I’ve been looking for some people to play with on Call of Duty. Would you be interested in playing together sometime?”
    • “I love Call of Duty and I’m trying to get better at it. Do you want to play together sometime soon to help each other improve?”
  2. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 9


    Use meetup.com to find groups of gamers. Go to meetup.com and check out the different options for video game groups in your area.[4]
    Meetup is a website where you can find different groups of people to “meet up” with in real life. The site has many different topic filters, such as:

    • Online Gaming
    • PC Gaming
    • Multiplayer Gaming
    • Video Games
    • Console Gaming
    • Once you’ve chosen a topic, scroll to the bottom and select “Show all.” Then click “Find a Meetup Group near you.” The site will show all the relevant groups meeting near you.
  3. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 10


    Find gamers at gaming conventions. Attend a gaming convention, which is bound to be full of like-minded gamers. Strike up conversations with people and ask what they like to play. If you find out someone enjoys the same game as you do, don’t be afraid to ask if they’d like to play sometime:

    • “I’ve enjoyed talking to you! Would you be interested in playing Call of Duty together sometime?”
    • “You seem like a nice person. Want to play Call of Duty online sometime, after the convention is over?”
    • Run a search for gaming conventions in your area by using search terms like “gaming conventions in San Antonio” or “gamer conventions in New York.”
  4. Image titled Find Gamer Friends Step 11


    Ask your friends and acquaintances to connect you. If you have friends who play video games, ask them if they know people who might want to play with you. They might have gaming friends themselves they’d be willing to introduce you to.

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Having Conversations with Gamers

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  • Question

    What if my friend blocks me?

    Community Answer

    Try to connect with them in person or over the phone (in person would be easiest) and ask them why you’ve been blocked. Ask if they’re mad at you for any reason. If they say yes, try to resolve the conflict. If not, ask politely if they could unblock you.

  • Question

    What if nobody else wants to play agar.io with me?

    Community Answer

    That is okay, not everyone wants to play the same thing, not everyone likes agar.io. Find other games to play with your friends and find some friends online who want to play agar.io with you. Use the tips in the steps above to find new gamer friends.

  • Question

    When I become friends with somebody, I am always left out from them. Even if it is my BFF. Any tips?

    Gamer Noko

    Gamer Noko

    Community Answer

    Try making a few more gamer friends, and make sure you stay with the ones who actually do join and play with you. If the other ones don’t continue playing with you, you shouldn’t be afraid to ‘unfriend’ them.

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  • Remember, the worst someone can do is say “no.” Rejection is hard, but you can handle it.

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About This Article

Article SummaryX

Having gamer friends is a fun way to socialize and build lasting bonds! If you want to make friends with other gamers, write down the username of someone you enjoy playing with. Then, the next time they’re online, shoot them a message. You could say something like, “Great game yesterday! Wanna play another one?” Besides finding friends in your game, you can also find gamer groups on Facebook or apps like Gamr2Gamr. Simply find a group you’re interested in and start chatting on the forum! If you want to meet gamers in person, meetup.com often has video game events you can join. To learn how to go to your first gaming convention, read on!

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