Как найти хелгейт альбион

How does it work

Hellgates are accessed via Hellgate Rituals, which can be crafted at the Artifact Foundry, looted from mobs, or bought. Like Dungeon Maps, they only work in zones appropriate to the map type; the Hellgate then spawns several zones away to maintain the danger of reaching the entrance. However, Hellgates spawn randomly so you may find them as the other dungeons.

Inside of these portals, players will find many small demons, demon bosses, and often, another team of players to fight.

There are three types of Hellgates: 2v2, 5v5 and 10v10.

In each type there are two kinds:

  • non-lethal – where you don’t die and pvp effect in knockdown (not full loot),
  • lethal – where pvp effect in death (full loot).


Entering a Hellgate requires the following:

  • Sufficient base item power, a new stat that only measures your gear’s tier, quality, and the enchantment while ignoring Mastery and Specialization levels or bonuses (Depends on the zone that you are in).
  • A party size matching the types of Hellgate (2, 5, or 10 players respectively)
  • Channelling to enter is no longer interrupted by damage, so preventing someone from entering is more challenging

Hellgates spawn

Hellgates Ritual can be used to spawn certain Hellgate type in the following zones:

  • Roads of Avalon (zones that allow Hideouts only): all types of maps can be used
  • Outlands: all types of maps can be used
  • Blue Zone (Tier 4): only 2v2 non-lethal Hellgate maps
  • Yellow Zone  (Tier 5): all non-lethal Hellgate maps
  • Red Zone (Tier 6+): all lethal Hellgate maps
  • Hellgate Maps can either be found as open-world drops or crafted at the Artifact Foundry
  • In 2v2 Hellgates only, players now have a debuff that reduces all Healing Cast by 10%

Special Mechanics

  • Once inside, you’ll encounter one of ten Hellgate layouts at random. These contain a variety of different features: some have chokes, others have varying altitudes, and yet others are vast and open.
  • Matchmaking is based on the average Hellgate Infamy of your party. You have a chance of joining another party’s Hellgate instantly; if no suitable opponent is found, you will enter your own Hellgate. The matchmaking criteria grow wider with time, until eventually another team enters your Hellgate or you enter theirs.
    • Hellgates use an Infamy system similar to Corrupted Dungeons, with higher Infamy increasing rewards earned
      • Each Hellgate type (2v2, 5v5, 10v10) has its own Infamy progression.
      • Opponents are found based of the average infamy from both teams.
  • To complete a Hellgate, you can kill mobs until an Infamy threshold is reached. Depending on which Hellgate layout you are in, you will find different mobs and minibosses, and occasionally a boss with huge rewards. If another party enters the Hellgate, all mobs (other than those guarding chests or shrines) will disappear.
  • Once two teams are in the same map, a rising lava mechanic will occur:
    • After sufficient time passes, lava appears at the edge of the map and moves towards the center,
    • The first part of the lava is a warning zone that causes less damage, the second part of the lava causes drastically more damage,
    • To avoid a stun/CC combo, players will become immune to crowd control effects once they have been in the lava for a short time,
    • The lava pauses after enclosing a final area at the center,
      • Lava has “instances”, 1st instace starts 1:30 minutes after finding a team that covers 30% of the map, after this it will do a new instance every 2 minutes that will cover 20% more, after 9:50 minutes the map will be completly covered.
    • If more time passes without a winner, the lava starts encroaching again until only one party is left,
    • Defeating an enemy team causes the lava to disappear and completes the Hellgate, allowing your party to continue onward or return to the Open World.

Completing Hellgate

After killing enough demons or defeating an opposing party, your Hellgate will be complete and a marker will appear on your minimap. If you kill an enemy party, you will be rewarded with an additional chest. Here you will find an exit portal and another entry gate. The portal will bring you back to the surface, while the gate lets you chain into a new Hellgate if you meet the same IP and group size requirements as before.

Item Power Caps

Hellgate Type Minimum IP requirement IP Cap
2v2 (Non-Lethal) 800 900 (Soft Cap – 90%)
2v2 (Lethal) 900 1100 (Soft Cap – 80%)
5v5 (Non-Lethal) 800 900 (Soft Cap – 90%)
5v5 (Lethal) 1000 1200 (Soft Cap – 65%)
10v10 (Non-Lethal) 800 900 (Soft Cap – 90%)
10v10 (Lethal) 1000 1200 (Soft Cap – 65%)

Example: A player with 1000 IP goes into a 2v2 Non-Lethal Hellgate. Their IP gets reduced to 900 + (0.1 * 100) = 910 IP.

Other Details

Only 2 teams may enter a single Hellgate and the portals will be located in different maps. Hellgates have a very high chance of PvP and are unique in Albion because they are the only activity that is both PvP and PvE oriented. The final bosses in 10v10s, 5v5s and chests in 2v2s drop Black Market loot. The team that survives will not only get the loot from the boss but will also the gear of the opposing team.

Patch Link Date Patch Name Patch Notes
Version 22.080.1 8 May 2023 Knightfall Midseason Patch (Beyond the Veil Patch 8 and Hotfix 1, 2) Caches

While we’ve wanted to add more item loot to Mob Camps, traditional delivery methods don’t create the type of gameplay we’re looking for. If a chest spawns early, whoever gets there first wins. If it spawns late, we create a “King of the Hill” scenario until the chest spawns. While some may prefer this, Treasure Chests already serve this purpose, and this gets away from what Mob Camps are supposed to be: PvE objectives that can be completed at any time, versus demanding immediate attention.

To solve this, Caches can now be found in all Mob Camps:

  • After completing a Mob Camp, a Cache unlocks that is lootable only by the player that generated it. They are thus “instanced” treasure chests, with each player having their own reward pool. Rarity is also instanced, so a given Cache may be rare for one player but legendary for another.
  • As Mob Camps are completed relatively quickly, the loot is also distributed in a nontraditional fashion. The most common “Green” Caches contain nontradable Fame. This scales with the lethality, tier, and rarity of the Mists you’re in, but does not scale with the Cache’s rarity, to give as much Fame as possible to common Caches.
  • More importantly, however, this can significantly improve the item loot of blue, purple, and legendary Caches – all of which can potentially be found in any Mob Camp.
Version 22.080.1 8 May 2023 Knightfall Midseason Patch (Beyond the Veil Patch 8 and Hotfix 1, 2) Coffers

Treasure Chests within the Mists are a great way to bring players together to fight for loot. However, they fail to bring smaller groups together, they don’t encourage newer players to compete, and they don’t offer conflict-averse players a chance to swipe the loot before others arrive.

For this reason, we’ve created Coffers that can be found throughout the Mists:

  • Coffers work exactly like other Open World Treasures, with one exception: they only reveal their location to nearby players.
  • While these chests are worth less than Treasures that broadcast their location to the entire map, they spawn much more frequently than the larger chests.
Version 21.000.1 21 November 2022 Beyond the Veil Update Diminishing Returns have been reworked for knockbacks and knocking enemies into the air, to prevent players being stun-locked by repeated knock-ups:

  • Knocking enemies into the air is now affected by Diminishing Returns
  • Knocking enemies into the air now counts as knockback for DR, with individual adjustments applied to various abilities
  • Knockback DR Factor: 0.04 → 0.08
  • Knockback DR Time: 15s → 10s
Version 20.070.1 5 October 2022 Into the Fray Patch 7 In 2v2 Hellgates, teams employing a healer have generally stood much higher chances against teams without a healer. Having 2v2 Hellgates so reliant on healers has limited the amount of players that can enjoy this content, however, so to open up the possibilities of more comps without healers the overall Healing Output in 2v2 Hellgates has been reduced. Note that, as shields scale with Healing, this change also reduces the impact of other sustain comps that rely on shielding.

  • 2v2 Hellgates:
    • Healing Reduction: 10% → 20%
Version 20.060.1 14 September 2022 Into the Fray Patch 6
  • 2v2 Hellgates:
    • Might Requirement Increase per Level: 5,000 → 4,000
  • 5v5 Hellgates:
    • Might Requirement Increase per Level: 7,000 → 5,000
  • Version 20.000.1 8 June 2022 Into the Fray Update
    • Added collision blocker behind chests in Hellgates to prevent dead players from blocking looting
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Previously, immunity to certain debuffs was set up such that triggered effects intended to ignore immunity did not. This has been reworked to allow certain unique systems to overlook immunity. Examples:

    • When using a portal invisibility shrine after being force-dismounted, the immunity to Silence was canceling the Silence aspect of the shrine. Since shrines are triggered by the player, the Silence effect now ignores the immunity.
    • When the Smart Cluster Queue activated after a forced dismount, the Stun effect of being moved to a different zone was ignored. The Smart Cluster Queue Stun effect now always applies to players moved via this system.
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Hostile Dismount status now prevents looting of killed hostile players. Additionally, players must now dismount before looting a killed player. This change was made for two reasons:

    • To require a greater commitment to potential PvP while looting in combat situations, bringing greater risk to a previously easy reward
    • To prevent players from accidentally losing their shield bubble when clicking on a corpse, which is often used to bait less experienced players into being easily attackable
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Increased Might and Favor granted by various activities:

    • Might and Favor acquired through Gathering/Fishing (Outlands and Roads): + ~31%
    • Might and Favor acquired through PvE (Outlands and Roads): + ~23%
    • Might and Favor from Crystal Spiders: +5%
    • Might and Favor from Siphoning Mages: +10%
    • Might and Favor from winning in Corrupted Dungeons: +20%
    • Might and Favor from Hellgates: +15%

    For a complete list of changes to Might and Favor, along with Might Levels, see this forum post: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/160789/

    Version 19.040.1 26 January 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 4
    • Fixed a rare Hellgate bug where teammates lost party status and became attackable
    Version 18.090.1 28 July 2021 Call to Arms Patch 9
    • Zones must still be overcrowded for a minimum duration before they can be skipped, which resets regularly
    • However, if the zone becomes uncrowded for a brief time it no longer resets the counter
    • Also reduced personal cooldown for zone skipping: 125s → 60s
    • Overall, this should reduce wait times for zone skipping
    Version 18.080.1 30 June 2021 Call to Arms Patch 8 (Season 13 Patch)
    • PvE Rewards in Lethal Hellgates increased:
      • 2v2: +10%
      • 5v5: +20%
      • 10v10: +30%
    • Elite Dungeons: Avalonian Mages are no longer visible on the minimap
    Version 18.070.1 16 June 2021 Call to Arms Patch 7 (Season 13 Patch)
    • Corpses can no longer be looted while a Hellgate PvP match is active
    • Deaths due to lava damage in Hellgates grant the other team PvP Fame
    Version 18.060.1 31 May 2021 Call to Arms Patch 5/6 & Hotfix 6.1
    • Hellgate minibosses now appear on the map so they can easily be identified and killed
    • Changed Hellgate boss icon to better distinguish it from minibosses
    • Increased radius at which Hellgate PvP chests despawn if player corpses are under or near it (chest must still be fully looted before despawn)
    Version 18.040.1 6 May 2021 Call to Arms Patch 4 (Balance Patch) Hellgate rewards have been greatly increased, and Infamy for Hellgates has been adjusted to scale more quickly, as well as to max out at 50%. Nearly all players will also see an even greater bonus. A very small number of the highest Infamy players may see their bonus percentages slightly decrease, but even in these cases, overall loot will go up significantly.

    • Significantly increased rewards across all non-lethal and lethal Hellgate modes
    • A chest will now always appear at the portal after any Hellgate is completed, either by killing the opposing team or collecting sufficient Infamy from killing mobs
      • These chests can be Common, Uncommon, Rare or Legendary
    • Increased the value of Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary chests in Hellgates
    • Contents of PvP reward chests are now boosted by Infamy, as well as containing the value the non-PvP chest would have contained
    • All Cooldowns (including capes) now reset instantly for both teams when a Hellgate is invaded, and Health and energy are replenished as well
    • Removed delay in matchmaking for chained Hellgates to remove any benefit from waiting in a Hellgate instead of progressing for more loot
    • Knocked-down players on a winning team now get up immediately when the losing team is eliminated
    • Knocked-down players on a losing team are now shielded and get up immediately when removed from a Hellgate
    • Added additional bigger entrance to final combat area in “The Ritual” map to make it more challenging to defend
    Version 18.030.1 19 April 2021 Call to Arms Patch 3
  • Further reduced selectivity of Hellgate matchmaking in 10v10 Hellgates to broaden the range of eligible targets
  • Greatly improved matchmaking for successive chaining of all Hellgate types – this will particularly impact groups with high Infamy values
  • 10v10 Lethal Hellgate Changes:
    • Base IP requirement: 1100 → 1000
    • IP softcap: 1300 → 1200
    • IP multiplier above softcap: 0.5 → 0.35
    • Mob changes:
      • HP of mobs reduced; damage (auto attack / spells) reduced by about 20%
      • Auto attack damage of Demonic Predator reduced by about 31%
      • Damage of Demonic Berserker’s “Raging Onslaught” reduced by about 37%
  • Fame from PvP Reward Chests (all Hellgates):
    • Players that defeat an opposing team in a Hellgate now receive additional Fame in their reward chest
    • The Fame amount is a reward for the time spent in PvP
    • The Fame rewarded scales with Premium, Satchels of Insight, and the zone type bonus, but not with Infamy
    • Fame is split evenly between all group members
  • Slightly adjusted loot tables for reward chests in 5v5 and 10v10 Lethal Hellgates
  • Corrected an issue that caused the Infamy bonus to not display
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Infamy from providing its full bonus in many cases
  • Version 18.020.1 31 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 2 and Hotfix 2.1
    • Added Hellgate Infamy to player stats menu
    • Hellgates: decreased lava speed by 30%
    Version 18.020.1 31 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 2 and Hotfix 2.1
    • Players entering a new Hellgate will now always receive a protection bubble
    Version 18.010.1 25 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 1
    • Reduced selectivity of Hellgate matchmaking to provide a wider breadth of available matches to high infamy teams. (We’ll continue to monitor the Hellgate matchmaking to find a balance between frequency and quality of matches.)
    • Lethal 10v10 Hellgate Entrance Base Item Power Requirement: 1200 → 1100
    • Duration that Hellgate entrances revealed by Hellgate Maps persist on world / zone map: 60 minutes → 20 minutes
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update
    • Players can no longer be debuffed to the point where Healing Output is entirely nullified:
      • Minimum Value of Healing Received Bonus: -70%
      • Minimum Value of Healing Cast Bonus: -70%
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update
    • Instanced areas (i.e. Hideouts) and tunnel zones are now included in the queue functionality, meaning players can now skip overcrowded zones outside their Hideouts and can skip into tunnel zones
    • Cluster Skipping is now possible when relogging into an overcrowded cluster
    • The Smart Cluster Queue now also activates in all Royal Continent zones:
      • This change makes large-scale Faction Warfare battles possible on the Royal Continent
      • Each Faction counts as its own contingent
      • Cluster Access Priority settings do NOT impact Faction-flagged players
      • The queue assigns at least 50 spots per Faction, even if they are vastly outnumbered
      • 50 spots are also reserved for non-Faction-flagged players, to prevent Faction players from completely blocking zones for other players
    • Improved the UI for cluster skipping:
      • Now all available zones are immediately selectable
      • Opening the world map will no longer cancel cluster selection
      • The cluster selection screen now provides more info about the cluster:
        • Tier and danger level (i.e. red or yellow) of the target cluster
        • Distance to the selected cluster (i.e. how many zones will be jumped)
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update The mechanics, appearance, and variety of Hellgates have been completely revamped:

    • 10v10 Hellgates have been added alongside the existing 2v2 and 5v5 Hellgates
    • Finding and entering a Hellgate has changed:
      • All sizes of Hellgate Entrance now have item power and group size requirements
      • Hellgates are now opened via Hellgate Maps, which can be used to reveal the Hellgate location in an adjoining zone, similar to Dungeon Maps:
        • Roads of Avalon (zones that allow Hideouts only): all types of maps can be used
        • Outlands: all types of maps can be used
        • Blue Zone (Tier 4): only 2v2 non-lethal Hellgate maps
        • Yellow Zone  (Tier 5): all non-lethal Hellgate maps
        • Red Zone (Tier 6+): all lethal Hellgate maps
      • Permanent Hellgate entrance locations in the open world have been removed (2v2 Hellgate entrances still spawn at random extremely rarely, but do not appear on zone maps)
      • Hellgate Maps can either be found as open-world drops or crafted at the Artifact Foundry
      • In 2v2 Hellgates only, players now have a debuff that reduces all Healing Cast by 10%
    • Hellgate interiors have been completely updated with 10 all-new designs, each with unique terrain, environmental/architectural features, and mob layouts
    • The ten Hellgate layouts exist for all group sizes and are selected at random, though some occur more rarely
    • A new “rising lava” mechanic forces PvP fights into the center of the zone after a certain amount of time
    • Hellgate mobs are more varied, and are based on the demonic enemies in Corrupted Dungeons
    • In addition to returning to the surface after completing a Hellgate, groups can now “chain” directly into a new Hellgate
    • Hellgates now use an Infamy system similar to Corrupted Dungeons, with higher Infamy increasing rewards earned
      • Each Hellgate type (2v2, 5v5, 10v10) has its own Infamy progression
    Version 1.17.410.184451 2 February 2021 Rise of Avalon Patch 13 (Balance Patch) Consumable items that commonly collect in large stacks can now be used in a single click via the new Use All Button in the item UI.

    • Stacks of Silver Bags will be consumed instantly and grant you the full amount of Silver
    • Tomes of Insight and chests use a channeled spell, meaning the items are still consumed individually and the channel can be canceled at any point.
    • The following items now have a “Use All” option:
      • All Silver Bags
      • All Tomes of Insight
      • All Reward Chests (will display an additional window showing accumulated loot): Adventurer’s Challenge Chests, Crystal League Chests, etc.
    Version 1.17.406.182620 13 January 2021 Rise of Avalon Patch 12 Smart Cluster Queue

    • Updated deactivation conditions: the queue can now be deactivated in the middle of an update cycle if player numbers allow
    • Players will no longer be able to skip overcrowded clusters within the first 2 minutes of queue activation
    Version 1.17.406.181307 10 December 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 11
  • Skip Overcrowded Cluster Cooldown: 30s → 125s
  • Version 1.17.406.179120 16 November 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 9
    • AoE Escalation:
      • 2 Targets = 8% → 5%
      • 3 Targets = 16% → 10%
      • 4 Targets = 24% → 15%
      • 5 Targets = 32% → 20%
      • 6 Targets = 40% → 25%
      • 7 Targets = 40% → 30%
      • 8 Targets = 40% → 35%
      • 9+ Targets: remains at 40%
    Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1 The following changes give players more control over how they set up armies for the queue. Player sorting is now done on a per-party level, meaning the system will attempt to keep existing parties together:

    • Party leaders can now assign a Party Cluster Access Priority for their party as well as for individual members in the Cluster Access Priority UI (accessed via the party leader’s player context menu)
    • Priority Access determines the order in which parties will enter an overcrowded cluster
    • This gives alliances more control over which forces are moved into the cluster and keeps party structures intact
    • The Preferred Cluster Access Guild Right has been removed
    • The queue now moves players from a single contingent either in or out during a given cycle, so players of the same contingent no longer replace each other
    Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1
  • AoE Escalation:
    • Escalation now increases by 8% for each additional target hit and caps at 40% extra damage:
      • 2 Targets hit = 8%
      • 3 Targets hit = 16%
      • 4 Targets hit = 24%
      • 5 Targets hit = 32%
      • 6+ Targets hit = 40%
  • Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1 New Disarray parameters ensure the ZvZ meta plays out in a similar way across a wide range of fight sizes, while still offering smaller groups protection from large armies:

    • Disarray is no longer a flat debuff
    • Instead, it reduces damage output and CC Duration when attacking targets with a lower Disarray level
    • Against targets with the same or higher Disarray level, Disarray has no impact on your stats
    • Damage reduction depends on the difference of Disarray levels between attacker and target – the higher the difference, the greater the effect
    • Increased Disarray player cap; debuff now caps at Level 50 for 450 players
    Version 1.17.404.173341 27 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 2
  • Increased overall spawn numbers for Hellgates (2v2 and 5v5) to compensate for increased numbers of Hellgate spawn areas due to Roads of Avalon
  • Version 1.17.404.173341 27 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 2 Disarray (zerg debuff) curve is flattened further and now hard caps at 30% (150 or more players). Example values:

    • 50 Players: Disarray Strength 18%
    • 100 Players: Disarray Strength 28%
    • 150 Players: Disarray Strength: 30% (hard cap)
    Version 1.17.404.172780 19 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 1
  • Corrupted Dungeons and Hellgates now allow swapping of food and potions
  • A minimum distance is now enforced between the owner of a dungeon and an invader’s chosen spawn location
  • Hunter difficulty IP hardcap has been changed to a softcap (10% effective IP over 900) as intended
  • Decreased HP of Bewildered Heretic Brawler over all tiers by 7%:
    • Tier 5: 1519 → 1413
    • Tier 6: 1806 → 1680
    • Tier 7: 2253 → 2097
  • Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • AoE Escalation max bonus: 100% → 70%
    • Maximum Ability Damage Increase from buffs: +150% → +100%
    Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • Hellgates: Lava Bomb is now categorized as a Damage spell (previously CC) – this may slightly alter how some builds are affected by the ability. Creatures that use this ability:
      • Veteran Fiendish Overlord
      • Veteran Vicious Overlord
      • Vicious Overlord
      • Sadistic Overlord
    Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • Adjusted Hellgate matchmaking settings to make them more resistant to manipulation
    Version 1.16.396.170737 15 July 2020 Queen Patch 16
    • Damage taken from Hellgate Warden and Gatekeeper spells can no longer be reflected
    Version 1.16.396.168823 22 June 2020 Queen Patch 14 and Hotfix 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 Healing Sickness (2 sources of Healing)

    • The penalty for receiving Healing from 2 sources has been increased:
      • Reduction in Healing Received: 30% → 35.3%
    Version 1.16.396.167506 4 June 2020 Queen Patch 13 and Hotfix 13.1 Additionally, the effects of Disarray, AKA the zerg debuff, no longer accelerate as quickly with higher player numbers. The new debuff thresholds can be seen in the chart below.

    As a reminder, the following 3 attributes are affected by the debuff:

    • Bonus Damage vs. Players
    • CC Duration vs. Players
    • Received Healing
    Version 1.16.396.167506 4 June 2020 Queen Patch 13 and Hotfix 13.1 Players waiting to enter a cluster via the Smart Cluster Queue now also add to the total Disarray headcount in the cluster for which they are queueing. For example:

    • Alliance X has 100 players in Cluster A
    • Alliance X also has 80 players in Cluster B, 50 of whom are waiting to enter Cluster A via the Smart Cluster Queue
    • All Alliance X players in Cluster A would receive a Disarray debuff based on 150 players (100 in cluster + 50 in queue)
    • All Alliance X players in Cluster B would receive a Disarray debuff based only on the 80 players in the cluster
    Version 1.16.396.165550 5 May 2020 Queen Patch 11 (Season 9 Patch) and Hotfixes 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
  • Item durability loss now scales based on the number of players who attacked the victim. This change will only apply in areas where player vs player combat is lethal, and does not apply in the following cases:
    • When all players involved in the kill are faction flagged
    • During Crystal League Battles
    • In Hellgates
  • The chart below shows the increase in durability loss per additional attacker. (Note: items with durability loss are not destroyed, but are also not usable until they are repaired.)
  • Version 1.16.396.165550 5 May 2020 Queen Patch 11 (Season 9 Patch) and Hotfixes 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 The following adjustments affect guilds and alliances that own 10 or more territories in the first case, and 20 or more in the second.

    Siphoned Energy Drain:

    The penalty still starts at 10 Territories, but now increases in increments of 3%:

    • 10 Territories – 3% less total Siphoned Energy
    • 11 Territories – 6% less total Siphoned Energy
    • 12 Territories – 9% less total Siphoned Energy, etc.

    Fame and Silver Penalty:

    The penalty now starts at 20 Territories and increases by 1% per additional territory:

    • 20 Territories – 1% reduction in Silver and Fame earned from open-world PvE and activities
    • 21 Territories – 2% Penalty
    • 22 Territories – 3% Penalty, etc.
    Version 1.16.393.161872 11 March 2020 Queen Patch 7 Following up on the community’s feedback, we have reworked the loot in randomized dungeon chests according to the following principles:

    • T6 chests have been largely reverted to the status that they had on Queen’s launch as these chests were very popular with the player base.
    • We have used the old T6 chest balancing as a baseline and set up T7 and T8 chests as strictly better versions of them.
    • T7 chests no longer contain T4 loot and have higher drop chances for T7 and T8 loot than T6 chests
    • T8 chests no longer contain T4 and T5 loot, and have much higher drop chances for T7 and T8 loot than T6 chests.

    We hope that these changes will significantly improve the loot experience in the game.

    Version 1.16.393.161872 11 March 2020 Queen Patch 7
    • All players within an alliance will receive reduced Silver and Fame income if the alliance holds 10 or more territories (excluding Castles and Castle Outposts)
    • This also applies to players in guilds without an alliance, if their guild holds 10 or more territories
    • This penalty applies to all Fame gained from gathering and PvE and all Silver gained from mob drops and downed players
    • This penalty starts at 1% with the 10th territory and increases by 1% per additional territory
    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6 Introduced a feature that will delay players from leaving a Hideout set as “Home” after respawning there multiple times. The effect has a 10-minute cooldown, meaning after 10 minutes without dying and respawning in a Hideout the counter returns to zero.

    Time penalties:

    • First Respawn: no penalty
    • Second Respawn: 30 seconds
    • Third Respawn: 60 seconds
    • Fourth Respawn: 120 seconds
    • Fifth Respawn or more: 240 seconds

    This is intended to prevent overuse of repeated-suicide defense strategies when defending Hideouts.

    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6 Items without a durability stat will no longer be destroyed upon knockdown.

    Previously, the following behavior occurred:

    • Items with durability: 5% durability loss
    • Items without durability: 10% destruction chance

    After Patch 6:

    • Items with durability: 5% durability loss (no change)
    • Items without durability: immune to destruction

    This change is intended to help introduce newer players to combat without item loss (i.e. in yellow zones), and to avoid situations where players were confused about what happened to items. It should also improve the overall loot experience in Elite Dungeons, where a large percent of loot was previously destroyed by being knocked down repeatedly.

    Item destruction rate and durability loss rate upon death (killed by another player, suicide, etc.) are not affected by this change.

    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6
    • Patch 5 introduced a 3-day cooldown for leaving and rejoining the same alliance. (This existed alongside the 7-day cooldown on joining a new alliance that was already in the game.)
    • With today’s patch, the duration of this cooldown has been updated:
      • Alliance Rejoin Cooldown: 3 Days → 7 Days
    Version 1.16.393.160869 26 February 2020 Queen Patch 5
    • Minimum Item Power: 800 → 700
    • This reduces the Smart Cluster Queue’s emphasis on high IP gear
    Version 1.16.393.159852 12 February 2020 Queen Patch 3 Items and Silver gained are now tracked separately in the combat log:

    • “Loot” channel now only displays items when picked up
    • New “Silver” channel created
    • Both can be enabled or disabled as desired
    Version 1.16.392.159212 5 February 2020 Queen Patch 2 Increased the availability of Hellgates in the Outlands as follows:

    • Outlands Greater (5v5) Hellgate:
      • Gatekeeper Respawn time: 15min → 10min
      • Max number of Spawns per cycle: 80 → 100
    • Outlands Lesser (2v2) Hellgate:
      • Gatekeeper Respawn time: 8min → 6min
      • Max number of Spawns per cycle: 80 → 100
    Version 1.16.392.158262 20 January 2020 Queen Update Item Power progression has been streamlined and simplified, and now increases in a linear manner. More details: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/121085

    In addition, Mastery Modifiers have been added to the Mastery Bonuses of high-tier equipment:

    • 5% on all T5 items
    • 10% on all T6 items
    • 15% on all T7 items
    • 20% on all T8 items

    This bonus applies to all Armors, Weapons, and Offhands, and includes IP bonuses from basic Specializations as well as advanced Masteries. Enchanted gear will be calculated at the level of its base tier, i.e. T5.0 through T5.3 all receive the same 5% bonus.

    Sample case: if you get an additional 100 IP from your Destiny Board Masteries for swords, using a Tier 6.2 Sword will give you a 10% additional boost to that Mastery bonus, for a total bonus of 110 IP.

    … further results

    Based on Hellgate rework.

    Patch Link Date Patch Name Patch Notes
    Version 22.080.1 8 May 2023 Knightfall Midseason Patch (Beyond the Veil Patch 8 and Hotfix 1, 2) Caches

    While we’ve wanted to add more item loot to Mob Camps, traditional delivery methods don’t create the type of gameplay we’re looking for. If a chest spawns early, whoever gets there first wins. If it spawns late, we create a “King of the Hill” scenario until the chest spawns. While some may prefer this, Treasure Chests already serve this purpose, and this gets away from what Mob Camps are supposed to be: PvE objectives that can be completed at any time, versus demanding immediate attention.

    To solve this, Caches can now be found in all Mob Camps:

    • After completing a Mob Camp, a Cache unlocks that is lootable only by the player that generated it. They are thus “instanced” treasure chests, with each player having their own reward pool. Rarity is also instanced, so a given Cache may be rare for one player but legendary for another.
    • As Mob Camps are completed relatively quickly, the loot is also distributed in a nontraditional fashion. The most common “Green” Caches contain nontradable Fame. This scales with the lethality, tier, and rarity of the Mists you’re in, but does not scale with the Cache’s rarity, to give as much Fame as possible to common Caches.
    • More importantly, however, this can significantly improve the item loot of blue, purple, and legendary Caches – all of which can potentially be found in any Mob Camp.
    Version 22.080.1 8 May 2023 Knightfall Midseason Patch (Beyond the Veil Patch 8 and Hotfix 1, 2) Coffers

    Treasure Chests within the Mists are a great way to bring players together to fight for loot. However, they fail to bring smaller groups together, they don’t encourage newer players to compete, and they don’t offer conflict-averse players a chance to swipe the loot before others arrive.

    For this reason, we’ve created Coffers that can be found throughout the Mists:

    • Coffers work exactly like other Open World Treasures, with one exception: they only reveal their location to nearby players.
    • While these chests are worth less than Treasures that broadcast their location to the entire map, they spawn much more frequently than the larger chests.
    Version 21.000.1 21 November 2022 Beyond the Veil Update Diminishing Returns have been reworked for knockbacks and knocking enemies into the air, to prevent players being stun-locked by repeated knock-ups:

    • Knocking enemies into the air is now affected by Diminishing Returns
    • Knocking enemies into the air now counts as knockback for DR, with individual adjustments applied to various abilities
    • Knockback DR Factor: 0.04 → 0.08
    • Knockback DR Time: 15s → 10s
    Version 20.070.1 5 October 2022 Into the Fray Patch 7 In 2v2 Hellgates, teams employing a healer have generally stood much higher chances against teams without a healer. Having 2v2 Hellgates so reliant on healers has limited the amount of players that can enjoy this content, however, so to open up the possibilities of more comps without healers the overall Healing Output in 2v2 Hellgates has been reduced. Note that, as shields scale with Healing, this change also reduces the impact of other sustain comps that rely on shielding.

    • 2v2 Hellgates:
      • Healing Reduction: 10% → 20%
    Version 20.060.1 14 September 2022 Into the Fray Patch 6
  • 2v2 Hellgates:
    • Might Requirement Increase per Level: 5,000 → 4,000
  • 5v5 Hellgates:
    • Might Requirement Increase per Level: 7,000 → 5,000
  • Version 20.000.1 8 June 2022 Into the Fray Update
    • Added collision blocker behind chests in Hellgates to prevent dead players from blocking looting
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Previously, immunity to certain debuffs was set up such that triggered effects intended to ignore immunity did not. This has been reworked to allow certain unique systems to overlook immunity. Examples:

    • When using a portal invisibility shrine after being force-dismounted, the immunity to Silence was canceling the Silence aspect of the shrine. Since shrines are triggered by the player, the Silence effect now ignores the immunity.
    • When the Smart Cluster Queue activated after a forced dismount, the Stun effect of being moved to a different zone was ignored. The Smart Cluster Queue Stun effect now always applies to players moved via this system.
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Hostile Dismount status now prevents looting of killed hostile players. Additionally, players must now dismount before looting a killed player. This change was made for two reasons:

    • To require a greater commitment to potential PvP while looting in combat situations, bringing greater risk to a previously easy reward
    • To prevent players from accidentally losing their shield bubble when clicking on a corpse, which is often used to bait less experienced players into being easily attackable
    Version 19.060.1 2 March 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 6 Increased Might and Favor granted by various activities:

    • Might and Favor acquired through Gathering/Fishing (Outlands and Roads): + ~31%
    • Might and Favor acquired through PvE (Outlands and Roads): + ~23%
    • Might and Favor from Crystal Spiders: +5%
    • Might and Favor from Siphoning Mages: +10%
    • Might and Favor from winning in Corrupted Dungeons: +20%
    • Might and Favor from Hellgates: +15%

    For a complete list of changes to Might and Favor, along with Might Levels, see this forum post: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/160789/

    Version 19.040.1 26 January 2022 Lands Awakened Patch 4
    • Fixed a rare Hellgate bug where teammates lost party status and became attackable
    Version 18.090.1 28 July 2021 Call to Arms Patch 9
    • Zones must still be overcrowded for a minimum duration before they can be skipped, which resets regularly
    • However, if the zone becomes uncrowded for a brief time it no longer resets the counter
    • Also reduced personal cooldown for zone skipping: 125s → 60s
    • Overall, this should reduce wait times for zone skipping
    Version 18.080.1 30 June 2021 Call to Arms Patch 8 (Season 13 Patch)
    • PvE Rewards in Lethal Hellgates increased:
      • 2v2: +10%
      • 5v5: +20%
      • 10v10: +30%
    • Elite Dungeons: Avalonian Mages are no longer visible on the minimap
    Version 18.070.1 16 June 2021 Call to Arms Patch 7 (Season 13 Patch)
    • Corpses can no longer be looted while a Hellgate PvP match is active
    • Deaths due to lava damage in Hellgates grant the other team PvP Fame
    Version 18.060.1 31 May 2021 Call to Arms Patch 5/6 & Hotfix 6.1
    • Hellgate minibosses now appear on the map so they can easily be identified and killed
    • Changed Hellgate boss icon to better distinguish it from minibosses
    • Increased radius at which Hellgate PvP chests despawn if player corpses are under or near it (chest must still be fully looted before despawn)
    Version 18.040.1 6 May 2021 Call to Arms Patch 4 (Balance Patch) Hellgate rewards have been greatly increased, and Infamy for Hellgates has been adjusted to scale more quickly, as well as to max out at 50%. Nearly all players will also see an even greater bonus. A very small number of the highest Infamy players may see their bonus percentages slightly decrease, but even in these cases, overall loot will go up significantly.

    • Significantly increased rewards across all non-lethal and lethal Hellgate modes
    • A chest will now always appear at the portal after any Hellgate is completed, either by killing the opposing team or collecting sufficient Infamy from killing mobs
      • These chests can be Common, Uncommon, Rare or Legendary
    • Increased the value of Uncommon, Rare, and Legendary chests in Hellgates
    • Contents of PvP reward chests are now boosted by Infamy, as well as containing the value the non-PvP chest would have contained
    • All Cooldowns (including capes) now reset instantly for both teams when a Hellgate is invaded, and Health and energy are replenished as well
    • Removed delay in matchmaking for chained Hellgates to remove any benefit from waiting in a Hellgate instead of progressing for more loot
    • Knocked-down players on a winning team now get up immediately when the losing team is eliminated
    • Knocked-down players on a losing team are now shielded and get up immediately when removed from a Hellgate
    • Added additional bigger entrance to final combat area in “The Ritual” map to make it more challenging to defend
    Version 18.030.1 19 April 2021 Call to Arms Patch 3
  • Further reduced selectivity of Hellgate matchmaking in 10v10 Hellgates to broaden the range of eligible targets
  • Greatly improved matchmaking for successive chaining of all Hellgate types – this will particularly impact groups with high Infamy values
  • 10v10 Lethal Hellgate Changes:
    • Base IP requirement: 1100 → 1000
    • IP softcap: 1300 → 1200
    • IP multiplier above softcap: 0.5 → 0.35
    • Mob changes:
      • HP of mobs reduced; damage (auto attack / spells) reduced by about 20%
      • Auto attack damage of Demonic Predator reduced by about 31%
      • Damage of Demonic Berserker’s “Raging Onslaught” reduced by about 37%
  • Fame from PvP Reward Chests (all Hellgates):
    • Players that defeat an opposing team in a Hellgate now receive additional Fame in their reward chest
    • The Fame amount is a reward for the time spent in PvP
    • The Fame rewarded scales with Premium, Satchels of Insight, and the zone type bonus, but not with Infamy
    • Fame is split evenly between all group members
  • Slightly adjusted loot tables for reward chests in 5v5 and 10v10 Lethal Hellgates
  • Corrected an issue that caused the Infamy bonus to not display
  • Resolved an issue that prevented Infamy from providing its full bonus in many cases
  • Version 18.020.1 31 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 2 and Hotfix 2.1
    • Added Hellgate Infamy to player stats menu
    • Hellgates: decreased lava speed by 30%
    Version 18.020.1 31 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 2 and Hotfix 2.1
    • Players entering a new Hellgate will now always receive a protection bubble
    Version 18.010.1 25 March 2021 Call to Arms Patch 1
    • Reduced selectivity of Hellgate matchmaking to provide a wider breadth of available matches to high infamy teams. (We’ll continue to monitor the Hellgate matchmaking to find a balance between frequency and quality of matches.)
    • Lethal 10v10 Hellgate Entrance Base Item Power Requirement: 1200 → 1100
    • Duration that Hellgate entrances revealed by Hellgate Maps persist on world / zone map: 60 minutes → 20 minutes
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update
    • Players can no longer be debuffed to the point where Healing Output is entirely nullified:
      • Minimum Value of Healing Received Bonus: -70%
      • Minimum Value of Healing Cast Bonus: -70%
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update
    • Instanced areas (i.e. Hideouts) and tunnel zones are now included in the queue functionality, meaning players can now skip overcrowded zones outside their Hideouts and can skip into tunnel zones
    • Cluster Skipping is now possible when relogging into an overcrowded cluster
    • The Smart Cluster Queue now also activates in all Royal Continent zones:
      • This change makes large-scale Faction Warfare battles possible on the Royal Continent
      • Each Faction counts as its own contingent
      • Cluster Access Priority settings do NOT impact Faction-flagged players
      • The queue assigns at least 50 spots per Faction, even if they are vastly outnumbered
      • 50 spots are also reserved for non-Faction-flagged players, to prevent Faction players from completely blocking zones for other players
    • Improved the UI for cluster skipping:
      • Now all available zones are immediately selectable
      • Opening the world map will no longer cancel cluster selection
      • The cluster selection screen now provides more info about the cluster:
        • Tier and danger level (i.e. red or yellow) of the target cluster
        • Distance to the selected cluster (i.e. how many zones will be jumped)
    Version 18.000.1 17 March 2021 Call to Arms Update The mechanics, appearance, and variety of Hellgates have been completely revamped:

    • 10v10 Hellgates have been added alongside the existing 2v2 and 5v5 Hellgates
    • Finding and entering a Hellgate has changed:
      • All sizes of Hellgate Entrance now have item power and group size requirements
      • Hellgates are now opened via Hellgate Maps, which can be used to reveal the Hellgate location in an adjoining zone, similar to Dungeon Maps:
        • Roads of Avalon (zones that allow Hideouts only): all types of maps can be used
        • Outlands: all types of maps can be used
        • Blue Zone (Tier 4): only 2v2 non-lethal Hellgate maps
        • Yellow Zone  (Tier 5): all non-lethal Hellgate maps
        • Red Zone (Tier 6+): all lethal Hellgate maps
      • Permanent Hellgate entrance locations in the open world have been removed (2v2 Hellgate entrances still spawn at random extremely rarely, but do not appear on zone maps)
      • Hellgate Maps can either be found as open-world drops or crafted at the Artifact Foundry
      • In 2v2 Hellgates only, players now have a debuff that reduces all Healing Cast by 10%
    • Hellgate interiors have been completely updated with 10 all-new designs, each with unique terrain, environmental/architectural features, and mob layouts
    • The ten Hellgate layouts exist for all group sizes and are selected at random, though some occur more rarely
    • A new “rising lava” mechanic forces PvP fights into the center of the zone after a certain amount of time
    • Hellgate mobs are more varied, and are based on the demonic enemies in Corrupted Dungeons
    • In addition to returning to the surface after completing a Hellgate, groups can now “chain” directly into a new Hellgate
    • Hellgates now use an Infamy system similar to Corrupted Dungeons, with higher Infamy increasing rewards earned
      • Each Hellgate type (2v2, 5v5, 10v10) has its own Infamy progression
    Version 1.17.410.184451 2 February 2021 Rise of Avalon Patch 13 (Balance Patch) Consumable items that commonly collect in large stacks can now be used in a single click via the new Use All Button in the item UI.

    • Stacks of Silver Bags will be consumed instantly and grant you the full amount of Silver
    • Tomes of Insight and chests use a channeled spell, meaning the items are still consumed individually and the channel can be canceled at any point.
    • The following items now have a “Use All” option:
      • All Silver Bags
      • All Tomes of Insight
      • All Reward Chests (will display an additional window showing accumulated loot): Adventurer’s Challenge Chests, Crystal League Chests, etc.
    Version 1.17.406.182620 13 January 2021 Rise of Avalon Patch 12 Smart Cluster Queue

    • Updated deactivation conditions: the queue can now be deactivated in the middle of an update cycle if player numbers allow
    • Players will no longer be able to skip overcrowded clusters within the first 2 minutes of queue activation
    Version 1.17.406.181307 10 December 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 11
  • Skip Overcrowded Cluster Cooldown: 30s → 125s
  • Version 1.17.406.179120 16 November 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 9
    • AoE Escalation:
      • 2 Targets = 8% → 5%
      • 3 Targets = 16% → 10%
      • 4 Targets = 24% → 15%
      • 5 Targets = 32% → 20%
      • 6 Targets = 40% → 25%
      • 7 Targets = 40% → 30%
      • 8 Targets = 40% → 35%
      • 9+ Targets: remains at 40%
    Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1 The following changes give players more control over how they set up armies for the queue. Player sorting is now done on a per-party level, meaning the system will attempt to keep existing parties together:

    • Party leaders can now assign a Party Cluster Access Priority for their party as well as for individual members in the Cluster Access Priority UI (accessed via the party leader’s player context menu)
    • Priority Access determines the order in which parties will enter an overcrowded cluster
    • This gives alliances more control over which forces are moved into the cluster and keeps party structures intact
    • The Preferred Cluster Access Guild Right has been removed
    • The queue now moves players from a single contingent either in or out during a given cycle, so players of the same contingent no longer replace each other
    Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1
  • AoE Escalation:
    • Escalation now increases by 8% for each additional target hit and caps at 40% extra damage:
      • 2 Targets hit = 8%
      • 3 Targets hit = 16%
      • 4 Targets hit = 24%
      • 5 Targets hit = 32%
      • 6+ Targets hit = 40%
  • Version 1.17.406.177096 21 October 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 7 / Brimstone & Mist Midseason Update and Hotfix 7.1 New Disarray parameters ensure the ZvZ meta plays out in a similar way across a wide range of fight sizes, while still offering smaller groups protection from large armies:

    • Disarray is no longer a flat debuff
    • Instead, it reduces damage output and CC Duration when attacking targets with a lower Disarray level
    • Against targets with the same or higher Disarray level, Disarray has no impact on your stats
    • Damage reduction depends on the difference of Disarray levels between attacker and target – the higher the difference, the greater the effect
    • Increased Disarray player cap; debuff now caps at Level 50 for 450 players
    Version 1.17.404.173341 27 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 2
  • Increased overall spawn numbers for Hellgates (2v2 and 5v5) to compensate for increased numbers of Hellgate spawn areas due to Roads of Avalon
  • Version 1.17.404.173341 27 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 2 Disarray (zerg debuff) curve is flattened further and now hard caps at 30% (150 or more players). Example values:

    • 50 Players: Disarray Strength 18%
    • 100 Players: Disarray Strength 28%
    • 150 Players: Disarray Strength: 30% (hard cap)
    Version 1.17.404.172780 19 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Patch 1
  • Corrupted Dungeons and Hellgates now allow swapping of food and potions
  • A minimum distance is now enforced between the owner of a dungeon and an invader’s chosen spawn location
  • Hunter difficulty IP hardcap has been changed to a softcap (10% effective IP over 900) as intended
  • Decreased HP of Bewildered Heretic Brawler over all tiers by 7%:
    • Tier 5: 1519 → 1413
    • Tier 6: 1806 → 1680
    • Tier 7: 2253 → 2097
  • Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • AoE Escalation max bonus: 100% → 70%
    • Maximum Ability Damage Increase from buffs: +150% → +100%
    Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • Hellgates: Lava Bomb is now categorized as a Damage spell (previously CC) – this may slightly alter how some builds are affected by the ability. Creatures that use this ability:
      • Veteran Fiendish Overlord
      • Veteran Vicious Overlord
      • Vicious Overlord
      • Sadistic Overlord
    Version 1.17.403.172369 12 August 2020 Rise of Avalon Update and Hotfix 1, 2
    • Adjusted Hellgate matchmaking settings to make them more resistant to manipulation
    Version 1.16.396.170737 15 July 2020 Queen Patch 16
    • Damage taken from Hellgate Warden and Gatekeeper spells can no longer be reflected
    Version 1.16.396.168823 22 June 2020 Queen Patch 14 and Hotfix 14.1, 14.2, 14.3 Healing Sickness (2 sources of Healing)

    • The penalty for receiving Healing from 2 sources has been increased:
      • Reduction in Healing Received: 30% → 35.3%
    Version 1.16.396.167506 4 June 2020 Queen Patch 13 and Hotfix 13.1 Additionally, the effects of Disarray, AKA the zerg debuff, no longer accelerate as quickly with higher player numbers. The new debuff thresholds can be seen in the chart below.

    As a reminder, the following 3 attributes are affected by the debuff:

    • Bonus Damage vs. Players
    • CC Duration vs. Players
    • Received Healing
    Version 1.16.396.167506 4 June 2020 Queen Patch 13 and Hotfix 13.1 Players waiting to enter a cluster via the Smart Cluster Queue now also add to the total Disarray headcount in the cluster for which they are queueing. For example:

    • Alliance X has 100 players in Cluster A
    • Alliance X also has 80 players in Cluster B, 50 of whom are waiting to enter Cluster A via the Smart Cluster Queue
    • All Alliance X players in Cluster A would receive a Disarray debuff based on 150 players (100 in cluster + 50 in queue)
    • All Alliance X players in Cluster B would receive a Disarray debuff based only on the 80 players in the cluster
    Version 1.16.396.165550 5 May 2020 Queen Patch 11 (Season 9 Patch) and Hotfixes 11.1, 11.2, 11.3
  • Item durability loss now scales based on the number of players who attacked the victim. This change will only apply in areas where player vs player combat is lethal, and does not apply in the following cases:
    • When all players involved in the kill are faction flagged
    • During Crystal League Battles
    • In Hellgates
  • The chart below shows the increase in durability loss per additional attacker. (Note: items with durability loss are not destroyed, but are also not usable until they are repaired.)
  • Version 1.16.396.165550 5 May 2020 Queen Patch 11 (Season 9 Patch) and Hotfixes 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 The following adjustments affect guilds and alliances that own 10 or more territories in the first case, and 20 or more in the second.

    Siphoned Energy Drain:

    The penalty still starts at 10 Territories, but now increases in increments of 3%:

    • 10 Territories – 3% less total Siphoned Energy
    • 11 Territories – 6% less total Siphoned Energy
    • 12 Territories – 9% less total Siphoned Energy, etc.

    Fame and Silver Penalty:

    The penalty now starts at 20 Territories and increases by 1% per additional territory:

    • 20 Territories – 1% reduction in Silver and Fame earned from open-world PvE and activities
    • 21 Territories – 2% Penalty
    • 22 Territories – 3% Penalty, etc.
    Version 1.16.393.161872 11 March 2020 Queen Patch 7 Following up on the community’s feedback, we have reworked the loot in randomized dungeon chests according to the following principles:

    • T6 chests have been largely reverted to the status that they had on Queen’s launch as these chests were very popular with the player base.
    • We have used the old T6 chest balancing as a baseline and set up T7 and T8 chests as strictly better versions of them.
    • T7 chests no longer contain T4 loot and have higher drop chances for T7 and T8 loot than T6 chests
    • T8 chests no longer contain T4 and T5 loot, and have much higher drop chances for T7 and T8 loot than T6 chests.

    We hope that these changes will significantly improve the loot experience in the game.

    Version 1.16.393.161872 11 March 2020 Queen Patch 7
    • All players within an alliance will receive reduced Silver and Fame income if the alliance holds 10 or more territories (excluding Castles and Castle Outposts)
    • This also applies to players in guilds without an alliance, if their guild holds 10 or more territories
    • This penalty applies to all Fame gained from gathering and PvE and all Silver gained from mob drops and downed players
    • This penalty starts at 1% with the 10th territory and increases by 1% per additional territory
    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6 Introduced a feature that will delay players from leaving a Hideout set as “Home” after respawning there multiple times. The effect has a 10-minute cooldown, meaning after 10 minutes without dying and respawning in a Hideout the counter returns to zero.

    Time penalties:

    • First Respawn: no penalty
    • Second Respawn: 30 seconds
    • Third Respawn: 60 seconds
    • Fourth Respawn: 120 seconds
    • Fifth Respawn or more: 240 seconds

    This is intended to prevent overuse of repeated-suicide defense strategies when defending Hideouts.

    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6 Items without a durability stat will no longer be destroyed upon knockdown.

    Previously, the following behavior occurred:

    • Items with durability: 5% durability loss
    • Items without durability: 10% destruction chance

    After Patch 6:

    • Items with durability: 5% durability loss (no change)
    • Items without durability: immune to destruction

    This change is intended to help introduce newer players to combat without item loss (i.e. in yellow zones), and to avoid situations where players were confused about what happened to items. It should also improve the overall loot experience in Elite Dungeons, where a large percent of loot was previously destroyed by being knocked down repeatedly.

    Item destruction rate and durability loss rate upon death (killed by another player, suicide, etc.) are not affected by this change.

    Version 1.16.393.161355 4 March 2020 Queen Patch 6
    • Patch 5 introduced a 3-day cooldown for leaving and rejoining the same alliance. (This existed alongside the 7-day cooldown on joining a new alliance that was already in the game.)
    • With today’s patch, the duration of this cooldown has been updated:
      • Alliance Rejoin Cooldown: 3 Days → 7 Days
    Version 1.16.393.160869 26 February 2020 Queen Patch 5
    • Minimum Item Power: 800 → 700
    • This reduces the Smart Cluster Queue’s emphasis on high IP gear
    Version 1.16.393.159852 12 February 2020 Queen Patch 3 Items and Silver gained are now tracked separately in the combat log:

    • “Loot” channel now only displays items when picked up
    • New “Silver” channel created
    • Both can be enabled or disabled as desired
    Version 1.16.392.159212 5 February 2020 Queen Patch 2 Increased the availability of Hellgates in the Outlands as follows:

    • Outlands Greater (5v5) Hellgate:
      • Gatekeeper Respawn time: 15min → 10min
      • Max number of Spawns per cycle: 80 → 100
    • Outlands Lesser (2v2) Hellgate:
      • Gatekeeper Respawn time: 8min → 6min
      • Max number of Spawns per cycle: 80 → 100
    Version 1.16.392.158262 20 January 2020 Queen Update Item Power progression has been streamlined and simplified, and now increases in a linear manner. More details: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/121085

    In addition, Mastery Modifiers have been added to the Mastery Bonuses of high-tier equipment:

    • 5% on all T5 items
    • 10% on all T6 items
    • 15% on all T7 items
    • 20% on all T8 items

    This bonus applies to all Armors, Weapons, and Offhands, and includes IP bonuses from basic Specializations as well as advanced Masteries. Enchanted gear will be calculated at the level of its base tier, i.e. T5.0 through T5.3 all receive the same 5% bonus.

    Sample case: if you get an additional 100 IP from your Destiny Board Masteries for swords, using a Tier 6.2 Sword will give you a 10% additional boost to that Mastery bonus, for a total bonus of 110 IP.

    … further results

    Обновлено: 20.05.2023

    Обновление “К оружию!” выйдет 17 марта. Наряду с прочими крупными особенностями, наподобие переработки фракционных войн, данное обновление включает в себя полное переосмысление Врат Ада. В нашем новом выпуске Дневника разработчиков дизайнер игры и уровней Доминик Мюллер обсуждает изменения, которые затронут Врата Ада, и стоящие за ними цели.

    Предпочитаете текстовый вариант? Читайте далее.

    Основная особенность Альбиона

    Врата Ада существуют с первых дней игры и служат примером одной из основных концепций Альбиона – жесткого, рискованного PvP с высокими наградами. Чтобы улучшить Врата Ада с точки зрения механики и баланса, открыв их для большего количества игроков, мы сделали следующее:

    • PvE во Вратах Ада стало более увлекательным благодаря большему разнообразию монстров
    • Добавлено огромное количество новых карт, поддерживающих разные стили игры
    • Внедрена система подбора игроков для поиска достойных противников
    • Добавлена новая механика лавы, благодаря которой вы точно попадете в битву
    • Создан совершенно новый режим Врат Ада 10х10, в котором крупные группы сражаются за еще более крупные награды

    Как они работают

    Раньше вход во Врата Ада требовал убийства демона в заранее указанном статическом месте. В новой системе доступ к Вратам Ада осуществляется через карты Врат Ада, которые можно создать в мастерской артефактов, выбить с монстров или купить. Как и карты подземелий, они работают только в зонах, соответствующих типу карты; затем Врата Ада появляются в нескольких зонах, чтобы сохранить возможность столкновения с опасностями во время поиска входа.

    Для входа во Врата Ада требуется следующее:

    • Соответствующая базовая мощность предметов – новая характеристика, учитывающая только тир вашего снаряжения, качество и зачарование, в то же время игнорируя уровни мастерства и специализации, чтобы вам больше не попадались игроки в сверхусиленном снаряжении 4.1
    • Размер группы, соответствующий режиму Врат Ада (2, 5 или 10 игроков)
    • Момент входа во Врата Ада более нельзя прервать нанесением урона, так что остановить противников стало еще сложнее

    Новые карты и монстры

    Оказавшись внутри, вы случайным образом столкнетесь с одной из десяти полностью новых карт Врат Ада. Они отличаются множеством различных особенностей: где-то есть препятствия, на других картах перепады высот, а третьи и вовсе огромные и открытые.

    Подбор игроков основан на среднем уровне бесчестья Врат Ада вашей группы (см. ниже). У вас есть шанс мгновенно присоединиться к Вратам Ада другой группы; если подходящего противника не найдено, вы войдете в свои собственные Врата Ада. Критерии подбора игроков со временем становятся шире, пока, в конце концов, в ваши Врата Ада не войдет другая команда или вы не попадете в их Врата Ада.

    Чтобы пройти Врата Ада, вы можете убивать монстров до тех пор, пока не будет достигнут порог бесчестья. В зависимости от того, на какой карте Врат Ада вы находитесь, вы найдете разнообразных монстров и мини-боссов, а иногда и босса со значительными наградами. Если другая группа войдет во Врата Ада, все монстры (кроме охраняющих сундуки или святилища) исчезнут.

    Как только две команды окажутся на одной карте, начнет действовать новая механика поднимающейся лавы:

    • По прошествии достаточного времени, на краях карты появляется лава, двигающаяся к центру
    • Первая часть лавы – предупреждающая зона, которая наносит меньший урон
    • Вторая часть лавы наносит гораздо больший урон
    • Чтобы избежать меты, при которой вас просто оглушают/контролируют в лаве, игроки становятся невосприимчивы к эффектам контроля на короткое время после того, как побывают в лаве
    • Лава останавливается после того, как закроет последнюю область в центре
    • Если без победителя пройдет больше положенного времени, лава начнет вновь наступать, пока не останется лишь одна группа
    • Уничтожение вражеской команды приведет к тому, что лава исчезнет, а Врата Ада будут пройдены, позволяя вашей группе продолжить двигаться вперед или вернуться на поверхность

    Прохождение Врат Ада

    После убийства достаточного количества демонов или победы над противником, ваши Врата Ада будут пройдены, и на миникарте появится маркер. Если вы убьете вражескую группу, вы будете вознаграждены дополнительным сундуком. Здесь вы найдете портал на выход и еще один вход во Врата Ада. Портал вернет вас на поверхность, в то время как вход позволит вам присоединиться к новым Вратам Ада, если вы соответствуете тем же требованиям к мощности предметов и размеру группы, что и раньше.

    Бесчестье и порог мощности предметов

    Бесчестье работает аналогично проклятым подземельям, но рейтинги для Врат Ада 2х2, 5х5 и 10х10 разделены:

    • Чем выше ваше бесчестье, тем лучше награда в соответствующем типе Врат Ада и тем выше бесчестье ваших противников
    • Как упоминалось ранее, чем дольше вы остаетесь без противника во Вратах Ада, тем шире становятся критерии подбора игроков, пока вы, в конце концов, не найдете подходящих врагов
    • Убийство игроков крадет часть их бесчестья и добавляет ее к вашей (и наоборот)

    (Примечание: с помощью ограничений и требований по мощности предметов мы пытались найти баланс между сохранением актуальности Врат Ада и их популяризации; мы будем внимательно следить за отзывами игроков и при необходимости корректировать эти числа.)

    На сегодня все – мы надеемся, что вы так же с нетерпением ждете новые Врата Ада, как и мы, а в особенности – возможность испытать свои силы против других искателей приключений, когда 17 марта выйдет обновление “К оружию!”. Благодарим за просмотр!


    Entering a Hellgate requires the following:

    • Sufficient base item power, a new stat that only measures your gear’s tier, quality, and the enchantment while ignoring Mastery and Specialization levels or bonuses.
    • A party size matching the types of Hellgate (2, 5, or 10 players respectively)
    • Channelling to enter is no longer interrupted by damage, so preventing someone from entering is more challenging

    Completing Hellgate

    After killing enough demons or defeating an opposing party, your Hellgate will be complete and a marker will appear on your minimap. If you kill an enemy party, you will be rewarded with an additional chest. Here you will find an exit portal and another entry gate. The portal will bring you back to the surface, while the gate lets you chain into a new Hellgate if you meet the same IP and group size requirements as before.

    How does it work

    Hellgates are accessed via Hellgate Rithuals, which can be crafted at the Artifact Foundry, looted from mobs, or bought. Like Dungeon Maps, they only work in zones appropriate to the map type; the Hellgate then spawns several zones away to maintain the danger of reaching the entrance. However, hellgates spawn randomly so you may find them as the other dungeons.

    Inside of these portals, players will find many small demons, demon bosses, and often, another team of players to fight.

    There are three types of hellgates: 2v2, 5v5 and 10v10.

    In each type there are two kinds:

    • non-lethal – where you don’t die and pvp effect in knockdown (not full loot),
    • lethal – where pvp effect in death (full loot).

    Item Power Caps

    Example: A player with 1000 IP goes into a 2v2 Non-Lethal hellgate. Their IP gets reduced to 900 + (0.1 * 100) = 910 IP.

    Врата Ада: новая карта и другие улучшения

    Врата Ада – неотъемлемая часть Albion Online, сочетающая захватывающее PvP и PvE в одном месте. Чтобы оказаться в подземелье, храбрые искатели приключений должны победить демонического хранителя врат в открытом мире, чья смерть и откроет таинственный оранжевый портал. С демонами, скрывающимися за порталом, не стоит шутить. Но реальную угрозу представляют собой другие игроки, которые могут попасть в то же подземелье, так как все Врата Ада в мире Альбиона связаны друг с другом. Искатели приключений могут нападать друг на друга, ведь это зона свободного PvP, а, значит, потери репутации не будет!

    Хотя в целом, этот контент оценивается игроками высоко, так как является источником кровопролитных PvP боев, мы чувствуем, что можем сделать его еще лучше. Главная проблема Врат Ада – это команды, уклоняющиеся от боев или использующие мобов для получения несправедливого преимущества в бою. Небольшие ухищрения, или, так называемые срочные исправления, не смогли устранить проблему, с которой мы столкнулись. Вот почему мы решили создать новую карту Врат Ада, частично изменить механику их работы и разделить их на три уровня сложности.

    Важно отметить, что все упомянутое в данной статье проходит проверку, поэтому некоторые мелкие детали могут отличаться от финальной версии. Новые Врата Ада будут воплощены в жизнь в обновлении “Гектор”

    Цели нового дизайна Врат Ада

    Прежде, чем мы углубимся в подробности новых Врат Ада, давайте взглянем на их основные цели с точки зрения дизайна:

    • Врата Ада – это, в первую очередь, PvP.
    • Мобы не должны играть большой роли в момент, когда решается кто победит.
    • Мобы выступают в качестве источника добычи и сдерживающего фактора, чтобы в подземелье успела зайти вторая команда.
    • Стратегия прохождения Врат Ада не должна зависеть от искусственной игровой механики (таймеров, например).
    • Команда не должна иметь возможность уклониться от боя. В то же время, необходимо обеспечить законный выход из подземелья на случай, если что-то случится, например, из игры вылетит целитель.
    • Скаутинг вражеской команды не должен быть эффективной стратегией.

    Новая карта Врат Ада

    Новая карта подземелья имеет форму пентаграммы с дорогой по кругу, соединяющей угловые элементы. Каждый уголок пентаграммы является возможным входом. Каждая команда заходит в подземелье в одни из пяти входов, который определяется случайным образом – это означает, что первая команда не сможет узнать, через какой вход зашла (зайдет) вторая. Группы, заходящие во Врата Ада, получают щиты и не могут пройти через какой-либо выход в течение 5 минут. Это нужно для того, чтобы предотвратить уклонение от боя. В случае необходимости мы изменим этот таймер.

    В подземелье будет всего несколько слабых мобов, которые будут привязаны к небольшой области. Это отвечает требованию второй цели дизайна: убедиться, что PvE не играет существенной роли в PvP боях во Вратах Ада. Теперь, когда начнется драка, игрокам больше не нужно будет волноваться о мобах и их влиянии на исход боя. Это также устранит факт ожидания боя по причине “кто первым сагрит мобов”.

    Однако, Врата Ада не лишены PvE вызова. Между входами были добавлены мини-боссы. Это неподвижные монстры, привязанные к одной точке, с большим радиусом атаки, которые легко отстают от игроков. Их место расположения не позволит спрятаться за ними. Убийство одного такого мини-босса будет занимать примерно 2 минуты.

    Для того, чтобы игроки продолжали двигаться дальше после убийства мини-босса, есть еще 3 причины.Во-первых, останавливаясь на одном мини-боссе, игроки лишаются большей части добычи, славы и серебра. Во-вторых, убийство мини-босса наделит вас баффом на дополнительный урон и восстановление здоровья. В-третьих, уничтожение всех мини-боссов вызовет появление главного босса и закрытие всех входов в подземелье. Это будет значит, что больше никто из игроков не сможет войти во Врата Ада, предоставляя ценную возможность первой команде пройти далее по подземелью. Главный босс будет появляться спустя определенное время, после убийства мини-боссов, что даст возможность каждому переместиться

    Если мини-боссы останутся в живых, то главный босс появится после того, как первая команда войдет в подземелье. Убийство главного босса порождает портал выхода, который может быть использован для мгновенного выхода из Врат Ада.

    Пепельные, Раскаленные и Пылающие Врата Ада

    В настоящее время, Врата Ада глобально соединены между собой, это означает, что игроки из желтых зон могут встретиться в подземелье с игроками из черных зон. Мы меняем эту механику, разбивая Врата Ада на три уровня сложности: пепельные врата – зеленые зоны, раскаленные врата – желтые зоны и пылающие врата – красные и черные зоны.

    Пепельные Врата Ада

    Эти подземелья будут созданы для команд из двух человек, с невысоким допустимым уровнем экипировки, где смогут опробовать свои силы в PvP начинающие игроки Albion Online.

    Раскаленные Врата Ада:

    Для тех, кто еще не готов к PvP со смертью и полным лутом, есть Раскаленные Врата Ада.

    Пылающие Врата Ада

    В Пылающие Врата Ада можно будет попасть только из красных и черных зон. Это полноценная версия Врат Ада с самым жестоким набором правил, но и с самой лучшей наградой.

    Вам уже хочется оценить новую карту и механику работы Врат Ада? В конце этой недели мы покажем вам стрим первых баталий на нашем официальном твич канале Albion Online, следите за новостями!

    С нетерпением ожидаете увидеть эти изменения? Обязательно поделитесь своим мнением на нашем форуме.

    Hellgates spawn

    Hellgates Rithual can be used to spawn certain hellgate type in the following zones:

    2v2 HellGate Locations

    Is there a place to check what maps have Hellgate portals? I know they are random when they spawn but is there a place to show where they are on every map?

    New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast

    In T5 and t7 are the 2v2s . 6 and 8 are 5v5s

    The wiki is also a very good source for alot of information. Nothing wrong with asking questions and generating discussion but you woulda got your answer quicker and from a reliable source

    They are not random, they spawn in the same spot every few minutes. 2v2 Lesser hellgates (not full loot) are found in T4 zones. 2v2 hellgates (full loot) are found in T6 and T8 zones.

    All blue zone HGs: Not full loot, 2v2

    All yellow zone HGs: full loot, low ip cap (I think 700ip/10% or 20%), 5v5

    All even tier red and black zone HGs: full loot, 1k/50% ip cap, 5v5

    All odd tier red and black zone HGs: full loot, 1k/50% ip cap, 2v2

    Rule of thumb: Red gate symbol on map: 5v5 Orange gate symbol on map: 2v2

    Hellgates always spawn inside the four square rectangles on the map. The wardens you need to kill respawn every 6 minutes depending on when the server goes live.

    Special Mechanics

    • Once inside, you’ll encounter one of ten Hellgate layouts at random. These contain a variety of different features: some have chokes, others have varying altitudes, and yet others are vast and open.
    • Matchmaking is based on the average Hellgate Infamy of your party. You have a chance of joining another party’s Hellgate instantly; if no suitable opponent is found, you will enter your own Hellgate. The matchmaking criteria grow wider with time, until eventually another team enters your Hellgate or you enter theirs.
      • Hellgates use an Infamy system similar to Corrupted Dungeons, with higher Infamy increasing rewards earned
        • Each Hellgate type (2v2, 5v5, 10v10) has its own Infamy progression.
        • Opponents are found based of the average infamy from both teams.
        • After sufficient time passes, lava appears at the edge of the map and moves towards the center,
        • The first part of the lava is a warning zone that causes less damage, the second part of the lava causes drastically more damage,
        • To avoid a stun/CC combo, players will become immune to crowd control effects once they have been in the lava for a short time,
        • The lava pauses after enclosing a final area at the center,
        • If more time passes without a winner, the lava starts encroaching again until only one party is left,
        • Defeating an enemy team causes the lava to disappear and completes the Hellgate, allowing your party to continue onward or return to the Open World.

        Other Details

        Only 2 teams may enter a single Hellgate and the portals will be located in different maps. Hellgates have a very high chance of PvP and are unique in Albion because they are the only activity that is both PvP and PvE oriented. The final bosses in 10v10s, 5v5s and chests in 2v2s drop Black Market loot. The team that survives will not only get the loot from the boss but will also the gear of the opposing team.

        Hellgate entrances

        Can someone teach me about hellgate types and their entrances on map and where to access each of them?

        Edit: Here is a quick sum up for Hellgates by u/kutweer:

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        To simplify the naming system, Hellgates are now defined as follows:

        Lesser Hellgates: smaller 2v2 map, regardless of zone or difficulty

        Greater Hellgates: larger 5v5 map, regardless of zone or difficulty

        The Lesser Hellgates are presented to you with a orange colored portal and the Greater Hellgates with a red portal.

        They spawn on fixed locations but on random times, respawning takes between 15 and 20 minutes (correct me if I am wrong).

        The locations of these spawn point are fairly obvious when you see them once. On the map there are 4 Square looking shapes that form like a shape like the number 4 on a domino stone. Also you can find them my looking on your minimap or map on your UI. You see a portal icon.

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    White-Shark · Опубликовано Вчера в 00:17

    Ассортимент на 20–21 мая 2023 года:


    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Apprentice (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Ученик): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Atronach (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Атронах): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lady (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Леди): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lord (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Лорд): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Lover (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Любовник): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Mage (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Маг): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Serpent (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Змей): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Steed (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Конь): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Thief (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Вор): 20 000 g.

    • Ayleid Constellation Stele, The Warrior (Айлейдская стела созвездия, Воин): 20 000 g.

    Предложение действительно до 9:00 (МСК) 22 мая 2023 года.


    Hellgates can be accessed through their entrances all over Albion. There are two types of Hellgates. Lethal and non-lethal, which are based on which zone you are entering. 2v2 Hellgate is a great place to learn some communication in PvP. Find a good partner and choose one of the following Best 2v2 Hellgate Builds to dominate:

    5. Santa Claus

    Start at 1:00

    The Most POWERFUL 2v2 Hellgate Composition – 101% Winrate – Albion Online

    Santa Claus is back with his Permafrost Prism. Having a frontliner is important while using Permafrost Prism. You need to hang back and deal as much damage as you can from a distance.

    You have Ice Shard (Q2) as your first spell. It is your 0-cooldown ability, which drops ice shards on the enemy, dealing massive AOE damage.

    Frost Nova (W3) is your best escape ability, which is also a good CC ability. You leave a Christmas present at your starting point and teleport anywhere in a 3-meter radius. The enemies who take the present get stunned and take some damage. Use this ability when the enemies decide to engage you.

    Ice Crystal (E). You create a huge ice crystal that serves as a Christmas tree for the prepared gifts. This huge crystal stuns and deals an insane amount of AOE damage to the affected enemies.

    The Royal Cowl, Scholar Robe, and Morgana Cape are your offensive items.

    The Cleric Sandals and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.

    How to use this build:

    Bait the enemies from a distance so that they use their defensive abilities or mobility abilities. Then, if they engage you, use (W)–>(E)–> Spam (Q). When the Morgana Cape effect wears off, use (R) and if you have mana problems, use (D) and spam (Q).

    What Santa Claus excels in:

    •  High mobility
    •  High CC
    •  High AOE damage

    Santa Claus full details:

    •  Weapon: Permafrost Prism
    •  Head: Royal Cowl
    •  Chest: Scholar Robe
    •  Shoes: Cleric Sandals
    •  Cape: Morgana Cape
    •  Food: Pork Omelette
    •  Potion: Resistance Potion

    4. Monkey Staff

    Start at 00:27

    The Most POWERFUL 2v2 Hellgate Composition – 101% Winrate – Albion Online

    Quarterstaff is for you, my buddy, if you want to be the guy with loads of utility and a bit of tankiness.

    Cartwheel (Q2) is your mobility ability. You dash towards a targeted position, dealing good AOE damage and knocking back enemies. If you take damage while casting, you will have increased damage resistance and movement speed.

    Stun Run (W2) increases your movement speed and stuns the next enemy you auto-attack. You can always use this ability as bait.

    Second on your list is Separator (W6). Pick this one if you require additional CC. It slows nearby untargeted enemies while dealing significant damage to and rooting the targeted enemy.

    Vault Leap (E). You leap towards a targeted position, dealing huge AOE damage and throwing the enemies in the air.

    The Demon Helmet, Hunter Shoes, and Frostpeak Deadeye are your offensive items.

    The Knight Armor, Fort Sterling Cape, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.

    How to use this build:

    (W)–>(F) and hit the squishy target. This baits them to use their defensive abilities early. Then, separate your enemies by using (R). (Q) is mostly used for mobility and to close the gap between you and the enemy. Use (D)–>(E) for more damage and CC.

    What Monkey Staff excels in:

    •  Huge CC
    •  High mobility
    •  Good sustain
    •  Low cooldown
    •  High AOE damage

    Monkey Staff full details:

    •  Weapon: Quarterstaff
    •  Head: Demon Helmet
    •  Chest: Knight Armor
    •  Shoes: Hunter Shoes
    •  Cape: Fort Sterling Cape
    •  Food: Frostpeak Deadeye
    •  Potion: Resistance Potion

    3. Noise Eraser

    Bolt caster 2V2 Hellgates | Albion Online 2022

    If you want to deal insane single-target damage. Boltcasters is the weapon for you. But you need to have a good healer in order to survive and deal damage. 

    Auto Fire (Q1). It is a single-target channel ability that shoots several bolts at the enemy. It deals great DOT. In addition, the last bolt explodes, dealing significant AOE damage.

    Noise Eraser (W4). This one is a skill shot; try not to miss it. This is the game-changer. It silences the enemy for quite a long time and deals massive damage. You better use this on the enemy healers.

    Deathward Climax (E). This one is a longer single-target channel ability. You release a barrage of bolts that deal more damage each time they hit the enemy (max 12 stacks). It deals insane DOT, and at the end of the channel, it releases one additional bolt that deals maximum damage. You slaughter all your enemies like Rambo did when he had machine guns in his hands.

    The Cloth Helmet, Mage Robe, and Resistance Potions are your defensive items.

    The Caerleon Cape and Beef Stew are your offensive items.

    How to use this build:

    (Q)–>(Q)–>(W), don’t miss this spell–>(E). If your HP is low, use Resistance Potion and (R2). If you need to purge enemies, you can use (R3).

    What Noise Eraser excels in:

    •  High DOT
    •  Good CC
    •  Good sustain
    •  Low cooldowns

    Noise Eraser full details:

    •  Weapon: Boltcasters
    •  Head: Cloth Helmet
    •  Chest: Mage Robe
    •  Shoes: Cloth Shoes
    •  Cape: Caerleon Cape
    •  Food: Beef Stew
    •  Potion: Resistance Potion

    2. Staff of Blessing

    2v2 Hell Gate Great Holy Staff POV #5 Albion Online

    You are the most loved and respected player if you know how to use the Great Holy Staff properly. You are mostly responsible for the outcome of the fight. To win the majority of your battles, make wise use of your healing and utilities.

    Generous heal (Q1). You heal a targeted ally, restoring a good amount of HP. It has a short cooldown.

    Hole Blessing (W3). You increase the targeted ally’s armor and healing received, enabling them to take more damage without dropping dead. It also grants immunity to forced movement effects.

    Holy Explosion (E). With your staff in hand, you get down on one knee and push all of your enemies away. It has a 2-second channel that provides considerable damage resistance and gradually heals you and your allies for a good amount.

    The Helmet of Valor, Robe of Purity, Stalker Shoes, Lymhurst Cape, Pork Omelette, and Energy Potions are your defensive items.

    How to use this build:

    Use (Q) on your ally non-stop if he is taking damage. When he gets below 50% HP, use (W)–>(F)–>(E). Use (D) to cleanse and purge. Use (R) when the enemy engages you.

    What Staff of Blessing excels in:

    •  Huge Heal
    •  Huge sustain
    •  Huge CC resistance

    Staff of Blessing full details:

    •  Weapon: Great Holy Staff
    •  Head: Helmet of Valor
    •  Chest: Robe of Purity
    •  Shoes: Stalker Shoes
    •  Cape: Lymhurst Cape
    •  Food: Pork Omelette
    •  Potion: Energy Potion/Resistance Potion

    1. King Slayer

    The BEST Build to Win Hellgates

    The Claymore is the one for you if your fantasy involves slashing people with a massive sword.

    Heroic Strike (Q1) strikes an opponent, doing considerable damage, and grants you one Heroic Charge. Your movement and attack speed are both faster after each Heroic Charge (max 3 stacks).

    Here, you have two options:

    Interrupt (W1). It deals damage to a single target and interrupts his spellcasting. It also increases your auto-attack damage based on your Heroic Charges. Three charges will give you the maximum damage.

    The Splitting Slash (W4) is the move to use if you require extra CC. It causes a ton of damage and roots every enemy in a straight line.

    Charge (E). You charge at the chosen target. During the charge, you are immune to everything. It stuns the enemy and consumes all your Heroic Charges. It also deals insane damage if you have three Heroic Charges.

    The Robe of Purity is your defensive item. The Fiend Cowl, Cultist Sandals, Thetford Cape, Beef Stew, and Poison Potions are your offensive items.

    How to use this build:

    Until you have three charges, spam (Q)–>(W)–>Poison Potion–>(E). If they have shield or boots’ ability active, use (D). Use (R) if you are getting low and they are near you.

    What King Slayer excels in:

    •  High damage
    •  High CC
    •  Good mobility

    King Slayer full details:

    •  Weapon: Claymore
    •  Head: Fiend Cowl
    •  Chest: Robe of Purity
    •  Shoes: Cultist Sandals
    •  Cape: Thetford Cape
    •  Food: Beef Stew
    •  Potion: Poison Potion

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    Сообщения: 1
    Зарегистрирован: 01 авг 2017, 11:07

    Re: Анкета для членов Гильдии

    1. Ник в игре: Ziantha
    2. Откуда вы: MSK
    3. Игровой опыт (название игр, сколько играли, что нравится делать, достижения и проч.): В ММО играю с 2004 года, The Saga of Ryzom (лучшая игра всех времен, альбион очень на неё похож), EverQuest2, Maple Story, LotRO, WoW, GuildWars2, Ragnarek Online, SWTOR, Wakfu, Destiny на PS4. Travian (если это считается :) )
    4. Сообщества (кланы, гильдии, организации) в которых вы состоите/состояли: Во всех играх находился в небольших гильдиях, не имеющих отношения к другим проектам.
    5. Расскажите о себе: Алексей, 30 лет, работаю программистом C#, воспитываю двух детей. Люблю смотреть американские сериалы в оригинальной озвучке. По выходным пропадаю на даче.
    6. Ваш архетип (дпс, танк, хил): Играю неделю, пока танк
    7. Ваши боевые скиллы:молоток и щит, еще не всё попробовал
    8. Ваши крафт скиллы: плотно кравтом пока не занимался, пока не определился в чем буду ходить. Собирательство сначала всё возьму Т4, а там, видимо, на чем-то одном определюсь. Может быть то, что нужно гильдии?
    9. Что вам нравится делать в игре: Нравится собирательство, кравт. ПвЕ в компании, одному скучно. ПвП не очень люблю, но с удовольствием хожу с грамотным лидером.
    10. Чего хотите достичь: Люблю быть полезным членом гильдии, крафтить для своих, помогать нубам.
    11. Сколько часов в день играете: 2-4 часа, как семья отпускает, но могу и всю ночь просидеть.


    Сообщения: 1
    Зарегистрирован: 01 авг 2017, 23:38

    Re: Анкета для членов Гильдии


    Lophophora » 01 авг 2017, 23:57

    1. Ник в игре: Lophophora
    2. Откуда вы: Петроград
    3. Игровой опыт (название игр, сколько играли, что нравится делать, достижения и проч.): Играл в основном в RFO, ломали кабины гильдией(успешно), фармили питофф, убивали мильоны одинаковых мобов. WOW почти накрабил 2200 в китти кливе в тройке
    4. Сообщества (кланы, гильдии, организации) в которых вы состоите/состояли: Гильдия из 2х человек, собственно я и товарищ, позвавший игру.
    5. Расскажите о себе: 34 года, зовут Дмитрий. Работаю в инженерной службе на заводе, играю в карты на деньги, болтаюсь по барам, смотрю годное кино, деградирую в Мире Резервуаров.
    6. Ваш архетип (дпс, танк, хил): Пиро
    7. Ваши боевые скиллы: Посох лесного пожара
    8. Ваши крафт скиллы: Т5 пиро палки, Т5 тряпка
    9. Что вам нравится делать в игре: Хочу пвп контент(много), крафт
    10. Чего хотите достичь: Да пока не знаю, играю дня 4 вроде. А в целом полуказуальный статик ПВП, ну пока так.
    11. Сколько часов в день играете: 0-12, это в выхи, может позже подключу игру с работы(но это не точно)

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 4171
    Зарегистрирован: 10 июл 2015, 19:47

    Hellgate (Врата Ада) в Albion Online


    tangar » 02 авг 2017, 00:31

    Драться в ПвП перед Hellgate и внутри можно не теряя репутацию. Касательно видов врат:

    Ashen Hellgate – Пепельные Врата Ада

    Команды: две команды из двух человек.
    Вход: зеленые зоны.
    Смерть: нокаут и телепорт из подземелья.
    Счетчик врагов: да.
    Мобы: слабые монстры, мини-боссы и сундук с наградой в центре.
    Уровень мобов: 4 тир.
    Награда: небольшое количество рун и душ.
    Значение славы: х1.5 (чуть выше, чем в желтой зоне)
    Мощность экипировки для комфортного прохождения: Soft cap – около 700

    Ignited Hellgate – Раскаленные Врата Ада

    Команды: две команды из пяти человек.
    Вход: желтые зоны.
    Смерть: нокаут и телепорт из подземелья.
    Счетчик врагов: да.
    Мобы: слабые монстры, мини-боссы и главный босс в центре.
    Уровень мобов: 5 тир.
    Награда: небольшое количество рун и душ, шанс дропа артефакта первого уровня.
    Значение славы: х1.5 (чуть выше, чем в желтой зоне)
    Мощность экипировки для комфортного прохождения: Soft cap – около 800

    Infernal Hellgate – Пылающие Врата Ада

    Команды: две команды из пяти человек.
    Вход: красные и черные зоны.
    Смерть: смерть и полный лут.
    Счетчик врагов: нет
    Мобы: слабые монстры, мини-боссы и главный босс в центре.
    Уровень мобов: 5 тир.
    Награда: артефакты, руны и души.
    Значение славы: х2.5 (как в красных зонах)
    Мощность экипировки: не имеет значения.

    Дополняйте, пишите впечатления.


    Сообщения: 1
    Зарегистрирован: 02 авг 2017, 13:54

    Re: Анкета для членов Гильдии


    darkmiay » 02 авг 2017, 14:04

    1. Ник в игре: MrCrab
    2. Откуда вы: Минск
    3. Игровой опыт (название игр, сколько играли, что нравится делать, достижения и проч.): 3 года Dota 2(4800), 1.5 года Overwatch(3700) и куча других игр по немногу.
    4. Сообщества (кланы, гильдии, организации) в которых вы состоите/состояли: Нет
    5. Расскажите о себе: 19 лет, программист, в свободное время попиливаю инди игрули в Unity и играю во всяко разное, последнее время в AO.
    6. Ваш архетип (дпс, танк, хил): еще не решил до конца.
    7. Ваши боевые скиллы: т4 арбалеты и т4 посохи друида.
    8. Ваши крафт скиллы: т5:фермерство, крафт шлемов и блоков, переплавка руды, добыча железа и камня, готовка. т4: рубка дерева, крафт молотов.
    9. Что вам нравится делать в игре: Добыча в черных зонах, крафт, данжи и иногда ПВП.
    10. Чего хотите достичь: Крафт хайлвл эквипы.
    11. Сколько часов в день играете: Пока не работаю сижу целый день (как проснусь в 10-12 до 1-3 ночи с перерывами), уже немного сбавляю темп и скоро иду на работу.


    Сообщения: 5
    Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2017, 16:11
    Откуда: Санкт-Петербург

    Re: Частные острова


    RogerYoung » 03 авг 2017, 17:32

    Как ни считаю, получается, что ресурсоперерабатывающие здания на островах использовать неэффективно. Из-за отсутствия 15%-ого возврата ресурсов. Если в городе перерабатывать в здании с более-менее адекватным процентом к серебру за переработку (ну 5-18%) получается выгоднее.
    На острове: Ты тратишь время на сбор камня или серебро на его покупку для апгрейда, постоянные заморочки с едой, амортизация здания (рано или поздно ремонтировать придется, опять камень нужен :( ) Из плюсов- не тратишь серебро на переработку.
    В городе: Просто перерабатываешь. Иногда, если очень низкий процент владельца я даже здания подкармливал, ну чтобы зданием с более высоким не пользоваться. Получаешь 15% от ресурса сверху, перерабатываешь их- уже от них 15%. Да минус- платишь серебро, но если, например, полученные 15% ресов просто продать с аукциона- оно гарантированно вернется с прибылью.
    Станет невыгодно, если владельцы зданий в городе сговорятся и одновременно поднимут процент (обращусь в Антимонопольную Службу :) ). Но они всегда конкурируют и процент падает.

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 4171
    Зарегистрирован: 10 июл 2015, 19:47

    Albion Online – крафт в городе или на острове?


    tangar » 03 авг 2017, 21:15

    По многочисленным заявкам, поясню – почему иногда лучше крафтить и перерабатывать на своем или гильдийской острове, а не в городе, где есть 15% возврат:

    1) самое очевидное – бывает, что в городе не можешь найти нужное здание с низким налогом
    2) время – деньги. пока ты ищешь низкий налог, к нему бежить – ты теряешь его. и так каждый раз
    3) цены на лоу-ресы падают, поэтому возврат становится не так актуален по сравнению с серебром
    4) чтобы делать что-то высокотехнологичное на продажу (меч, например), нужно неоднократно обрабатывать ресы. т3 в т4, т4 в т5, потом крафт самого предмета. налоги съедают весьма существенно
    5) многим нужно серебро, здесь и сейчас, а не лишние ресы, которые еще надо продать

    Аватара пользователя


    Сообщения: 4171
    Зарегистрирован: 10 июл 2015, 19:47

    Re: Альянс [FREE] – объединение независимых Гильдий


    tangar » 03 авг 2017, 21:24

    1) Приветствуем гильдию Morag-Tong
    2) В устав внесена поправка касательно официальных языков альянса: “4) Языки альянса – английский, русский.”

    Уважаемые котаны, не забывайте писать в чат альянса обо всех ивентах. Чтобы это сделать, пишите использую /a

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