I installed Microsoft SQL Server 2008.
When I start SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), I get the Connect to Server
login window with a blank textbox for Server name
. I have tried a lot of names, but I couldn’t solve it.
How can I find / get the server name?
7,4903 gold badges44 silver badges40 bronze badges
asked Apr 18, 2013 at 16:18
Open up SQL Server Configuration Manager
(search for it in the Start menu). Click on SQL Server Services
. The instance name of SQL Server is in parenthesis inline with SQL Server
service. If it says MSSQLSERVER, then it’s the default instance. To connect to it in Management Studio, just type .
(dot) OR (local)
and click Connect. If the instance name is different, then use .[instance name]
to connect to it (for example if the instance name is SQL2008, connect to .SQL2008
Also make sure SQL Server
and SQL Server Browser
services are running, otherwise you won’t be able to connect.
Here’s a screenshot of how it looks like on my machine. In this case, I have two instances installed: SQLExpress
and SQL2008
answered Apr 18, 2013 at 17:07
Arian MotamediArian Motamedi
7,03310 gold badges42 silver badges82 bronze badges
Run this Query to get the name
answered Sep 12, 2013 at 13:07
4,5352 gold badges35 silver badges35 bronze badges
Open cmd.exe (WINDOWS + R type cmd
and press Enter)
and run this
You will get list of SQL Server instance
3rd party edit
5,3167 gold badges47 silver badges75 bronze badges
answered Nov 6, 2014 at 4:36
1,2611 gold badge17 silver badges25 bronze badges
the default server name is your computer name, but you can use “.” (Dot) instead of local server name.
another thing you should consider is maybe you installed sql server express edition. in this case you must enter “.sqlexpress” as server name.
answered Apr 18, 2013 at 16:37
7981 gold badge5 silver badges11 bronze badges
Note: To connect to server on SQL Server Management Studio(SSMS), we must first install SQL Server.
So steps to proceed are as
Step 1 : Downloads and Install Microsoft SQL Server 2019
Step 2 : Downloads and Install SQL Server Management Studio
If still not able to see the Server name on SSMS, have a look at these three screen:
answered Oct 17, 2020 at 5:41
3,26425 silver badges21 bronze badges
As mentioned by @Khaneddy2013, the cmd SQLCMD -L
returns no server name when I run. Bcz I only have installed the SSMS (local db and server were not installed).
After tried installing SqlLocaLDB and SQLEXPR32_x86_ENU(32 bit OS) I was able to connect. And now the cmd window shows the server names too.
answered Jun 23, 2017 at 19:27
There are many ways mentioned above. But I use rather simple way (well not simple as SELECT @@SERVERNAME). When you start SQL server management studio you will prompt below GUI
In there Server name is your server name (There may have multiple servers according to you dev environment choose correct one). Hope this helps 🙂
answered Aug 21, 2017 at 4:48
Menuka IshanMenuka Ishan
4,9642 gold badges50 silver badges65 bronze badges
start -> CMD -> (Write comand) SQLCMD -L first line is Server name if Server name is (local) Server name is : YourPcNameSQLEXPRESS
answered Feb 29, 2016 at 18:21
given the following examples
- SQL Instance Name: MSSQLSERVER
- Port: 1433
- Hostname: MyKitchenPC
- IPv4:
- DNS Suffix: dir.svc.mykitchencompany.com
here are your possible servernames:
- localhostMSSQLSERVER
- localhost,1433MSSQLSERVER
- MyKitchenPC.dir.svc.mykitchencompany.com,1433MSSQLSERVER
answered Oct 4, 2017 at 17:27
Step1: Ensure SQLEXPRESS and LocalDB installed on your system
Go to SQL SERVER Configuration Manager => SQL Server Service
If nothing listed for SQL Server services, install below components (for 64 bit OS)
1. SqlLocalDB
Step2: Open Management Studios
Enter . (Dot) as server name and click on Connect
[enter image description here][2]
Enter .SQLEXPRESS as server name and click on connect
answered Oct 27, 2015 at 5:51
MV SreedharMV Sreedhar
3392 silver badges7 bronze badges
I also had this problem first time.
In the Connect to Server dialog box, verify the default settings, and then click Connect. To connect, the Server name box must contain the name of the computer where SQL Server is installed. If the Database Engine is a named instance, the Server name box should also contain the instance name in the format: computer_nameinstance_name.
So for example i solved the problem like this: I typed in the server name: Alex-PCSQLEXPRESS
Then it should work. for more see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/25ffaea6-0eee-4169-8dd0-1da417c28fc6
answered Dec 11, 2013 at 20:03
611 silver badge3 bronze badges
Try using a . or localhost as server name, might work a few times.
answered Feb 14, 2022 at 15:57
simply type .sqlexpress as the Server Name
answered Oct 25, 2019 at 15:39
463 bronze badges
Typing sp_helpserver
will give you a list. As others have noted, there are multiple ways, some with alias’ and such. This stored proc may return multiple lines but could get you closer to your answer.
answered Nov 5, 2019 at 17:47
2,7594 gold badges45 silver badges72 bronze badges
1.you can run following command.
EXEC xp_cmdshell ‘reg query “HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerInstance NamesSQL”‘;
you can read instance name using Registry. Ingore null values.
2.using inbuilt standard Report.
select instance–> right click->Reports–>Standard Reports–>server Dashbords
answered Dec 30, 2016 at 11:12
3,3331 gold badge24 silver badges23 bronze badges
Please Install SQL Server Data Tools from link (SSDT)
You can also Install it when you are installing Visual Studio there is Option “Data Storage and Processing” you must be select while installing Visual Studio
answered Apr 3, 2019 at 10:27
On installing the sql server 2019 management studio the default server name will be : localhostSQLEXPRESS
default connection string is :
answered Jul 1, 2022 at 15:17
2,5962 gold badges21 silver badges25 bronze badges
my problem was that when connecting to SQL Database in the add reference wizard, to find the SERVERNAME. i found it by: running a query(SELECT @@SERVERNAME) inside SQL management studio and the reusl was my servername. I put that in my server name box and it worked all fine.
answered Jul 22, 2015 at 9:05
Для выполнения запросов к локальной базе данных Microsoft SQL Server из программы необходимо знать имя экземпляра сервера. Из статьи вы узнаете, как его получить.
Способ первый. Самый надежный
В Microsoft SQL Server предусмотрен специальный SQL запрос, возвращающий имя экземпляра сервера:
Выполнив данный запрос, например, в SQL Server Management Studio, вы получите имя вашего экземпляра сервера.
В данном случае было возвращено имя установленного экземпляра Microsoft SQL Server равное: SQLEXPRESS.
Способ второй
Другим способом получения имени SQL-сервера является поиск записи службы SQL Server.
Запустите классическое приложение Windows «Службы» на вашем компьютере и найдите в списке служб объект SQL Server.
В скобках будет указано имя экземпляра.
В этом же меню можно остановить, запустить и перезапустить экземпляр установленного Microsoft SQL Server.
Стоит отметить, что второй способ получения имени сервера — менее достоверен. В скобках не всегда указано истинное имя сервера, пригодное для обращения к нему при подключении. Поэтому при наличии возможности лучше всего использовать первый способ получения имени с помощью SQL-запроса.
В современных версиях MS SQl кроме имени сервера есть еще понятие экземпляра SQL сервера. С учетом этого строка для подключения к MS SQL выглядит так:
<имя сервера><имя экземпляра>
Если экземпляра нет, а такое то же может быть, то его задавать не нужно.
На одном сервере может быть несколько экземпляров.
Имя экземпляра задается при установке MSSQL. Узнать его можно:
1.зайдя в настройки Служб Windows найдите там службу SQL Server в скобках будет указано имя экземпляр. Таких служб может быть несколько по одной на каждый экземпляр.
2.Зайдите в панели управления в настройки ODBC подключений, добавьте пользовательское подключение, выберите тип для SQL Server и дальше в мастере на первой, по моему, странице нужно будет указать сервер, если нажать на выпадающий список в этом пункте в списке будут перечислены все доступные экземпляры MS SQL. Этот список формируется динамически опросом сети.
3.есть и другие способы, но думаю этих будет достаточно.
I have a question. Few days ago i installed SQL Server Management Stuido
with all packages in it. My Connection string
that im using with my MVC or WebApi apps looks like this:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"DefaultConnection": "Server=(localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Database=(name here);Trusted_Connection=True;"
I can still manage my databases by SQL Object Explorer
in visual studio, but my question is where find my Server Name
? Whatever i write, i cant acces to my local database server
How to get into Management Studio
? Where i can find my Server Name
asked Jan 9, 2019 at 18:52
4,2508 gold badges37 silver badges84 bronze badges
You said you have installed SSMS, what about the server installation?
If the server has been installed successfully, try localhost instead of localdb. A dot(.) will also work as local host. The server name is provided while you install the server by you after selecting the named instance. If you leave it as default instance the pattern followed by sql server would be something like MSSQLSERVER……
answered Jan 9, 2019 at 19:01
2841 silver badge7 bronze badges
Problem solved:
All you need to do is to click on Add SQL Server
button in SQL Server Object Explorer
. Then, in Browse
tab click Local, then on your Server. Now you can see Server Name
Label that you can login into Management Studio
answered Jan 10, 2019 at 6:48
4,2508 gold badges37 silver badges84 bronze badges
There are multiple ways on getting the SQL Server instance name. You can refer any of below methods.
Below example were tested on SQL Server 2012 R2 version but the steps will be similar to other SQL Server versions.
Method 1
Launch the SQL Server Management Studio. You will get the Connect to Server dialog box. From here, you can obtain the instance name, which is at the Server name.
If it’s does not appear, click on Server name drill down list and click Browse for more. Once clicked, you will get below screen and you will get the instance name under the Database Engine.
Method 2
Use below query.
Method 3
Login to the SQL server operating system, open the command prompt and execute below command line.
Method 4
Open the SQL Server Configuration Manager, click on SQL Server Services and double click on SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER).
Go to Service tab and you will get the instance name from here, as per below screenshot.