Как найти интеграл от cos2x

Интеграл косинуса

Интеграл косинуса по таблице интегрирования основных элементарных функций равен:

$$ int cos x dx = sin x + C $$

Словами это запомнить легче и звучит так: интеграл косинуса равен сумме синуса и константы. Выполним разбор частных примеров.

Пример 1

Найти интеграл от косинуса 2х: $$ int cos 2x dx $$


2х под косинусом называется двойным углом. Из-за того, что аргумент косинуса равен $ 2x $, то нельзя сразу применить формулу. Нужно чтобы $ 2x $ находилось и под знаком дифференциала.

Выполним подведение $ 2x $ под дифференциал:

$$ frac{1}{2}int cos 2x d(2x) = frac{1}{2}sin 2x + C $$

Перед интегралом появилась дробь $ frac{1}{2} $, так как $ d(2x) = 2 dx $ и нам необходимо уничтожить лишнюю двойку.

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$$ int cos 2x dx = sin 2x + C $$
Пример 2
Найти интеграл от произведения синуса и косинуса: $$ int sin x cos x dx $$

Данный интеграл можно взять двумя методами: подведением $ sin x $ под знак дифференциала $ cos x dx = d(sin x) $ или заменой $ t = sin x, dt = cos x dx $

Проще будет решить внесением под дифференциал. Получаем:

$$ int sin x cos x dx = int sin x d(sin x) = frac{sin^2 x}{2} + C $$

$$ int sin x cos x dx = frac{sin^2 x}{2} + C $$
Пример 3
Вычислить интеграл косинуса от 0 до пи: $$ int_0^pi cos x dx $$

Выражение стоящее под знаком интеграла полностью готово к непосредственному интегрированию. Но стоит заметить, что интеграл определенный, а это значит нужно воспользоваться дополнительно формулой Ньютона-Лейбница: $ int_a^b f(x) dx = F(b) – F(a) $, где $ F(x) $ – это первообразная функции.

$$ int_0^pi cos x dx = sin x bigg |_0^pi = sinpi – sin 0 = -1 – 0 = -1 $$

$$ int_0^pi cos x dx = -1 $$
Пример 4
Найти интеграл от косинуса в квадрате: $$ int cos^2 x dx $$

Непосредственно взять интеграл не получится, так как косинус в квадрате не является табличной функцией, поэтому воспользуемся еще одной формулой понижения степени:

$$ cos^2 x = frac{1+ cos 2x}{2} $$

Подставляем правую часть формулы в интеграл:

$$ int cos^2 x dx = int frac{1+cos 2x}{2} dx = frac{1}{2} int (1+cos 2x) dx = $$

$$ = frac{1}{2}int 1dx + frac{1}{2} int cos 2x dx = frac{1}{2}x + frac{1}{4}sin 2x + C $$

$$ int cos^2 x dx = frac{1}{2}x + frac{1}{4}sin 2x + C $$

The integral of cos 2x is NOT same as the integral of cos2x. But while finding the integral of cos2x, we use the integral of cos 2x as well. To find this, we use the cos 2x formula and trigonometric identities. We use the substitution method to find these integrals.

Let us find the integral of cos 2x and the integral of cos2x and also we will solve some problems related to these integrals.

1. What is the Integral of Cos 2x dx?
2. Definite Integral of Cos 2x
3. What is the Integral of Cos^2x dx?
4. Definite Integral of Cos^2x
5. FAQs on Integral of Cos 2x and Cos^2x

What is the Integral of Cos 2x dx?

The integral of cos 2x is denoted by ∫ cos 2x dx and its value is (sin 2x) / 2 + C, where ‘C’ is the integration constant. To prove this, we use the substitution method. For this, assume that 2x = u. Then 2 dx = du (or) dx = du/2. Substituting these values in the integral ∫ cos 2x dx,

∫ cos 2x dx = ∫ cos u (du/2)

= (1/2) ∫ cos u du

We know that the integral of cos x is sin x + C. So,

= (1/2) sin u + C

Substituting u = 2x back here,

∫ cos 2x dx = (1/2) sin (2x) + C

This is the integral of cos 2x formula.

Integral of cos 2x dx

Definite Integral of Cos 2x

A definite integral is nothing but an integral with lower and upper bounds. By the fundamental theorem of Calculus, to compute a definite integral, we substitute the upper bound first, and then the lower bound in the integral and then subtract them in the same order. In this process, we can ignore the integration constant. Let us calculate some definite integrals of integral cos 2x dx here.

Integral of Cos 2x From 0 to 2pi

0 cos 2x dx = (1/2) sin (2x) |0

= (1/2) sin 2(2π) – (1/2) sin 2(0)

= (1/2) sin 4π – sin 0

= (1/2) 0 – 0

= 0

Therefore, the integral of cos 2x from 0 to 2pi is 0.

Integral of Cos 2x From 0 to pi

0π cos 2x dx = (1/2) sin (2x) |0π

= (1/2) sin 2(π) – sin 2(0)

= (1/2) sin 2π – sin 0

= 0 – 0

= 0

Therefore, the integral of cos 2x from 0 to pi is 0.

What is the Integral of Cos^2x dx?

The integral of cos square x is denoted by ∫ cos2x dx and its value is (x/2) + (sin 2x)/4 + C. We can prove this in the following two methods.

  • By using the cos 2x formula
  • By using the integration by parts

The integral of cos square x dx is x over 2 all plus sin 2x over 4 all plus C.

Method 1: Integration of Cos^2x Using Double Angle Formula

To find the integral of cos2x, we use the double angle formula of cos. One of the cos 2x formulas is cos 2x = 2 cos2x – 1. By adding 1 on both sides, we get 1 + cos 2x = 2 cos2x. By dividing by both sides by 2, we get cos2x = (1 + cos 2x) / 2. We use this to find ∫ cos2x dx. Then we get

∫ cos2x dx = ∫ (1 + cos 2x) / 2 dx

= (1/2) ∫ (1 + cos 2x) dx

= (1/2) ∫ 1 dx + (1/2) ∫ cos 2x dx

In the previous sections, we have see that ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2 + C. So

∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) x + (1/2) (sin 2x)/2 + C (or)

∫ cos2x dx = x/2 + (sin 2x)/4 + C

This is the integral of cos^2 x formula. Let us prove the same formula in another method.

Method 2: Integration of Cos^2x Using Integration by Parts

We know that we can write cos2x as cos x · cos x. Since it is a product, we can use the integration by parts to find the ∫ cos x · cos x dx. Then we get

∫ cos2x dx = ∫ cos x · cos x dx = ∫ u dv

Here, u = cos x and dv = cos x dx.

Then du = – sin x dx and v = sin x.

By integration by parts formula,

∫ u dv = uv – ∫ v du

∫ cos x · cos x dx = (cos x) (sin x) – ∫ sin x (-sin x) dx

∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) (2 sin x cos x) + ∫ sin2x dx

By the double angle formula of sin, 2 sin x cos x = sin 2x and by a trigonometric identity, sin2x = 1 – cos2x. So

∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) sin 2x + ∫ (1 – cos2x) dx

∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) sin 2x + ∫ 1 dx – ∫ cos2x dx

∫ cos2x dx + ∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) sin 2x + x + C₁

2 ∫ cos2x dx = (1/2) sin 2x + x + C₁

∫ cos2x dx = (1/4) sin 2x + x/2 + C (where C = C₁/2)

Hence proved.

Definite Integral of Cos^2x

To compute the definite integral of cos2x, we just substitute the upper and lower bounds in the value of the integral and subtract the resultant values. Let us calculate some definite integrals of integral cos2x dx here.

Integral of Cos^2x From 0 to 2pi

0 cos2x dx = [x/2 + (sin 2x)/4] |0

= [2π/2 + (sin 4π)/4] – [0 + (sin 0)/4]

= π + 0/4

= π

Therefore, the integral of cos2x from 0 to 2π is π.

Integral of Cos^2x From 0 to pi

0π cos2x dx = [x/2 + (sin 2x)/4] |0π

= [π/2 + (sin 2π)/4] – [0 + (sin 0)/4]

= π/2 + 0/4

= π/2

Therefore, the integral of cos2x from 0 to π is π/2.

Important Notes on Integral of Cos 2x and Integral of Cos2x:

  • ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2 + C
  • ∫ cos2x dx = x/2 + (sin 2x)/4 + C

☛ Related Topics:

  • Integral Calculator
  • Indefinite Integral Calculator
  • Integral of Sec x
  • Applications of Integrals

FAQs on Integral of Cos 2x and Cos^2x

What is the Integration of Cos 2x dx?

The integration of cos 2x dx is written as ∫ cos 2x dx and ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2 + C, where C is the integration constant.

How to Find the Integral of Cos 2x?

The integral of cos 2x is found using the substitution method. In this, we assume that 2x = u, then 2 dx = du from which dx = du/2. Then the integral becomes (1/2) ∫ cos u du = (1/2) sin u + C = (1/2) sin 2x + C. Thus, the integral of cos 2x is (1/2) sin 2x + C, where ‘C’ is the integration constant.

What is the Integral of Cos^2x dx?

The integral of cos^2 x dx is written as ∫ cos2x dx and ∫ cos2dx = x/2 + (sin 2x)/4 + C. Here, C is the integration constant.

How to Find the Definite Integration of Cos 2x from 0 to Pi?

We know that the integral of cos 2x is, ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2. Substituting the limits 0 and π, we get (1/2) sin 2(2π) – (1/2) sin 2(0) = (1/2) 0 – 0 = 0.

What is the Integral of Cos^3x dx?

∫ cos3x dx = ∫ cos2x cos x dx = ∫ (1 – sin2x) cos x dx. Let us substitute sin x = u. Then cos x dx = du. Then the above integral becomes, ∫ (1 – u2) du = u – u3/3 + C. Substituting u = sin x back here, ∫ cos3x dx = sin x – sin3x/3 + C.

What is the Difference Between the Integration of Cos 2x and Integral of Cos x?

  • The integral of cos 2x is ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2 + C.
  • The integral of cos x is ∫ cos x dx = sin x + C.

What is the Integral of Cos 3x dx?

To find the ∫ cos 3x dx, we assume that 3x = u. Then 3 dx = du (or) dx = du/3. Then the above integral becomes, ∫ cos u (1/3) du = (1/3) sin u + C = (1/3) sin (3x) + C.

How to Find the Definite Integral of Cos^2x from 0 to 2Pi?

We know that ∫ cos2dx = x/2 + (sin 2x)/4 + C. Substituting the limits here, we get the value of the definite integral to be [π/2 + (sin 2π)/4] – [0 + (sin 0)/4] = π/2.

Is the Integral Cos 2x dx Same as Integral Cos Square x dx?

No, the values of these two integrals are NOT same. We have

  • The integral of cos square x is, ∫ cos2dx = x/2 + (sin 2x)/4 + C
  • The integral of cos 2x is, ∫ cos 2x dx = (sin 2x)/2 + C

Неопределенный интеграл от косинуса в квадратеПри решении задач на нахождение интегралов от тригонометрических функций часто требуется найти неопределенный интеграл от косинуса во второй степени, в этом случае удобно воспользоваться формулой понижения степени

 cos^2x=dfrac{1+cos 2x}{2}  forall xin{mathbb R}.

Рассмотрим следующий неопределенные интегралы от косинуса в квадрате:

displaystyle intcos^2x;dx= displaystyleintdfrac{1+cos 2x}{2};dx= displaystyledfrac{1}{2} int dx+dfrac{1}{2} int cos2x dx=

displaystyle =dfrac{1}{2} x+dfrac{1}{2cdot2} int cos 2x;d(2x)= displaystyle dfrac{x}{2}+dfrac{1}{4} sin 2x+C   forall xin{mathbb R},

где C — произвольная вещественная постоянная.

Значит, неопределенный интеграл от косинуса в квадрате:

displaystyle intcos^2x;dx= displaystyle dfrac{x}{2}+dfrac{1}{4} sin 2x+C   forall xin{mathbb R}.

Здесь при нахождении неопределенного интеграла от косинуса во второй степени были использованы:

displaystyle dx=dfrac{d(alpha x)}{alpha}   alphane 0, quad    displaystyle int dF(x)=F(x)+C, quad    displaystyle int cos u;du=sin u+C.

В приведенном видео-занятии по теме «Неопределенный интеграл: интегрировании некоторых тригонометрических функций» демонстрируется подробное решение этой задачи, а также задачи нахождения неопределенного интеграла от синуса в квадрате.

bold{mathrm{Basic}} bold{alphabetagamma} bold{mathrm{ABGamma}} bold{sincos} bold{gedivrightarrow} bold{overline{x}spacemathbb{C}forall} bold{sumspaceintspaceproduct} bold{begin{pmatrix}square&square\square&squareend{pmatrix}} bold{H_{2}O}
square^{2} x^{square} sqrt{square} nthroot[msquare]{square} frac{msquare}{msquare} log_{msquare} pi theta infty int frac{d}{dx}
ge le cdot div x^{circ} (square) |square| (f:circ:g) f(x) ln e^{square}
left(squareright)^{‘} frac{partial}{partial x} int_{msquare}^{msquare} lim sum sin cos tan cot csc sec
alpha beta gamma delta zeta eta theta iota kappa lambda mu
nu xi pi rho sigma tau upsilon phi chi psi omega
A B Gamma Delta E Z H Theta K Lambda M
N Xi Pi P Sigma T Upsilon Phi X Psi Omega
sin cos tan cot sec csc sinh cosh tanh coth sech
arcsin arccos arctan arccot arcsec arccsc arcsinh arccosh arctanh arccoth arcsech
begin{cases}square\squareend{cases} begin{cases}square\square\squareend{cases} = ne div cdot times < > le ge
(square) [square] ▭:longdivision{▭} times twostack{▭}{▭} + twostack{▭}{▭} – twostack{▭}{▭} square! x^{circ} rightarrow lfloorsquarerfloor lceilsquarerceil
overline{square} vec{square} in forall notin exist mathbb{R} mathbb{C} mathbb{N} mathbb{Z} emptyset
vee wedge neg oplus cap cup square^{c} subset subsete superset supersete
int intint intintint int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square}int_{square}^{square} sum prod
lim lim _{xto infty } lim _{xto 0+} lim _{xto 0-} frac{d}{dx} frac{d^2}{dx^2} left(squareright)^{‘} left(squareright)^{”} frac{partial}{partial x}
(2times2) (2times3) (3times3) (3times2) (4times2) (4times3) (4times4) (3times4) (2times4) (5times5)
(1times2) (1times3) (1times4) (1times5) (1times6) (2times1) (3times1) (4times1) (5times1) (6times1) (7times1)
mathrm{Радианы} mathrm{Степени} square! ( ) % mathrm{очистить}
arcsin sin sqrt{square} 7 8 9 div
arccos cos ln 4 5 6 times
arctan tan log 1 2 3
pi e x^{square} 0 . bold{=} +

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Номер Строки


  • x^{2}-x-6=0

  • -x+3gt 2x+1

  • линия:(1,:2),:(3,:1)

  • f(x)=x^3

  • доказывать:tan^2(x)-sin^2(x)=tan^2(x)sin^2(x)

  • frac{d}{dx}(frac{3x+9}{2-x})

  • (sin^2(theta))’

  • sin(120)

  • lim _{xto 0}(xln (x))

  • int e^xcos (x)dx

  • int_{0}^{pi}sin(x)dx

  • sum_{n=0}^{infty}frac{3}{2^n}

  • Показать больше


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int cos2x


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    Взять интеграл cos2x dx

    математика 10-11 класс




    По формуле
    интеграл (cosx dx)=sinx +C.


    интеграл (cos2x)dx=интеграл( cosu du/2)=
    =(1/2)интеграл (cosu du)=(1/2)sinu +C=
    =(1/2)sin2x +C.

    О т в е т. (1/2)sin2x +C.

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