Как найти картинки в мафии 2


  1. 1. Глава 1
  2. 2. Глава 2
  3. 3. Глава 3
  4. 4. Глава 4
  5. 5. Глава 5
  6. 6. Глава 6
  7. 7. Глава 7
  8. 8. Глава 8
  9. 9. Глава 9
  10. 10. Глава 10
  11. 11. Глава 11
  12. 12. Глава 12
  13. 13. Глава 13
  14. 14. Глава 14
  15. 15. Глава 15
  16. 16. Все развороты журналов Playboy (18+)

В Mafia 2: Definitive Edition можно найти 50 разворотов журналов Playboy. Если вы найдете их все, то получите достижение «Бабник» (Ladies’ Man). В конце статьи можно найти все развороты журналов Playboy из игры.

В отличие от плакатов, журналы Playboy связаны с конкретными главами — это означает, что вы не можете вернуться и найти их позже. Если вы пропустите их, вам придется перезагрузить соответствующую главу, мы рекомендуем подождать до тех пор, пока вы не закончите игру (или, по крайней мере, не закончите какую-либо главу, в которую вы сейчас играете, чтобы ваше последнее сохранение не перезаписалось.

Глава 1

В первой главе нет журналов Playboy.

Журнал 1: Ваш самый первый выпуск Playboy находится на кофейном столике дома у Джо Барбаро. Обязательно возьмите его, прежде чем отправиться с ним на улицу.

Журнал 3: Когда Джо повезет вас на встречу с Майком Бруски, посмотрите через двор, где находится офис Бруски и гигантская автомобильная дробилка. Вы увидите здание с гаражными воротами и одной дверью. Оказавшись внутри, посмотрите направо. Вы увидите следующий номер на полке.

Глава 3

Журнал 18: Когда вы выходите из офиса Дерека, посмотрите на пол слева от двери. Вы найдете журнал, который Стив читал всего несколько минут назад.

Журнал 4: Когда вы войдете в жилой дом Марии Агнелло, посмотрите налево от полок, стоящих прямо напротив двери. Вы найдете журнал на полу.

Журнал 40: После того, как вы вломитесь в здание, вы найдете журнал на углу стола охранника в вестибюле.

Журнал 6: Лицом к задней части стола охранника, поверните налево и идите прямо к прихожей. Откройте двери и пройдите через следующий коридор, пока не дойдете до синей двери. Откройте ее и спуститесь по лестнице. Вы войдете в прихожую (здесь вы также найдете сигнализацию, если хотите ее отключить). Отправляйтесь на дальнюю сторону, где вы найдете эту еще одну дверь. Зайдите внутрь и идите налево.

Журнал 5: Когда вы доберетесь до кабинета директора (нужен ключ, необходимый для доступа в комнату с сейфом), пройдите через зал и найдите офис. Ищите журнал на подоконнике сразу справа от вас.

Глава 4

Журнал 9: После короткой перестрелки в маленьком книжном магазине, следуйте за Джо через дверь и поднимайтесь по лестнице. В верхней части этой лестницы вы найдете следующий Playboy.

Журнал 2: Сразу же после получения предыдущего журнала, Джо будет кричать вам про лестницу. Вместо этого идите налево от лестницы. Поверните направо, когда дойдете до зоны входа, и увидите журнал, скрывающийся у стены.

Журнал 8: После перестрелки с полицейскими на крыше, следуйте за Джо через эту дверь. Идите налево и бегите прямо вперед. Следующий номер находится на полу рядом с набором полок.

Журнал 7: Вернувшись в дом Джо, не заходите внутрь. Вместо этого спуститесь по лестнице к воротам в вестибюле. Следующий номер ждет вас на полу рядом с ними.

Глава 5

Журнал 11: Когда Джо и Генри окажутся внизу в начале перестрелки, не следуйте за ними. Вместо этого поднимитесь наверх. Вы найдете следующий Плейбой наверху лестницы, рядом с дверью квартиры.

Журнал 10: Когда вы дойдете до конца первого этажа склада спиртзавода, вы увидите маленький офис слева. Зайдите внутрь. Посмотрите направо. Следующий выпуск лежит на полке.

Журнал 12: Следующий номер находится на полу рядом с парой деревянных стульев.

Глава 6

Журнал 13: После того, как вы наконец освободитесь, чтобы исследовать тюремный двор, взгляните направо на трибуны в нише. Обойдите их, вы обнаружите, что заключенный спит. Журнал находится у его ног.

Журнал 14: Пройдите от тех трибун через баскетбольную площадку, и вы увидите сарай слева от сторожевой башни. Направляйся к нему. Идите к дальней стороне сарая, и вы увидите следующий выпуск.

Журнал 15: Следующий выпуск появится позже в этой главе, после того, как вы окажетесь в прачечной. Повернитесь к входу в комнату и поверните налево. Вы увидите следующий выпуск на одной из машин. Возьмите его, прежде чем отправиться на встречу со своим посетителем.

Глава 7

Журнал 50: зайдите в дом Джо, но пока не заходите к нему. Вместо этого поднимитесь по лестнице на верхний этаж и пройдите по коридору.

Журнал 16: В какой-то момент главы посетите магазин оружия Harry’s Army / Navy. На полу у лестницы, прямо напротив прилавка магазина.

Журнал 17: у новых соседей Вито плохая привычка оставлять свои журналы на открытом воздухе. Ищите на столе на втором этаже нового дома Вито.

Глава 8

Журнал 46: Журнал на кухонном столе в вашей квартире. Возьмите его, прежде чем отправиться в путь.

Журнал 19: После того, как вы пробьетесь через первую волну на литейном заводе, ваша команда повернет за угол, и вы увидите эту лачугу слева. Внутри поверните налево.

Журнал 21: В конце уровня подойдите к подиуму, ищите рядом с парой бочек.

Журнал 20: Вито и Джо решат украсть пару машин. Перед тем, как уехать, пройдите налево по этой лестнице. Вы окажетесь в переулке, заполненном мусором. Там также есть жилище, войдите в него. Рядом с матрасом вы найдете следующий выпуск.

Глава 9

Журнал 41: Поговорив с Эдди, взгляните на бар. Вы найдете следующий выпуск там.

Журнал 23: Вы увидите туннель. Зайдите в него, в конце вы обнаружите журнал.

Журнал 22: Пройдите в первую комнату (в которой находится спящий рабочий), вы найдете журнал между мусорным баком и кучей угля.

Журнал 24: Найдите комнату, в которой один работник говорит с другим про актерский вокал. Придерживайтесь стены справа, рядом вы найдете следующий выпуск.

Глава 10

Журнал 25: Когда вы доберетесь до гаража отеля, Джо будет стоять и ждать, пока кто-нибудь откроет дверь. Пока он это делает, идите налево от запертой двери. Войдите в коридор, полный промышленных сушилок, поверните налево у следующего дверного проема. Пройдите немного вперед. Посмотрите налево. Ищите на углу стола в дальнем конце комнаты.

Журнал 27: После того, как Джо установил бомбу, вам будет предложено следовать за ним по лестнице. Идите вниз вместо этого. Внизу вы найдете металлические ворота, блокирующие путь.

Журнал 26: Прежде чем нажать на переключатель, чтобы поднять платформу, посмотрите направо. Вы увидите следующий номер, лежащий на полу, частично скрытый перилами.

Журнал 48: Когда вы закончите в отеле и вернетесь к Вито, посмотрите на пол в его ванной комнате. Когда Вито вышел из дома в начале главы, этого не было.

Глава 11

Журнал 47: Когда вы крадетесь по дому вместе с Лео, пройдите через эту дверь рядом с его столом. Вы увидите следующий номер на подоконнике.

Журнал 29: Сразу же после предыдущего, пройдите в спальню Лео. Затем пройдите через дверь справа от вас, после чего налево в ванную. Журнал находится на корзине напротив двери. Обратите внимание, что если вас поймают, вы можете либо «повторить миссию», либо просто продолжить свободно исследовать особняк.

Журнал 28: Когда вы войдете в квартиру, где Вито противостоит Эрику, вы увидите дверь. С другой стороны вы увидите потерявшего сознание парня с журналами, сложенными вокруг него.

Журнал 49: Посмотрите рядом с кроватью Джо.

Журнал 30: После того, как вы застрелили всех врагов в пабе King of Tara, пройдите через двойные двери в задней части заведения, рядом с баром. Вы окажетесь в прихожей со следующим выпуском Playboy, лежащим на полу.

Глава 12

Журнал 33: Сразу после начала перестрелки вы побежите вверх по лестнице. Пройдите в узкий коридор, вы увидите журнал, лежащий на полу справа от вас.

Журнал 31: После перестрелки на складе вы окажетесь на погрузочной площадке. Поверните налево и спуститесь по этой лестнице. Пройдите по этому переулку. В конце переулка посмотрите налево. Журнал будет спрятан рядом с заросшим мусорным баком (вы также можете найти его в начале этапа).

Журнал 32: От погрузочной платформы направьтесь к центру внутреннего двора и поверните направо после прохождения грузовика. Пройдите прямо мимо газовых насосов, и вы увидите контейнеровоз, припаркованный рядом с другим погрузочным доком. Следующий Playboy лежит прямо за ним.

Глава 13

Журнал 34: После того, как вы уберете врагов в ресторане, поднимитесь по лестнице в дальний конец комнаты и идите налево. Поверните еще раз налево наверху лестницы и бегите к концу секции балкона. Следующий выпуск будет на стенде в конце, справа от вас.

Журнал 36: Пройдя огромную статую Будды, вы спуститесь по лестнице в логово. Идите в маленькую комнату, которую увидите слева.

Журнал 35: Когда Вито и Джо пробираются через подвал, вы наткнетесь на эту комнату, где находятся рабочие в масках. Джо молча снимает охранника, который выходит из комнаты, полной оружия. Пройдите в эту комнату. Следующий Playboy будет справа от вас, на полке для хранения документов.

Глава 14

Журнал 44: После того, как вы и Джо окажетесь на строительной площадке и убьете всех трех охранников, вы заметите небольшой подиум рядом с лестницей. Посмотрите направо. Идите туда, вы найдете следующий Playboy за углом.

Журнал 37: Через некоторое время вы спуститесь по лестнице, охраняемой несколькими бандитами. Внизу вас будет атаковать парень с дробовиком, после которого кто-то бросает Молотова и блокирует ваш путь огнем. С позиции выше поверните налево. Следующий номер на поддоне у стены.

Журнал 38: Прыгните через барьер. Как только путь будет свободен, держитесь правее и направляйтесь к незаконченному дверному проему. Оттуда идите прямо на другую сторону комнаты, где вы найдете следующий номер в углу.

Глава 15

Журнал 45: В обсерватории вы натолкнетесь на эту комнату. Сдвиньте шлагбаум и идите вниз. Следующий номер будет внизу, напротив лестницы.

Журнал 39: Вскоре вы доберетесь до крыши. Пока не заходите внутрь, вместо этого идите направо от входа. Вы увидите маленькую террасу за углом.

Журнал 43: Идите вперед в комнату с телескопом. Обойдите левую сторону телескопа, вы увидите журнал рядом с ограждением лестницы.

Журнал 42: Во время последней битвы в планетарии, идите к проектору, как только путь будет свободен. Проберитесь через барьер вокруг него, вы найдете финальный Playboy игры.

Все развороты журналов Playboy (18+)

  • Графику ремастера Mafia 2 сравнили с оригиналом. Отличия все же нашлись
  • В сеть слили геймплей ремастера Mafia 2 и трейлер Mafia 3: Definitive Edition
  • Игроки нашли серьезную проблему в ремастере Mafia 2. В Steam у игры смешанные отзывы


Плакаты “Розыск”

Карта города с расположением всех постеров

(Нажать для увеличения)

Журналы Playboy

Глава 1:

  • отсутствуют

Глава 2:

  • на столике в квартире Джо Барбаро.
  • на полке в маленькой мастерской Майка Бруски к западу от пресса (не в офисе).

Глава 3:

  • на полу слева от двери офиса Дерека, когда Стив поведет таскать ящики.
  • на полу слева от двери квартиры Марии Аньелло.
  • на столике справа от охранника в вестибюле управления по регулированию цен.
  • на полу между полками на складе рядом с комнатой, где находится рубильник для отключения сигнализации сейфа.
  • на подоконнике в кабинете промышленного специалиста, напротив кабинета директора, на втором этаже управления по регулированию цен.

Глава 4:

  • в коробке на первой лестничной площадке сразу же за книжным магазином.
  • у стеклянной входной двери на первом этаже, за которой видны полицейские.
  • возле деревянных полок в первой комнате на крыше после бегства от полицейских.
  • на первом этаже дома Джо Барбаро перед деревянной дверью в подвал (взять сразу после возвращения с задания).

Глава 5:

  • на полу, на верхнем этаже дома, после стрельбы из MG-42.
  • на полке в маленькой конторке на первом этаже спиртзавода.
  • на полу между двумя стульями после убийства толстяка на верхнем этаже спиртзавода.

Глава 6:

  • на земле за скамейками в ногах у спящего заключенного, справа от стартовой точки.
  • на земле за серым домиком слева от баскетбольной площадки.
  • на сушилке после поединка с негром в тюремной прачечной.

Глава 7:

  • на полу у лестницы в оружейном магазине Гарри на северо-западе города (съездить до визита к Джо Барбаро).
  • на полу, на верхнем этаже дома, где живет Джо Барбаро.
  • на тумбочке, на третьем этаже, по пути к новой квартире Вито.

Глава 8:

  • на кухонном столе в новой квартире Вито (если не появляется сразу, перезагрузите игру).
  • на бочке в одноэтажном домике после расправы над первой группой бриолинщиков в литейной и перед появлением второй.
  • на земле возле бочек после расправы над третьей группой бриолинщиков среди железнодорожных вагонов (пройти до конца путей и повернуть направо, на финишную прямую).
  • на земле под кроватью, дойти до Стива, Джо и Марти в самом конце, свернуть налево, за домик.

Глава 9:

  • на барной стойке в баре «Мальтийский сокол» после разговора с Фальконе и Фредди.
  • в тупике бокового тоннеля после того как на Вито сверху обрушатся помои.
  • рядом с огромной кучей угля в котельной, где на стуле спит рабочий.
  • в углу большого зала с рабочими и подвешенными свиными тушами (двигаться все время вдоль правой стены).

Глава 10:

  • на столе в боковой дальней комнате, не доходя до лифта, на первом этаже гостиницы.
  • на 16 этаже гостиницы, после закладки бомбы и перед подъемом на крышу.
  • на полу справа от пульта управления подвесной кабинкой на крыше гостиницы.
  • на полу в ванной личного загородного дома (взять перед сном).

Глава 11:

  • на подоконнике второго этажа в доме Лео Галанте (брать до обнаружения или бегства).
  • в ванной на втором этаже в доме Лео Галанте (брать до обнаружения или бегства).
  • на полу в комнате напротив самого входа в квартиру, где веселится Эрик.
  • на полу возле кровати в квартире Джо Барбаро.
  • на полу под коробкой в дальней части бара ирландцев.

Глава 12:

  • на земле за грузовиком, стоящим перед бензовозом, южно-восточная часть складской территории.
  • на земле за мусорными контейнерами, в тупике к северу от места встречи с китайцем-проводником, который поведет к боссу.
  • на полу в первой комнате на втором этаже после встречи с лжеполицейскими на обратном пути.

Глава 13:

  • на диване за последним столиком на втором этаже главного зала китайского ресторана (подъем по лесенке с левой стороны).
  • на ящике в первой кабинке во внутренней курильне китайского ресторана, до спуска на лифте.
  • на ящике в маленькой комнатке с оружием после спуска на лифте, где Джо вырубает охранника.

Глава 14:

  • на полу в узком тупике в южно-восточной части крыши, чуть дальше главной лестницы, ведущей на нижние этажи.
  • на деревянных решетках слева от пылающего огня на нижнем этаже здания по пути к выходу.
  • на земле у стены в следующей недостроенной комнате от пылающего огня, пройти от него вперед и повернуть направо.

Глава 15:

  • на первом этаже у лесенки в комнате с маленькими глобусами, до подъема на крышу.
  • в тупике на крыше по пути к телескопу и главному зданию обсерватории.
  • на полу за телескопом в главном здании обсерватории.
  • на полу в центре планетария после убийства Карло Фальконе.

Wanted Posters are a set of collectibles in Mafia II.

Mafia II Classic

Mafia II has 159 wanted posters to collect. They’re found on the exteriors of buildings and alleyways around Empire Bay and can be collected whenever the player can roam freely around the city. Each wanted poster depicts a gangster-style mugshot of a member of the 2K Czech staff. Finding one poster may earn you the Collector’s Item achievement, and finding all 159 posters will earn you the Card Sharp achievement.

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

Mafia II: Definitive Edition adds an additional 30 posters to the game, bringing the total to 189. They are located around the city and can be collected along with the original 159 posters. Finding all 189 posters will earn the player the Card Sharp achievement. All of the people featured in the addtional posters are made up of D3T staff members.

Wanted Poster Collection Guide

Wanted Poster Location Map

Wanted poster full location map

Collection Tips

  • Use the maps below as a guide. Round icons are Mafia II classic locations. Square icons are the added Mafia II: Definitive Edition locations.
  • You can view your progress from the main menu under “Extras”, “Collectibles”, then “Wanted Posters”.
  • The map markers are highly accurate, but you may need to circle the block or building to find the entrance to the area where the poster is located.
  • If you’re having trouble finding a poster, look closely at the mini-map on the image, it may give you a clue to where it was taken.
  • The game saves each poster in the collectibles menu after you find one so there’s no need to reach a save point in the game before you quit.
  • Access to some areas requires climbing over fences/walls (sprint/climb button), opening chain link gates (action button), or even smashing through a gate or fence with a vehicle.


There are 7 original wanted posters to find in Chinatown. Two are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 9 total.

Wanted Poster Map Chinatown

Chinatown Map

Wanted Poster #50 – Jiri Vrubel

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall in an alley between pedestrian tunnels.

Wanted Poster 050-1

Wanted Poster 050-2

Wanted Poster #51 – Josef Bucek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in a corner beside a phone booth.

Wanted Poster 051-1

Wanted Poster 051-2

Wanted Poster #52 – Josef Vasek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a fence behind some shrubs on the east end of the park.

Wanted Poster 052-1

Wanted Poster 052-2

Wanted Poster #53 – Jozef Kral

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in a corner beyond some road barriers.

Wanted Poster 053-1

Wanted Poster 053-2

Wanted Poster #54 – Julien Friedlander

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a newsstand in a small lot.

Wanted Poster 054-1

Wanted Poster 054-2

Wanted Poster #55 – Karel Hala

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in the back of a small dead-end alley.

Wanted Poster 055-1

Wanted Poster 055-2

Wanted Poster #56 – Laurent Gorga

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a building under the tracks in a narrow alley between two buildings.

Wanted Poster 056-1

Wanted Poster 056-2

Wanted Poster #171 – Phil Owen

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a building down a short side street.

Wanted Poster 171-1

Wanted Poster 171-2

Wanted Poster #172 – Pete Driscoll

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall next to a furniture store near The Red Dragon restaurant.

Wanted Poster 172-1

Wanted Poster 172-2

Back to Top


There are 7 original wanted posters to find in Dipton.

Wanted Poster Map Dipton

Dipton Map

Wanted Poster #1 – Adam Cunderlik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of an old building next to a parked train.

Wanted Poster 001-1

Wanted Poster 001-2

Wanted Poster #2 – Ales Borovicka

  • You will find this wanted poster in an alcove under the western most stairs behind Union Station, next to a tanker car.

Wanted Poster 002-1

Wanted Poster 002-2

Wanted Poster #3 – Boris Zapotocky

  • You will find this wanted poster on a sheet metal shed next to a paved back road.

Wanted Poster 003-1

Wanted Poster 003-2

Wanted Poster #4 – Borivoj Klima

  • You will find this wanted poster on an overpass support column in the train yard.

Wanted Poster 004-1

Wanted Poster 004-2

Wanted Poster #5 – Dan Dolezel

  • You will find this wanted poster on the south side of a six-car garage behind a Trago Gas Station.

Wanted Poster 005-1

Wanted Poster 005-2

Wanted Poster #6 – Daniel Capek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a short brick wall in a narrow alley in the Mobil Glo compound.

Wanted Poster 006-1

Wanted Poster 006-2

Wanted Poster #7 – Daniel Knebl

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall of a white two-story building. It is on the corner of the foundation behind a construction dumpster.

Wanted Poster 007-1

Wanted Poster 007-2

Back to Top

East Side

There are 10 original wanted posters to find in East Side.

Wanted Poster Map East Side

East Side Map

Wanted Poster #8 – Daniel Sklar

  • You will find this wanted poster on the east side of a large metal support beam, next to a basketball court and behind a hedge.

Wanted Poster 008-1

Wanted Poster 008-2

Wanted Poster #9 – Daniel Ulrich

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in an open lot facing the road and next to a shutter door.

Wanted Poster 009-1

Wanted Poster 009-2

Wanted Poster #10 – David Frolek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall in the back lot of a repair garage, near a construction dumpster.

Wanted Poster 010-1

Wanted Poster 010-2

Wanted Poster #11 – David Jankes

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a brick staircase in a small grassy corner.

Wanted Poster 011-1

Wanted Poster 011-2

Wanted Poster #12 – David Los

  • You will find this wanted poster on a castle brick wall in a back lot between two buildings.

Wanted Poster 012-1

Wanted Poster 012-2

Wanted Poster #13 – David Motalik

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall next to a gray door in an alley between two storage garages.

Wanted Poster 013-1

Wanted Poster 013-2

Wanted Poster #14 – David Semik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a building in a parking lot off of a 90 degree bend in the road.

Wanted Poster 014-1

Wanted Poster 014-2

Wanted Poster #15 – Erik Vesely

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of the furthest west column on the south opening to the pedestrian tunnel in the park.

Wanted Poster 015-1

Wanted Poster 015-2

Wanted Poster #16 – Filip Cort

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a building in a short alley with a gated entrance.

Wanted Poster 016-1

Wanted Poster 016-2

Wanted Poster #17 – Filip Dusek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall down a short stairway under an all night bowl sign.

Wanted Poster 017-1

Wanted Poster 017-2

Back to Top


There are 9 original wanted posters to find in Greenfield. Three are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 12 total.

Wanted Poster Map Greenfield

Greenfield Map

Wanted Poster #18 – Filip Novy

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a gray two-story house. It is directly across the street from Wanted Poster #19 below.

Wanted Poster 018-1

Wanted Poster 018-2

Wanted Poster #19 – Frantisek Harcar

  • You will find this wanted poster on a detached garage wall next to a green two-story house.

Wanted Poster 019-1

Wanted Poster 019-2

Wanted Poster #20 – Ian Moore

  • You will find this wanted poster on the western wall of a blue single-story house.

Wanted Poster 020-1

Wanted Poster 020-2

Wanted Poster #21 – Ivan Kratochvil

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of a tan house near a large deck, directly next door to Villa Scaletta.

Wanted Poster 021-1

Wanted Poster 021-2

Wanted Poster #22 – Ivan Rylka

  • You will find this wanted poster on the eastern wall of a blue two-story house with a wrap-around porch.

Wanted Poster 022-1

Wanted Poster 022-2

Wanted Poster #23 – Ivo Novak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the southern wall of a blue single-story house at the end of a cul-de-sac.

Wanted Poster 023-1

Wanted Poster 023-2

Wanted Poster #24 – Jakub Gajda

  • You will find this wanted poster on the northern wall of a blue single-story house on the corner.

Wanted Poster 024-1

Wanted Poster 024-2

Wanted Poster #25 – Jakub Mach

  • You will find this wanted poster on the south garage wall of a blue two-story house across the street from the Trago Gas Station.

Wanted Poster 025-1

Wanted Poster 025-2

Wanted Poster #57 – Lenka Celkova

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence behind a dumpster in a lot next to Charlie’s Service & Repair.

Wanted Poster 057-1

Wanted Poster 057-2

Wanted Poster #184 – Christopher Walter

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side wall next to the pool of the Angelo House.

Wanted Poster 184-1

Wanted Poster 184-2

Wanted Poster #185 – Carl Dalton

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back carport door of the last house on the street.

Wanted Poster 185-1

Wanted Poster 185-2

Wanted Poster #186 – Ben Sparrow

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of the Empire Diner.

Wanted Poster 186-1

Wanted Poster 186-2

Back to Top


There are 9 original wanted posters to find in Highbrook. Two are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 11 total.

Wanted Poster Map Highbrook

Highbrook Map

Wanted Poster #26 – Jan Bulin

  • You will find this wanted poster on the western corner of a two-story mansion; you have to smash through the gate with a car to get in.

Wanted Poster 026-1

Wanted Poster 026-2

Wanted Poster #27 – Jan Germala

  • You will find this wanted poster on the southern porch wall of a brown two-story house (as above, smashing through the gate is required). As a matter of interest, this is the Psycho Mansion.

Wanted Poster 027-1

Wanted Poster 027-2

Wanted Poster #28 – Jan Chalupa

  • You will find this wanted poster on the western garage wall of a two-story mansion on the hill (smashing through the gate is required).

Wanted Poster 028-1

Wanted Poster 028-2

Wanted Poster #29 – Jan Kratochvil

  • You will find this wanted poster on the front wall of a single-story dark brick house with a patio table in front.

Wanted Poster 029-1

Wanted Poster 029-2

Wanted Poster #30 – Jan Marvanek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the front wall of a single-story brick house with two patio tables in front; the poster is obscured by a row of shrubs.

Wanted Poster 030-1

Wanted Poster 030-2

Wanted Poster #31 – Jan Pinter

  • You will find this wanted poster on a gray brick wall beside a single-story brick house.

Wanted Poster 031-1

Wanted Poster 031-2

Wanted Poster #32 – Jan Snajdrhons

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side garage wall in a paved backyard of a three-story brick mansion. You will either need to break down the entry gate or hop over the brick fence.

Wanted Poster 032-1

Wanted Poster 032-2

Wanted Poster #33 – Jan Zeleny

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of a single-story brick house.

Wanted Poster 033-1

Wanted Poster 033-2

Wanted Poster #34 – Jana Kassova

  • You will find this wanted poster on the right side of the porch on a three-story brick house. This one requires smashing through the gate.

Wanted Poster 034-1

Wanted Poster 034-2

Wanted Poster #175 – Kieran Kehoe

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of the El Greco house.

Wanted Poster 175-1

Wanted Poster 175-2

Wanted Poster #176 – Kathryn Hopkins

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side fence wall the Galante Mansion.

Wanted Poster 176-1

Wanted Poster 176-2

Back to Top


There are 7 original wanted posters to find in Hillwood. Two are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 9 total.

Wanted Poster Map Hillwood

Hillwood Map

Wanted Poster #35 – Jana Zdarska

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall inside a short breezeway behind a modern two story mansion.

Wanted Poster 035-1

Wanted Poster 035-2

Wanted Poster #36 – Jarda Osicka

  • You will find this wanted poster in a vacant lot on a stack of lumber, next to a construction dumpster.

Wanted Poster 036-1

Wanted Poster 036-2

Wanted Poster #37 – Jaroslav Gratz

  • You will find this wanted poster on a short retaining wall in the backyard of a house on the hill.

Wanted Poster 037-1

Wanted Poster 037-2

Wanted Poster #38 – Jarek Kolar

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side wall of a concrete walkway in a park opposite the Zavesky Observatory.

Wanted Poster 038-1

Wanted Poster 038-2

Wanted Poster #39 – Jaroslav Turna

  • You will find this wanted poster behind a modern house, on the lower level next to some stairs.

Wanted Poster 039-1

Wanted Poster 039-2

Wanted Poster #40 – Jiri Alan

  • You will find this wanted poster on a tan single-story brick house on the far north corner wall, next to a stone perimeter wall.

Wanted Poster 040-1

Wanted Poster 040-2

Wanted Poster #41 – Jiri Bicik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a house built into the side of the hill.

Wanted Poster 041-1

Wanted Poster 041-2

Wanted Poster #177 – Julian Bath

  • You will find this wanted poster next to the western stairs of the Zavesky Observatory.

Wanted Poster 177-1

Wanted Poster 177-2

Wanted Poster #178 – Iain Willows

  • You will find this wanted poster on the door of the Old Observatory.

Wanted Poster 178-1

Wanted Poster 178-2

Back to Top

Hunters Point

There are 11 original wanted posters to find in Hunters Point.

Wanted Poster Map Hunters Point

Hunters Point

Wanted Poster #42 – Jiri Holba

  • You will find this wanted poster in a corner nook in a long alley.

Wanted Poster 042-1

Wanted Poster 042-2

Wanted Poster #43 – Jiri Koten

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in a small fenced-in lot.

Wanted Poster 043-1

Wanted Poster 043-2

Wanted Poster #44 – Jiri Matous

  • You will find this wanted poster on a small brick shack abutting the roadway.

Wanted Poster 044-1

Wanted Poster 044-2

Wanted Poster #45 – Jiri Rezac

  • You will find this wanted poster on the southern back wall of a dark two-story house next to the Grand Upper Bridge.

Wanted Poster 045-1

Wanted Poster 045-2

Wanted Poster #46 – Jiri Sejvl

  • You will find this wanted poster on the south side of a three-story brick building at the top of a flight of stairs.

Wanted Poster 046-1

Wanted Poster 046-2

Wanted Poster #47 – Jiri Spac

  • You will find this wanted poster inside a shack under a wooden ramp next to a burnt four-story brick building. As a matter of interest, this ramp can be used to jump a car over the roadway ahead.

Wanted Poster 047-1

Wanted Poster 047-2

Wanted Poster #48 – Jiri Stempin

  • You will find this wanted poster inside a walkway on the top floor of a brick four-story apartment building.

Wanted Poster 048-1

Wanted Poster 048-2

Wanted Poster #49 – Jiri Svetinsky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the top level of a brick four-story apartment building next to the elevated train tracks.

Wanted Poster 049-1

Wanted Poster 049-2

Wanted Poster #141 – Tomas Blaho

  • You will find this wanted poster on a concrete wall at the end of a dead-end back alley.

Wanted Poster 141-1

Wanted Poster 141-2

Wanted Poster #157 – Vojtech Jatel

  • You will find this wanted poster in a side nook of a single-story brick building, just past a wooden pergola.

Wanted Poster 157-1

Wanted Poster 157-2

Wanted Poster #158 – Xavier Lemaire

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall between two shabby gray duplex houses in a narrow grassy walkway.

Wanted Poster 158-1

Wanted Poster 158-2

Back to Top


There are 8 original wanted posters to find in Kingston. Four are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 12 total.

Wanted Poster Map Kingston

Kingston Map

Wanted Poster #58 – Lubomir Dekan

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence at the end of an alley behind the Empire Diner parking lot.

Wanted Poster 058-1

Wanted Poster 058-2

Wanted Poster #59 – Lubor Cerny

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in a small nook next to a construction dumpster in a fenced-in lot.

Wanted Poster 059-1

Wanted Poster 059-2

Wanted Poster #60 – Lubos Kresta

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall of a gated narrow dead-end alley next to a small green dumpster.

Wanted Poster 060-1

Wanted Poster 060-2

Wanted Poster #61 – Lukas Berka

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence behind a dumpster in a back lot across the street from the Hill of Tara. The alley leading here is next to a Swift Cola billboard.

Wanted Poster 061-1

Wanted Poster 061-2

Wanted Poster #62 – Lukas Kure

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of a three-story building, between a construction dumpster and a wooden pergola. This is right near the water along the boardwalk.

Wanted Poster 062-1

Wanted Poster 062-2

Wanted Poster #75 – Martin Zavrel

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a building in a gated back alley between a single-story garage and a multi-story warehouse.

Wanted Poster 075-1

Wanted Poster 075-2

Wanted Poster #76 – Matous Jezek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a building in a gated alley near a large dumpster, directly across the street from #75.

Wanted Poster 076-1

Wanted Poster 076-2

Wanted Poster #77 – Matus Siroky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the lower part of a wall in the southwest corner of an alley.

Wanted Poster 077-1

Wanted Poster 077-2

Wanted Poster #180 – Gualtiero Vercellotti

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall next to a red door.

Wanted Poster 180-1

Wanted Poster 180-2

Wanted Poster #181 – Eva Lynch

  • You will find this wanted poster in the alleyway by the entrance to Harry’s Gun Shop.

Wanted Poster 181-1

Wanted Poster 181-2

Wanted Poster #182 – Denby Grace

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of the Hill of Tara pub.

Wanted Poster 182-1

Wanted Poster 182-2

Wanted Poster #183 – Craig Grounsell

  • You will find this wanted poster on a garage door down a short alley.

Wanted Poster 183-1

Wanted Poster 183-2

Back to Top

Little Italy

There are 12 original wanted posters to find in Little Italy. Three are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 15 total.

Wanted Poster Map Little Italy

Little Italy Map

Wanted Poster #63 – Marek Horvath

  • You will find this wanted poster on the chimney of the rooftop of the “Authorized Repair Shop” near Joe’s Apartment. This is a tough poster to obtain; you will need to get a vehicle and speed north down the Empire Bay Highway then smash through the guardrail while aiming for the chimney to land on the roof.

Wanted Poster 063-1

Wanted Poster 063-2

Wanted Poster #64 – Marek Kovac

  • You will find this wanted poster on a red door in a gated alleyway.

Wanted Poster 064-1

Wanted Poster 064-2

Wanted Poster #65 – Marek Suchovsky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the corner of a building behind Joe’s apartment garage.

Wanted Poster 065-1

Wanted Poster 065-2

Wanted Poster #66 – Martin Brandstatter

  • You will find this wanted poster in a short alley on the wall of a small single-story building.

Wanted Poster 066-1

Wanted Poster 066-2

Wanted Poster #67 – Martin Dvorak

  • You will find this wanted poster in a short nook on the right side of a wide, short alley.

Wanted Poster 067-1

Wanted Poster 067-2

Wanted Poster #68 – Martin Hron

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick column in a narrow alley behind a small green dumpster.

Wanted Poster 068-1

Wanted Poster 068-2

Wanted Posters #69 – Martin Koutny & #74 – Martin Sobek

  • You will find these two wanted posters next to one another on the backside walls of two small brick buildings that are half painted white.

Wanted Poster 069 and 074-1

Wanted Poster 069 and 074-2

Wanted Poster #70 – Martin Kozak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a small wooden lodge at the end of The Dragstrip parking lot.

Wanted Poster 070-1

Wanted Poster 070-2

Wanted Poster #71 – Martin Krivanek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the west wall of a car rental lot.

Wanted Poster 071-1

Wanted Poster 071-2

Wanted Poster #72 – Martin Pitr

  • You will find this wanted poster on the north wall of a “Webb’s Shoes” next to some Big Break Cigarettes posters.

Wanted Poster 072-1

Wanted Poster 072-2

Wanted Poster #73 – Martin Plachy

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in an alley at the end of a narrow walkway.

Wanted Poster 073-1

Wanted Poster 073-2

Wanted Poster #160 – Zack Pearce

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back wall of a building across from Joe’s Apartment.

Wanted Poster 160-1

Wanted Poster 160-2

Wanted Poster #161 – Woody Stables

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back side wall of Charlie’s Service & Repair.

Wanted Poster 161-1

Wanted Poster 161-2

Wanted Poster #162 – Victoria Matthews

  • You will find this wanted poster in a short fenced-off alley.

Wanted Poster 162-1

Wanted Poster 162-2

Back to Top


There are 9 original wanted posters to find in Midtown. Three are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 12 total.

Wanted Poster Map Midtown

Midtown Map

Wanted Poster #83 – Michal Linhart

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a concrete column at the entrance of a high-rise building.

Wanted Poster 083-1

Wanted Poster 083-2

Wanted Poster #84 – Michal Lopasovsky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the inside of a concrete fence post surrounding the Empire Bay Church graveyard.

Wanted Poster 084-1

Wanted Poster 084-2

Wanted Poster #85 – Michal Mach

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a concrete column of a high-rise building with five hanging American flags.

Wanted Poster 085-1

Wanted Poster 085-2

Wanted Poster #86 – Michal Optiz

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a large sculpture in front of the Titania building, across from the Empire Arms Hotel.

Wanted Poster 086-1

Wanted Poster 086-2

Wanted Poster #87 – Michal Rasovsky

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden wall behind a large tree.

Wanted Poster 087-1

Wanted Poster 087-2

Wanted Poster #88 – Michal Rybka

  • You will find this wanted poster by the side entrance of a gray multi-story building under the raised railroad track.

Wanted Poster 088-1

Wanted Poster 088-2

Wanted Poster #89 – Michal Sevecek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall of a narrow alley between two high-rise buildings, below a “Good Beer” neon sign.

Wanted Poster 089-1

Wanted Poster 089-2

Wanted Poster #90 – Michal Todorov

  • You will find this wanted poster on a short wall on top of a building. You will need to climb the stairs at an adjacent building and walk across the rooftop planks to reach this poster.

Wanted Poster 090-1

Wanted Poster 090-2

Wanted Poster #91 – Michal Vala

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall in a gated alleyway behind a small green dumpster.

Wanted Poster 091-1

Wanted Poster 091-2

Wanted Poster #166 – Talib Kadhim

  • You will find this wanted poster on the building next to the Empire Arms Hotel.

Wanted Poster 166-1

Wanted Poster 166-2

Wanted Poster #167 – Stephen Powell

  • You will find this wanted poster on the fence around the Midtown Construction Site.

Wanted Poster 167-1

Wanted Poster 167-2

Wanted Poster #168 – Ryan Buxton

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall to the left of the front door on the Empire Bay Church.

Wanted Poster 168-1

Wanted Poster 168-2

Back to Top

North Millville

There are 10 original wanted posters to find in North Millville. Two are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 12 total.

Wanted Poster Map North Millville

North Millville Map

Wanted Poster #101 – Ondrej Melkus

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall to the right as soon as you pass through the south entrance of the Westbank Steel complex.

Wanted Poster 101-1

Wanted Poster 101-2

Wanted Poster #102 – Ondrej Necasek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a metal upright on a platform. To reach this area, follow the catwalk back until you come to a ramp leading up to it (just before #107), then double back.

Wanted Poster 102-1

Wanted Poster 102-2

Wanted Poster #103 – Ondrej Papez

  • You will find this wanted poster on the southern wall of the northernmost building in the Westbank Steel compound.

Wanted Poster 103-1

Wanted Poster 103-2

Wanted Poster #104 – Ondrej Storek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a column on the side of a brick building facing several silos.

Wanted Poster 104-1

Wanted Poster 104-2

Wanted Poster #105 – Ondrej Vevoda

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall near the end of the train tracks.

Wanted Poster 105-1

Wanted Poster 105-2

Wanted Poster #106 – Pavel Andrassi

  • You will find this wanted poster in a grassy area between two large brick buildings.

Wanted Poster 106-1

Wanted Poster 106-2

Wanted Poster #107 – Pavel Brzak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a small building next to a stack of lumber.

Wanted Poster 107-1

Wanted Poster 107-2

Wanted Poster #108 – Pavel Cernohous

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a small shack next to The Crazy Horse at the end of a dirt road.

Wanted Poster 108-1

Wanted Poster 108-2

Wanted Poster #109 – Pavel Dlouhy

  • You will find this wanted poster on a concrete fence behind a large pile of rubble.

Wanted Poster 109-1

Wanted Poster 109-2

Wanted Poster #159 – Zdenek Hodulak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a building in an alley and under a small pergola with some barrels.

Wanted Poster 159-1

Wanted Poster 159-2

Wanted Poster #173 – Paul Stefanescu

  • You will find this wanted poster on the sliding front door of a warehouse.

Wanted Poster 173-1

Wanted Poster 173-2

Wanted Poster #174 – Nick Lazzarich

  • You will find this wanted poster on a door numbered 09 on a warehouse.

Wanted Poster 174-1

Wanted Poster 174-2

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Oyster Bay

There are 9 original wanted posters to find in Oyster Bay. One is added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 10 total.

Wanted Poster Map Oyster Bay

Oyster Bay Map

Wanted Poster #110 – Pavel Hrubos

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence near a steaming exhaust vent in a back alley.

Wanted Poster 110-1

Wanted Poster 110-2

Wanted Poster #111 – Pavel Prochazka

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall between two garage doors behind a small auto repair shop.

Wanted Poster 111-1

Wanted Poster 111-2

Wanted Poster #112 – Pavel Tretera

  • You will find this wanted poster on the east side of a high-rise apartment building.

Wanted Poster 112-1

Wanted Poster 112-2

Wanted Poster #113 – Petr Adamec

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of the “Oyster Bay Food & Drink” building on the top level. This is Marty’s Apartment building.

Wanted Poster 113-1

Wanted Poster 113-2

Wanted Poster #114 – Petr Janecek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence behind an old car chassis. This is in a small lot behind the rusted metal fence next to “Vincent’s” clothing shop.

Wanted Poster 114-1

Wanted Poster 114-2

Wanted Poster #115 – Petr Klimunda

  • You will find this wanted poster on a low rock retaining wall behind a hedge, directly under a Potomac Indian billboard.

Wanted Poster 115-1

Wanted Poster 115-2

Wanted Poster #116 – Petr Kopecky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a building inside a fenced-in lot.

Wanted Poster 116-1

Wanted Poster 116-2

Wanted Poster #117 – Petr Kral

  • You will find this wanted poster on the south corner of a building facing the Falcone Mansion.

Wanted Poster 117-1

Wanted Poster 117-2

Wanted Poster #118 – Petr Man

  • You will find this wanted poster in a large alleyway on a stone wall behind a burning barrel and a construction dumpster.

Wanted Poster 118-1

Wanted Poster 118-2

Wanted Poster #170 – Pierre Guijarro

  • You will find this wanted poster in a fenced off lot next to a furniture store.

Wanted Poster 170-1

Wanted Poster 170-2

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There are 8 original wanted posters to find in Port.

Wanted Poster Map Port

Port Map

Wanted Poster #119 – Petr Miksa

  • You will find this wanted poster on the south side of the last pier house.

Wanted Poster 119-1

Wanted Poster 119-2

Wanted Poster #120 – Petr Minarik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the west wall on the second level inside a warehouse filled with crates.

Wanted Poster 120-1

Wanted Poster 120-2

Wanted Poster #121 – Petr Moteizik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the second story wall of a brick building at the top of some stairs.

Wanted Poster 121-1

Wanted Poster 121-2

Wanted Poster #122 – Petr Novak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall of a long building at the end of a pier.

Wanted Poster 122-1

Wanted Poster 122-2

Wanted Poster #123 – Petr Slivon

  • You will find this wanted poster on a shipping container behind a tall fence on the west end of the pier. Walk around the outside of the fence to the back, then jump over.

Wanted Poster 123-1

Wanted Poster 123-2

Wanted Poster #124 – Petr Smilek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a stack of crates on the south end of a pier.

Wanted Poster 124-1

Wanted Poster 124-2

Wanted Poster #125 – Petr Sovis

  • You will find this wanted poster on the right side of the lighthouse doorway.

Wanted Poster 125-1

Wanted Poster 125-2

Wanted Poster #126 – Petr Zavesky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the west side of the “Southport Salvage Company” pier building.

Wanted Poster 126-1

Wanted Poster 126-2

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There are 7 original wanted posters to find in Riverside. One is added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 8 total.

Wanted Poster Map Riverside

Riverside Map

Wanted Poster #127 – Radek Havlicek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a storage building next to a rusted metal fence.

Wanted Poster 127-1

Wanted Poster 127-2

Wanted Poster #128 – Radek Sevcik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the east side of the Riverside Bridge support column.

Wanted Poster 128-1

Wanted Poster 128-2

Wanted Poster #129 – Radim Dolecek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a storage shed, facing the railroad tracks.

Wanted Poster 129-1

Wanted Poster 129-2

Wanted Poster #130 – Radim Pech

  • You will find this wanted poster on the right side of a dead-end alley near a rickety pergola.

Wanted Poster 130-1

Wanted Poster 130-2

Wanted Poster #131 – Radim Vitek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a large square container in Bruski’s Scrap & Salvage yard next to a pile of crushed cars.

Wanted Poster 131-1

Wanted Poster 131-2

Wanted Poster #132 – Robert Franko

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a large square container near the railroad tracks.

Wanted Poster 132-1

Wanted Poster 132-2

Wanted Poster #133 – Robert Winkler

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick fencepost behind a utility pole with a broken power line sparking on the ground.

Wanted Poster 133-1

Wanted Poster 133-2

Wanted Poster #179 – Hollie Sheppard

  • You will find this wanted poster on a garage door in a fenced off area across from the Clemente Slaughterhouse.

Wanted Poster 179-1

Wanted Poster 179-2

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Sand Island

There are 6 original wanted posters to find in Sand Island. Three are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 9 total.

Wanted Poster Map Sand Island

Sand Island Map

Wanted Poster #134 – Roman Hladik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back corner of a small single=story brick building.

Wanted Poster 134-1

Wanted Poster 134-2

Wanted Poster #135 – Roman Neuwirth

  • You will find this wanted poster on the west side of a wood slat addition of a large brick building.

Wanted Poster 135-1

Wanted Poster 135-2

Wanted Poster #136 – Roman Pitr

  • You will find this wanted poster on the east side of a green, white, and black building, behind a large dumpster.

Wanted Poster 136-1

Wanted Poster 136-2

Wanted Poster #138 – Sebastian Belton

  • You will find this wanted poster in a nook down a short set of stairs next to the entrance of an apartment building.

Wanted Poster 138-1

Wanted Poster 138-2

Wanted Poster #139 – Simona Ely

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence with barbed wire on top, beside a large dumpster.

Wanted Poster 139-1

Wanted Poster 139-2

Wanted Poster #140 – Tomas Grunwald

  • You will find this wanted poster on the backside of a brick building in a gated alleyway.

Wanted Poster 140-1

Wanted Poster 140-2

Wanted Poster #187 – Andy Booth

  • You will find this wanted poster on a side wall across from The Distillery.

Wanted Poster 187-1

Wanted Poster 187-2

Wanted Poster #188 – Alex Spellman

  • You will find this wanted poster just down an alley next to a watch repair.

Wanted Poster 188-1

Wanted Poster 188-2

Wanted Poster #189 – Adam Meredith

  • You will find this wanted poster on the bacl wall of the car wash at the Trago Gas Station.

Wanted Poster 189-1

Wanted Poster 189-2

Back to Top

South Millville

There are 9 original wanted posters to find in South Millville.

Wanted Poster Map South Millville

South Millville Map

Wanted Poster #92 – Michal Zouhar

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back side of a tall stack of lumber under the raised freeway.

Wanted Poster 092-1

Wanted Poster 092-2

Wanted Poster #93 – Mikolas Podprocky

  • You will find this wanted poster on the second level of a gray metal building. You will need to take the stairs up and over to reach it.

Wanted Poster 093-1

Wanted Poster 093-2

Wanted Poster #94 – Milan Malich

  • You will find this wanted poster in a tunnel within a tall stack of lumber.

Wanted Poster 094-1

Wanted Poster 094-2

Wanted Poster #95 – Milan Saffek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a gray metal building. You will need to climb the stairs and jump over the handrail to reach it.

Wanted Poster 095-1

Wanted Poster 095-2

Wanted Poster #96 – Milos Jerabek

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a large building in a nook just up a short concrete ramp.

Wanted Poster 096-1

Wanted Poster 096-2

Wanted Poster #97 – Mojmir Svoboda

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side wall of the boathouse up a flight of stairs.

Wanted Poster 097-1

Wanted Poster 097-2

Wanted Poster #98 – Nicolas Brault

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall behind a few large stacks of small crates.

Wanted Poster 098-1

Wanted Poster 098-2

Wanted Poster #99 – Ondrej Chrapavy

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side wall of a building under the overhead highway and next to a large stack of lumber.

Wanted Poster 099-1

Wanted Poster 099-2

Wanted Poster #100 – Ondrej Marada

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back of a shipping container at the end of a pier.

Wanted Poster 100-1

Wanted Poster 100-2

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There are 7 original wanted posters to find in Southport. One is added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 8 total.

Wanted Poster Map Southport

Southport Map

Wanted Poster #142 – Tomas Chabada

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall in an open lot between two brick buildings near the raised railroad tracks.

Wanted Poster 142-1

Wanted Poster 142-2

Wanted Poster #143 – Tomas Hrebicek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a red block wall in an alley surrounded by other posters.

Wanted Poster 143-1

Wanted Poster 143-2

Wanted Poster #144 – Tomas Moucka

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence next to a “No Parking Any Time” sign just down from the last poster.

Wanted Poster 144-1

Wanted Poster 144-2

Wanted Poster #145 – Tomas Palat

  • You will find this wanted poster on the edge of a brick building in an alley with a “Locksmith” sign above.

Wanted Poster 145-1

Wanted Poster 145-2

Wanted Poster #146 – Tomas Roller

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall near a pile of coal in a paved lot just past a Swift Cola billboard.

Wanted Poster 146-1

Wanted Poster 146-2

Wanted Poster #147 – Tomas Sedlak

  • You will find this wanted poster on the back side of a metal support girder for the raised railroad tracks.

Wanted Poster 147-1

Wanted Poster 147-2

Wanted Poster #156 – Vlastimil Gorner

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall at the end of a raised walkway next to a large building.

Wanted Poster 156-1

Wanted Poster 156-2

Wanted Poster #169 – Riccardo Loggini

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wooden fence just to the right down a back alley.

Wanted Poster 169-1

Wanted Poster 169-2

Back to Top


There are 8 original wanted posters to find in Uptown. Two are added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 10 total.

Wanted Poster Map Uptown

Uptown Map

Wanted Poster #148 – Tomas Slapota

  • You will find this wanted poster on the side of a mountain right at the entrance to the Kingston-Uptown Tunnel. You will need to enter through the narrow fenced-in walkway up the hill from this poster.

Wanted Poster 148-1

Wanted Poster 148-2

Wanted Poster #149 – Vaclav Kral

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall in a gated parking lot next to a burning barrel.

Wanted Poster 149-1

Wanted Poster 149-2

Wanted Poster #150 – Vaclav Samec

  • You will find this wanted poster on a wall behind an L-shaped rusty metal fence.

Wanted Poster 150-1

Wanted Poster 150-2

Wanted Poster #151 – Viktor Bocan

  • You will find this wanted poster on a ledge at the end of an L-shaped alleyway.

Wanted Poster 151-1

Wanted Poster 151-2

Wanted Poster #152 – Viktor Kostik

  • You will find this wanted poster on the eastern wall of a large building next to a rusted metal fence, and down a long grassy hill.

Wanted Poster 152-1

Wanted Poster 152-2

Wanted Poster #153 – Vit Matuska

  • You will find this wanted poster on the north side of a building in an alleyway at the bottom of a set of stairs.

Wanted Poster 153-1

Wanted Poster 153-2

Wanted Poster #154 – Vit Selinger

  • You will find this wanted poster on the northeast corner of a large building.

Wanted Poster 154-1

Wanted Poster 154-2

Wanted Poster #155 – Vladimir Semotan

  • You will find this wanted poster on the corner of a closed “Marrs Bookstore” in an alley.

Wanted Poster 155-1

Wanted Poster 155-2

Wanted Poster #163 – Anthony Weekes

  • You will find this wanted poster on the wall just down from the garage of the Scaletta Apartment.

Wanted Poster 163-1

Wanted Poster 163-2

Wanted Poster #164 – Tim Ball

  • You will find this wanted poster down an alley, just across from the back entrance to the Office of Price Administration.

Wanted Poster 164-1

Wanted Poster 164-2

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West Side

There are 6 original wanted posters to find in West Side. One is added with Mafia II: Definitive Edition, making 7 total.

Wanted Poster Map West Side

West Side Map

Wanted Poster #78 – Michaela Hereogova

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in a narrow gated alley next to a green wooden bin.

Wanted Poster 078-1

Wanted Poster 078-2

Wanted Poster #79 – Michal Barton

  • You will find this wanted poster on a gated parking lot wall near a newsstand.

Wanted Poster 079-1

Wanted Poster 079-2

Wanted Poster #80 – Michal Janacek

  • You will find this wanted poster on a gray brick building in a small nook at the end of a walkway.

Wanted Poster 080-1

Wanted Poster 080-2

Wanted Poster #81 – Michal Kacinee

  • You will find this wanted poster on a brick wall in an alley near a green wooden bin.

Wanted Poster 081-1

Wanted Poster 081-2

Wanted Poster #82 – Michal Kuimdzidis

  • You will find this wanted poster on the right side of a T-shaped alleyway behind a “Marrs Bookstore”.

Wanted Poster 082-1

Wanted Poster 082-2

Wanted Poster #137 – Roman Zawada

  • You will find this wanted poster at the end of a long alleyway between a hardware store and a luncheonette, next to a large full dumpster.

Wanted Poster 137-1

Wanted Poster 137-2

Wanted Poster #165 – Teddy O’Reilly

  • You will find this wanted poster on the West Side Mall, next to the entrance to Carat Cerny.

Wanted Poster 165-1

Wanted Poster 165-2

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Posters Gallery

Mafia II: Definitive Edition

197 ratings

100% All Wanted Posters Card Sharp Achievement

This guide contains the locations of all the wanted posters in Mafia 2, which upon collected will grant the Card Sharp achievement. A full zoomable 2000×2000 map is included showing highly accurate positions of all wanted posters. The numbered markers on the map correspond exactly to each poster’s number in the collectables list. Click on the map link to zoom in.

The best time to get all the wanted posters is Chapter 14, after you defeat Derek. You have plenty of cash, enough to bride any police, and it is effectively free roam with full access to all areas.

The Definitive Edition of Mafia 2 contains an extra 30 wanted posters. This guide contains two additional maps showing the wanted posters from the classic version of Mafia 2 and the new posters that feature in the Definitive Edition.

(Note the street view pictures of the Definitive Edition Wanted posters have been created using modified screen shots from the Classic version of Mafia 2. The reason for this was technical issues surrounding running the Definitive version of the game. The locations and screenshots are however 100% accurate.)

Full Map of Empire Bay With All Wanted Poster Locations

Wanted Poster Locations From Classic Version and 30 Extra Definitive

All Wanted Poster Locations Video

Wanted Poster #1

Wanted Poster #2

Wanted Poster #3

Wanted Poster #4

Wanted Poster #5

Wanted Poster #6

Wanted Poster #7

Wanted Poster #8

Wanted Poster #9

Wanted Poster #10

Wanted Poster #11

Wanted Poster #12

Wanted Poster #13

Wanted Poster #14

Wanted Poster #15

Wanted Poster #16

Wanted Poster #17

Wanted Poster #18

Wanted Poster #19

Wanted Poster #20

Wanted Poster #21

Wanted Poster #22

Wanted Poster #23

Wanted Poster #24

Wanted Poster #25

Wanted Poster #26

Wanted Poster #27

Wanted Poster #28

Wanted Poster #29

Wanted Poster #30

Wanted Poster #31

Wanted Poster #32

Wanted Poster #33

Wanted Poster #34

Wanted Poster #35

Wanted Poster #36

Wanted Poster #37

Wanted Poster #38

Wanted Poster #39

Wanted Poster #40

Wanted Poster #41

Wanted Poster #42

Wanted Poster #43

Wanted Poster #44

Wanted Poster #45

Wanted Poster #46

Wanted Poster #47

Wanted Poster #48

Wanted Poster #49

Wanted Poster #50

Wanted Poster #51

Wanted Poster #52

Wanted Poster #53

Wanted Poster #54

Wanted Poster #55

Wanted Poster #56

Wanted Poster #57

Wanted Poster #58

Wanted Poster #59

Wanted Poster #60

Wanted Poster #61

Wanted Poster #62

Wanted Poster #63

Wanted Poster #64

Wanted Poster #65

Wanted Poster #66

Wanted Poster #67

Wanted Poster #68

Wanted Poster #69

Wanted Poster #70

Wanted Poster #71

Wanted Poster #72

Wanted Poster #73

Wanted Poster #74

Wanted Poster #75

Wanted Poster #76

Wanted Poster #77

Wanted Poster #78

Wanted Poster #79

Wanted Poster #80

Wanted Poster #81

Wanted Poster #82

Wanted Poster #83

Wanted Poster #84

Wanted Poster #85

Wanted Poster #86

Wanted Poster #87

Wanted Poster #88

Wanted Poster #89

Wanted Poster #90

Wanted Poster #91

Wanted Poster #92

Wanted Poster #93

Wanted Poster #94

Wanted Poster #95

Wanted Poster #96

Wanted Poster #97

Wanted Poster #98

Wanted Poster #99

Wanted Poster #100

Wanted Poster #101

Wanted Poster #102

Wanted Poster #103

Wanted Poster #104

Wanted Poster #105

Wanted Poster #106

Wanted Poster #107

Wanted Poster #108

Wanted Poster #109

Wanted Poster #110

Wanted Poster #111

Wanted Poster #112

Wanted Poster #113

Wanted Poster #114

Wanted Poster #115

Wanted Poster #116

Wanted Poster #117

Wanted Poster #118

Wanted Poster #119

Wanted Poster #120

Wanted Poster #121

Wanted Poster #122

Wanted Poster #123

Wanted Poster #124

Wanted Poster #125

Wanted Poster #126

Wanted Poster #127

Wanted Poster #128

Wanted Poster #129

Wanted Poster #130

Wanted Poster #131

Wanted Poster #132

Wanted Poster #133

Wanted Poster #134

Wanted Poster #135

Wanted Poster #136

Wanted Poster #137

Wanted Poster #138

Wanted Poster #139

Wanted Poster #140

Wanted Poster #141

Wanted Poster #142

Wanted Poster #143

Wanted Poster #144

Wanted Poster #145

Wanted Poster #146

Wanted Poster #147

Wanted Poster #148

Wanted Poster #149

Wanted Poster #150

Wanted Poster #151

Wanted Poster #152

Wanted Poster #153

Wanted Poster #154

Wanted Poster #155

Wanted Poster #156

Wanted Poster #157

Wanted Poster #158

Wanted Poster #159

****Definitive Edition Wanted Posters****

Wanted Poster #160

Wanted Poster #161

Wanted Poster #162

Wanted Poster #163

Wanted Poster #164

Wanted Poster #165

Wanted Poster #166

Wanted Poster #167

Wanted Poster #168

Wanted Poster #169

Wanted Poster #170

Wanted Poster #171

Wanted Poster #172

Wanted Poster #173

Wanted Poster #174

Wanted Poster #175

Wanted Poster #176

Wanted Poster #177

Wanted Poster #178

Wanted Poster #179

Wanted Poster #180

Wanted Poster #181

Wanted Poster #182

Wanted Poster #183

Wanted Poster #184

Wanted Poster #185

Wanted Poster #186

Wanted Poster #187

Wanted Poster #188

Wanted Poster #189

8 августа 2011




Вот решил скинуть на общее обозрение плоды своих трудов.Я думаю не многие люди собрали все постеры и это реально очень трудно, так что если комуто интересно, смотрим и наслаждаемся:)

Лучшие комментарии


8 августа 2011, 11:53

Непонимаю в чем смысл данного топика. Мафии 2 уже как год, в инете уже давно висят все журналы. Я сам собрал все журналы, и что, мне теперь тоже создавать топик? Дык я могу и подробную инструкцию по поиску написать, только вот смысл? Тема уже не актуальна. Остаётся только одно — отчаянный самопиар. Можете меня заминусить, но это лишь мое мнение. Уж извините.

Кирилл Мещерский

8 августа 2011, 11:29

И что? Я играл, мне просто собирать журналы влом было. А тут все сразу. Ты чет странный какой та.

Игорь Ватулин

8 августа 2011, 2:17

Фапающий школьник…


8 августа 2011, 11:54

Автор хотел халявный плюсов.

Дмитрий Полянский

8 августа 2011, 2:33



8 августа 2011, 12:05

Причем тут девушки? оО Ты минусыплюсы ставишь не им, а автору. А в данном случае автор наглый кармадрочер, который захотел скушать побольше плюсов.


8 августа 2011, 10:09

Ах до чего красивы эти прекрасные леди!

Богдан Зиновой

8 августа 2011, 12:31

Всё таки сиськи раньше какие-то не те были…


8 августа 2011, 9:11

Кирилл Мещерский

8 августа 2011, 0:40

Спасибо. Мило.


8 августа 2011, 9:58

Даже девушки из Плейбоя не спасут провалившуюся Mafia 2 от забвенья.


8 августа 2011, 20:55

Просто без селикона


8 августа 2011, 13:49

Кармолюб. -_-


8 августа 2011, 12:17

Мне как то не смешно, что я делаю не так? -_-


8 августа 2011, 10:08

Народ я вот читаю многие коменты на многих постах, и многие пишут что Mafia лучше Mafia2.Неуже Mafia2 реально хуже чем первая и чем.Я как человек не игравший в первую не могу судить адекватно и поэтому не пойму почему все так опускают вторую часть, на мое мнение(даже не слишком адекватное)2 вышла вполне добротной.Но это лично мое мнение.

Владислав Вялых

8 августа 2011, 10:13

Во второй Мафии все миссии предсказуемы, количество дополнительных заданий сводится к нулю, сюжет уныл, чего нельзя сказать о второй.

Владислав Вялых

8 августа 2011, 10:13

О первой* :DDD

Иван Орлов

8 августа 2011, 12:25

Две картинки дублируются.
P.S.В Joe Adventure тоже есть журналы.


8 августа 2011, 12:25

2-ух журналов нехватает.

Евпатий Коловрат

8 августа 2011, 10:33

Люди! ВЫ ЧО? о_О
Эти фотографии были доступны еще год назад в таком виде.
Ах да, еще они были «доступны» в 60=х годах 😀

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