Таблица косинусов
Таблица косинусов – это записанные в таблицу посчитанные значения косинусов углов от 0° до 360°. Используя таблицу косинусов Вы сможете провести расчеты даже если под руками не окажется инженерного калькулятора. Чтобы узнать значение косинуса от нужного Вам угла, достаточно найти его в таблице или вычислить с помощью калькулятора.
Калькулятор – косинус угла
cos(°) = 1
Калькулятор – арккосинус угла
arccos() = 0°
Таблица косинусов в радианах
α | 0 | π6 | π4 | π3 | π2 | π | 3π2 | 2π |
cos α | 1 | √32 | √22 | 12 | 0 | -1 | 0 | 1 |
Таблица косинусов углов от 0° до 180°
cos(0°) = 1 cos(1°) = 0.999848 cos(2°) = 0.999391 cos(3°) = 0.99863 cos(4°) = 0.997564 cos(5°) = 0.996195 cos(6°) = 0.994522 cos(7°) = 0.992546 cos(8°) = 0.990268 cos(9°) = 0.987688 cos(10°) = 0.984808 cos(11°) = 0.981627 cos(12°) = 0.978148 cos(13°) = 0.97437 cos(14°) = 0.970296 cos(15°) = 0.965926 cos(16°) = 0.961262 cos(17°) = 0.956305 cos(18°) = 0.951057 cos(19°) = 0.945519 cos(20°) = 0.939693 cos(21°) = 0.93358 cos(22°) = 0.927184 cos(23°) = 0.920505 cos(24°) = 0.913545 cos(25°) = 0.906308 cos(26°) = 0.898794 cos(27°) = 0.891007 cos(28°) = 0.882948 cos(29°) = 0.87462 cos(30°) = 0.866025 cos(31°) = 0.857167 cos(32°) = 0.848048 cos(33°) = 0.838671 cos(34°) = 0.829038 cos(35°) = 0.819152 cos(36°) = 0.809017 cos(37°) = 0.798636 cos(38°) = 0.788011 cos(39°) = 0.777146 cos(40°) = 0.766044 cos(41°) = 0.75471 cos(42°) = 0.743145 cos(43°) = 0.731354 cos(44°) = 0.71934 cos(45°) = 0.707107 |
cos(46°) = 0.694658 cos(47°) = 0.681998 cos(48°) = 0.669131 cos(49°) = 0.656059 cos(50°) = 0.642788 cos(51°) = 0.62932 cos(52°) = 0.615661 cos(53°) = 0.601815 cos(54°) = 0.587785 cos(55°) = 0.573576 cos(56°) = 0.559193 cos(57°) = 0.544639 cos(58°) = 0.529919 cos(59°) = 0.515038 cos(60°) = 0.5 cos(61°) = 0.48481 cos(62°) = 0.469472 cos(63°) = 0.45399 cos(64°) = 0.438371 cos(65°) = 0.422618 cos(66°) = 0.406737 cos(67°) = 0.390731 cos(68°) = 0.374607 cos(69°) = 0.358368 cos(70°) = 0.34202 cos(71°) = 0.325568 cos(72°) = 0.309017 cos(73°) = 0.292372 cos(74°) = 0.275637 cos(75°) = 0.258819 cos(76°) = 0.241922 cos(77°) = 0.224951 cos(78°) = 0.207912 cos(79°) = 0.190809 cos(80°) = 0.173648 cos(81°) = 0.156434 cos(82°) = 0.139173 cos(83°) = 0.121869 cos(84°) = 0.104528 cos(85°) = 0.087156 cos(86°) = 0.069756 cos(87°) = 0.052336 cos(88°) = 0.034899 cos(89°) = 0.017452 cos(90°) = 0 |
cos(91°) = -0.017452 cos(92°) = -0.034899 cos(93°) = -0.052336 cos(94°) = -0.069756 cos(95°) = -0.087156 cos(96°) = -0.104528 cos(97°) = -0.121869 cos(98°) = -0.139173 cos(99°) = -0.156434 cos(100°) = -0.173648 cos(101°) = -0.190809 cos(102°) = -0.207912 cos(103°) = -0.224951 cos(104°) = -0.241922 cos(105°) = -0.258819 cos(106°) = -0.275637 cos(107°) = -0.292372 cos(108°) = -0.309017 cos(109°) = -0.325568 cos(110°) = -0.34202 cos(111°) = -0.358368 cos(112°) = -0.374607 cos(113°) = -0.390731 cos(114°) = -0.406737 cos(115°) = -0.422618 cos(116°) = -0.438371 cos(117°) = -0.45399 cos(118°) = -0.469472 cos(119°) = -0.48481 cos(120°) = -0.5 cos(121°) = -0.515038 cos(122°) = -0.529919 cos(123°) = -0.544639 cos(124°) = -0.559193 cos(125°) = -0.573576 cos(126°) = -0.587785 cos(127°) = -0.601815 cos(128°) = -0.615661 cos(129°) = -0.62932 cos(130°) = -0.642788 cos(131°) = -0.656059 cos(132°) = -0.669131 cos(133°) = -0.681998 cos(134°) = -0.694658 cos(135°) = -0.707107 |
cos(136°) = -0.71934 cos(137°) = -0.731354 cos(138°) = -0.743145 cos(139°) = -0.75471 cos(140°) = -0.766044 cos(141°) = -0.777146 cos(142°) = -0.788011 cos(143°) = -0.798636 cos(144°) = -0.809017 cos(145°) = -0.819152 cos(146°) = -0.829038 cos(147°) = -0.838671 cos(148°) = -0.848048 cos(149°) = -0.857167 cos(150°) = -0.866025 cos(151°) = -0.87462 cos(152°) = -0.882948 cos(153°) = -0.891007 cos(154°) = -0.898794 cos(155°) = -0.906308 cos(156°) = -0.913545 cos(157°) = -0.920505 cos(158°) = -0.927184 cos(159°) = -0.93358 cos(160°) = -0.939693 cos(161°) = -0.945519 cos(162°) = -0.951057 cos(163°) = -0.956305 cos(164°) = -0.961262 cos(165°) = -0.965926 cos(166°) = -0.970296 cos(167°) = -0.97437 cos(168°) = -0.978148 cos(169°) = -0.981627 cos(170°) = -0.984808 cos(171°) = -0.987688 cos(172°) = -0.990268 cos(173°) = -0.992546 cos(174°) = -0.994522 cos(175°) = -0.996195 cos(176°) = -0.997564 cos(177°) = -0.99863 cos(178°) = -0.999391 cos(179°) = -0.999848 cos(180°) = -1 |
Таблица косинусов углов от 181° до 360°
cos(181°) = -0.999848 cos(182°) = -0.999391 cos(183°) = -0.99863 cos(184°) = -0.997564 cos(185°) = -0.996195 cos(186°) = -0.994522 cos(187°) = -0.992546 cos(188°) = -0.990268 cos(189°) = -0.987688 cos(190°) = -0.984808 cos(191°) = -0.981627 cos(192°) = -0.978148 cos(193°) = -0.97437 cos(194°) = -0.970296 cos(195°) = -0.965926 cos(196°) = -0.961262 cos(197°) = -0.956305 cos(198°) = -0.951057 cos(199°) = -0.945519 cos(200°) = -0.939693 cos(201°) = -0.93358 cos(202°) = -0.927184 cos(203°) = -0.920505 cos(204°) = -0.913545 cos(205°) = -0.906308 cos(206°) = -0.898794 cos(207°) = -0.891007 cos(208°) = -0.882948 cos(209°) = -0.87462 cos(210°) = -0.866025 cos(211°) = -0.857167 cos(212°) = -0.848048 cos(213°) = -0.838671 cos(214°) = -0.829038 cos(215°) = -0.819152 cos(216°) = -0.809017 cos(217°) = -0.798636 cos(218°) = -0.788011 cos(219°) = -0.777146 cos(220°) = -0.766044 cos(221°) = -0.75471 cos(222°) = -0.743145 cos(223°) = -0.731354 cos(224°) = -0.71934 cos(225°) = -0.707107 |
cos(226°) = -0.694658 cos(227°) = -0.681998 cos(228°) = -0.669131 cos(229°) = -0.656059 cos(230°) = -0.642788 cos(231°) = -0.62932 cos(232°) = -0.615661 cos(233°) = -0.601815 cos(234°) = -0.587785 cos(235°) = -0.573576 cos(236°) = -0.559193 cos(237°) = -0.544639 cos(238°) = -0.529919 cos(239°) = -0.515038 cos(240°) = -0.5 cos(241°) = -0.48481 cos(242°) = -0.469472 cos(243°) = -0.45399 cos(244°) = -0.438371 cos(245°) = -0.422618 cos(246°) = -0.406737 cos(247°) = -0.390731 cos(248°) = -0.374607 cos(249°) = -0.358368 cos(250°) = -0.34202 cos(251°) = -0.325568 cos(252°) = -0.309017 cos(253°) = -0.292372 cos(254°) = -0.275637 cos(255°) = -0.258819 cos(256°) = -0.241922 cos(257°) = -0.224951 cos(258°) = -0.207912 cos(259°) = -0.190809 cos(260°) = -0.173648 cos(261°) = -0.156434 cos(262°) = -0.139173 cos(263°) = -0.121869 cos(264°) = -0.104528 cos(265°) = -0.087156 cos(266°) = -0.069756 cos(267°) = -0.052336 cos(268°) = -0.034899 cos(269°) = -0.017452 cos(270°) = -0 |
cos(271°) = 0.017452 cos(272°) = 0.034899 cos(273°) = 0.052336 cos(274°) = 0.069756 cos(275°) = 0.087156 cos(276°) = 0.104528 cos(277°) = 0.121869 cos(278°) = 0.139173 cos(279°) = 0.156434 cos(280°) = 0.173648 cos(281°) = 0.190809 cos(282°) = 0.207912 cos(283°) = 0.224951 cos(284°) = 0.241922 cos(285°) = 0.258819 cos(286°) = 0.275637 cos(287°) = 0.292372 cos(288°) = 0.309017 cos(289°) = 0.325568 cos(290°) = 0.34202 cos(291°) = 0.358368 cos(292°) = 0.374607 cos(293°) = 0.390731 cos(294°) = 0.406737 cos(295°) = 0.422618 cos(296°) = 0.438371 cos(297°) = 0.45399 cos(298°) = 0.469472 cos(299°) = 0.48481 cos(300°) = 0.5 cos(301°) = 0.515038 cos(302°) = 0.529919 cos(303°) = 0.544639 cos(304°) = 0.559193 cos(305°) = 0.573576 cos(306°) = 0.587785 cos(307°) = 0.601815 cos(308°) = 0.615661 cos(309°) = 0.62932 cos(310°) = 0.642788 cos(311°) = 0.656059 cos(312°) = 0.669131 cos(313°) = 0.681998 cos(314°) = 0.694658 cos(315°) = 0.707107 |
cos(316°) = 0.71934 cos(317°) = 0.731354 cos(318°) = 0.743145 cos(319°) = 0.75471 cos(320°) = 0.766044 cos(321°) = 0.777146 cos(322°) = 0.788011 cos(323°) = 0.798636 cos(324°) = 0.809017 cos(325°) = 0.819152 cos(326°) = 0.829038 cos(327°) = 0.838671 cos(328°) = 0.848048 cos(329°) = 0.857167 cos(330°) = 0.866025 cos(331°) = 0.87462 cos(332°) = 0.882948 cos(333°) = 0.891007 cos(334°) = 0.898794 cos(335°) = 0.906308 cos(336°) = 0.913545 cos(337°) = 0.920505 cos(338°) = 0.927184 cos(339°) = 0.93358 cos(340°) = 0.939693 cos(341°) = 0.945519 cos(342°) = 0.951057 cos(343°) = 0.956305 cos(344°) = 0.961262 cos(345°) = 0.965926 cos(346°) = 0.970296 cos(347°) = 0.97437 cos(348°) = 0.978148 cos(349°) = 0.981627 cos(350°) = 0.984808 cos(351°) = 0.987688 cos(352°) = 0.990268 cos(353°) = 0.992546 cos(354°) = 0.994522 cos(355°) = 0.996195 cos(356°) = 0.997564 cos(357°) = 0.99863 cos(358°) = 0.999391 cos(359°) = 0.999848 cos(360°) = 1 |
cos(100°0′0″) = -0.1736481777 | cos(100°20′0″) = -0.1793745859 | cos(100°40′0″) = -0.185094923 |
cos(100°1′0″) = -0.1739346393 | cos(100°21′0″) = -0.1796607486 | cos(100°41′0″) = -0.1853807771 |
cos(100°2′0″) = -0.1742210862 | cos(100°22′0″) = -0.179946896 | cos(100°42′0″) = -0.1856666154 |
cos(100°3′0″) = -0.1745075183 | cos(100°23′0″) = -0.1802330283 | cos(100°43′0″) = -0.185952438 |
cos(100°4′0″) = -0.1747939357 | cos(100°24′0″) = -0.1805191453 | cos(100°44′0″) = -0.1862382449 |
cos(100°5′0″) = -0.1750803383 | cos(100°25′0″) = -0.180805247 | cos(100°45′0″) = -0.186524036 |
cos(100°6′0″) = -0.1753667261 | cos(100°26′0″) = -0.1810913334 | cos(100°46′0″) = -0.1868098113 |
cos(100°7′0″) = -0.175653099 | cos(100°27′0″) = -0.1813774044 | cos(100°47′0″) = -0.1870955709 |
cos(100°8′0″) = -0.1759394571 | cos(100°28′0″) = -0.1816634602 | cos(100°48′0″) = -0.1873813146 |
cos(100°9′0″) = -0.1762258003 | cos(100°29′0″) = -0.1819495005 | cos(100°49′0″) = -0.1876670424 |
cos(100°10′0″) = -0.1765121286 | cos(100°30′0″) = -0.1822355255 | cos(100°50′0″) = -0.1879527544 |
cos(100°11′0″) = -0.1767984419 | cos(100°31′0″) = -0.182521535 | cos(100°51′0″) = -0.1882384505 |
cos(100°12′0″) = -0.1770847403 | cos(100°32′0″) = -0.1828075291 | cos(100°52′0″) = -0.1885241306 |
cos(100°13′0″) = -0.1773710237 | cos(100°33′0″) = -0.1830935078 | cos(100°53′0″) = -0.1888097948 |
cos(100°14′0″) = -0.1776572921 | cos(100°34′0″) = -0.1833794709 | cos(100°54′0″) = -0.189095443 |
cos(100°15′0″) = -0.1779435455 | cos(100°35′0″) = -0.1836654185 | cos(100°55′0″) = -0.1893810752 |
cos(100°16′0″) = -0.1782297838 | cos(100°36′0″) = -0.1839513506 | cos(100°56′0″) = -0.1896666914 |
cos(100°17′0″) = -0.178516007 | cos(100°37′0″) = -0.1842372671 | cos(100°57′0″) = -0.1899522915 |
cos(100°18′0″) = -0.1788022151 | cos(100°38′0″) = -0.1845231681 | cos(100°58′0″) = -0.1902378756 |
cos(100°19′0″) = -0.1790884081 | cos(100°39′0″) = -0.1848090534 | cos(100°59′0″) = -0.1905234435 |
В данной таблице представлены значения косинусов от 0° до 360°. Таблица косинусов нужна, чтобы узнать, чему равен косинус угла. Нужно только найти его в таблице. Для начала короткая версия таблицы.
https://uchim.org/matematika/tablica-kosinusov – uchim.org
Таблица косинусов для 0°-180°
Таблица косинусов для 181°-360°
Как легко запомнить таблицу косинусов (видео)
Существуют также следующие таблицы тригонометрических функций: таблица синусов, таблица тангенсов и таблица котангенсов.
Всё для учебы » Математика в школе » Таблица косинусов (полная, градусы и значения)
The value of cos 100 degrees is -0.1736481. . .. Cos 100 degrees in radians is written as cos (100° × π/180°), i.e., cos (5π/9) or cos (1.745329. . .). In this article, we will discuss the methods to find the value of cos 100 degrees with examples.
- Cos 100°: -0.1736481. . .
- Cos (-100 degrees): -0.1736481. . .
- Cos 100° in radians: cos (5π/9) or cos (1.7453292 . . .)
What is the Value of Cos 100 Degrees?
The value of cos 100 degrees in decimal is -0.173648177. . .. Cos 100 degrees can also be expressed using the equivalent of the given angle (100 degrees) in radians (1.74532 . . .)
We know, using degree to radian conversion, θ in radians = θ in degrees × (pi/180°)
⇒ 100 degrees = 100° × (π/180°) rad = 5π/9 or 1.7453 . . .
∴ cos 100° = cos(1.7453) = -0.1736481. . .
For cos 100 degrees, the angle 100° lies between 90° and 180° (Second Quadrant). Since cosine function is negative in the second quadrant, thus cos 100° value = -0.1736481. . .
Since the cosine function is a periodic function, we can represent cos 100° as, cos 100 degrees = cos(100° + n × 360°), n ∈ Z.
⇒ cos 100° = cos 460° = cos 820°, and so on.
Note: Since, cosine is an even function, the value of cos(-100°) = cos(100°).
Methods to Find Value of Cos 100 Degrees
The cosine function is negative in the 2nd quadrant. The value of cos 100° is given as -0.17364. . .. We can find the value of cos 100 degrees by:
- Using Trigonometric Functions
- Using Unit Circle
Cos 100° in Terms of Trigonometric Functions
Using trigonometry formulas, we can represent the cos 100 degrees as:
- ± √(1-sin²(100°))
- ± 1/√(1 + tan²(100°))
- ± cot 100°/√(1 + cot²(100°))
- ±√(cosec²(100°) – 1)/cosec 100°
- 1/sec 100°
Note: Since 100° lies in the 2nd Quadrant, the final value of cos 100° will be negative.
We can use trigonometric identities to represent cos 100° as,
- -cos(180° – 100°) = -cos 80°
- -cos(180° + 100°) = -cos 280°
- sin(90° + 100°) = sin 190°
- sin(90° – 100°) = sin(-10°)
Cos 100 Degrees Using Unit Circle
To find the value of cos 100 degrees using the unit circle:
- Rotate ‘r’ anticlockwise to form 100° angle with the positive x-axis.
- The cos of 100 degrees equals the x-coordinate(-0.1736) of the point of intersection (-0.1736, 0.9848) of unit circle and r.
Hence the value of cos 100° = x = -0.1736 (approx)
☛ Also Check:
- cos 240 degrees
- cos 3 degrees
- cos 37 degrees
- cos 59 degrees
- cos 63 degrees
- cos 65 degrees
FAQs on Cos 100 Degrees
What is Cos 100 Degrees?
Cos 100 degrees is the value of cosine trigonometric function for an angle equal to 100 degrees. The value of cos 100° is -0.1736 (approx)
What is the Value of Cos 100° in Terms of Sec 100°?
Since the secant function is the reciprocal of the cosine function, we can write cos 100° as 1/sec(100°). The value of sec 100° is equal to -5.758770.
What is the Value of Cos 100 Degrees in Terms of Sin 100°?
Using trigonometric identities, we can write cos 100° in terms of sin 100° as, cos(100°) = -√(1 – sin²(100°)). Here, the value of sin 100° is equal to 0.9848.
How to Find the Value of Cos 100 Degrees?
The value of cos 100 degrees can be calculated by constructing an angle of 100° with the x-axis, and then finding the coordinates of the corresponding point (-0.1736, 0.9848) on the unit circle. The value of cos 100° is equal to the x-coordinate (-0.1736). ∴ cos 100° = -0.1736.
How to Find Cos 100° in Terms of Other Trigonometric Functions?
Using trigonometry formula, the value of cos 100° can be given in terms of other trigonometric functions as:
- ± √(1-sin²(100°))
- ± 1/√(1 + tan²(100°))
- ± cot 100°/√(1 + cot²(100°))
- ± √(cosec²(100°) – 1)/cosec 100°
- 1/sec 100°
☛ Also check: trigonometry table
Таблица косинусов углов от 0° – 360°. Углы с шагом в 1°. Версия для печати.
cos(0°)=cos(360°)=1; точная, но чуть более сложная таблица ( с точностью до 1″) здесь.
Углы |
Углы |
Углы |
Углы |
таблица косинусов, косинусы углов в угловых градусах ,cos α, cosinus, сколько составляет косинус?, узнать косинус, косинус градусов
Углы 0°,30°,45°,60°,90°,180°,270°,360°,(π/6,π/4,π/3,π/2,π,3π/2,2π). Синусы, косинусы, тангенсы и котангенсы. Таблица значений тригонометрических функций
Доп. Инфо:
- Таблица синусов углов от 0° – 360°. Углы с шагом в 1°. Таблица значений синусов.
- Таблица синусов, она-же косинусов точная.
- Таблица косинусов углов от 0° – 360°. Углы с шагом в 1°. Таблица значений косинусов.
- Таблица тангенсов углов углов от 0° – 360°. Углы с шагом в 1°. Таблица значений тангенса, tg
- Таблица котангенсов углов углов от 0° – 360°. Углы с шагом в 1°. Таблица значений котангенса, ctg
- Таблица тангенсов, она же котангенсов точная.
- Углы 0°,30°,45°,60°,90°,180°,270°,360°,(π/6,π/4,π/3,π/2,π,3π/2,2π). Синусы, косинусы, тангенсы и котангенсы. Таблица значений тригонометрических функций.
- Знаки тригонометрических функций синус, косинус, тангенс и котангенс по четвертям в тригонометрическом круге.
- Определение и численные соотношения между единицами измерения углов в РФ. Тысячные, угловые градусы, минуты, секунды, радианы, обороты.
- Таблица соответствия угловых градусов, радиан, оборотов, тысячных (артиллерийских РФ). 0-360 градусов, 0-2π радиан.