Как найти определенный интеграл в питоне

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    Definite integrals are the extension after indefinite integrals, definite integrals have limits [a, b]. It gives the area of a curve bounded between given limits.

    int_{a}^b F(x)dx

    It denotes the area of curve F(x) bounded between a and b, where a is the lower limit and b is the upper limit.

    In this article, we will discuss how we can solve definite integrals in python, and would also visualize the area between them using matplotlib. We would also use the NumPy module for defining the range of the variable we are integrating. Let’s Begin with installing the modules.

    Module needed:

    • matplotlib: We would use this to visualize our area under the graph formed by a definite integral.
    • numpy: Helper library to define ranges of definite integrals.
    • sympy: Library to calculate the numerical solution of the integral easily.


    For calculating area under curve

    • Import module
    • Declare function
    • Integrate.

    Syntax : 

    sympy.integrate(expression, reference variable)

    For plotting 

    • Import module
    • Define a function
    • Define a variable
    • Draw the curve
    • Fill the color under it using some condition.
    • Display plot

    Given below is the implementation for the same.

    The area between a curve and standard axis

    Example 1 :


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np

    import sympy as sy

    def f(x):

        return x**2

    x = sy.Symbol("x")

    print(sy.integrate(f(x), (x, 0, 2)))



    Example 2:


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np

    def f(x):

        return x**2

    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)

    plt.plot(x, f(x))


    plt.fill_between(x, f(x), where=[(x > 0) and (x < 2) for x in x])



    The area between two curves

    Example 1:


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np

    import sympy as sy

    def f(x):

        return x**2

    def g(x):

        return x**(1/2)

    x = sy.Symbol("x")

    print(sy.integrate(f(x)-g(x), (x, 0, 2)))



    Example 2:


    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import numpy as np

    def f(x):

        return x**2

    def g(x):

        return x**(1/2)

    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 1000)

    plt.plot(x, f(x))

    plt.plot(x, g(x))

    plt.fill_between(x, f(x), g(x), where=[(x > 0) and (x < 2) for x in x])



    Last Updated :
    15 Mar, 2021

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    Дадим определение, что такое интеграл – одно из важнейших понятий математического анализа, которое возникает при решении задач: о нахождении площади под кривой; пройденного пути при неравномерном движении; массы неоднородного тела, и тому подобных; а также в задаче о восстановлении функции по её производной (неопределённый интеграл). Упрощённо интеграл можно представить как аналог суммы для бесконечного числа бесконечно малых слагаемых.

    Но мы будем рассматривать определенный интеграл

    Общее определение определенного интеграла

    Пример вычисления определенного интеграла в Python

    Здесь числа aa и bb называются пределами интегрирования (по аналогии с пределами суммирования): aa — нижним, bb — верхним.

    А теперь самое важное! Неопределённый интеграл от функции — это семейство первообразных функций (ключевое слово тут — функций). То есть это выражения, содержащие неизвестную.

    А вот определённый интеграл — это число. Как и площадь под графиком кривой — это число. Для нахождения этого числа существует специальная формула.

    Пример вычисления определенного интеграла в Python

    То есть определённый интеграл функции f(x)f(x) равен разности значений любой её первообразной F(x)F(x) в правой и левой точках отрезка.

    Первообразной для данной функции F(x), называют, такую функцию F(x) производная, которой равна f. Нахождение первообразной является операцией, обратной дифференцированию – последнее по заданной функции находит её производную, а найдя первообразную, мы, наоборот, по заданной производной определили исходную функцию.

    Посмотрим, как вычислять определённые интегралы с помощью Python.

    В этом поможет библиотека SciPy. Её часто используют для научных исследований, так как в ней содержатся реализации многих математических операций. Нам пригодится метод scipy.integrate.quad — он вычисляет значение определённого интеграла функции при заданных пределах интегрирования.

    На вход метода quad(f, a, b) подаются подынтегральная функция f, нижний предел интегрирования a и верхний предел b.

    Внутри метод заменяет исходную функцию на комбинацию более простых — таких, у которых интеграл легко вычисляется. То есть quad находит значение интеграла приближённо. В таких случаях нужна оценка погрешности — чтобы понимать, на сколько приближённое значение может отличаться от точного.

    Поэтому quad возвращает два числа (res, err): приближённое значение интеграла res и оценку погрешности err.

    Функция quad возвращает два значения, но сохранить нужно только первое — результат интегрирования. Можно получить его так: quad(f, a, b)[0].

    Пример кода:

    from scipy.integrate import quad

    def d(t):

    return (1/4)*(-5*t**2+14*t+50)

    res = quad(d, 0, 4)[0]


    Оператор def задает функцию в данном случае (d(t).

    return – оператор возврата.

    Оператор ** -возводит число в степень, в данном случае , во вторую.

    res- переменная в которую мы записываем результат вычислений

    quad(d, 0, 4)[0] -нижний предел 0, а верхний 4.

    print- печатает на экран, то что мы положили в переменную res.



    А, если пятую строчку кода написать без [0], то результат будет 51.33333333333333, 5.69914485974247e-13, справа выводится погрешность вычисления.

    Библиотеку scipy нужно устанавливать с помощью cmd.exe, если это windows при помощи команды pip install scipy, но перед этим должна быть установлена актуальная версия Python.

    Чтобы запустить этот код в среде разработки Python нужно в меню выбрать пункт File->New File, в появившемся окне набрать код или скопировать его туда, проверить ошибки, в меню появившегося окна выбрать Run->Run Module, программа выполнится.

    Вот, такой не сложный, но полезный способ подсчета определенного интеграла, хотелось показать вам.

    Вычисление определённых интегралов: базовые алгоритмы

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    В этой публикации описаны простейшие методы вычисления интегралов функций от одной переменной на отрезке, также называемые квадратурными формулами. Обычно эти методы реализованы в стандартных математических библиотеках, таких как GNU Scientific Library для C, SciPy для Python и других. Публикация имеет целью продемонстрировать, как эти методы работают “под капотом”, и обратить внимание на некоторые вопросы точности и производительности алгоритмов. Также хотелось бы отметить связь квадратурных формул и методов численного интегрирования обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений, о которых хочу написать ещё одну публикацию.

    Определение интеграла

    Интегралом (по Риману) от функции $f(x)$ на отрезке $[a;b]$ называется следующий предел:

    $int_a^b f(x)dx = lim_{Delta x to 0} sum_{i=0}^{n-1} f(xi_i)(x_{i+1} - x_i),~~(1)$

    где $Delta x = maxlbrace x_{i+1} - x_irbrace$ — мелкость разбиения, $x_0 = a$, $x_n = b$, $xi_i$ — произвольное число на отрезке $[x_i; x_{i+1}]$.

    Если интеграл от функции существует, то значение предела одно и то же вне зависимости от разбиения, лишь бы оно было достаточно мелким.
    Более наглядно геометрическое определение — интеграл равен площади криволинейной трапеции, ограниченной осью 0x, графиком функции и прямыми x = a и x = b (закрашенная область на рисунке).

    Квадратурные формулы

    Определение интеграла (1) можно переписать в виде

    $I = int_a^b f(x)dx approx I_n = (b - a)sum_{i=0}^{n-1} w_i f(xi_i),~~(2)$

    где $w_i$ — весовые коэффициенты, сумма которых должна быть равна 1, а сами коэффициенты — стремиться к нулю при увеличении числа $n$ точек, в которых вычисляется функция.

    Выражение (2) — основа всех квадратурных формул (т.е. формул для приближенного вычисления интеграла). Задача состоит в том, чтобы выбрать точки $lbrace xi_i rbrace$ и веса $w_i$ таким образом, чтобы сумма в правой части приближала требуемый интеграл как можно точнее.

    Вычислительная задача

    Задана функция $f(x)$, для которой есть алгоритм вычисления значений в любой точке отрезка $[a;b]$ (имеются в виду точки, представимые числом с плавающей точкой — никаких там функций Дирихле!).

    Требуется найти приближённое значение интеграла $int_a^b f(x)dx$.
    Решения будут реализованы на языке Python 3.6.

    Для проверки методов используется интеграл $int_0^{3/2} left[ 2x + frac{1}{sqrt{x + 1/16}}right]dx = 17/4$.

    Кусочно-постоянная аппроксимация

    Идейно простейшие квадратурные формулы возникают из применения выражения (1) “в лоб”:

    $I_n = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} f(xi_i) (x_{i+1} - x_i)$

    Т.к. от метода разбиения отрезка точками $lbrace x_irbrace$ и выбора точек $lbracexi_irbrace$ значение предела не зависит, то выберем их так, чтобы они удобно вычислялись — например, разбиение возьмём равномерным, а для точек вычисления функции рассмотрим варианты: 1) $xi_i = x_i$; 2) $xi_i = x_{i+1}$; 3) $xi_i = (x_i + x_{i+1}) / 2$.

    Получаем методы левых прямоугольников, правых прямоугольников и прямоугольников со средней точкой, соответственно.


    def _rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg, frac):
        """Обобщённое правило прямоугольников."""
        dx = 1.0 * (b - a) / nseg
        sum = 0.0
        xstart = a + frac * dx # 0 <= frac <= 1 задаёт долю смещения точки, 
                               # в которой вычисляется функция,
                               # от левого края отрезка dx
        for i in range(npoints):
            sum += func(xstart + i * dx)
        return sum * dx
    def left_rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg):
        """Правило левых прямоугольников"""
        return _rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg, 0.0)
    def right_rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg):
        """Правило правых прямоугольников"""
        return _rectangle_rule(func, a, b, npoints, 1.0)
    def midpoint_rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg):
        """Правило прямоугольников со средней точкой"""
        return _rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg, 0.5)

    Для анализа производительности квадратурных формул построим график погрешности в координатах “число точек — отличие численного результата от точного”.


    Что можно заметить:

    1. Формула со средней точкой гораздо точнее, чем с правой или левой точками
    2. Погрешность формулы со средней точкой падает быстрее, чем у двух остальных
    3. При очень мелком разбиении погрешность формулы со средней точкой начинает возрастать
      Первые два пункта связаны с тем, что формула прямоугольников со средней точкой имеет второй порядок аппроксимации, т.е. $|I_n - I| = O( 1/n^2)$, а формулы правых и левых прямоугольников — первый порядок, т.е. $|I_n - I| = O(1/n)$.
      Возрастание погрешности при измельчении шага интегрирования связано с нарастанием погрешности округления при суммировании большого числа слагаемых. Эта ошибка растёт как $|I_n - I| = O(1/n)$, что не даёт при интегрировании достигнуть машинной точности.
      Вывод: методы прямоугольников с правой и левой точками имеют низкую точность, которая к тому же медленно растёт с измельчением разбиения. Поэтому они имеют смысл разве что в демонстрационных целях. Метод прямоугольников со средней точкой имеет более высокий порядок аппроксимации, что даёт ему шансы на использование в реальных приложениях (об этом чуть ниже).

    Кусочно-линейная аппроксимация

    Следующий логический шаг — аппроксимировать интегрируемую функцию на каждом из подотрезков линейной функцией, что даёт квадратурную формулу трапеций:

    $I_n = sum_{i=0}^{n-1} frac{f(x_i) + f(x_{i+1})}{2}(x_{i+1} - x_i)~~(3)$

    Иллюстрация метода трапеций для n=1 и n=2.

    В случае равномерной сетки длины всех отрезков разбиения равны, и формула имеет вид

    $I_n = hleft(frac{f(a) + f(b)}{2} + sum_{i=1}^{n-1} f(a + ih)right),~h=frac{b-a}{n}~~(3a)$


    def trapezoid_rule(func, a, b, nseg):
        """Правило трапеций
           nseg - число отрезков, на которые разбивается [a;b]"""
        dx = 1.0 * (b - a) / nseg
        sum = 0.5 * (func(a) + func(b))
        for i in range(1, nseg):
            sum += func(a + i * dx)
        return sum * dx

    Построив график ошибки от числа точек разбиения, убеждаемся, что метод трапеций тоже имеет второй порядок аппроксимации и вообще даёт результаты, слабо отличающиеся от метода прямоугольников со средней точкой (в дальнейшем — просто метод прямоугольников).

    Контроль точности вычисления

    Задание в качестве входного параметра числа точек разбиения не слишком практично, поскольку обычно требуется вычислить интеграл не с заданной плотностью разбиения, а с заданной погрешностью. Если подынтегральная функция известна наперёд, то можно оценить погрешность заранее и выбрать такой шаг интегрирования, чтобы заданная точность заведомо достигалась. Но так редко бывает на практике (и вообще, не проще ли при известной наперёд функции и сам интеграл протабулировать наперёд?), поэтому необходима процедура автоматической подстройки шага под заданную погрешность.

    Как это реализовать? Один из простых методов оценки погрешности — правило Рунге — разность значений интегралов, рассчитанных по n и 2n точкам, даёт оценку погрешности: $Delta_{2n} approx |I_{2n} - I_n|$. Метод трапеций удобнее для удвоения мелкости разбиения, чем метод прямоугольников с центральной точкой. При расчёте методом трапеций для удвоения числа точек нужны новые значения функции только в серединах отрезков предыдущего разбиения, т.е. предыдущее приближение интеграла можно использовать для вычисления следующего.

    Чем ещё хорош метод прямоугольников

    Метод прямоугольников не требует вычислять значения функции на концах отрезка. Это означает, что его можно использовать для функций, имеющих на краях отрезка интегрируемые особенности (например, sinx/x или x-1/2 от 0 до 1). Поэтому показанный далее метод экстраполяции будет работать точно так же и для метода прямоугольников. Отличие от метода трапеций лишь в том, что при уменьшении шага вдвое отбрасывается результат предыдущих вычислений, однако можно утроить число точек, и тогда предыдущее значение интеграла также можно использовать для вычисления нового. Формулы для экстраполяции в этом случае необходимо скорректировать на другое соотношение шагов интегрирования.

    Отсюда получаем следующий код для метода трапеций с контролем точности:

    def trapezoid_rule(func, a, b, rtol = 1e-8, nseg0 = 1):
        """Правило трапеций
           rtol - желаемая относительная точность вычислений
           nseg0 - начальное число отрезков разбиения"""
        nseg = nseg0
        old_ans = 0.0
        dx = 1.0 * (b - a) / nseg
        ans = 0.5 * (func(a) + func(b))
        for i in range(1, nseg):
            ans += func(a + i * dx)
        ans *= dx
        err_est = max(1, abs(ans))
        while (err_est > abs(rtol * ans)):
            old_ans = ans
            ans = 0.5 * (ans + midpoint_rectangle_rule(func, a, b, nseg)) # новые точки для уточнения интеграла
                                                                          # добавляются ровно в середины предыдущих отрезков
            nseg *= 2
            err_est = abs(ans - old_ans)
        return ans

    С таким подходом подынтегральная функция не будет вычисляться по нескольку раз в одной точке, и все вычисленные значения используются для окончательного результата.

    Но нельзя ли при том же количестве вычислений функции добиться более высокой точности? Оказывается, что можно, есть формулы, работающие точнее метода трапеций на той же самой сетке.

    Кусочно-параболическая аппроксимация

    Следующим шагом аппроксимируем функцию элементами парабол. Для этого требуется, чтобы число отрезков разбиения было чётным, тогда параболы могут быть проведены через тройки точек с абсциссами {(x0=a, x1, x2), (x2, x3, x4), …, (xn-2, xn-1, xn=b)}.

    Иллюстрация кусочно-параболического приближения на 3 и 5 точках (n=2 и n=3).

    Приближая интеграл от функции на каждом из отрезков [xk;xk+2] интегралом от параболической аппроксимации на этом отрезке и считая точки равномерно распределенными (xk+1=xk+h), получаем формулу Симпсона:

    $I_{Simps, n} = sum_{i=0}^{n/2-1}frac{h}{3}[f(x_{2i})+4f(x_{2i+1})+f(x_{2i + 2})] = \ =frac{h}{3}[f(a)+4f(a+h)+2f(a+2h) + ... +4f(b-h) + f(b)]~~(4)$

    Из формулы (4) напрямую получается “наивная” реализация метода Симпсона:

    Заголовок спойлера

    def simpson_rule(func, a, b, nseg):
        """Правило трапеций
           nseg - число отрезков, на которые разбивается [a;b]"""
        if nseg%2 = 1:
            nseg += 1
        dx = 1.0 * (b - a) / nseg
        sum = (func(a) + 4 * func(a + dx) + func(b))
        for i in range(1, nseg / 2):
            sum += 2 * func(a + (2 * i) * dx) + 4 * func(a + (2 * i + 1) * dx)
        return sum * dx / 3

    Для оценки погрешности можно использовать точно так же вычисление интеграла с шагами h и h/2 — но вот незадача, при вычислении интеграла с более мелким шагом результат предыдущего вычисления придётся отбросить, хотя половина новых вычислений функции будет в тех же точках, что и раньше.

    Бесполезной траты машинного времени, к счастью, можно избежать, если реализовать метод Симпсона более хитроумным образом. Присмотревшись повнимательнее, заметим, что интеграл по формуле Симпсона может быть представлен через два интеграла по формуле трапеций с разными шагами. Яснее всего это видно на базовом случае аппроксимации интеграла по трём точкам $(a, f_0),~(a+h, f_1),~(a+2h, f_2)$:

    $I_{Simps,2} = frac{h}{3}(f_0 + 4f_1 + f_2) = frac{4}{3}hleft(frac{f_0 + f_1}{2} + frac{f_1 + f_2}{2}right) - frac{1}{3}cdot2hfrac{f_0 + f_2}{2} = \ =frac{4I_{trap,2} - I_{trap,1}}{3}$

    Таким образом, если реализовать процедуру уменьшения шага вдвое и хранить два последних вычисления методом трапеций, метод Симпсона с контролем точности реализуется более эффективно.

    Как-то так…

    class Quadrature:
        """Базовые определения для квадратурных формул"""
        __sum = 0.0
        __nseg = 1  # число отрезков разбиения
        __ncalls = 0 # считает число вызовов интегрируемой функции
        def __restart(func, x0, x1, nseg0, reset_calls = True):
            """Обнуление всех счётчиков и аккумуляторов.
               Возвращает интеграл методом трапеций на начальном разбиении"""
            if reset_calls:
                Quadrature.__ncalls = 0
            Quadrature.__nseg = nseg0
            # вычисление суммы для метода трапеций с начальным числом отрезков разбиения nseg0
            Quadrature.__sum = 0.5 * (func(x0) + func(x1))
            dx = 1.0 * (x1 - x0) / nseg0
            for i in range(1, nseg0):
                Quadrature.__sum += func(x0 + i * dx)
            Quadrature.__ncalls += 1 + nseg0
            return Quadrature.__sum * dx
        def __double_nseg(func, x0, x1):
            """Вдвое измельчает разбиение.
               Возвращает интеграл методом трапеций на новом разбиении"""
            nseg = Quadrature.__nseg
            dx = (x1 - x0) / nseg
            x = x0 + 0.5 * dx
            i = 0
            AddedSum = 0.0
            for i in range(nseg):
                AddedSum += func(x + i * dx)
            Quadrature.__sum += AddedSum
            Quadrature.__nseg *= 2
            Quadrature.__ncalls += nseg
            return Quadrature.__sum * 0.5 * dx
        def trapezoid(func, x0, x1, rtol = 1e-10, nseg0 = 1):
            """Интегрирование методом трапеций с заданной точностью.
               rtol - относительная точность,
               nseg0 - число отрезков начального разбиения"""
            ans = Quadrature.__restart(func, x0, x1, nseg0)
            old_ans = 0.0
            err_est = max(1, abs(ans))
            while (err_est > abs(rtol * ans)):
                old_ans = ans
                ans = Quadrature.__double_nseg(func, x0, x1)
                err_est = abs(old_ans - ans)
            print("Total function calls: " + str(Quadrature.__ncalls))
            return ans
        def simpson(func, x0, x1, rtol = 1.0e-10, nseg0 = 1):
            """Интегрирование методом парабол с заданной точностью.
               rtol - относительная точность,
               nseg0 - число отрезков начального разбиения"""
            old_trapez_sum = Quadrature.__restart(func, x0, x1, nseg0)
            new_trapez_sum = Quadrature.__double_nseg(func, x0, x1)
            ans = (4 * new_trapez_sum - old_trapez_sum) / 3
            old_ans = 0.0
            err_est = max(1, abs(ans))
            while (err_est > abs(rtol * ans)):
                old_ans = ans
                old_trapez_sum = new_trapez_sum
                new_trapez_sum = Quadrature.__double_nseg(func, x0, x1)
                ans = (4 * new_trapez_sum - old_trapez_sum) / 3
                err_est = abs(old_ans - ans)
            print("Total function calls: " + str(Quadrature.__ncalls))
            return ans

    Сравним эффективность метода трапеций и парабол:

    >>> import math
    >>> Quadrature.trapezoid(lambda x: 2 * x + 1 / math.sqrt(x + 1 / 16), 0, 1.5, rtol=1e-9)
    Total function calls: 65537
    >>> Quadrature.simpson(lambda x: 2 * x + 1 / math.sqrt(x + 1 / 16), 0, 1.5, rtol=1e-9)
    Total function calls: 2049

    Как видим, обоими методами ответ можно получть с достаточно высокой точностью, но количество вызовов подынтегральной функции разительно отличается — метод более высокого порядка эффективнее в 32 раза!

    Построив график погрешности интегрирования от числа шагов, можно убедиться, что порядок аппроксимации формулы Симпсона равен четырём, т.е. ошибка численного интегрирования $|I_{Simps, n} - I| = O(1/n^4)$ (а интегралы от кубических многочленов с помощью этой формулы вычисляются с точностью до ошибок округления при любом чётном n>0!).
    Отсюда и возникает такой рост эффективности по сравнению с простой формулой трапеций.

    Что дальше?

    Дальнейшая логика повышения точности квадратурных формул, в целом, понятна — если функцию продолжать приближать многочленами всё более высокой степени, то и интеграл от этих многочленов будет всё точнее приближать интеграл от исходной функции. Этот подход называется построением квадратурных формул Ньютона-Котеса. Известны формулы вплоть до 8 порядка аппроксимации, но выше среди весовых коэффициентов wi в (2) появляются знакопеременные члены, и формулы при вычислениях теряют устойчивость.

    Попробуем пойти другим путём. Ошибка квадратурной формулы представляется в виде ряда по степеням шага интегрирования h. Замечательное свойство метода трапеций (и прямоугольников со средней точкой!) в том, что для неё этот ряд состоит только из чётных степеней:

    $I_{trap,n}[f, a, b] = int_a^b f(x)dx + C_2h^2 + C_4h^4 + C_6h^6 + ...,~h = frac{b-a}{n}~~~(5)$

    На нахождении последовательных приближений к этому разложению основана экстраполяция Ричардсона: вместо того, чтобы приближать подынтегральную функцию многочленом, по рассчитанным приближениям интеграла $I(h)$ строится полиномиальная аппроксимация, которая при h=0 должна давать наилучшее приближение к истинному значению интеграла.

    Разложение ошибки интегрирования по чётным степеням шага разбиения резко ускоряет сходимость экстраполяции, т.к. для аппроксимации порядка 2n нужно всего n значений интеграла методом трапеций.

    Если считать, что каждое последующее слагаемое меньше предыдущего, то можно последовательно исключать степени h, имея приближения интеграла, рассчитанные с разными шагами. Поскольку приведённая реализация легко позволяет дробить разбиение вдвое, удобно рассматривать формулы для шагов h и h/2.

    $I_{trap,n} - I approx C_2h^2;~I_{trap,2n} - I approx C_2left(frac{h}{2}right)^2$

    Легко показать, что исключение старшего члена погрешности формулы трапеций в точности даст формулу Симпсона:

    $I = I_{trap,2n} - C_2left(frac{h}{2}right)^2 + O(h^4) approx I_{trap,2n} - frac{I_{trap,2n}-I_{trap,n}}{1-2^2} = I_{Simps,2n}$

    Повторяя аналогичную процедуру для формулы Симпсона, получаем:

    $I_{Simps,2n} - I approx C_4left(frac{h}{2}right)^4;~I_{Simps,n} - I approx C_4h^4$

    $I = I_{Simps,2n} - C_4left(frac{h}{2}right)^4 + O(h^6) approx I_{Simps,2n} - frac{I_{Simps,2n}-I_{Simps,n}}{1-2^4}$

    Если продолжить, вырисовывается такая таблица:

    2 порядок 4 порядок 6 порядок
    I1,0 I1,1
    I2,0 I2,1 I2,2

    В первом столбце стоят интегралы, вычисленные методом трапеций. При переходе от верхней строки вниз разбиение отрезка становится вдвое мельче, а при переходе от левого столбца вправо повышается порядок аппроксимации интеграла (т.е. во втором столбце находятся интегралы по методу Симпсона и т.д.).

    Элементы таблицы, как можно вывести из разложения (5), связаны рекуррентным соотношением:

    $I_{i,j} = I_{i,j-1} - frac{I_{i,j-1}-I_{i-1,j-1}}{1-left(frac{h_{i-j}}{h_i}right)^2} = I_{i,j-1} - frac{I_{i,j-1}-I_{i-1,j-1}}{1-2^{2j}}~~~(6)$

    Погрешность приближения интеграла можно оценить по разности формул разных порядков в одной строке, т.е.

    $Delta_{i,j} approx I_{i,j} - I_{i,j-1}$

    Применение экстраполяции Ричардсона вместе с интегрированием методом трапеций называется методом Ромберга. Если метод Симпсона учитывает два предыдущих значения по методу трапеций, то метод Ромберга использует все ранее вычисленные методом трапеций значения для получения более точной оценки интеграла.


    Дополнительный метод добавляется в класс Quadrature

    class Quadrature:
        """Базовые определения для квадратурных формул"""
        __sum = 0.0
        __nseg = 1  # число отрезков разбиения
        __ncalls = 0 # считает число вызовов интегрируемой функции
        def __restart(func, x0, x1, nseg0, reset_calls = True):
            """Обнуление всех счётчиков и аккумуляторов.
               Возвращает интеграл методом трапеций на начальном разбиении"""
            if reset_calls:
                Quadrature.__ncalls = 0
            Quadrature.__nseg = nseg0
            # вычисление суммы для метода трапеций с начальным разбиением на nseg0 отрезков
            Quadrature.__sum = 0.5 * (func(x0) + func(x1))
            dx = 1.0 * (x1 - x0) / nseg0
            for i in range(1, nseg0):
                Quadrature.__sum += func(x0 + i * dx)
            Quadrature.__ncalls += 1 + nseg0
            return Quadrature.__sum * dx
        def __double_nseg(func, x0, x1):
            """Вдвое измельчает разбиение.
               Возвращает интеграл методом трапеций на новом разбиении"""
            nseg = Quadrature.__nseg
            dx = (x1 - x0) / nseg
            x = x0 + 0.5 * dx
            i = 0
            AddedSum = 0.0
            for i in range(nseg):
                AddedSum += func(x + i * dx)
            Quadrature.__sum += AddedSum
            Quadrature.__nseg *= 2
            Quadrature.__ncalls += nseg
            return Quadrature.__sum * 0.5 * dx
        def romberg(func, x0, x1, rtol = 1e-10, nseg0 = 1, maxcol = 5, reset_calls = True):
            """Интегрирование методом Ромберга
               nseg0 - начальное число отрезков разбиения
               maxcol - максимальный столбец таблицы"""
            # инициализация таблицы
            Itable = [[Quadrature.__restart(func, x0, x1, nseg0, reset_calls)]]
            i = 0
            maxcol = max(0, maxcol)
            ans = Itable[i][i]
            error_est = max(1, abs(ans))
            while (error_est > abs(rtol * ans)):
                old_ans = ans
                i += 1
                d = 4.0
                ans_col = min(i, maxcol)
                Itable.append([Quadrature.__double_nseg(func, x0, x1)] * (ans_col + 1))
                for j in range(0, ans_col):
                    diff = Itable[i][j] - Itable[i - 1][j]
                    Itable[i][j + 1] = Itable[i][j] + diff / (d - 1.0)
                    d *= 4.0
                ans = Itable[i][ans_col]
                if (maxcol <= 1): # методы трапеций и парабол обрабатываются отдельно
                    error_est = abs(ans - Itable[i - 1][-1])
                elif (i > maxcol):
                    error_est = abs(ans - Itable[i][min(i - maxcol - 1, maxcol - 1)])
                    error_est = abs(ans - Itable[i - 1][i - 1])
            print("Total function calls: " + str(Quadrature.__ncalls))
            return ans

    Проверим, как работает аппроксимация высокого порядка:

    >>> Quadrature.romberg(lambda x: 2 * x + 1 / math.sqrt(x + 1/16), 0, 1.5, rtol=1e-9, maxcol = 0) # трапеции
    Total function calls: 65537
    >>> Quadrature.romberg(lambda x: 2 * x + 1 / math.sqrt(x + 1/16), 0, 1.5, rtol=1e-9, maxcol = 1) # параболы
    Total function calls: 2049
    >>> Quadrature.romberg(lambda x: 2 * x + 1 / math.sqrt(x + 1/16), 0, 1.5, rtol=1e-9, maxcol = 4)
    Total function calls: 257

    Убеждаемся, что, по сравнению с методом парабол, число вызовов подынтегральной функции снизилось ещё в 8 раз. При дальнейшем увеличении требуемой точности преимущества метода Ромберга проявляются ещё заметнее:

    Некоторые замечания

    Замечание 1. Количество вызовов функции в этих задачах характеризует число суммирований при вычислении интеграла. Уменьшение числа вычислений подынтегрального выражения не только экономит вычислительные ресурсы (хотя при более оптимизированной реализации и это тоже), но и уменьшает влияние погрешностей округления на результат. Так, при попытке вычислить интеграл тестовой функции метод трапеций зависает при попытке достигнуть относительной точности 5×10-15, метод парабол — при желаемой точности 2×10-16(что является пределом для чисел в двойной точности), а метод Ромберга справляется с вычислением тестового интеграла вплоть до машинной точности (с ошибкой в младшем бите). То есть, повышается не только точность интегрирования при заданном числе вызовов функции, но и предельно достижимая точность вычисления интеграла.

    Замечание 2. Если метод сходится при задании некоторой точности, это не означает, что вычисленное значение интеграла имеет ту же самую точность. В первую очередь, это относится к случаям, когда задаваемая погрешность близка к машинной точности.

    Замечание 3. Хотя метод Ромберга для ряда функций работает почти магическим образом, он предполагает наличие у подынтегральной функции ограниченных производных высоких порядков. Это значит, что для функций с изломами или разрывами он может оказаться хуже простых методов. Например, проинтегрируем f(x)=|x|:

    >>> Quadrature.trapezoid(abs, -1, 3, rtol=1e-5)
    Total function calls: 9
    >>> Quadrature.simpson(abs, -1, 3, rtol=1e-5)
    Total function calls: 17
    >>> Quadrature.romberg(abs, -1, 3, rtol=1e-5, maxcol = 2)
    Total function calls: 17
    >>> Quadrature.romberg(abs, -1, 3, rtol=1e-5, maxcol = 3)
    Total function calls: 33
    >>> Quadrature.romberg(abs, -1, 3, rtol=1e-5, maxcol = 4)
    Total function calls: 33

    Замечание 4. Может показаться, что чем выше порядок аппроксимации, тем лучше. На самом деле, лучше ограничить число столбцов таблицы Ромберга на уровне 4-6. Чтобы понять это, посмотрим на формулу (6). Второе слагаемое представляет собой разность двух последовательных элементов j-1-го столбца, поделенную на примерно 4j. Т.к. в j-1-м столбце находятся аппроксимации интеграла порядка 2j, то сама разность имеет порядок (1/ni)2j ~ 4ij. C учётом деления получается ~4-(i+1)j ~ 4j2. Т.е. при j~7 второе слагаемое в (6) теряет точность после приведения порядков при сложении чисел с плавающей точкой, и повышение порядка аппроксимации может вести к накоплению ошибки округления.

    Замечание 5. Желающие могут ради интереса применить описанные методы для нахождения интеграла $int_0^1sqrt{x}sin{x}dx$ и эквивалентного ему $int_0^1 2t^2sin{t^2}dt$. Как говорится, почувствуйте разницу.


    Представлено описание и реализация базовых методов численного интегрирования функций на равномерной сетке. Продемонстрировано, как с помощью несложной модификации получить на базе метода трапеций класс квадратурных формул по методу Ромберга, что значительно ускоряет сходимость численного интегрирования. Метод хорошо работает для интегрирования “обычных” функций, т.е. слабо меняющихся на отрезке интегрирования, не имеющих особенностей на краях отрезка (см. Замечание 5), быстрых осцилляций и т.д.

    Продвинутые методы численного интегрирования для более сложных случаев можно найти в книгах из списка литературы (в [3] — с примерами реализации на C++).


    1. А.А. Самарский, А.В. Гулин. Численные методы. М.: Наука. 1989.
    2. J. Stoer, R. Bulirsch. Introduction to Numerical Analysis: Second Edition. Springer-Verlag New York. 1993.
    3. W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Flannery. Numerical Recipes: Third Edition. Cambridge University Press. 2007.

    The integrals module in SymPy implements methods to calculate definite and indefinite integrals of expressions.

    Principal method in this module is integrate()

    • integrate(f, x) returns the indefinite integral (int f,dx)

    • integrate(f, (x, a, b)) returns the definite integral (int_{a}^{b} f,dx)


    SymPy can integrate a vast array of functions. It can integrate polynomial functions:

    >>> from sympy import *
    >>> init_printing(use_unicode=False, wrap_line=False)
    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> integrate(x**2 + x + 1, x)
     3    2
    x    x
    -- + -- + x
    3    2

    Rational functions:

    >>> integrate(x/(x**2+2*x+1), x)
    log(x + 1) + -----
                 x + 1

    Exponential-polynomial functions. These multiplicative combinations of polynomials and the functions exp, cos and sin can be integrated by hand using repeated integration by parts, which is an extremely tedious process. Happily, SymPy will deal with these integrals.

    >>> integrate(x**2 * exp(x) * cos(x), x)
     2  x           2  x                         x           x
    x *e *sin(x)   x *e *cos(x)      x          e *sin(x)   e *cos(x)
    ------------ + ------------ - x*e *sin(x) + --------- - ---------
         2              2                           2           2

    even a few nonelementary integrals (in particular, some integrals involving the error function) can be evaluated:

    >>> integrate(exp(-x**2)*erf(x), x)
      ____    2
    / pi *erf (x)

    Integral Transforms#

    SymPy has special support for definite integrals, and integral transforms.

    sympy.integrals.transforms.mellin_transform(f, x, s, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the Mellin transform (F(s)) of (f(x)),

    [F(s) = int_0^infty x^{s-1} f(x) mathrm{d}x.]

    For all “sensible” functions, this converges absolutely in a strip

    (a < operatorname{Re}(s) < b).


    The Mellin transform is related via change of variables to the Fourier
    transform, and also to the (bilateral) Laplace transform.

    This function returns (F, (a, b), cond)
    where F is the Mellin transform of f, (a, b) is the fundamental strip
    (as above), and cond are auxiliary convergence conditions.

    If the integral cannot be computed in closed form, this function returns
    an unevaluated MellinTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    sympy.integrals.transforms.IntegralTransform.doit(). If noconds=False,
    then only (F) will be returned (i.e. not cond, and also not the strip
    (a, b)).


    >>> from sympy import mellin_transform, exp
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, s
    >>> mellin_transform(exp(-x), x, s)
    (gamma(s), (0, oo), True)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.MellinTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated Mellin transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute Mellin transforms, see the mellin_transform()

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_mellin_transform(F, s, x, strip, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the inverse Mellin transform of (F(s)) over the fundamental
    strip given by strip=(a, b).


    This can be defined as

    [f(x) = frac{1}{2pi i} int_{c – iinfty}^{c + iinfty} x^{-s} F(s) mathrm{d}s,]

    for any (c) in the fundamental strip. Under certain regularity
    conditions on (F) and/or (f),
    this recovers (f) from its Mellin transform (F)
    (and vice versa), for positive real (x).

    One of (a) or (b) may be passed as None; a suitable (c) will be

    If the integral cannot be computed in closed form, this function returns
    an unevaluated InverseMellinTransform object.

    Note that this function will assume x to be positive and real, regardless
    of the SymPy assumptions!

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of


    >>> from sympy import inverse_mellin_transform, oo, gamma
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, s
    >>> inverse_mellin_transform(gamma(s), s, x, (0, oo))

    The fundamental strip matters:

    >>> f = 1/(s**2 - 1)
    >>> inverse_mellin_transform(f, s, x, (-oo, -1))
    x*(1 - 1/x**2)*Heaviside(x - 1)/2
    >>> inverse_mellin_transform(f, s, x, (-1, 1))
    -x*Heaviside(1 - x)/2 - Heaviside(x - 1)/(2*x)
    >>> inverse_mellin_transform(f, s, x, (1, oo))
    (1/2 - x**2/2)*Heaviside(1 - x)/x
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseMellinTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse Mellin transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse Mellin transforms, see the
    inverse_mellin_transform() docstring.

    sympy.integrals.transforms.laplace_transform(f, t, s, legacy_matrix=True, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the Laplace Transform (F(s)) of (f(t)),

    [F(s) = int_{0^{-}}^infty e^{-st} f(t) mathrm{d}t.]


    For all sensible functions, this converges absolutely in a

    [a < operatorname{Re}(s)]

    This function returns (F, a, cond) where F is the Laplace
    transform of f, (a) is the half-plane of convergence, and (cond) are
    auxiliary convergence conditions.

    The implementation is rule-based, and if you are interested in which
    rules are applied, and whether integration is attempted, you can switch
    debug information on by setting sympy.SYMPY_DEBUG=True. The numbers
    of the rules in the debug information (and the code) refer to Bateman’s
    Tables of Integral Transforms [1].

    The lower bound is (0-), meaning that this bound should be approached
    from the lower side. This is only necessary if distributions are involved.
    At present, it is only done if (f(t)) contains DiracDelta, in which
    case the Laplace transform is computed implicitly as

    [F(s) = lim_{tauto 0^{-}} int_{tau}^infty e^{-st}
    f(t) mathrm{d}t]

    by applying rules.

    If the Laplace transform cannot be fully computed in closed form, this
    function returns expressions containing unevaluated
    LaplaceTransform objects.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    sympy.integrals.transforms.IntegralTransform.doit(). If
    noconds=True, only (F) will be returned (i.e. not cond, and also
    not the plane a).

    Deprecated since version 1.9: Legacy behavior for matrices where laplace_transform with
    noconds=False (the default) returns a Matrix whose elements are
    tuples. The behavior of laplace_transform for matrices will change
    in a future release of SymPy to return a tuple of the transformed
    Matrix and the convergence conditions for the matrix as a whole. Use
    legacy_matrix=False to enable the new behavior.


    >>> from sympy import DiracDelta, exp, laplace_transform
    >>> from sympy.abc import t, s, a
    >>> laplace_transform(t**4, t, s)
    (24/s**5, 0, True)
    >>> laplace_transform(t**a, t, s)
    (gamma(a + 1)/(s*s**a), 0, re(a) > -1)
    >>> laplace_transform(DiracDelta(t)-a*exp(-a*t), t, s, simplify=True)
    (s/(a + s), -re(a), True)


    class sympy.integrals.transforms.LaplaceTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated Laplace transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute Laplace transforms, see the laplace_transform()

    If this is called with .doit(), it returns the Laplace transform as an
    expression. If it is called with .doit(noconds=False), it returns a
    tuple containing the same expression, a convergence plane, and conditions.


    Try to evaluate the transform in closed form.


    Standard hints are the following:
    noconds: if True, do not return convergence conditions. The
    default setting is (True).
    simplify: if True, it simplifies the final result. The
    default setting is (False).

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_laplace_transform(F, s, t, plane=None, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the inverse Laplace transform of (F(s)), defined as

    [f(t) = frac{1}{2pi i} int_{c-iinfty}^{c+iinfty} e^{st}
    F(s) mathrm{d}s,]

    for (c) so large that (F(s)) has no singularites in the
    half-plane (operatorname{Re}(s) > c-epsilon).


    The plane can be specified by
    argument plane, but will be inferred if passed as None.

    Under certain regularity conditions, this recovers (f(t)) from its
    Laplace Transform (F(s)), for non-negative (t), and vice

    If the integral cannot be computed in closed form, this function returns
    an unevaluated InverseLaplaceTransform object.

    Note that this function will always assume (t) to be real,
    regardless of the SymPy assumption on (t).

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of


    >>> from sympy import inverse_laplace_transform, exp, Symbol
    >>> from sympy.abc import s, t
    >>> a = Symbol('a', positive=True)
    >>> inverse_laplace_transform(exp(-a*s)/s, s, t)
    Heaviside(-a + t)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseLaplaceTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse Laplace transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse Laplace transforms, see the
    inverse_laplace_transform() docstring.


    Try to evaluate the transform in closed form.


    Standard hints are the following:
    noconds: if True, do not return convergence conditions. The
    default setting is (True).
    simplify: if True, it simplifies the final result. The
    default setting is (False).

    sympy.integrals.transforms.fourier_transform(f, x, k, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency Fourier transform of f, defined

    [F(k) = int_{-infty}^infty f(x) e^{-2pi i x k} mathrm{d} x.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated FourierTransform object.

    For other Fourier transform conventions, see the function

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import fourier_transform, exp
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k
    >>> fourier_transform(exp(-x**2), x, k)
    >>> fourier_transform(exp(-x**2), x, k, noconds=False)
    (sqrt(pi)*exp(-pi**2*k**2), True)
    sympy.integrals.transforms._fourier_transform(f, x, k, a, b, name, simplify=True)[source]#

    Compute a general Fourier-type transform

    [F(k) = a int_{-infty}^{infty} e^{bixk} f(x), dx.]

    For suitable choice of a and b, this reduces to the standard Fourier
    and inverse Fourier transforms.

    class sympy.integrals.transforms.FourierTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated Fourier transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute Fourier transforms, see the fourier_transform()

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_fourier_transform(F, k, x, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency inverse Fourier transform of (F),
    defined as

    [f(x) = int_{-infty}^infty F(k) e^{2pi i x k} mathrm{d} k.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated InverseFourierTransform object.

    For other Fourier transform conventions, see the function

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import inverse_fourier_transform, exp, sqrt, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k
    >>> inverse_fourier_transform(sqrt(pi)*exp(-(pi*k)**2), k, x)
    >>> inverse_fourier_transform(sqrt(pi)*exp(-(pi*k)**2), k, x, noconds=False)
    (exp(-x**2), True)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseFourierTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse Fourier transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse Fourier transforms, see the
    inverse_fourier_transform() docstring.

    sympy.integrals.transforms.sine_transform(f, x, k, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency sine transform of (f), defined

    [F(k) = sqrt{frac{2}{pi}} int_{0}^infty f(x) sin(2pi x k) mathrm{d} x.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated SineTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import sine_transform, exp
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k, a
    >>> sine_transform(x*exp(-a*x**2), x, k)
    >>> sine_transform(x**(-a), x, k)
    2**(1/2 - a)*k**(a - 1)*gamma(1 - a/2)/gamma(a/2 + 1/2)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.SineTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated sine transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute sine transforms, see the sine_transform()

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_sine_transform(F, k, x, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency inverse sine transform of (F),
    defined as

    [f(x) = sqrt{frac{2}{pi}} int_{0}^infty F(k) sin(2pi x k) mathrm{d} k.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated InverseSineTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import inverse_sine_transform, exp, sqrt, gamma
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k, a
    >>> inverse_sine_transform(2**((1-2*a)/2)*k**(a - 1)*
    ...     gamma(-a/2 + 1)/gamma((a+1)/2), k, x)
    >>> inverse_sine_transform(sqrt(2)*k*exp(-k**2/(4*a))/(4*sqrt(a)**3), k, x)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseSineTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse sine transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse sine transforms, see the
    inverse_sine_transform() docstring.

    sympy.integrals.transforms.cosine_transform(f, x, k, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency cosine transform of (f), defined

    [F(k) = sqrt{frac{2}{pi}} int_{0}^infty f(x) cos(2pi x k) mathrm{d} x.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated CosineTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import cosine_transform, exp, sqrt, cos
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k, a
    >>> cosine_transform(exp(-a*x), x, k)
    sqrt(2)*a/(sqrt(pi)*(a**2 + k**2))
    >>> cosine_transform(exp(-a*sqrt(x))*cos(a*sqrt(x)), x, k)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.CosineTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated cosine transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute cosine transforms, see the cosine_transform()

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_cosine_transform(F, k, x, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the unitary, ordinary-frequency inverse cosine transform of (F),
    defined as

    [f(x) = sqrt{frac{2}{pi}} int_{0}^infty F(k) cos(2pi x k) mathrm{d} k.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated InverseCosineTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import inverse_cosine_transform, sqrt, pi
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, k, a
    >>> inverse_cosine_transform(sqrt(2)*a/(sqrt(pi)*(a**2 + k**2)), k, x)
    >>> inverse_cosine_transform(1/sqrt(k), k, x)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseCosineTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse cosine transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse cosine transforms, see the
    inverse_cosine_transform() docstring.

    sympy.integrals.transforms.hankel_transform(f, r, k, nu, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the Hankel transform of (f), defined as

    [F_nu(k) = int_{0}^infty f(r) J_nu(k r) r mathrm{d} r.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated HankelTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import hankel_transform, inverse_hankel_transform
    >>> from sympy import exp
    >>> from sympy.abc import r, k, m, nu, a
    >>> ht = hankel_transform(1/r**m, r, k, nu)
    >>> ht
    2*k**(m - 2)*gamma(-m/2 + nu/2 + 1)/(2**m*gamma(m/2 + nu/2))
    >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, nu)
    >>> ht = hankel_transform(exp(-a*r), r, k, 0)
    >>> ht
    a/(k**3*(a**2/k**2 + 1)**(3/2))
    >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, 0)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.HankelTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated Hankel transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute Hankel transforms, see the hankel_transform()

    sympy.integrals.transforms.inverse_hankel_transform(F, k, r, nu, **hints)[source]#

    Compute the inverse Hankel transform of (F) defined as

    [f(r) = int_{0}^infty F_nu(k) J_nu(k r) k mathrm{d} k.]


    If the transform cannot be computed in closed form, this
    function returns an unevaluated InverseHankelTransform object.

    For a description of possible hints, refer to the docstring of
    Note that for this transform, by default noconds=True.


    >>> from sympy import hankel_transform, inverse_hankel_transform
    >>> from sympy import exp
    >>> from sympy.abc import r, k, m, nu, a
    >>> ht = hankel_transform(1/r**m, r, k, nu)
    >>> ht
    2*k**(m - 2)*gamma(-m/2 + nu/2 + 1)/(2**m*gamma(m/2 + nu/2))
    >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, nu)
    >>> ht = hankel_transform(exp(-a*r), r, k, 0)
    >>> ht
    a/(k**3*(a**2/k**2 + 1)**(3/2))
    >>> inverse_hankel_transform(ht, k, r, 0)
    class sympy.integrals.transforms.InverseHankelTransform(*args)[source]#

    Class representing unevaluated inverse Hankel transforms.

    For usage of this class, see the IntegralTransform docstring.

    For how to compute inverse Hankel transforms, see the
    inverse_hankel_transform() docstring.

    class sympy.integrals.transforms.IntegralTransform(*args)[source]#

    Base class for integral transforms.


    This class represents unevaluated transforms.

    To implement a concrete transform, derive from this class and implement
    the _compute_transform(f, x, s, **hints) and _as_integral(f, x, s)
    functions. If the transform cannot be computed, raise IntegralTransformError.

    Also set cls._name. For instance,

    >>> from sympy import LaplaceTransform
    >>> LaplaceTransform._name

    Implement self._collapse_extra if your function returns more than just a
    number and possibly a convergence condition.


    Try to evaluate the transform in closed form.


    This general function handles linearity, but apart from that leaves
    pretty much everything to _compute_transform.

    Standard hints are the following:

    • simplify: whether or not to simplify the result

    • noconds: if True, do not return convergence conditions

    • needeval: if True, raise IntegralTransformError instead of

      returning IntegralTransform objects

    The default values of these hints depend on the concrete transform,
    usually the default is
    (simplify, noconds, needeval) = (True, False, False).

    property function#

    The function to be transformed.

    property function_variable#

    The dependent variable of the function to be transformed.

    property transform_variable#

    The independent transform variable.

    exception sympy.integrals.transforms.IntegralTransformError(transform, function, msg)[source]#

    Exception raised in relation to problems computing transforms.


    This class is mostly used internally; if integrals cannot be computed
    objects representing unevaluated transforms are usually returned.

    The hint needeval=True can be used to disable returning transform
    objects, and instead raise this exception if an integral cannot be


    SymPy uses a number of algorithms to compute integrals. Algorithms are tried
    in order until one produces an answer. Most of these algorithms can be enabled
    or disabled manually using various flags to integrate() or doit().

    SymPy first applies several heuristic algorithms, as these are the fastest:

    1. If the function is a rational function, there is a complete algorithm for
      integrating rational functions called the Lazard-Rioboo-Trager and the
      Horowitz-Ostrogradsky algorithms. They are implemented in ratint().

      sympy.integrals.rationaltools.ratint(f, x, **flags)[source]#

      Performs indefinite integration of rational functions.


      Given a field (K) and a rational function (f = p/q),
      where (p) and (q) are polynomials in (K[x]),
      returns a function (g) such that (f = g’).


      >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> ratint(36/(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2), x)
      (12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1) + 4*log(x - 2) - 4*log(x + 1)



      M. Bronstein, Symbolic Integration I: Transcendental
      Functions, Second Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005, pp. 35-70

      sympy.integrals.rationaltools.ratint_ratpart(f, g, x)[source]#

      Horowitz-Ostrogradsky algorithm.


      Given a field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], such that f and g
      are coprime and deg(f) < deg(g), returns fractions A and B in K(x),
      such that f/g = A’ + B and B has square-free denominator.


      >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_ratpart
      >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
      >>> from sympy import Poly
      >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'),
      ... Poly(x + 1, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
      (0, 1/(x + 1))
      >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='EX'),
      ... Poly(x**2 + y**2, x, domain='EX'), x)
      (0, 1/(x**2 + y**2))
      >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(36, x, domain='ZZ'),
      ... Poly(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
      ((12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1), 12/(x**2 - x - 2))

      See also

      ratint, ratint_logpart

      sympy.integrals.rationaltools.ratint_logpart(f, g, x, t=None)[source]#

      Lazard-Rioboo-Trager algorithm.


      Given a field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], such that f and g
      are coprime, deg(f) < deg(g) and g is square-free, returns a list
      of tuples (s_i, q_i) of polynomials, for i = 1..n, such that s_i
      in K[t, x] and q_i in K[t], and:

                ___    ___
      d  f   d    `     `
      -- - = --  )      )   a log(s_i(a, x))
      dx g   dx /__,   /__,
               i=1..n a | q_i(a) = 0


      >>> from sympy.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_logpart
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> from sympy import Poly
      >>> ratint_logpart(Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'),
      ... Poly(x**2 + x + 1, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
      [(Poly(x + 3*_t/2 + 1/2, x, domain='QQ[_t]'),
      ...Poly(3*_t**2 + 1, _t, domain='ZZ'))]
      >>> ratint_logpart(Poly(12, x, domain='ZZ'),
      ... Poly(x**2 - x - 2, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
      [(Poly(x - 3*_t/8 - 1/2, x, domain='QQ[_t]'),
      ...Poly(-_t**2 + 16, _t, domain='ZZ'))]

      See also

      ratint, ratint_ratpart

    2. trigintegrate() solves integrals of trigonometric functions using
      pattern matching

      sympy.integrals.trigonometry.trigintegrate(f, x, conds=‘piecewise’)[source]#

      Integrate f = Mul(trig) over x.


      >>> from sympy import sin, cos, tan, sec
      >>> from sympy.integrals.trigonometry import trigintegrate
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> trigintegrate(sin(x)*cos(x), x)
      >>> trigintegrate(sin(x)**2, x)
      x/2 - sin(x)*cos(x)/2
      >>> trigintegrate(tan(x)*sec(x), x)
      >>> trigintegrate(sin(x)*tan(x), x)
      -log(sin(x) - 1)/2 + log(sin(x) + 1)/2 - sin(x)


    3. deltaintegrate() solves integrals with DiracDelta objects.

      sympy.integrals.deltafunctions.deltaintegrate(f, x)[source]#


      The idea for integration is the following:

      • If we are dealing with a DiracDelta expression, i.e. DiracDelta(g(x)),
        we try to simplify it.

        If we could simplify it, then we integrate the resulting expression.
        We already know we can integrate a simplified expression, because only
        simple DiracDelta expressions are involved.

        If we couldn’t simplify it, there are two cases:

        1. The expression is a simple expression: we return the integral,
          taking care if we are dealing with a Derivative or with a proper

        2. The expression is not simple (i.e. DiracDelta(cos(x))): we can do
          nothing at all.

      • If the node is a multiplication node having a DiracDelta term:

        First we expand it.

        If the expansion did work, then we try to integrate the expansion.

        If not, we try to extract a simple DiracDelta term, then we have two

        1. We have a simple DiracDelta term, so we return the integral.

        2. We didn’t have a simple term, but we do have an expression with
          simplified DiracDelta terms, so we integrate this expression.


      >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, z
      >>> from sympy.integrals.deltafunctions import deltaintegrate
      >>> from sympy import sin, cos, DiracDelta
      >>> deltaintegrate(x*sin(x)*cos(x)*DiracDelta(x - 1), x)
      sin(1)*cos(1)*Heaviside(x - 1)
      >>> deltaintegrate(y**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*DiracDelta(y - z), y)
      z**2*DiracDelta(x - z)*Heaviside(y - z)
    4. singularityintegrate() is applied if the function contains a SingularityFunction

      sympy.integrals.singularityfunctions.singularityintegrate(f, x)[source]#

      This function handles the indefinite integrations of Singularity functions.
      The integrate function calls this function internally whenever an
      instance of SingularityFunction is passed as argument.


      The idea for integration is the following:

      • If we are dealing with a SingularityFunction expression,
        i.e. SingularityFunction(x, a, n), we just return
        SingularityFunction(x, a, n + 1)/(n + 1) if n >= 0 and
        SingularityFunction(x, a, n + 1) if n < 0.

      • If the node is a multiplication or power node having a
        SingularityFunction term we rewrite the whole expression in terms of
        Heaviside and DiracDelta and then integrate the output. Lastly, we
        rewrite the output of integration back in terms of SingularityFunction.

      • If none of the above case arises, we return None.


      >>> from sympy.integrals.singularityfunctions import singularityintegrate
      >>> from sympy import SingularityFunction, symbols, Function
      >>> x, a, n, y = symbols('x a n y')
      >>> f = Function('f')
      >>> singularityintegrate(SingularityFunction(x, a, 3), x)
      SingularityFunction(x, a, 4)/4
      >>> singularityintegrate(5*SingularityFunction(x, 5, -2), x)
      5*SingularityFunction(x, 5, -1)
      >>> singularityintegrate(6*SingularityFunction(x, 5, -1), x)
      6*SingularityFunction(x, 5, 0)
      >>> singularityintegrate(x*SingularityFunction(x, 0, -1), x)
      >>> singularityintegrate(SingularityFunction(x, 1, -1) * f(x), x)
      f(1)*SingularityFunction(x, 1, 0)
    5. If the heuristic algorithms cannot be applied, risch_integrate() is
      tried next. The Risch algorithm is a general method for calculating
      antiderivatives of elementary functions. The Risch algorithm is a decision
      procedure that can determine whether an elementary solution exists, and in
      that case calculate it. It can be extended to handle many nonelementary
      functions in addition to the elementary ones. However, the version implemented
      in SymPy only supports a small subset of the full algorithm, particularly, on
      part of the transcendental algorithm for exponentials and logarithms is
      implemented. An advantage of risch_integrate() over other methods is
      that if it returns an instance of NonElementaryIntegral, the
      integral is proven to be nonelementary by the algorithm, meaning the integral
      cannot be represented using a combination of exponentials, logarithms, trig
      functions, powers, rational functions, algebraic functions, and function

      sympy.integrals.risch.risch_integrate(f, x, extension=None, handle_first=‘log’, separate_integral=False, rewrite_complex=None, conds=‘piecewise’)[source]#

      The Risch Integration Algorithm.


      Only transcendental functions are supported. Currently, only exponentials
      and logarithms are supported, but support for trigonometric functions is

      If this function returns an unevaluated Integral in the result, it means
      that it has proven that integral to be nonelementary. Any errors will
      result in raising NotImplementedError. The unevaluated Integral will be
      an instance of NonElementaryIntegral, a subclass of Integral.

      handle_first may be either ‘exp’ or ‘log’. This changes the order in
      which the extension is built, and may result in a different (but
      equivalent) solution (for an example of this, see issue 5109). It is also
      possible that the integral may be computed with one but not the other,
      because not all cases have been implemented yet. It defaults to ‘log’ so
      that the outer extension is exponential when possible, because more of the
      exponential case has been implemented.

      If separate_integral is True, the result is returned as a tuple (ans, i),
      where the integral is ans + i, ans is elementary, and i is either a
      NonElementaryIntegral or 0. This useful if you want to try further
      integrating the NonElementaryIntegral part using other algorithms to
      possibly get a solution in terms of special functions. It is False by


      >>> from sympy.integrals.risch import risch_integrate
      >>> from sympy import exp, log, pprint
      >>> from sympy.abc import x

      First, we try integrating exp(-x**2). Except for a constant factor of
      2/sqrt(pi), this is the famous error function.

      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(exp(-x**2), x))
       |    2
       |  -x
       | e    dx

      The unevaluated Integral in the result means that risch_integrate() has
      proven that exp(-x**2) does not have an elementary anti-derivative.

      In many cases, risch_integrate() can split out the elementary
      anti-derivative part from the nonelementary anti-derivative part.
      For example,

      >>> pprint(risch_integrate((2*log(x)**2 - log(x) - x**2)/(log(x)**3 -
      ... x**2*log(x)), x))
        log(-x + log(x))   log(x + log(x))    |   1
      - ---------------- + --------------- +  | ------ dx
               2                  2           | log(x)

      This means that it has proven that the integral of 1/log(x) is
      nonelementary. This function is also known as the logarithmic integral,
      and is often denoted as Li(x).

      risch_integrate() currently only accepts purely transcendental functions
      with exponentials and logarithms, though note that this can include
      nested exponentials and logarithms, as well as exponentials with bases
      other than E.

      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(exp(x)*exp(exp(x)), x))
       / x
       e /
      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(exp(exp(x)), x))
       |  / x
       |  e /
       | e     dx
      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(x*x**x*log(x) + x**x + x*x**x, x))
      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(x**x, x))
       |  x
       | x  dx
      >>> pprint(risch_integrate(-1/(x*log(x)*log(log(x))**2), x))
      class sympy.integrals.risch.NonElementaryIntegral(function, *symbols, **assumptions)[source]#

      Represents a nonelementary Integral.


      If the result of integrate() is an instance of this class, it is
      guaranteed to be nonelementary. Note that integrate() by default will try
      to find any closed-form solution, even in terms of special functions which
      may themselves not be elementary. To make integrate() only give
      elementary solutions, or, in the cases where it can prove the integral to
      be nonelementary, instances of this class, use integrate(risch=True).
      In this case, integrate() may raise NotImplementedError if it cannot make
      such a determination.

      integrate() uses the deterministic Risch algorithm to integrate elementary
      functions or prove that they have no elementary integral. In some cases,
      this algorithm can split an integral into an elementary and nonelementary
      part, so that the result of integrate will be the sum of an elementary
      expression and a NonElementaryIntegral.


      >>> from sympy import integrate, exp, log, Integral
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> a = integrate(exp(-x**2), x, risch=True)
      >>> print(a)
      Integral(exp(-x**2), x)
      >>> type(a)
      <class 'sympy.integrals.risch.NonElementaryIntegral'>
      >>> expr = (2*log(x)**2 - log(x) - x**2)/(log(x)**3 - x**2*log(x))
      >>> b = integrate(expr, x, risch=True)
      >>> print(b)
      -log(-x + log(x))/2 + log(x + log(x))/2 + Integral(1/log(x), x)
      >>> type(b.atoms(Integral).pop())
      <class 'sympy.integrals.risch.NonElementaryIntegral'>
    6. For non-elementary definite integrals, SymPy uses so-called Meijer G-functions.
      Details are described in Computing Integrals using Meijer G-Functions.

    7. All the algorithms mentioned thus far are either pattern-matching based
      heuristic, or solve integrals using algorithms that are much different from
      the way most people are taught in their calculus courses. SymPy also
      implements a method that can solve integrals in much the same way you would in
      calculus. The advantage of this method is that it is possible to extract the
      integration steps from, so that one can see how to compute the integral “by
      hand”. This is used by SymPy Gamma. This is
      implemented in the manualintegrate() function. The steps for an integral
      can be seen with the integral_steps() function.

      sympy.integrals.manualintegrate.manualintegrate(f, var)[source]#


      Compute indefinite integral of a single variable using an algorithm that
      resembles what a student would do by hand.

      Unlike integrate(), var can only be a single symbol.


      >>> from sympy import sin, cos, tan, exp, log, integrate
      >>> from sympy.integrals.manualintegrate import manualintegrate
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> manualintegrate(1 / x, x)
      >>> integrate(1/x)
      >>> manualintegrate(log(x), x)
      x*log(x) - x
      >>> integrate(log(x))
      x*log(x) - x
      >>> manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x)
      >>> integrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)))
      RootSum(4*_z**2 + 1, Lambda(_i, _i*log(2*_i + exp(x))))
      >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
      >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x), x)
      >>> manualintegrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
      cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
      >>> integrate(cos(x)**4 * sin(x)**3, x)
      cos(x)**7/7 - cos(x)**5/5
      >>> manualintegrate(tan(x), x)
      >>> integrate(tan(x), x)
      sympy.integrals.manualintegrate.integral_steps(integrand, symbol, **options)[source]#

      Returns the steps needed to compute an integral.


      rule : Rule

      The first step; most rules have substeps that must also be
      considered. These substeps can be evaluated using manualintegrate
      to obtain a result.


      This function attempts to mirror what a student would do by hand as
      closely as possible.

      SymPy Gamma uses this to provide a step-by-step explanation of an
      integral. The code it uses to format the results of this function can be
      found at


      >>> from sympy import exp, sin
      >>> from sympy.integrals.manualintegrate import integral_steps
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> print(repr(integral_steps(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x)))     
      URule(integrand=exp(x)/(exp(2*x) + 1), variable=x, u_var=_u, u_func=exp(x),
      substep=ArctanRule(integrand=1/(_u**2 + 1), variable=_u, a=1, b=1, c=1))
      >>> print(repr(integral_steps(sin(x), x)))     
      SinRule(integrand=sin(x), variable=x)
      >>> print(repr(integral_steps((x**2 + 3)**2, x)))     
      RewriteRule(integrand=(x**2 + 3)**2, variable=x, rewritten=x**4 + 6*x**2 + 9,
      substep=AddRule(integrand=x**4 + 6*x**2 + 9, variable=x,
      substeps=[PowerRule(integrand=x**4, variable=x, base=x, exp=4),
      ConstantTimesRule(integrand=6*x**2, variable=x, constant=6, other=x**2,
      substep=PowerRule(integrand=x**2, variable=x, base=x, exp=2)),
      ConstantRule(integrand=9, variable=x)]))
    8. Finally, if all the above fail, SymPy also uses a simplified version of the
      Risch algorithm, called the Risch-Norman algorithm. This algorithm is tried
      last because it is often the slowest to compute. This is implemented in

      sympy.integrals.heurisch.heurisch(f, x, rewrite=False, hints=None, mappings=None, retries=3, degree_offset=0, unnecessary_permutations=None, _try_heurisch=None)[source]#

      Compute indefinite integral using heuristic Risch algorithm.


      This is a heuristic approach to indefinite integration in finite
      terms using the extended heuristic (parallel) Risch algorithm, based
      on Manuel Bronstein’s “Poor Man’s Integrator”.

      The algorithm supports various classes of functions including
      transcendental elementary or special functions like Airy,
      Bessel, Whittaker and Lambert.

      Note that this algorithm is not a decision procedure. If it isn’t
      able to compute the antiderivative for a given function, then this is
      not a proof that such a functions does not exist. One should use
      recursive Risch algorithm in such case. It’s an open question if
      this algorithm can be made a full decision procedure.

      This is an internal integrator procedure. You should use top level
      ‘integrate’ function in most cases, as this procedure needs some
      preprocessing steps and otherwise may fail.


      heurisch(f, x, rewrite=False, hints=None)


      f : expression
      x : symbol

      rewrite -> force rewrite ‘f’ in terms of ‘tan’ and ‘tanh’
      hints -> a list of functions that may appear in anti-derivate

      • hints = None –> no suggestions at all

      • hints = [ ] –> try to figure out

      • hints = [f1, …, fn] –> we know better


      >>> from sympy import tan
      >>> from sympy.integrals.heurisch import heurisch
      >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
      >>> heurisch(y*tan(x), x)
      y*log(tan(x)**2 + 1)/2

      See Manuel Bronstein’s “Poor Man’s Integrator”:


      For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:


      K. Geddes, L. Stefanus, On the Risch-Norman Integration
      Method and its Implementation in Maple, Proceedings of
      ISSAC’89, ACM Press, 212-217.


      J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (I),
      Proceedings of EUROCAM’82, LNCS 144, Springer, 144-157.


      J. H. Davenport, On the Parallel Risch Algorithm (III):
      Use of Tangents, SIGSAM Bulletin 16 (1982), 3-6.


      J. H. Davenport, B. M. Trager, On the Parallel Risch
      Algorithm (II), ACM Transactions on Mathematical
      Software 11 (1985), 356-362.

      sympy.integrals.heurisch.components(f, x)[source]#

      Returns a set of all functional components of the given expression
      which includes symbols, function applications and compositions and
      non-integer powers. Fractional powers are collected with
      minimal, positive exponents.


      >>> from sympy import cos, sin
      >>> from sympy.abc import x
      >>> from sympy.integrals.heurisch import components
      >>> components(sin(x)*cos(x)**2, x)
      {x, sin(x), cos(x)}

    API reference#

    sympy.integrals.integrals.integrate(f, var, )[source]#


    Compute definite or indefinite integral of one or more variables
    using Risch-Norman algorithm and table lookup. This procedure is
    able to handle elementary algebraic and transcendental functions
    and also a huge class of special functions, including Airy,
    Bessel, Whittaker and Lambert.

    var can be:

    • a symbol – indefinite integration

    • a tuple (symbol, a) – indefinite integration with result

      given with a replacing symbol

    • a tuple (symbol, a, b) – definite integration

    Several variables can be specified, in which case the result is
    multiple integration. (If var is omitted and the integrand is
    univariate, the indefinite integral in that variable will be performed.)

    Indefinite integrals are returned without terms that are independent
    of the integration variables. (see examples)

    Definite improper integrals often entail delicate convergence
    conditions. Pass conds=’piecewise’, ‘separate’ or ‘none’ to have
    these returned, respectively, as a Piecewise function, as a separate
    result (i.e. result will be a tuple), or not at all (default is


    SymPy uses various approaches to definite integration. One method is to
    find an antiderivative for the integrand, and then use the fundamental
    theorem of calculus. Various functions are implemented to integrate
    polynomial, rational and trigonometric functions, and integrands
    containing DiracDelta terms.

    SymPy also implements the part of the Risch algorithm, which is a decision
    procedure for integrating elementary functions, i.e., the algorithm can
    either find an elementary antiderivative, or prove that one does not
    exist. There is also a (very successful, albeit somewhat slow) general
    implementation of the heuristic Risch algorithm. This algorithm will
    eventually be phased out as more of the full Risch algorithm is
    implemented. See the docstring of Integral._eval_integral() for more
    details on computing the antiderivative using algebraic methods.

    The option risch=True can be used to use only the (full) Risch algorithm.
    This is useful if you want to know if an elementary function has an
    elementary antiderivative. If the indefinite Integral returned by this
    function is an instance of NonElementaryIntegral, that means that the
    Risch algorithm has proven that integral to be non-elementary. Note that
    by default, additional methods (such as the Meijer G method outlined
    below) are tried on these integrals, as they may be expressible in terms
    of special functions, so if you only care about elementary answers, use
    risch=True. Also note that an unevaluated Integral returned by this
    function is not necessarily a NonElementaryIntegral, even with risch=True,
    as it may just be an indication that the particular part of the Risch
    algorithm needed to integrate that function is not yet implemented.

    Another family of strategies comes from re-writing the integrand in
    terms of so-called Meijer G-functions. Indefinite integrals of a
    single G-function can always be computed, and the definite integral
    of a product of two G-functions can be computed from zero to
    infinity. Various strategies are implemented to rewrite integrands
    as G-functions, and use this information to compute integrals (see
    the meijerint module).

    The option manual=True can be used to use only an algorithm that tries
    to mimic integration by hand. This algorithm does not handle as many
    integrands as the other algorithms implemented but may return results in
    a more familiar form. The manualintegrate module has functions that
    return the steps used (see the module docstring for more information).

    In general, the algebraic methods work best for computing
    antiderivatives of (possibly complicated) combinations of elementary
    functions. The G-function methods work best for computing definite
    integrals from zero to infinity of moderately complicated
    combinations of special functions, or indefinite integrals of very
    simple combinations of special functions.

    The strategy employed by the integration code is as follows:

    • If computing a definite integral, and both limits are real,
      and at least one limit is +- oo, try the G-function method of
      definite integration first.

    • Try to find an antiderivative, using all available methods, ordered
      by performance (that is try fastest method first, slowest last; in
      particular polynomial integration is tried first, Meijer
      G-functions second to last, and heuristic Risch last).

    • If still not successful, try G-functions irrespective of the

    The option meijerg=True, False, None can be used to, respectively:
    always use G-function methods and no others, never use G-function
    methods, or use all available methods (in order as described above).
    It defaults to None.


    >>> from sympy import integrate, log, exp, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import a, x, y
    >>> integrate(x*y, x)
    >>> integrate(log(x), x)
    x*log(x) - x
    >>> integrate(log(x), (x, 1, a))
    a*log(a) - a + 1

    Terms that are independent of x are dropped by indefinite integration:

    >>> from sympy import sqrt
    >>> integrate(sqrt(1 + x), (x, 0, x))
    2*(x + 1)**(3/2)/3 - 2/3
    >>> integrate(sqrt(1 + x), x)
    2*(x + 1)**(3/2)/3
    >>> integrate(x*y)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: specify integration variables to integrate x*y

    Note that integrate(x) syntax is meant only for convenience
    in interactive sessions and should be avoided in library code.

    >>> integrate(x**a*exp(-x), (x, 0, oo)) # same as conds='piecewise'
    Piecewise((gamma(a + 1), re(a) > -1),
        (Integral(x**a*exp(-x), (x, 0, oo)), True))
    >>> integrate(x**a*exp(-x), (x, 0, oo), conds='none')
    gamma(a + 1)
    >>> integrate(x**a*exp(-x), (x, 0, oo), conds='separate')
    (gamma(a + 1), re(a) > -1)

    See also

    Integral, Integral.doit

    sympy.integrals.integrals.line_integrate(field, Curve, variables)[source]#

    Compute the line integral.


    >>> from sympy import Curve, line_integrate, E, ln
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y, t
    >>> C = Curve([E**t + 1, E**t - 1], (t, 0, ln(2)))
    >>> line_integrate(x + y, C, [x, y])

    The class Integral represents an unevaluated integral and has some methods that help in the integration of an expression.

    class sympy.integrals.integrals.Integral(function, *symbols, **assumptions)[source]#

    Represents unevaluated integral.


    Returns whether all the free symbols in the integral are commutative.

    as_sum(n=None, method=‘midpoint’, evaluate=True)[source]#

    Approximates a definite integral by a sum.


    n :

    The number of subintervals to use, optional.

    method :

    One of: ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘midpoint’, ‘trapezoid’.

    evaluate : bool

    If False, returns an unevaluated Sum expression. The default
    is True, evaluate the sum.


    These methods of approximate integration are described in [1].


    >>> from sympy import Integral, sin, sqrt
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, n
    >>> e = Integral(sin(x), (x, 3, 7))
    >>> e
    Integral(sin(x), (x, 3, 7))

    For demonstration purposes, this interval will only be split into 2
    regions, bounded by [3, 5] and [5, 7].

    The left-hand rule uses function evaluations at the left of each

    >>> e.as_sum(2, 'left')
    2*sin(5) + 2*sin(3)

    The midpoint rule uses evaluations at the center of each interval:

    >>> e.as_sum(2, 'midpoint')
    2*sin(4) + 2*sin(6)

    The right-hand rule uses function evaluations at the right of each

    >>> e.as_sum(2, 'right')
    2*sin(5) + 2*sin(7)

    The trapezoid rule uses function evaluations on both sides of the
    intervals. This is equivalent to taking the average of the left and
    right hand rule results:

    >>> e.as_sum(2, 'trapezoid')
    2*sin(5) + sin(3) + sin(7)
    >>> (e.as_sum(2, 'left') + e.as_sum(2, 'right'))/2 == _

    Here, the discontinuity at x = 0 can be avoided by using the
    midpoint or right-hand method:

    >>> e = Integral(1/sqrt(x), (x, 0, 1))
    >>> e.as_sum(5).n(4)
    >>> e.as_sum(10).n(4)
    >>> e.doit().n(4)  # the actual value is 2

    The left- or trapezoid method will encounter the discontinuity and
    return infinity:

    >>> e.as_sum(5, 'left')

    The number of intervals can be symbolic. If omitted, a dummy symbol
    will be used for it.

    >>> e = Integral(x**2, (x, 0, 2))
    >>> e.as_sum(n, 'right').expand()
    8/3 + 4/n + 4/(3*n**2)

    This shows that the midpoint rule is more accurate, as its error
    term decays as the square of n:

    >>> e.as_sum(method='midpoint').expand()
    8/3 - 2/(3*_n**2)

    A symbolic sum is returned with evaluate=False:

    >>> e.as_sum(n, 'midpoint', evaluate=False)
    2*Sum((2*_k/n - 1/n)**2, (_k, 1, n))/n

    See also


    Perform the integration using any hints



    Perform the integration using any hints given.


    >>> from sympy import Piecewise, S
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, t
    >>> p = x**2 + Piecewise((0, x/t < 0), (1, True))
    >>> p.integrate((t, S(4)/5, 1), (x, -1, 1))
    property free_symbols#

    This method returns the symbols that will exist when the
    integral is evaluated. This is useful if one is trying to
    determine whether an integral depends on a certain
    symbol or not.


    >>> from sympy import Integral
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> Integral(x, (x, y, 1)).free_symbols

    Compute the Cauchy Principal Value of the definite integral of a real function in the given interval
    on the real axis.


    In mathematics, the Cauchy principal value, is a method for assigning values to certain improper
    integrals which would otherwise be undefined.


    >>> from sympy import Integral, oo
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> Integral(x+1, (x, -oo, oo)).principal_value()
    >>> f = 1 / (x**3)
    >>> Integral(f, (x, -oo, oo)).principal_value()
    >>> Integral(f, (x, -10, 10)).principal_value()
    >>> Integral(f, (x, -10, oo)).principal_value() + Integral(f, (x, -oo, 10)).principal_value()


    transform(x, u)[source]#

    Performs a change of variables from (x) to (u) using the relationship
    given by (x) and (u) which will define the transformations (f) and (F)
    (which are inverses of each other) as follows:

    1. If (x) is a Symbol (which is a variable of integration) then (u)
      will be interpreted as some function, f(u), with inverse F(u).
      This, in effect, just makes the substitution of x with f(x).

    2. If (u) is a Symbol then (x) will be interpreted as some function,
      F(x), with inverse f(u). This is commonly referred to as

    Once f and F have been identified, the transformation is made as

    [int_a^b x mathrm{d}x rightarrow int_{F(a)}^{F(b)} f(x)

    where (F(x)) is the inverse of (f(x)) and the limits and integrand have
    been corrected so as to retain the same value after integration.


    The mappings, F(x) or f(u), must lead to a unique integral. Linear
    or rational linear expression, 2*x, 1/x and sqrt(x), will
    always work; quadratic expressions like x**2 - 1 are acceptable
    as long as the resulting integrand does not depend on the sign of
    the solutions (see examples).

    The integral will be returned unchanged if x is not a variable of

    x must be (or contain) only one of of the integration variables. If
    u has more than one free symbol then it should be sent as a tuple
    (u, uvar) where uvar identifies which variable is replacing
    the integration variable.
    XXX can it contain another integration variable?


    >>> from sympy.abc import a, x, u
    >>> from sympy import Integral, cos, sqrt
    >>> i = Integral(x*cos(x**2 - 1), (x, 0, 1))

    transform can change the variable of integration

    >>> i.transform(x, u)
    Integral(u*cos(u**2 - 1), (u, 0, 1))

    transform can perform u-substitution as long as a unique
    integrand is obtained:

    >>> i.transform(x**2 - 1, u)
    Integral(cos(u)/2, (u, -1, 0))

    This attempt fails because x = +/-sqrt(u + 1) and the
    sign does not cancel out of the integrand:

    >>> Integral(cos(x**2 - 1), (x, 0, 1)).transform(x**2 - 1, u)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    The mapping between F(x) and f(u) did not give a unique integrand.

    transform can do a substitution. Here, the previous
    result is transformed back into the original expression
    using “u-substitution”:

    >>> ui = _
    >>> _.transform(sqrt(u + 1), x) == i

    We can accomplish the same with a regular substitution:

    >>> ui.transform(u, x**2 - 1) == i

    If the (x) does not contain a symbol of integration then
    the integral will be returned unchanged. Integral (i) does
    not have an integration variable (a) so no change is made:

    >>> i.transform(a, x) == i

    When (u) has more than one free symbol the symbol that is
    replacing (x) must be identified by passing (u) as a tuple:

    >>> Integral(x, (x, 0, 1)).transform(x, (u + a, u))
    Integral(a + u, (u, -a, 1 - a))
    >>> Integral(x, (x, 0, 1)).transform(x, (u + a, a))
    Integral(a + u, (a, -u, 1 - u))

    See also


    Lists the integration variables


    Replace integration variables with dummy ones

    Integral subclasses from ExprWithLimits, which is a
    common superclass of Integral and Sum.

    class sympy.concrete.expr_with_limits.ExprWithLimits(function, *symbols, **assumptions)[source]#
    property bound_symbols#

    Return only variables that are dummy variables.


    >>> from sympy import Integral
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, i, j, k
    >>> Integral(x**i, (i, 1, 3), (j, 2), k).bound_symbols
    [i, j]

    See also

    function, limits, free_symbols


    Rename dummy variables


    Perform mapping on the dummy variable

    property free_symbols#

    This method returns the symbols in the object, excluding those
    that take on a specific value (i.e. the dummy symbols).


    >>> from sympy import Sum
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> Sum(x, (x, y, 1)).free_symbols
    property function#

    Return the function applied across limits.


    >>> from sympy import Integral
    >>> from sympy.abc import x
    >>> Integral(x**2, (x,)).function
    property has_finite_limits#

    Returns True if the limits are known to be finite, either by the
    explicit bounds, assumptions on the bounds, or assumptions on the
    variables. False if known to be infinite, based on the bounds.
    None if not enough information is available to determine.


    >>> from sympy import Sum, Integral, Product, oo, Symbol
    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, 8)).has_finite_limits
    >>> Integral(x, (x, 1, oo)).has_finite_limits
    >>> M = Symbol('M')
    >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, M)).has_finite_limits
    >>> N = Symbol('N', integer=True)
    >>> Product(x, (x, 1, N)).has_finite_limits
    property has_reversed_limits#

    Returns True if the limits are known to be in reversed order, either
    by the explicit bounds, assumptions on the bounds, or assumptions on the
    variables. False if known to be in normal order, based on the bounds.
    None if not enough information is available to determine.


    >>> from sympy import Sum, Integral, Product, oo, Symbol
    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> Sum(x, (x, 8, 1)).has_reversed_limits
    >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, oo)).has_reversed_limits
    >>> M = Symbol('M')
    >>> Integral(x, (x, 1, M)).has_reversed_limits
    >>> N = Symbol('N', integer=True, positive=True)
    >>> Sum(x, (x, 1, N)).has_reversed_limits
    >>> Product(x, (x, 2, N)).has_reversed_limits
    >>> Product(x, (x, 2, N)).subs(N, N + 2).has_reversed_limits
    property is_number#

    Return True if the Sum has no free symbols, else False.

    property limits#

    Return the limits of expression.


    >>> from sympy import Integral
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, i
    >>> Integral(x**i, (i, 1, 3)).limits
    ((i, 1, 3),)
    property variables#

    Return a list of the limit variables.

    >>> from sympy import Sum
    >>> from sympy.abc import x, i
    >>> Sum(x**i, (i, 1, 3)).variables

    See also

    function, limits, free_symbols


    Rename dummy variables


    Perform mapping on the dummy variable

    TODO and Bugs#

    There are still lots of functions that SymPy does not know how to integrate. For bugs related to this module, see https://github.com/sympy/sympy/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3Aintegrals

    Numeric Integrals#

    SymPy has functions to calculate points and weights for Gaussian quadrature of
    any order and any precision:

    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_legendre(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Legendre quadrature [R550] points and weights.


    n :

    The order of quadrature.

    n_digits :

    Number of significant digits of the points and weights to return.


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Legendre quadrature approximates the integral:

    [int_{-1}^1 f(x),dx approx sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (P_n)
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = frac{2}{left(1-x_i^2right) left(P’_n(x_i)right)^2}]


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_legendre
    >>> x, w = gauss_legendre(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [-0.7746, 0, 0.7746]
    >>> w
    [0.55556, 0.88889, 0.55556]
    >>> x, w = gauss_legendre(4, 5)
    >>> x
    [-0.86114, -0.33998, 0.33998, 0.86114]
    >>> w
    [0.34785, 0.65215, 0.65215, 0.34785]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_laguerre(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Laguerre quadrature [R552] points and weights.


    n :

    The order of quadrature.

    n_digits :

    Number of significant digits of the points and weights to return.


    (x, w) : The x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Laguerre quadrature approximates the integral:

    [int_0^{infty} e^{-x} f(x),dx approx sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (L_n)
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = frac{x_i}{(n+1)^2 left(L_{n+1}(x_i)right)^2}]


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_laguerre
    >>> x, w = gauss_laguerre(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.41577, 2.2943, 6.2899]
    >>> w
    [0.71109, 0.27852, 0.010389]
    >>> x, w = gauss_laguerre(6, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.22285, 1.1889, 2.9927, 5.7751, 9.8375, 15.983]
    >>> w
    [0.45896, 0.417, 0.11337, 0.010399, 0.00026102, 8.9855e-7]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_hermite(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Hermite quadrature [R554] points and weights.


    n :

    The order of quadrature.

    n_digits :

    Number of significant digits of the points and weights to return.


    (x, w) : The x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Hermite quadrature approximates the integral:

    [int_{-infty}^{infty} e^{-x^2} f(x),dx approx
    sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (H_n)
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = frac{2^{n-1} n! sqrt{pi}}{n^2 left(H_{n-1}(x_i)right)^2}]


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_hermite
    >>> x, w = gauss_hermite(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [-1.2247, 0, 1.2247]
    >>> w
    [0.29541, 1.1816, 0.29541]
    >>> x, w = gauss_hermite(6, 5)
    >>> x
    [-2.3506, -1.3358, -0.43608, 0.43608, 1.3358, 2.3506]
    >>> w
    [0.00453, 0.15707, 0.72463, 0.72463, 0.15707, 0.00453]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_gen_laguerre(n, alpha, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature [R557] points and weights.


    n :

    The order of quadrature.

    alpha :

    The exponent of the singularity, (alpha > -1).

    n_digits :

    Number of significant digits of the points and weights to return.


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The generalized Gauss-Laguerre quadrature approximates the integral:

    [int_{0}^infty x^{alpha} e^{-x} f(x),dx approx
    sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of
    (L^{alpha}_n) and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = frac{Gamma(alpha+n)}
    {n Gamma(n) L^{alpha}_{n-1}(x_i) L^{alpha+1}_{n-1}(x_i)}]


    >>> from sympy import S
    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_gen_laguerre
    >>> x, w = gauss_gen_laguerre(3, -S.Half, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.19016, 1.7845, 5.5253]
    >>> w
    [1.4493, 0.31413, 0.00906]
    >>> x, w = gauss_gen_laguerre(4, 3*S.Half, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.97851, 2.9904, 6.3193, 11.712]
    >>> w
    [0.53087, 0.67721, 0.11895, 0.0023152]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_chebyshev_t(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature [R559] points and weights of
    the first kind.


    n :

    The order of quadrature.

    n_digits :

    Number of significant digits of the points and weights to return.


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature of the first kind approximates the integral:

    [int_{-1}^{1} frac{1}{sqrt{1-x^2}} f(x),dx approx
    sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (T_n)
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_chebyshev_t
    >>> x, w = gauss_chebyshev_t(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.86602, 0, -0.86602]
    >>> w
    [1.0472, 1.0472, 1.0472]
    >>> x, w = gauss_chebyshev_t(6, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.96593, 0.70711, 0.25882, -0.25882, -0.70711, -0.96593]
    >>> w
    [0.5236, 0.5236, 0.5236, 0.5236, 0.5236, 0.5236]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_chebyshev_u(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature [R561] points and weights of
    the second kind.


    n : the order of quadrature

    n_digits : number of significant digits of the points and weights to return


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Chebyshev quadrature of the second kind approximates the

    [int_{-1}^{1} sqrt{1-x^2} f(x),dx approx sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (U_n)
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = frac{pi}{n+1} sin^2 left(frac{i}{n+1}piright)]


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_chebyshev_u
    >>> x, w = gauss_chebyshev_u(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.70711, 0, -0.70711]
    >>> w
    [0.3927, 0.7854, 0.3927]
    >>> x, w = gauss_chebyshev_u(6, 5)
    >>> x
    [0.90097, 0.62349, 0.22252, -0.22252, -0.62349, -0.90097]
    >>> w
    [0.084489, 0.27433, 0.42658, 0.42658, 0.27433, 0.084489]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_jacobi(n, alpha, beta, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature [R563] points and weights.


    n : the order of quadrature

    alpha : the first parameter of the Jacobi Polynomial, (alpha > -1)

    beta : the second parameter of the Jacobi Polynomial, (beta > -1)

    n_digits : number of significant digits of the points and weights to return


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Jacobi quadrature of the first kind approximates the integral:

    [int_{-1}^1 (1-x)^alpha (1+x)^beta f(x),dx approx
    sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of
    (P^{(alpha,beta)}_n) and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [w_i = -frac{2n+alpha+beta+2}{n+alpha+beta+1}


    >>> from sympy import S
    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_jacobi
    >>> x, w = gauss_jacobi(3, S.Half, -S.Half, 5)
    >>> x
    [-0.90097, -0.22252, 0.62349]
    >>> w
    [1.7063, 1.0973, 0.33795]
    >>> x, w = gauss_jacobi(6, 1, 1, 5)
    >>> x
    [-0.87174, -0.5917, -0.2093, 0.2093, 0.5917, 0.87174]
    >>> w
    [0.050584, 0.22169, 0.39439, 0.39439, 0.22169, 0.050584]


    sympy.integrals.quadrature.gauss_lobatto(n, n_digits)[source]#

    Computes the Gauss-Lobatto quadrature [R566] points and weights.


    n : the order of quadrature

    n_digits : number of significant digits of the points and weights to return


    (x, w) : the x and w are lists of points and weights as Floats.

    The points (x_i) and weights (w_i) are returned as (x, w)
    tuple of lists.


    The Gauss-Lobatto quadrature approximates the integral:

    [int_{-1}^1 f(x),dx approx sum_{i=1}^n w_i f(x_i)]

    The nodes (x_i) of an order (n) quadrature rule are the roots of (P’_(n-1))
    and the weights (w_i) are given by:

    [begin{split}&w_i = frac{2}{n(n-1) left[P_{n-1}(x_i)right]^2},quad xneqpm 1\
    &w_i = frac{2}{n(n-1)},quad x=pm 1end{split}]


    >>> from sympy.integrals.quadrature import gauss_lobatto
    >>> x, w = gauss_lobatto(3, 5)
    >>> x
    [-1, 0, 1]
    >>> w
    [0.33333, 1.3333, 0.33333]
    >>> x, w = gauss_lobatto(4, 5)
    >>> x
    [-1, -0.44721, 0.44721, 1]
    >>> w
    [0.16667, 0.83333, 0.83333, 0.16667]


    Integration over Polytopes#

    The intpoly module in SymPy implements methods to calculate the integral of a polynomial over 2/3-Polytopes.
    Uses evaluation techniques as described in Chin et al. (2015) [1].

    The input for 2-Polytope or Polygon uses the already existing Polygon data structure in SymPy. See
    sympy.geometry.polygon for how to create a polygon.

    For the 3-Polytope or Polyhedron, the most economical representation
    is to specify a list of vertices and then to provide each constituting face(Polygon) as a list of vertex indices.

    For example, consider the unit cube. Here is how it would be represented.

    unit_cube = [[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 0, 0),(1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 1, 1)],

    [3, 7, 6, 2], [1, 5, 7, 3], [5, 4, 6, 7], [0, 4, 5, 1], [2, 0, 1, 3], [2, 6, 4, 0]]

    Here, the first sublist is the list of vertices. The other smaller lists such as [3, 7, 6, 2] represent a 2D face
    of the polyhedra with vertices having index 3, 7, 6 and 2 in the first sublist(in that order).

    Principal method in this module is polytope_integrate()

    • polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), x) returns the integral of (x) over the triangle with vertices (0, 0), (0, 1) and (1, 0)

    • polytope_integrate(unit_cube, x + y + z) returns the integral of (x + y + z) over the unit cube.


    [1] : Chin, Eric B., Jean B. Lasserre, and N. Sukumar. “Numerical integration of homogeneous functions on convex and nonconvex polygons and polyhedra.” Computational Mechanics 56.6 (2015): 967-981

    PDF link : http://dilbert.engr.ucdavis.edu/~suku/quadrature/cls-integration.pdf


    For 2D Polygons#

    Single Polynomial:

    >>> from sympy.integrals.intpoly import *
    >>> init_printing(use_unicode=False, wrap_line=False)
    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), x)
    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), x + x*y + y**2)

    List of specified polynomials:

    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), [3, x*y + y**2, x**4], max_degree=4)
              4               2
    {3: 3/2, x : 1/30, x*y + y : 1/8}
    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), [1.125, x, x**2, 6.89*x**3, x*y + y**2, x**4], max_degree=4)
                           2              3  689    4               2
    {1.125: 9/16, x: 1/6, x : 1/12, 6.89*x : ----, x : 1/30, x*y + y : 1/8}

    Computing all monomials up to a maximum degree:

    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)),max_degree=3)
                            2         3                 2         3                      2         2
    {0: 0, 1: 1/2, x: 1/6, x : 1/12, x : 1/20, y: 1/6, y : 1/12, y : 1/20, x*y: 1/24, x*y : 1/60, x *y: 1/60}

    For 3-Polytopes/Polyhedra#

    Single Polynomial:

    >>> from sympy.integrals.intpoly import *
    >>> cube = [[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 5), (0, 5, 0), (0, 5, 5), (5, 0, 0), (5, 0, 5), (5, 5, 0), (5, 5, 5)], [2, 6, 7, 3], [3, 7, 5, 1], [7, 6, 4, 5], [1, 5, 4, 0], [3, 1, 0, 2], [0, 4, 6, 2]]
    >>> polytope_integrate(cube, x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + x*y + y*z + x*z)
    >>> octahedron = [[(S(-1) / sqrt(2), 0, 0), (0, S(1) / sqrt(2), 0), (0, 0, S(-1) / sqrt(2)), (0, 0, S(1) / sqrt(2)), (0, S(-1) / sqrt(2), 0), (S(1) / sqrt(2), 0, 0)], [3, 4, 5], [3, 5, 1], [3, 1, 0], [3, 0, 4], [4, 0, 2], [4, 2, 5], [2, 0, 1], [5, 2, 1]]
    >>> polytope_integrate(octahedron, x**2 + y**2 + z**2 + x*y + y*z + x*z)
    / 2

    List of specified polynomials:

    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), [3, x*y + y**2, x**4], max_degree=4)
              4               2
    {3: 3/2, x : 1/30, x*y + y : 1/8}
    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)), [1.125, x, x**2, 6.89*x**3, x*y + y**2, x**4], max_degree=4)
                           2              3  689    4               2
    {1.125: 9/16, x: 1/6, x : 1/12, 6.89*x : ----, x : 1/30, x*y + y : 1/8}

    Computing all monomials up to a maximum degree:

    >>> polytope_integrate(Polygon((0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0)),max_degree=3)
                            2         3                 2         3                      2         2
    {0: 0, 1: 1/2, x: 1/6, x : 1/12, x : 1/20, y: 1/6, y : 1/12, y : 1/20, x*y: 1/24, x*y : 1/60, x *y: 1/60}

    API reference#

    sympy.integrals.intpoly.polytope_integrate(poly, expr=None, *, clockwise=False, max_degree=None)[source]#

    Integrates polynomials over 2/3-Polytopes.


    poly : The input Polygon.

    expr : The input polynomial.

    clockwise : Binary value to sort input points of 2-Polytope clockwise.(Optional)

    max_degree : The maximum degree of any monomial of the input polynomial.(Optional)


    This function accepts the polytope in poly and the function in expr
    (uni/bi/trivariate polynomials are implemented) and returns
    the exact integral of expr over poly.


    >>> from sympy.abc import x, y
    >>> from sympy import Point, Polygon
    >>> from sympy.integrals.intpoly import polytope_integrate
    >>> polygon = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0))
    >>> polys = [1, x, y, x*y, x**2*y, x*y**2]
    >>> expr = x*y
    >>> polytope_integrate(polygon, expr)
    >>> polytope_integrate(polygon, polys, max_degree=3)
    {1: 1, x: 1/2, y: 1/2, x*y: 1/4, x*y**2: 1/6, x**2*y: 1/6}

    This post shows how to perform integral calculus of continuous and limited real functions of real variables in Python
    through the use of common Python libraries frequently used in scientific applications.
    The integral calculation techniques here are both primarily numerical since this site deals with computation,
    however some analytical techniques are also shown.
    The post is organized by examples: each paragraph contains an example of an integral to compute
    and the related Python code snippet that calculates it using an appropriate library.

    All of the various code snippets described in this post require Python version 3 and the NumPy library,
    while individually they require an additional library (and its dependencies, if any) between
    SciPy and SymPy.

    We thank Prof. Fausta D’Acunzo of Preparazione 2.0 for theoretical support provided on multi-variable integral calculus.

    To get the code see the Full code download paragraph at the bottom of this post.

    Integration via SciPy

    Integral of function of one variable (with finite extremes)

    In integral calculus, the definite integral is an operator that, given a real-valued function of a real-valued variable and an interval $[a,b]$ (subset of the domain),
    associates to the function the area subtended by its graph in the interval $[a,b]$.
    The SciPy library provides several numerical methods for computing the integral of such functions;
    the purpose of this chapter is to present a series of demos to show “by examples” the use of such methods;
    for complete documentation of these methods, the reader is invited to consult the official documentation of SciPy.

    Let the following integral of a function of one variable be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{5} 2 x e^{-x} ,dx $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 1.3907 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Calculating the integral with quad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the quad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy quad')
    print('Example 1-01 quad')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    result, error = spi.quad(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy quad
    Example 1-01 quad
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906624006967436 with error  1.54394541673402e-14

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with fixed_quad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the fixed_quad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy fixed_quad')
    print('Example 1-01 fixed_quad')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    result, none = spi.fixed_quad(integrand, a, b, n=5)
    print('Result is ', result)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy fixed_quad
    Example 1-01 fixed_quad
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.39066368239563

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with quadrature

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the quadrature function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy quadrature')
    print('Example 1-01 quadrature')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    result, error = spi.quadrature(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy quadrature
    Example 1-01 quadrature
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906624007789083 with error  1.225092050027854e-08

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with romberg

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the romberg function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy romberg')
    print('Example 1-01 romberg')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    result = spi.romberg(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy romberg
    Example 1-01 romberg
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906624006967394

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with trapezoid

    The trapezoid function is a fixed-sample function integration method,
    so the code first discretizes the integration interval evenly spaced and
    for all discrete values of $x$ it computes the corresponding values of $y$
    and then passes the two sets of discrete values $x$ and $y$ to the integration method.

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the trapezoid function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy trapezoid')
    print('Example 1-01 trapezoid')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    step = 1e-4
    xs = np.arange(a, b, step)
    ys = integrand(xs)
    result = spi.trapezoid(ys, xs)
    print('Result is ', result)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy trapezoid
    Example 1-01 trapezoid
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906556624352673

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with cumulative_trapezoid

    The function cumulative_trapezoid is also a fixed-sample function integration method,
    and so what was said about trapezoid applies.

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    of the cumulative_trapezoid function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy cumulative_trapezoid')
    print('Example 1-01 cumulative_trapezoid')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    step = 1e-4
    xs = np.arange(a, b, step)
    ys = integrand(xs)
    result = spi.cumulative_trapezoid(ys, xs)
    result = result[-1]
    print('Result is ', result)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy cumulative_trapezoid
    Example 1-01 cumulative_trapezoid
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906556624352677

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with simpson

    The function simpson is also a fixed-sample function integration method,
    and so what was said about trapezoid applies.

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the simpson function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy simpson')
    print('Example 1-01 simpson')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    step = 1e-4
    xs = np.arange(a, b, step)
    ys = integrand(xs)
    result = spi.simpson(ys, xs)
    print('Result is ', result)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy simpson
    Example 1-01 simpson
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.3906556624801614

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Integral of function of one variable with quad (with extreme infinity)

    Set the following integral of a function of one variable be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{+infty} 2 x e^{-x} ,dx $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 1.4715 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the quad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Single integral computed by SciPy quad')
    print('Example 1-02 quad')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x-->+inf')
    integrand = lambda x : 2 * x * np.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = np.inf
    result, error = spi.quad(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SciPy quad
    Example 1-02 quad
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x-->+inf
    Result is  1.4715177646857691 with error  3.7568301883294814e-10

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculation of the length of a planar curve arc

    As is well known, the integrals of a function of one variable can also be used to calculate the length of an arc of a planar curve.
    If the curve is expressed in the form $y=f(x)$ and is continuous and derivable
    the formula for calculating the length of the;arc of the curve between $ x=a $ and $ x=b $ is as follows:
    $$ int_{a}^{b} sqrt{1 + left(frac{,dy}{,dx}right)^2} ,dx $$

    If instead curve is expressed in the parametric form $x=f_x(t)$ and $y=f_y(t)$
    with both $f_x$ and $f_y$ continuous and derivable,
    the formula for calculating the length of the arc of the curve between $ t=a $ and $ t=b $ is as follows:
    $$ int_{a}^{b} sqrt{left(frac{,dx}{,dt}right)^2 + left(frac{,dy}{,dt}right)^2} ,dt $$

    Note: in the two examples that follow, the prime derivatives are calculated using the AutoGrad library.

    Calculation of the length of a planar curve arc expressed in explicit form with quad

    Let the following planar curve be given in explicit form:

    $$ y=e^{-x^2} $$

    by applying the corresponding formula above to calculate the length of the arc between $ x=-1 $ and $ x = 1 $, the integral is obtained:

    $$ int_{-1}^{1} sqrt{1 + left(frac{,d(e^{-x^2})}{,dx}right)^2} ,dx $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 2.4089 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Here is the example of Python code that calculates length of a planar curve arc expressed in explicit form using
    the quad function of SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import autograd.numpy as anp   # Thinly-wrapped version of Numpy
    import autograd as ag
    print('Compute length of an arc of planar curve by SciPy quad')
    print('Example 1-03 quad arclength')
    print('Length of arc of curve y=e^(-x^2) from x=-1 to x=1')
    y = lambda x : anp.exp(-x**2)
    dy_dx = ag.grad(y)
    integrand = lambda x : anp.sqrt(1 + dy_dx(x) ** 2)
    a = -1.
    b = 1.
    result, error = spi.quad(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Compute length of an arc of planar curve by SciPy quad
    Example 1-03 quad arclength
    Length of arc of curve y=e^(-x^2) from x=-1 to x=1
    Result is  2.408882141747104 with error  1.3501578327579367e-12

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculation of the length of a planar curve arc expressed in parametric form with quad

    Let the following planar curve be given in parametric form:

    $$ x(t)=cos^3 t $$
    $$ y(t)=sin^3 t $$

    by applying the corresponding formula above to calculate the length of the arc between $ t=0 $ e $ t = 2pi $, the integral is obtained:

    $$ int_{0}^{2 pi} sqrt{left(frac{,d (cos^3 t)}{,dt}right)^2 + left(frac{,d (sin^3 t)}{,dt}right)^2} ,dt $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ 6 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Here is the example of Python code that calculates length of a planar curve arc expressed in parametric form using
    the quad function of SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import autograd.numpy as anp   # Thinly-wrapped version of Numpy
    import autograd as ag
    print('Compute length of an arc of planar parametric curve by SciPy quad')
    print('Example 1-04 quad arclength')
    print('Length of arc of parametric curve x(t)=cos^3(t) and y(t)=sin^3(t) from t=0 to t=2pi')
    x = lambda t : anp.cos(t) ** 3
    y = lambda t : anp.sin(t) ** 3
    dx_dt = ag.grad(x)
    dy_dt = ag.grad(y)
    integrand = lambda t : anp.sqrt(dx_dt(t) ** 2 + dy_dt(t) ** 2)
    a = 0.
    b = 2 * anp.pi
    result, error = spi.quad(integrand, a, b)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Compute length of an arc of planar parametric curve by SciPy quad
    Example 1-04 quad arclength
    Length of arc of parametric curve x(t)=cos^3(t) and y(t)=sin^3(t) from t=0 to t=2pi
    Result is  6.0 with error  6.616929226765933e-14

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Double integral of a function of two variables

    In integral calculus, the definite double integral is an operator that, given a real-valued function of two real-valued variables and a set included in the domain,
    associates to the function the volume of the solid (called cylindroid) between the surface described by the function and the plane containing the given set.

    Let the following double integral of a function of two variables be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{5} int_{y-1}^{y+1} 2 x y e^{-x y} ,dx dy $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 1.0273 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Calculating the integral with dblquad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the dblquad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Double integral computed by SciPy dblquad')
    print('Example 2-01 dblquad')
    print('Integral of 2xye^-xy from y=1 to y=5 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1')
    integrand = lambda x, y : 2 * x * y * np.exp(-x * y)
    ya = 1.
    yb = 5.
    result, error = spi.dblquad(integrand, ya, yb, lambda y: y-1, lambda y: y+1)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Double integral computed by SciPy dblquad
    Example 2-01 dblquad
    Integral of xye^-xy from y=1 to y=5 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1
    Result is  1.0273038469260316 with error  1.3420097685964054e-14

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with nquad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the nquad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Double integral computed by SciPy nquad')
    print('Example 2-01 nquad')
    print('Integral of 2xye^-xy from y=1 to y=5 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1')
    integrand = lambda x, y : 2 * x * y * np.exp(-x * y)
    bounds_y = lambda : [1., 5.]
    bounds_x = lambda y : [y-1, y+1]
    result, error = spi.nquad(integrand, [bounds_x, bounds_y])
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Double integral computed by SciPy nquad
    Example 2-01 nquad
    Integral of 2xye^-xy from y=1 to y=5 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1
    Result is  1.0273038469260316 with error  1.3420097685964054e-14

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Double integral of a function of two variables with nquad (other example)

    Let the following double integral of a function of two variables be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{+infty} int_{1}^{+infty} 2 x y e^{-x y} ,dx dy $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 1.17453 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the nquad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Double integral computed by SciPy nquad')
    print('Example 2-02 nquad')
    print('Integral of 2xye^-xy from y=1 to x-->+inf and from x=1 to x-->+inf')
    integrand = lambda x, y : 2 * x * y * np.exp(-x * y)
    ya = 1.
    yb = 5.
    result, error = spi.nquad(integrand, [[1, np.inf],[1, np.inf]])
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Double integral computed by SciPy nquad
    Example 2-02 nquad
    Integral of 2xye^-xy from y=1 to y-->+inf and from x=1 to x-->+inf
    Result is  1.1745267511339024 with error  1.6321550842479074e-08

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Triple Integral of a function of three variables

    Let the following triple integral of a function of three variables be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{2} int_{z+1}^{z+2} int_{y+z}^{2(y+z)} x + yz^2 ,dx dy dz $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 65.7194 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Calculating the integral with tplquad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the tplquad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Triple integral computed by SciPy tplquad')
    print('Example 3-01 tplquad')
    print('Integral of x + yz^2 from z=1 to z=2, y=z+1 to y=z+2 and from x=y+x to x=2(y+z)')
    integrand = lambda x, y, z : x + y * z ** 2
    za = 1.
    zb = 2.
    ya=lambda z: z + 1
    yb=lambda z: z + 2
    xa=lambda z, y : y + z
    xb=lambda z, y : 2 * (y + z)
    result, error = spi.tplquad(integrand, za, zb, ya, yb, xa, xb)
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Triple integral computed by SciPy tplquad
    Example 3-01 tplquad
    Integral of x + yz^2 from z=1 to z=2, y=z+1 to y=z+2 and from x=y+x to x=2(y+z)
    Result is  65.71944444444445 with error  1.659412309590769e-12

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Calculating the integral with nquad

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the nquad function of the SciPy library:

    import scipy.integrate as spi
    import numpy as np
    print('Triple integral computed by SciPy nquad')
    print('Example 3-01 nquad')
    print('Integral of x + yz^2 from z=1 to z=2, y=z+1 to y=z+2 and from x=y+x to x=2(y+z)')
    integrand = lambda x, y, z : x + y * z ** 2
    bounds_z = lambda : [1., 2.]
    bounds_y = lambda z : [z+1, z+2]
    bounds_x = lambda z, y : [y+z, 2 * (y+z)]
    ya=lambda z: z + 1
    yb=lambda z: z + 2
    xa=lambda z, y : y + z
    xb=lambda z, y : 2 * (y + z)
    result, error = spi.nquad(integrand, [bounds_x, bounds_y, bounds_z])
    print('Result is ', result, 'with error ', error)

    whose output is:

    Triple integral computed by SciPy nquad
    Example 3-01 nquad
    Integral of x + yz^2 from z=1 to z=2, y=z+1 to y=z+2 and from x=y+x to x=2(y+z)
    Result is  65.71944444444445 with error  1.659412309590769e-12

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Integration via SymPy

    Integral of function of one variable (with finite extremes)

    In integral calculus, the definite integral is an operator that, given a real-valued function of a real-valued variable and an interval $[a,b]$ (subset of the domain),
    associates to the function the area subtended by its graph in the interval $[a,b]$.
    The SciPy library provides several numerical methods for computing the integral of such functions;
    the purpose of this chapter is to present a series of demos to show “by examples” the use of such methods;
    for complete documentation of these methods, the reader is invited to consult the official documentation of SciPy.

    Let the following integral of a function of one variable be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{5} 2 x e^{-x} ,dx $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 1.3907 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Integral of a function of one variable with integrate(f, (x, a, b))

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the integrate(f, (x, a, b)) function of the SymPy library:

    import sympy as sp
    print('Single integral computed by SymPy definite integrate')
    print('Example 1-01 definite')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    x = sp.Symbol('x')
    f = 2 * x * sp.exp(-x)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    integral = sp.integrate(f, (x, a, b))
    integral = integral.evalf()
    print('Result is ', integral)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SymPy definite integrate
    Example 1-01 definite
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Result is  1.39066240069674

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Integral of a function of one variable with integrate(f, (x, a, b)) via indefinite integral

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the integrate(f, x) function of the SymPy library:

    import sympy as sp
    print('Single integral computed by SymPy indefinite integrate')
    print('Example 1-01 indefinite integrate')
    print('Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5')
    x = sp.Symbol('x')
    f = 2 * x * sp.exp(-x)
    primitive = sp.integrate(f, x)
    print('Primitive is ', primitive)
    primitive_lambda = sp.lambdify(x, primitive)
    a = 1.
    b = 5.
    integral = primitive_lambda(b) - primitive_lambda(a)
    print('Result is ', integral)

    whose output is:

    Single integral computed by SymPy indefinite integrate
    Example 1-01 indefinite integrate
    Integral of 2xe^-x from x=1 to x=5
    Primitive is  (-2*x - 2)*exp(-x)
    Result is  1.3906624006967436

    The program first calculates the indefinite integral and then
    applying the fundamental theorem of integral calculus,
    calculates the value of the integral.

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Double integral of a function of two variables

    In integral calculus, the definite double integral is an operator that, given a real-valued function of two real-valued variables and a set included in the domain,
    associates to the function the volume of the solid (called cylindroid) between the surface described by the function and the plane containing the given set.

    Let the following double integral of a function of two variables be given:

    $$ int_{1}^{4} int_{y-1}^{y+2} x y e^{-x} e^{-y} ,dx dy $$

    whose analytical solution is
    $ approx 0.396134 $
    verifiable online via Wolfram Alpha.

    Double Integral of a function of two variables with integrate(f, (x, xa, xb), (y, ya, yb))

    Below is the example of Python code that calculates the integral using
    the integrate(f, (x, xa, xb), (y, ya, yb)) of the SymPy library:

    import sympy as sp
    print('Double integral computed by SymPy definite integrate')
    print('Example 2-03 definite')
    print('Integral of xye^-xy from y=1 to y=4 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1')
    x, y = sp.symbols('x y')
    f = x * y * sp.exp(-x) * sp.exp(-y)
    ya = 0.
    yb = 4.
    xa = y-1.
    xb = y+1.
    integral = sp.integrate(f, (x, xa, xb), (y, ya, yb))
    integral = integral.evalf()
    print('Result is ', integral)

    whose output is:

    Double integral computed by SymPy definite integrate
    Example 2-03 definite
    Integral of xye^-xy from y=1 to y=4 and from x=y-1 to x=y+1
    Result is  0.396134380699524

    Here is the link to the code on GitHub.

    Download of the complete code

    The complete code is available at GitHub.

    These materials are distributed under MIT license; feel free to use, share, fork and adapt these materials as you see fit.

    Also please feel free to submit pull-requests and bug-reports to this GitHub repository or contact me on my social media channels available on the top right corner of this page.

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