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- Passive Voice
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Sentences with Passive Voice:
Auxiliary verb phrases are shown in italics with yellow highlights, while
the transitive action verb is shown bold with green highlights.
Not sure
if the passive voice detector is correct? Try the by zombies[1]
test. When a sentence is written in passive voice, the subject is being acted upon rather than performing the action. The zombie test works by adding an actor (the zombies)
to perform the action.
Click on the bio hazard symbol (☣) on the left to summon the zombies. The phrase
“by zombies” will be inserted (by zombies!) next to the transitive verb in the sentence list above.
If the new sentence reads clearly as the zombies doing the action, the sentence is written in passive voice. Click the bio hazard symbol again
for the sentences to return to normal.
[1] Zombies Test
About the Passive Voice Detector
The passive voice detector automatically detects passive voice in a block of text (now with the aid of zombies!).
When a sentence is written in passive voice, the subject is being acted upon rather than doing the acting. Passive voice is often avoided by professional writers because it can make the sentence needlessly longer, more complicated and unclear as well as shifting the emphases away from the sentence subject. While there’s nothing grammatically incorrect about passive voice, the general rule of thumb is to strive for less than 2% passive voice.
The most common passive voice construction is a variant of the auxiliary verb ‘to be’ followed by the past participle of a transitive verb. Our passive voice detector finds this form, as well as other less common constructions, including additional auxiliary verbs like ‘get’ (e.g. “Every friday he gets paid.”). A common mistake is to assume every past form of the ‘to be’ verb is passive voice (e.g. “Grandma was calling.”). In the second example, the subject (Grandma) is preforming the action. This is an example of past progressive tense and is not considered passive voice.
Still unsure what is considered passive voice? Try the Zombie test. If you can add the phrase “by zombies” after the verb and the sentence still makes sense, it’s passive voice. The sentence “Every friday he gets paid by Zombies” makes grammatical sense where “Grandma was calling by zombies” does not.
To get started enter your text in the Passage to be Analyzed box. If you want to leave a passive construction in the text, you can dismiss the warning by clicking on it in the Passive Voice Tab.
Have your own website? Now you can use the Site Thin Content Checker to analyze the content of each page on your site with the Passive Voice Detector, as well as and other Writing Assistance Tools.
В этой статье мы изучим правила образования пассивного залога в английском языке, а также на примерах разберемся в каких случаях он используется.
Далеко не всегда мы можем уточнить, кто выполняет действие, а порой нам это и вовсе не нужно. В таких случаях уместно употреблять пассивный или страдательный залог, который в английском языке называют passive voice. Давайте разберем, что такое passive voice и правила его образования, а затем рассмотрим случаи его употребления.
Образование passive voice
В английском языке существует два залога — активный (active voice) и пассивный или страдательный (passive voice). В активном залоге действие выполняет подлежащее. В пассивном залоге действие происходит над подлежащим. Давайте сравним:
Mary cleans the office every morning. — Мэри убирает офис каждое утро. (активный залог)
Подлежащее (Мэри) выполняет действие (убирает).
The office is cleaned every morning. — Офис убирают каждое утро. (пассивный залог)
Неизвестно, кто выполняет действие. Подлежащее (офис) подвергается действию (его убирают).
She asked her students to come earlier. — Она попросила студентов прийти раньше. (активный залог)
The students were asked to come earlier. — Студентов попросили прийти раньше. (пассивный залог)
Страдательный залог в английском языке образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be и смыслового глагола в третьей форме. На месте подлежащего в утвердительных предложениях будет стоять человек или предмет, над которым будет производиться действие. Посмотрите на схеме ниже, как активный залог можно преобразовать в пассивный.
Образование пассивного залога в разных временах представлено в таблице ниже. Времена группы Perfect Continuous, а также Future Continuous в пассивном залоге не используются.
Время | Когда используем | Формула | Пример |
Present Simple | – регулярное действие – констатация факта |
is/am/are + V3 | Thousands of dollars are spent on coffee in America every day. — Тысячи долларов тратятся на кофе в Америке каждый день. |
Past Simple | – завершенное действие в прошлом | was/were + V3 | The radio was invented 150 years ago. — Радио изобрели 150 лет назад. |
Future Simple | – действие произойдет в будущем | will be + V3 | The letter will be sent tomorrow. — Письмо отправят завтра. |
Present Continuous | – действие происходит в момент речи, прямо сейчас | am/is/are + being + V3 | The car is being refueled now. — Машину заправляют сейчас. |
Past Continuous | – действие происходило в определенный момент в прошлом, акцент на продолжительности действия | was/were + being + V3 | The exam was being taken yesterday morning. — Экзамен сдавали вчера утром. |
Present Perfect | – действие уже завершилось, акцент на результат | has/have + been + V3 | The flowers have already been watered. — Цветы уже полили. |
Past Perfect | – действие завершилось до определенного момента или другого события в прошлом | had + been + V3 | The police had been called before the burglars ran away. — Полицию вызвали до того, как воры убежали. |
Future Perfect | – действие будет завершено до определенного момента в будущем | will + have + been + V3 | The article will have been rewritten by tomorrow morning. — Статью перепишут к завтрашнему утру. |
Для образования отрицательной формы пассивного залога необходима частица not. Ставим ее после вспомогательного глагола. Если вспомогательных глаголов несколько, ставим not после первого.
I left my camera on the bench and it was not stolen! — Я забыл камеру на лавочке, и ее не украли!
The car has not been transported yet. — Машину еще не перевезли.
Чтобы задать вопрос в пассивном залоге, необходимо поставить вспомогательный глагол на первое место.
Will the meeting be held next week? — Встречу проведут на следующей неделе?
Was the match canceled because of the weather? — Матч отменили из-за погоды?
Если есть необходимость указать, кем выполняется действие, в конце предложения ставим предлог by + того, кто выполняет действие.
The book was written by an unknown author. — Книга была написана неизвестным автором.
You will never be disappointed by your loyal employees. — Ты никогда не будешь разочарован своими верными сотрудниками.
Разобраться в сложной грамматической теме вам поможет один из наших опытных преподавателей.
Случаи использования passive voice
- Когда тот, кто выполняет действие, неизвестен, неважен или очевиден. Действие важнее того, кто его совершает.
My project for English literature is ruined! Who did it? — Мой проект по английской литературе испорчен! Кто это сделал?
Your delegation will be met at the airport. You will see a card with your name. — Вашу делегацию встретят в аэропорту. Вы увидите карточку с вашим именем.
You may go to your room. Your suitcase will be taken there in a minute. — Вы можете проходить в свою комнату. Ваш чемодан принесут туда через минуту. - Когда описываем действие в новостях, заголовках, рекламных объявлениях.
The local shop was robbed this morning. — Местный магазин ограбили этим утром.
A big discount will be provided for the first ten customers. — Большая скидка будет предоставлена первым десяти покупателям. - Когда описываем общие факты, идеи, мнения.
Quentin Tarantino is known all around the world. — Квентина Тарантино знают по всему миру.
His picture was described as the best artwork of the past year. — Его картина была описана, как лучшая работа прошедшего года. - Когда хотим сделать высказывание более вежливым или формальным.
Have you cancelled the meeting? — Ты отменил встречу? (прямой вопрос)
Has the meeting been cancelled? — Встречу отменили? (более вежливый вопрос).You haven’t paid for electricity since January! — Вы не платите за электричество с января!
The electricity hasn’t been paid for since January. — За электричество не платят с января.
Другие формы passive voice
Разберем, в каких еще формах и конструкциях можно употреблять страдательный залог.
- Пассивный залог также используется в следующих вариантах:
Форма Формула Пример Present Infinitive to be + V3 She hopes to be invited to the party. — Она надеется, что ее пригласят на вечеринку. They expect the work to be done by the weekend. — Они ожидают, что работу закончат к выходным.
Perfect Infinitive to have been + V3 He pretended to have been given money. — Он притворился, что ему дали деньги. He was really surprised to have been granted a certificate. — Он был очень удивлен, что ему выдали сертификат.
-ing form being + V3 Nobody likes being treated badly. — Никому не нравится, когда с ним обращаются плохо. I hate being told what to do. — Я ненавижу, когда мне говорят, что делать.
Perfect -ing form having been + V3 They admitted having been told about that. — Они признали, что им это говорили. I don’t remember having been asked to help her. — Я не помню, чтобы меня просили ей помочь.
Modals must/can be + V3 This rule must be taken into consideration. — Это правило должно быть принято во внимание. It can be postponed till Tuesday. — Это можно отложить до вторника.
- Глаголы to believe (верить, полагать), to expect (ожидать), to feel (чувствовать), to hope (надеяться), to know (знать), to say (говорить), to think (думать), to report (сообщать, докладывать), to understand (понимать, подразумевать) могут использоваться в пассивном залоге только в двух типах конструкций: impersonal construction, personal construction. Эти конструкции нужны, когда у нас нет необходимости ссылаться на мнение кого-то конкретного. Мы говорим об общеизвестных фактах, общем мнении.
Название конструкции Формула Пример Impersonal construction It + пассивный залог + that-clause It is believed that they are from a very rich family. — Считается, что они из очень богатой семьи. It was expected that they would come on Friday. — Ожидалось, что они приедут в пятницу.
Personal construction Подлежащее + пассивный залог + to + infinitive They are believed to be from a very rich family. — Считается, что они из очень богатой семьи. They were expected to come on Friday. — Ожидалось, что они приедут в пятницу.
Давайте еще раз посмотрим, как из предложений в активном залоге образуются пассивные конструкции.
People say Anna is a gossiper. — Люди говорят, что Анна — сплетница.
It is said that Anna is a gossiper. — Говорят, что Анна — сплетница. (impersonal construction)
Anna is said to be a gossiper. — Говорят, что Анна — сплетница. (personal construction)They know that Eric works for FBI. — Они знают, что Эрик работает на ФБР.
It is known that Eric works for FBI. — Известно, что Эрик работает на ФБР. (impersonal construction)
Eric is known to work for FBI. — Известно, что Эрик работает на ФБР. (personal construction) - Когда действие выполняет кто-то за нас или для нас, используется конструкция have something done. Как правило, речь может идти о предоставлении каких-либо услуг. Предложения с этой конструкцией строятся следующим образом:
Подлежащее + have + дополнение + глагол в 3-ей форме
I did my nails yesterday. — Я сделала маникюр вчера.
I had my nails done yesterday. — Мне сделали маникюр вчера.His parents will build a house tree. — Его родители построят домик на дереве.
They will have their tree house built. — Им построят домик на дереве.Эта конструкция может использоваться в разных временах. В зависимости от времени меняется вспомогательный глагол have.
Время Пример в активном залоге Пример с конструкцией have something done Present Simple She cleans my flat every weekend. — Она убирает мою квартиру каждые выходные. I have my flat cleaned every weekend. — Мою квартиру убирают каждые выходные. Past Simple I sent a parcel. — Я отправил посылку. I had my parcel sent. — Мою посылку отправили. Future Simple We will paint the kitchen. — Мы покрасим кухню. We will have our kitchen painted. — Нам покрасят кухню. Present Continuous They are repairing the road. — Они ремонтируют дорогу. They are having the road repaired. — Им ремонтируют дорогу. Past Continuous We were changing the wheel. — Мы меняли колесо. We were having the wheel changed. — Нам меняли колесо. Future Continuous I will be doing make-up. — Я буду делать макияж. I will be having my make-up done. — Мне будут делать макияж. Present Perfect Our neighbours have just built a fence. — Наши соседи только построили забор. Our neighbours have just had the fence built. — Нашим соседям только построили забор. Present Perfect Continuous I have been washing the car for two hours. — Я мою машину последние два часа. I have been having the car washed for two hours. — Мне два часа моют машину. Past Perfect He had stolen the wallet. — Он украл кошелек. He had had his wallet stolen. — У него украли кошелек. Past Perfect Continuous She had been sewing the dress. — Она шила платье. She had been having the dress sewed. — Ей шили платье. В разговорной речи вспомогательный глагол have часто заменяют на get.
I want to get my purchase delivered. — Я хочу, чтобы мою покупку доставили.
He got the door installed. — Ему установили дверь.
Если хотите научиться уверенно использовать пассивный залог, записывайтесь на наш курс практической грамматики.
Надеемся, наша статья была для вас полезной и вы разобрались в разных формах страдательного залога. Предлагаем пройти небольшой тест.
Тест по теме «Passive voice — правила и примеры»
© 2023 englex.ru, копирование материалов возможно только при указании прямой активной ссылки на первоисточник.
Understanding passive
Many students struggle with the transition
from the passive to the active voice. It may
be quite confusing and challenging. You must
first detect the sentence structure if you
need to change passive voice to active. It’s
to comprehend the differences between
passive and active voices. The subject
performs the action in an active voice.
While in the passive voice, the action that
the verb expresses is received by the
What do you mean
by passive voice changer?
A passive voice changer is an online
application that employs
predetermined software-based
linguistic algorithms and
grammatical rules to automatically
identify passive voice phrases and
propose the appropriate adjustments
in a piece of work.
People from all professions use the
Passive to Active Voice Changer tool
frequently. In all fields, the
proper use of the passive voice is
crucial. You should be prepared to
take advantage of various active
voice changer
tools and features that enhance your
text’s awesomeness.
Why should you
not frequently use passive voice?
It is not a grammatical mistake to
utilize the passive voice in
writing. It’s only a
grammatical voice structure, yet it
can make your text less clear. To
put it another way, utilizing
passive voice can make it difficult
for the reader to understand what
you mean.
The flow and readability of a
document are improved by writing
concisely since passive phrases are
frequently unnecessarily long.
Passive sentences frequently contain
more words than active sentences,
which is one of the
reasons why authors are recommended
to avoid using them.
Using the passive voice has the
additional drawback that makes the
object of the action the subject of
the sentence, which can challenge
reading the sentence.
Which is the best
passive voice changer?
The user base of passive voice
changers is expanding globally per
year. More than 6.9 million
different people regularly utilize
grammar services, including passive
voice changers and changers. Passive
voice in sentences
is supposedly detectable by most
traditional grammar changers.
However, as you are already aware,
utilizing the passive voice in
writing is not grammatically
incorrect. This is a situation where
you need to pick a smart sentence
voice changer. We highly recommend
you use AISEO passive
voice changer online for your
writings. It is one of the best
passive voice changers available in
the market.
Is There Any free
Passive Voice changer tool
The AISEO passive voice changer tool
is freely available to everyone. It
doesnt require any subscription or
membership. This passive voice
correction tool will provide the
desired result to you in a minimum
time. It is
one of the most useful tools to
update your writing style to active
voice and sentence structure and
check for grammatical errors. The
active voice changer tool can easily
detect the mistakes of active and
passive voices
in the sentences.
How does a passive
voice changer work?
You should use an excellent passive to active
voice changer online tool to review and
identify the passive voice in the text
quickly. It will highlight any instances of
passive voice in your work and draw
attention to typical passive
voice issues.
We recommend using our free AISEO passive
voice changer online tool. It can assist you
in identifying passive voice in your work
and provide the most effective correction
advice. By analyzing your writing, this free
passive to
active voice changer online will determine
whether you’ve used passive voice and where
Additionally, many other issues you might not
even be aware of can be found by using our
sentence voice changer. It can automatically
determine whether your sentences are complex
or lengthy, whether you are using the wrong
tense, whether you are using adverbs, and
whether you are using the wrong
For Whom passive
to active voice changer online tool
is useful?
Governmental, judicial, academic,
corporate, and other forms of
communication frequently use passive
sentences. The proper use of passive
voice is essential because
inappropriate uses can cause
understanding and clarity
issues. A passive voice changer
online tool is one of the finest
methods to improve your
sentences’ accuracy, precision,
and professionalism. The switch from
passive to active voice has
advantages for professionals
and those employed in many fields of
business, industries, and sectors.
The following persons in particular
stand to gain the most from it:
- Professors, researchers, and
educators - Lawyers, judges, and
complainants - Corporate managers and
consultants - Job seekers and employers
- Writers, linguists, and
historians - Government officers and analysts
How do you define
active and passive voices?
An active voice sentence is one that
has a subject that directly engages
in the activity described by the
sentence’s verb on the
sentence’s object.
Whereas passive voice refers to any
phrase in which the subject is not
in the active form, and the object
acts as the subject while the
subject is the object of the verb.
Let’s understand in a clear way
Active voice – the
subject performs the verb’s
action. For example, Tom painted the
Passive voice – the
subject receives the verb’s
action. For example, The house was
painted by Tom.
Passive voice usage in writing might
make the reader confused and
obfuscate the sentence’s
subject. The good news is that
switching from the passive to active
voice is surprisingly simple with
the passive voice changer
Manual Passive
Voice Changing vs. Online Passive
Voice Changer
Passive Voice Changer
Online Tool
- Utilizing the Online Passive
Voice changer Quick and
effective - There is no requirement for any
linguistic expertise. - Reduced chances of skipping
passive voice mistake - Available in both free and
premium subscription versions - Helps in correcting your errors
- Textual plagiarism is simple to
spot - Many additional services are
available, including those for
grammar, punctuation, and
plagiarism. - Provides a variety of word
choices to help you expand your
vocabulary and learn how to use
words properly.
Manual Passive Voice
- It is a slow process and takes a
long time - Need linguistics knowledge
- Probabilities of not spotting
passive voice errors - It does not operate
continuously. - Easy plagiarism detection is not
possible - You will be charged a hefty sum
for professional manual
analysis. - The use of extra services
results in increased costs for
Does the Passive
Voice changer tool generate great
According to the most recent
research, online tools to convert
active and passive voices can
significantly increase
students’ grammar proficiency.
Most people nowadays have shown
confidence in passive voice-changing
The efficiency and precision of the
online passive voice changing tools
are being progressively enhanced by
the integration of artificial
intelligence (AI). Online passive
sentence changers that integrate AI
can better
comprehend the writing styles of
various writers.
As a result, these tools are becoming
much more trusted. In comparison to
earlier online tools, the accuracy
rate has also increased. The AISEO
is one such tool that has provided
significant results to its users
over time.
Avoid Passive Voice with a
Passive Voice changer
Most writing instructors oppose the passive
voice because it draws focus to the issue of
clarity in writing. Usually, when you text,
people have to guess what you’re trying to
say. You can use the AISEO Passive Voice
Changer to
ensure you’re not writing in the passive
voice. With the help of this passive voice
changer, you can rapidly examine your
writing and see where it occurs.
Additionally, you can change all passive
voice sentences into active
voice with a single click.
Benefits of
passive voice changer
Immediate Recognition: The AISEO
passive voice changer tool detects
passive voice usage in your
content the moment you put it for
checking in our tool. It
won’t take more than a minute.
If allowed, the limit of 50000
characters in a single time.
Formatting and Styling:
The AISEO online passive sentence
changer tool also provides
formatting and styling options for
your paper, enhancing its
presentation. It also evaluates the
text for any spelling and
punctuation errors and makes the
Clarity and toning:
Whether a student or a professional,
the AISEO active to passive voice
changer can help you write more
successfully and align to your brand
tone. The information will sound
more natural and clearer by
switching from passive
to active speech. You don’t
need to be concerned, as AI is very
clever at understanding the context
and making sentences concise and
Save time and resources:
passive voice checker can
maintain a careful eye on your
writing. You will receive immediate
suggestions when you submit content
for passive
voice changing. Using our passive to
active voice changer online, you can
save your valuable time and
resources for other writing tasks.
How to Change
Voice from Passive to Active?
Changing from passive
voice to active voice is
quite easy. You just need to follow
the below steps, and in the end,
you’ll get your sentence in
voice. In the below steps we will
change “the children were
instructed by the teacher” to
active voice.
Step 1: Determine
the sentence’s action
Step 2: Determine
the sentence’s subject
Step 3: Put the
subject before the verb.
Step 4: Place
the Object in Its Proper Place
In the above sentence, the action is
“instructed,” which is
in the second verb form. “The
teacher” is the subject
followed by “the
children” as the object of the
sentence. According to
our steps above, we will get the
sentence in the following way.
However, you can also use the active
to passive voice converter tool to
change of voice in English.
The teacher instructed the
children. (Active voice)
Passive voice
structure with example
Sentence Structure:
Active voice:
Subject + Verb + Object
Passive voice: Object
+ Verb + Subject
You must have noticed that the verb
form alters when you go from active
to passive voice and vice-versa.
Auxiliary and primary verbs are the
two types of verbs now in use. The
primary verb is usually followed by
an auxiliary
verb. An auxiliary verb, such as be,
do, or have, expresses the tense or
aspect of the main verb.
Let’s understand with some
Active voice: Steve
picked up the hammer.
Passive voice: The
hammer was picked up by Steve.
Active voice:
Thieves robbed the bank
Passive voice: The
bank was robbed by thieves.
Active voice: Love
fills my heart.
Passive voice: My
heart is filled with love.
Pros and Cons of
Using Passive Voice changer
- A rapid and immediate tool made
by internet technologies - Very simple and user-friendly
tool - Provides incredibly precise
outcomes - Provides suggestions with
highlighted color - Automatic correction with one
click - Additional features include
grammar and punctuation checks. - Available at all times, 24/7,
anytime, anywhere.
- Lack of emotional intelligence
- An extremely limited capacity
for artificial intelligence to
think - Requires a final review after
changing to active voice.
AISEO Passive Voice
Changer: The only tool you need
It is very important that you get the best passive
voice to active voice generator,
which offers all the tools to convert a
passive voice sentence into an active one.
The AISEO active to passive voice changer
has been built to ensure that readers
understand what you want them to read. The
passive voice conversion tool detects the
whole of the documents and highlights where
the passive voice
sentences are present.
For instance, if you have used many long
words and do not use conjunctions, it will
be difficult for the readers to understand
your work. Our passive voice conversion tool
helps you correct your writing by showing
the most appropriate
sentence that you can use. It also helps to
improve the readability of your writing.
How to Use AISEO
Passive Voice Changer?
Once you have completed writing
your document, you want to see
if the passive voice check,
tone, and punctuation are
correct. You should copy and
paste the paper to the AISEO
passive changer online platform.
The passive
sentence changer will tell you
where to correct, the grammar to
use, and where to add
punctuation marks. It will also
let you know if any of the
sentences is hard enough and
suggest you make them simple.
by selecting and clicking, you
can change
passive voice to active
voice right from
our passive to active voice
changer online tool.
What Makes AISEO
Passive Voice Changer Unique?
Reliable results:
Our online active to passive voice
changer tool is powered by
artificial intelligence. It has been
positively reviewed by linguists,
language experts, and grammatists.
It instantly detects
your content, analyzes each
sentence, and suggests the
recommended sentence or word
Free to use: We
offer our basic passive voice
changer services without
subscription or payment details. Our
plans for the subscription of
advanced features are very
affordable and attractive to
Other services: Our
online passive voice changer tool
offers additional value-added
services such as spelling checking,
grammatical mistake correction, and
tough sentence detection. You can
apply it to drive better results.
24/7 available: Our
online active to passive voice
converter tool is one of the most
appealing passive voice changer
solutions available due to its high
uptime. You can utilize it instantly
and online
from any location at any time.
Is it wrong to
write in the passive voice?
The passive voice is perfectly
acceptable. But you have to use it
properly. Many experienced writers
suggest you write in the active
voice wherever you can. If you use
passive voice too much, it will
stress readers. The
passive voice is used to show
interest in the object being the
activity’s subject rather than the
person or thing doing the action.
Even though the active voice is
frequently preferred in writing
assignments, there are some
situations where it is preferable.
The accent is the primary difference
between active and passive speech.
People use the passive
voice when a performer cannot be
instantly recognized or when they
are unimportant to the subject. You
can use our active to passive voice
converter tool to change of voice in
Is it legit to
use a passive voice changer tool?
It is totally good to use a passive
voice changer tool. You may not
always have the time to manually sit
and spend hours checking for passive
voice in your writings. However, a
passive voice online tool will do
all your job in a few seconds. By
a tool, you can save time. Millions
of professionals and individuals are
currently using such tools
Hunt Down Passive Voice
misuse with AISEO passive voice changer
It’s difficult to identify a passive voice in
your work. However, with the help of a
passive voice changer tool, you will quickly
spot passive voice in your writings. This
tool will increase the authority and intent
of your work.
It has a color-coding scheme to help you
identify style problems.
It also uses different colors to indicate
passive voice sentences and
difficult-to-read sentences. You can check
the readability and uniqueness percentage of
your whole content. To improve as a writer,
your work should ideally
be at least tenth-grade level readable. It
also shows your reading time, character
count, and other statistics.
How can I find a
reliable passive voice changer tool?
passive voice to active voice or
active to passive is fairly simple
and is quicker and easier with the
help of a passive
voice checker tool.
In addition to problems with the
passive voice, our passive voice
changer may identify various other
writing problems. With the help of
our tool, you can fully analyze your
writing and point out any issues
with your
usage of vocabulary, grammar,
spelling, punctuation, and other
language-related skills. Use it as a
tool to evaluate whether you’re
using the active or passive voice or
something similar. It will give you
advice on
how to improve your writing very
What are the
signs that my passive voice changer
tool is right?
Verify the following indicators to
see if you’ve chosen the proper
passive voice changer tool.
- The tool should produce
extremely accurate outcomes. - It should provide active/passive
voice misuse detection and
conversion. - It should be able to spot
grammar and punctuation errors - It must execute and move
extremely quickly and be
immediately accessible from
anywhere. - It should have tone,
effectiveness, flow detection
elements, and spelling and
word-choosing functionality. - It should be able to spot
hard-to-read sentences to
increase the readability.
Can I change my
statement from passive voice to
active voice?
You may correct the passive voice in
your text. Rewriting the sentence
such that the subject comes before
the verb is one method for removing
passive voice in writing. But
restructuring a sentence might be
challenging for some people, even
when it sounds
very straightforward to others. But
with the help of our AISEO passive
voice changer tool, you can convert
a sentence and a whole article
within a few minutes.
Is There Any
Evidence That Proves Passive Voice
is a Catastrophe?
No evidence proves the use of the
active voice is a catastrophe. Using
the active voice helps reduce the
chances of a common grammar mistake
called readability issues. The main
reason why people claim passive
voice is a
catastrophe is that it is untidy and
has lengthy sentence structures. But
you can eliminate the passive voice
by applying a passive voice changer
tool to your content. The AISEO
passive and active voice changer
will provide you with the desired
and accurate result. The tool can
easily detect the mistakes of active
and passive voices in the sentences
and correct them within seconds.
Passive voice: полный гид по пассивному залогу
Что такое пассивный залог?
Случаи, в которых используется страдательный залог в английском
1. Отсутствие исполнителя
2. Действие важнее исполнителя
3. Всем известные факты
4. Описание приготовления чего-либо.
5. Придание вежливости и большей формальности
6. Использование в научных докладах
7. Неблагоприятное событие
Как образуется пассивный залог?
Образование отрицательных и вопросительных форм глагола в страдательном залоге
Использование модальных глаголов в пассивном залоге
Предлоги by и with в страдательном залоге
Другие формы пассивного залога
To be + III форма смыслового глагола
To have been + III форма смыслового глагола
Being + III форма смыслового глагола
Как сделать из активного залога пассивный?
Глаголы с предлогами в Passive Voice
Безличные и личные конструкции (impersonal construction, personal construction)
Таблица с примерами
Далеко не всегда человек знает, кто именно совершает действие. Именно для этих случаев существует Passive Voice (по-русски – пассивный залог). В этой статье мы расскажем, что это такое, изучим правила его образования и рассмотрим случаи, когда он употребляется.
Что такое пассивный залог?
В английском языке существует два залога – активный (active voice) и пассивный (passive voice), также его называют страдательным. Пассивный залог – это грамматическая конструкция, которая используется в случаях, когда тот, кто совершает действие, не известен или не важен.
- Somebody took his personal belongings while he was taking a swim in the pool. – Кто-то взял его личные вещи, пока он плавал в бассейне. – Это активный залог.
Это же предложение в пассивном залоге будет выглядеть так:
- His personal belongings were taken while he was taking a swim in the pool. – Его личные вещи взяли, пока он плавал в бассейне.
Другие примеры использования страдательного залога:
The museum is being reconstructed now. – Музей сейчас реконструируют.
The pizza had been delivered when he came back home. – Пицца была уже доставлена, когда он вернулся домой.
New fitness center will be opened next week. – Новый фитнес-центр откроется на следующей неделе.
Her jewelry was stolen yesterday. – Ее украшения были украдены вчера.
Случаи, в которых используется страдательный залог в английском
1. Отсутствие исполнителя
Пассивный залог применяют, если неизвестен тот, кто совершает действие или это не имеет никакого значения. Также исполнитель может быть понятен из контекста.
My car has been stolen! – Мою машину украли!
This letter was sent to me by someone I don’t know. – Это письмо мне прислал кто-то, кого я не знаю.
Your delegation will be met at 6 o’clock. – Вашу делегацию встретят в 6 часов.
2. Действие важнее исполнителя
Такая грамматическая конструкция часто используется в новостных заголовках, объявлениях, деловых письмах, статьях, рекламе или инструкциях, потому что акцент делается на действии, а не на том, кто его исполняет.
The art exhibition will be held next week. – Художественная выставка состоится на следующей неделе.
Local store salesman was robbed at night. – Ночью был ограблен продавец местного магазина.
The gifts will be provided for the first twenty customers. – Подарки будут предоставлены первым двадцати покупателям.
3. Всем известные факты
Используется в английском, когда нужно описать какие-то общеизвестные факты, мнения или идеи.
U.S.A president is known all around the world. – Президент США известен по всему миру.
This work was described as the most talented in his career. – Эта работа была описана, как самая талантливая в его карьере.
4. Описание приготовления чего-либо.
Water is heated and added to the mixture. – Вода нагревается и добавляется к смеси.
Еhe onion is fried and then mixed with the meat. – Лук обжаривается, а потом смешивается с мясом.
5. Придание вежливости и большей формальности
Пассивный залог порой может использоваться, чтобы сделать обращение более формальным или вежливым.
The electricity hasn’t been paid for since March. – За электричество не платят с марта.
Has our meeting been cancelled? – Нашу встречу отменили?
6. Использование в научных докладах
- A lot of research has been conducted about this mental illness. – Об этом психическом заболевании было проведено множество исследований.
7. Неблагоприятное событие
Пассивный залог нередко используется, чтобы рассказать о каком-либо негативном событии, но не указывать при этом на виновника.
- The article has been written awfully. – Статья написана ужасно.
Как образуется пассивный залог?
В английском языке страдательный залог образуется при помощи глагола to be в нужной форме в зависимости от времени и смыслового глагола в форме Past Participle (для правильных глаголов +ed / для неправильных глаголов – 3 столбец таблицы (V3)).
Время |
Использование |
Формула образования |
Пример |
Present Simple |
Действие, которое происходит регулярно. |
is/am/are + V3 |
The kitchen is cleaned every day. – Кухню убирают каждый день. |
Past Simple |
Действие, совершенное в прошлом. |
was/were + V3 |
The kitchen was cleaned yesterday. – Кухню убрали вчера. |
Future Simple |
Действие, которое может произойти в будущем. |
will be + V3 |
The kitchen will be cleaned tomorrow. – Кухню уберут завтра. |
Present Continuous |
Действие происходит в момент речи. |
am/is/are + being + V3 |
The kitchen is being cleaned at the moment. – Кухню убирают прямо сейчас. |
Past Continuous |
Действие было в процессе в конкретный момент в прошлом. |
was/were + being + V3 |
The kitchen was being cleaned when she came. – Кухню убирали, когда она пришла. |
Present Perfect |
Действие совершилось недавно, но акцент делается на результате. |
has/have + been + V3 |
The kitchen looks so clean! – It has been cleaned recently. / Кухня такая чистая! – Ее недавно убирали. |
Past Perfect |
Действие завершилось до определенного момента в прошлом или до того, как другое действие началось. |
had been + V3 |
The kitchen had been cleaned before I came. – На кухне убрали до того, как я пришел. |
Future Perfect |
Действие завершится в будущем до определенного момента. |
will + have + been + V3 |
The kitchen will have been cleaned by 4 o’clock. – Кухня будет убрана к 4 часам. |
Present Perfect Continuous |
passive voice не используется |
Past Perfect Continuous |
passive voice не используется |
Future Perfect Continuous |
passive voice не используется |
Образование отрицательных и вопросительных форм глагола в страдательном залоге
Отрицательная форма пассивного залога образуется при помощи частицы not, которую необходимо поставить после вспомогательного глагола. Если их несколько, то частица ставится после первого.
This book was not written by him. – Эта книга была написана не им.
I am not often invited to the parties. – Меня нечасто приглашают на вечеринки.
He was not accused of stealing the money. – Его не обвиняли в том, что он украл деньги.
The gift has not been bought yet. – Подарок еще не привезли.
Вопросительная форма пассивного залога образуется, когда вспомогательный глагол ставится на первое место.
Will this book be delivered tomorrow? – Эту книгу доставят завтра?
Are you often invited to the parties? – Тебя часто приглашают на вечеринки?
Has this task been explained to you? – Вам объяснили это задание?
Will the fashion show be held next week? – Модный показ проведут на следующей неделе?
Where were you born? – Где ты родился?
Более сложная вопросительно-отрицательная форма образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола, который ставится перед подлежащим и частицей not, следующей за ним.
- Has the book not been written? – Книга не написана?
Также можно использовать сокращенную форму, при которой частица not присоединяется к вспомогательному глаголу.
Isn’t the text written? – Текст не написан?
Hasn’t the book been written? – Книга не написана?
Использование модальных глаголов в пассивном залоге
Все модальные глаголы применяются для образования страдательного залога. Происходит это при помощи самого модального глагола, к которому плюсуется be и III форма смыслового глагола. Формула выглядит так:
Modal V + be + Past Participle (V3)
В результате получаются следующие конструкции:
- must be (должен быть);
- have to be (должен быть);
- ought to be (следует быть);
- can be (может быть);
- should be (следует быть);
- be supposed to be (считаться, что; предполагаться, что);
- may be (может быть);
- might be (возможно).
He must be taken to the hospital. – Его нужно обязательно доставить в больницу.
He had to do this project. – Ему пришлось сделать этот проект.
The cake ought to be done soon. – Пирог должен быть скоро готов.
The work can be done soon. – Работа может быть сделана в ближайшее время.
This task should be done. – Эта задача должна быть выполнена.
Gazelles are supposed to be caught by lions. – Предполагается, что газелей ловят львы.
The house may be cleaned. – Дом может быть убран.
We know there are differing views on whether and how this might be done. – Мы знаем, что есть разные взгляды на то, следует ли это делать и как это можно было бы сделать.
Предлоги by и with в страдательном залоге
Если нужно уточнить кто или что стало причиной действия, следует использовать предлоги by и with.
The books about Harry Potter were written by J.K. Rowling. – Книги о Гарри Поттере были написаны Джоан Роулинг.
This sculpture was destroyed by unknown person. – Эта скульптура была разрушена неизвестным человеком.
The town was ruined by tsunami. – Город был разрушен цунами.
Если же нужно сообщить о том, что действие совершается при помощи предмета или орудия, следует использовать предлог with.
The picture was drawn with pencil. – Картина была нарисована карандашом.
He was hit with a stone. – Его ударили камнем.
Другие формы пассивного залога
Данная грамматическая конструкция может употреблять еще в нескольких формах.
To be + III форма смыслового глагола
She hopes to be chosen for this position. – Она надеется, что ее выберут на эту должность.
To have been + III форма смыслового глагола
He thought to have been given money. — Он думал, что ему дали деньги.
Being + III форма смыслового глагола
I don’t like being told what to do. — Я не люблю, когда мне говорят, что делать.
Как сделать из активного залога пассивный?
Чтобы перевести английское предложение в страдательный залог, нужно поставить члены предложения в ином порядке.
Предложение в активном залоге строится так: подлежащее –> сказуемое –> дополнение –> другие члены предложения.
- My mother made this sweet pudding yesterday. – Вчера мама сделала ‘этот сладкий пудинг.
В этом предложении “мама” является подлежащим, “сделала” сказуемым, “пудинг” дополнением, в слово “вчера” – это обстоятельство времени.
В пассивном залоге все иначе: дополнение ставится на место подлежащего, за ним следует сказуемое, переведенное в форму страдательного залога и подлежащие, перед которым идут предлоги by или with, если они нужны для пояснения того, кем или чем было сделано действие и обстоятельство времени:
- This sweet pudding was made by my mother yesterday. – Этот сладкий пудинг был сделан моей мамой.
Глаголы с предлогами в Passive Voice
В английском языке глаголы, которые употребляются с предлогом в активном залоге, сохраняют его и в страдательном. Они располагаются после сказуемого.
The doctor was sent for. – За доктором послали.
He is always laughed at. – Над ним всегда смеются.
Безличные и личные конструкции (impersonal construction, personal construction)
Некоторые глаголы в английском языке могут использоваться в пассивном залоге только в таких конструкциях – в них сообщается общеизвестный факт или мнение, а исполнитель не важен.
Ниже приведен список этих глаголов:
- to think (думать)
- to believe (верить, полагать)
- to expect (ожидать)
- to feel (чувствовать)
- to hope (надеяться)
- to know (знать)
- to say (говорить)
- to understand (понимать)
- to report (сообщать)
Таблица с примерами
Конструкция |
Пример |
Безличная |
It is said that she has a boyfriend. – Говорят, что у нее есть парень. It is believed that he is a very good actor. – Считается, что он очень хороший актер. |
Личная |
She is said to have a boyfriend. – Говорят, что у нее есть парень. He is believed to be a very good actor. – Считается, что он очень хороший актер. |
Исключения в английском языке
Исключения составляют глаголы, которые обозначают состояние, а не действие. Они в пассивном залоге не употребляются.
Например: to have (иметь), to resemble (быть похожим), to become (становиться), fit (соответствовать) и так далее
Grammar Lookup, Free Passive Voice Checker
When it comes to hitting the nail right while writing – you have to focus on a lot of things. For example, using an active voice is capable of making your piece more readable. On the other hand, passive voice makes the writing harder to comprehend.
But a lot of writers struggle to maintain an active voice throughout their writing. Therefore, tools have been created to guide emerging writers on how to avoid passive voice. Grammar Lookup is a leading tool in this domain.
What is Grammar Lookup Software?
The Grammar Lookup website incorporates artificial intelligence to correct and highlight your passive voice errors. In this manner, users are able to proofread their text for any possible errors.
Many students with lengthy assignments and are unable to proofread for passive voice due to shorter deadlines. While professionals can save a lot of time (and get more work done) with the help of an AI passive voice checker tool. Although passive voice mistakes are normal, they can affect the style of the sentence.
How To Use the Grammar Lookup Software?
The layout of grammar lookup is a piece of cake. You just need to follow the following steps.
- Open the Grammar Lookup website
- Click on the option of passive voice checker
- Copy and paste your text into the passive voice checker
- Click on the check button below the passive voice checker editor.
- Wait for a few seconds
- All the grammar, spelling, puncatuion, style, and passive voice errors will be highlighted
- Change the sentence structure to active accordingly
- Deep Check: Trying our patner software for free will aid the writer more in fixing the passive voice errors.
- In this manner, beginner writers will gain help in fixing their grammatical and passive voice errors.
Other Passive Voice Checkers H3
Because of the increased demand, there are so many similar software that people use to proofread their articles. For example, Grammarly, Pro Writing Aid, Hemingway App, White Smoke, etc.
- Grammarly
The unpaid version of Grammarly simply highlights the passive voice issues. However, the paid version will highlight and introduce suggestions for improvements. The Grammarly software is able to stay on at all times. Meaning, it can scan your passive voice misuse on any website. This further helps the user with proofreading and fixing their grammatical errors.
- Pro Writing Aid
This software also comes with a paid and premium version. However, both of them are able to check for passive voice. This tool highlights the misuse of passive voice and also provides users with possible corrections. They simply have to click on the better option provided, and the passive voice misuse is corrected.
- Hemingway App
The best free passive voice checker is the Hemingway App. It does not require any form of purchasing. Adding on, it is able to highlight all the passive voice sentences. Users are advised to scan through the highlighted sentences and change them accordingly. Users are asked to copy their content onto the website and take the required actions.
- White Smoke
White Smoke is online software that checks passive voice and grammar for emerging writers. It has compatibility with several devices and extends to Microsoft Office as well. In fact, it extends to all Microsoft suites. It is capable of reducing the misuse of passive voice and also helps users translate content into other languages. In this manner, this tool helps with international writing.
This tool not only checks passive voice but also makes individuals stronger writers. This tool highlights all the grammar-based errors in messages that are color-coded. Meaning, the spelling mistakes are highlighted in the color red, and other mistakes are highlighted in different colors.
What Makes Grammar Lookup So Good?
While there are plenty of websites that are similar to grammar lookup, here are some reasons that make it stand out from the crowd AND add value to your life.
Improved Academic Performance
Passive voice is an error that is looked upon in academia. Hence, the Grammar Lookup software helps out students and professional writers too. It will help to improve your writing style and the overall look of your academic papers. This tool is also capable of teaching users how to fix their writing issues.
A well-researched paper can go to waste if people find unnecessary grammar mistakes while reading. Grammar lookup will save time and effort while you proofread so that extra time is used during the research and writing process.
Perfect Fix
The Grammar Lookup software is also a perfect fit for all passive voice errors. This tool aims to remove any blunders from the document. The errors can be big or small and in any dialect. Grammar Lookup not only points out big and small passive voice errors but is also able to do it for many languages and dialects.
You will not have to worry about the dialect or any other thing, the AI is smart enough to get the job done.
Simple Software
It is a known fact that the best software’s are easy to use. This means that anyone can use them, despite knowing very little about the world of technology. This tool provides a hassle-free service and is user-friendly. Users simply have to copy-paste the text to check their passage for passive voice.
You will not have to wait for any sign-ups and other complications, just open the site and you will be good to go. It can be accessed from any device – be it PC, tablet, or mobile phone.
Reviews for Grammar Lookup
According to users, Grammar Lookup is one of the best online tools for grammar and passive voice checking. Grammar Lookup is able to check passive voice, sentences, phrases, grammar, and punctuation.
As a result, individuals in academia can benefit. In addition, individuals that write essays, dissertations, business letters, and other related documents also benefit from it. In that case, people that have knowledge but make grammatical errors benefit the most from this software.
The reviews also state that this software is easy to use and is useful for both British and American English. It is also mentioned that users can choose the tone of their writing too, such as formal, funny, informal, strong, analytical, etc. Hence, most of the reviews for this software were positive.
The positive reviews indicate that users should opt for the premium version of Grammar Lookup. It provides additional benefits and directly guides users on how to fix their passive voice misuse. Passive voice is looked down on in the grammar community, so users aiming to improve their writing style should get the premium version as well.
To Sum It All Up
The Grammar Lookup website serves as an excellent passive voice checker. It can be used by writers and students to improve their quality of writing. As passive was an error that is looked down on in the grammar community.
This tool is simple and easy to use, meaning anyone can use it easily. As a result, it generally has good reviews and serves both British and American English.
If users are not satisfied with the performance of Grammar Lookup they can opt for alternate sources. Some of the named examples include Grammarly, Pro Writing Aid, Hemingway App, White Smoke. They provide paid and premium versions and are able to successfully fix passive voice misuse.