Как найти пингвина среди туканов

На этой яркой картинке мы видим целую стаю туканов. И среди них всего один пингвин. Ваша задача найти его как можно скорее!

Посмотрите на картинку и найдите пингвина среди туканов. Это будет очень непросто!

Найдите пингвина среди туканов! Уморительная головоломка от венгерского художника

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Can YOU find the penguin among the toucans? Internet’s favourite viral cartoonist is BACK with another head-scratcher

By Stephanie Linning For Mailonline

15:15 14 Aug 2019, updated 19:10 14 Aug 2019

  • Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, released a puzzle
  • The seek-and-find brainteaser challenges players to spot the hidden toucan 
  • Facebook followers were quick to comment on how tricky it is to complete 

The internet’s favourite seek-and-find cartoonist has released a new puzzle that is sure to leave you scratching your head.   

Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, recently took to his popular Facebook page to share a vibrant new creation. 

Dudolf, who boasts more than 150,000 followers on the social network, challenged his fans to spot the penguin among a flock of toucans. 

Scroll down for the solution 

Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas, better known as Dudolf, recently took to his Facebook page to share a vibrant new seek-and-find puzzle featuring a penguin hidden among toucans. Only the most eagle-eyed players will be able to spot the one that is not like the others

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It might sound simple at first but Dudolf’s decision to draw the birds so they look almost identical means it is actually surprisingly difficult. 

The post has racked up more than 3,000 likes and 600 comments, with many followers commenting on how tricky it had been to complete. 

One posted: ‘Finally I found it but this one was more difficult than the others.’ 

The post has racked up more than 3,000 likes and 600 comments, with many followers commenting on how tricky it had been to complete. Others said they were ‘proud’ to solve it

Another wrote: ‘Trickier but love these.’ A third agreed: ‘This one was tough!’ 

Only the most eagle-eyed players would have been able to spot the toucan tucked away on the right-hand side of the frame. 

Its beak is a slightly different shape and colour but otherwise it is difficult to spot the difference. 

Only the most eagle-eyed players would have been able to spot the toucan tucked away on the right-hand side of the frame. Its beak shape and colour is only slightly different

Dudas first became an online sensation after his deceptively difficult seek-and-find puzzle featuring a panda hidden among a group of snowmen swept the internet in December 2015.

He now produces puzzles for most major holidays – and delights followers by posting random editions throughout the year.

The artist announced last week that he has illustrated a series of three children’s books written by New York Times-bestseller author Beth Ferry.

The first, Fox and Rabbit, will be released in April next year.   

Dudolf marked the Easter period with a different puzzle which shows an image of a field of rabbits sitting in a sea of eggs and tulips. Players had to find the chick hidden in the scene
Gergely soon shared a link to a page containing the answer, revealing the chick in a small highlighted box

Что-то мы давно не баловали вас картинками-загадками от венгерского художника Гергея Дудаша (

Gergely Dudas

). Не хотите немного отвлечься от работы и размять свои глаза?

Он, конечно, не сильно балует нас своими играми в прятки, но кое-что мы для вас нашли!

Итак, на этой картинке автор предлагает найти пингвина среди туканов:

Здесь, среди цветочного благолепия, художник спрятал крошечное сердце. Сможете найти?

А если вы внимательно рассмотрите эту картинку, то среди многочисленных тюльпанов сможете найти цыплёнка. Попробуйте!

Если ваши поиски слишком затянулись, а узнать ответ уже хочется, то ответы ищите ниже.

Пингвин здесь:

Сердечко здесь:

Цыплёнок здесь:

все картинки:

© Gergely Dudas

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12.11.2022, 22:55

Тест на внимательность, с которым не справляются взрослые, но который легко щелкают дети: где спрятался пингвин?

Вам придется внимательно рассмотреть всю картинку, чтобы найти на ней пингвина. Да-да, в этой толпе туканов затаился антарктический гость.

Никита Шевцев

Никита Шевцев




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Где на этой картинке с туканами находится пингвин?
Где на этой картинке с туканами находится пингвин?

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