Как найти рифмы к английским словами

Рифма к слову

Рифма – это повторение одинаковых или похожих звуковых сочетаний в конце двух и более слов. Она используется в песнях и стихотворениях для создания складной речи, приятной на слух. Обычно рифмуются последние слова в строчках.

Разновидности рифм:

  • полные – совпадают все звуки после ударной гласной;

tight – light;

  • неполные – повторяются согласные или гласные звуки.

worth – forth, sale – rain;

  • составные – рифмуются сочетания слов;

bottom – shot him;

  • зрительные – идентично написание, но не звучание.

wood – blood.

Самые популярные рифмы английского языка

Me – be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.

Love – above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.

You – adieu, blue, blew, dew, do, few, knew, ooh, threw, through, to, too, two, true, rescue, shoe, view, who, zoo.

Time – I’m, climb, clime, crime, fine, lime, mine, rhyme.

Life – alive, dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.

Heart – apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.

Now – allow, how, low.

Up – but, cup.

It – admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.

Out – about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.

Money – bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.

Down – brown, clown, crown, frown, town.

Back – attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.

Day – away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.

Dream – beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.

Go – ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.

Word – award, accord, bird, board, record, scored, stored, third.

Mind – behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.

Night – bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.

Рифмы к английским словамAgain – men, ten, then, when.

Game – became, came, claim, frame, name, same.

Smile – aisle, I’ll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.

This – assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.

One – anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.

Man – can, fan, ran.

In – been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.

Face – case, lace, place, race, space.

Star – are, bar, car, far, guitar.

Good – could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.

Crazy – amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.

Pain – brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.

Eyes – dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.

Thing – bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.

Better – matter.

Best – chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.

Head – bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.

Change – range, strange.

Over – clover, cover.

More – bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.

That – bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.

Real – deal, feel, hill, steel, still.

Friend – band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.

I – buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side,sigh, shy, sky, tie, try, why.

Here – clear, dear, fear, fever.

Alone – flown, home, own, phone, stone.

All – ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.

Wrong – along, belong, long, song, strong.

Рифмы к английским словамFire – admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.

Hate – create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.

Stop – top, cop, pop, drop, shop.

Fine – combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.

Forever – ever, never, together.

Boy – destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.

Need – beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.

Future – nature, picture.

Self – brave, gave, help, save, wave.

Cold – gold, old, rolled, sold, told, want.

Care – bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.

Truth – smooth, sooth.

Chance – dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.

Hurt – alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.

Reason – frozen, season.

Cool – full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.

God – blood, flood, mud.

Level – devil.

Body – beauty, dirty, party.

Happen – happy, heaven, seven.

Book – brook, cook, hook, look, took.

Hell – well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell, spell.

City – duty, kitty, pity, pretty.

Tomorrow – shadow, swallow, window, yellow, fellow.

Much – such, touch.

Worry – hurry, sorry.

News – blues, confuse, muse, shoes.

Flash – crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.

Walk – block, lock, rock, shock, talk.

Believe – eve, live, leave.

Rent – present, prevent, sent, tent.

Take – brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.

Child – mild, smiled, wild.

Let – debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.

Respect – connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.

Lip – chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.

Сервисы для поиска рифм к английским словам:

можно посмотреть здесь

или здесь

так же рифмовки здесь

Как написать стихотворение на английском языке?  Сочинить несколько строк на английском языке совсем несложно. Как и в любом языке, а английском есть понятие рифмы, у одних слов рифм много, у некоторых  – в лучшем случае одна.

Приведённый ниже список не включает в себя всех слов, оканчивающихся похоже на первое в каждой строчке, но является набором наиболее используемых рифм, использующихся в стихах и песнях, особенно популярных.   

 I –  my, high, try, buy, guy, goodbye, bye, lie, sigh, tie, by, cry, why, Y, fly, fry, pie, defy, deny, sky, eye, die
You – do, to, too, two, blue, true, knew, Sue, zoo, shoe, knew, queue, Ooh
Love – (think) of, off, dove, glove, enough, tough, rough
Day – say, may, lay, stay, way, away, pay, play, gray, OK, USA, hay, tray, anyway, sleigh, clay
Me – see, sea, tree, be, bee, free, tea, she, we, fee, tee, key, b, V, P, D, C, CD, ABC,
Smile – while, crocodile, vile, mile
Baby – maybe
Worry – hurry
Face – place, lace, pace, race, case,
Money – honey, bunny, funny
Sun – one, fun, run, gone, done, gun, nun
Night – tight, light, might, sight, fight, bright, right, alright, white, knight, bite,  kite,
Girl – world
Boy- joy, toy, destroy
Guys – lies, eyes, dies
News- blues, shoes, confuse
House – mouse, louse
Nice – twice, ice, rice, mice, lice,
All – tall, call, small, tall, fall, mall, roll, ball, crawl
Up – cup,
Dance-chance, romance, France
Name – same, game, lame, came, fame,
Miss – kiss, bliss, this,
Walk- talk
In – begin, sin, skin, bin, pin,
Rain – pain, train, main, Spain, in vain, lane, campaign, champagne,
Man – can, again, fan, ran, ban, pan,  Dan, Stan
Tale – tail, fail, nail, snail, jail, mail, male, ale, sale, sail 
Stop – top, cop, pop, hop,
Believe – live, leave
Black – back, sack, lack, pack, attack
Yellow – fellow, marshmallow,
Shield – yield
Feeling – ceiling
Green – seen, been, between, Queen
Bird – heard
Quick – kick , stick, sick , tick, thick, Rick, Nick, Dick
Pants – ants
Luck- duck, suck, muck
Much – touch
Lunch- munch, crunch, punch   
Alone – flown, own,
Look – book, crook, took, shook,
Around – sound, ground, down , town, clown, frown,  crown, brown,
Friend – end, spend,
Rent – sent, tent,

 Clover- over
Bake-  take, rake, sake, brake, cake, make, snake
Heart – apart, part, tart, start, smart,
Star – are, car, far, bar,
Cat – that, fat, bat, rat, sat, pat,
Sad – bad, glad, dad, pad, mad,
Bed – red, said, led,  bread, head, dead
Crazy – lazy
Hurt- desert
Song – long, along, wrong, ping-pong, King-Kong
Sing – ring, string, ling
Door – four, floor, more, poor, tore, bore, sore,
Five – hive, jive, alive, drive
Wife – life, knife,
Child – wild, mild,
Kind – find, wind
I’m – time, lime, rhyme,
Nation – ration, civilization, information, congratulation(s), etc
Seven- heaven
Eight – ate, mate, fate, rate, late, gate,
Fine – nine, mine, shine, line, wine, vine, sign, combine,
Good – could, mood, should, would,
Blood- flood, mud, God
Ear – hear, near, sincere, dear, deer
There – hair, share, bear, pear, care, square
Corn – unicorn, horn, born, scorn
Well – shell, hell, fell, bell, tell, sell, spell, swell
Net – bet, pet, let, debt,
Некоторые рифмы с именами собственными и географическими названиями.

 Trotsky – plotsky, lotsky, shotsky, hotsky (это не официальные слова английского языка, – ski добавлено для  «русскости»)
Brutus – Judas
Ceasar – geezer
Romanoff – stroganoff
Rasputin – machine, queen
Linkoln – thinking
Polk – folk
Siberia – fear ya, carry ya
Leningrad – dad
Katmandu – you, do,
Gustav – moost have
Gropius – copious

 Aльтернатива для рифмы.
Некоторые слова используются в основном в поэзии для рифмы с другими словами, но в жизни употребляются редко:

 Upsot (“Jingle Bells”) – вместо Upset
Siree – sir

 Оригинальные рифмы от Тома Лерера:

 There, the guy who’s got religion’ll.
Tell you if your sin’s original.

 And you may have thought it tragic
Not to mention other adjec-
Tives, to think of all the weeping they will do.

 The tune don’t have to be clever,
 And it don’t matter if you put a couple extra syllables into a line.
 It sounds more ethnic if it ain’t good English,
 And it don’t even gotta rhyme–excuse me–rhyne.

Надо отметить, что в песнях, где упоминается танец Бегин (beguin), рядом же стоит в той или иной форме и слово begin. А это  песни “Begin the beguine”, “Alma” , “Under ther Sea” и рифмовка из мультфильма “Yellow Submarine”.

 И помните – в стихотворении главное – душа!

 Дополнения приветствуются.


  1. Подбор рифм к английским словам
  2. Рифма к слову
  3. Разновидности рифм:
  4. Самые популярные рифмы английского языка
  5. Подбираем рифмы на английском онлайн
  6. Поиск рифмы онлайн
  7. Как пользоваться сервисом
  8. Разновидности рифм
  9. Как подобрать рифму к английскому слову
  10. Наиболее востребованные рифмы на английском
  11. Rhyme Words
  12. Free Rhyming Dictionary

Подбор рифм к английским словам

Рифма к слову

Разновидности рифм:

worth – forth, sale – rain;

Самые популярные рифмы английского языка

Me – be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.

Love – above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.

You – adieu, blue, blew, dew, do, few, knew, ooh, threw, through, to, too, two, true, rescue, shoe, view, who, zoo.

Time – I’m, climb, clime, crime, fine, lime, mine, rhyme.

Life – alive, dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.

Heart – apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.

Now – allow, how, low.

It – admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.

Out – about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.

Money – bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.

Down – brown, clown, crown, frown, town.

Back – attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.

Day – away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.

Dream – beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.

Go – ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.

Word – award, accord, bird, board, record, scored, stored, third.

Mind – behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.

Night – bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.

Again – men, ten, then, when.

Game – became, came, claim, frame, name, same.

Smile – aisle, I’ll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.

This – assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.

One – anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.

In – been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.

Face – case, lace, place, race, space.

Star – are, bar, car, far, guitar.

Good – could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.

Crazy – amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.

Pain – brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.

Eyes – dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.

Thing – bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.

Best – chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.

Head – bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.

Change – range, strange.

Over – clover, cover.

More – bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.

That – bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.

Real – deal, feel, hill, steel, still.

Friend – band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.

I – buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side,sigh, shy, sky, tie, try, why.

Here – clear, dear, fear, fever.

Alone – flown, home, own, phone, stone.

All – ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.

Wrong – along, belong, long, song, strong.

Fire – admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.

Hate – create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.

Stop – top, cop, pop, drop, shop.

Fine – combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.

Forever – ever, never, together.

Boy – destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.

Need – beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.

Future – nature, picture.

Self – brave, gave, help, save, wave.

Cold – gold, old, rolled, sold, told, want.

Care – bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.

Truth – smooth, sooth.

Chance – dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.

Hurt – alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.

Reason – frozen, season.

Cool – full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.

God – blood, flood, mud.

Body – beauty, dirty, party.

Happen – happy, heaven, seven.

Book – brook, cook, hook, look, took.

Hell – well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell, spell.

City – duty, kitty, pity, pretty.

Tomorrow – shadow, swallow, window, yellow, fellow.

Worry – hurry, sorry.

News – blues, confuse, muse, shoes.

Flash – crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.

Walk – block, lock, rock, shock, talk.

Believe – eve, live, leave.

Rent – present, prevent, sent, tent.

Take – brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.

Child – mild, smiled, wild.

Let – debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.

Respect – connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.

Lip – chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.


Подбираем рифмы на английском онлайн

Вся английская поэзия, начиная с XII века, строится на рифмах. Они разнообразны по звучанию и структуре. С их помощью определяется деление стиха на ритмические интервалы для облегчения его восприятия. Кроме того, рифмы к английским словам (звуковые повторы) помогают выделять значимые лексические единицы и привлекать к ним внимание.

Рифма – это повторение похожих или одинаковых сочетаний звуков в конце нескольких слов. Основное назначение рифмы – создание благозвучного, приятного для восприятия сочетания слов в стихах и песнях.

Не у всех есть талант Шекспира, но подобрать рифму к слову гораздо проще, чем может показаться на первый взгляд. Используя генератор рифм онлайн, это может сделать даже человек, который никогда раньше не сочинял стихи.

Поиск рифмы онлайн

Представляем эффективный онлайн-сервис по подбору рифм для стихотворений, песен, поздравлений, юмористических, сатирических и других поэтических произведений. Работать с ним интересно и просто, удобно, а главное, требует минимум временных затрат.

Особенности нашего нового онлайн-сервиса:

Как пользоваться сервисом

Чтобы подобрать рифмы к английским словам онлайн, ведите первые буквы слова и выберите нужное из списка. Программа найдет наиболее подходящие единицы. Если к нужному слову нет хороших рифм, вы можете попробовать изменить словоформу или рассмотреть менее благозвучные варианты.

Совет редакции: Некоторые английские слова имеют много рифм, некоторые – одну-две, а есть такие, к которым их просто невозможно подобрать. В этих случаях следует либо прибегать к неполным или составным рифмам либо заменять исходное слово.

Привести английские рифмы с переводом онлайн-сервисы не предлагают, так как идет автоматический подбор слов на одном языке. При необходимости всегда можно воспользоваться помощью переводчика.

Разновидности рифм

Выделяют четыре типа рифм, в зависимости от особенностей повторения в словах звуков, слогов или букв в их написании.

Как подобрать рифму к английскому слову

Если вы хотите написать, к примеру, песню на английском, будьте готовы к тому, что это потребует хороших знаний лексики (большого количества слов). И, естественно, владения на должном уровне грамматикой. Советуем также ознакомиться с основными правилами стихосложения. Остается дело только за вдохновением!

Новичкам не всегда получается найти рифму к слову на английском самостоятельно. Поэтому можно начать с более простого способа – подбора нужных по звучанию слов с помощью нашего онлайн-сервиса.

Совет редакции: Рассматривайте не только первые пункты выдачи онлайн-сервиса, а изучайте все варианты. Сначала отбрасывайте слова, не подходящие по смыслу, а затем примеряйте к исходнику близкие по значению. Такой подход повышает шансы на успешный выбор правильного слова. А в случае неудачи с подбором это поможет перефразировать исходную строку под найденную рифму.

Наиболее востребованные рифмы на английском

В этом разделе мы приводим уже подобранные популярные рифмы для стихов из самых частотных слов. Их можно использовать и для написания слов песен, а также для рэпа.

there, were, blare, fare, hair, share, wear, somewhere, affair, beware, compare, impair, welfare, polar bear, millionaire, flying mare here

ear, hear, seer, endear, Shakespeare, disappear, musketeer, overhear, puppeteer

dove, glove, above, kind of, sort of, dispose of, get rid of, a couple of, impatient of

tan, ban, bran, van, pan, fan, clan, plan, san, scan, than, batman, began, caveman, Japan, game plan, jazzman, less than, lifespan, Tarzan, trash can, superman

chime, climb, mime, crime, dime, I’m, lime, prime, bedtime, daytime, lifetime, full-time, showtime, war crime, summertime

bise, dies, flies, fries, wise, guys, lies, size, price, prize, skies, advise, arise, clockwise, comprise, despise, devise, disguise, french fries, full-size, outsize, likewise, revise

art, smart, start, tart, chart, dart, apart, fine art, flip chart, fresh start, sweetheart, take part, fall apart, set apart, work of art

be, 3-d, bee, glee, fee, flea, flee, free, knee, sea, see, spree, tea, tree, three, agree, ash-tree, at sea, black tea, carefree, degree, iced tea, thirty, would be, ABC, control key, water ski

wow, bow, brow, ciao, cow, pow, vow, allow, and how, chow chow, endow, eyebrow, know-how, kowtow, Landau, sea cow, snowplow, somehow

at, bat, chat, fat, flat, hat, pet, mat, rat, that, bobcat, brickbat, chitchat, cocked hat, combat, format, get at, look at, pick at, work at

boar, bore, chore, core, corps, score, snore, door, floor, drawer, for, more, pore, pour, score, roar, soar, store, war, your, adore, ask for, before, call for, drugstore, dance floor, folklore, implore, valour

low, dough, glow, grow, go, low, mow, show, snow, slow, though, throw, toe, ago, below, borrow, crossbow, dumb show, Glasgow, hello, ice-show, let go, memo, Moscow, rhino, shadow

cup, pup, sup, yup, backup, breakup, checkup, cleanup, make-up, pickup, pushup, roundup, stand-up, teacup, windup

blew, true, blue, boo, brew, chew, zoo, clue, crew, due, few, flew, flu, flue, glue, knew, screw, shoe, stew, sue, to, too, view, break through, come to, due to, gym shoe, hairdo, how to, to do, undo, voodoo

buy, hi, by, bye, cry, die, dry, eye, fly, fry, guy, high, psi, shy, sly, spy, try, tie, why, apply, bad guy, banzai, bee fly, black eye, black tie, bye-bye, nearby

cowl, foul, fowl, growl, howl, jowl, prowl, scowl, towel, game fowl, peafowl

bitten, Britain, fit in, mitten, piton, written, Great Britain, handwritten, typewritten, unwritten

fog, frog, jog, log, Prague, slog, smog, backlog, bulldog, bullfrog, eggnog, groundhog, Gulag, hedgehog, hotdog, prolog, watchdog, analog, catalogue, dialogue, monologue, epilogue, French Bulldog

birth, death, first, worth, childbirth

chivedive, drive, hive, I’ve, live, shive, shrive, alive, archive, arrive, beehive, crash dive, deprive, derive, hard drive, survive, test drive

bane, Cain, brain, cane, chane, crane, drain, gain, Jane, lane, main, pane, plain, reign, rain, Spain, train, airplane, Big Ben, birdbrain, brain drain, chest pain, complain, contain

joy, toy, annoy, bellboy, cowboy, destroy, enjoy, schoolboy

Автор статьи: Екатерина Иванова, методолог Lim English


Rhyme Words

Free Rhyming Dictionary

Find rhymes fast. Create original lyrics or prose. Choose from six types of rhymes:

End Rhymes (blue/shoe)

Words with ending rhyme have the same final vowel sound and following consonant sound(s). For example, if you enter the word laughter under this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the ending sound er (e.g., admirer, doctor, pleasure, scholar, watercolor, and were). Other examples of ending rhyme include:

This option lets you easily find exact rhymes (words in which the final vowel and consonant sounds are the same) and masculine rhymes (rhyming words with a stressed final syllable).

Last-Syllable Rhymes (timber/harbor)

Words with last-syllable rhyme have the same sounds following the last syllable boundary (commonly a consonant, a vowel, and another consonant). For example, if you enter the word explain using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the last syllable sound plain (e.g., aquaplane, biplane, plane, and plain). Other examples of last-syllable rhyme include:

This option lets you find masculine rhymes and all other words with final syllables (stressed or unstressed) that rhyme with the word you entered.

Double Rhymes (conviction/prediction)

Words with double rhyme have the same vowel sound in the second-to-last syllable and all following sounds. For example, if you enter the word soaring using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the sound oring (e.g., adoring, exploring, pouring, scoring, touring, and restoring). Other examples of double rhyme include:

This option lets you find feminine rhymes (rhyming words with an unstressed final syllable). Words entered using this option must have at least two syllables.

Triple Rhymes (transportation/dissertation)

Words with triple rhyme have the same vowel sound in the third-to-last syllable and all following sounds. For example, if you enter the word combination using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the sound anation (e.g., explanation, coronation, destination, and imagination). Other examples of triple rhyme include:

Words entered with this option must have at least three syllables.

Beginning Rhymes (physics/fizzle)

Words with beginning rhyme have the same initial consonant sound(s) and the same first vowel sound. For example, if you enter the word plantation using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the sound pla (e.g., plan, plaque, plaster, and plateau). Other examples of beginning rhyme include:

This option lets you find words with initial alliteration (the repetition of initial consonant sounds), initial assonance (the repetition of initial vowel sounds), and front rhyme (the succession of beginning sounds of words).

First-Syllable Rhymes (carrot/caring)

Words with first-syllable rhyme have the same sounds preceding the first syllable break. For example, if you enter the word explanation using this option, Rhymer retrieves a list of words with the sound ex (e.g., excavate, exhale, expert, and extra). Other examples of first-syllable rhyme include:



Рифма – это повторение одинаковых или похожих звуковых сочетаний в конце двух и более слов. Рифма используется в стихотворениях и песнях, что придает им особое очарование для привлечения внимания слушателя. Рифмы делают речь приятной на слух. Чаще всего рифмуются последние слова в строчках.

Рифмы бывают:

  • полные – совпадение всех звуков после ударной гласной: tight – light;
  • не полные – повторение согласных или гласных звуков: worth – forth, sale – rain;
  • составные – рифмуются словосочетания : bottom – shot him;
  • зрительные – слова, написание которых частично совпадают, но сами слова звучат по-разному: wood – blood.

Самые популярные рифмы в английском языке

carrot and parrot

  • Again – men, ten, then, when.
  • All – ball, call, doll, curl, girl, fall, mall, roll, small, soul, tall, wall, world.
  • Alone – flown, home, own, phone, stone.
  • Back – attack, black, crack, hack, pack, track.
  • Believe – eve, live, leave.
  • Best – chest, crest, quest, rest, test, west.
  • Better – matter.
  • Body – beauty, dirty, party.
  • Book – brook, cook, hook, look, took.
  • Boy – destroy, employ, enjoy, joy, toy.
  • Care – bear, hair, pair, share, square, there, wear, where.
  • Chance – dance, ends, fans, France, friends, hands, romance, sense, tense.
  • Change – range, strange.
  • Child – mild, smiled, wild.
  • City – duty, kitty, pity, pretty.
  • Cold – gold, old, rolled, sold, told, want.
  • Cool – full, pool, rule, school, stool, tool, wool.
  • Crazy – amazing, baby, easy, lady, lazy, maybe.
  • Day – away, clay, deejay, delay display, grey, hey, lay, may, okay, pay, play, relay, replay, say, stay, they, today, way.
  • Down – brown, clown, crown, frown, town.
  • Dream – beam, been, between, cream, extreme, green, marine, scream, screen, steam, stream, supreme, swim, team, teen, theme.
  • Eyes – dies, guys, ice, lies, nice, price, slice, sunrise, surprise, twice.
  • Face – case, lace, place, race, space.
  • Fine – combine, dine, divine, design, line, mine, nine, shine, sign, time, vine, wine.
  • Fire – admire, denier, desire, entire, fighter, flower, flyer, higher, inspire, liar, power.
  • Flash – crash, hash, mash, smash, splash, trash.
  • Forever  –  ever, never, together.
  • Friend  –  band, defend, descend, depend, end, hand, land, send, spend, stand, trend, understand.
  • Future – nature, picture.
  • Game – became, came, claim, frame, name, same. Smile – aisle, I’ll, isle, mile, style, vile, while.
  • Go – ago, blow, bellow, flow, glow, grow, hello, know, no, oh, show, slow, snow, so, throw.
  • God – blood, flood, mud.
  • Good – could, foot, hood, mood, should, shoot, stood, wood, would.
  • Happen – happy, heaven, seven.
  • Hate – create, date, eight, fate, gate, great, late, locate, state, wait.
  • Head – bed, bread, dead, had, red, said.
  • Heart – apart, art, cart, chart, fart, part, smart, start.
  • Hell – well, shell, fell, bell, tell, sell, smell,
  • Here – clear, dear, fear, fever.
  • Hurt – alert, a lot, comfort, desert, dot, forgot, hot, jackpot, not, slot, shot.
  • I – buy, by, bye, cry, defy, deny, die, dry, eye, fly, goodbye, guy, high, inside, lie, my, pie, side, sigh, shy, sky, tie, try, why.
  • It – admit, bit, fit, grit, hit, knit, meet, shit, sit, split.
  • Let – debt, forget, net, set, sunset, yet.
  • Level – devil.
  • Life –  alive,  dive, drive, five, knife, rife, strife, wife.
  • Lip – chip, deep, equip, hip, jeep, keep, ship, skip, sleep, sweep.
  • Love – above, dove, enough, glove, half, laugh, of, off, shove, staff, tough.
  • Man – can, fan, ran. In – been, begin, between, clean, green, keen, mean, queen, seen, skin.
  • Me – be, fee, free, key, tea, tree, sea, see, she, we.
  • Mind – behind, declined, defined, designed, divined, find, kind, remind, signed.
  • Money – bunny, funny, honey, mummy, sunny.
  • More – bore, door, for, four, floor, score, store.
  • Much – such, touch.
  • Need – beat, feed, kid, meet, seat, sheet, speed, street, sweet, weed.
  • News – blues, confuse, muse, shoes.
  • Night – bite, bright, light, delight, fight, flight, height, knight, might, right, sight, slight, tight, tonight, white.
  • Now – allow, how, low. Up – but, cup.
  • One – anyone, done, fun, gone, none, run, sun.
  • Out – about, around, cloud, doubt, ground, shout, sound, without.
  • Over  – clover, cover.
  • Pain – brain, campaign, champagne, complain, explain, in vain, lane, main, plain, rain, train.
  • Real – deal, feel, hill, steel, still.
  • Reason – frozen, season.
  • Rent – present, prevent, sent, tent.
  • Respect – connect, correct, direct, effect, expect, reflect, select, suspect.
  • Self – brave, gave, help, save, wave.
  • Star – are, bar, car, far, guitar.
  • Stop  –  top, cop, pop, drop, shop.
  • Take – brake, cake, fake, lake, make, shake, snake, wake.
  • That – bad, cat, dad, fat, flat, glad, mad, sad.
  • Thing – bring, king, nothing, ring, sing, spring, sting.
  • This – assist, bliss, consist, exist, insist, kiss, miss, peace, resist.
  • Time – I’m, climb, clime, crime, fine, lime, mine, rhyme.
  • Tomorrow – shadow, swallow, window, yellow, fellow.
  • Truth – smooth, sooth.
  • Walk – block, lock, rock, shock, talk.
  • Word – award, accord, bird, board, record, scored, stored, third.
  • Worry – hurry, sorry.
  • Wrong – along, belong, long, song, strong.
  • You – adieu, blue, blew, dew, do, few, knew, ooh, threw, through, to, too, two, true, rescue, shoe, view, who, zoo.

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