Как найти секретку в livetopia

В игре Роблокс Livetopia помимо огромного мира, множества развлечений и интересных занятий есть большое количество секретов и пасхалок которые оставили для игроков разработчики. Секреты разбросаны по всему миру и найти их порой очень непросто. В основном это тайные комнаты попасть в которые можно только если выполнить определенные действия.

На первом скриншоте в нижнем, левом углу вы можете увидеть дом рядом с которым (или внутри которого) находится секрет.

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Берем лопату и выкапываем пистолет

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Стреляем в дверь до тех пока она не откроется

Роблокс Livetopia секреты


Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Тыкаем на стол пока он полностью не станет коричневым, после чего нажимаем на картину на стене

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в подводный мир

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажимаем на цветы

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Находим сейф

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажимаем на картину

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Заходим в тайную комнату

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Проходим вдоль бассейна и нажимаем на кашпо

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в секретное помещение

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Сразу за лестницей нажимаем на стену

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Проходим сквозь картины

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в секретный зал

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажимаем на картину

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в ангар с самолетом

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажав на картину с пауком

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Можете попасть в другое измерение

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Поливаем цветок

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Оказываемся в такой вот комнатке

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Собираем светящиеся элементы

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажми что бы увеличить

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Последний элемент в форме точки

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Вставляем элементы в картину

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в секретное помещение

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Берем на стеллаже светильник

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Вставляем его на крыше

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Спускаемся ниже и проходим в светящийся дверной проем

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем на склад-холодильник

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Снимаем длинную рыбу

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Снимаем широкую рыбу

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Меняем их местами

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в секретик

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Запрыгиваем по полке вдоль стены

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Прямо на чердак где сидит девочка с тесаком

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Забираемся по лестнице

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Дергаем вазу

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Заходим в комнату шпионов

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажимаем на черную полоску вытащив таким образом лестницу

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Поднимаемся на чердак в комнату пасхалку

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Поворачиваем фоторамку

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

прыгаем в бассейн и нажимаем светящуюся кнопку

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Проплываем под открывшейся стеной и попадаем в комнату пасхалку

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Нажимаем на книги на полке

Роблокс Livetopia секреты

Попадаем в комнату

Видео со всеми пасхалками

There are many mysterious locations that are attached to the game in order to increase the essence of the game. But many of the players don’t realize this fact and they just go play the game that will help them to get to the next level. Sometimes these secret places might give you powers and different items that are used in the game.

Secrets in Livetopia Roblox consists of all the secret places that are hidden in Livetopia. Here, it seems to like having a normal building but the door to those secret places are hidden and only the known players will go to those places and collect their rewards and make use of those places.

Everyone loves secrets and when it comes to games it surprises them by all means. The same happens here in Livetopia too. There are more secrets in Livetopia Roblox that are still unknown for many of the players.

Here’s the summary of all the secrets in Livetopia –

Secret Location
Secret 1 Inside floor in Police Station
Secret 2 Green Arrow in Topia Plaza
Secret 3 Inside White Door in Burger Shop In Mall
Secret 4 Cave in Meals In A Minute
Secret 5 Inside the Bunker In Cave

1. Police Station

The first one on our list is the Livetopia Police station and you will have to go inside and search for the cells that are present there. Go into either of the cells and you will find a hole in the floor that will lead you to a place that is hidden secretly.

Livetopia Ladder Hole in Police Station

Ladder Hole in Police Station

You will get down into it and close the door so that you don’t get caught in the eyes of the police. You will find a frame of Doge indicating you’ve entered a secret place.

Secret Doge Face in Livetopia Police Station

Secret Doge Face in Livetopia Police Station

And you can go with a flow in the pathway and using a ladder you will get escape from the prison. It’s easy as that!

2. Topia Plaza

Moving on to the second secret, you have to find a huge green-colored arrow that is present on the open ground in Topia Plaza. Just jump on it and go till the arrow ends.

Arrow in Topia Plaza

Arrow in Topia Plaza

After you reach the end Just do a great jump and go to the island that is far enough.

Going to the end of Green Arrow of Topia Plaza

Going to the end of Green Arrow of Topia Plaza

You will see a white sign on the island you can swim until you reach there and get back to the island.

Reaching the Secret Island in Roblox Livetopia

Reaching the Secret Island in Roblox Livetopia

On the island, you will see a white ball-shaped sign and as soon as you reach it, you will be able to get back to the place where you started.

3. Burger Shop

The next secret in Livetopia Roblox is in a shop that is located near the Topia Plaza. There will be a shop named Meals in a minute, get into that building. Directly go to the upstairs of the building where you can see a shop named Super Burger.

Super Burger Shop in Plaza

Super Burger Shop in Plaza

Get into that shop there will be a white door that is attached to the wall. Open it up and you will see the wall and you have jumped on the floor and after that, you will see a ladder being opened from the upside. Using those ladders climb up to one of the secrets in Livetopia Roblox.

Ladder below the Burger Shop

Ladder below the Burger Shop

You will find a gun and bomb and also a binocular through which you can spy on people and half of the location is seen from this place.

Secret Balcony above burger shop

Secret Balcony above burger shop

There is also a guitar and a laptop and to be true this might be a hide-out for the criminal anyhow this is one of the secrets in Livetopia Roblox. You can get down from the building exactly the same way through which you got in. Interesting right?

4. Meals In A Minute

The next secret in Livetopia Roblox is found in the mall to the exact meals in a minute shop and you also have the chance to hide in the little cabinets that are present in those shops.

Meals in a Minute Shop in Livetopia

Meals in a Minute Shop in Livetopia

You will find a hexagon shape on the floor and in order to open it all you have to do is twist it and as soon as you do it gets opened up.

Secret in Livetopia Meals In A Minute 2

You don’t have any ladder or steps to get down rather you just have to enjoy the waterfall and jump into it.

You will be inside a cave where you can find a campfire and some eatables and it’s like a perfect place to spend time with nature without disturbing or sacrificing your privacy.

Inner hole in Meals in a Minute shop

Inner hole in Meals in a Minute shop

Go through the place and finally you will find a green-colored garbage can and near to that can upstairs you will find a blue color door through which you can go out easily. To reach that place you will have to use the grappling hook and jump all the way upstairs.

Going below the secret sewer

Going below the secret sewer

You will enter into the church through this pathway and it might seem to be dull since there is a lack of light in that area. Turn the lights on and you will find a flower vase placed over there. You will have to click the letter I and there will be a little pathway being opened and get back to the place where you started.

Secret Hole in Livetopia Church

Secret Hole in Livetopia Church

5. Bunker In Cave

The other secrets in Livetopia Roblox are in and around the place from where you stand right now. As soon as you return back near to the green garbage can you will have to climb up to the window that is present in that building using the grappling hook.

There will be two holes present in there you will have to get through the hole and get into the building. There will be a bookshelf along with food items and a table. Then you can come out of the building in the same way.

Then to go to the next secrets in Livetopia Roblox you will have to get out through the exit door. You will find the vending machine and you will have to open it up on the right side. Do not try to open the machine that is on the left side.

Secret Vending Machine in Bunker

Secret Vending Machine in Bunker

You will get into it and find a quiet little place where you can find sofas and someplace to rest a little while. It is similar to a criminal bunker and it is a perfect hideout where they can rest secretively and with comfortableness.

Secret in Livetopia Bunker 2

You will find some bombs, cash, guns, and some eatables and there is also a fridge so that you don’t have to worry about anything else when you are inside this bunker.

Lots of cash in Bunker

Lots of cash in Bunker

There will be a whole there and when you jump into it it will lead you to the metro.

These are all the secrets in Livetopia Roblox that are so interesting and make you feel very excited.


Following are the FAQs in finding secrets in Livetopia Roblox –

What is the secret code in Livetopia?

The hexagon secret code is sequentially as follows – Top Right, Top Left, Bottom, and Top at the last. Then a secret room will open.

How to find the secret in Livetopia?

Each of the secrets can be found by going into Police Station, Topia Plaza, Burger Shop, Meals in a Minute, and Bunker.

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Удивительный виртуальный мир Roblox продолжает расти и предлагать нам новые игровые сценарии со все более увлекательными занятиями. На этот раз мы поговорим о некоторых из последних секретов Livetopia.

ОБНАРУЖИТЬ: Все Коды Livetopia de Roblox активы или нажать на кнопку.


Secretos de Livetopia Roblox

Секреты Livetopia Roblox



Далее мы покажем вам последние секреты Livetopia:

Волшебная палочка и комната для открытий:

Назначение жезла до сих пор неизвестно, но чтобы забрать его, вы должны пойти в класс школы Топиа. Здесь вы увидите надпись на доске, которая гласит: «Будьте здесь в 12:00», в это время вы увидите, что столы и предметы начинают плавать, включая волшебную палочку; Также открывается дверь с кодом, который вы должны ввести (0601), показывая тем самым лестницу, ведущую в подземную планетарную комнату. Видимо Livetopia принесет космический сюрприз для будущих обновлений.

JetPack, спрятанный в заколдованном лесу:

Чтобы добиться этого, вы должны пойти в замок, сначала вы получите ключ в верхнем столбце, который соединяет две башни; вы доберетесь туда снаружи с помощью крючкового ремня. Получив ключ, идите в переулок снаружи и откройте запертую дверь.

Скрытая комната в отеле Dream Island:

Он 237 находится на 2 этаже, пройдя через дверь в уборную, мы увидим, что дверь скрытой комнаты заблокирована; затем мы должны найти карту, которая спрятана в стене сауны (в спа); берем и идем обратно в комнату 237, чтобы открыть дверь. В этой обычной комнате мы найдем цветную головоломку, которую мы должны решить, чтобы открыть еще одну карту, которая поможет нам открыть космический корабль.

В заколдованном лесу есть секретное прикосновение:

Поместите его рядом с грибным деревом. В одном из корней дерева находится арфа, на которой мы должны играть в соответствии с цветными музыкальными нотами, издаваемыми статуей. Это код, который откроет ворота, где мы найдем большую каменную голову, которая представляет собой секретное прикосновение.

Есть секретная история замка с привидениями:

Чтобы познакомиться с ней, мы сначала идем в зал славы, к двери за лестницей, которая откроется теми же музыкальными красками, что и рядом с грибным деревом. В этой комнате мы увидим плакаты 4 мест в городе Топия, заходим в каждое из них, где соберем какие-то геометрические фигуры: квадрат среди фруктов в супермаркете, круг в аквапарке, треугольник в солнечные батареи и ромб На вершине горы.

Вернувшись в комнату, мы расставляем карты на столе в том же порядке поиска, что откроет дверь в туалете, которая откроет часть истории.

Image via Century Makers

Roblox’s Livetopia is a game filled with fun content. You can go to school, hang out with friends at the mall, and even travel to various islands filled with even more fun! The possibilities in Livetopia are just about endless, and with numerous updates, it’s difficult to not find something to do in the game. Live in a castle, ride a motorcycle, and do almost anything your heart desires in this game!

It’s no surprise that for a Roblox game with so much content, there’d be a secret or two hidden throughout Livetopia. In Livetopia, however, there are a lot of secrets. From collectables to secret locations, we bet there’s a thing or two about the game that even the most active user might not know about. If you haven’t had the chance to find them for yourself, this is a good guide to look through and check them off your to-do list. So, here are some of our favorite secrets hidden throughout Livetopia!

Secret School Obby

The school was recently updated in Livetopia, and with the update came another secret! In order to find it, you need to go to the school’s ICT room. There, you should find four number buttons, all hidden in the corners of each desk group (the teacher’s desk is included in this)! You have to enter a specific number in each part of the code, and it’s easy to do once you know. You need to list the numbers of each group of tables – so 3, 3, 6, and 1!

After you enter the portal, you’ll be taken to a room with floating school chairs and a closet. By climbing up these objects, which form an obby, you’ll be able to reach another cool collectable, in a fun way!

Spirit House

Image via Century Makers

The first secret on this list isn’t in a public location – it’s right in your house! Well, a specific house, anyway. To find this secret, you’ll have to spawn in a very specific house known as “The Spirit House.” It’s known as this because of the secret minigame you can play within the house. If you head up to the top of the building, you’ll find a small pink spirit waiting for you. By following this spirit, you’ll find yourself before a portal, and transported to a small dungeon,

Once you get to this dungeon, you have the ability to complete a fun little minigame. Hidden amongst the grass, pots, and other items in the dungeon are five fairies. Find them, and you can get yourself a fun collectable!

Plaza Arrow

The next secret can be found right at Livetopia’s spawn. All players are likely familiar with the giant arrow at the start of the game. Right behind the stage with “Topia Plaza” in huge letters, it’s not easy to miss it. Did you know that this arrow has a purpose? By hopping onto the arrow, and walking up to its point, you’ll be in for another surprise! 

The arrow will launch you to an island on the other side of the map, where you can find various secrets and collectables at and around. There’s a fun little parkour right beside the island, and other collectables beneath the water – so there’s a lot to do on the arrow island!

Volcano Secret

Not all of Livetopia’s amazing secrets are found in the main town. You’ll find this next secret on the Dream Islands, by the volcanic structure, by the waterfall pouring down the volcano. It’s easy to look over, but by one of the water pools formed on the structure, you should notice a strange symbol on the rocks. By clicking this symbol, you’ll get a message saying that you’ve collected one out of three of them. 

Once you’ve found all of the symbols, head for a cluster of bushes by the volcano, and you should find a secret cave area. Another symbol should pop up here, and by interacting with it, you’ll find yet another cool secret!

Light Blocks

Image via Century Makers

If you’ve been around Livetopia for a bit, it’s possible that you’ve noticed some strange lettered blocks all over the place, but haven’t known their purpose. This is yet another secret you can find. There are nine scattered across Livetopia, so you have to go on a bit of a hunt to find them. Each of the letters spells out LIVETOPIA, and once you find them, light up. If you find all nine of them, then you get a cool badge! Who doesn’t love a fun little scavenger hunt, and a reward to go with it?

Rainbow Fish Egg

To find the next secret, head to the fish shop of Livetopia. The shop is filled with fun fish that you can buy as a pet, but you might notice the lack of a certain fish – the rainbow fish. This is another fun scavenging hunt you can go on. You are given a location you have to find for the next hint. With each location, you’ll find various clues about the whereabouts of the rainbow fish, until you actually find the aquatic animal.

Once you find the fish, all you have to do is return to the fish shop, and place the fish in the missing location. After doing this, you’ll receive another collectable!

Dream Island Treasure

If you’re visiting a tropical island, then there’s bound to be a hidden treasure somewhere around the area. On Livetopia’s Dream Islands, you can find a hidden bottle in the sand, just along the beach. Upon clicking on the bottle, you’ll find yourself a treasure map with four palm trees on it. This actually reflects a real location on the island, which you need to find to complete this secret.

Upon finding the four palm trees, all you need to do is get a shovel and dig. Once you do this, you’ll find something really cool – a jetpack! Other than finding the palm trees, which take a little time, this is a simple quest with a reward that’s definitely worth your time.

Candy Shop Soccer Secret

Image via Century Makers

Who doesn’t love soccer? While there is a sports field at the Livetopia school, that’s not where you’re going to go to find this next secret. Another thing that everyone loves is candy – so head over to the candy shop! While you can find lots of yummy treats there though, you’re going to want to open one of the cabinet doors, and locate a soccer ball. 

Once you find the soccer ball, and place it in a specific location in the candy store, look above the chocolate fountain. A portal should have appeared, which will transport you to a soccer field by the school. Unlike the normal field however, you’ll find small stone players, and places in which you’ll have to fill in with more stone players, hidden across Livetopia. Have some fun finding them all!

Laundromat Portal

When your clothes get dirty, it’s important to make sure they’re properly washed. In Livetopia’s Laundromat, however, there’s a little more to the dirty clothes and dryers than it seems. By collecting a washer token, and bringing it over to a particular washer, you’ll summon a secret portal – in the washing machine!

If you perform these actions properly, you should be able to play a fun little minigame. In this game, you’ll be in a little plastic ball, and have to avoid obstacles while collecting coins. Completing this successfully will get you a cute hamster collectable!

12AM School Quests

Image via Century Makers.

The last secret on this list is also found at the Livetopia School. This one is a little more tricky to find though. First, you have to go into one of the school rooms. On the board, you should see a “Wait until midnight” message written. If you actually wait until midnight, then the desks around the room will begin to float, and reveal a panel that you can enter a code into.

After you enter this code, you’ll be dropped into a set of secret rooms. One of which contains a giant robot. To power this robot and find the secret collectable, you’ll have to go all around Livetopia. There are four hidden minigames all across the world, waiting to be found. You’ll need to locate secret suitcases, and use night vision goggles to locate them. Once you do, you’ll be able to power the robot!

We hoped you enjoyed our guide on some of the many secrets in Roblox’s Brookhaven. Be sure to check out our Most Popular Roblox Games as well. Or, to follow our Roblox coverage (and gaming content in general), consider joining our Facebook.

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