YouTube можно использовать не только для трансляция своего творчества зрителям со всех уголков планеты, но и для размещения роликов для просмотра ограниченным кругом людей.
При загрузке видео можно сделать его доступным только себе и нескольким подписчикам канала, включить доступ по ссылке или сделать доступным всем, чтобы любой человек смог найти его по ключевым словам и посмотреть.
Видео доступные только по ссылке называются unlisted (буквальный перевод как “не включенные в список”), так их не видно в общем списке загруженных на канал видео.
Обнаружить их с помощью поиска по YouTube тоже не получится, но некоторые из доступных только по ссылке видео можно найти с помощью сервиса Сайт существует с 2014 года и вот уже семь лет пользователи активно добавляют ссылки в его базу.
Давайте попробуем найти что-нибудь на русском языке.
По запросу “Телеканал Дождь” нашлось 19 роликов.
Давайте проверим, действительно ли они недоступны в поиске на YouTube.
Скопируем название первого видео в форму поиска и добавим кавычки для точного поиска. Как видите, этот ролик скрыт от поиска. В списке видео на канале “Телеканал Дождь” его тоже нет.
Аналогичная ситуация и с другими видео из результатов поиска по запросу “Телеканал дождь”.
Иногда бывает, что видео изначально доступное только по ссылке становится публичным, но все равно остается в базе сервиса
Стоит отметить, что база сервиса формировалась, в основном, англоязычными пользователями и на этом языке по каждому слову находятся тысячи запросов.
А вот контента на русском языке несравнимо меньше.
Например, по запросу “сериал” нашелся всего 71 ролик.
Но при поиске информации о человеке (особенно об известном) посмотреть что есть про него в будет не лишним.
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When a YouTube video’s privacy is set to “unlisted,” you can’t find the video by searching or browsing YouTube—only people who have a link to the video can watch it. And as of July 2021, all unlisted YouTube videos uploaded prior to 2017 were set to private, which has drastically decreased the amount of available unlisted YouTube videos. Though you can’t find a particular unlisted YouTube video without its link, you can discover other unlisted videos by browsing playlists, or by using an archive site like Unlisted Videos. If you’re looking for your own unlisted videos, you’re in luck—they’re easy to find in the YouTube Studio editor.
Unlisted videos won’t appear in search results on YouTube or in Google. The only exception is if someone shared that unlisted video somewhere public, such as on Twitter, in a blog post, or on a forum. But there are still some options for coming across unlisted videos:
- Visit Unlisted Videos is a massive archive of unlisted YouTube videos, including many from 2016 and earlier. You can search or browse through more than 600,000 unlisted YouTube videos on this site.
- Browse people’s YouTube playlists. People often add their unlisted videos to their own playlists, which makes them easier to find even though they aren’t searchable in YouTube or through Google. You can see a person’s public playlists by clicking their name in YouTube and selecting the Playlists tab.
YouTube switched all unlisted videos uploaded before January 2017 to private. If you had any older unlisted videos bookmarked, or had them embedded on websites or in presentations, they probably stopped working back in July 2021.[1]
- The owner of the video can switch it back to unlisted (or make it public) to restore others’ access to the video. But if the owner hasn’t done that, the video will remain private forever (or until they do change it).
Your unlisted videos are easy to find in YouTube Studio. Here’s how to find them:
- Log in to YouTube Studio.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the funnel icon at the top of the video list and select Visibility.
- Choose Unlisted as the visibility type.
- Since any unlisted videos you uploaded before 2017 were marked as private in July 2021, you can find those by selecting Private from the visibility folder instead.
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There’s no way to find an unlisted YouTube video if you don’t have the link. These videos are not searchable. But you can try an unlisted video archive like to see if someone submitted it there, or browse the playlist of the person who created it to see if they added it to the list. Also, if a video was shared as Unlisted prior to 2017, it was automatically marked as Private by YouTube in July 2021.
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Несовершенство системы подписки на YouTube предоставляет всем подписчикам канала доступ к скрытым и приватным видео, загружаемым пользователем.
Для начала — небольшое вступление о том, видео каких типов можно встретить на YouTube.
Public — обычное видео, доступно всем желающим из поиска, из подписок, со страницы канала, из related.
Unlisted — доступно всем желающим, но только по прямой ссылке; исключено из поиска.
Private — доступно только определенным юзерам.
Разумеется, видео с настройками приватности Unlisted и Private не отображаются в подписках и собственно на канале пользователя, загрузившего их. Однако система оповещений YouTube о подписках несовершенна и, благодаря ей, в определенных случаях подписчики канала получают доступ к этим видео.
Здесь надо сделать небольшое отступление и сказать о том, что очень часто эти два варианта приватности используются популярными пользователями для заливки новых видео. Изначально такое видео заливается с флагом Unlisted или Private, после чего автор дожидается полной его обработки (по умолчанию, видео становится доступным пользователям еще до того, как YouTube создал несколько вариантов качества), возможно, добавляет аннотации и лишь после этого делает его Public. Несовершенство системы оповещений YouTube заключается в том, что она услужливо сообщает, что пользователь загрузил новое видео, несмотря на то, что у него стоит флаг Unlisted или Private:
По скриншоту это может быть не совсем понятно, но в данном списке показаны несколько видео, загруженных уже давно (гораздо раньше 9 часов назад), в то время как загрузка нового видео, по словам YouTube, состоялась 9 часов назад. Баг, приводящий к этому, заключается в следующем: независимо от того, какую настройку приватности выбрал пользователь, его канал автоматически поднимается вверх в списке у всех подписчиков с уведомлением о том, что пользователь загрузил новое видео. Настройка приватности влияет лишь на то, будет ли это видео показано в сопутствующем списке. В данном примере 9 часов назад пользователь загрузил новое Private видео, и об этом тут же были уведомлены все его подписчики (хоть и не получили доступа к самому видео).
В принципе, эта история могла бы на этом и закончиться, ведь подписчики не смогли посмотреть приватное видео. Однако система оповещений YouTube не ограничивается пределами сайта — по желанию каждую неделю приходит email с тем же самым содержимым. Открывая его, видим:
Невзирая на настройки приватности, YouTube уведомил подписчиков о загруженном видео, показал его в списке и услужливо предоставил ссылку для просмотра. Если это видео — Unlisted, то его может смотреть кто угодно, имеющий прямую ссылку. В данном случае это видео оказалось Private, поэтому при его просмотре вместо видео получаем такое:
В данном случае потенциальный ущерб от этого невелик: это видео — всего лишь очередная часть видеопрохождения игры с комментариями, временно скрытая автором по причине того, что она еще обрабатывается. Однако в том же самом письме с оповещением я обнаружил и куда более личные видео, скрытые уже явно по той причине, что они не для посторонних глаз:
В отличие от упомянутого выше, эти видео были с флагом Unlisted, а не Private, и были доступны для просмотра по ссылке из письма. По этическим причинам, пруф-скриншоты из этих видео здесь не привожу.
Письмо с оповещениями приходит раз в неделю (судя по всему, по понедельникам) и рассказывает обо всех загруженных видео за прошедшую неделю. Включая личные и скрытые от посторонних глаз видео с медового месяца или со свадьбы. Рассказывает всем подписчикам.
As you all know, YouTube is the second most popular search engine after Google. It is a video-sharing website run by Google, where people post their videos on the web in order to make them more visible to millions of users around the globe. However, there are times when you don’t want the specific video available to millions out there. These videos are then made available via a link. This whole process is called YouTube Unlisted. The video wouldn’t be available for everyone; only those with a link can access it. The following article will shed light on how to find unlisted videos on YouTube.
- Aqua ClipDonwload
- What is an Unlisted YouTube Video?Learn More
- Benefits of Using YouTube Unlisted VideosLearn More
- How to Find Your Own Unlisted YouTube Videos?Learn More
- How to Find Other People’s Unlisted YouTube Videos?Learn More
- How to Find Unlisted YouTube Videos without Any Link?Learn More
- Final ThoughtsLearn More
What is an Unlisted YouTube Video?
Basically, YouTube videos such as unlisted and private are not the same. They’re those that don’t show up in the search engines, and you have to find unlisted YouTube videos. This is because they don’t link back to the original website from which they’ve been uploaded. Instead, they link to a page on a video-sharing site. The video won’t come up in the search result, tab or suggestion. Even if you post it on your channel, your subscriber won’t be able to view it.
Benefits of Using YouTube Unlisted Videos
YouTube Unlisted means that you can generate a link for that video and share it with your counterparts. The unlisted video will not appear in the search results, giving you privacy on YouTube public spaces, such as your channel, browser page, and search results.
Following are some of the benefits of using the Unlisted Video feature
- Privacy to share videos with your friends and family.
- Want to make space for new videos and get rid of the old ones. However, if you’re going to keep some and keep on available to those who embedded these videos.
- It is also suitable for getting feedback from a limited number of people.
- For university projects, you can share the link with your advisors and classmates.
- You can also use this for your online resumes and simply share the link on your job application.
- You can also make these videos available for your subscribers beforehand before ever making it public for feedback.
How to Find Your Own Unlisted YouTube Videos?
When you upload videos on YouTube, you’re obligated to make them public, private, or unlisted. If you want to upload through the Unlisted feature, not many people know about it. You can share videos via a link with your friends and family. However, once uploaded, most people’s queries revolve around how do I find my unlisted videos on YouTube. Since many people don’t know how to find an unlisted YouTube video because they are not readily available in the search results.
Here’s a simple guide for you.
- First, after logging on to your YouTube channel, access your YouTube studio to find the unlisted YouTube video.
- Next, from your menu list, select content to access the Unlisted YouTube.
- Then, right below the uploads section, click on the three horizontal lines for the Filter menu. You will see several options in the pop-up menu.
- In visibility, the drop-down menu marks the unlisted option for the video and press the apply button. After marking the option, your unlisted YouTube videos will be filtered by visibility.
How to Find Other People’s Unlisted YouTube Videos?
Since unlisted videos won’t show up in search results of YouTube channels or on subscribers, feed, and recommendations; here is how to search unlisted YouTube videos of others.
1. From YouTube accounts
If the person adds the unlisted video to the public playlist, the video is made visible and available to share with the link. Most YouTubers upload videos to more than one existing playlist; hence one needs to keep a close eye on the playlists to discover the unlisted videos.
2. From Website
If you don’t want to wait and search hidden videos on YouTube, don’t worry. There’s a website available for unlisted videos. UnlistedVideos is a website where people submit videos, and you can access them for free without registration. You can explore videos by clicking on “All videos” or “Random videos” and can also submit videos by following the provided guidelines.
3. Using SERPs
If your YouTube video is not available, search results do not mean the video no longer exists. However, there might be a possibility that the unlisted video might be indexed in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). So, if you know any advanced search operators, it is possible to find the video with the help of the command search operators. For example, if we type ( intext: unlisted “Daft Punk”) in the search bar without brackets, we can find the indexed unlisted YouTube videos. However, due to its low accuracy rate and the process being too advanced, only a few people make use of it. Nevertheless, you can try to try your luck by choosing this method.
How to Find Unlisted YouTube Videos without Any Link?
Public videos and unlisted videos are different in nature. You can’t access private videos on YouTube. However, anyone can access to unlisted YouTube video as long as he/she has the link for the video. To access unlisted videos, you need a link, the link act like a password for the video. Unless you have the link, you will not be able to watch the video. Also, the result depends if your YouTube loading slow, so make sure to have a faster internet connection. What if you don’t have the URL link or the webpage? In case of not having the link currently, there’s no way of finding the video without a link.
Final Thoughts
To conclude, it is quite straightforward to find unlisted YouTube videos. All you have to do is dedicate some time to doing your searches on the right websites. However, you should restrict your search on sites only as most of the time, the results you find there are older and correct. Hence, it is not recommended that you make use of various other resources as well in order to reach the right results. If you don’t know the link, use the possible ways listed above to look for the video.
Your Quick Answer:
Unlisted videos are those that do not appear on YouTube as well as are not available on the uploader’s channel, but are viewable by all if you have the link.
Basically, there is a method to view or change anything to the settings of the unlisted video. Unlisted videos are totally different from private or public YouTube videos.
While public videos are searchable on YouTube, these unlisted ones are not viewable on search results. If you have the link shared with you, then only you can view that YouTube video.
Even, you can make any existing public video to an unlisted category anytime.
Unlisted videos are those videos that can be viewed only by those who have the link to the video.
This is helpful if you want to share webinars and online classes with your audience or clients. Remember that these unlisted videos also can be reported by users (if they wish) on YouTube or may be removed.
There are some steps to find out how many videos a channel has.
If you are searching for that uploaded unlisted video, it’s easy to find out if you follow the steps mentioned below:
1. On PC
🔴 Steps To Follow:
Step 1: First, go to ‘YouTube Studio’. You will find the option on the right-hand side tab.
Step 2: Now, in the next window, on the left-hand side, you will see the option to click on ‘Videos’ from the list.
Step 3: Now, if you remember the date of upload, it will be listed there along with the public video. However, you can find the unlisted video by seeing the visibility tab. The visibility option will show it, written as ‘Unlisted’ beside the video.
That’s all simple.
2. On YouTube App
🔴 Steps To Follow:
Step 1: First of all, open your YouTube app and look for the ‘Library’ option at the bottom (stuck). Just tap on it.
Step 2: Now, on the next tab, you will find the option ‘My videos’. Just tap on that and all uploaded videos will be displayed there.
Step 3: On that page, the video will be there with a link sign on it. Still, you can edit and make changes to that video and transform it into public or private.
3. Changing YouTube Video Settings to Unlisted
If you have an existing YouTube video on your playlist, you can make it unlisted. For this, you have to go into a few stages mentioned below:
🔴 Steps To Follow:
Stage 1: Just open the ‘My videos’ tab on YouTube and select any video to convert it into unlisted. This method is quick and easy.
Stage 2: Now, find any video and then tap on the three-dots icon beside the video.
Stage 3: Next, click on the edit link and change the view type to ‘Unlisted’ from the existing type.
Once the settings are saved successfully, the video will no longer be searchable on YouTube. Only the people who have the link will be able to view the video.
What does it mean by the Unlisted Videos?
- Unlisted videos are not on your channel’s playlist or are not viewable on a channel by other users who don’t have the link.
- Actually, this type of video is made and shared through a link and only those who have this link can play the video on YouTube.
- Unlisted videos are the best to share paid webinars.
- You can make these unlisted videos public anytime you wish.
Note that, unlisted videos are not private videos, which means anyone who finds the link, can view the video.
How to Search or Find Unlisted YouTube videos without Link:
Unlisted videos are tagged as ”noindex” on those pages that prevent search engines or bots to crawl and show those video results on the search engines whether it is Google, YouTube, or anything else. You cannot find unlisted YouTube videos without links because this is what it is built for.
That means if you make a public video to unlisted, soon that video will be removed from search results after a few hours or days (depending on bot crawl time), and likewise changing the unlisted tag to the public for that video, will definitely show it up in search results.
🔯 Unlisted vs Private vs Public YouTube Videos:
To understand unlisted videos, you have to know about public and private YouTube videos first. As we have already discussed the private videos, let’s understand the public videos along with their comparison with unlisted ones.
Public videos are those videos that are searchable and viewable by all users on YouTube.
The private videos are neither searchable nor viewable by all users. Unlisted videos are not searchable but viewable if you have that video link.
If someone shared a YouTube video link, you will see a link sign below the video while it’s playing (see the image below):
If you see this kind of sign in the video beside the video title, then it indicates that the video is unlisted on YouTube.
How to Publish an Unlisted Video on YouTube:
If you are finding the easiest way to publish an unlisted video on YouTube then you can do this either on PC or by using the YouTube app in the most accurate way.
Both of the procedures are easy enough to upload a video on YouTube and make it unlisted.
Let’s have a look at the procedure for PC:
🔴 Steps To Follow:
Step 1: First of all, go to the channel and click on the ‘Upload’ button. Now, here you have to select a file from your computer and once you do, the process will start uploading that video.
Step 2: Now, from the right-hand side, you will see a tab of video visibility options. From there, just select ‘Unlisted’ for that video.
Step 3: Next, once the upload is completed and selection is done just tap on the ‘Publish’ button. Once the video is published, it’s ready to view by those people who have the link.
Sharing the Video Link:
You can see the link below the video, and share it just by copying it or you can directly send it to multiple users on Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.
Note: Whoever will get the link, can watch your YouTube videos.
However, you can make the unlisted one private anytime you wish to put the restriction.
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