Как найти squalo x7

Just Cause 3

54 ratings

Squalo X7 – How to get it – the easy way

This guide shows how to easily grab and get the boat everyone is missing in his collection.


As people seem to post before they read.. here is some info about using the heavy copter to transport the boat…

I tried that in the first place aswell, even on REALLY REALLY SLOW speed the theters ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up and the boat dropped all the time. And yeah, i had them maxed.
Also stearing the Heli with the heavy boat below is like maneuvering a Spaceship through a needle hole!

Originally posted by siegue:

If you have the mech dlc, you can use the mech to pick it up and carry it to a garage

Originally posted by Michel Forever Tonight:

I think the best way is going to the Litore Torto lake (which has building wrecks in it)
Call an Urga Horm (most powerful helicopter) then tether the boat to the chopper
Then carefully fly to Perla Est (Costa Sud): this city has a 2 garages: one on the road and another on the sea.
Once you’ve got there, slowly go down with the chopper above the water: if you are on water the boat won’t blow up instantly when it touches anything.
Then release the tethers and make you helicopter land (or crash it, I don’t care) to get your brand new frickin’ boat to the sea garage!

What you need

These things should be unlocked/in your possession to make this as easy as possible:

  • 3x Tethers
  • Tether Strength II
  • Nashorn 6100

What you do

So here is a little walkthrough on how to get this done:

  • Grab the boat (pic1) and bring it on the road (pic2)


  • Drop your Nashorn on the road and attach 6 wires to the rear of the boat and the rear of the Nashorn (pic3)


  • If you’re going to Vista Dracon – as i did – you should take the green route into the city rather than the red one. (pic4) Red route has some narrow corners which you can avoid by taking the green tour.


  • Take it slow (boost might kill your wires or make your boat crush into your Nashorn – destroying it)

Enjoy your +1 Rebel Drop 🙂


23 января 2018

Привет, все данные об этой лодке ты можешь получить из вот этой ссылке, которую я оставлю ниже, вообщем лодку ты можешь найти в местах которые указаны на скринах по той ссылке ( в самом низу), а видео гайд как ее доставить вот видео : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTybzTCXH9s

А вот ссылка : http://justcause.wikia.com/wiki/Squalo_X7


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Squalo X7
Squalo x7.png
In the Libeccio lake.
Vehicle in Just Cause 3
Type Speedboat
Weapons None
Rarity Only 2
List of owners Wealthy Medicians
Top speed (km/h) ~155.5
Top speed (mph) 84 (knots)

The Squalo X7 is a speedboat in Just Cause 3.


It is a slim black boat with tinted windows. The rear looks like a sports car and the front is a catamaran, like the SnakeHead T20.

It resembles the real world 2012 MTI ZR48. Rather than being influenced by modern Chevrolet Corvettes as with the MTI ZR48, the Squalo X7 seems to take its influence from various Lamborghini models, including the Sesto Elemento and Aventador.

This boat may have been designed by Dimah, because she has its blueprint at her lab at the Cove.

It has a backseat, like in a car. The cab contains 3 screens for navigation and/or entertainment.

According to the Rebel drop info: “Wealthy Medicians only dare use Mugello’s speedy and sexy Squalo X7 on secluded private lakes, where the risk of running afoul of trigger-happy soldiers is low.


It was originally the fastest nautical vehicle in the game, until the release of the Loochador (Bavarium Sea Heist DLC). With the nitrous II Gear Mod, it can momentarily reach about 160 knots (~296 km/h) in adequately smooth water. When using it in Races, one should note that the Squalo X7 has a wider turning circle to match its elongated form, meaning that it may struggle with some of the narrower courses that the Pescespada SS is adept at. However, careful use of the throttle and only using nitrous to pull yourself out of a ‘drift’ or on straight sections can lead to 5 Gear runs with time to spare.


It is the rarest sea vehicle in the game, as it spawns at only two locations.

  • Litore Torto at N 40 47.325 E 5 45.495. It is in the big lake with the ruins, next to the star fort.
  • Libeccio at N 40 46.705 E 5 34.970. In the lake docked on the western shore.

Once you have it, just drive it to any liberated coastal town/village garage. More specifically the blue marked area in the water near a dock garage. This will make it available for Rebel drop. Getting the boat to a land based garage will also work, as explained by Mario. Getting it near a garage is the difficult part, as the boat spawns in land-locked lakes and would therefore require external transport.

Ways to obtain and tips for techniques

See the second gallery below for illustrations of the tips.

Towing with a ground vehicle:

  • The Libeccio lake has steep hills around it, preventing this method, or making it very difficult, but if you do get up hill (I.E. by using helicopter for this part), the road will be shorter than the road south from Litore Torto lake.
  • Towing down to Guardia Libeccio I is also possible.
  • Because of the boat’s weight, trucks like the Autostraad Reisender 7 are unable to move it. A CS Odjur, or Imperator Bavarium Tank can pull it slowly, but not up steep hills, so choose the path carefully. The Nashorn 6100 is easily powerful enough, but it’s terrible at off-roading and at speed could even destabilize and flip over on its own.
  • Once there’s any speed (when towing down hill), the boat may destabilize and flip over a few times, resulting in an explosion. Try not to let the speed exceed about 30 km/h.
  • If at any point you have to go off road (to avoid steep hills), use a gun to clear a wide path through trees. Otherwise crashing into a tree might flip the boat, or cause needless additional damage.

Lifting by helicopter (requires gear upgrades):

  • The Urga Hrom D is the strongest helicopter and the best one to use for this.
  • The CS Comet can just barely lift the boat if you apply constant climb, otherwise it will start sinking. This can help somewhat in giving you a smoother, albeit slower, ride.
  • An Urga Mstitel can also carry it, but only briefly.
  • The Grappler should to be fully upgraded by completing Scrapyard scramble events. It is possible when almost fully upgraded, but that requires extra careful (slow) flying.
  • The Litore Torto lake is closer to the sea than the Libeccio one. Both spawn locations have an air race (and there’s usually an Urga Hrom D at Refugio Umbra) that’s not too far away, which can be used to obtain a suitable helicopter if it is unlocked for Rebel drop.
  • Rico has to hang under a flying helicopter in stunt position to attach the cables. Otherwise some cables won’t hold any weight.
  • Once the boat has been tethered to the helicopter, lift up very slowly. Even at maximum tether strength, there’s a chance that the cables will break if you move too fast. Make your way very slowly and steadily to the nearest coast. However, before you reach the sea, the land gives way to a huge cliff, so you will have to fly further in order to avoid destroying the boat. It’s unlikely for the boat to ever explode when in water so it’s typically safe to drop it once clear of land. Even if it capsized, the grappler can be used to tow and overturn it.
  • There is a flat bit of ground before the cliff, east of the Litore Torto lake, where the boat can be tethered to a helicopter and carried to the nearby water.

Standing on the boat and grappling it to the ground ahead:

  • The Libeccio lake has steep hills around it, preventing this method, or making it very difficult.
  • The Litore Torto lake is closer to the sea and has much less steep edges.
    • Moving directly east: There’s only a need to grapple it a few hundred meters to the east. After that the hill turns into a cliff. Unfortunately, the boat will definitely explode before getting to the sea. The boat can at best make it about 90% of the way down.
    • Attempting to get down from the vertical snowman cliffs (to let the water safely stop the boat) is not possible, or at least is very difficult, because the boat will still hit the cliffs on its way down.
    • Grappling along a road is slower than towing with a ground vehicle, and NPC cars get in the way or even destroy it.

Carrying with U41 Ptakojester:

  • The U41 Ptakojester is known to be able to float and if carefully landed in the lake at either Libeccio or Litore Torto, it can be brought onto the beach-head and Rico can either drive or tether the boat into the cargo bay, close it and take off.
  • Note: Highly suggested to have nitrous level 2 for aircraft before attempting for a shorter takeoff distance.
  • Make sure that the cargo bay door is closed before takeoff and do not open in water.
  • The boat should be grappled to the planes walls in all directions to make flying easier.
  • Depending on the planes spawning angle, you may have to grapple it into the better takeoff direction.
  • Taking off can be done across water, but the plane can take off with a very short runway, even ramming through a few trees if needed.
    • It’s advised to grapple any larger trees out of the way.
  • Flying can be very difficult, because the plane will seriously struggle to stay in the air and turning is also not easy.

With the Mech Land Assault DLC:

  • Go to the Libeccio lake and drive the Squalo to the coast, then call in any mech from Rebel drop. It’s vital to clear the trees that obstruct the path from the boat to the nearest road, because if the boat hits land it blows up. Then go back and pick up the boat using the mech GRIP and drive carefully to where you can drop the boat into the sea. If you drop it on land, it blows up. It is recommended you take it to Guardia Libeccio I then driving next door to Nacre.
  • From the lake in Litore Torto it is possible to use the Mech’s GRIP to carry it on the road to Perla Est. Be careful not to drop it on the ground on the way there or else the boat will explode. Once at one of the two garages in Perla Est, hold it close to the ground, sill using the GRIP, over the blue square. Do not drop it or let it touch the ground or it will explode. It will still process it if it is being held by the mech, but will explode as soon as it is done processing.


  • Squalo means shark in Italian.
  • It is made by Mugello, as their logo is on the front.
  • This is the rarest sea vehicle with only 2 spawn points, but this is not the rarest vehicle in Just Cause 3, as the civilian Weimaraner W3 and Mugello Farina Duo have only one spawn point.
  • This is the most powerful and highest-end civilian motor boat in the Just Cause game series.


Squalo X7 Front Quarter

Squalo X7 Rear Quarter

Squalo X7 Front

Squalo X7 Left Side

Squalo X7 Right Side

Squalo X7 Rear

Squalo X7 Top Front

Squalo X7 Top Rear

Squalo X7 Underside

Squalo X7 Interior

Squalo X7 (cab view)

As seen at Dimah's lab.

As seen in the Rebel drop menu.

The unlock screen.

The unlock screen.

MTI ZR48, the boat it is based on.

MTI ZR48, the boat it is based on.

Gallery (for obtaining methods)

The location at the Litore Torto lake is about 100 meters right of the map marker.

The location at the Litore Torto lake is about 100 meters right of the map marker.

East of the Litore Torto lake. Grappling to the ground is one way to move the boat.

East of the Litore Torto lake. Grappling to the ground is one way to move the boat.

Further east of the Litore Torto lake. The boat does not survive all the way down this hill.

Further east of the Litore Torto lake. The boat does not survive all the way down this hill.

The Urga Hrom D is not necessarily a good plan, unless you're extra careful.

The Urga Hrom D is not necessarily a good plan, unless you’re extra careful.

Towing with an Imperator Bavarium Tank.

Going off road to avoid mountains.

Going off road to avoid mountains.

Just Cause 3

This guide will assist you in finding the Weimaraner W3, Verdeleon 3, and Squalo X7 as well as give you tips on how to get them back to a garage in one piece. If you’re planning to obtain the achievement called Caught ‘Em All in Just Cause 3, then you need to have these three rare vehicles in your garage.

Where to Find Weimaraner W3

  • Location: N 40 43.562 E 5 38.803
  • Amount Spawned: 2
  • Nearest Garage: Province Regno, Citate Di Ravello (2.2km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Helicopter or Urga Hroch
  • Gear Mods Required: Tether Strength I (if using helicopter)

The Weimaraner W3 is a military surplus, civilian edition of the jeep commonly used by the D.R.M. Unlike its military counterpart it’s extremely rare, only spawning on one island in the entire game.

While it’s hard to find, the vehicle description in the rebel drop menu actually gives us a hint as to where you can find it. It reads: “They don’t look like much but these military surplus offroaders are known for their reliability and durability, making them a staple island-hopping adventurers”.

This narrows the spawn location down to islands, of which there are many in Medici but the one we are looking for is an otherwise deserted island (in terms of points of interest) in between regions 2 and 3. As seen in the screenshots below, two Weimaraner W3’s spawn on the beach next to a campsite.

Now you’ve found them you’ll want to know how to get them to a garage. There are two main methods you could use to deliver them to the garage in Citate Di Ravello.

  • Use a helicopter either from your rebel drop or the one on the helipad at the east of the island to airlift the Weimaraner to the garage using tethers.
  • Use a Urga Hroch boat from your rebel drop to ferry the Weimaraner across the sea (left click lowers/raises the Urga’s ramp) and then drive it the rest of the way to the garage.

Where to Find Verdeleon 3

  • Location: N 40 49.370 E 5 41.942
  • Amount Spawned: 3
  • Nearest Garage: Province Prima, Vista Fonte (10.37km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Driving
  • Gear Mods Required: None

The Verdeleon 3 is an extremely fast and good-looking supercar and will be a brilliant addition to your rebel drop menu, once you’ve managed to find it.

As before the description from the rebel drop menu gives us a hint as to where you can find the Verdeleon 3. It reads: “Only a handful of these eco-friendly supercars were ever imported. All were confiscated by jealous customers agents, hidden away in remote warehouses and forgotten”.

Now one of the most remote provinces is the snowy mountain province of Montana. The easiest method to locate the Verdeleon 3 is actually to liberate Montana. This will unlock a crash bomb challenge called Snowy Peak Blast, which you can fast travel to. Then simply look off the edge of the hill and you’ll see the warehouse that contains 3 Verdeleon 3’s.

Now it’s just a case of driving one of the Verdeleon’s to a garage, the nearest of which is in Province Prima, Vista Fonte 10.37km away. As a bonus, if you follow the mountain road the garage waypoint gives you, you’ll find the soapbox car needed to complete the Endless Runner feat. If you haven’t got that feat I’d recommend parking the Verdeleon and driving the soapbox car to get the feat then continue with your garage delivery drive.

Where to Find Squalo X7

  • Location: N 40 46.688 E 5 34.961
  • Amount Spawned: 1
  • Nearest Garage: Province Libeccio, Vista Dracon (2km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Pulling it with tethers or Using a Mech (DLC only)
  • Gear Mods Required: Tether Strength II (if using tether method)

The Squalo X7 is a sleek, luxury speedboat reserved for the mega-rich of Medici. Because of this they are well hidden to avoid people stealing them, but that won’t stop Rico!

As with all the rare vehicles, the description in the rebel drop menu gives us a hint as to where you can find the Squalo X7. It reads: “Wealthy Medicians only dare use Mugello’s speedy and sexy Squalo X7 on secluded private lakes, where the risk of running afoul of trigger-happy soldiers is low”.

As luck would have it two of these private lakes exist, each one holding a single Squalo X7. Out of the two, the lake in Libeccio provides the easiest route to getting the Squalo X7 to a garage. To make travel to the lake easy, simply liberate Libeccio and an air race called Volo Montania will be unlocked. Fast travel to this air race and the Squalo X7 will be in the lake about 200m to your right.

Now that you’ve found the Squalo, the problem is getting it to a garage. There are 2 methods available that you can try.

  1. First, drive the Squalo across the lake a ramp it up onto the nearest road. Then put a waypoint on the garage in Vista Dracon and start tethering it along the road. Using the Tether Strength II mod this journey should take about 20 minutes and the Squalo should remain intact, provided you don’t hit too many cars.
  2. For those of you with the Mech Land Assault DLC, you can use the Mech’s force grip to carry the Squalo to the garage. Make sure to avoid heat and buildings as the boat is very easily damaged when been held by the mech.

That’s everything we are sharing today for this Just Cause 3 guide. This guide was originally created and written by RB Staff. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

If you believe that any of the content on this site violates your rights, including your intellectual property rights, please contact us immediately using our contact form.

Caught ‘Em All! / Добыто все!

Just Cause 3

Caught ‘Em All! / Добыто все!

Получите все возможные транспортные средства, доставив их в гаражи Марио.

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Одиночная игра, Собирательный

В видео есть еще одно местоположение самой тяжелой и неподъемной лодки Squalo X7, а также способ ее доставки без вертолета или белаза. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S6rApWdc0_Y
По своему опыту были баги с фиксированными расположениями некоторых машин и автобусов: VINTAGE STRIA M7 – на большой дороге справа от Ситате Ди Равелло, Регно
STRIA CAMPANIA 115 и CITISPEED ECO 75 – на большой дороге слева от Ситате Ди Равелло, Регно.
Но придется полетать над дорогой минуты три.

Squalo X7 (лодка бетмена) хорошо поднимается мощными вертолетами, в том числе и Urga Mstitel (трофей за последнюю миссию). Только есть один нюанс: тросы нужно цеплять к вертолету, зависнув над лодкой (вылезти на дно вертолета можно, нажав ). Используем прокачанные все 6 тросов. Летим без рывков и сильных ускорений, а также периодически проверяем количество оставшихся тросов и добавляем до полного количества.

Лодку Squalo X7 перевез большим самолетом.
Затаскиваете крюками в грузовой отсек, крепите ее там крюками, закрывает люк грузового отсека и в путь.
P.S. Я по тупасти выпал над водою из самолета, он упал и разбился, но лодка осталась целая.

У кого возникнет сложность с грузовиком Autostraad Reisender 7 вот видео https://youtu.be/hUMd_r9lOIE.
Добравшись до локации, можете обнаружить другой транспорт, просто покружите по области и вернитесь назад, грузовик появиться.

Задача упрощается с появлением модификатора обнаружения транспортных средств, кои еще не разобраны. Получение достижения лучше оставить на конец игры, доставляя транспортные средства в гаражи по мере возможности и близости таковых к точке вашей локации.
Иногда проще прицепить тихоход к вертолету и донести аккуратно на площадку гаража, дабы не терять времени на езду со скоростью велосипеда.

MV402 03:07
PAVOUK U-15 03:36

GESCHWIND V3000 04:46



WINDHUND 4 14:43
VIGUEUR 13 16:32

STADT TRESOR ST 8530 20:09
NASHORN 6100 21:46
CHARMANT 05 22:34

BRISE 32 26:42
STRIA PW 220 R-GT 27:25
SQUALO X7 28:33
DAME DE LA MER 99 33:27



Для тех кто не хочет изощрятся с транспортировкой лодок, есть очень простой способ!!! В городе НАКРА (либеккио) есть гараж который стоит возле воды, достаточно просто к нему подъехать и лодка начнёт разбираться !

Катера и лодки можно доставлять в гаражи на пристани, около синих буйков. Таких достаточно, например в первой локации города: Манея, Колле-Сальроса, В третьей локации: Перла-Эст, Накра, и так далее. Просто смотрите гараж рядом с водой.

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