Как найти тигра в роблокс

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На чтение 2 мин Просмотров 639 Опубликовано 11 мая, 2022

Если вы любите коллекционные игры и любите разных животных, тогда Find the Animals — игра для вас. В игре много милых животных, которых вы можете найти и добавить в свою коллекцию. Но чтобы получить каждое животное, нужно пройти небольшой квест, и сегодня мы расскажем вам о том, что нужно сделать, чтобы получить Тигра.

Как получить Тигра в Roblox Find the Animals< /h2> <р>Добыть тигра достаточно сложно, так как квест на его получение включает в себя несколько этапов, о которых мы вам сейчас и расскажем.

Чтобы начать задание, вам нужно отправиться в биом джунглей. Стоя на стартовой игровой площадке, вы должны увидеть перед собой красный ангар. Обойдите его с левой стороны и пройдите через палаточный городок. Далее пересеките мост, ведущий в биом джунглей.

Чтобы получить Тигра, нужно нажать на четыре кнопки, расположенные в разных местах карты:

  • Вам нужно подойти к бамбуку справа и с его помощью забраться на самый верх, а затем запрыгнуть на стену. В небольшом углублении справа вы найдете первую кнопку.
  • Возле того же бамбука пройдите немного дальше и сверните за угол. Вы увидите проход, через который вы войдете в комнату. Подождите, пока пол не начнет подниматься, чтобы вы могли добраться до вершины. Поднявшись наверх, вы найдете вторую кнопку.
  • В правом углу биома джунглей вы увидите небольшой камень. Заберитесь на него и обойдите, чтобы найти третью кнопку.
  • В центре локации вы увидите большое здание. Чтобы найти четвертую кнопку, вам нужно запрыгнуть на правый выступ этого здания.

После того, как вы нажали все четыре кнопки, вам нужно сделать следующее:

  • Войдите в здание в центре биома.
  • Откроется люк в центре комнаты, и вам нужно прыгнуть в него.
  • Пройти паркур, после чего Тигр станет частью вашей коллекции.


  1. Here is How You Can UnLock All Animals In Roblox Find The Animals?
  2. Roblox: All 70 Animal Locations And How They Can Be Found?
  3. Moose
  4. Ferret
  5. Pigeon
  6. Mallard
  7. Hamster
  8. Tortoise
  9. Alligator
  10. Raccoon
  11. Peacock
  12. Mouse
  13. Possum
  14. Ostrich
  15. Skunk
  16. Giraffe
  17. Baboon
  18. Camel
  19. Rattle Snake
  20. Armadillo
  21. Golden Eagle
  22. Vulture
  23. Woodpecker
  24. Sea Turtle
  25. Jelly Fish
  26. Lobster
  27. Sea Horse
  28. Octopus
  29. Panda
  30. Kingfisher
  31. Crocodile
  32. Snapping Turtle
  33. Beaver
  34. Brown Bear & Red Panda
  35. Bull & Barn owl
  36. Rooster & Turkey
  37. Horse & Chick
  38. Pig & Goose
  39. Reindeer
  40. White Owl
  41. Elephant
  42. Mole & Flamingo
  43. Clownfish & Cat
  44. Lion, Lioness, Chipmunk
  45. Catfish
  46. Conclusion
  47. Как получить тигра в Roblox Найди животных
  48. Как получить Тигра в Roblox Find the Animals Добыть тигра достаточно сложно, так как квест на его получение включает в себя несколько этапов, о которых мы вам сейчас и расскажем.

Here is How You Can UnLock All Animals In Roblox Find The Animals?

Roblox is a fun and exciting game that is designed with endless mysterious places. The players have to search the areas to unlock animals. There are a lot of items that need to be searched and to be found. The players are thrown with different challenges that include locating a list of Animals. These animals belong to different categories. Some of the animals are so easy to be found but some of them are a challenge to be found. In this guide, we will provide you with all the details about how to unlock all animals in Roblox Find the Animals.

Roblox: All 70 Animal Locations And How They Can Be Found?


The first animal that you will have to find is Moose. He is an unexpected creature that is hidden in the snowy forest. You can explore the snowy forest and will be able to unlock the Moose.


The ferret will be located somewhere near the Moose. In the deep snowy forest, you will be able to unlock the ferret at the back of the forest.


There will be a tall building in the game that must be explored to find the pigeon. Right in front of the Ferret, you will be able to spot the Pigeon.


On the roof of the same tall building, you can spot Millard. Inside the building, there is a wide chimney. This is where you will find Mallard.


It is important to continue to search on the ground as you will find more animals there. In the Pink building, there is a bedroom. Behind the bed, you will find Hamster.


Tortoise will be found in the Pink Building. There is a big rock in the Pink building where you will find tortoises. You will see a secret path underneath where you will spot the Tortoise.


There are trees located all over the Pink building. You will see a few sewers and among them, some of the sewers will lead you to the canal. This canal is underneath the sewers and this is where you will find the Alligator.


On the other side of the same canal, you will find Raccoon.


The next animal that you will look for will be the Peacock. It is located in the Blue building which is behind the blue Picture. There will be many Peacocks hanging on the wall. All the peacocks will be found in the living room.


Inside the Blue and yellow building, you will be able to find the Mouse. There is a bar behind the yellow room, where the mouse will be found.


The possum can be unlocked at the top of the Pink building.

There is a big stone seen near the Pink building. Behind the green building, the players will be able to find the Lion.


Near the same stone, you will be able to find Ostrich.


A Blue building is located near the Pink building. On the edge, the players will be able to find a Skunk and unlock it.


The giraffe will be located near the place where the lion is found. Around the same place, you will find the big Giraffe. He will be standing next to the tree.


When you find the Giraffe you will have to climb next to the tree. Right next to the Giraffe you will see a few blocks. The players will have to climb on the blocks and reach the next tree. This is where you will find the next animal Baboon.


Below the tree and near the Baboon you will see a Camel. You will have to go and collect it.

Rattle Snake

A mysterious white Pyramid is located in front of the Camel. There is a red rug inside where you will find the Rattle Snake.


Right outside the same Pyramid, the players will be able to see a secret pass. There is where you will find Armadillo.

Golden Eagle

On top of the Pyramid, you will be able to find more animals. You will find a Golden Eagle at the top of the pyramid. The players will see the stairs there and will climb near the upper section of the stairs.


Behind the pyramid, the players will spot the tall stone bars. Right at the top of the pyramid, you will be able to find the Vulture.


The next one on the list is the Woodpecker. Woodpeckers will be found near the foods that are present on the left side of the pyramid.

Inside the water, and in the middle of the map, the players will be able to find the Orca.

Sea Turtle

The water is filled with many different animals. Inside the same water, a sea turtle is located.

Jelly Fish

If you want to unlock the Jelly wish, then you will have to search deeply into the water. This is where you will find the Jellyfish.


The Lobster will be located inside the black rock which is inside the water. There will be a maze inside which the players have to pass. This maze will take you to the Lobster.

Sea Horse

You will have to continue to look into the water to find the sea horse. Inside the green grass, you will find the Sea Horse.


Right next to the Sea Horse, the players will have to enter the cave. There will be a violet entrance and this is where you will find the Octopus.


Once the players are done unlocking all the animals inside the water then they will continue searching for the animals on the surface. Near the tall plain green trees, you will spot the Panda.

Right next to the Panda you will see the frog. He is seen sitting on the ground near the white rock.


There will be a big tree located in the same area. This is where you will find the Kingfisher.


Near the big trees, there is a lot of water below. Inside the water, you will see the Crocodile.

Snapping Turtle

Just below the crocodile, you will see a tunnel. This tunnel will direct you to a mysterious-looking Snapping Turtle.


The next animal to be found in the Beaver. The Beaver is located on the big block which is floating inside the water. The players will have to go underneath the water to collect the Beaver.

Brown Bear & Red Panda

If you want to know how to locate the brown bear here is how to do it. The first thing is that you will have to look for the blue camp. This is where you will find the brown bear inside. Right in front of the camps, you will witness a tall tree. The player will have to climb on it and jump over the blocks to pass on the next tree. This is where you will find the Koala. You will need to continue this same path that goes through the block in the air. There is a way that will lead you to the next animal Red Panda.

Bull & Barn owl

On one side of the farmhouse, players can find the bull. You just need to climb up on the tower and also check where your hen is located. Straight from the tower, you can jump on the roof of the farmhouse. The edge on the roof is where you will find the barn owl.

Rooster & Turkey

When you move towards the game, right on the back window of the farmhouse you can locate the rooster. The player can continue walking toward the farmhouse and move inside the back corner of the house. It is located on a hidden tunnel underneath that will take you to Turkey.

Horse & Chick

Are you curious about where your horse is? It is right up in the farmhouse. After you find the horse, you will notice the stairs moving inside the farmhouse. It will bring you to the second floor and right there you can find the chick. When you see a locked room you should understand that a cow is hidden there. All you need is to jump over the walls and try to get inside.

Pig & Goose

You can continue walking inside the farmhouse and find the pig. It will be right in front of the gate of the farmhouse. In front of the pig, there will be a big container that holds some toxic water inside. There are plenty of blocks inside the water and you can just move up and down. It will help you get the Goose.


When the player covers the farm area they will come near the Polar Field. There will be a wide area that covers with snow. The first animal that you notice at the top of the hill stone is the Reindeer. On one side of the area, you just need to follow the path right from the stairs. Go to the upper portion and you can find the Lynx at the top.

White Owl

While you are moving around the Polar Field you will reach the central point on the front side. It is right near the underground and you can find the Arctic Fox. When you search through the trees you can find the white owl.


No matter what it is, gamers will like to unlock the location of an elephant. Don’t forget to the elephant right away. It will be right in the middle of the small water lake. The dog is right there at the beginning of the map.

Mole & Flamingo

Finding the mole isn’t difficult as you need to continue with your search right next to the waterside. You can find the mole near the beach. The player can move to the top of the stone and climb toward finding the Flamingo.

Clownfish & Cat

Have you forgotten to check the back in the first building? The second floor is located near the aquarium and you will find the clownfish right there. Why not continue to search for the second building and move to the next floor. Behind the stairs, you will find the cat. If you want to find the next hidden animal go back to the big tree. This tree is located in the middle of the map. An open gate will lead you towards the big tree and a new animal.

Lion, Lioness, Chipmunk

You can find the lion by going behind the big rock. On the backside, right under the rock, you will find the lioness. In front of one of the prominent beaches, you will find a bush that is located near the Chipmunk.


Next up will be the catfish and you can find this animal inside the big rock. There is a big block that floats inside the water and you can enjoy catching up with the catfish.


In this post, we have discussed all the methods to unlock the animals in Roblox Find the Animals. You can read the details and make your gaming experience better than before.

You can find here the other free pets keep playing roblox.


Как получить тигра в Roblox Найди животных

Если вы любите коллекционные игры и любите разных животных, тогда Find the Animals — игра для вас. В игре много милых животных, которых вы можете найти и добавить в свою коллекцию. Но чтобы получить каждое животное, нужно пройти небольшой квест, и сегодня мы расскажем вам о том, что нужно сделать, чтобы получить Тигра.

Как получить Тигра в Roblox Find the Animals Добыть тигра достаточно сложно, так как квест на его получение включает в себя несколько этапов, о которых мы вам сейчас и расскажем.

Чтобы начать задание, вам нужно отправиться в биом джунглей. Стоя на стартовой игровой площадке, вы должны увидеть перед собой красный ангар. Обойдите его с левой стороны и пройдите через палаточный городок. Далее пересеките мост, ведущий в биом джунглей.

Чтобы получить Тигра, нужно нажать на четыре кнопки, расположенные в разных местах карты:

  • Вам нужно подойти к бамбуку справа и с его помощью забраться на самый верх, а затем запрыгнуть на стену. В небольшом углублении справа вы найдете первую кнопку.
  • Возле того же бамбука пройдите немного дальше и сверните за угол. Вы увидите проход, через который вы войдете в комнату. Подождите, пока пол не начнет подниматься, чтобы вы могли добраться до вершины. Поднявшись наверх, вы найдете вторую кнопку.
  • В правом углу биома джунглей вы увидите небольшой камень. Заберитесь на него и обойдите, чтобы найти третью кнопку.
  • В центре локации вы увидите большое здание. Чтобы найти четвертую кнопку, вам нужно запрыгнуть на правый выступ этого здания.

После того, как вы нажали все четыре кнопки, вам нужно сделать следующее:

  • Войдите в здание в центре биома.
  • Откроется люк в центре комнаты, и вам нужно прыгнуть в него.
  • Пройти паркур, после чего Тигр станет частью вашей коллекции.


Как получить бесплатно тигра в роблокс без айфона

Просмотров: 1,434 | Время: 01:25 | Голосов: +1 +1 | Скачать

Скачать клип Как получить бесплатно тигра в роблокс без айфона

Similar to the Happy New Year Rat from 2020 and the Happy New Year Ox from 2021, the New Year Tiger is meant to celebrate Chinese New Year and the Chinese zodiac animal, the tiger. Unfortunately however, only a handful of players will be able to obtain this item and join in on the celebrations, as it’s currently an IOS exclusive, and is only available until Jan. 5, 2021. If you have an IOS device and are wondering how to unlock this furry friend, continue reading below—if you don’t have an IOS device, we still wish you a Happy Chinese New Year from PGG!

Unlocking New Year Tiger

In order to receive the New Year Tiger, you’ll first need to access the Roblox mobile app on either your iPhone or iPad. Once you’ve done this, follow the steps below.

  • Locate the image of your avatar from the navigation menu at the bottom of your screen
  • Click the image—this will bring up the avatar editor
  • Press Shop
  • Click the magnifying glass icon in the top right corner
  • Type New Year Tiger in the search bar that appears and press Search once you’ve finished
  • Click the New Year Tiger accessory—it should be listed first in the results
  • Click the green Free button once the accessory preview has loaded
  • From the pop up that appears, press Get
  • You now have the New Year Tiger!

Related: All Roblox Royale High Winter Halo answers (2021)

Will the New Year Tiger be available after Jan. 5?

While it’s unknown if the New Year Tiger will eventually come back and be consistently available like the other new year animals, the current assumption is that after Jan. 5 it will go off-sale forever—so if you’re interested in adding it to your avatar closet, do so now!

What does the Year of the Tiger mean?

Each year the Chinese zodiac recognizes one of twelve sacred animals to represent the coming months and offer a look into the future—for 2022, it’s the Year of the Tiger. From Feb. 1, 2022, to Jan. 21, 2023, it’s observed within the Chinese zodiac that those with the Tiger sign, or those born in 2022201019981986197419621950, or 1938, will likely be blessed with a prosperous year of good fortune and luck. Though this is the Year of the Tiger, those who do not fall under the Tiger sign can still have good luck as well!

Looking for more free Roblox items? Check out our guides on how to get the Nike Cookie Earmuffs in Roblox Nikeland or our list of Roblox Promo Codes!

Get Roblox codes and news as soon as we add it by following our PGG Roblox Twitter account!

Looking for some free hat skins in Roblox? Here the Roblox is giving its players a free skin which is basically a hat, a new year tiger hat that you can get absolutely free without paying any Robux.

Everyone loves free stuff, like free rewards, skins, gifts, and others. that you can directly redeem through the Roblox avatar shop or catalog.

Roblox Free Tiger Hat Accessory Details

The Tiger hat is a new free premium item that Roblox is giving free for a limited time only. It looks really unique and fun type hat and can be used with any outfit.

roblox new year tiger hat skin free
New Year Tiger Hat (2022)

How to Get New Year Tiger Hat for free (Ios)

To get this item, you can just simply visit the Roblox catalog page, and search for the new year tiger, and directly redeem there.

  1. Go to the Roblox Shop here
  2. Or Directly Open the New Year Tiger Hat Page
  3. Click on Get Button
  4. Wait for one hour if you cannot see in your inventory!

How to Get Roblox Ios items on Android & PC

The Roblox has made this accessory absolutely free but only for the Ios devices, But, This is not entirely true, here we have a method by which you can get this Roblox item on Android as well as on the PC.

By following a certain method, you can also get the skin on the other devices. Follow this next method, by which you can get the Roblox ios items on Android as well as Desktop –

  1. Open your Browser first on your PC First
    (for Android : Download Firefox Nightly Browser)
  2. On the search bar, type about:config
  3. Click on “Accept the Risk and Continue
  4. A New screen will open with a search bar on top (Search Preference name)
  5. On the search bar search for general.useragent.override
  6. After it apper, and create a string by clicking on + (add) icon
  7. Copy and Paste this whole code into the field
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/9B176 ROBLOX iOS App 2.445.410643 Hybrid RobloxApp/2.445.410643 (GlobalDist; AppleAppStore)
  8. Click on the tick icon to save this preference
  9. Go Back to the Roblox Tiger Hat page, You will see the Get button now
  10. Click on Get Button to redeem the skin!

This is how you can get this Roblox free item in your inventory, make sure to check the inventory to confirm and must wait at least one hour if it doesn’t show up after you redeemed the skin.

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