Как найти топаз в stardew valley

Топаз – это драгоценный камень, который можно найти в шахте и в Пещере Черепа. Кроме того, иногда топаз можно добыть из сундуков с сокровищами во время рыбалки, найти при промывке или обнаружить в мусорном баке. Один экземпляр требуется для экспозиции музея, остальные можно продавать или использовать в качестве подарка.


  • Топаз могут попросить в любое время года в случайном задании на доске объявлений у магазина Пьера в обмен на  240 и 150 очков дружбы.
  • Требуется для специального заказа от Эмили “Самоцветное омолаживание”. Необходимо уметь шить.


Реакции жителей
Любят Дварф иконкаКлинт иконкаЭмили иконка
Нравится Абигейл иконкаАлекс иконкаВилли иконкаВинсент иконкаВолшебник иконкаГас иконкаДеметриус иконкаДжас иконкаДжоди иконкаДжордж иконкаКент иконкаКробус иконкаКэролайн иконкаЛео иконкаЛьюис иконкаМарни иконкаМару иконкаПенни иконкаПэм иконкаРобин иконкаСебастиан иконкаСэм иконкаСэнди иконкаХарви иконкаХэйли иконкаШейн иконкаЭвелин иконкаЭллиот иконка
Не любят Лея иконкаЛинус иконкаПьер иконка
Полезные ископаемые
Руда Медная руда • Железная руда • Золотая руда • Иридиевая руда • Радиоактивная руда
Жеоды Жеода • Магма-жеода • Морозная жеода • Омнижеода
Минералы и камни Аквамарин • Алмаз • Алямит • Аметист • Аргиллит • Базальт • Барит • Биксит • Гельвин • Гематит • Геминит • Гранит • Громовое яйцо • Джамборит • Доломит • Замёрзшая слеза • Звёздные осколки • Земляной кристалл • Известняк • Изумруд • Кальцит • Камень феи • Кварц • Кианит • Лемонстон • Лунарит • Малахит • Мрамор • Некоит • Нептунит • Нефрит • Обсидиан • Огненный кварц • Огненный опал • Окаменелый слайм • Океаниум • Опал • Орпимент • Песчаник • Пирит • Призрачный кристалл • Радужный осколок • Рубин • Сланец • Талькохлорит • Тигровый глаз • Тлеющий осколок • Топаз • Фторопатит • Целестин • Эринит • Эсперит • Ягоит • Яшма

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Весьма распространенный, но очень красивый камень.
Источник: Месторождения топаза • Месторождения драгоценных камней • Промывка • Сундуки с сокровищами
Цена продажи: Gold.png80 з.
С профессией
Gemologist.png Геммолог:
(+30% к цене)
Gold.png104 з.

Топаз — это минерал, который можно получить из месторождений топаза и драгоценных камней в шахте, намыть или выловить в сундуках с сокровищами. Изредка его можно найти в мусорных баках.


  • 1 Подарки
  • 2 Узелки
  • 3 Рецепты
  • 4 Задания


Реакции жителей

Любят Dwarf Icon.png ДварфClint Icon.png КлинтEmily Icon.png Эмили
Нравится Abigail Icon.png АбигейлAlex Icon.png АлексWilly Icon.png ВиллиVincent Icon.png ВинсентWizard Icon.png ВолшебникGus Icon.png ГасDemetrius Icon.png ДеметриусJas Icon.png ДжасJodi Icon.png ДжодиGeorge Icon.png ДжорджKent Icon.png КентKrobus Icon.png КробусCaroline Icon.png КэролайнLeo Icon.png ЛеоLewis Icon.png ЛьюисMarnie Icon.png МарниMaru Icon.png МаруPenny Icon.png ПенниPam Icon.png ПэмRobin Icon.png РобинSebastian Icon.png СебастианSam Icon.png СэмSandy Icon.png СэндиHarvey Icon.png ХарвиHaley Icon.png ХэйлиShane Icon.png ШейнEvelyn Icon.png ЭвелинElliott Icon.png Эллиот
Не любят Leah Icon.png ЛеяLinus Icon.png ЛинусPierre Icon.png Пьер


Не используется в узелках.


Не используется в рецептах.


  • Топаз могут попросить в любое время года в случайном задании на доске объявлений у магазина Пьера в обмен на Gold.png240 з. и 150 очков дружбы.
Собираемые минералы Замерзшая слеза • Земляной кристалл • Кварц • Огненный кварц
Драгоценные камни Аквамарин • Алмаз • Аметист • Изумруд • Нефрит • Радужный осколок • Рубин • Топаз
Минералы из жеод Алямит • Аргиллит • Базальт • Барит • Биксит • Гельвин • Гематит • Геминит • Гранит • Громовое яйцо • Джамборит • Доломит • Звездные осколки • Известняк • Кальцит • Камень феи • Кианит • Лемонстон • Лунарит • Малахит • Мрамор • Некоит • Нептунит • Обсидиан • Огненный опал • Окаменелый слайм • Океаниум • Опал • Орпимент • Песчаник • Пирит • Призрачный кристалл • Сланец • Талькохлорит • Тигровый глаз • Фторопатит • Целестин • Эринит • Эсперит • Ягоит • Яшма
Жеоды Жеода • Магма-жеода • Морозная жеода • Омнижеода

Источник — https://ru.stardewvalleywiki.com/mediawiki/index.php?title=Топаз&oldid=18509


  • Драгоценные камни

Stardew Valley Wiki

Topaz is a Mineral that can be found in Topaz Nodes and Gem Nodes in the Mines.


  • As a gift it is liked by all Villagers and loved by Clint, Dwarf and Emily.

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Have you heard of Topaz in Stardew Valley? It has different uses, so better to check out this guide to know everything!

The player holding a Topaz in Stardew Valley.

Don’t get confused with this mineral from Potatoes!

Volcano Dungeon, Skull Cavern, and the Mines are home to different riches you can get by mining. Among nodes and rocks are fair gems with varying purposes in Stardew Valley. And although most of them are not the priciest, they’re worth every gold.

Why is Topaz a somewhat indispensable rock, and where can you get it? In this guide, we’ll talk about everything you should know, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player.

What’s a Topaz?

It’s one of eight in-game gems and 53 minerals you can donate to Gunther’s Local Museum and Library. It has a normal sell price of 80g and 104g if you have the Gemologist profession. 

How to Find the Topaz?

You can obtain this mineral the best from mining Gem Nodes or Topaz Nodes in the Mines, Skull Cavern, and Quarry. However, there’s a 1.6% to get the item through panning and 4% from Fishing Treasure Chests. Interacting with a Garbage Can will sometimes drop it too on rare and lucky occasions.


An in-game screen of Topaz used in making a Shirt and for yellow dye in Dye Pots.

With the gem, you can spruce up tailoring and dyeing.

One Cloth and the mineral in the spool of the Sewing Machine will result in a Shirt. Moreover, the Dye Pots will accept it as a yellow dye.


An in-game screen of a weapon's stats progress with the Forge.

With the Forge, you can upgrade your weapon three times.

You can use one of this mineral and ten Cinder Shards to apply +1 Defense to any weapon. Adding two more will increase the required shards by 15 and 20, respectively, adding +2 Defense.


Clint, Dwarf, and Emily are known for appreciating gems in Stardew Valley. That’s why these three love the mineral, among other NPCs, which is no surprise.


Topaz is a requirement to progress with the following primary and side quests:

  • Help Wanted on Pierre’s General Store. Villagers will request the item for 240g and 150 Friendship Points at any season.
  • Rock Rejuvenation. As part of Emily’s special order, bringing one alongside Amethyst, Emerald, Jade, and Ruby will give you 1000g and 250 Friendship Points. Moreover, you’ll unlock the Sewing Machine both in her house and for you.
  • Gem Birds Puzzle on Ginger Island. Putting the gem in one of four spots will give you five Golden Walnuts. Note that you also need Amethyst, Aquamarine, and Emerald. However, their locations are determined by encountering Gem Birds on rainy days or closely looking at every bird statue’s carved image at its base.
  • Fish Pond. To increase the pond’s capacity from three to five, two of the mineral will be requested by Catfish.


You may use a Topaz in Treasure Hunter’s Bundle at the Remixed Boiler Room.

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Jared Nathaniel

Stardew Valley is perhaps the most chill game out there. If you’re a new player and hoping to join Pelican Town, we’ve got your back with all the basics.

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The gems and minerals in Stardew Valley are appealing because they are fun to find in the mines and are collectible and valuable.

Topaz is one of these minerals that are so popular among seasoned players. And in today’s video, we are talking about where you can find this mineral, how to get it, and its uses.

Topaz is a mineral that can be obtained from Topaz Nodes and Gem Nodes in The Mines, by panning, or by finding Treasure Chests while fishing.

In This Article
  1. What is the ideal method and location to find the Topaz?
  2. Topaz Uses In Stardew Valley
    1. Conclusion

It is popular as a gift in Stardew Valley and can be obtained in various ways, including digging through garbage cans or treasure chests, but this is entirely random. Going to the mines and looking for it is the most likely to find it.

What is the ideal method and location to find the Topaz?

There is no unique Topaz rock or stone to be destroyed. The majority of players discovered it by mining purple rocks and rocks with yellow stones protruding from them.

Although it does not occur frequently enough to warrant a preference, Topaz is very likely to be discovered if you continue mining all of the stones found in the mines.

Topaz farming is as simple as mining every rock on a level 5 or lower floor. Stick to one floor so you can quickly kill the enemies and focus on mining every rock in sight. You can complete a floor and a half before going to bed.

This mineral is best obtained by mining Gem Nodes or Topaz Nodes in the Mines, Skull Cavern, and Quarry. However, there is a 1.6% chance of getting the item through panning and a 4% chance of getting it through Fishing Treasure Chests. Interacting with a Garbage Can will occasionally cause it to drop on rare and fortunate occasions.

It has multiple uses, such as being used in the treasure hunter’s bundle in the remixed boiler room. Also, it can be used for Forging, that is, to improve the defense of melee weapons. With the Forge, you can upgrade your weapon three times.

You can add +1 Defense to any weapon using one of these minerals and ten Cinder Shards. Adding two more increases the number of shards required by 15 and 20, respectively, adding +2 Defense. That’s impressive!

Next, it can be used for gifting as Clint, Dwarf, and Emily are well-known gem collectors in Stardew Valley. And, it’s no surprise that these three, among other NPCs, adore the mineral.

With the gem, you can spruce up tailoring and dyeing. So, tailoring enables the mineral to be used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with Cloth in the feed to create a Shirt. It is a gold dye when used in the spool of the Sewing Machine with a dyeable clothing item in the feed.

It can be placed in the yellow dye pot at Emily’s and Haley’s house for use in dyeing.

Last but not least, it can be used in treasure quests. Topaz can be requested at the “Help Wanted” board outside Pierre’s General Store at any time of year for 240g and 150 Friendship points.


The rejuvenation can be performed by bringing one along with Amethyst, Emerald, Jade, and Ruby as part of Emily’s special order will net you 1000g and 250 Friendship Points. Furthermore, you will unlock the Sewing Machine in her home and for yourself.

Ginger Island’s Gem Birds Puzzle also uses Topaz. Placing the gem in one of four locations will yield five Golden Walnuts.

You’ll also need Amethyst, Aquamarine, and Emerald. However, they can be found by encountering Gem Birds on rainy days or closely inspecting the carved image at the base of every bird statue.

Tejas is a computer scientist based in India. He’s written for authority blogs like FestivalSherpa, Otakudiary and loves everything Minecraft, Pokemon and Animes.

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