Как найти weimaraner w3

Just Cause 3

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Just Cause 3

This guide will assist you in finding the Weimaraner W3, Verdeleon 3, and Squalo X7 as well as give you tips on how to get them back to a garage in one piece. If you’re planning to obtain the achievement called Caught ‘Em All in Just Cause 3, then you need to have these three rare vehicles in your garage.

Where to Find Weimaraner W3

  • Location: N 40 43.562 E 5 38.803
  • Amount Spawned: 2
  • Nearest Garage: Province Regno, Citate Di Ravello (2.2km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Helicopter or Urga Hroch
  • Gear Mods Required: Tether Strength I (if using helicopter)

The Weimaraner W3 is a military surplus, civilian edition of the jeep commonly used by the D.R.M. Unlike its military counterpart it’s extremely rare, only spawning on one island in the entire game.

While it’s hard to find, the vehicle description in the rebel drop menu actually gives us a hint as to where you can find it. It reads: “They don’t look like much but these military surplus offroaders are known for their reliability and durability, making them a staple island-hopping adventurers”.

This narrows the spawn location down to islands, of which there are many in Medici but the one we are looking for is an otherwise deserted island (in terms of points of interest) in between regions 2 and 3. As seen in the screenshots below, two Weimaraner W3’s spawn on the beach next to a campsite.

Now you’ve found them you’ll want to know how to get them to a garage. There are two main methods you could use to deliver them to the garage in Citate Di Ravello.

  • Use a helicopter either from your rebel drop or the one on the helipad at the east of the island to airlift the Weimaraner to the garage using tethers.
  • Use a Urga Hroch boat from your rebel drop to ferry the Weimaraner across the sea (left click lowers/raises the Urga’s ramp) and then drive it the rest of the way to the garage.

Where to Find Verdeleon 3

  • Location: N 40 49.370 E 5 41.942
  • Amount Spawned: 3
  • Nearest Garage: Province Prima, Vista Fonte (10.37km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Driving
  • Gear Mods Required: None

The Verdeleon 3 is an extremely fast and good-looking supercar and will be a brilliant addition to your rebel drop menu, once you’ve managed to find it.

As before the description from the rebel drop menu gives us a hint as to where you can find the Verdeleon 3. It reads: “Only a handful of these eco-friendly supercars were ever imported. All were confiscated by jealous customers agents, hidden away in remote warehouses and forgotten”.

Now one of the most remote provinces is the snowy mountain province of Montana. The easiest method to locate the Verdeleon 3 is actually to liberate Montana. This will unlock a crash bomb challenge called Snowy Peak Blast, which you can fast travel to. Then simply look off the edge of the hill and you’ll see the warehouse that contains 3 Verdeleon 3’s.

Now it’s just a case of driving one of the Verdeleon’s to a garage, the nearest of which is in Province Prima, Vista Fonte 10.37km away. As a bonus, if you follow the mountain road the garage waypoint gives you, you’ll find the soapbox car needed to complete the Endless Runner feat. If you haven’t got that feat I’d recommend parking the Verdeleon and driving the soapbox car to get the feat then continue with your garage delivery drive.

Where to Find Squalo X7

  • Location: N 40 46.688 E 5 34.961
  • Amount Spawned: 1
  • Nearest Garage: Province Libeccio, Vista Dracon (2km)
  • Best Delivery Method: Pulling it with tethers or Using a Mech (DLC only)
  • Gear Mods Required: Tether Strength II (if using tether method)

The Squalo X7 is a sleek, luxury speedboat reserved for the mega-rich of Medici. Because of this they are well hidden to avoid people stealing them, but that won’t stop Rico!

As with all the rare vehicles, the description in the rebel drop menu gives us a hint as to where you can find the Squalo X7. It reads: “Wealthy Medicians only dare use Mugello’s speedy and sexy Squalo X7 on secluded private lakes, where the risk of running afoul of trigger-happy soldiers is low”.

As luck would have it two of these private lakes exist, each one holding a single Squalo X7. Out of the two, the lake in Libeccio provides the easiest route to getting the Squalo X7 to a garage. To make travel to the lake easy, simply liberate Libeccio and an air race called Volo Montania will be unlocked. Fast travel to this air race and the Squalo X7 will be in the lake about 200m to your right.

Now that you’ve found the Squalo, the problem is getting it to a garage. There are 2 methods available that you can try.

  1. First, drive the Squalo across the lake a ramp it up onto the nearest road. Then put a waypoint on the garage in Vista Dracon and start tethering it along the road. Using the Tether Strength II mod this journey should take about 20 minutes and the Squalo should remain intact, provided you don’t hit too many cars.
  2. For those of you with the Mech Land Assault DLC, you can use the Mech’s force grip to carry the Squalo to the garage. Make sure to avoid heat and buildings as the boat is very easily damaged when been held by the mech.

That’s everything we are sharing today for this Just Cause 3 guide. This guide was originally created and written by RB Staff. In case we fail to update this guide, you can find the latest update by following this link.

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В данном руководстве я расскажу, где можно найти наиболее редкие ТС, необходимые для получения достижения “Добыто все!” и “Забито под завязку”.


Просто цепляем его тросом к вертолету и оттаскиваем в мастерскую города “Альбето-Перо”.


Предварительно захватываем базу “Кава-Гранде-Секунде” и отгоняем его в гараж города “Бурголетто”.


Освобождаем столицу “Ситате-Ди-Равелло”, затем начинаем, открывшуюся нам, гонку “Спринт по городу”, садимся в машину и покидаем испытание, отгоняем в ближайший гараж.


Добираемся до ангара от гонки с бомбой “Подрыв на снежном пике” и отгоняем в ближайший гараж.


Этого красавца можно найти в нескольких местах, но чертовски непросто доставить в гараж (где же фултон, когда он так нужен). Гоним на катере на метку, как показано на четвертом скриншоте, вызываем NASHORN 6100 и цепляем к нему лодку (лично у меня было 6 тросов, максимальной прокачки и даже они время от времени лопались, еще все усугубляется безумными водителями Медичи).


Спасибо за прочтение моего руководства, если чем-то помог, можете поставить палец вверх и добавить в избранное.

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JC3 Weimaraner W3 left front corner
Vehicle in Just Cause 3
Type Off-road car / SUV
Weapons None
Rarity Civilian: Extremely rare
Medici Military and The Rebellion: Very common
Black Hand and Lacrima Rebels: Common
Z80: Race exclusive
Tom Sheldon’s: Cut-scene exclusive
List of owners Black Hand
Former Prisoners of Lacrima
Medici Military
The Rebellion
Tom Sheldon
Top speed (km/h) ~160 (168 w/ Nitrous)
Top speed (mph) 99 (104 w/ Nitrous)

The Weimaraner is a vehicle in Just Cause 3.


This vehicle is a 4-door SUV, based on the Peugeot P4 and Mercedes-Benz G-Class with some frontal cues from the Land Rover Defender around the headlights.

There is a cargo frame on the roof, along with four floodlights, which are functional at night, as well as two floodlights mounted on the front guard. On the rear of the military version, there is a spare tire, as well as what appears to be a fuel canister. Both are missing on the rebel version. (Many rebel vehicles are missing extra equipment present on the military versions.) There’s an air intake on the hood. Under the same hood, there is an inline engine (probably an inline-6, given the proportions). The exhaust noise hints as it being a diesel engine.

The Weimaraner is built on a ladder frame and has front double wishbone and rear solid axle suspension.

The Rebel drop description for the unlocked rebel version is “The general purpose vehicle for military and rebel forces alike. Suitable for all terrains, it is especially capable in off-road situations.

The rebel drop description for the civilian version is “They don’t look like much, but these military surplus offroaders are known for their reliability and durability, making them a staple for island hopping adventures.


The vehicle is top of its class, with handling and speed comparable to the Stria Joia and Windhund 4. It excels in all areas, with decent all-round performance and is a good choice in off-roading or races. Though it is unarmored and can be destroyed easily by physics, small arms fire or explosives, it can still be used to outrun Medici Military forces at lower heat levels in their own Weimarners.

Versions and locations

Medici Military

This one is brown and marked with three white stars, as with other military vehicles. It is the first response vehicle when having a low heat level.

  • Can spawn in traffic. Common in oppressed provinces, but rare in liberated ones.
  • Throughout heat 1-4 except north of the wall.
  • Used as a part of Roadblocks and checkpoints.
  • At practically all Military bases in Medici.
    • Porto Vena.
  • At many outposts.
  • Appears in multiple missions as an enemy vehicle.
  • In the “Rebel Breakout” random encounter as a vehicle that must be hijacked.
  • In the “Convoy Rescue” random encounter serving as an escort for a captured rebel CS Baltdjur driven by a Medici Military soldier and containing captured rebels.
  • Can be seen carried by trains.

The Rebellion

This one is a captured and converted military variant, named only as “Weimarner” unlike their military and Black Hand counterparts. It still has three stars, but it comes with rebel flags and without the spare tire and fuel canister on the back.

  • Unlocked for Rebel drop by default.
  • Commonly arrives as reinforcements, especially at the end of a base/outpost takeover.
  • Is provided during the mission Bavarium on a Plane.
  • Military versions at bases get replaced by the rebel version, once the settlement is taken over.
  • At the Albeto Pero police station.

Black Hand

This variant only exists in the Mech Land Assault DLC, and does not exist in the base game. This version is brown and has skull logos on the sides.

  • In traffic all over Insula Lacrima.
  • During heat on Insula Lacrima.
  • Occasionally can spawn complete with Black Hand soldiers at the game start point north of Cirilla.
  • Commonly spawns attacking Guardia Libeccio I. Note that it will not spawn 100% of the time.

Former Prisoners of Lacrima

Like the Black Hand variant, this variant only exists in the Mech Land Assault DLC. This is a repainted Black Hand version with the Lacrima Rebels’ signature flag (orange with a black drop of liquid in the middle). The hood is painted yellow as well. This one does not have a name.

  • Spawns parked at liberated prisons.
  • This is the vehicle provided at every player load point on Insula Lacrima. Rico will be leaning on one when the game is loaded on Lacrima.
  • Used by the former prisoners during the mission Storming the Hive.


A civilian version of the vehicle that spawns in multiple colors with no markings.

  • Unlocked at the rebel drop by being brought to a Mario garage.
  • Two are at N 40 48.900 E 5 37.750, on the southern island in the north bay of Insula Striate, between Maestrale and Grande Pastura. There is also a Geschwind V3000 parked against one of the Weimaraners.
  • Two are on one of the small islands south of Citate Di Ravello, which is at about N 40 43.550 E 5 38.815. There are two tents near the cars, but no people. It’s the second island directly south. The same island also has a small unmarked outpost that has a helicopter, an Urga Szturm 63A, a randomised car and a SAM. The outpost is controlled by either the Medici Military, or The Rebellion, depending on who controls the nearest province(s).
  • One on a group of three islands west of the Albeto Pero lighthouse and very close to the eDEN Airship. It is located on the farthest west of the island group. There are two tents next to its spawn. Coordinates: N 40 42.920 E 5 40.775
  • Tom Sheldon owns a red one, seen in the cut-scene of The Setup but does not appear in-game and cannot be obtained.

Since all obtainable Civilian variants spawn off the coast and on small isolated islands, they must be transported by either air (an Urga Postolka is enough for the task) or the Urga Hroch landing craft in order for a garage to process them. Both are available at the nearby Porto Coclea military base, if you take the first location. Keep in mind that with a transport helicopter, it might prove difficult to put it down on the ground without it exploding.

Another way to obtain the civilian version of the Weimaraner is to use the U41 Ptakojester airplane, put one of the cars in the cargo bay, close it and fly it to a near coast, from where you can drive the car to the nearest garage. This way is quite easy to do on the southern island in the north bay of Insula Striate since you have much space to start the plane. Keep in mind that it is a good idea to secure the cargo with tethers before starting the plane.

“Weimaraner Z80” (“Crash Bomb” racer)

A seemingly usual civilian version, named “Weimarner Z80”, is used for the Crash Bomb challenge near Fortalessa. This vehicle can be kept by quitting the challenge, but unlike the normal civilian one, it cannot be processed by a garage for Rebel drop.

A military version is used for another Crash bomb event near Cava Montana. This one is near a guard tower.


  • Given its nature as a fast but weak vehicle, it might be used exclusively for scouting and transport. This would explain why it is common in-universe.
  • This vehicle holds the record for most variants of a single vehicle in Just Cause 3, with six. These variants are Rebellion, Medici Military, Black Hand, Former Prisoners of Lacrima, Crash Bomb and Civilian.
  • Though not confirmed, it is possible that the vehicle’s name references a breed of hunting dog or a German city.
  • The front indicators are placed in a strange location, the secondary lights should be on the outside for the indicators to be useful. This is also the placement of the indicators on the real Mercedes-Benz G-Klasse.
  • As per the game files, where this car is named “v0000_car_autostraad_oldjeep_civilian_01”, this car is made by Autostraad.
  • Its real life counterpart is (Mercedes Benz G250 and its versions) is employed by multiple European armies.
  • The Pugilista SUV can be considered the spiritual successor to this vehicle in Just Cause 4.
  • The civilian variants’ descriptions mention Island Hopping, a tactic used by the United States against Japan in WWII by selectively capturing lightly fortified islands of great strategic importance, saving resources and setting up future operations. In this case, it refers to the vehicles being literally found only on islands, being presumably brought there by their owners.
  • There are two proportion-problems with the vehicle: The back seat area is so short that it would be impossible for an adult to fit there comfortably (lack of leg room) and the suspension is so low that the front wheels clip through the edge of the fender when turning.


The Rebellion

A rebel Weimaraner.

A rebel Weimaraner.

A rebel Weimaraner with rebels.

A rebel Weimaraner with rebels.

A rebel Weimaraner usually drives into an outpost after liberation.

A rebel Weimaraner usually drives into an outpost after liberation.

Rebel Weimaraners spawn frequently in liberated settlements.

Rebel Weimaraners spawn frequently in liberated settlements.

Driving a rebel Weimaraner

Driving a rebel Weimaraner

The front view of the rebel Weimaraner

The front view of the rebel Weimaraner

The left side view of the rebel Weimaraner

The left side view of the rebel Weimaraner

The right side view of the rebel Weimaraner

The right side view of the rebel Weimaraner

The back view of the rebel Weimaraner

The back view of the rebel Weimaraner

The top front view of the Rebel Weimaraner

The top front view of the Rebel Weimaraner

The top view of the rebel Weimaraner

The top view of the rebel Weimaraner

One in Bavarium on a Plane. Notice how Tom Sheldon is breaking the fourth wall.

The Rebellion variant in the Rebel drop menu.

A rebel version at an outpost near a Doppler Radar.

Medici Military

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Front Quarter

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Rear Quarter

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Front

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Right Side

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Left Side

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Rear

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Hood

Medici Military Weimaraner W3 Roof

Weimaraner W3 Underside View

Alongside a CS Baltdjur.

As seen in a pre-release gameplay video.

As seen in a pre-release gameplay video.

A military version at Corda Dracon: Centcom.

Medici Military Weimaraner W3's in a Roadblock.

Medici Military Weimaraner W3’s in a Roadblock.

Pursuing a Citispeed Eco 75.

Note the Urga Bkolos 2100 almost hidden by a bush.

On the right edge of the picture. Another pre-release promotional picture.

On the right edge of the picture. Another pre-release promotional picture.

Black Hand

This variant does not exist in the base game, but is added in the Mech Land Assault DLC.

Former Prisoners of Lacrima

Like the Black Hand variant, this variant only appears in the Mech Land Assault DLC, and does not exist in the base game.


JC3 Weimaraner W3 Civilianajm

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Front Quarter

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Rear Quarter

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Front

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Left Side

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Right Side

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Rear

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Hood

Civilian Weimaraner W3 Roof

A location of the civilian one. Civilian versions are extremely rare.

A location of the civilian one. Civilian versions are extremely rare.

The unlock screen for the civilian variant.

The unlock screen for the civilian variant.


All five variants of the Weimaraner W3 together. From left to right: Black Hand, Medici Military, Civilian, Rebellion, Former Prisoners of Lacrima.

All three base game variants together at Porto Le Gratia.

JC3 helicopter and jeep

Multiple of them in action.

Multiple of them in action.

It's at the bottom.

It’s at the bottom.

Civilian version equipped with the Z80 bomb.

Civilian version equipped with the Z80 bomb.

Military version equipped with the Z80 bomb.

Military version equipped with the Z80 bomb.

The Mercedes G-Wagon, its primary basis.

The Mercedes G-Wagon, its primary basis.

Где находится Weimaraner W3, Verdeleon 3 и Ракета в Just Cause 3?!

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