Как найти яйцо дракона в forager

Яйцо динозавра

Яйцо динозавра можно получить с некоторым шансом выкопав его в Огненном биоме или купив его на рынке. Всю землю перекапывать бессмысленно, нужно выкапывать круглые ямки в земле.

Чтобы наверняка выкопать яйцо, нужно:

1 – прокачать лопату на несколько уровней

2 – Сделать пустую поляну и в центре поставить алтарь. Активировать на алтаре навык “землекоп”

3 – Выпить зелье “Жидкая удача”

Яйцо динозавра нужно в 2-ух экземплярах для Друида и Музея(Археологии).

Ещё яйцо можно съесть если прокачан навык Гурман и оно восстанавливает 200 сытости.

Forager – это глубокая игра на выживание, в которой вы изучаете мир, находите предметы, выполняете квесты и строите структуры. Чтобы выполнить множество квестов в игре, вам понадобятся определенные предметы. Вот все, что вам нужно знать о том, как получить яйцо динозавра в Forager.

Гайд и прохождение Forager – как найти редкий ресурс Яйцо Динозавра

В Forager предмет Яйцо Динозавра- это редкий артефакт, который вы можете найти в мире и который используется в определенных квестах. Если быть точным, то вам понадобится один, чтобы завершить квест Друида в Доме на дереве 3 в травяном биоме. Без яйца вы не сможете пройти этот квест.

В игре у каждого из биомов есть особый редкий артефакт, который можно найти, копая. Яйцо Динозавра – тот самый редкий предмет в огненном биоме.

Вам понадобится лопата и искать специальные места для копания, где и копать при условии прокачанного скилла. Вы просто должны надеяться, что яйцо Динозавра выпадает вместо косточки, песка или угля. Вы также можете съесть жидкое зелье удачи, которое увеличивает шанс выпадения редких предметов в течение короткого периода времени. Его можно сделать в Котле и оно требует следующих ингредиентов:

1x Аметист
5x Беладонн
5x Кость
5x Жук в бутылках

The Dino Egg is an item in Forager that you will require in order to complete the Archaeology Bundle in the Museum. You will only require one, any you find after that can be sold to a Market for a large amount of coins.

There is a bit of randomness, or RNG when it comes to finding the Dino Egg. But not as much as the Golden Egg luckily. To find the Dino Egg, you will need to do some digging, which means you will need to unlock the Farming Skill so that you have access to the shovel.

Below, you can find a short guide for finding the Dino Egg in Forager. If you want to check out some more guides for the game, you can view our dedicated area here!

Finding the Dino Egg

As mentioned previously, you will need to do some digging, specifically in the Fire Biome. The Fire Biome is the last biome you will likely unlock, due to the lands being the most expensive. 

Using your shovel on the hot-bar, hit any dig spots you find (check below for tips on finding dig spots). You will find rocks, gems, sand and other materials. Whilst there is a small chance of finding the Dino Egg item. 

dino egg

Dino Eggs on the ground

On the screenshot below, you can see that I found 2 Eggs at once. So the chances of finding them aren’t too hard. However, you can also see on the image that the land I am standing on is surrounded by dig spots.

Dig Spots are small circular shapes on the ground, although you can dig on any land. You will need to specifically dig at Dig Spots to find the archaeology items. If you’re struggling to find Dig Spots, then there is something you can do to help.

Find More Dig Spots

There is a way to turn an entire land into Dig Spots with the use of Shrines. If you don’t have Shrines yet, you will need to unlock the ‘Faith’ skill, which will allow you to build them. 

Place a Shrine on one of the Fire Biome lands and activate it. Now the buffs you can choose from is completely random, so you can either build multiple shrines or wait for them to rest. However, you’re looking for the ‘Excavator’ buff. 

dig spots

Excavator allows you to surround yourself with Dig Spots

When you choose this buff, the land around you will be filled with Dig Spots. I highly recommend you upgrade your shovel to the best you can, as you will be able to dig massive areas (around 16 blocks) at once. Rinse and repeat this process until you find the egg.


Phillip Anderson

Hey, I’m Phillip Anderson! After studying Video Game Design at University, I began writing articles at PwrDown in my free time. I currently play my games on PC, but also own a PS4 & Nintendo Switch. I’m also a VR enthusiast, owning an Oculus Rift S where you might find me playing Beat Saber or Skyrim VR!


Get yourself the rare artifact Dino Egg in Forager!

Published on August 3, 2022

How to Get Dino Egg in Forager

Forager is a deep survival game that sees you explore the world, finding items, completing quests, and building structures. To complete a lot of the quests in the game, you’ll need to get your hands on specific items. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get a Dino Egg in Forager.

What a Dino Egg Does & Why You Need One

In Forager, the Dino Egg item is a rare artifact item that you can find in the world and is used in certain quests. To be precise, you will need one to finish the Druid’s Tree House 3 quest in the Grass Biome. Without one of them, you will not be able to progress past that quest.

Where You Get Them in Forager

In the game, each of the biomes has a particular rare artifact that can be found by digging. The Dino Egg is that rare item in the fire biome.

You will need a shovel and to use a digging spot, which is unlocked by getting the Farming skill. The spots appear randomly around the world in each biome but you can use the Excavator Shrine buff to spawn more spots for a short amount of time.

When digging in the fire biome, you’ve simply got to hope that the Dino Egg drops instead of Bone, Sand, or Coal Gems. You could also consume a Liquid Luck potion which increases the drop rate of rare items for a short period of time. They’re crafted at a Cauldron and require the following ingredients:

  • 1x Amethyst
  • 5x Nightshade
  • 5x Bone
  • 5x Bottled Beetle

You can also increase the amount of Dino Eggs you get at any given time, you’ll want to upgrade your shovel or put some lighthouses down nearby.

That is everything you need to know about how to get a Dino Egg in Forager. For more tips and tricks on the game, be sure to search for Twinfinite.

  • Forager: How to Get Plastic
  • Forager: How to Get Tree Saplings
  • Forager: How to Sell Items and Make Money
  • Forager: How to Get Leather
  • Forager: How to Get a Golden Egg

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