Как нашли джека в море

Капитан Джек Воробей
англ. Captain Jack Sparrow
-Jack Sparrow -7.JPG
Появление Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины
Исчезновение Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки
Исполнитель роли Джонни Депп, Энтони де ла Торре
Создатель Джонни Депп, Тед Эллиот, Терри Россио
Число эпизодов 5
Прозвище Воробей
Пол Мужской
Род занятий Капитан корабля «Чёрная Жемчужина»
Прототип Кит Ричардс (прототип характера)
Джек Уорд (прототип образа)
Семья Капитан Тиг (отец); Джек (Дядя)
Отношения Уилл Тёрнер (дружба)
Элизабет Суонн (любовный интерес, дружба)
Гектор Барбосса (вражда, позже — соперничество, дружба)
Джошами Гиббс (подчинение (Гиббса Воробью), дружба)
Дэйви Джонс (вражда, долг)
Катлер Беккет (вражда)
Анжелика Тич (в начале вражда, любовь (только со стороны Анжелики), дружба)
Чёрная Борода (вражда)
Армандо Салазар (вражда)
Генри Тёрнер (сотрудничество, дружба)
Карина Смит (сотрудничество, дружба)
Дополнительная информация
Звание Пиратский барон
Логотип Викисклада Медиафайлы на Викискладе

Капитан Джек Воробе́й (англ. Captain Jack Sparrow) — главный герой киносерии «Пираты Карибского моря», созданный сценаристами Тедом Эллиотом и Терри Россио. Роль исполняет Джонни Депп. Впервые он появляется в фильме «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины» (2003), затем — в фильмах «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца» (2006), «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света» (2007), «Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах» (2011) и «Пираты Карибского моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки» (2017).

В «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины» капитан Джек Воробей предполагался его создателями как второстепенный персонаж. Создателей серии фильмов вдохновил тематический парк «Пираты Карибского моря», находящийся в Диснейленде. В 2006 году, когда парк был обновлён, к программе добавили персонажа по имени «Капитан Джек Воробей».
Его характер и особенности придумывал сам Джонни Депп, основываясь на характере и особенностях гитариста группы The Rolling Stones Кита Ричардса.

Персонаж также стал героем серии книг «Пираты Карибского моря: Джек Воробей», которая описывает его приключения в юности; этот герой также появляется в серии видеоигр «Пираты Карибского моря».

В контексте фильмов Джек — член «Братства пиратских баронов семи морей». Не чужд вероломству, выживает больше благодаря остроумию и умению вести переговоры, чем благодаря оружию и силе; предпочитает избегать чересчур опасных ситуаций и дерётся лишь в случае необходимости. Вначале Воробей разыскивает свой корабль «Чёрная жемчужина», похищенный его бывшим старпомом Гектором Барбоссой, затем пытается избежать выполнения своей части сделки с морским дьяволом Дэйви Джонсом в ходе борьбы с Ост-Индской торговой компанией.

Фильмы[править | править код]

Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины[править | править код]

Впервые капитан Джек Воробей появляется в фильме «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины», первой части серии. Он прибывает в Порт-Ройял в поисках корабля. Несмотря на спасение губернаторской дочки Элизабет Суонн (Кира Найтли), его сажают в темницу за пиратство. В эту ночь корабль под названием «Чёрная Жемчужина» атакует Порт-Ройал, и команда похищает Элизабет. Капитан «Жемчужины» Гектор Барбосса (Джеффри Раш) отчаянно пытается собрать все золото ацтеков, из-за которого он и его подручные навлекли на себя проклятие. Одна из монет находится у Элизабет. Уилл Тёрнер (Орландо Блум), влюбленный в Элизабет, освобождает Джека, чтобы тот помог ему найти и спасти Элизабет. Они реквизируют корабль «Перехватчик» и отправляются на Тортугу, а затем на остров Исла-де-Муэрта, где держат Элизабет. Барбосса хватает их и оставляет Элизабет и Джека на необитаемом острове, а Уилла забирает с собой, потому что ему нужна его кровь для снятия проклятья.

Джека и Элизабет спасает британский корабль во главе с командором Норрингтоном (Джек Дэвенпорт). Джек заключает с ним сделку, обещая доставить его к «Черной Жемчужине». Во время финальной битвы на Исла-де-Муэрта Джек крадет проклятую монету, которая делает его бессмертным, и сражается с Барбоссой. Он стреляет в Гектора пулей, которую хранил для него десять лет. Уилл разрушает проклятие своей кровью, и Барбосса умирает.
Воробья арестовывают и затем приговаривают к смерти. Уилл пытается спасти его, но их быстро ловят. Но Элизабет вступается за них обоих, Уилла освобождают, а Джек убегает, упав с крепостной стены в море. Его спасает команда «Черной Жемчужины», и пираты снова признают его капитаном.

Впечатлённый умом и ловкостью пирата, командор Норрингтон даёт ему «денёк форы»[1].

Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца[править | править код]

В сиквеле, «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца» (2006), Воробей разыскивает сундук мертвеца Дэйви Джонса, который поможет ему править морями и спасти себя. Тринадцать лет назад Воробей заключил сделку с морским дьяволом Дэйви Джонсом (Билл Найи) — Джонс сделал Джека капитаном «Черной Жемчужины», взамен тот через указанное время отдаст ему душу — Джек обязан прослужить сотню лет на корабле Джонса «Летучий Голландец», или же кракен убьет его. В сундуке Джонса хранилось его сердце, которое Джек мог использовать против Джонса и сделки. Лорд Катлер Беккет (Том Холландер) из Ост-Индской Торговой компании желает заключить свою собственную сделку с Джеком и забрать его компас, затем он отправляет Уилла Тёрнера на его поиски. Уилл находит Джека и его команду прячущимися от кракена на острове Пелегосто.

Они спасаются, но Джонс находит их и требует выполнить условия сделки. Джек отказывается, мотивируя это тем, что пробыл капитаном всего два года до свержения его Барбоссой, но Джонс отвергает этот аргумент, так как все эти годы Джек звал себя «капитаном Джеком Воробьем». Джек оставляет Уилла на борту Голландца как одну из ста душ в обмен на душу Джека и отправляется на Тортугу, чтобы набрать остальных. Обнаружив на Тортуге Элизабет и спившегося Джеймса Норрингтона, Джек убеждает Элизабет, что она сможет спасти Уилла, найдя сундук Джонса. Он использует магию своего компаса, чтобы найти остров, где хранится сундук. Уилл также прибывает туда, украв у Джонса ключ от сундука. Уилл желает получить компас и освободить отца — пленника Джонса, Норрингтон желает заполучить сердце для Беккета, чтобы вернуть его милость. Во время битвы сердце Джонса похищает Норрингтон и передает его Беккету. Кракен атакует «Жемчужину», Джек решает сбежать, но возвращается и ранит кракена. Команда убегает с корабля, но Элизабет Суонн пользуется тем что Джек в неё влюблен, соблазняет и приковывает Джека к кораблю, и кракен отправляет его и корабль в тайник Дэйви Джонса на морское дно.

Тиа Дальма предлагает Уиллу, Элизабет и команде отправиться на край света, чтобы спасти Воробья, и они соглашаются. Для этого она оживляет Гектора Барбоссу[2].

Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света[править | править код]

В третьей части франшизы, Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света (2007), сердцем Дэйви Джонса владеет Беккет, и в альянсе с Джонсом он представляет большую угрозу для пиратов. Они организуют собрание Братства лордов семи морей. Джек Воробей — член Братства, перед смертью он не успел передать песо — идентификационный предмет члена Братства — своему последователю. Собранные вместе песо могут освободить морскую богиню Калипсо.

Гектор Барбосса сопровождает команду в тайник Дэйви Джонса, используя карты сингапурского пирата Сяо Фэня. После того как они находят Джека, он придумывает способ вернуться из тайника в мир живых — перевернуть корабль на закате. На совете пиратов они встречают Элизабет Суонн, которую Сяо Фэнь перед смертью сделал пиратским бароном. Её избирают королевой пиратов, когда Джек нарушает обычай (во время выборов Короля все пираты всегда голосовали за себя, голоса были всегда равны, потому короля не было). Во время шторма, созданного освобожденной Калипсо — Тиа Дальмой, Джонс наносит смертельную рану Уиллу, а Джек использует руку Уилла, чтобы пронзить сердце Джонса. Таким образом он делает Тёрнера новым капитаном «Летучего голландца». Вместе «Голландец» и «Чёрная Жемчужина» уничтожают корабль Беккета.

В конце фильма Барбосса оставляет Джека и Джошами Гиббса на Тортуге, снова украв «Чёрную Жемчужину». Но Джек заранее вырезал из карты Барбоссы центр, где указан путь к Источнику Молодости, и на небольшой лодке он отправляется за ним[3].

Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах[править | править код]

Джонни Депп исполнил роль в четвёртом фильме. Фильм описывает путешествие Джека к Источнику Молодости.

…Капитан Джек Воробей встречает женщину из своего прошлого (Анжелика) которая в него влюблена, и использует её, чтобы добраться до источника Молодости. Когда она силой заставляет его взойти на борт корабля «Месть Королевы Анны», под командованием Эдварда Тича, также известного как Чёрная Борода (Иэн Макшейн), Джек понимает, что оказался в неожиданном приключении, и не знает, кого бояться больше: Чёрную Бороду или её. В конце Джек решает бросить Анжелику на необитаемом острове на погибель.

Пресс-релиз Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures[4]

Пираты Карибского моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки[править | править код]

Исчерпавший свою удачу капитан Джек Воробей обнаруживает, что за ним охотится его старый неприятель, ужасный капитан Салазар, и его мертвецы. Они только что сбежали из Дьявольского треугольника и намерены уничтожить всех пиратов, включая Джека. Поможет спастись лишь могущественный артефакт — трезубец Посейдона, который дарует своему обладателю полный контроль над морями.
В этом ему помогают сын Элизабет и Уилла – Генри Тёрнер, которому нужен трезубец для освобождения отца от Летучего Голландца, девушка-учёный Карина Смит, которую все считают ведьмой, и его старый знакомый – капитан Гектор Барбосса, который, как выясняется, является отцом Карины.

Другие появления[править | править код]

Вне фильмов капитан Джек Воробей появился в видеоигре 2006 года Kingdom Hearts II, где был озвучен Джеймсом Арнольдом Тейлором в английской версии и Хироаки Хиратой в японской. Также герой появился в других видеоиграх: «Легенда Джека Воробья», где был озвучен Джонни Деппом, в адаптации фильма «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света» и разных версиях игры «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света», где был озвучен Джерардом Батлером. Герой также был озвучен Джерардом Батлером в «Пираты Карибского моря Online».

Иронически упоминается в песне “Джек Воробей” (“Пираты Карибского моря”) российской фолк-метал группы Infornal FuckЪ.

Ранняя история Джека в книге Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide повествует, что он был рожден на корабле во время тайфуна в Индийском океане, и его учил фехтовать итальянец[5].
Роб Кидд написал серию книг о Джеке Воробье под названием «Пираты Карибского моря: Джек Воробей», повествующих о приключениях Джека и его команды на борту корабля Barnacle, их битвы с сиренами, русалками и взрослыми пиратами, ищущими сокровища. Первая книга, «Надвигающийся шторм», вышла 1 июня 2006 года.

Первый полный роман-приквел описывает историю Джека и Ост-Индской Торговой компании, происходящую за 14 лет до событий фильмов. Книга «Пираты Карибского моря: Цена свободы» писательницы А. К. Криспин рассказывает о 25-летнем Джеке, когда он работал капитаном на Ост-Индскую Торговую компанию, под эгидой Катлера Беккета. Роман длиной более 600 страниц вышел 17 мая 2011 года.

Концепция и создание[править | править код]

Создание персонажа[править | править код]

Gen Con Indy 2008 — интервью Джека Воробья.

Во время написания сценария к фильму «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие „Черной Жемчужины“» Тед Эллиотт и Терри Россио предполагали, что Джек станет второстепенным персонажем[6]. Продюсеры видели его как молодого Бертa Ланкастерa[6][7][8].
Воробей показан «этичным» пиратом в отличие от Барбоссы. Его мотивы часто непонятны, и является ли он хорошим или плохим — решать зрителям[9].
Уиллу Тёрнеру Джек говорит, что пират может быть хорошим человеком, как отец Уилла Билл Тёрнер[6].

После успеха «Проклятия Чёрной Жемчужины», задача по созданию сиквела, по словам Вербински, была такова: «Вы не хотите фильм только о Джеке Воробье. Это всё равно, что пить молочный коктейль с чесноком. Он слишком острый, и нужно много мужчин… Давайте не дадим им слишком много Джека. Это всё равно, что слишком много десерта или слишком много хорошего»[8][10]. События с людоедами были добавлены, чтобы показать, что он в опасности везде — и на море, и на суше.

«Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света» был создан, чтобы вернуться назад к деталям персонажей. В частности, Воробей стал несколько безумен после одиночества в тайнике Дэйви Джонса[10] и теперь желает бессмертия[11][нет в источнике].
Воробей борется со своей честностью и нравственностью, ведь именно она стала причиной его смерти во втором фильме[12].
К концу части «На краю света» Воробей отправляется к фонтану молодости[13][14].
Продюсер Джерри Брукхаймер и новый режиссёр фильма Роб Маршалл продолжили эту историю в четвёртом фильме[15][16].

Джонни Депп[править | править код]

Депп с бородкой в стиле Джека Воробья

Джонни Депп думал о съемках в семейном фильме и посетил студию «Дисней», когда услышал о готовящейся адаптации тематического парка «Пираты Карибского моря» в фильм. Депп был рад возродить старый голливудский жанр[7], кроме того, его радовала необычность сценария — команда не искала сокровища, а наоборот, хотела вернуть их, чтобы избавиться от проклятия. Кроме того, традиционный в таких фильмах «мятеж» уже произошёл.
10 июня 2002 года Депп прошёл кастинг[18][19].

При первом прочтении Депп удивил других исполнителей и съёмочную группу своей эксцентричной манерой исполнения роли[20]. Почитав о пиратах XVIII-го века, Депп увидел их сходство с современными рок-звёздами и решил сделать своего персонажа похожим на Кита Ричардса[19]. Вербински и Брукхаймер были уверены в Деппе, отчасти потому, что Орландо Блум должен был играть персонажа в духе Эррол Флинна. Деппу также принадлежит фраза в конце фильма — «Теперь достигнем этого горизонта», которую сценарист фильма назвал своей любимой[20]. Исполнительные продюсеры Дисней были смущены выступлением Деппа, его спросили, был ли его персонаж геем или же был пьян. Майкл Эйснер даже сказал: «Он губит фильм!»[20]. Депп ответил: «Этот выбор делаю я. Вы знаете, как я работаю. Так что доверяйте мне»[19]. У многих исполнение Деппа вызвало сомнение, потому что он был необычным актёром для студии[21].

Выступление Деппа было высоко оценено кинокритиками. Алан Моррисон посчитал его «Выше всяких похвал… С точки зрения движений и слов это — мастер-класс комедийного выступления»[22]. Роджер Эберт также нашёл выступление «оригинальным в каждом атоме. Никогда ни в одном фильме не было такого пирата или просто человека… по его поведению видны долгие репетиции.» Эберт также одобрил Деппа как создателя персонажа[23]. Несмотря на то, что фильм ему не понравился, критику Кеннету Турану понравился Джек Воробей[24], но Марк Кермод написал, что это была одна из худших работ Деппа[25]. Депп получил премию «Screen Actor’s Guild» за роль Джека Воробья и также был номинирован на Золотой глобус[26] и на премию «Оскар» в номинации «Лучший актёр», первую в его карьере[27][28].

Концепт-арт Джека Воробья до начала работы над ним Джонни Деппа

Джонни Депп вернулся как Джек Воробей в 2006 году в фильме Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца, это был первый раз, когда актёр снялся в сиквеле[29]. Эрик Уэсп сказал: «В первом фильме он играл дурака, который скрывал в себе великого пирата, а в этом — великий пират, скрывающий в себе трусливого дурака»[30][нет в источнике]. К съемкам «На краю света», Питер Треверс сказал, что было доказано, что «действительно может быть слишком много хорошего»[31]. Тем не менее, Депп получил награду MTV Movie Award[32], и также был номинирован на Золотой глобус, который тогда выиграл Саша Барон Коэн за роль Бората Сагдиева в фильме «Борат: культурные исследования Америки в пользу славного государства Казахстан»[33]. За своё выступление в «На краю света» Депп выиграл MTV Movie Award за лучшее комедийное выступление, а также People’s Choice Award и «Kids’ Choice Award»[34].

Макияж и костюм[править | править код]

Джонни Депп носил парик, чтобы изобразить дреды[35], которые, по его мнению, подходили к облику пиратов XVIII-го века. Кроме банданы, Воробей носил в волосах несколько предметов (Кит Ричардс любил коллекционировать разные предметы во время гастролей)[36]. Среди предметов был и пиратский песо[3]. Глаза Воробья густо насурьмлены (под влиянием кочевников, с которыми Депп сравнивал пиратов)[37], а также Депп носил контактные линзы, которые работали как солнечные очки[38]. У Воробья несколько золотых зубов, два из них принадлежат Деппу[39]. Депп забыл их удалить во время съемок «Проклятия Чёрной Жемчужины»[40] и решил оставить на время съемок сиквелов[7]. Из-за всех аспектов выступления Деппа Дисней был серьёзно обеспокоен сохранностью его зубов[41]. Воробей носит тонкую двойную бородку. Сначала для двух кос бородки были использованы провода, но затем они были убраны, потому что, когда Депп ложился, косы торчали вверх[42]. Воробей также имеет несколько татуировок[3] и печать пирата на правой руке[2] под татуировкой воробья[1], а также ожог на левой и два пулевых ранения на груди (показывает их Элизабет в вырезанной сцене на необитаемом острове). В фильме «На краю света» одна из «реинкарнаций» Джека во время работы на корабле раздета до пояса, и хорошо видно спину, полностью украшенную татуировками.

Депп сотрудничал с костюмером Пенни Роуз во время работы над внешностью персонажа, готовя треугольную шляпу как знак Джека Воробья — ни одному персонажу в серии фильмов нельзя было носить треугольную шляпу, это делало Джека уникальным. В сцене, где шляпа падает в воду, была использована резиновая версия[43]. Деппу нравилось носить один и тот же костюм всю серию, особенно легкий твидовый пиджак[44], и он должен был носить сапоги без носка или пятки в сценах на пляже[45]. Ни один из костюмов во время «Проклятия Чёрной Жемчужины» не сохранился, что дало возможность создать жесткие льняные рубашки для трюков[46][47]. Роуз было трудно найти создателей пояса Воробья в Турции[48]. Воробей носит дополнительный ремень в сиквелах, потому что Деппу понравилась новая пряжка, которая не подходила к первому поясу[49].

Оружие Воробья подлинное, XVIII века. Его шпага из 1740-х годов, а пистолет из 1760-х. И то, и другое было сделано в Лондоне[38][50]. Депп использует два пистолета, один из них — резиновый. Оба сохранились после производства первого фильма[51]. Магический компас также сохранился после сиквелов. Компас не работает как обычный, стрелку заставляли вращаться с помощью магнита[52]. Воробей носит четыре кольца, два из которых принадлежат Деппу. Депп купил зелёное кольцо в 1989 году, а золотое — копия 2400-летнего старого кольца, которое Депп дал команде, хотя оригинал позднее был украден. Двум другим Депп придумал предысторию : золотое чёрное кольцо украдено у вдовы, которую соблазнил Джек Воробей, а зелёное кольцо дракона напоминает о его приключениях на Дальнем Востоке[53]. Среди других идей Деппа было ожерелье из человеческих пальцев, которое носил Воробей на острове Пелегосто[54], и скипетр, похожий на скипетр, которым владел один из друзей Деппа[55].

В течение трилогии Воробей проходит физическую трансформацию. В «Проклятии Чёрной Жемчужины» Воробей подвергает себя проклятию, чтобы сразиться с бессмертным Барбоссой. Сцены, где он выглядит как скелет, снимались без него, этот образ создали аниматоры[38]. В «На краю света» Джек галлюцинирует, представляя себя в качестве всей команды Дэйви Джонса, в том числе вросшим в стену и инкрустированным ракушками. Режиссёр Гор Вербински заметил, что конструкция сохранила образ Воробья[56], и отклонил изначальную конструкцию, которая изображала Воробья старше на 100 лет[57].

Характеристика[править | править код]

Я — я бесчестный, а от таких кроме обмана нечего и ждать. Серьёзно! Остерегаться надо людей честных. Ты даже не заметишь, когда они сделают какую-нибудь глупость.
— Непредсказуемый Воробей предаёт Барбоссу[1]

По словам сценаристов Теда Эллиотта и Терри Россио, Воробей использует остроумие и обман для достижения своих целей, предпочитая решать споры словами, а не силой[58]. Он ходит в немного развязной манере, говорит расслабленно и машет рукой жестом Туко Рамиреса из фильма «Хороший, плохой, злой»[6].

Несмотря на то, что Барбосса не особо его уважает (что доказывается именем обезьянки — Джек), Воробей — шустрый, расчетливый и умный. Он обманывает командора Норрингтона и его команду, реквизировав их корабль «Перехватчик». В это время за ним наблюдает лейтенант Гровс (Грег Эллис), который говорит: «Самый удалой пират из тех, что я видел». Норрингтон сам соглашается с этой похвалой, в таком контрасте к тому, что он сказал раньше — «Вы самый жалкий из всех пиратов, о которых я слышал»[3]. Именно Джек расшифровал кажущуюся непонятной карту в третьем фильме, в то время как другие всё ещё пытались понять, как вернуться в реальный мир. Когда Совет Братства был созван, но пиратские бароны не могли прийти к согласию, бороться с Армадой Катлера или нет, Джек предложил выбрать короля пиратов, чтобы тот принял решение. Каждый проголосовал за себя, и только он проголосовал за Элизабет Суонн, сделав её королём, и таким образом выполнил свою цель — начать войну.

Когда был смертельно ранен Уилл Тёрнер, он отказался от своей мечты стать бессмертным, проткнув сердце Джонса, и позволяет Уиллу сделать это, тем самым спасая ему жизнь. Обычно он предпочитает стратегию переговоров грубой силе и настраивает своих врагов друг против друга. В действительности, Воробей чрезвычайно опытный фехтовальщик (он легко сражался с Дэйви Джонсом, а также Уиллом Тёрнером), но использует дипломатию во время боя. Он объясняет: «Чем биться, лучше договориться. Нужен только весомый довод»[2]. Он вызывает на переговоры и отговаривает врагов от их намерений, убеждая их увидеть общую картину, как он убедил Гектора Барбоссу повременить со снятием проклятия до битвы с морской пехотой[1]. Он часто использует сложные слова, чтобы осмеять врагов[1][2], и предполагается, что его пацифизм — одна из причин, по которой Барбосса и команда подняли бунт. В первом фильме Барбосса сказал: «Вот поэтому ты и потерял Жемчужину, Джек. Легче обыскивать мёртвых людей»[1].

Господа! Миледи! Вам запомнится этот день, когда чуть не был пленён капитан Джек Воробей!
— Джек сбегает из очередной щекотливой ситуации[1]

Джек Воробей сам создал себе репутацию. Во время рассказа Гиббса о его побеге с острова на морских черепахах Воробей приукрасил историю, утверждая, что веревка была сделана из волос на его спине, в то время как на самом деле Воробей бежал с острова, заключив сделку с контрабандистами (ведь ни одна черепаха не выдержала бы вес даже среднестатистического человека или собаки и погибла). Видеоигра «Легенда Джека Воробья» опирается на эти небылицы, в том числе на побег из порта Нассау без единого выстрела[1]. В сценарии фильма «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца» говорится, что Воробей избежал казни в Порт-Ройяле, схватив двух попугаев и улетев[41]. Джонни Депп сказал, что пираты похожи на рок-звезд тем, что их слава опережает их, что объясняет то, что Воробей имеет огромное самомнение[58]. Воробей также предпочитает обращение «Капитан Джек Воробей»[1] и часто прощается так: «Этот день вы навсегда запомните как день, когда вами чуть не был схвачен капитан Джек Воробей!», которое иногда комедийно обрывается[1][2]. Когда Норрингтон говорит о нём: «Вы самый жалкий пират из тех, о которых я слышал», Джек отвечает: «Но все же вы обо мне слышали!»[1] В удаленной сцене «Чёрной Жемчужины» Воробей размышляет о том, каково быть «бессмертным капитаном Джеком Воробьем»[59], в течение третьего фильма он ищет бессмертия, хотя его отец капитан Тиг предупреждает, что это может стать ужасным проклятием. Воробей также размышляет: «Капитан Джек Воробей, последний пират», когда Ост-Индская компания преследует всех пиратов[3].

Несмотря на героизм, у Джека есть и тёмная сторона[60]. Когда Джек согласился отправить Джонсу 100 душ в обмен на свою свободу, Дэйви спросил его, сможет ли он жить, приговорив сотню душ к вечной службе на корабле. После недолгих сомнений Воробей весело отвечает: «Да! Это по мне». Однако затем он говорит Гиббсу: «Я замарался, как никогда», и очевидно, что он не имеет это в виду в буквальном смысле[2]. Он беспечно убегает, не выполнив сделку с Анна-Марией[1], Дэйви Джонсом и другими пиратскими баронами[3]. Сяо Фэнь, пиратский барон Сингапура, говорит о нём с ненавистью[3]. В момент трусости Джек сбегает с корабля, оставив команду(это единственное доказательство того что он не шутил об “собственном кодексе” который он упомянул в третьем фильме что “он иногда может и вступить в бой, а потом отступить”), когда их атакует кракен, но затем мораль заставляет его вернуться[61]. Воробей заявляет, что он — человек слова[1], и удивляется, когда люди сомневаются в его честности[2]; на его счету нет убийства и других крупных преступлений,[1].

Депп частично списал персонаж с Pepé Le Pew[7]. Воробей заявляет, что имеет «интуицию и знание женской натуры»[2], хотя после всех его романов у женщин остаются плохие воспоминания о нём. Его бывшие, Скарлетт и Жизель, постоянно дают ему пощечины[1][2]. Его остроумие легко привлекает женщин[2]. Режиссёр Гор Вербински заметил особое отношение Джека к своему кораблю, когда он гладит рулевое колесо. «Черная Жемчужина» описывается как единственный корабль, способный обогнать «Летучего Голландца»[3]. Далее это продолжается в третьем фильме, когда Джек и Барбосса борются за капитанство, меряясь длинами подзорных труб; в удалённой сцене они также сражаются за штурвал[62]. Воробей говорит, что «море — его единственная любовь»[1][2], Тайник Дэйви Джонса показан как пустыня, которая символизирует личный «ад» Воробья[41].

У Джека также плохо с личной гигиеной. У него отвратительный запах изо рта. Воробей сбрасывает Уилла с корабля, дыхнув на него[3]. Наконец, Джек обладает ненасытной жаждой рома, которая может сбить его магический компас, указывающий на то, чего он хочет больше всего[2][3].

Семья и отношения[править | править код]

Отец Джека, капитан Тиг (сыгран Китом Ричардсом), является хранителем пиратского кодекса. Он так же чудаковат, как и сын (аллюзия на тот факт, что Депп списал образ Джека именно с Ричардса). Он впервые появляется в третьем фильме, где его роль ограничена консультацией по поводу выбора пиратского короля. Однако, как показано, к нему с почтением и страхом относятся даже пиратские бароны. Также показано, что мать Джека давно умерла и Тиг носит с собой её засушенную голову (он её показал, когда Джек спросил, как поживает мама). Доброе и вежливое поведение Джека по отношению к Тигу показывает его как любящего сына. В четвёртом фильме Тиг появляется эпизодически, спасая Джека от солдат короля. Здесь Воробей впервые назвал Тига «папой» (хотя неясно, что случилось с его мамой ещё до того, как Тиг сделал из неё талисман, чтобы помнить её со времен, когда он был в Индии (по мнению фаната), где и родился Джек Воробей).

В четвёртом фильме также выясняется, что Джек когда-то имел связь с Анжеликой — как оказалось, дочерью самого капитана Чёрной Бороды. Они вновь встречаются в Лондоне и Анжелика принуждает его взойти на корабль своего отца — «Месть Королевы Анны», чтобы добраться до источника вечной молодости. Джек не знает, кого ему бояться больше — знаменитого пирата или же свою давнюю подругу. В конце Джек уплывает, оставив Анжелику одну на необитаемом острове с пистолетом и единственной пулей в нём, которую она потратила, пытаясь убить Джека.

Влияние[править | править код]

Когда «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца» собрал больше $1 млрд в мире, Иэн Натан сказал о популярности Воробья: «Пиратам, франшизе, нужно было просто подняться вверх»[63]. Журнал Empire оценил выступление Джонни Деппа как 74-ю «вещь, которая потрясла этот мир», а затем назвал его 8-м среди лучших персонажей всех времен[64]. Опрос более 3000 человек показал, что Джек Воробей был самым популярным костюмом на Хеллоуин 2006 года[65], a в 2007 году опрос, проведенный сайтом Internet Movie Database, показал, что Воробей стал вторым по популярности героем экшена после Индианы Джонса[66]. Капитан Джек Воробей стал самой популярной ролью Деппа[67].

По словам Шона Эберсона[68], популярность персонажа объясняется тем, что «негодяй, чьи случайные приступы совести позволяют зрителям принять его со всеми недостатками, сыгранный таким актёром, как Депп, владеет каждой сценой, в которой фигурирует»[69]. Леонард Мальтин заявил, что Джек беззаботен и не принимает себя всерьез[70][71]. Воробей попал в список IGN в десятку лучших кинопреступников, за то что он «живет для себя и волен делать что угодно и, черт возьми, это радует. Это делает для аудитории очень романтичным такого преступника, как капитан Джек Воробей»[72][73].

Награды и номинации[править | править код]

Джонни Депп получил (и был номинирован) за роль капитана Джека Воробья многочисленные награды:

Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины[править | править код]


  • Премия Empire Awards за лучшую мужскую роль,
  • Премия Irish Film and Television Awards лучшему интернациональному актёру,
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Сундук мертвеца[править | править код]


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На странных берегах[править | править код]


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Примечания[править | править код]

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Гор Вербински (режиссёр). Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Чёрной жемчужины (фильм). Walt Disney Pictures. (2003). Архивная копия от 14 октября 2018 на Wayback Machine
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Гор Вербински (режиссёр). Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца (фильм). Walt Disney Pictures. (2006). Архивная копия от 18 февраля 2021 на Wayback Machine
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Гор Вербински (режиссёр). Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света (фильм). Walt Disney Pictures. (2007). Архивная копия от 7 июня 2007 на Wayback Machine
  4. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures (27 июня 2010). Началось производство «На странных берегах» в 3D. Пресс-релиз. Архивировано из первоисточника 11 января 2013. Проверено 2011-05-18.
  5. Richard Platt , Glenn Dakin, et al. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide. — Dorling Kindersley, 2007. — P. 12–15. — 104 p. — (Pirates of the Caribbean). — ISBN 0756626765. — ISBN 978-0756626761.
  6. 1 2 3 4 Тед Эллиотт, Терри Россио, Стюарт Битии, Джей Уолперт. Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие „Черной Жемчужины“»: Аудиокомментарий (DVD). Buena Vista. Архивная копия от 16 июля 2011 на Wayback Machine
  7. 1 2 3 4 Sean Smith. A Pirate’s Life (англ.). Newsweek (26 июня 2006). Дата обращения: 16 сентября 2019. Архивировано 19 июня 2019 года.
  8. 1 2 Jeff Otto. IGN Interviews Gore Verbinski (англ.). IGN (28 июня 2006). Дата обращения: 16 сентября 2019. Архивировано 19 января 2012 года.
  9. Shipload of Characters Both New and Familiar. Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца заметки производства. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2011. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  10. 1 2 Ian Nathan. Pirates 3 (англ.), Empire (27 April 2007), С. 88–92. Дата обращения: 2 мая 2007.
  11. Персонажи (видео). Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света — официальный сайт. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007. Архивировано 7 июня 2007 года.
  12. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. Full Production Notes. Chapter 3 – Revealing the True Nature of all the Characters (англ.). numberonestars.com. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2007. Архивировано 20070525 года.
  13. Charting the Return (DVD). Buena Vista.
  14. Exclusive Interview : Terry Rossio (англ.). Moviehole (12 февраля 2007). Дата обращения: 16 сентября 2019. Архивировано 20071011 года.
  15. Bruckheimer talks Pirates spin-off (англ.). Moviehole (10 мая 2007). Дата обращения: 16 сентября 2019. Архивировано 12 мая 2007 года.
  16. Steve Fritz. Talking Pirates With Gore Verbinski (англ.). Newsarama (30 ноября 2007). Дата обращения: 2 декабря 2007. Архивировано 28 августа 2009 года.
  17. Грег Дин Шмитц. Превью Грега — Пираты Карибского моря: проклятие Черной Жемчужины (2003). Yahoo!. Дата обращения: 9 августа 2008. Архивировано 13 июля 2005 года.
  18. 1 2 3 Stax. Депп и Брукхаймер говорят о Пиратах, IGN (25 June 2003). Архивировано 2 января 2008 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  19. 1 2 3 Иэн Натан. Пираты Карибского моря 2, Empire (1 July 2006), С. 66–69. Дата обращения: 13 мая 2007.
  20. КРис Нашавети. Box Office Buccaneer, Entertainment Weekly. Архивировано 29 мая 2013 года. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2007.
  21. Алан Моррисон. Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Черной Жемчужины, Empire. Архивировано 16 ноября 2012 года. Дата обращения: 21 мая 2007.
  22. Roger Ebert. Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Черной Жемчужины, Chicago Sun-Times (9 July 2003). Архивировано 9 июня 2007 года. Дата обращения: 21 мая 2007.
  23. Кеннет Туран. ‘Пираты Карибского моря’, Los Angeles Times. Архивировано 29 сентября 2007 года. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2011.
  24. Мак Кермод. Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца, The Observer (9 July 2006). Архивировано 12 ноября 2007 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  25. Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие Черной Жемчужины – Награды. Allmovie. Дата обращения: 18 мая 2011. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  26. Pirates World’s End: Прощание Джонни Деппа?, Эамнуэль Леви. Архивировано 9 октября 2007 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  27. Нейл Миллер. Самая влиятельная кинофраншиза в мире, Film School Rejects (29 May 2007). Архивировано 1 июня 2007 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  28. Дрю МакУини. Пираты Карибского моря 2 — оценки!!, Ain’t It Cool News (25 June 2006). Архивировано 9 декабря 2012 года. Дата обращения: 29 мая 2007.
  29. Эрик Весп. Quint, The Crusty Seaman, scrapes the barnacles off of the Dead Man’s Chest!!!, Ain’t It Cool News (3 July 2006). Архивировано 30 июня 2007 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  30. Peter Travers. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Rolling Stone (22 May 2007). Архивировано 10 сентября 2012 года. Дата обращения: 23 мая 2007.
  31. MTV. The MTV Movie Awards Winners!, Comingsoon.net (4 June 2007). Архивировано 23 августа 2013 года. Дата обращения: 4 июня 2007.
  32. Awards for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006). Internet Movie Database. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  33. Marc Graser. Disney, Depp return to ‘Caribbean’, Variety (24 September 2008). Дата обращения: 25 сентября 2008.
  34. Johnny Depp Puts On His Dreadlocks Wig Again for ‘On Stranger Tides’. Internet Movie Database (3 июля 2010). Дата обращения: 28 мая 2011. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  35. Jack’s Dingles (DVD). Buena Vista.
  36. Jack’s Eye Make-Up (DVD). Buena Vista.
  37. 1 2 3 Bob Anderson, Mark Anderson,Charles Bailey. An Epic At Sea: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (DVD). Buena Vista. (2003). Архивная копия от 3 мая 2011 на Wayback Machine
  38. Jack’s Teeth/Johnny’s Teeth (DVD). Buena Vista.
  39. Depp’s Golden Teeth, Internet Movie Database (23 June 2003). Архивировано 23 августа 2013 года. Дата обращения: 21 мая 2007.
  40. 1 2 3 Ted Elliott, Terry Rossio. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest: Audio Commentary (DVD). Buena Vista.
  41. Jack’s Beard (DVD). Buena Vista.
  42. Jack’s Hat (DVD). Buena Vista.
  43. Jack’s Pirate Coat (DVD). Buena Vista.
  44. Jack’s Boots (DVD). Buena Vista.
  45. Jack’s Shirt (DVD). Buena Vista.
  46. Starstruck: the Costumes. Дата обращения: 4 августа 2010. Архивировано 30 октября 2010 года.
  47. Jack’s Sash (DVD). Buena Vista.
  48. Jack’s Belt (DVD). Buena Vista.
  49. Jack’s Sword (DVD). Buena Vista.
  50. Jack’s Pistol (DVD). Buena Vista.
  51. Jack’s Compass (DVD). Buena Vista.
  52. Jack’s Rings (DVD). Buena Vista.
  53. Jack’s Cannibal Toe Necklace (DVD). Buena Vista.
  54. Jack’s Cannibal Scepter (DVD). Buena Vista.
  55. Scott Collura, Eric Moro. Designing At World’s End, IGN (29 May 2007). Архивировано 18 января 2012 года. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2007.
  56. Drew McWeeny. AICN Exclusive! Pirates of the Caribbean 3 New Crew Member Designs!, Ain’t It Cool News (27 April 2007). Архивировано 10 июня 2007 года. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2007.
  57. 1 2 Pirates Dead Man’s Chest: Depp’s Iconic Role, Emanuel Levy. Архивировано 27 сентября 2007 года. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  58. The Immortal Captain Jack (DVD). Buena Vista.
  59. Success Can Be a Tough Taskmaster. Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End Production Notes. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  60. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest comic book adaptation, Disney Adventures, 2006
  61. Gore Verbinski. Two Captains, One Ship audio commentary (DVD). Buena Vista.
  62. Ian Nathan. How Pirates’ feckless hero won over the fans before he even showed up, Empire (27 October 2006), С. 176. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  63. 200 things that rocked our world, Empire (2 January 2006), С. 118. Дата обращения: 31 мая 2007.
  64. Captain Jack Sparrow top pick for 2006 Most Popular Halloween Costume, Extreme Halloween Network (17 October 2006). Архивировано 6 июня 2007 года. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2007.
  65. From this list of live-action heroes, who is your favorite? Internet Movie Database (3 June 2007). Дата обращения: 3 июня 2007. Архивировано 28 февраля 2012 года.
  66. Великая роль Капитана Джонни Деппа, People (22 May 2007). Архивировано 1 сентября 2007 года. Дата обращения: 4 июня 2007.
  67. Тодд Гилчрист. Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света, IGN (24 мая 2007). Архивировано 11 августа 2007 года. Дата обращения: 24 мая 2007.
  68. Sharon Eberson. Джек Воробей присоединяется к линии ироничных персонажей, Post Gazette (24 May 2007). Архивировано 26 мая 2007 года. Дата обращения: 2 июня 2007.
  69. Sandy Cohen. Depp’s Captain Jack Sparrow smashes enduring cinematic mold of swashbuckling seafarers (25 May 2007). Архивировано 30 июля 2010 года. Дата обращения: 30 июля 2010.
  70. Mark Fox. Лучший Джек Воробей, Crave Online (24 May 2007). Архивировано 3 января 2008 года. Дата обращения: 4 июня 2007.
  71. Десятка кинопреступников, IGN (19 September 2007). Архивировано 22 января 2011 года. Дата обращения: 22 сентября 2007.
  72. Гайер, Том; Дженсен, Джефф; Джордан, Тина; Лайонс, Маргарет; Марковиц, Адам; Нашавати, Крис; Пасторек, Уитни; Райс, Линетт; Роттенберг, Джош; Шварц, Мисси; Слезак, Майкл; Снирсон, Дэн; Стэк, Тим; Страуп, Ким; Такер, Кен; Вери Адам; Возик-Левинсон, Адам; Уорд, Кейт, «100 лучших фильмов, сериалов, альбомов, книг, персонажей, сцен, серий, песен, платьев, клипови трендов за последние 10 лет». Entertainment Weekly. (1079/1080):74-84

Ссылки[править | править код]

  • Джек Воробей на сайте Internet Movie Database
  • Джек Воробей на сайте Пираты Карибского моря вики
  • Пираты Карибского моря 4 Онлайн

Wiki PoC

Капитан Джек Воробей (ориг. Jack Sparrow) — легендарный пират Семи Морей, а также известный авантюрист Карибского Моря.
Капитан Джек Воробей родился на судне во время тайфуна. Прежде чем он стал известен как «Капитан Джек Воробей», он был простым никому неизвестным Джеком, безбилетником-подростком, у которого уже тогда была тяга к приключениям. Джек впервые отплывал на «Барнакле» с экипажем на поиски легендарной Шпаги Кортеса. Спустя годы после его подростковых приключений, из-за своей репутации печально известного изгоя пиратов, Джек был вынужден отказаться от пиратской жизни и начал работу в Ост-Индской торговой компании. После пяти лет верной службы, в ходе которой он плавал по всем семи морям, он получил в командование «Распутную Девку», которая тогда была в подчинении у Катлера Беккета. Как сотрудник Беккета, Джек искал мистический остров Керма и его легендарные сокровища, пока он не решил предать Беккета и держать остров и его жителей в безопасности от него и его работорговцев. Когда Катлер приказал ему перевезти груз рабов на Багамы, Джек решил освободить их и украсть «Распутную Девку» у Беккета. Тем не менее, людям Катлера удалось найти его и пометить как пирата, а «Девка» была подожжена и потоплена. После сделки с Дэйви Джонсом, призрачным капитаном «Летучего Голландца», в которой Джонс должен был воскресить его любимое судно, Джек переименовал «Девку» в «Чёрную Жемчужину» и начал новую жизнь как пират. До того, как «Девка» стала «Жемчужиной», Джек встретился с Салазаром. После победы над ним он и получил прозвище «Воробей», потому что сидел в вороньем гнезде. В какой-то момент, Джек Воробей получил звание пиратского барона, и его владением стало Карибское Море.

На протяжении всей жизни известного пирата Карибского моря, Капитан Джек Воробей пережил множество приключений, в некоторые из которых он получил предметы уникальной ценности. Два года Джек был капитаном «Чёрной Жемчужины», в течение этого времени он искал проклятое золото ацтеков. Но когда он нашёл сокровища Исла-де-Муэрта, Джек потерял «Жемчужину» из-за мятежа во главе которого стоял его старпом, Гектор Барбосса. Десять лет спустя, с помощью Уилла Тёрнера и Элизабет Суонн Джек забрал «Чёрную Жемчужину» после битвы и убийства проклятого Барбоссы, тем самым став её капитаном в очередной раз. Вскоре после этих событий Джеку нужно было вернуть долг Дэйви Джонсу, что увенчалось убийством Джека кракеном и тем самым отправлением его в тайник Дэйви Джонса. После побега из Тайника с помощью своей команды, во главе с воскресшим Гектором Барбоссой, Джек вместе с Пиратским Советом Братства начал борьбу с лордом Катлером Беккетом, который контролировал Дэйви Джонса и «Летучего Голландца». Позже Джек приплыл на странные берега в поисках Фонтана Молодости вместе с пресловутым Чёрной Бородой и прекрасной Анжеликой, которая заставила его оказаться на борту «Мести королевы Анны». Спустя пять лет Джек встретился с Генри Тёрнером, сыном Уилла и Элизабет. Он передал Джеку послание от капитана Армандо Салазара, который жаждет мести. Чтобы спастись, Джек, Генри и девушка-астроном Карина Смит отправляются на поиски трезубца Посейдона, способного разрушить все проклятия. Герои побеждают Салазара. Генри и Карина остаются на берегу, а Джек уплывает на «Чёрной Жемчужине», которую всё-таки удалось вытащить из бутылки.

С течением времени, капитан Джек Воробей стал центром мифов и легенд, рассказывающих о его подвигах. Большинство из них были сказками, в которых чувствовалось заметное преувеличение или даже что-то вымышленное, украшенное самим Джеком, чтобы поддержать свою репутацию. Несмотря на свою нечестность и большую ложь, Капитан Джек Воробей участвовал в великих и захватывающих приключениях (некоторые с участием сверхъестественного), и путешествий со спрятанными сокровищами. В самом деле, целью Джека было иметь возможность свободно плавать по морям в качестве легендарного пирата.




Плакат «В розыске» с Джеком Воробьём.

Тиг, этот мальчишка, он один здесь такой. Пройдёт немного времени, и он станет пиратским бароном, да?

― Борис Палачник капитану Тигу, относительно молодого Джека Воробья[источник]

Капитан Джек Воробей родился в 1700 годы у капитана Тига и неизвестной женщины на пиратском корабле, в середине тайфуна у берегов Индии. Джек вырос в бурной полной преступников Бухте Погибших Кораблей. Он провёл большую часть своей юности уверенным в том, что Тиг не его отец, часто называя его как Человек-Который-Может-Быть-Моим-Отцом. Несмотря на обиды Джека на Тига, он уважал тот факт, что Тиг был всегда там, где он нуждался в нём больше всего, например, когда он чуть не порвал пиратские Ржавые Панталоны или когда он был почти продан в рабство капитаном Люсилем Гравеном. Джек был полон решимости следовать по стопам Тига и стать капитаном корабля, а не просто обычным пиратом, как большинство его родственников (постоянно именуя себя «Капитаном» в зрелом возрасте).

Будучи подростком, Джек служил юнгой на нескольких пиратских кораблях, в том числе «Трубадуре» капитана Тига и «Колдунье» Бори Палачника. Как член экипажа Тига, он побывал во многих странах и портах, в том числе Сингапура. Тем не менее, он стал сыт по горло своей беспокойной жизнью в пиратской семье и пытках своей бабушки. Однажды ночью он пробрался при свечах прочитать Пиратский Кодекс, и, прочтя в разделе о свободе и необходимости пиратов принимать свои собственные решения, он решил, что полностью оправдан, и убежал. После побега из окна, Джек спрятался на борту торгового судна, чтобы достичь Тортуги.

Шпага Кортеса[]


Джек Воробей в подростковом возрасте.

Слушай, я не мошенник. Этот вшивый мешок здесь. И то, что было в нём, всё находится у меня. Я принёс бы больше, но места для безбилетников весьма ограниченны.

― Джек Воробей Арабелле Смит[источник]

В попытке вернуть своё имущество, Джек случайно украл мешок с ножной для Шпаги Кортеса, с помощью которого можно управлять бурей. Узнав о его магической природе от буфетчицы Арабеллы Смит, Джек отправляется разыскать шпагу самого Кортеса.

Потом Арабелла привела Джека к покинутому судну, «Барнаклу», и стала членом его команды. После боя на мечах, которые Джек вскоре потерял, он нашёл своего второго члена экипажа — Фицуильяма П. Дальтона III. Невзирая на бурю, наколдованную Торрентсом, Джек, Арабелла и Фицуильям вскоре столкнулись с двумя моряками, Тюмени и Жаном Маглуар, причем последний обеспечил ещё одного члена экипажа в виде своего кота, Констанса Маглуара, который когда-то был сестрой Джины, прежде чем трансформировался в Тиа Дальму.

С судном и экипажем, сокровищем Каменного Глаза Сэма, теперь уже мёртвого пиратского короля с легендарными каменными глазами, Капитан Джек Воробей отправился на поиски неуловимой Шпаги Кортеса. Экипаж столкнулся с капитаном Торрентсом, хотя Джек был в состоянии противостоять его молниям и брызгам его дождевой водой, собранной в присвоенной шляпе. Он утверждал, что научил молодого Бенджамина Франклина этому трюку, и выразил надежду, что Бенни запомнит его.

Борьба за свободу[]


Джек с духом Эрнана Кортеса и его Шпага.

Так, приятель, я подозреваю, что ты материализовался здесь, чтобы убить меня и получить саблю обратно?”
“Сабля теперь ваша. Вы прочитали заклинание. Вы вызвали его силу.

― Джек Воробей и Эрнан Кортес[источник]

Позже, экипаж Джека наткнулся на группу русалок, чьи песни вызвали у экипажа глубочайшие желания примкнуть к ним. Тем не менее, Джек продемонстрировал иммунитет к их песням, так как его истинным желанием была свобода. К сожалению для Джека, плохо продуманные переговоры с приспешниками сирен, мерфолками, заставили его совершить сделку, которая будет стоить ему самую дорогую вещь — свою свободу — если он когда-либо найдёт Шпагу Кортеса. Потом, он продолжал свои поиски Шпаги, и в конечном счёте, нашёл её у Лэфт-Фута Луиса на Острове Фортуны. Джек помог победить Луиса, и помог Арабелле осознать, что не нужно убивать пирата в месть за якобы убийство её матери.

Имея шпагу с ножной для него, Джек произнёс заклинание, что бы разблокировать её мощь, но это вызвало дух Эрнана Кортеса. Джек, желая использовать всю мощь шпаги, не знал, как правильно владеть ею. Джек был отправлен за поиском Каменного Глаза Сэма к мерфолкам, то есть Джек вернулся на Исла-Сирену. Там он уничтожил двух монстров игуан и получил глаз от Тиа Дальмы. Здесь Тиа Дальма напоминает Джеку, что его преследует мысль о том, что он не насладится сокровищем.

Воробей вернулся к Кортесу и открыл глаз, освободив дух Монтесума, который боролся и победил Кортеса. Джек решил отдать шпагу Тиа Дальме, понимая, что она содержит в себе слишком много силы. После дальнейшей встрече с ней, в которой она предупредила его об опасностях с которыми он ещё столкнётся, Джек и его команда отправились на полуостров Юкатан, дом Тюмена, на встречу приключениям.

Медальон Солнца-и-Звёзд[]

Будь осторожен, Джек Воробей. Ты уже выпил глоток, теперь море хранит тебя.

― Тиа Дальма[источник]

Barnacle crew JS7

Джек с командой на «Барнакле».

К сожаления для Джека и его команды, в деревне Тюмена произошло несчастье. Экипаж стал главными подозреваемыми, когда из деревни был украден Амулет Солнца-и-Звёзд, и их сослали с острова. Джек решил розыскать настоящих преступников, которых они случайно встретили в отеле в Новом Орлеане. Вор, Мадам Минуит, боролась за обладание амулета — ударами, от которых повернулись некоторые из бронзовых зубов Джека — но её раб, Тим Хавк, отвернулся от неё и помог экипажу Джека. Джек приветствовал его на борту «Барнакла».

Спустя несколько мгновений, корабль столкнулся с «Ла Флер-де-ла-Мортом», капитан которого Лаура Смит, давно потерянная мать Арабеллы. Экипаж был телепортирован на борт, где Джек столкнулся с Сильвербэком и Лэфт-Фут Луисом, которые начали атаковать экипаж Джека. Драка была разогнана Лаурой, но Джек был подозрителен по поводу тех двух пиратов, и подслушал разговор между ними, раскрыв их планы по мятежу против своего капитана. Это привело к драке, в ходе которой Джек украл драгоценный камень Сильвербэка, и подключил его к Медальону, в этот момент Сильвербэк и Луи исчезают. Джек был счастлив вернуться на «Барнакл», пусть Лаура и держала свою дочь на борту «Ла Флер-де-ла-Морта».

После этого Джек вернулся в Новый Орлеан, где ему в последний раз пришлось столкнуться с Мадам Минуит, Сильвербэком и Луи, которые объединились в гигантского, трёхглавого змея, которого Джеку едва удалось победить. Когда Амулет Солнца-и-Звёзд был разрушен, зубы Джека были превращены в золото. После победы, люди из экипажа Джека решили вернуться по своим домам, оставляя лишь Джека и Фицуильяма на борту «Барнакла». Внезапно судно сталкивается с «Летучем Голландцем», где Джек впервые встречает Дэйви Джонса.

Проклятие «Чёрной Жемчужины»[]

Джек прибывает в Порт-Ройал в поисках корабля. Несмотря на спасение губернаторской дочки Элизабет Суонн, его сажают в темницу за пиратство. В эту ночь корабль под названием “Чёрная Жемчужина” атакует Порт-Ройал, и команда похищает Элизабет. Капитан «Жемчужины» Гектор Барбосса отчаянно пытается собрать всё золото ацтеков, из-за которого он и его подручные навлекли на себя проклятие. Одна из монет находится у Элизабет. Уилл Тёрнер, влюблённый в Элизабет, освобождает Джека, чтобы тот помог ему найти и спасти Элизабет. Они реквизируют корабль «Разящий», но командор Норрингтон догоняет их на «Перехватчике». Уилл и Джек хитростью захватывают «Перехватчик» и отправляются на Тортугу, а затем на остров Исла-де-Муэрте, где держат Элизабет. Барбосса хватает их и оставляет Элизабет и Джека на необитаемом острове, а Уилла


забирает с собой, потому что ему нужна его кровь. Джека и Элизабет спасает британский корабль во главе с командором Норрингтоном. Джек заключает с ним сделку, обещая доставить его к «Чёрной Жемчужине». Во время финальной битвы на Исла-де-Муэрте Джек крадёт проклятую монету, которая делает его бессмертным, и сражается с Барбоссой. Он стреляет в Гектора пулей, которую хранил для него десять лет. Уилл разрушает проклятие своей кровью, и Барбосса умирает. Воробья арестовывают и затем приговаривают к смерти. Уилл пытается спасти его, но их быстро ловят. Но Элизабет вступается за них обоих, Уилла освобождают, а Джек убегает, упав с крепостной стены в море. Его спасает команда «Чёрной Жемчужины», и пираты снова признают его капитаном. Впечатлённый умом и ловкостью пирата, командор Норрингтон даёт ему «денёк форы».

Сундук Мертвеца[]

Воробей разыскивает сундук мертвеца Дэйви Джонса, который поможет ему править морями и спасти себя. Тринадцать лет назад Воробей заключил сделку с морским дьяволом Дэйви Джонсом — Джонс сделал Джека капитаном «Чёрной Жемчужины», взамен тот через указанное время отдаст ему душу — Джек обязан прослужить сотню лет на корабле Джонса «Летучий Голландец», или же кракен убьёт его. В сундуке Джонса хранилось его сердце, которое Джек мог использовать против Джонса и сделки. Лорд Катлер Беккет из Ост-Индской Торговой компании желает заключить свою собственную сделку с Джеком и забрать его компас, затем он отправляет Уилла Тёрнера на его поиски. Уилл находит Джека и его команду прячущимися от кракена на острове Исла де Пелегостос. Они спасаются, но Джонс находит их и требует выполнить условия сделки. Джек отказывается, мотивируя это тем, что пробыл капитаном всего два года до свержения его Барбоссой, но Джонс отвергает этот аргумент, так как все эти годы Джек звал себя «капитаном Джеком Воробьём». Джек оставляет Уилла на борту Голландца, как одну из ста душ в обмен на душу Джека, и отправляется на Тортугу, чтобы набрать остальных. Обнаружив на Тортуге Элизабет и одичавшего Джеймса Норрингтона, Джек убеждает Элизабет, что она сможет спасти Уилла, найдя сундук Джонса. Он использует магию своего компаса, чтоб найти остров, где хранится сундук. Уилл также прибывает туда, украв у Джонса ключ от сундука. Уилл желает получить компас и освободить отца — пленника Джонса, Норрингтон желает заполучить сердце для Беккета, чтобы вернуть его милость. Во время битвы сердце Джонса похищает Норрингтон и передаёт его Беккету. Кракен атакует «Жемчужину», Джек решает сбежать, но возвращается и ранит


кракена. Команда убегает с корабля, но Элизабет Суонн обманом приковывает Джека к кораблю, и кракен отправляет его и корабль в тайник Дэви Джонса на морское дно. Тиа Дальма предлагает Уиллу, Элизабет и команде отправиться на край света, чтобы спасти Воробья, и они соглашаются. Для этого она оживляет Гектора Барбоссу.

Пираты Карибского Моря: На краю света[]

Сердцем Дэйви Джонса владеет Беккет, и в альянсе с Джонсом он представляет большую угрозу для пиратов. Элизабет Суонн и Гектор Барбосса прибыли в Сингапур, чтобы попросить корабль и команду у пиратского барона Сяо Фэня. Сообщив Сяо Фэню о собрании пиратских баронов, они, используя навигационные карты Сяо Фэня, попадают в тайник Дейви Джонса и спасают от туда Джека. После того, как они находят Джека, он придумывает способ вернуться из тайника в мир живых — перевернуть корабль на закате. Во время высадки за пресной водой их корабль захватывает Сяо Фень и отдаёт Джека Беккету. На корабле Катлер Беккет пытался получить информацию про Совет Братства Пиратов от Джека. И в этот момент корабль был атакован «Жемчужиной». Немного поторговавшись, Элизабет на корабле Сяо Фэня отправляется к бухте Погибших кораблей, а остальные на «Жемчужине». На совете пиратов они встречают Элизабет, которую Сяо Фэнь перед смертью сделал пиратским бароном. На собрании Элизабет собиралась объявить войну Ост-Индийской компании, но Барбосса сказал, что объявить войну может только король пиратов, что подтвердил капитан Тиг. Короля


избирали общим голосованием, и им стала Элизабет. Пираты освободили Калипсо, но помогать она не стала. Пираты собирались отступить, но Элизабет произнесла речь, которая вдохновила пиратов, и они пошли на бой. Во время шторма, созданного освобождённой Калипсо, Джонс убивает Уилла, и Джек, используя руку Уилла, пронзил сердце Джонса. Таким образом он спас Уилла и сделал его новым капитаном «Летучего Голландца». Вместе «Голландец» и «Чёрная Жемчужина» уничтожают флагман Беккета. Барбосса оставляет Джека и Джошами Гиббса на Тортуге, снова украв «Чёрную Жемчужину». Но Джек заранее вырезал из карты Барбоссы центр, где указан путь к Источнику Молодости, и на небольшой лодке он отправляется за ним.

Пираты Карибского Моря: На странных берегах[]

…Капитан Джек Воробей встречает женщину из своего прошлого (Пенелопа Крус), и он не уверен, любит ли она его также , или же использует, чтобы добраться до Источника Молодости. Когда она силой заставляет его взойти на борт корабля «Месть королевы Анны», под командованием Эдварда Тича, также известного как Чёрная Борода (Иэн Макшейн), Джек понимает, что оказался в неожиданном приключении, и не знает, кого бояться больше: Чёрную Бороду или женщину из своего прошлого.

— Пресс-релиз Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Капитан Джек Воробей прибыл в Лондон, чтобы спасти Джошами Гиббса от прогулки на висельницу. К несчастью всё идёт не по плану, и Джек попадает к королю Георгу II. Там он узнаёт, что его давний соперник Гектор Барбосса стал капитаном английского флота. Джек импровизировано сбегает. После этого он обсудил со своим отцом Источник Молодости и благодаря ему сумел найти самозванца изображавшего Джека. После длительного боя Джек понял, что самозванец – это его давняя пассия Анжелика. Она хитростью заманивает Джека на корабль пирата, которого боятся все остальные пираты. На корабле «Месть королевы Анны» Джек узнаёт, что Анжелика – дочь Чёрной Бороды, а также о пророчестве, что пират Чёрная Борода примет смерть от руки одноногого человека (от Барбоссы), именно поэтому Чёрной Бороде нужен был Источник Вечной Молодости. На корабле Джек познакомился с матросом по имени Скрам. Для этого они отправились в Пенную Бухту, где им надо было поймать русалку. После того, как они поймали русалку, Чёрная Борода приказал Джеку найти серебряные чаши Понсе-де-Леона, и Джек направляется к его кораблю. Тем временем Барбосса, Гиббс и другая команда причалили к пенной бухте и отправились к кораблю Понсе-де-Леона. Джек и Барбосса встретились на корабле и узнали, что чаш на корабле нет (их опередил испанский флот). Они отправились в лагерь испанцев и выкрали чаши, но их поймали и привязали к деревьям. Пока Джек и Барбосса были привязаны, Барбосса рассказал о том, как потерял «Жемчужину» и свою ногу.


Джек освободился, а Барбоссу освободил его старпом. Барбосса извинился перед Джеком за то, что они не добыли чаши, но оказалось, что Джек прихватил их с собой. После этого Джек присоединился к Чёрной Бороде, и в конце концов они находят Источник. Когда Борода уже собирался выпить из источника, появился Барбосса и между командами завязался бой. Чёрная Борода почти победил Барбоссу, но неожиданно появился испанский флот. Получив чаши, испанский генерал сказал: «Лишь Бог может даровать жизнь вечную, а не этот языческий обряд». Испанский генерал растоптал чаши и приказал уничтожить источник. Барбосса протыкает Чёрную Бороду ядовитым клинком. Анжелика, случайно поранившая руку отравленным клинком Барбоссы (пока доставала его из отца), намеревается пожертвовать собой ради своего отца, но Воробей подстраивает всё так, что Анжелика, не осознавая того, выпивает воду из чаши со слезой русалки. Это приносит ей спасение и убивает коварного пирата. Джек, понимая, что Анжелика не простит ему смерть её отца, отвозит её на остров и, невзирая на все мольбы девушки, оставляет её. Джек присоединяется к Гиббсу, использовавшему компас Воробья, чтобы определить местонахождение «Чёрной Жемчужины» и других захваченных Чёрной Бородой кораблей, которые он с помощью магии поместил в бутылки. На вопрос Гиббса как они собираются достать «Жемчужину» Джек ответил «Понадобится арбалет, песочные часы, три козла».

Пираты Карибского Моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки[]

Jack sleeps in a Bank safe

В пятом фильме Джек встречается с капитаном Салазаром — мертвецом, жаждущим отомстить Воробью, кроме того, возвращается бывший враг Джека — Барбосса. Также появляются новые персонажи: сын Уилла — Генри, и астроном Карина Смит. Чтобы спастись от страшной смерти, Джеку нужно найти трезубец Посейдона.

Удача отвернулась от Джека. Он уходит в трактир и обменивает свой компас на ром. Но из-за этого из Дьявольского треугольника выходят мертвецы во главе с испанским капитаном Салазаром. В прошлом он погиб в пещере из-за Джека и теперь жаждет мести.

Young Jack compass

Молодой Джек.

Джек отправляется на поиски трезубца Посейдона вместе с Генри Тёрнером и Кариной Смит/Барбосой. В бухте висельников герои встречают Гектора, который с помощью магии вызволяет «Чёрную Жемчужину» из бутылки. Далее все плывут на остров, у которого образовывается морская расщелина, в которой и находится трезубец. Генри разбивает его, тем самым разрушив все проклятия. Барбосса убивает Салазара, погибая при этом сам, а Джек, Карина и Генри спасаются. Джек уплывает на «Жемчужине», а Генри и Карина выходят на берег, где встречают Уилла и Элизабет.

Семья и взаимоотношения[]

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В первом фильме едва заметно проглядывается намёк на симпатию Джека к Элизабет, но та не может ответить взаимностью, так как она состоит в отношениях с Уиллом и между ними царит идиллия. Во второй же части благодаря компасу, который указывает на то, что более всего желанно, заметно, что Джеку она нравится больше, потом она предаёт его, отдав Кракену с Чёрной Жемчужиной, чтобы спасти команду, но затем спасает с командой. В финале Джек с небольшой иронией говорит, что у них бы всё равно ничего не вышло. С Уиллом Тёрнером Джека связывает дружба, даже несмотря на то, что они несколько раз предавали друг друга. С капитаном Барбоссой его сначала связывало соперничество и борьба за корабль, а Гектор Барбосса вообще относился к нему с насмешкой, но потом они смогли побороть чувства неприязни к друг другу и объединились, став некими друзьями. Отец Джека, капитан Тиг (сыгран Китом Ричардсом), является хранителем Пиратского Кодекса Чести. Он также чудаковат, как и сын (аллюзия на тот факт, что Депп списал образ Джека именно с Ричардса). Он впервые появляется в третьем фильме, где его роль ограничена консультацией по поводу выбора пиратского короля. Однако, как показано, к нему с почтением и страхом относятся даже пиратские бароны. Также показано, что мать Джека давно умерла и Тиг носит с собой её засушенную голову (он её показал, когда Джек спросил, как поживает мама). Доброе и вежливое поведение Джека по отношению к Тигу показывает его как любящего сына. В четвёртом фильме Тиг появляется эпизодически, спасая Джека от солдат короля. Здесь Воробей впервые назвал Тига «папой». В четвёртом фильме также выясняется, что Джек когда-то имел связь с Анжеликой — как оказалось, дочерью самого капитана Чёрной Бороды. Они вновь встречаются в Лондоне, и Анжелика принуждает его взойти на корабль своего отца — «Месть Королевы Анны», чтобы добраться до источника вечной молодости. Их отношения противоречивы, они всё ещё любят друг друга, но не доверяют. Джек не знает, кого ему бояться больше — знаменитого пирата или же свою давнюю подругу… В финале Джек хитростью дарит ей годы жизни её отца, из-за чего она на него в жутком гневе; они признаются друг другу в любви, и Джек уплывает, оставив Анжелику одну на необитаемом острове с пистолетом и единственной пулей в нём, которую она потратила, пытаясь убить Джека. Правда, остаётся намёк, что история ещё не закончена… Так, после титров идёт сцена, где Анжелика одна сидит на острове. Течение приносит ей куклу вуду Джека, она берёт в руки куклу и хитро улыбается…


По словам сценаристов Теда Эллиотта и Терри Россио, Воробей использует остроумие и обман для достижения своих целей, предпочитая решать споры словами, а не силой. Он ходит в немного развязной манере, говорит расслабленно и машет рукой жестом Туко Рамиреса из фильма «Хороший, плохой, злой».

Несмотря на то, что Барбосса не особо его уважает (что доказывается именем обезьянки — Джек), Воробей — шустрый, расчётливый и умный. Он обманывает командора Норрингтона и его команду, реквизировав их корабль «Перехватчик». В это время за ним наблюдает лейтенант Гровс (Грег Эллис), который говорит: «Самый удалой пират из тех, что я видел». Норрингтон сам соглашается с этой похвалой, в таком контрасте к тому, что он сказал раньше — «Вы самый жалкий из всех пиратов, о которых я слышал». Именно Джек расшифровал кажущуюся непонятной карту в третьем фильме, в то время как другие всё ещё пытались понять, как вернуться в реальный мир. Когда Совет Братства был созван, но пиратские бароны не могли прийти к согласию, бороться с армадой Катлера или нет, Джек предложил выбрать короля пиратов, чтобы тот принял решение. Каждый проголосовал за себя, и только он проголосовал за Элизабет Суонн, сделав её королем, и таким образом выполнил свою цель начать войну.


Когда был смертельно ранен Уилл Тёрнер, он отказался от своей мечты стать бессмертным, проткнув сердце Джонса, и позволяет Уиллу сделать это, тем самым спасая ему жизнь. Обычно он предпочитает стратегию переговоров грубой силе и настраивает своих врагов друг против друга. В действительности, Воробей чрезвычайно опытный фехтовальщик (он легко сражался с Дэйви Джонсом, а также Уиллом Тёрнером), но использует дипломатию во время боя. Он объясняет: «Что биться, лучше договориться. Нужен только весомый довод». Он вызывает на переговоры и отговаривает врагов от их намерений, убеждая их увидеть общую картину, как он убедил Гектора Барбоссу повременить со снятием проклятия до битвы с морской пехотой. Он часто использует сложные слова, чтобы осмеять врагов, и предполагается, что его пацифизм — одна из причин, по которой Барбосса и команда подняли бунт. В первом фильме Барбосса сказал: «Вот поэтому ты и потерял “Жемчужину”, Джек. Легче обыскивать мёртвых людей». Джек Воробей сам создал себе репутацию. Во время рассказа Гиббса о его побеге с острова на морских черепахах Воробей приукрасил историю, утверждая, что верёвка была сделана из волос на его спине, в то время как на самом деле Воробей бежал с острова, заключив сделку с контрабандистами. Видеоигра «Легенда Джека Воробья» опирается на эти небылицы, в том числе на побег из порта Нассау без единого выстрела. В сценарии фильма «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца» говорится, что Воробей избежал казни в Порт-Ройяле, схватив двух попугаев и улетев. Джонни Депп сказал, что пираты похожи на рок-звёзд тем, что их слава опережает их, что объясняет то, что Воробей имеет огромное самомнение. Воробей также предпочитает обращение «Капитан Джек Воробей» и часто прощается так: «Этот день вы навсегда запомните как день, когда вами чуть не был схвачен капитан Джек Воробей!», которое иногда комедийно обрывается. Когда Норрингтон говорит о нём : «Вы самый жалкий пират из тех, о которых я слышал», Джек отвечает: «Но всё же вы обо мне слышали!» В удалённой сцене «Чёрной Жемчужины» Воробей размышляет о том, каково быть «бессмертным капитаном Джеком Воробьём», в течение третьего фильма он ищет бессмертия, хотя его отец капитан Тиг предупреждает, что это может стать ужасным проклятием. Воробей также размышляет : «Капитан Джек Воробей, последний пират», когда Ост-Индская компания преследует всех пиратов.


Несмотря на героизм, у Джека есть и тёмная сторона. Когда Джек согласился отправить Джонсу 100 душ в обмен на свою свободу, Дэйви спросил его, сможет ли он жить, приговорив сотню душ к вечной службе на корабле. После недолгих сомнений Воробей весело отвечает «Да! Это по мне». Однако затем он говорит Гиббсу «Я замарался, как никогда», и очевидно, что он не имеет это в виду в буквальном смысле. Он беспечно убегает не выполнив сделку с Анна-Марией, Дэйви Джонсом и другими пиратскими баронами. Сяо Фэнь, пиратский барон Сингапура, говорит о нём с ненавистью. В момент трусости Джек сбегает с корабля, оставив команду, когда их атакует кракен, но затем мораль заставляет его вернуться. Воробей заявляет, что имеет «интуицию и знание женской натуры», хотя после всех его романов у женщин остаются плохие воспоминания о нём. Его бывшие, Скарлетт и Жизель, постоянно дают ему пощёчины. Его остроумие легко привлекает женщин.. Режиссёр Гор Вербински заметил особое отношение Джека к своёму кораблю, когда он гладит рулевое колесо. «Чёрная Жемчужина» описывается как единственный корабль, способный обогнать «Летучего Голландца». Далее это продолжается в третьем фильме, когда Джек и Барбосса борются за капитанство, меряясь длинами подзорных труб; в удалённой сцене они также сражаются за штурвал. Воробей говорит, что «море — его единственная любовь», Тайник Дэйви Джонса показан как пустыня, которая символизирует личный «ад» Воробья. У Джека также плохо с личной гигиеной. У него отвратительный запах изо рта. Воробей сбрасывает Уилла с корабля, дыхнув на него. Наконец, Джек обладает ненасытной жаждой рома, которая может сбить его магический компас, указывающий на то, чего он хочет больше всего.


“— Вы запомните это как день, когда капитана Джека Воробья чуть не арестовали!”

“Я спешу на рандеву с судьбой по ту сторону горизонта..”

“Знаете это чувство: стоишь на краю обрыва, и тянет прыгнуть вниз?… У меня его нет”.

— Как тебя вообще занесло в Испанский монастырь?
— Я принял его за бордель. Легко спутать.

Сынок, я Капитан Джек Воробей, смекаешь?

― Джек Воробей[источник]

“Стоит разок умереть и приоритеты тут же меняются”.

“Знавал я одного испанца.. Звали его по-испански”

“Все видели мой прыжок?! Ибо я отказываюсь это повторять!”

— У тебя хоть корабль есть? Команда? Штаны?
— Для великих пиратов это пустое, мелочи жизни!

— Я не ищу неприятностей!
— А без них что за жизнь?!

— Но он как-то наткнулся на камень преткновения всех мужчин.
— Что это за камень?
— Море? — Алгебра? — Дихотомия добра и зла?
— Бабы.

“Ладно, беру тебя. Тебя не возьму — ты страшный”.

— Джек.. У нас всё равно бы ничего не получилось.
— Повторяй себе это почаще, дорогая.

“Капитан, докладываю, на корабле бунт: я готов тыкать именами и называть пальцы”.

— То есть, ты обманула меня, сказав правду?
— Да.
— Оригинальный ход. Надо позаимствовать.

“Наряд тебе не идёт. Тебе надо либо платье, либо ничего… А у меня на “Жемчужине” платьев нет”.

— Ты с этим сможешь жить? Ты обрекаешь другого человека на вечные оковы, а сам будешь веселиться, гулять и пить?
— Ммм, да. Это по мне.

“Я бесчестен, а от таких кроме обмана нечего и ожидать! Серьёзно, остерегаться надо людей честных, потому что ты даже не заметишь, когда они сделают какую-нибудь глупость!”

“Мой корабль бесподобен и горд. И он чуть ли ни огромен! И он… уплыл”.


— Кто куёт эти мечи?
— Я кую! И упражняюсь в фехтовании, по три часа в день.
— Лучше найди себе девушку!

“Хоть кто-то спасал меня потому, что соскучился?!”

— Я беременна!
— Не помню, чтобы мы хоть раз…
— Ты был пьян!!
— До такого я не допиваюсь!

— Я прикрою твой зад.
— Я больше беспокоюсь за перёд.

“Всем ни с места! Я обронил мозги”.

“Да! Я врал тебе. Нет! Я тебя не люблю. Конечно оно тебя толстит! Я никогда не был в Брюсселе. Слово «кровожадный» надо произносить через «Ж». Между прочим, нет, я не знаю Колумба, но я люблю клумбы. Но всё это меркнет и бледнеет в сравнении с тем фактом, что у меня опять увели мой корабль! Смекаете?”

— Я сплю?
— Нет.
— Так и знал… Во сне был бы ром.

“Лучше не знать, когда тебя настигнет смерть и жить трепетно, восторгаясь всей душой великой тайны бытия”

— Мистер Гиббс, бросьте мою шляпу в воздух.
— Это честь для меня. Ура!
— Несите назад.

— Вообще-то пираты мастера придумывать прозвища, но вот на название местности у них фантазии не хватает. Был у меня один старый матрос, у него не было обеих рук. И глаз выколот.
— Как вы его звали?
— Джонни.

“Колкость глаз не колет. Я спас вас, а вы меня, мы квиты”.

— Ты либо безумец, либо гений
— Это две крайности одной и той же сущности.

— Известно, баба на корабле — к большой беде.
— Не возьмем её — будет хуже.

— Вы самый жалкий из всех пиратов, о которых я слышал.
— Но вы обо мне слышали!

Но ты жив.— Просто представь, что это страшный сон, я всегда так делаю.

— Ты украл меня!! И я здесь что бы украсть себя обратно.

— Ты спятил!
— Да и слава богу, нормальный не пошёл бы на такое.

— И при этом я не выпил ни капли рома.

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Другие появления[]

Вне фильмов Джек Воробей появился в видеоигре 2006 года Kingdom Hearts II, где был озвучен Джеймсом Арнольдом Тейлором в английской версии и Хироаки Хиратой в японской. Также герой появился в других видеоиграх: «Легенда Джека Воробья», где был озвучен Джонни Деппом, в адаптации фильма «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света» и разных версиях игры «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света», где был озвучен Джерардом Батлером. Герой также был озвучен Джерардом Батлером в «Пираты Карибского моря Online».

Ранняя история Джека в «Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide» повествует, что он был рождён на корабле во время тайфуна в Индийском океане, и его учил фехтовать итальянец. Роб Кидд написал серию книг о Джеке Воробье под названием «Пираты Карибского моря: Джек Воробей», повествующих о приключениях Джека и его команды на борту корабля «Barnacle», их битвы с сиренами, русалками и взрослыми пиратами, ищущими сокровища. Первая книга, «Надвигающийся шторм», вышла 1 июня 2006 года.

Первый полный роман-приквел описывает историю Джека и Ост-Индской Торговой компании, происходящую за 14 лет до событий фильмов. «Пираты Карибского моря: Цена свободы» писательницы А. К. Криспин рассказывает о 25-летнем Джеке, когда он работал капитаном на Ост-Индскую Торговую компанию, под эгидой Катлера Беккета. Роман длиной более 600 страниц вышел 17 мая 2011 года.

Концепция и создание[]

Создание персонажа[]

Во время написания сценария к фильму «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие „Чёрной Жемчужины“» Тед Эллиотт и Терри Россио предполагали, что Джек станет второстепенным персонажем. Продюсеры видели его как молодого Бартa Ланкастерa. Воробей показан «этичным» пиратом в отличие от Барбоссы. Его мотивы часто непонятны, и является ли он хорошим или плохим — решать зрителям. Уиллу Тёрнеру Джек говорит, что пират может быть хорошим человеком, как отец Уилла Билл Тёрнер.

После успеха «Проклятия Чёрной Жемчужины», задача по созданию сиквела, по словам Вербински, была такова: «Вы не хотите фильм только о Джеке Воробье. Это всё равно, что пить молочный коктейль с чесноком. Он слишком острый, и нужно много мужчин… Давайте не дадим им слишком много Джека. Это всё равно, что слишком много десерта или слишком много хорошего». События с людоедами были добавлены, чтобы показать, что он в опасности везде — и на море, и на суше.

«Пираты Карибского Моря: На краю света» был создан, чтобы вернуться назад к деталям персонажей. В частности, Воробей стал несколько безумен после одиночества в тайнике Дэйви Джонса и теперь желает бессмертия. Воробей борется со своей честностью и нравственностью, ведь именно она стала причиной его смерти во втором фильме. К концу «На краю света» Воробей отправляется к Фонтану Молодости. Продюсер Джерри Брукхаймер и новый режиссёр фильма Роб Маршалл продолжили эту историю в четвёртом фильме.

Джонни Депп[]

Джонни Депп думал о съёмках в семейном фильме и посетил студию Дисней, когда услышал о готовящейся адаптации тематического парка «Пираты Карибского Моря» в фильм. Депп был рад возродить старый голливудский жанр, кроме того, его радовала необычность сценария — команда не искала сокровища, а наоборот, хотела вернуть их, чтобы избавиться от проклятия. Кроме того, традиционный в таких фильмах «мятеж» уже произошёл. 10 июня 2002 года Депп прошёл кастинг.

При первом прочтении Депп удивил разработчиков исполнением роли в «неуклюжей манере». После исследования пиратов XVIII-го века Депп ассоциировал их с современными рок-звездами и решил создать своего персонажа на основе Кита Ричардса. Вербински и Брукхаймер были уверены в Деппе, отчасти потому, что Орландо Блум должен был играть персонажа в духе Эррол Флинна. Депп также импровизировал в конце фильма — фраза «поплывём к горизонту». Исполнительные продюсеры Дисней были смущены выступлением Деппа, его спросили, был ли его персонаж геем или же был пьян. Майкл Эйснер даже сказал : «Он рушит фильм!». Депп ответил: «Этот выбор делаю я. Вы знаете, как я работаю. Так что доверяйте мне». У многих исполнение Деппа вызвало сомнение, потому что он был необычным актёром для студии.

Wpapers ru Джек-Воробей

Выступление Деппа было высоко оценено кинокритиками. Алан Моррисон посчитал его «Выше всяких похвал… С точки зрения движений и слов это — мастер-класс комедийного выступления». Роджер Эберт также нашёл выступление «оригинальным в каждом атоме. Никогда ни в одном фильме не было такого пирата или просто человека… по его поведению видны долгие репетиции.» Эберт также одобрил Деппа как создателя персонажа. Несмотря на то, что фильм ему не понравился, критику Кеннету Турану понравился Джек Воробей, но Марк Кермод написал, что это была одна из худших работ Деппа. Депп получил премию «Screen Actor’s Guild» за роль Джека Воробья и также был номинирован на Золотой Глобус и на премию «Оскар» в номинации «Лучший актёр», первую в его карьере. Джонни Депп вернулся как Джек Воробей в 2006 году в фильме “Пираты Карибского Моря: Сундук Мертвеца”, это был первый раз, когда актёр снялся в сиквеле. Эрик Уэсп сказал: «В первом фильме он играл дурака, который скрывал в себе великого пирата, а в этом — великий пират, скрывающий в себе трусливого дурака». К съёмкам «На краю света», Питер Треверс сказал, что было доказано, что «действительно может быть слишком много хорошего». Тем не менее, Депп получил награду MTV Movie Award, и также был номинирован на Золотой Глобус, который тогда выиграл Саша Барон Коэн за роль Бората Сагдиева в фильме «Борат: культурные исследования Америки в пользу славного государства Казахстан». За своё выступление в «На краю света» Депп выиграл MTV Movie Award за лучшее комедийное выступление, а также People’s Choice Award и «Kids’ Choice Award».

Макияж и костюм[]


Гримёры создавали пирата XVIII века, который был бы похож на звезду рок-н-ролла. В представлении Джонни именно таким Джек Воробей и должен быть. Над созданием внешнего образа капитана Джека работало много людей, каждый из которых, говоря словами Джонни «бросал свои ингредиенты в этот котёл».

Основное действо в создании внешнего образа происходило перед зеркалом. В целом технология проста: Джонни становится перед ним, надевает костюм и смотрит. Дизайнер по костюмам Пенни Роуз привыкла начинать не с костюмов, а с форм: сделать длиннее или короче, рукав шире или уже. И все детали Джонни сразу же видит. Он очень точен в отношении того, что сработает, а что нет. И в конце примерки, изначальной примерки, занявшей всего 45 минут, Джонни посмотрел в зеркало и сказал: «Да, это он. Это Джек Воробей».


В 2006 году от «Пиратов-1» не осталось костюмов. Ни одного костюма Джека Воробья не сохранилось. Перерыв в два года. И немедленно встали проблемы. Как все снова разыскать? Самой большой и


сложной проблемой, как ни странно, оказался кушак. Тот кусок полосатой ткани на поясе Джека, который мы видим во второй и третьей сериях выглядит совсем иначе, чем в первой. Материал для него был соткан крестьянами в горах Турции. Изначально для костюма Джека Пенни Роуз заказала 45 метров. Но она не знала, ни где эти люди находятся, ни кто они вообще. Агента найти не удалось. Пришлось отправить в Турцию одного из ассистентов Роуз и он разыскал этих людей. Специально для костюма Джека они соткали еще 100 метров. Но тут же возникла ещё одна проблема: в том, как эта ткань висит на Джеке и развевается. Присланная ткань была очень яркой, что не очень-то вязалось с образом пиратского капитана. Но дизайнеру удалось сохранить дух Джека Воробья, искусно истрепав кушак и придав ему доброй поношенности.

Рубашки и ремни[]

На поясе Джека висит также какой-то бедный ободранный зверёк, когда-то попавшийся ему на пути. «Я не знаю, где Джек взял эту шкурку, – говорит Джонни. – Должно быть, это осталось от обеда. На поясе есть несколько разных штуковин. Например, цыплячья лапка и символ плодородия. Просто так». Джек носит не один ремень, а сразу два. Джонни просто влюбился в большую резную пряжку, которую показала ему дизайнер Пенни Роуз при демонстрации аксессуаров. Пенни была уверена, что эта пряжка не подходит к ремню, но Джонни как всегда нашёл выход из спорной ситуации, убедив Роуз


нацепить на него оба ремня. Из всего оставшегося от первой серии «Пиратов» выжила только рубашка Джека, но она в кадр уже не попала. Ткань на ней была слишком тонкой и не выдержала бы трюков. Для новой рубашки Джека Пенни Роуз выбрала лён, который тоже тонкий, но намного прочнее. Для достижения «пиратского» вида пришлось проделать довольно масштабную работу по изменению цвета и проделывания кое-где мелких дырочек.

Сделать натуральную бахрому – целое искусство. Все 12 рубашек были обмётаны вручную. 12 – это с учётом Джонни, каскадёров, фото-дублёра и всего, кому ещё мог бы понадобиться образ Джека. С Джонни всегда очень непросто. Он любит носить что-то одно. Если уж он надел на себя рубашку №1 и вдруг промокнет в ней, то приходится его уговаривать на №2, но он хочет быть только в первой. Другая проблема была с кителем. В первой части был использован лён, шёлк и твид нескольких цветов. Закупщики материала сдались после четырёх недель поисков необходимой ткани – её попросту нигде не было. Пришлось искать что-то новое. Пенни Роуз связалась с «Коспроп» – лондонским домом моды, шившим костюмы для Джонни, и пожаловалась, что ничего не находится. Одним из главных преимуществ кителя Джека – его лёгкость. И вот один человек из «Коспропа», Кристофер, сказал Пенни: «Тут что-то есть за диваном. Не знаю, что там, сто лет уже лежит». За диваном обнаружилось 50 метров пальтовой ткани, из которой впоследствии и был сделан китель.


Шляп после первой серии тоже не осталось. Дизайнерам пришлось обратиться прямо к римским модистам «Пирони», у которых остались лекала. Во втором фильме шляпа попадает в воду, так что первое, что пришлось сделать – это сшить треуголки из резины. Таким образом, у реквизиторов получился набор резиновых, нетонущих шляп. Шляпа же Джонни из кожи. Это пропитанная,


прорезиненная кожа. Когда Джонни пришёл к Пенни Роуз, чтобы посмотреть шляпы, у неё было их шесть для Джека. Она разложила шляпы на полу и предложила Джонни выбрать. Он подошёл прямо к этой кожаной, надел её на голову и сказал: «Вот моя шляпа». Роуз предложила: «Примерь и другие». Но Джонни ответил: «Нет. Вот моя шляпа». В фильме 8000 костюмов, и больше никому Роуз не позволила носить кожаную шляпу, по собственному признанию Пенни только потому, что Джонни выбрал её первым.


В общей сложности для Джека было сделано 12 пар обуви. Но Джонни хотел ходить только в своей любимой паре, и когда сапоги промокали, приходилось его уговаривать сменить их, на что он далеко не всегда радостно шёл. Когда костюмеры выбились из сил с ним бороться, они проделали в сапогах отверстия, чтобы вода из них сразу же выливалась, и можно было бы в них свободно ходить по воде. Была сделана ещё одна пара без подошвы и без каблука. Эти сапоги использовались преимущественно в сцене сражения Джека с Тёрнером и Норрингтоном во второй части, когда буквально приходилось бегать по воде.


Во всех частях «Пиратов» парик не меняли. В «Сундуке мертвеца» он отличен от прежнего, местами износился, запачкался, истрепался. Но капитан Джек – пират, и это не стало препятствием. Джонни всегда очень внимателен к аксессуарам. На парике Джека есть замечательная прядь с бусинами и


несколько любимых монет Джонни. Он всегда следит, чтобы они попадали в кадр. Парик был сделан специально по размеру. Причём сделан так, чтобы надеть его можно было как можно быстрее. Парик надевался как шляпа, и большую часть времени его удерживала бандана.

Бандана и украшения[]

«Я провёл много времени с Китом Ричардсом. И это именно он вдохновил меня сделать Джека таким. Он – один из главных ингредиентов в портрете капитана. В каждую нашу встречу я видел что-то новое у него в волосах. И я спрашивал: «Что это у тебя?» Он отвечал: «Привёз с Бермудских островов» или что-то вроде того. И я стал об этом думать. Казалось очень похоже на Джека: путешествуя и переживая приключения, он видит что-то и думает: «О, пригодится» и привязывает это к волосам.
Там на бандане, к примеру, есть берцовая кость оленя. Я тогда искал, что бы такого ещё вплести в волосы – казалось, что чего-то не достает. И, наткнувшись на эту кость, подумал, что это интересно и немного опасно. Тогда я решил: «Это то, что нужно». Мне кажется, истории про встречу с оленем, которые он мог бы рассказать, могли бы быть слишком смешными, чтобы упустить такой момент».



Большое кольцо с зелёным камнем Джонни купил в магазине распродаж в 1989, когда снимался для журнала «Роллинг Стоун». Через много лет, снимаясь в первых Пиратах, он захотел его надеть. Так что в фильме кольцо Джонни. Одно из четырёх. У Джонни были очень чёткие представления на счёт Воробья и очень много эклектичных друзей. Например, золотое кольцо с ситеневым камнем – это копия кольца друга Джонни. Греко-римский эллинистический период. Его возраст около 2400 лет. Джонни дал ювелирам оригинал, чтобы они его скопировали и они это сделали, после чего подлинное кольцо


пропало. Его нет. Остались только копии. На Джеке есть ещё одно кольцо – золотое с чёрным. Джонни сам придумал историю с этим кольцом, будто он соблазнил вдову-испанку и, уходя, украл этот перстень. Зелёное кольцо с драконом неизвестно откуда взялось, возможно, с Дальнего Востока. Таким образом, у Джека четыре кольца.


Если уж говорить о примечательных предметах реквизита – то это, несомненно, компас Джека. Он – движущая сила фильмов. Для второй и третьей части трилогии компас не меняли. Критики и знатоки фильма могли заметить, что в дальнейшем он не в точности такой, как в первом фильме. Изменилась шкала. В «Пиратах-1» на ней не было красной стрелки, и Гор решил, что нужно что-то добавить в этот столь значимый предмет. Он должен был быть ясно различимым и броским. Так что его слегка подкрасили и изменили розу компаса. Ещё одна загадка фильма: как стрелке удаётся так быстро вращаться, когда это необходимо. Для достижения этого эффекта было перепробовано немало вариантов. Пробовали класть на палец магнит. Крутишь его – и роза указывает определённое направление. Был ещё вариант с просверленными дырками и плёнкой, а сбоку было спрятано колёсико. Человек за кадром тянул за леску, и роза компаса вращалась. Шпагу Джека Воробья купили ещё для первого фильма. Чак Стюарт и Питер Коэн, помощники режиссёра, были в Лондоне и там зашли в магазин «Антиквариат Бландербасс», где, собственно и нашли эту шпагу. Красивый экземпляр 1740 года. В общем для фильма заказывали сотни шпаг у оружейника в Лос-Анджелесе, но из всех шпаг шпага Джонни лучшая. Она прекрасно сбалансирована. Тяжёлая рукоять и очень быстрый клинок. К шпаге Джека у Джонни особое отношение.


Пистолет Джека сделан лондонским оружейником Пери – это имя написано на пистолете. Он куплен нашим мастером по реквизиту Чаком Стюартом. Он купил два таких у торговца антиквариатом. Пистолет Джека – просто прекрасный экземпляр примерно 1760 года. Но в этом была и сложность. При покупке подобного антиквариата всегда сложно подыскать ему пару. Многих вещей со времён съёмок первого фильма не сохранилось. Но капитану Воробью повезло: его пистолет и шпага остались в полной сохранности. Специально для экстремальных съёмок был сделан резиновый вариант – точная копия подлинного пистолета. Всё это было сделано для того, чтобы уберечь Джонни от травмирования.

Но он достаточно упрям в этом смысле и в большинстве случаев предпочитал именно антикварный вариант, а резиновый доставался каскадёрам. Пистолет Джека очень удобен. Стоит взять его в руку, и сразу ощущается баланс. Небольшая рукоять очень удобно ложится. Кроме того, он очень изящен на вид. Гор всегда предпочитает простоту. Он не любит больших, вычурных, кричащих вещей, если этого не нужно. В девяти из десяти случаев, выбранный им реквизит будет простым и красивым.

Лицо и грим[]

Гримеру Ви Нелл, которая занималась гримом капитана Джека, выпала довольно сложная участь – придать лицу Джонни по возможности как можно более неряшливый вид, но при этом не повредить его природную привлекательность. Ви пришлось наращивать Джонни щетину, потому, что по его собственному признанию, он не в состоянии отрастить бороду. Для того, чтобы косички на бороде Джека держались как можно крепче, Ви использовала специальный клей супер-фиксации.

«Он почти вечный, – с содроганием вспоминает Джонни. – Этим клеем можно приклеить корабль к воде». Косички прожили не одну жизнь на съёмочной площадке «Пиратов».

«Сейчас забавно вспоминать, какими они были с проволокой, бумагой и так далее, – смеется Джонни. – Серьёзно. Эти косички ничем не хотели крепиться. Смешным получился один момент на съёмках первой части, где Джек находится в тюрьме. В них тогда была проволока. Я лёг на пол, и они встали дыбом. С тех пор было решено, что больше никакой проволоки. Было очень смешно. Ещё меня часто спрашивали: «Откуда взялись золотые зубы?» Всё просто. Я пошёл к дантисту и он их налепил. Отшлифовал мои зубы и приклеил эти. Когда фильм закончен я просто иду туда и он их отдирает…


Вообще странно. Потом ты просыпаешься, смотришь в зеркало и думаешь: «Чего-то не хватает…» Хотя там есть и пара моих постоянных, сзади. На их место нечего поставить. Свои я потерял. Но мне нравятся эти золотые. Сначала их было больше. Я боялся, что продюсеры не разрешат Джеку ходить с такими зубами. Поэтому я попросил дантиста наклеить золотые коронки чуть ли не на все зубы. И так пришёл на площадку. Продюсеры схватились за сердце и попросили меня снять хотя бы половину. В результате осталось ровно столько, сколько я хотел сначала».


Для подводки глаз капитана использовалась жирная чёрная краска, которую наносили специальной индийской кисточкой. «Идея чёрной подводки пришла ко мне от кочевников. Варвары использовали нечто подобное в пустыне для защиты от солнца и песка. И я решил, что в море тоже можно это использовать. Варвары делали это, защищая глаза. Я решил, что Джек тоже мог бы это использовать». Джонни привнёс немало своего в образ капитана Джека, чтобы сделать его таким, каким мы его знаем. Его отношение к пиратскому капитану очень трепетное, поскольку, несомненно, это один из важнейших героев в его карьере.

«Встречая тебя, люди узнают тебя как Джека Воробья… чаще, чем Джонни. Это очень странно. Я предпочитаю Джека. Можно продолжать его играть даже без парика. Ты узнаешь своих героев, привыкаешь к ним за долгое время. Они начинают тебе нравиться, и вы становитесь близки. И тебе становится очень удобно находится в их шкуре. И вот что получается, когда связь с фильмом закончена: он снят и ты уходишь, в тебе ещё продолжает жить твой персонаж. И вскоре оказывается, что ты ведёшь себя, как эти персонажи. Подсознательно. Это получается само собой. Как будто каждый день срубаешь голову и думаешь, отрастет ли? Стану ли я собой?.. Это из ряда загвоздок профессии, но и своего рода дар».



Когда «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук Мертвеца» собрал больше $1 млрд в мире, Иэн Натан сказал о популярности Воробья: «Пиратам, франшизе, нужно было просто подняться вверх». Журнал Empire оценил выступление Джонни Деппа как 74-ю «вещь, которая потрясла этот мир», а затем назвал его 8-м среди лучших персонажей всех времён. Опрос более 3000 человек показал, что Джек Воробей был самым популярным костюмом на Хеллоуин 2006 года, a в 2007 году опрос, проведённый сайтом Internet Movie Database, показал, что Воробей стал вторым по популярности героем экшена после Индианы Джонса. Джек Воробей стал самой популярной ролью Деппа.

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Джонни Депп в роли Джека Воробья

По словам Шона Эберсона, популярность персонажа объясняется тем, что «негодяй, чьи случайные приступы совести позволяют зрителям принять его со всеми недостатками, сыгранный таким актёром, как Депп, владеет каждой сценой, в которой фигурирует». Леонард Мальтин заявил, что Джек беззаботен и не принимает себя всерьёз. Воробей попал в список IGN в десятку лучших кинопреступников, за то что он «живёт для себя и волен делать что угодно и, чёрт возьми, это радует. Это делает для аудитории очень романтичным такого преступника, как Капитан Джек Воробей».

Награды и номинации[]

Джонни Депп получил и был номинирован за роль Джека Воробья многочисленные награды:

Проклятие «Чёрной Жемчужины»[]


  • Премия Empire Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия Irish Film and Television Awards лучшему интернациональному актёру
  • Премия Гильдии киноактёров США за лучшую мужскую роль


  • Премия «Оскар» за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия BAFTA за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия ассоциации кинокритиков США за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия «Золотой Глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль — комедия или мюзикл
  • Премия онлайн-кинокритиков США за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия «Сатурн» лучшему киноактёру
  • Премия «Спутник» за лучшую мужскую роль — кинофильм

Сундук мертвеца[]


  • Премия Empire Award за лучшую мужскую роль


  • Премия «Золотой Глобус» за лучшую мужскую роль — комедия или мюзикл
  • Премия National Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль

На краю света[]


  • Премия Kids’ Choice Awards любимому актёру
  • Премия MTV Movie Awards за лучшее комедийное исполнение
  • Премия Rembrandt Award лучшему интернациональному актёру


  • Премия National Movie Awards за лучшую мужскую роль
  • Премия Teen Choice Awards лучшему актёру экшна

На странных берегах[]

Номинации: Премия Teen Choice Awards за лучшее исполнение фантастического персонажа

Интересные факты[]

  • Костюм Джека Воробья был признан самым популярным костюмом на Хэллоуин в 2006 году.
  • Известное словечко Джека “смекаешь?” было импровизацией Джонни Деппа, исполняющего эту роль.
  • Первоначально на роль Воробья был выбран Хью Джекман (именно в честь него капитан получил своё имя), но его место сменил Джонни Депп.
  • Джек Воробей – худший фехтовальщик из главных героев (по словам создателей фильма).
  • Карибские Пираты 2. Месть Стагнети / Pirates 2. Stagnetti’s Revenge пародия с акцентом на взрослых, в которых был спародирован образ Джека. Www1
  • Джек Воробей, Гектор Барбосса и мистер Гиббс — единственные персонажи, которые появились во всех вышедших частях “Пиратов”.


Не каноничные появления[]

  • Пираты Карибского моря (аттракцион)
  • Легенды Капитана Джека Воробья
  • Приключения Пирата: Сокровища семи морей
  • LEGO Пираты Карибского моря: Видео-игра
  • Сердце пирата
  • Проблемы пиратов
  • Сердца Королевства II
  • Disney Infinity
  • Пираты Карибского моря Карточная игра
  • Пираты Карибского моря Карманная модель
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Стратегическая игра «Повелитель морей»
  • Сюжетная линия Sea of Thieves


  • Пираты Карибского моря (серия фильмов)
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие «Чёрной жемчужины» (младшая новеллизация)
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца (младшая новеллизация)
  • Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света (младшая новеллизация)
  • Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах (младшая новеллизация)
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Наглядное руководство
  • Пираты Карибского моря: Полное наглядное руководство
  • Руководства Пиратов
  • Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах: Наглядное руководство

Сноски и примечания[]

  1. Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук Мертвеца
  2. Пираты Карибского Моря: На краю света
  3. 3,0 3,1 Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок ПЧЖ не указан текст
  4. Ошибка цитирования Неверный тег <ref>; для сносок НСБ не указан текст

Команды Джека Воробья
Команда «Барнакла»
Капитан: Джек Воробей
Фицуильям П. Далтон IIIТимоти ЯстребКонстанс МаглуарЖан Маглуар – Арабелла Смит – Тюмен

Шаблон:Команда Попутного ветра
Шаблон:Команда Распутной Девки

Команда Джека Воробья
Капитан: Джек Воробей
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Ян ван дер ГроотКвамеДоминго Веласкес

Капитан: Джек Воробей
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Алекс – Гектор Барбосса – КаролинаГомбоДиего де Леон
Жан МаглуарМарселла МаглуарКатастрофа Шейн – Уильям Тёрнер

Капитан: Джек Воробей
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Гектор Барбосса – Боцман – Клубба – Дог ЙорГрэпплХоксмур – Джейкоби
КатракоКетчум – Келер – МэллотМаксимо – Монк – Нипперкин – Пинтел –Рагетти
Скарус – Скрач – Цинга ДжоСимбакка – Твигг – Прихлоп Билл Тёрнер – Везерби

Капитан: Гектор Барбосса
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Боцман – Клубба – Дог ЙорГрэпплХоксмур – Джейкоби
КатракоКетчум – Келер – МэллотМаксимо – Монк – Нипперкин – Пинтел –Рагетти
Скарус – Скрач – Цинга ДжоСимбакка – Твигг – Везерби

Пёстрая команда
Капитан: Джек Воробей
HMS Перехватчик
Анна Мария – Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Кримп – Дункан – Джошами Гиббс – Курсар
Лэдброк – Лэхон – Марти – Мателот – Мойзес – Кутатто – Тилач – Уилл Тёрнер

Капитан: Джошами Гиббс
HMS ПерехватчикЧёрная жемчужина»
Анна Мария – Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Кримп – Дункан – Курсар
Лэдброк – Лэхон – Марти – Мойзес – Кутатто – Элизабет Суонн – Тилач – Уилл Тёрнер

Капитан: Джек Воробей
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Покалеченный мужчина – Дункан – Джошами Гиббс – Гуннер – Хо-Кван – Ирландец
Обезьянка Джек – Курсар – Лэдброк – Лич – Лэхон – Марти – Мойзес – Джеймс Норрингтон – Нилл Офрилл – Пинтел
Кутатто – Рагетти — Джон Смит – Тощий мужчина – Элизабет Суонн –Свиппи – Тилач – Уилл Тёрнер – Очень старый мужчина

Капитан: Гектор Барбосса
«Хай Пэн»
Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Тиа Далма – Джошами Гиббс – Тай Хуан – Обезьянка Джек
Марти – Пинтел – Рагетти – Элизабет Суонн – Уилл Тёрнер

Капитаны: Джек Воробей / Гектор Барбосса
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Тиа Далма – Джошами Гиббс – Тай Хуан – Обезьянка Джек
Марти – Пинтел – Рагетти – Элизабет Суонн – Уилл Тёрнер

Капитан: Гектор Барбосса
«Чёрная жемчужина»
Коттон – Попугай Коттона – Джек обезьянка – Марти – Маллрой – Мэзог – Пинтел – Рагетти

Команда «Мести королевы Анны»
Капитан: Чёрная борода (под контролем Весёлого Роджера)
«Месть королевы Анны»
Джамби: ЛаШель

Капитан: Чёрная борода
«Месть королевы Анны»
Зомби офицеры: ГуннерМастер-ат-Армс – квартирмейстер – Цомен

Капитан: Чёрная борода
«Месть королевы Анны»
Анжелика – Юнга – Кок – Деррик – Иезекииль – Гархэнг
Парсер – Саламан – Джек Воробей – Скрам – Филипп Свифт
Зомби офицеры: ГуннерМастер-ат-Армс – квартирмейстер – Цомен

Капитан: Гектор Барбосса
«Месть королевы Анны»
Юнга – Иезекииль – Гархэнг – Саламан – Скрам

Члены Совета братства
Первый совет

Король Пиратов
Первый Король Пиратов
Пиратский барон
Первый Пиратский барон Атлантического океана

Адъютант: Дэйви Джонс

Второй совет
Пиратский барон
Генри Морган – Варфоломей – Бабуля

Третий совет
Пиратский барон
Отец Сяо Фэня
Другие: Тарталья

Неофициальный совет
Пиратские бароны
Чинг – Борис Палачник – Рафаэль – Эдвард Тиг – Эдуардо Вильянуэва
Адъютант: Дэйви Джонс
Хранитель Кодекса: Эдвард Тиг
Другие: Гектор Барбосса – Джек Воробей – Эсмиральда
Тюремная собака

Четвёртый совет
Король Пиратов
Элизабет Суонн
Пиратские бароны
Амман – Сумбаджи Ангриа – Гектор Барбосса – Шавал – Чинг
Сяо Фэнь – Жокар – Джек Воробей – Элизабет Суонн – Эдуардо Вильянуэва
Адъютанты: Аскэй – Пусаш
Хранитель Кодекса: Эдвард Тиг
Другие: Тюремная собака

Здравствуйте, Дорогие Друзья! 22 июня 2021 года разработчики порадовали игроков новой историей на просторах «Морей Воров». В этой истории игрокам предстоит отправиться на поиски легендарного Джека Воробья и могущественных сокровищ, которые Джек однажды украл.  В процессе прохождения игроки должны будут разгадать сложные секреты и загадки, чтобы узнать и открыть для себя новые тайны.

На пути к успеху и поиску таинственных сокровищ игроки будут сражаться бок о бок с Джеком Воробьем, против знаменитого Деви Джонса. В некоторых случаях история позволит по-другому взглянуть на фильм «Пираты Карибского моря». Новая tall tales открывает 5 заданий со своими сложностями и секретами.

Итак, перейдя в интерфейсе игры на истории Tall Tales, нужно выбрать главу для прохождения. После этого отправиться к персонажу для первого диалога и получения вводной информации, который откроет портал в другой мир.

Данный портал открывается в скалах, не далеко от пристани, найти его можно по зеленому цвету облаков и светящемуся лучу в небо. Плыть нужно прямо в открытый портал, после прохода в него все небо и окружение будет зеленым туманом. Карта в каюте капитана на корабле не доступна, а сам корабль плывет своим ходом. Не получится даже спрыгнуть в море, в котором можно увидеть звезды.

Через некоторое время на встречу кораблю поплывут души других пиратов, которые когда-то отважились на это путешествие. Атаковать нашего героя и его корабль они не будут, просто проплывут в своем направлении. А потом можно будет увидеть корабли призраков, которые будут плыть в своих направлениях. Даже при выстрелах по ним ничего не произойдет. при этом сами снаряды разлетаются в воздухе, так и не попав по цели.

  • На новом острове.

Высадившись на остров нужно искать проход в пещеру. Найти проход помогут обломки от корабля. У входа в пещеру будет стоять статуя скелета с колоколом в правой руке. Пройдя в пещеру зажгутся факелы зеленым огнем и костер, который находится в середине данной локации.

Нашему герою нужно открыть двери, чтобы пройти дальше. Для этого сначала нужно зажечь свой фонарь от костра. После этого нужно разнести полученный огонь на фонари, которые держат в своих руках скелеты. Когда откроются ворота, появится новая локация со скелетами у которых в руках фонари, нужно также зажечь их фонари. Всего три фонаря, последний находится на разломанной лодке.

Идя по дороге мы наблюдаем истории бывших пиратов, которые рассказывают нам призраки. Одни из них стоят на корабле, другие танцуют и поют песни. Пройдя дальше мы встречаем группу призраков, которые отдыхают, спустя некоторое время устраивают бунт между собой. В этой локации нам нужно будет найти проход под водопадом в скале. Найти скелета в лодке, который находится по правой части в лодке, у него берем «Ручку весла».

  • Поиск инструмента для починки двери, «Ручки весла».

Найденная «Ручка весла» поможет починить двери и послужит в виде рычага. Установив ручку в нужное место, можно смело дергать за рычаг и двери откроются. Дальнейший путь укажут призраки бывших пиратов, придется прыгать по скалам, чтобы дойти до пристани. Оказавшись на пристани нужно зажечь фонарь и тогда появится лодка с призраками пиратов. После этого можно идти открывать путь к новой локации.

Для того, чтобы пройти дальше нужно поднять якорь и опустить мост. Пройдя по мосту, дергайте за веревку, чтобы поднять еще один мостик и перейти дальше. По тропинке идем до самого конца и зажигаем еще один фонарь. После этого к пристани приплывут те самые призраки пиратов, которых мы видели раньше, и тогда опускается мост.

  • Локация с горой золота.

Дойдя до локации с горой золота, мы увидим наших старых знакомых, которые радовались своему состоянию. И почему-то умерли после того как принесли последнее золото на это место. В это локации нужно быть внимательнее и за горой золота найти проход, который дает возможность пройти дальше на верх.

Пройдя до локации с обрывом и лестницей на верхний этаж. Нужно будет выбрать оружие из арсенала и отрезать веревку мечом. После этого не достающаяся часть моста упадет и откроет проход дальше. Прыгаем через препятствия и выходим из пещеры. Не далеко от ворот нужно будет зажечь костер, который откроет путь дальше.

Вторая часть «Истории мертвецов», Sea of Thieves tall tales «Жизнь пирата».

В новой локации герою нужно искать рычаги управления лифтами и подъемными устройствами, которые открывают проход. Перебираясь и перепрыгивая препятствия, нужно найти клетку, которая висит на вершине мачты. Данную клетку нужно скинуть на землю. Для этого можно использовать меч или фонарь, чтобы отрезать веревку, которая держит клетку.

После спущенной клетки нужно искать разрушенный корабль, в котором находится таверна. Проходим таверну до каюты капитана, где нужно будет зажечь свечу. Только после этого появятся души пиратов и будут смотреть на корту и показывать нужное место.

  • Помощь «Черепу» найти его сокровища.

Выйдя из каюты мы увидим на люстре из штурвала, лежит скелет с «Ключом», который нужно взять. Чтобы появилась возможность получить «Ключ от клетки», нужно сначала опустить вниз люстру с помощью веревок. Этот «Ключ от клетки», от той клетки, которую мы с Вами опустили вниз с мачты.

Открыв клетку, череп расскажет маленькую историю и предложит нести его в руке. Он укажет путь к своему золоту. Первая задача от черепа, забраться на «Маяк». Перед подходом к мосту маяка загорается факелы. На самом мосту череп расскажет историю и мост поднимется в нормальное положение.

  • Маяк и череп.

Поднявшись на вершину «Маяка» «Череп» будет рассказывать свою историю. А потом даст ценный совет о том, как его можно использовать. Для начала потребуется найти тело скелета без головы, на которое нужно установить «Череп». Установленный «Череп» на место тела скелета начнет рассказывать историю, которая происходила вокруг скелета.

От «Черепа» мы получим задание, в котором нужно найти способ зажечь фонарь на «Маяке». При этом луч зажжённого фонаря нужно направить в море. Чтобы включить «Маяк» нужно зажечь костер своим «Фонарем». При этом луч света от костра нужно направить в море, как сказала голова «Черепа». Управляя конструкцией с линзой, нужно лучом поджечь большие «Факелы», стоящие на горах. После этого задача от «Черепа» будет выполнена и начнется следующая часть главы.

Третья часть «Проклятые безбилетники», Sea of Thieves tall tales «Жизнь пирата».

Итак, нам удалось зажечь все большие факелы на горах. На горизонте рассеется туман и появится корабль призраков, про который «Череп» назовет его «Кораблем паромщика». После этого он откроет книгу с потайным секретом, где лежит ключ от его каюты на корабле с красными парусами.

Вынимаем голову скелета, с ключом в зубах и направляемся на корабль с красными парусами. По прибытию к кораблю «Череп» попросит установить его на скелет около двери. После этого откроет запертую дверь, с помощью секретного рычага, дернув за фонарь. Нужно подняться на верх в каюту капитана и вернуть «Череп» на его настоящий скелет. И тогда он отдаст «Ключ от своей сокровищницы», которая находится за его спиной.

  • На корабле «Паромщика».

На корабле «Паромщика» нужно зажечь свой фонарь огнем, который горит в середине корабля. После этого откроется проход на нижнюю палубу. Спустившись на нижнюю палубу, герой должен открыть тайную дверь. Для этого нужно зажечь факел рядом с дверью. В комнате с гробами нужно так же зажечь 2 факела, один из них закрыт крышкой от гроба.

Спустившись на самую нижнюю палубу мы обнаруживаем того самого, легендарного Джека Воробья, сидящего в клетке. Ключ от клетки находится в зубах у собаки, которая отдает ключи без особых проблем. Открываем клетку и начинается следующая часть.

Четвертая часть «Спасение жизни пирата», Sea of Thieves tall tales «Жизнь пирата».

Поднявшись на палубу вместе с Джеком Воробьем, практически сразу начнется морская битва с кораблём «Летучий Голландец». Желательно стараться целиться по пушечным отверстиям. Но основные противники нашего героя будут появляться на палубе, выпрыгивать из моря. Это новые вражеские бойцы на просторах «Sea of Thieves». После победы над несколькими волнами, Джек Воробей пропадет.

Самого большого противника лучше стараться поразить оружием дальнего боя. Он медленный, но сильный, а при выстрелах с расстояния проблемных моментов не произойдет. На последней волне появится существо, которое поражает молнией при атаке в ближнем бою.

После боя «Паромщик» отправит нашего герой обратно на корабль. Вернувшись на свой корабль мы увидим еще несколько таких кораблей, которые возвращаются обратно от куда пришли. Для открытия портала в живой мир, нужно позвонить в колокол. На этом все, история окончена.

В кинотеатрах начали показывать новых «Пиратов Карибского моря», которые отличаются от предыдущих только названием и именами героев. Time Out наглядно показывает, что между пятью частями «Пиратов» нет почти никакой разницы.

1. «Пираты Карибского моря: Проклятие «Черной жемчужины»

Какой-то там век, тропические острова. В городе англичан живет смелая красавица Элизабет Суонн и молодой смазливый парень Уилл Тернер (потом у них будет любовь). Приплывает капитан Джек Воробей, некрасиво себя ведет, его чуть не казнят. Потом все трое залезают на корабль и куда-то плывут. 

По пути Уилл узнает, что его отец — проклятый пират, обросший ракушками, по имени Прихлоп (но он будет только во второй части). Джек рассказывает Уиллу про сундук с проклятым золотом — его надо искать на дальнем острове. Если взять из сундука золотую монету — становишься бессмертным призраком.

Появляется корабль Воробья «Черная жемчужина». Его капитан — пожилой мудрый пират Барбосса, вся его команда — призраки. Они тоже ищут сундук — хотят снять проклятие и снова стать людьми. Все долго плавают друг к другу: то Барбосса и Элизабет на дальний остров, то Воробей и Уилл — к Барбоссе. В конце все встречаются в пещере с сундуком. Проклятие снимают, Барбосса умирает. Джек Воробей попадает в плен, его чуть не казнят. Уцелев, он залезает на корабль и куда-то плывет.

После титров — ничего не значащая сцена с обезьянкой. 

2. «Пираты Карибского моря: Сундук мертвеца»

Какой-то там век, тропические острова. В городе англичан арестованы Уилл и Элизабет. Глупый англичанин Беккет отправляет Уилла на поиски капитана Воробья. Тем временем, Воробей нашел артефакт: тряпку, на которой нарисован ключ, и этот ключ якобы что-то может открыть.

Уилл находит Воробья. Герои попадают на тропический остров с людоедами. Долго от них убегают. Затем плывут к таинственной гадалке Тиа Дальме — она объясняет, что им нужно попасть на проклятый корабль «Летучий голландец». Там их ждет еще один артефакт: сердце инфернального капитана «Голландца» Дэви Джонса, которое даст им власть над всеми морями.

Все долго плавают друг к другу: то Уилл к «Летучему голландцу», то Джек — к Элизабет. Уилл попадает в плен на «Голландце», там все пираты прокляты и поросли ракушками (в том числе и Прихлоп, его отец). В конце герои встречаются на очередном острове, где дерутся за сердце Дэви Джонса, оно в результате достается Беккету. Джек гибнет. Барбосса воскресает. 

После титров — ничего не значащая сцена с собачкой.

3. «Пираты Карибского моря: На краю света»

Какой-то там век, тропический остров Сингапур. Элизабет, Уилл и Барбосса достают у местного злодея-азиата редкую карту, которая объясняет, как воскресить Джека Воробья. Потом им это удается — и Джек возвращаются с того света. 

Злодей-азиат гибнет, делает Элизабет своей преемницей. Тем временем глупый англичанин Беккет при содействии капитана «Летучего голландца» Дэви Джонса хочет перебить всех пиратов. Пиратские бароны встречаются вместе, чтобы обсудить ситуацию. Итог: главой совета выбирают Элизабет, которая велит всем драться с Беккетом.

Барбосса освобождает богиню Калипсо — та была заперта в теле таинственной гадалки Тиа Дальмы. Калипсо не хочет помогать пиратам и устраивает гигантский водоворот. Моряки дерутся. Дэви Джонс гибнет. Уилл Тернер становится капитаном «Летучего голландца» — теперь он тоже проклятый пират, обросший ракушками. Элизабет с ребенком будет ждать его еще десять лет (оба в сюжете берут перерыв на одну серию). Воробей уплывает за новым непонятным артефактом.

После титров — ничего не значащая сцена с Уиллом, Элизабет и их ребенком.

4. «Пираты Карибского моря: На странных берегах»

Какой-то там век, внезапно — не тропический остров, а Лондон. Воробей спасает своего помощника, которого чуть не казнят. Барбосса, который теперь работает на англичан, предлагает Джеку плыть за новым артефактом: чашей, которая дарует вечную молодость. Джек отказывается и сбегает при помощи своего отца, которого играет Кит Ричардс.

Вдруг оказывается, что есть пират, выдающий себя за Джека — это смелая красавица Анжелика. Все герои попадают на корабль к инфернальному капитану Черная Борода, отцу Анжелики, который владеет магией вуду. Выясняется, что артефакт, состоящий из двух чаш, работает так: надо взять чашу-1, в которой есть слеза русалки, выпить из нее, а потом заставить другого человека выпить из чаши-2, куда русалка не плакала. Человек, выпивший из чаши-2, умирает.

Черная Борода пленит русалку и добывает слезу. Все приплывают на тропический остров, долго бегают за чашами, дерутся. В результате из чаши-2, благодаря обману Джека Воробья, выпивает Черная Борода (умирает), а бессмертной становится Анжелика. Джек Воробей находит свой корабль, но он заколдован.

После титров — ничего не значащая сцена с Анжеликой, о которой в пятой части с радостью забыли. 

5. «Пираты Карибского моря: Мертвецы не рассказывают сказки»

Какой-то там век, тропический остров. Сын Уилла, молодой смазливый парень Генри хочет вызволить отца с «Летучего голландца». Для этого ему нужен новейший артефакт — трезубец Посейдона с неясным функционалом. Генри попадает в тюрьму к англичанам, где знакомится со смелой красавицей Кариной (потом у них будет любовь), а также встречается, наконец, с Джеком Воробьем, который до того неудачно ограбил банк. 

По глупости Джека в море выплывает проклятый корабль с инфернальным капитаном Салазаром. Чтобы его остановить, нужно найти трезубец. Салазар заключает союз с Барбоссой, у которого есть компас Джека Воробья. Двое героев ищут и находят Джека, но поздно: Воробей сошел на берег, куда пиратам с проклятого корабля нельзя.

Барбосса с помощью меча Черной Бороды расколдовывает корабль Джека Воробья. В дело пытаются вмешаться англичане, которым о местонахождении Джека рассказала гадалка, но Салазар их топит. Генри, Карина, Джек и Барбосса приплывают на остров, где оставляют в специальном месте специальный рубин. Перед ними разверзается море, в нем — трезубец Посейдона. Приходит Салазар, дерется с Джеком. Генри ломает трезубец, все проклятия отменяются. Салазар становится нормальным и умирает (до того он был призраком). Барбосса тоже умирает, снова. Уилл приплывает домой к Элизабет. Джек Воробей опять куда-то уплывает.

После титров — ничего не значащая сцена с Уиллом, Элизабет и Дэви Джонсом, который, видимо, не умер.

Gentlemen, m’lady…you will always remember this as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!
―Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Sparrow was a legendary pirate of the Seven Seas, and the irreverent trickster of the Caribbean. A captain of equally dubious morality and sobriety, a master of self-promotion and self-interest, Jack fought a constant and losing battle with his own best tendencies while living a pirate’s life. He was the quickest to seize the moment and make it his own. Whether by cause or accident was a matter of debate, but the results were the same and always different. Captain Jack’s first love was the sea, his second, his beloved ship the Black Pearl.

The son of Captain Edward Teague, Jack was born on a pirate ship in a typhoon. Before he became known as “Captain Jack Sparrow” he was simply known as Jack Sparrow, a teenage stowaway who, even then, had a desire for adventure. Young Jack first sailed on the Barnacle with a ragtag crew on a quest to locate and procure the legendary Sword of Cortés. A few years after his teenage adventures, an encounter with the infamous rogue pirates forced Jack to abandon the pirate life and take employment in the East India Trading Company. After five years of faithful service, during which he sailed across all the Seven Seas, he was given command of the Wicked Wench, a ship owned by Cutler Beckett, the EITC Director for West Africa. As Beckett’s employee, Sparrow searched for the mystical island of Kerma and its treasure, until he decided to betray Beckett and keep the island and its inhabitants safe from Beckett and his slave traders. When Beckett ordered him to transport a cargo of slaves to the Bahamas, promising to sell him the Wench for just one shilling, Sparrow chose to liberate them instead and stole the Wench from Beckett. However, Beckett’s men managed to find Jack and branded him as a pirate, irrevocably returning Sparrow to a life of piracy, while the Wench was set aflame and sunk. After striking a bargain with the fearsome Davy Jones, the ghastly captain of the ghostly Flying Dutchman, in which his beloved vessel was raised from the depths, Jack had the Wicked Wench renamed the Black Pearl and began the pirate life anew. At some point, Jack Sparrow became one of the nine Pirate Lords, his domain being the Caribbean Sea.

Throughout his years as one of the most infamous pirates of the Caribbean, Captain Jack Sparrow embarked on many adventures. He was captain of the Black Pearl for two years, during which time he searched for the Shadow Gold. But when he was going after the treasure of Isla de Muerta, Jack lost the Pearl in a mutiny led by his first mate, Captain Hector Barbossa. Ten years later, with the help of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann, Jack retrieved the Black Pearl, upon having killed the cursed Barbossa, thereby becoming its captain once again. Captain Sparrow soon sought to seize the Dead Man’s Chest, to settle his debt with Davy Jones, which ended with both captain and ship being taken to Davy Jones’ Locker by the Kraken. Following a desperate quest to rescue Sparrow from the Locker led by the resurrected Hector Barbossa, the Brethren Court convened in one last stand against Lord Cutler Beckett, who had control over Davy Jones and the Flying Dutchman, which led to a pirate showdown with the East India Company. Jack later sailed on stranger tides during the quest for the fabled Fountain of Youth. Forced aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, Sparrow must contend with the notorious Blackbeard, his beautiful daughter Angelica, zombies, mermaids, and a rendezvous with Barbossa. Later, pursued by the malicious Captain Salazar and a crew of deadly ghosts who escaped from the Devil’s Triangle, a down-on-his-luck Captain Jack sought to reverse his recent spate of ill fortune by finding the Trident of Poseidon. In an uneasy alliance with Henry Turner, who sought to free his cursed father Will, and Carina Smyth, a brilliant astronomer and Barbossa’s daughter, Sparrow was able to find the Trident and defeat Salazar.

Over the course of time, Captain Jack Sparrow became a center of intrigue as myths and legends have been told of the famed pirate’s exploits. Most of these tales, however, were exaggerations, or even fabrications, embellished by the indomitable trickster himself to bolster his reputation. He also navigated his way from one perilous adventure to another, enemies became allies and friends became foes. Indeed, despite his dishonesty and many deceptions, Jack did embark on a number of grand and thrilling adventures, some involving the supernatural, lore, magic, and journeys in discovering hidden treasures. This crafty pirate valued his freedom and his ship above all else. Jack Sparrow’s ultimate ambition was to sail the seas aboard the Black Pearl, drinking bottles of rum, and living the best life—the pirate’s life.


Early life


Jack Sparrow’s wanted poster.

Teague, this boy, he is sharp one, he is. Won’t be long before he will be Pirate Lord himself, da?
―Boris Palachnik to Edward Teague, regarding young Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Sparrow was born to Edward Teague and an unknown woman on a pirate ship caught in the middle of a typhoon.[2] He was named Jack after his uncle and Teague’s brother, Jack.[14] Jack grew up in a tumultuous household full of outlaws at Shipwreck Cove. He had spent most of his youth unsure whether Edward Teague was really his parent, frequently referring to him as “The-Man-Who-Might-Be-Father”. Despite Jack’s resentment of him, he respected the fact that Teague was always there for him when he needed him most, such as when Jack nearly got his hand cut off by the pirate Rusty Knickers at the age of six or when Jack was almost sold into servitude by Captain Lucille Graven at the age of twelve.[15] Jack was determined to follow in his father’s footsteps and become a captain of a ship, rather than just some ordinary pirate like the majority of his relatives (explaining his insistence on being referred to as “Captain” well into adulthood). At some point during his childhood, Jack met a boy named Benny and taught him “that trick with the kite and the key”.[16]

As a teenager, Jack served as a cabin boy on several pirate ships, including the Troubadour of Captain Teague and the Koldunya of Borya Palachnik.[11] As a member of Teague’s crew, he visited many countries and ports, including Singapore.[17] However, he became fed up with his hectic life in a pirate family and the torture he suffered at the hands of his Grandmama. One night, he snuck by candlelight into the study to consult the Pirata Codex, and, coming upon a section on freedom and the need for pirates to make their own decisions, decided he was completely justified in running away. After escaping out the window, Jack stowed away aboard a merchant ship to reach Tortuga, where shortly after arriving he met Arabella Smith with whom he set on the adventure to find the Sword of Cortés.[18]

The Sword of Cortés


Jack Sparrow during his teenage years.

Look, I’m not a crook. This crummy sack here―and what’s in it―is all I have. I would have brought more, but storage space for stowaways is very limited.
―Jack Sparrow to Arabella Smith[src]

Jack had few worldly possessions, and even these were stolen on the island. In an attempt to reclaim his property, Jack accidentally stole a sack containing the scabbard of the Sword of Cortés from Captain Torrents, a vicious pirate captain with the ability to control storms. Learning of its magical nature from a barmaid named Arabella Smith, Jack set off to track down the Sword of Cortés itself.

After Arabella led Jack to an abandoned ship, the Barnacle, he was given command; and, following a sword fight that Jack lost, found his second crew member in a young man named Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III. Having braved a storm conjured by Torrents, Jack, Arabella and Fitzwilliam soon encountered two more sailors, Tumen and Jean Magliore—the latter providing one further crew member in the form of his cat, Constance Magliore, who was once Jean’s sister before being transformed by Tia Dalma.

With a ship and a crew, not to mention part of the treasure of Stone-Eyed Sam, a now-dead former pirate king with a fabled stone eye who was said to be holding the Sword, Captain Jack Sparrow set off to find the elusive Sword of Cortés. The crew was confronted by Captain Torrents, though Jack was able to counter his control of lightning by splashing him with rainwater collected in his appropriated hat. He claimed that he had taught little Benny this trick, and hoped he would remember it.[18]

Fight for freedom


Jack with the spirit of Hernán Cortés and his Sword.

So, mate, I suspect you’ve materialized here, from wherever it is you dead people go, in order to get the Sword back?”
“The Sword is now yours. You read the incantation. You invoked its power.
―Jack Sparrow and Hernán Cortés[src]

Jack’s crew later happened upon a group of mermaids whose song made most of the crew act upon their deepest desires. However, Jack proved immune to their song, since his only true desire was freedom. Unfortunately for Jack, poorly-thought-out negotiations with the Sirens’ minions, the merfolk, forced him into a deal that would cost him the thing Jack valued most — his freedom — should he ever find the Sword of Cortés. For the time being, he continued his search for the Sword, ultimately finding it in the possession of Left-Foot Louis on Isla Fortuna. Jack helped defeat Louis, and stopped Arabella from killing the pirate out of revenge for the supposed murder of her mother.

With the Sword and its scabbard in his possession, Jack was able to recite an incantation that unlocked its power—but also caused the spirit of Hernán Cortés to materialize. Jack, wishing to use the Sword’s full power, was unaware that Cortés, in teaching Jack how to correctly wield the Sword, was ensuring he, Cortés, would ultimately regain control of the weapon for his own dastardly use. Jack was sent to collect the eye of Stone-Eyed Sam, recently given to the merfolk, meaning Jack was forced to return to Isla Sirena. There, he fought two iguana monsters for his freedom, and obtained the eye from Tia Dalma. Tia Dalma also reminded Jack that a dangerous foe was still pursuing him, a thought that Jack did not savor.

Sparrow returned to Cortés, and unlocked the eye, freeing the spirit of Montecuhzoma, who fought and defeated Cortés. Jack decided to give the Sword to Tia Dalma, realizing it contained too much power to wield. After a further meeting with her, who warned him of dangers he would yet face, Jack and his crew set out for Yucatán Peninsula, home of Tumen, and further adventure.[19]

The Sun-and-Stars Medallion

Proceed carefully, Jack Sparrow. You’ve already drunk a sip of what the sea has in store for you.
―Tia Dalma[src]

Barnacle crew JS7

Jack with the crew of the Barnacle.

Unfortunately for Sparrow and his crew, Tumen’s village held its own set of challenges. The crew became the main suspects when the Sun-and-stars amulet was stolen from the village, and were banished from the island. Jack resolved to track down the real culprits, whom they happened upon in a hotel in New Orleans. The thief, Madame Minuit, fought for possession of the amulet—a blow from which turning some of Jack’s teeth bronze—though her slave, Tim Hawk, turned on her and helped Jack’s crew escape. Jack welcomed him aboard the Barnacle.

Moments later, the ship was confronted by La Fleur de la Mort, captained by Laura Smith, Arabella’s long-lost mother. The crew was teleported aboard, where Jack was confronted by Silverback and Left-Foot Louis, both of whom launched an attack on Jack’s crew. The fight was broken up by Laura, though Jack remained suspicious of both pirates, and eavesdropped on a conversation between them, uncovering their plans to mutiny against their captain. This led to a fight, during which Jack stole Silverback’s gem, connecting it to his medallion and making both Silverback and Louis disappear. Jack was happy to return to the Barnacle, though Laura kept her daughter aboard La Fleur de la Mort.

Following this, Jack returned to New Orleans, where he was confronted for a final time by Madame Minuit, Silverback and Louis, who merged to form a giant, three-headed serpent that Jack barely managed to defeat. Jack’s teeth were turned into gold when the Sun-and-stars amulet was destroyed. With the battle won, Jack’s crew decided to return to their respective homes, leaving only Jack and Fitzwilliam aboard the Barnacle. Suddenly, the vessel was confronted by the Flying Dutchman, and Jack met Davy Jones for the first time.[20]

The Dance of the Hours

Dangers of Isla Esquelética are as follows. Stone-Eyed Sam: check. His booby-trapped temple: check. Jungles, heat, vicious insects and animals: check.
―Jack Sparrow[src]

Davy Jones was after Fitzwilliam’s watch, which was able to stop time. Using the watch’s power, Jack and Dalton escaped to a nearby island. After wandering for a few days, they were captured by angry natives and sacrificed to Chantico. They escaped again using the Timekeeper and ran to an Aztec temple. There, they discovered that they were on Isla Esquelética while Stone-Eyed Sam still reigned as king. They were captured and taken to Stone-Eyed Sam. Once again they escaped using the Timekeeper and escaped the temple.

By now the island was completely disrupted: there were prehistoric creatures roaming around; Stone-Eyed Sam was very much alive and in control of the Sword of Cortés; and, to make matters worse, Captain Torrents was around and wanted his revenge on Jack. After escaping being killed by the lava of the island’s volcano, Jack and Fitzwilliam were told by Chantico that they had twelve hours to set everything back to normal or she would kill them. After getting down the volcano by hitching a ride on the pterodactyl, the two of them needed magic of Tia Dalma’s kind and headed back to the Barnacle by traveling underwater with an overturned boat over their heads for air. Once they were on the Barnacle, they were quickly captured by Davy Jones and thrown into the brig of the Flying Dutchman where they ran into Tia Dalma who helped them get out and gave them a clue as to how to return time back to normal – the watch had to be in the possession of someone who didn’t exist in the present time and also that the person had to drop the watch when it chimed twelve. After getting back to the island, and realizing that there was only one hour left, a sword fight started between Stone-Eyed Sam and Torrents for control of the Sword of Cortés. During their fight, Jack realized that he had to get Sam to hold the watch to set everything back so he got the attention of both him and Torrents when Jack remembered that both of them wanted revenge on him. Things escalated into a three-way sword fight with the Sword of Cortés changing hands several times and time running out. Jack carefully threw the watch so that it wrapped around Sam’s wrist as the watch started chiming. Just as Jack was knocked down and Sam was about to kill him, the watch chimed for the twelfth time and Tia Dalma pulled it off Sam’s wrist, which resulted in time being quickly set back to normal and Stone-Eyed Sam turning into a skeleton, the buildings crumbling into rubble, and the plant life of the jungle taking over. After Tia Dalma met with Davy Jones and Chantico, while surprising Jack and Fitzwilliam by bowing to her, Jack noticed a pirate ship in the distance and panicked. Both he and Fitzwilliam got back to the Barnacle where they saw that the pirate ship was being chased by British Royal Navy ships as well as East India Trading Company ships. Fitzwilliam then held his sword to Jack’s back and revealed that he had been working with the Navy in an attempt to track down Jack’s father, Captain Edward Teague, in order to arrest and hang him.[21]

Sins of the Father

Jack Bold New Horizons

Young Jack Sparrow.

Do you want to come back?”
“Very well, then. We can leave you at our next port—Tortuga.
―Edward Teague and Jack Sparrow[src]

Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III is really working for the Royal Navy as a spy and has led Admiral Lawrence Norrington and the whole Royal Navy, to Jack and his father, Captain Teague (Keeper of the Code), himself. Jack and his father are taken off of Teague’s ship, the Misty Lady, and sent to the brig of Norrington’s ship. Aboard the ship is a rum-lover and ally of Teague’s, Joshamee Gibbs. He frees Jack, Teague, and his crew. Jack boards the Barnacle to take off a Royal Navy flag and to sail away when Fitzwilliam shows up and they then battle rapidly back and forth. When Jack finally wins, he’s about to kill Fitzy when his father stops him. The Royal Navy then wakes up and begins to attack The Misty Lady. Meanwhile, Fitzwilliam somehow follows Teague’s commands and the three of them end up on the Admiral’s ship once more. The aristocrat then turns in Teague and Jack, who are hiding behind barrels. A fight breaks out between the two crews and Jack and Fitzy take at it one more time. Teague and the Admiral fight and when Teague successfully knocks down the Admiral, his son, James Norrington, is frightened and backs up only to fall overboard. Teague rescues James and his father chastises him about being saved by a pirate. Teague tells Jack that Fitzy only did as he was told because of his ring which makes anyone do anything you’d like. He gives Jack the ring and then takes him to Isle Hermosa. In the story’s epilogue, Jack gets a new boat, which is only large enough for one or two people, and sets sail for a new treasure.[15]

Poseidon’s Peak

Jack Sparrow…”
“Yes. Yes. You know my name. What do you want, a blue ribbon?
―Bill Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

After acquiring a new boat, Jack sets off to find the fabled Poseidon’s Peak and the treasure it holds. He arrives on a deserted island and runs into a sailor who is badly hurt and has amnesia. Following a night of fitful dreams the sailor remembers that his name is Bill and the two of them trek inland to find any clues to where Poseidon’s Peak might be. Before long the two are captured by the natives, with Bill inexplicably able to translate what they’re saying and are challenge to fight for their lives. Jack cheats and the both of them run into someone very familiar, Constance Magliore, who the natives worship since she swam out of the sea.

After getting away from the natives, Jack has the idea of lashing logs together to make a raft to escape the island and while they search, they unearth a chariot covered in sea life. They get on the chariot and it prompt takes them out to sea where the jump off it before it submerges and end up on a small rock in the middle of the ocean. Jack, in a fit of anger, tosses Constance off the rock which causes her to lead them to an underwater cavern. Constance proceeds to lead them through tunnels that seem to go in circles until Jack meets a group of people that are very familiar to him, the former crew of the Barnacle (sans Fitzwilliam), along with Arabella’s mother and her crew.

Jack was especially glad to see Arabella and opens his arms to hug her, thinking that she was running to greet him, but was in fact heading for Billy Turner, whom she kisses. Bill, who has regained the rest of his memories, says that he was rescued by Captain Smith’s ship sometime after they had split from Jack. Not too long after this, they were abducted by the group of mermaids, who were hoping to find Jack by using them. Captain Laura Smith and her crew were then imprisoned in the cell inside Poseidon’s Peak. They managed to break free on their own soon after, but got lost in the tunnels inside. It is not clear when exactly, but at that time Bill Turner was separated from the rest of them and shot through the tunel to the island not far from the Peak, where Jack stumbles onto his injured and bloodied person. It just so happened that Jack’s reunion with the former crew of the Barnacle now captained by Laura, ended up happening in the chamber full of treasure where the Trident of Poseidon was supposed to be located, but was not there at all. Instead from the waters around the pedestal emmerged three blue-tailed mermaids: Morveren, Aquila and Aquala who requested of Jack to take back the Trident, saying that he was their only hope to be free, but Jack refused. Shortly after that an unwanted face shows up riding the chariot and wielding the Trident: Captain Torrents[22].

Bold New Horizons

Torrents uses the power of the Trident to crack the walls of the cavern, flooding it with ocean water around the Peak, and leaves Jack and his compatriots for certain death riding away in the chariot. In order to survive Jack tries to negotiate with the tree blue-tailed sirens: Moreveren, Aquala and Aquila, but they refuse to help the people who didn’t take them on their offer to go to war with Torrents for them, and leave. When cavern fills fully with water, Jack discovers the way which the mermaids used to exit the cavern and leads the rest through it, saving Laura Smith and her crew from dying. All of them end at the rocky precipice above the chamber in which Jack first met the mermaids on Isla Sirena, from where they overhear their conversation about how blue-tails were using power of the Trident for thousands of years to enslave the rest of the merfolk.

After Jack accidentally pushes down some rocks, all three discover them and use their song in order to kill them. Unfortunately for them some of the members of the crew – Arabella Smith, Bill Turner, and eventually Jack himself – current desire was to take them down for their tyrany, which eventually ended the fight that ensued between the two groups. Defeated mermaids agree to release Jack, Laura and their crew near the La Fleur de la Mort, thanks to what all of them land on the deserted island, where they are then promptly attacked by Torrents’ merfolk army. Thinking that blue-tails betrayed them, Jack, Laura and the rest are forced to fight, but soon Jack realizes that whatever he can’t say about Morveren, Aquila and Aquala they always kept their word. He then steals Laura’s compass from her and uses it to find the invisible ship just behind them, further into the island. Knowing that they can’t defeat the monstrous and hideous army of merfolk they all retreat to the Fleur, where they find Captain Torrents. Jack stands to the side when Laura and the crew of the Fleur challenges Torrents in a fight, only to see them all defeated at his hand. As the only man standing Jack is forced to duel Torrents. He eventually wins when he takes away the Trident and uses it’s power to push the pirate overboard straight into the water full of angry merfolk. As the new King of the Merfolk Jack releases them from the power that Trident holds over them and then leaves them all in capable hands of Tonra – whom he calls his first mate on Isla Sirena and entrusts with responsibility over his race in Jack’s absence, only to then come back to the Fleur and continue sailing with the crew for some time.[23]

Young Pirate

Jack the Sparrow

Hey! Hold on, Capitáne! It’s a lovely day for a sail, innit? The way I see it, there’s just the two of us left. You surrender to me now and I’ll let you live. Simple. Right then. You surrender to me now and I’ll let you live. I shall let you live.
―Jack Sparrow to Armando Salazar[src]

Following his teenage adventures, Jack bartered a magical compass from Tia Dalma.[11] However, the compass somehow found its way into the hands of Morgan, the pirate captain of the Wicked Wench, whose crew Jack eventually joined, finally embracing the pirate life. It was around that time that the notorious Capitán Armando Salazar of the Spanish Royal Navy decided to exterminate piracy in the Caribbean, to avenge the deaths of his father and grandfather. With their powerful galleon, the Silent Mary, Salazar and his crew sank dozens of pirate ships.[12]

Young Jack compass

Jack holds the compass.

Facing extermination, the last pirates in the Caribbean joined forces in an attempt to stop the formidable Salazar, but in a fierce battle off the coast of the mysterious Devil’s Triangle the Spaniards destroyed most of the pirate fleet, showing no mercy. The Wicked Wench was the last remaining pirate ship, and her dying captain gave his compass to Jack, explaining its power with his last breath. When the compass pointed toward the Triangle, Jack quickly formulated a plan how to defeat Salazar.[12]

Climbing into the crow’s nest, Jack shouted through the smoke to the Spanish pirate hunter, mockingly telling him that he will be spared if he surrenders immediately. Laughing and sliding down the halyard on deck, Jack defiantly raised the black pirate flag, earning the right to call himself Sparrow. He took the helm, steering the Wench toward the Triangle. Just as Jack expected, the Silent Mary, with Salazar at the helm, quickly followed the pirate vessel into the unknown waters. As the Wench approached the entrance into the Triangle, Jack ordered the pirates to throw ropes around the nearby reefs off the port side of the ship. The loop caught the reef, tightening, and causing the ship to swiftly turn to the left, as Jack Sparrow steered the ship in the same direction, changing the Wench’s course at the last moment.[12]

Young Jack & crew

Jack looks at Salazar.

The Silent Mary stayed on her course, sailing straight ahead after the Wicked Wench. As the Spanish warship sailed past the pirate ship Jack glanced at Salazar one last time before the malicious pirate hunter entered the Triangle. The Silent Mary quickly hit the nearby rocks which resulted in a massive explosion that killed Salazar’s entire crew and sank the ship. With the battle over, every surviving pirate in the Wench’s crew gave Jack one item as a tribute, including a tricorne hat.[12]

Return to Shipwreck Cove

Mistress Ching, I see we have another gentleman and a young lady present. May I prevail upon you to provide an introduction?”
“Don Rafael, Doña Esmeralda, allow me to present to you, Jack Sparrow, Captain Teague’s…protégé.
―Jack Sparrow and Mistress Ching[src]

Jack eventually returned to Shipwreck Cove where he became known to all Pirate Lords, even though Teague wasn’t yet prepared to officially recognize Jack as his son. Despite that, Jack joined Teague on several voyages on his ship, the Troubadour. Jack also became a good friend with the French pirate captain Christophe-Julien de Rapièr.

When some mysterious pirate ships began to attack both merchant ships and pirate ships, a meeting was held in the Pirate Hall in Shipwreck City. Although he wasn’t invited, Jack entered the chamber where some of the Pirate Lords convened because he was interested in meeting Esmeralda, with whom he developed a friendship, and her grandfather Don Rafael, the Pirate Lord of the Caribbean. Jack also met Hector Barbossa, a pirate captain whose ship, the Cobra, was destroyed by these mysterious rogue pirates.[11]

Breaking the Code

Captain. I believe I’ve found the vessel that sank Cobra. I’d like you to come with me and see if you can identify her.
―Jack Sparrow to Hector Barbossa[src]

A few months later, Jack discovered which ship had destroyed Barbossa’s ship. It was the sloop Koldunya, captained by Boris “Borya” Palachnik, the Pirate Lord of the Caspian Sea. Thanks to Jack’s information, Barbossa also identified the ship. To quickly solve the case, Captain Teague summoned Davy Jones, the Lord of the sea, who identified Borya as the leader of the rogues. Trapped, Borya revealed the names of other rogue captains, identifying Christophe as one of them. The rogues were quickly imprisoned in the dungeons of Shipwreck City. However, Jack believed that Christophe was innocent, and so he helped him escape. But by doing this, he broke the Pirate Code, making himself an outlaw in the eyes of the Brethren. During their escape from Shipwreck Island, Christophe’s rogues kidnapped Jack, taking him with them.[11]

Escape from the rogues

If we had left you behind, you would have been the one that Captain Teague hanged at dawn.”
“And I saved yours. I figure we’re square, mate.”
“That is better, mon ami! There is no sense in old friends quarreling over trifles, is there?
―Christophe-Julien de Rapièr and Jack Sparrow[src]

Press-ganged into a service on La Vipère, Jack involuntarily served under Christophe for a few weeks. Christophe even started to make plans for making his own fleet, and he asked Jack to join him as captain of one of his vessels. Jack participated in the Attack on the Dutch flute, and after the battle, he met Pharaoh Taharka, the ruler of the mythical island of Kerma. Mortally wounded, the old Pharaoh gave Jack the magical talisman. Christophe took the talisman from Jack, and decided to find Kerma. Not wanting Jack with him anymore, Christophe left him in a longboat on the open sea. Robert Greene, a young pirate onboard La Vipère, jumped into the sea and joined Jack in the boat. After they reached land, they joined the East India Trading Company. For the next five years, Jack faithfully served the Company, sailing across all the Seven Seas, eventually reaching the rank of First Mate.[11]

The East India Trading Company

First Mate

Young, naïve, inexperienced in the ways of the world…lads like yourself tend to have rampageous imaginations. They want adventure, danger, they imagine themselves swashbucklers. So they envision peril in every new sail.
―Nathaniel Bainbridge to Jack Sparrow[src]

When he was 25 years old, Jack sailed aboard the EITC brig Fair Wind as the First Mate under Captain Nathaniel Bainbridge. When Bainbridge was killed in a battle with pirates led by Jack’s old love interest Esmeralda, now a Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, Jack took command of the Fair Wind and managed to save the ship and most of its cargo from falling into the hands of Esmeralda’s pirates. Cutler Beckett, an EITC Director for West Africa, was so impressed, that he offered him to take command of Marlin, a slave ship of the Company, as her captain. But Sparrow refused to transport slaves, so Beckett gave him command of the Wicked Wench, a merchant vessel of the Company.[11]

Captain Sparrow

I have another ship. It’s one I actually own. It’s an older ship. The shipwrights have told me that converting her hold to haul slaves would be expensive, and rather time-consuming, so I bought her for hauling other cargos. She’s called the Wicked Wench. Would you like to sail her for me, Captain Sparrow?”
“Yes, I would, sir. I’d be pleased to do that.
―Cutler Beckett and Jack Sparrow, after Jack refused to captain Marlin, a slave ship[src]

Jack Sparrow and the Wicked Wench were an unbeatable team, and Jack sailed on many voyages for the Company. One day, Beckett proposed to Jack that he’d organize a search for the lost island of Kerma, as well as the Shining City of Zerzura with its treasure-filled labyrinth. Jack embarked on a voyage, while assisted by Beckett’s house slave, Ayisha, who was actually princess Amenirdis, a member of the Kerman royal family.[11]

Jack and Ayisha sailed for the Bahamas, where they liberated Ayisha’s brother, prince Shabako because Ayisha refused to give Jack the location of the island until her brother was safe. After they sailed back for Africa, the Wench was attacked by Boris Palachnik’s rogue pirates. Ayisha’s magic destroyed the pirate ship, but the Wicked Wench was badly damaged. Jack and his crew were saved by Esmeralda, whose crew helped Jack to repair his ship. A few days later, with the help of his compass, Jack found Christophe-Julien de Rapièr, whose help he needed to open the gates of the Zerzuran labyrinth.[11]

The Wench and La Vipère sailed for Kerma, where Jack, Amenirdis, and Christophe entered the labyrinth. They found the treasure, and Jack tricked Christophe into taking a rock instead of the Heart of Zerzura. Beliving that he has the famous jewel, Christophe sailed off. Jack, who had developed an attraction towards Amenirdis, decided not to reveal the location of Kerma to Beckett, due to knowing that Beckett would enslave the inhabitants of the legendary island.[11]

A few days later, the Wench returned to Calabar. Beckett, angry that Sparrow had betrayed him, ordered Sparrow to carry a cargo of slaves to New Avalon in the Bahamas for Viscount Penwallow, Beckett’s immediate supervisor and patron. Beckett promised to sell Jack the Wench for just one shilling. Jack Sparrow set off with the Wicked Wench’s hold filled with slaves following his pick up, but he couldn’t stand the idea of humans beings as “cargo,” so he resolved to free them instead. Sparrow liberated the slaves and stole the Wench from Beckett, then sailed back to illusion-hidden Kerma, and the island’s ruler, Pharaoh Shabako, agreed to give the slaves asylum there. Furious at being disobeyed, Cutler Beckett sent five EITC ships after Jack, and when he finally caught him, had Jack thrown into prison.[11]

An outlaw

You’re going to destroy your own property? Just to get back at me?”
“She’s not just a ship to you, Jack. And yes. That’s precisely what I am going to do.”
“You’re like a child. An overgrown, angry child. Just because you can’t have what you want, you do this. It’s…twisted. Mad.”
“And what is it that I want, Jack?”
“Fear. Love. Respect. None of which you will get from me.
―Jack Sparrow and Cutler Beckett[src]

After languishing for a couple of months, Beckett ordered Jack to be brought within sight of the Wicked Wench about a mile off the coast of Western Africa. Beckett and his operative, Ian Mercer, branded Jack with a “P” brand on his right forearm, marking him forever as a pirate. Then Beckett ordered his ship to fire on the anchored Wicked Wench, using inflammable “carcass charges.” Seeing his beloved Wench in flames, Jack Sparrow broke free from his captors, dived into the ocean and swam for his ship, hoping to rescue her. But it was lost, as Jack was trapped in his own cabin and went down with his sunken ship. Neither dead nor alive, Jack found himself in a strange place. Knowing that he was on the path to the Land of the Dead, Jack spoke a magical incantation, which allowed him to summon Davy Jones, the Lord of the sea.[11]

Jack then struck a bargain with Jones. In exchange for the restoration of the Wicked Wench, Jack promised to give up his position as captain of the ship in thirteen years time so as to serve for a century aboard Jones’ ship, the Flying Dutchman. Jones agreed and raised the Wench from the depths. Jack, however, had no intention of keeping his end of the bargain, having become too attached to his beloved ship and not wanting to serve anyone. Inspired by the Biblical parable of “the pearl of great price”, he rechristened the Wicked Wench as the Black Pearl, and set out for a life of adventure as a pirate.[11]


The Black Pearl

Not a lot’s known about Jack Sparrow before he showed up in Tortuga with a mind to go after the treasure of the Isla de Muerta. That was before I’d met him. Back when he was captain of the Black Pearl.
―Joshamee Gibbs to Will Turner[src]

Jack Sparrow

Jack Sparrow.

His early pirate life was the subject of many legends and rumors about his exploits, some of which were most likely mis-truths possibly made up by Sparrow himself to bolster his reputation. One of these legends told of how he sacked Port Nassau without firing a single shot, while his other notable exploits included impersonating an officer of the Spanish Royal Navy and a cleric of the Church of England. He became friends with the infamous pirate Jolly Roger, who often performed unsavory deeds for the Brethren Court, in the hope of achieving a position among them.[24] It was believed that Jack became chief of the Pelegostos in the years prior to meeting Elizabeth Swann, a tale he relayed to Mullroy and Murtogg at Port Royal. He picked up the cannibals’ language which he again used during his second visit to their village to escape the Kraken. He also met Angelica, a novice from a Spanish convent. Jack seduced her and corrupted her, thus introducing her to the life of piracy. They had several adventures together, but their relationship didn’t end well as she tried to kill him in Saint Dominique.

When Captain Teague left the Court to become a Keeper of the Code, he gave his seat to Jack[26]. But instead of becoming a Pirate Lord of Madagascar, Jack chose the Caribbean Sea as his domain. He tied his piece of eight into his hair, letting it dangle over his trademark bandanna. Because of his position, it was possible that he kept in sporadic contact with his father. It is also known that during this time he had a sparrow tattooed on his arm to better identify himself to others as Captain Jack Sparrow.

But Jolly Roger also wanted Jack’s position, and he invited him to a game of poker. Jolly had to cheat to win so he conspired with Amo Dorsi, a villainous Voodoo Witch Doctor, to deal the cards. Jolly won hand after hand. Soon, Jack was out of money and he bet his piece of eight for one last hand. He won, and Jolly, thinking he’d been double-crossed, shot his partner in crime. Jack threw the table up, tossing cards and gold everywhere, and disappeared in the confusion. With his dying breath, Amo Dorsi cursed Jolly Roger to walk the earth as the undead, transforming him into a skeletal beast. Jolly swore vengeance against Sparrow and the Brethren Court, and became a leader of an undead legion.[27]

With the Black Pearl under his command, Jack recruited a crew in Tortuga, including Hector Barbossa, whom Jack named his First Mate. The crew had many adventures in the time after this but nothing could amount to what happened next.

The Shadow Lord’s threat

If you want to live, you must find all seven vials of Shadow Gold.”
“That should be easy enough.
―Tia Dalma and Jack Sparrow[src]

When the evil supernatural alchemist, the Shadow Lord, created the Shadow Gold, a special liquid that grants him unfathomable power, and threatened to destroy the Pirate Lords of the Brethren Court, Jack was sent by Tia Dalma on a mission to recover nine pieces of Shadow Gold in order to stop the Shadow Lord’s Shadow Army. During his journey around the world, Jack went to Asia and Europe, fighting with powerful organizations like the East India Trading Company and bands of thieves like the Fourth Estate. With the help of the Pirate Lords, Jack was able to collect all the pieces of Shadow Gold and defeat the Shadow Lord once and for all.

Mutiny on the Pearl

He plays things closer to the vest now. And a hard-learned lesson it was. See, three days out on the venture, the first mate comes to him and says everything’s an equal share. That should mean the location of the treasure, too. So, Jack gives up the bearings. That night, there was a mutiny. They marooned Jack on an island and left him to die, but not before he’d gone mad with the heat.
―Joshamee Gibbs to Will Turner[src]

After the Shadow Gold adventures, the treasure of Cortés would again play a part in Jack’s pirate life, as he and the crew of the Black Pearl embarked upon a quest to find a cache of Aztec gold stashed by Cortés. However, before the treasure was found, the crew mutinied that night. Led by Barbossa, the crew marooned Jack on a desert island with nothing more than a flintlock pistol with a single shot for him to kill himself. Barbossa believed it would be the last they would see of Jack Sparrow.

Jack on Rumrunner's Isle

Jack finds himself on Rumrunner’s Isle.

However, Jack merely resigned to his fate and discovered that the island was a secret cache for a group of rumrunners and for the next three days Jack cavorted with them, and likely suffered little more than a severe hangover before bartering for passage off the island. This misadventure helped to build upon Jack’s reputation in the Caribbean, helped along by Jack’s outlandish exaggerations as to the circumstances of his escape; one version of events saw Sparrow using a couple of sea turtles as a raft to flee the island. Jack kept his single-shot pistol, making no modifications to it, but rather keeping it with the intent to use it upon his mutinous First Mate, Barbossa.

It was believed that Jack’s altruistic nature may have been part of the reason why his crew mutinied; indeed, Barbossa would later note that Jack’s attempts at non-violent solutions to problems was exactly the attitude that lost him the Black Pearl. Whatever the reason, the mutiny was not a unanimous agreement among the crew of the Black Pearl.

Death would not come quickly for any of the crew of the Pearl. After leaving Jack marooned, Barbossa’s men found the Aztec gold, but their treasure, which was soon frittered away on drink and food and pleasurable company, came at a price. They became cursed men, where in the moonlight, they were shown for what they really are: walking neither alive nor dead, and unable to live as normal men. William “Bootstrap Bill” Turner, for one, disagreed with Barbossa’s decision to maroon Jack. But he, too would suffer Barbossa’s wrath; after sending his cursed coin to his son with the belief that they deserved to be cursed and remain cursed, “Bootstrap” was tied to a cannon and plunged into the ocean depths, apparently to his death. Later, Barbossa and the crew of the Pearl learned that all 882 pieces of Cortés’s treasure had to be returned and repaid in blood.

Escaping the island

What is this place?”
“Well now, that’s the strangest question I’ve ever been asked. This is Port Royal, of course. The biggest British city in the Caribbean.
―Jack Sparrow and the Tavern Keeper[src]

Jack was the only member of the crew not to be affected by the curse, since he had already been abandoned by the hands of Barbossa. However, he heard tales of the curse placed upon his former crewmen, which possibly fueled his desire to achieve immortality as well as eternal freedom to sail the seas. Jack later bartered with rumrunners to gain passage off of Rumrunner’s Isle.[28]

Jack and Tavern Keeper

Jack talks with the Tavern Keeper in Port Royal.

The rumrunners transported Jack to the town of Port Royal. Upon his arrival, Jack was penniless and had no coin to his name. Determined to find a ship to captain, Jack was given advice by the local innkeeper who told him of local tax money being guarded around town by the city watch. Jack pilfered the money and bought himself a a small sloop.[28]

Jack took an entirely new crew, and he spent much of his time plundering merchantmen out of Jamaica. Though he was hardly the most infamous pirate on the Spanish Main, he did make a good name for himself in and around Port Royal, even going as far to find a local treasure of legend, belonging to none other than the local tavern keeper’s late grandfather (the innkeeper urged Jack to find it and keep it for himself).[28]

Regaining the Pearl

Stealing and selling

Next time I see him, I’ll be re-acquainting Jack Sparrow with the palm of my hand.”
“So will I. Not that I didn’t trust Jack, but in case he got cold feet, I thought, perhaps, taking these out of his boat might slow him down a bit.
―Giselle and Scarlett[src]

After ten years had passed since the mutiny against him, Captain Jack Sparrow became an infamous pirate of the Seven Seas, but he still wanted the Black Pearl as his own. Through unknown circumstances, Jack spent time with Anamaria before leaving her, in which he stole her boat, the Jolly Mon—or, as the pirate himself put it, “borrowed without permission, but with every intention of bringing it back”.[6] With his new boat, Jack Sparrow was free to sail the seas, ultimately ending up at Shipwreck City.

At some point, Jack Sparrow traded Scarlett and Giselle fair and square to the Auctioneer, who wanted brides to sell. The auction took place on the very night where both wenches, separately, believed they were to marry Jack Sparrow. By the time they learn of Jack’s deceit, the auction started and Jack sailed away on the Jolly Mon. Jack’s trickery caused a great deal of trouble for the Auctioneer and his clients, particularly Mungard. Before Jack Sparrow left Shipwreck City, Scarlett would have already taken four nails off of the Jolly Mon, just in case Jack had cold feet about their supposed wedding.[29] This caused the boat to leak in a few areas, which forced Jack to make the nearest port so he could find a ship more suitable to continue his quest.

Arriving to Port Royal

Well, then, I confess: it is my intention to commandeer one of these ships, pick up a crew in Tortuga, raid, pillage, plunder and otherwise pilfer my weaselly black guts out.
―Jack Sparrow to Mullroy and Murtogg[src]

Jack and Sinking Jolly Mon COTBP

Jack Sparrow’s arrival to Port Royal.

The Jolly Mon plowed towards Port Royal, while Jack stood on the rigging, gazing keen-eyed at the harbor. Noticing that his boat was filling up with water, he jumped down to bail it out. Jack then spotted skeletal remains of three pirates, still clad in buccaneer rags, hanging from gallows erected from a rocky promontory along with a fourth unoccupied gallows bearing a sign that said “Pirates Ye Be Warned”. Pausing, Jack Sparrow took off his hat and placed it above his heart—a moment of exaggerated respect for the doomed pirates as he sailed by them. As Jack reached the port, his boat kept sinking lower and lower until he made it to the docks, where only the mast was visible above water. Jack offered the harbormaster three shillings to ensure his name did not appear on the ledger. The Harbormaster accepted this bribe, though did not notice Jack stealing his purse before the pirate swaggered away to find a suitable ship for him to sail on.[6]

First duel Will and Jack 3

Jack before fighting Will Turner.

Striding through the docks to “commandeer” the Interceptor, Jack Sparrow was accosted by two royal marines, Mullroy and Murtogg, who were assigned to guard the Interceptor and make sure the docks stay off limits to civilians. The two marines and Jack soon engage in idle conversation before they were interrupted by a young lady falling from Fort Charles. Despite his piratical nature, Jack was not about to let the girl, Elizabeth Swann, drown, and dived into the ocean to rescue her. Bringing her up to the harbor, Jack tore off her corset, allowing her to breathe; he then spied a strange coin fastened around her neck, one of the pieces of Aztec gold Barbossa’s men were seeking. However, before he could explore the situation further, Commodore James Norrington arrived to arrest Sparrow.[6]

Despite having saved Governor Weatherby Swann’s daughter, Elizabeth Swann, Commodore Norrington saw Jack’s mark from the East India Trading Company. The Governor then ordered Jack to be hanged. However, Jack held Elizabeth hostage, ensuring the return of his effects before making his daring escape. With Norrington’s men in pursuit, Jack sought refuge in a blacksmith’s shop, where he cut his manacles. However, he was soon confronted by the blacksmith’s apprentice, William Turner, whose face Sparrow vaguely recognized, who engaged the pirate in a sword fight. Sparrow won, through a mixture of skill and pirate trickery, but Turner refused to stand down. Jack was resolute he would not shoot Turner, thus wasting his single shot, and was preoccupied enough with this quandary for John Brown to knock him unconscious.[6]

Jack grabbed

Jack Sparrow in Fort Charles prison.

When Sparrow came to, he found himself incarcerated in Fort Charles, which soon came under attack by a fog-shrouded pirate ship, the Black Pearl, as Jack immediately identified it. During the fight, as Jack was luring the Prison Dog to him, the pirates Koehler and Twigg happened upon Jack’s cell, and inadvertently revealed to Jack the existence of the curse of Cortés upon Barbossa’s men. Jack remained in the cell throughout the attack, but, the next morning, was visited again; this time by Will Turner, who made a deal with Jack to help him reach the Black Pearl’s port and rescue the captive Elizabeth. Jack agreed, and immediately set about acquiring a ship.[6]

Escape to Tortuga

Thank you Commodore for getting us ready to make way! We’d have had a hard time of it by ourselves!
―Jack Sparrow taunting Commodore Norrington after stealing the Interceptor[src]

Jack and Will

Sparrow and Turner aboard the HMS Dauntless.

After escaping the prison, Jack Sparrow and Will Turner planned to commandeer the Royal Navy’s flagship, HMS Dauntless, in order to commandeer Norrington’s faster ship, the Interceptor. Sparrow and Turner used cunning and guile to board and commandeer the Dauntless, which was summarily boarded by Norrington’s men. However, the pirates slipped away, unnoticed, and boarded the Interceptor. They then used it to flee Port Royal and leaving the Dauntless with its rudder chain disabled. The two pirates headed for Tortuga to find a crew for the Interceptor, for they can’t crew one ship on their own.[6]

Anamaria ship

Jack Sparrow picking his crew.

After arriving to Tortuga, and some less-than pleasant reunions with two jealous prostitutes, Scarlett and Giselle, Jack tracked down his old friend, Joshamee Gibbs. Jack explained to Gibbs his plan to follow the Black Pearl’s trail to Isla de Muerta, and to use Will as leverage to reacquire the Pearl from Barbossa. Gibbs agreed to the plan and helped Jack assemble a crew. After an interesting reunion with Anamaria, Jack and his new crew set sail on the Interceptor, following Jack’s navigation by his strange compass to Isla de Muerta.[6]

At some point during the journey, the Interceptor encountered the British merchant vessel Earl King, captained by McGlue. Jack and Will disguised as Royal Navy officers and boarded the King, but Captain McGlue realized that they’re pirates. The crew of the Interceptor boarded the King, captured the entire crew, and looted the ship.[30]

Isla de Muerta

I’m going after the Black Pearl…I know where it’s going to be, and I’m gonna take it.”
“Jack, it’s a fool’s errand. You know better than me the tales of the
Black Pearl.”
“That’s why I know what Barbossa is up to. All I need is a crew.”
“From what I hear tell of Captain Barbossa, he’s not a man to suffer fools, nor strike a bargain with one.”
“Well, then I’d say it’s a very good thing I’m not a fool, then, eh?
―Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs[src]

Jack Isla De Muerta COTBP

Captain Jack Sparrow confronting Barbossa in Isla de Muerta.

Thanks to the Interceptor’s speed, the crew arrived at Isla de Muerta just after the Black Pearl, and Jack and Will went ashore. There, Jack witnessed the start of the ritual that Barbossa hoped would lift the curse, but complications arose in the shape of Will, who was far too impatient for Jack’s liking. Jack implored Will to remain where he was so that Jack could implement his plan, but Will rashly knocked Jack unconscious and rescued Elizabeth himself. Turner took the girl back to the Interceptor, where he admitted Jack had fallen behind. Having sworn to keep to the Pirate’s Code, Gibbs ordered the crew to set sail.[6]

How the blazes did you get off that island?”
“When you marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, you forgot one very important thing, mate…I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.
―Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow[src]

Meanwhile, Jack had woken up, and found himself surrounded by Barbossa’s pirates. Invoking the right of parley, Jack was brought before Barbossa, and made a deal with him to procure the person whose blood would lift their curse, for Elizabeth’s blood had had no effect. Jack was brought along as the pirates set sail to pursue the Interceptor, and found himself aboard his former ship for the first time in ten years.[6]

Battle with the Black Pearl

Jack Barbossa Black Pearl COTBP

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa before Jack is sent to the brig.

In the captain’s cabin of the Black Pearl, Jack and Barbossa were negotiating about how and when Jack will reveal the name of the person’s blood that Barbossa needs. When Barbossa expressed his mistrust in Jack’s honesty, the former captain of the Black Pearl replied that of the two of them he was the only one who hadn’t committed a mutiny, which meant his word was to be trusted. He also sarcastically thanked Barbossa for raising a mutiny that unintentionally saved him from being cursed by the Aztec gold like him.[6] Jack then told his former first mate a story about how he sacked Nassau without firing a single shot, and Barbossa declared the story a lovely yarn, but he didn’t believe a word of it.[31] To Jack’s dismay, the Bo’sun of the Pearl came in and told Barbossa that they were close to the Interceptor. However, when he suggested to Barbossa that he attempt a negotiation with the Interceptor’s crew, Jack was locked in the brig. As Barbossa said, that was the kind of attitude that had lost Sparrow the Pearl in the first place.[6]

Jack witnessed the ensuing battle from within his cell, but when a stray shot smashed the lock, he was able to return to the deck, and slyly helped his crew in the fight. Noticing Barbossa’s monkey making off with the medallion, Jack gave chase, and once more found himself face-to-face with Barbossa aboard the Pearl. This time, Barbossa was not so lenient, and made Jack walk the plank. Accompanied by Elizabeth, Sparrow had no choice but to make for Rumrunner’s Isle, the island he had been marooned on ten years earlier. Fortunately, Barbossa allowed Jack to keep his pistol, still with its single shot.[6]


“‘Must’ve been terrible for you to be trapped here, Jack. Must’ve been terrible for you—’ Well, it bloody is now! [sees the HMS Dauntless offshore]…There’ll be no living with her after this.
―Jack Sparrow after Elizabeth Swann burned all of his supply of rum.[src]


Jack, marooned by Barbossa again, with Elizabeth Swann.

Jack sadly noted to Elizabeth that it was the second time he had to watch as Barbossa sailed off with his beloved ship while stranded.

With the rumrunners no longer operational, Jack had no plan of escape. Elizabeth then questioned Jack and his legends, after being told the truth about his last escape. Jack then responded by giving her rum. However, Elizabeth proved more cunning than Jack had expected. After getting him drunk and passed out, after singing “A Pirate’s Life for Me”, she proceeded to burn the rum caché. It was through the smoke signal that she hoped the ensuing fire would attract attention to the Royal Navy. Jack rubbished the plan, tempted to even shoot Elizabeth had he possessed more than one shot. But a short time later, help did indeed arrive in the form of the Dauntless, and both Jack and Elizabeth were rescued. This caused Jack to comment that Elizabeth would be impossible to live with.[6]

Deal with Barbossa

I suppose in exchange, you want me not to kill the whelp.”
“No, no, no. Not at all. By all means, kill the whelp. Just not yet. Wait to lift the curse until the opportune moment. For instance…After you’ve killed Norrington’s men. Every last one.”
[Jack steals an Aztec gold coin]
“You’ve been planning this from the beginning. Ever since you learned my name.”
―Hector Barbossa, Jack Sparrow, and Will Turner[src]

Jack Barbossa Isla De Muerta COTBP

Jack Sparrow and Barbossa negotiating in Isla de Muerta.

On board, Jack and Elizabeth persuaded Commodore Norrington to set after the Black Pearl and rescue Will, though yet again Jack had his own agenda. He coerced Norrington into allowing him to go ashore alone, and Jack once again confronted Barbossa in the treasure cave, just as the ritual began for a second time, this time with Will as the sacrifice. Jack stalled the proceedings and was able to convince “Commodore” Barbossa and the cursed crew to defeat Norrington before lifting their curse. During their negotiations, Jack managed to secretly steal one of the cursed coins from the stone chest. Barbossa sent all but a few of his men to attack the Royal Navy forces outside, while he, Jack and Will remained in the cave. It was at this point that Jack showed his true colors.[6]

The Immortal Captain Jack Sparrow

Fight on Isla de Muerta 3

Jack Sparrow fighting Barbossa.

Stealing a sword from one of Barbossa’s men, Jack threw the blade to Will, who fought Barbossa’s men. At the same time, Jack pulled his sword out and engaged his former First Mate in a deadly duel, in which Barbossa seemed to gain the upper hand. The fight led them around the cave, until Barbossa cut it short by declaring that, as an immortal, Jack could not kill him. Sparrow tried anyway, but Barbossa merely sighed at the sword plunged into his body, and responded in kind, stabbing Jack in the gut. Victory was denied, however, when Jack stumbled backwards into a shaft of moonlight, transforming into a skeleton before Barbossa’s shocked eyes. Holding aloft the medallion he had taken, Jack grinned triumphantly at his nemesis, and began the duel anew.[6]

Fight on Isla de Muerta 16

Jack Sparrow reveals that he is cursed.

So what now, Jack Sparrow? Are we to be two immortals locked in an epic battle until judgment day and trumpets sound? Hmm?”
“Or you could surrender.
―Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow[src]

The duel seemed endless, although quite pointless, since both captains were immortal. When asked if they were to engage in this single duel until Judgement Day, Jack suggested that Barbossa could surrender. By this time, Elizabeth had joined Will in the cave, and, working together, they had dispatched the remaining cursed pirates. Noticing Will standing over the chest, Jack quickly cut his hand with his sword, staining his medallion with his blood and hurling it to Will, who did the same with his coin. Barbossa aimed at Elizabeth but Jack finally used his single shot, firing it into Barbossa’s heart. Barbossa taunted him over a wasted shot but Will revealed his own bloody coin and dropped both the coins into the chest. Barbossa then realized he had been defeated before toppling backwards, dead.[6]

Fight on Isla de Muerta 21

Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa fighting as cursed skeletons.

Avenged and the curse now lifted from him, Jack set about searching through the treasure cave for items of particular value. However, upon his return to the open water, he discovered his crew had already departed on the Black Pearl, after Elizabeth had failed to convince them to stay and help in the fight. Jack had no choice but to accompany the Royal Navy back to Port Royal.[6]


Captain Sparrow. The Black Pearl is yours.”
“…On deck, you scabrous dogs! Hands to braces! Let go and haul to run free! Now…Bring me that horizon. [hums to himself] And really bad eggs…Drink up me hearties, yo ho!
―Anamaria and Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Fort Charles COTBP

Jack escapes the Royal Navy at Fort Charles.

Arriving to Port Royal, Jack was sentenced to be executed at the gallows, for his crimes, to be hanged. He grimly awaited his fate in the courtyard of Fort Charles. However, Will Turner was also present, and staged a daring rescue of his comrade. Together, the two pirates fought Commodore Norrington’s soldiers, but were ultimately surrounded by Royal Navy soldiers, Norrington, and Governor Swann. It was only when Elizabeth interference and decision to stand with them that Governor Swann ordered the soldiers to stand down and lower their weapons.[6]

Seizing his chance, and noticing a familiar parrot flying nearby, Jack Sparrow made his farewells and escape. Bragging to the soldiers, he accidentally toppled over the fort wall, falling into the harbor. Landing with a splash, Jack sputtered to the surface and gazed at the horizon. With a smile, his eyes landed on a familiar sight—the Black Pearl. Her black sails were no longer tattered and her sides gleamed in the bright sun. Grinning, Jack began to swim for it. In the face of this alarming chain of events, culminating in Elizabeth’s profession of love for Will, Commodore Norrington decided not to immediately pursue Sparrow, giving him a day’s head start to escape.[6]

Jack Last Scene COTBP

Captain Sparrow at the helm of the Black Pearl.

Out at sea, Jack swam close enough to the Black Pearl where he got heaved on board, where he was greeted by Gibbs and other members of the new crew of the Black Pearl. Jack asked Gibbs about not keeping to the Code. Gibbs said they figured the Code were more “guidelines” before helping Jack to his feet. Cotton, the mute pirate, gave Jack his tricornered hat before Anamaria stepped aside from the helm and gave “Captain Sparrow” his coat as well as command of the Black Pearl. Jack then ran a hand lovingly along the ship’s wheel, feeling good and right in his hands, and smiled. He enjoyed it, until noticing his crew watching him, and then shifted to ‘Captain’ mode. Giving orders to his crew, Captain Jack Sparrow stood at the wheel of the Black Pearl. As he looked out to sea and felt the Pearl’s wood beneath his fingers, Jack said, “Now…Bring me that horizon.” Jack then began humming the pirate song Elizabeth taught him before under his breath, and in his hand he held his compass. He realized what he’s doing and smiles. Setting a new course, Captain Jack Sparrow sailed his ship across the turquoise waves of the Caribbean, preparing to sail for new adventures on the high seas.[6]

New adventures

The Skull of Teoxuacata

Jack Will Panama

Jack and Will fight against the Portuguese soldiers in Panama.

Jack, your name is synonymous with ‘weasel’.”
“Then how did I ever talk you into this?”
“That is a mystery indeed.
―Will Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

As captain of the Black Pearl once again, Jack continued operating as a pirate. Accompanied by Will Turner, Jack broke into Fort Alvo Grande, a Portuguese fortress on the shores of Panama. Jack, Will, and the crew of the Black Pearl discovered the legendary Skull of Teoxuacata in the fort’s treasury, but the crewmen led by Stubb took the Skull for themselves, leaving Jack and Will behind to be captured. The Portuguese sentenced both thieves to death by hanging. The next day, while they were standing on the gallows, Jack told the gathered crowd the tales of his many exploits, most of them exaggerated, innacurate, or completely made up. However, Jack’s tales bought the duo enough time for Elizabeth Swann to arrive and rescue them. The pirates then successfully escaped from the fort.[31]

A few weeks later Jack and Will discovered Stubb and his crewmen in a tavern in Tortuga, all of them dead. However, as Jack attempted to take the Skull of Teoxuacata, the magical item brought the corpses back to life as the undead, commanding them to attack Jack and Will.[31]

St. Piran’s Blade

Let fly the topsails! Fire as she bares. One more good broadside and the prize is ours, me hearties!
―Jack Sparrow[src]

The Black Pearl attacked the merchant ship which was carrying the St. Piran’s Blade, a sword with supposedly magical powers. However, Mr. Cotton accidentally sent the ship to the bottom of the sea. Now in need of help, Jack summoned Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann for a meeting in the Faithful Bride tavern in Tortuga. Jack told them about the blade, but the meeting was interrupted by Jack’s former crew which became undead once again. Will and Elizabeth were captured but Jack managed to escape.[32]

The cursed pirates forced Will and Elizabeth onto their ship and took them to their secret hideout. They also retrieved the treasure from the ship Jack sank, including the St. Piran’s Blade. The cursed pirates waited for the Black Pearl to arrive so they could send her to the bottom of the ocean. But instead, Jack sneaked into the fort and freed Will and Elizabeth. Jack fought against the cursed pirates with St. Piran’s Blade, but when Elizabeth took it, the sword started glowing with fire, because she was the only person with the heart pure enough to activate the sword’s power. The cursed pirates were easily defeated and their ship was heavily damaged by the cannon fire from the Pearl. After the battle, Will and Elizabeth persuaded Jack to give them the magical blade so they could donate it to some museum. However, Jack kept the sword’s chest which was filled with jewels.[32]

A lost treasure

Jack invades

Jack Sparrow “invades” Port Royal.

Shiver me timbers!”
“Cotton’s right–isn’t a map the preferred way to find a buried treasure?”
“Well, of course. We made a map when we buried it! And we kept it in a very safe place, you can be sure!
―Cotton’s Parrot, Joshamee Gibbs, and Jack Sparrow[src]

When Jack went to search for one treasure which he buried before Barbossa’s mutiny, he couldn’t find the exact spot. To find the treasure, he had to find one of his former crewmembers, Scurvy Joe, who had the treasure map tattooed on his back. When Sparrow found out that Joe was imprisoned in Port Royal, he “invaded” the city alone. He was quickly captured and thrown into the dungeon. When he was confronted by Commodore Norrington, the naval officer commented that Jack really is the worst pirate that he ever heard of. However, Jack quickly escaped, with the secret help of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann. When Joe tried to kill him, Jack easily captured him, and the Black Pearl’ sailed to an island where the treasure was buried. Two days later, when dawn came, the sun turned the cursed pirate into his human form, allowing Jack to see the treasure map.[33]

The Aztec Idol

How could this be, you ask? How could one man simply appear out of nowhere, and put such an abrupt end to your wonderful new invincibleness? It’s simple, mate, I’m Captain Jack Sparrow!
―Jack Sparrow to Bo’sun[src]

When Jack learned about the mystical magical idol of Aztec origin, he sailed the Black Pearl for Mexico, where the idol was supposed to be hidden. The information was correct, the idol was hidden in one old temple, but once he reached the temple, Jack saw his old crew, now led by Bo’sun, forcing Will to take the idol for them, because they were holding Elizabeth as a hostage.[34]

However, when Bo’sun took the idol from Will, Jack attacked him, pushed him into a deep pit, and took the idol. Will and Elizabeth disposed of Pintel and Ragetti, and the trio started escaping from the temple. Followed by angry pirates, the trio reached the beach and boarded the Black Pearl, which opened fire on the undead crew’s ship, damaging it heavily. However, Jack knew that his former crew would follow the idol wherever he goes, so he decided to melt the idol and spend the gold in as many ports as possible.[34]

“The governor”

Commodore Norrington! You’re out of uniform!”
“And you’re out of luck, Jack Sparrow. I swore I’d bring you to justice for your pirate ways, and this time you can’t count on a woman to step in and save your hide!
―Jack Sparrow and James Norrington[src]

Some time later, Jack was in Tortuga once again, where he found himself chased by Norrington and his men, who were disguised in civilian clothes. Cornered in one alley, Jack had no way out, but luckily for him, Anamaria showed up, interrupting Norrington’s men, and Sparrow managed to run away. He found the carriage belonging to the Governor of Tortuga, from which he took the governor’s hat and cloak, easily disguising himself. When Norrington and his men encountered “the governor”, he threatened to arrest them as spies. Unfortunately for Jack, the real governor suddenly appeared, and Jack had to run away again. Using the governor’s coach, Jack managed to escape once again, and he and Anamaria reached the harbor where they boarded a boat which took them far away from Norrington.[35]

Leading the Revolution

Jack treasure

Jack finds the treasure of the Isle of Lusee.

I never imagined you’d end up becoming a freedom fighter, Jack.”
“Freedom is what being a pirate is all about, Will. And like I always say, helping people can be very rewarding!
―Will Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

Some time later, Jack and Will Turner ended on the Isle of Lusee, a place where the cruel governor treated the colonists as if he owned them, imprisoning the innocents and confiscating their treasure. Jack and Will convinced the people of the island to organize a revolution and overthrow the governor. The people of the island, led by Jack and Will, stormed the governor’s fort and Jack easily captured him, taking the keys of the treasury. However, when he and Will entered the treasury, Jack revealed that his plan was to steal the treasure for himself, not to give it to its rightful owners. However, Will convinced Jack not to steal the treasure, and because the people of the island considered him their hero, they gave him the largest share of the treasure.[36]

The Dead Man’s Chest

The Black Spot


Jack showing a drawing of a key to his crewmen.

A year after his great escape from Port Royal, Jack realized his freedom came at a cost. The debt he had sworn to Davy Jones thirteen years prior had still not been paid. Whether Jack had the foresight to attempt to call off the debt, or whether it was simply a coincidence is unknown, but Jack embarked on a quest to locate the Dead Man’s Chest, which legends say contained the still-beating heart of Davy Jones. But first, Jack allowed himself to be captured by the corsairs off the Canary Islands and taken to the Turkish prison in order to obtain information he needs to solve his impending dilemma.[4]

He soon happened upon a valuable drawing of a key in a Turkish prison, giving him an advantage in his quest by figuring out that he must find the key itself. Jack was able to obtain this drawing, but soon encountered trouble, and fled the island within the confines of a coffin launched out to sea. In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, Jack used the coffin as a makeshift boat to return to the Black Pearl, where he informed his crew of his new venture. Confused, mostly because of Jack not telling exactly what to look for, the crew of the Black Pearl agreed to sail off to search for the key and what the key might unlock.[4]

Bill marks Jack

Jack Sparrow receiving the Black Spot from Bootstrap Bill Turner.

That night, Jack was visited in the Pearl’s cellar by Bootstrap Bill Turner, currently serving as part of Davy Jones’ crew aboard the Flying Dutchman. Turner informed Jack that his time was up, and Jones was calling in his debt. To reinforce this, Turner branded Jack with the Black Spot, setting fear into Jack’s heart and causing him to begin his quest for the key with all haste. He was so fearful of what his debt might entail, when he lost his hat, he told his crew to leave it. It was through this fear that Jack could not bring himself even to tell his crew what forces pursued them.[4]

Running to Isla de Pelegostos

See, the Pelegostos believe that Jack is a god in human form, and they intend to do him the honor of releasing him from his fleshy prison. They’ll roast him and eat him.
―Joshamee Gibbs and William Turner[src]

Jack Chief

Jack Sparrow as the chief of the Pelegostos.

Jack knew that as long as he remained on the open seas, he was in danger, so the Pearl weighed anchor at Isla de Pelegostos, the closest body of land, and one which Jack was likely familiar with. Even here, the crew of the Pearl was not safe, as they were summarily captured by a group of cannibalistic natives. Jack was made the chief of the tribe (allowed to retain his position so long as he acted like a chief), although he found his fortunes had little improved when he learned that the natives believed him to be a god, and he would be eaten to release his spirit from its “fleshy prison”. Despite this, Jack played along, all the while looking for means of escape. Meanwhile, some of his crew had already been eaten, and the rest held in cages made from the bones of their former companions.[4]

Jack escaping Pall

Jack escapes the Pelegostos.

Alas, my children, this is the day you shall always remember as the day you almost—[a wave splashes on him]…Captain Jack Sparrow.
―Jack Sparrow to the Pelegostos[src]

Jack’s situation improved with the arrival of William Turner, seeking Jack in order to obtain his compass for Lord Cutler Beckett. Will inadvertently caused a distraction, through his capture by and subsequent escape from the cannibals, which gave Jack the time he needed to flee. Jack, Will and the surviving crew returned to the Black Pearl and set sail, though Jack still refused to head into open water. Instead, he had unfinished business near Pelegosto, in the Pantano River on the island of Cuba.[4]

Tia Dalma

The compass you bartered from me. It cannot lead you to this?”
“Maybe. Why?”
“Ah, Jack Sparrow does not know what he wants! Or do you know…but are loath to claim it as your own?
―Tia Dalma to Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack TDshack

Jack coming for help in Tia Dalma’s shack.

The crew traveled through upriver in boats to the shack of Tia Dalma, where Jack hoped to find information on the key to the chest which contained Davy Jones’s heart. He and Dalma had a history, and as Jack himself said, they had, at one time, been inseparable. It was also implied that the two had once been lovers.[4]

Upon arrival at her shack, however, Jack was somewhat perturbed to find Dalma took more interest in Will than himself. However, Jack was able to trade Barbossa’s undead monkey in exchange for information on the the location of the key, and details about Jones’s heart. He was also given a jar of dirt, as Tia said that Davy Jones could not make port but one day for every ten years, and so Jack would bring land, in some form, with him.[4]

Bargain with Jones

As has been the case before, I am oddly compelled to listen to you.
―Davy Jones to Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Jones P2

Jack Sparrow bargains with Davy Jones.

Armed with this knowledge, the crew set out to find Jones’ ship, the Flying Dutchman. Will was summarily captured by Jones’ crew after Jack told him to say “Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt”. Jack witnessed the encounter from his ship, but was shocked as Davy Jones himself confronted him aboard the Black Pearl. He demanded Jack’s debt be paid, but Jack tried to convince Jones otherwise, because of Barbossa’s mutiny that happened two years after becoming captain of the Pearl. However, Jones pointed out that because Jack had introduced himself as “Captain” Jack Sparrow throughout the years, he was still captain, even though he was not on the Pearl itself. After a series of bargains, Jones agreed that, should Jack bring him one hundred souls in three days, he would be free. As slim a chance as this was, Jack took it and Jones sealed the deal by removing the Black Spot. Jack then had the Pearl’s crew immediately set sail for Tortuga, noting that Jones did not specify what state the souls should be in.[4]

Norrington introduced

James Norrington threatening Jack Sparrow in the Twelve Daggers tavern.

After arriving to Tortuga, Jack and Gibbs began recruiting crewmen for service on the Pearl in the Twelve Daggers tavern. They managed to enlist a total of four mariners before a bar brawl broke out, started by the disgraced former Commodore, James Norrington. Jack and Gibbs managed to slip out, and began preparing the Black Pearl for launch.[4]

At this point, Jack encountered Elizabeth Swann, having escaped from the custody of Lord Beckett to find Will. Jack realized Elizabeth’s true desire was being reunited with Will, and knew he could use this to his advantage. He persuaded Elizabeth that finding the Dead Man’s Chest would help her save Will. Thus, ensuring that when she used Jack’s compass, it would point to her true desire, in order to save Will, the chest. Jack finally found a heading.[4]

Journey to Isla Cruces

Jack finds his headding

Jack Sparrow found his heading.

The Black Pearl immediately set course for Isla Cruces, the burial site of the Dead Man’s Chest. On board the Pearl, Jack and Gibbs learned of Will’s association with Lord Cutler Beckett, after finding out about the Letters of Marque from Elizabeth. It was there that they realized that the only reason Beckett wanted Jack’s compass so that he could find the Dead Man’s Chest. Jack took the documents, much to Elizabeth’s annoyance, and refused to return them unless she could sufficiently “persuade” him to do so. Elizabeth attempted to persuade him, but Jack was immune.[4]


Jack with Elizabeth Swann aboard the Black Pearl.

Later on during the journey, Jack once more approached Elizabeth, while being depressed about not being married already. Jack offered her a drink and a marriage with him, as captain of a ship. Disgusted, Elizabeth turned down his offer of marriage. Jack then questioned her answer, stating that she would come over to his side in time. He stated that Elizabeth was curious and longed to feel the freedom and the life Jack enjoyed. In turn, Elizabeth told him she was sure one day Jack would prove himself to be a good man, and he would long for the reward of fame that would follow. Jack was indeed enticed by this, but whatever attraction may have developed between the two was soon quashed when Jack noticed the Black Spot had reappeared on his palm. At that moment, Gibbs sighted land: Isla Cruces, and the end of Jack’s quest.[4]

Fight for the key

We cannot let him get the chest, Will, trust me on this. You can mistrust me less than you can mistrust him, trust me.”
“He just wants Elizabeth for himself.”
“Pot. Kettle. Black.
―Jack Sparrow and James Norrington to Will Turner[src] (deleted scene)

DMC discovery

Jack with Elizabeth Swann and James Norrington after finding the Dead Man’s Chest.

Upon arrival at Isla Cruces, Jack set about tracking down the Dead Man’s Chest, using Elizabeth as his guide. Jack had Norrington dig at the supposed burial site, as deigned by Elizabeth, using the compass. Her reading was correct, and Norrington soon unearthed the chest, which contained the heart that also proved Jack’s claims. However, before Jack could open it, Will Turner arrived, having escaped from servitude aboard the Flying Dutchman. He refused to let Jack open the chest, wanting to stab the heart within and thus free his father from his debt to Jones. Jack, naturally, wanted the heart for himself, in order to call off Jones’ Kraken, and drew his sword. It was a standoff, exacerbated by Norrington’s intervention, who wanted control of the heart for his own personal reasons.[4]


Jack during the swordfight at Isla Cruces.

A three-way sword fight inevitably ensued, in which Jack attempted desperately to get his hands on the key. The three-way duel progressed atop a stone church, where Jack finally got a hold of the key, but was disarmed in the attempt. Norrington then stated, with his blade pointed towards Jack, his intention to kill Jack for ruining his life. However, Jack deflected some of the blame onto Will’s shoulders, and then fled through the graveyard with the key. Unfortunately, he was soon thrust back into the battle when the two duelists dislodged an old water wheel, and continued the fight inside and around it as it rolled through the jungle.[4]

Jack with the heart

Jack Sparrow opens the chest and steals the heart of Davy Jones.

Ultimately, however, Jack managed to hold on to the key, and opened the Dead Man’s Chest after taking it from the pirate Hadras. Within was Davy Jones’ heart, just as Tia Dalma had said, which Jack hid inside his jar of dirt back at the longboat on the beach. Davy Jones’ crew soon caught up, and Jack became too preoccupied with fighting them off to notice Norrington studying the jar with great interest.[4]

Jack’s companions were able to hold the pirates back, and fled in the longboat leaving Norrington, who instead fled into the jungle carrying the empty chest, thus distracting the pirates. Jack made it back to the Black Pearl, which launched for the open water, safe in the knowledge that he was now in possession of the heart of Davy Jones.[4]


Oi, Fishface! Lose something? Eh, Scungili! *falls down stairs* Got it! Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? Look what I got. *sings* I’ve got a jar of dirt! I’ve got a jar of dirt! And guess what’s inside it?!”
“…Hard to starboard.
―Jack Sparrow and Davy Jones.[src]

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Jack confronts Davy Jones with his jar of dirt.

As Jack had expected, the Flying Dutchman soon caught up with the Pearl, and he began taunting its Captain, holding his jar of dirt aloft. Jones chased the pearl at first firing at it but the Pearl soon outran the Flying Dutchman. That’s when Davy Jones called upon the Kraken once more, which began its assault on the Black Pearl. Shaking the vessel, the Kraken dislodged Jack’s Jar of Dirt, which smashed on the deck, revealing nothing inside but a pile of dirt. Desperately searching for the missing heart, which was already making its way to Cutler Beckett in the possession of Norrington, Jack realized his advantage over Jones was lost. True to his usual form, Jack turned tail and fled in the ship’s lone remaining boat, seeking to escape back to the relative safety of Isla Cruces.[4]

However, despite all evidence to the contrary, Jack was indeed a good man at heart who knew he could not leave his crew to die in the attack, and began rowing back to his beloved Black Pearl.[4]

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Jack Sparrow injures the Kraken.

He arrived back on deck in time, seizing the rifle Elizabeth was trying to grab and manage to ignite a gunpowder trap set up by Will that wounded the Kraken and forestalled its attack for a moment. Jack ordered his crew into the longboat, at the cost of his ship. Gibbs was shocked at Jack’s decision, but the Captain had seen sense; after all, she was only a ship.[4]

As the crew raced onto the longboat, Elizabeth thanked Jack for coming back to save them, and leaned in for a kiss. Their kiss carried them to the mast, to which Elizabeth suddenly chained Jack. She had realized the Kraken was after Jack alone, not the rest of the crew, and this sacrifice would be the only way to ensure their survival. Jack conceded her trickery with a smile, calling her a “pirate”. Apparently resigned to his fate, Jack watched her leave the ship.[4]

Down with his ship

The Pearl’s gone, along with its captain.”
“Aye. And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right till the end, but I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow.”
“Never another like Captain Jack.”
“He was a gentleman of fortune, he was.”
“He was a good man.
―Will Turner, Joshamee Gibbs, Ragetti, Pintel, and Elizabeth Swann[src]


Captain Jack Sparrow bravely facing the Kraken.

As soon as he was left alone on deck, Jack frantically tried to escape his chains. He managed to slip out of his manacles, with the aid of oil from a broken lantern, though he was too late. No sooner had he freed himself that the Kraken returned, its fanged mouth rising up to deck-level. The Kraken belched out a roar, spraying Jack with slime and spitting out Jack’s hat, eaten prior to Jack’s arrival at Pelegosto.[4]

Placing his hat once more atop his head, Captain Jack Sparrow said “Hello beastie”. Then he drew his sword and faced off against the Kraken as it dragged the Black Pearl under water.[4]

With that, the captain went down with his ship, and Davy Jones considered his debt settled. Jack’s captain-less crew returned, dejected and defeated, back to Tia Dalma’s shack. There, they raised a toast to the late Captain Jack Sparrow, but Tia had not yet given up hope. She stated that there was a chance to bring Jack back from the depths of World’s End, though it would entail a journey to Davy Jones’ Locker. The crew agreed, and set out under the command of their new captain, the resurrected Hector Barbossa, a man who knew those waters well.[4]

Returning for War

Madness of the Locker

There’s been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel. Why? Why is that, sir?!”
“Sir, you’re…You’re in Davy Jones’ Locker, Cap’n.
―Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs[src]

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Jack Sparrow hallucinating in Davy Jones’ Locker.

Jack was taken by the Kraken to Davy Jones’ Locker, where he was forced to endure the worst punishment he could ever take; his beloved Pearl was stuck on a seemingly-endless desert. For months, Jack was tormented by a series of hallucinations that personified the various aspects of his personality as members of his crew, torturing both his love of the sea and his idea of being the only “Jack Sparrow”. Divided in this manner, Jack had no hope of moving his ship, as though his crew did follow orders, the flaws of his “crew” made the Pearl unable to make any sort of progression with no wind to move the ship.[5]

Gentlemen…I wash my hands of this weirdness.
―Jack Sparrow to hallucinations of himself.[src]

Jack Pearl Locker

Jack and the Black Pearl in the Locker.

When Tia Dalma neared the island where Jack was stranded, she enchanted the rocks on the island to teleport to the Black Pearl, and the rocks cracked open, revealing an army of rock-crabs. The rock-crabs used their combined strength to move the Black Pearl. Jack was off the ship at the moment, but was able to run and catch up to the Pearl and boarded it in time to sail it out to sea.[5]

The Return of Jack Sparrow

Why should I sail with any of you? Four of you have tried to kill me in the past. One of you succeeded.
―Jack Sparrow to the crew, regarding Elizabeth Swann’s betrayal[src]

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Jack Sparrow choosing his crewmen in the Locker.

By this point, his former crew, led by a resurrected Barbossa and aided by Tai Huang and the crew of the Hai Peng, arrived in the Locker, ostensibly to free Jack. Sparrow initially believed them to be mere hallucinations, and greeted them with mockery but was swayed when Elizabeth appeared and told him they are real, as he becomes surprised perhaps recalling the foul memory of his death, or maybe just recalling her kiss. After being told by Gibbs he was in the locker, Jack became more nervous but remained unfazed by their appearance, and even greeted his former resurrected nemesis, Barbossa, with cheer, knowing full well that their only means of escape, the Pearl, was in Jack’s possession.

Sparrow is also told by what is happening in the living realm such as Beckett using Jones to slaughter pirates and the brethren court holding a meeting. He refused to travel with some of them as several of them have tried to kill him before stating one of them succeeded and noted Will was unaware of this. He picked a few of them to come with him while leaving the rest behind. However, he was forced to concede that Barbossa, holding the navigational charts bestowed upon the crew by Sao Feng, would be useful in the escape, as in the locker, his compass didn’t seem to work.[5]

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Jack and Barbossa arguing aboard the Pearl.

Almost immediately, a rivalry formed between Jack and Barbossa with both claiming to be the rightful captain of the Black Pearl. The crew boarded the Pearl and set sail on the endless seas of Davy Jones’ Locker, meeting Elizabeth’s father, Weatherby Swann, along the way.[5]

Up is Down

Jack Up Down

Jack found the solution to “Up is down”.

The crew continued to sail through endless seas of Davy Jones’ Locker, knowing that if they were unable to escape by sunset, they would remain trapped in that dimension forever. Jack, however, was able to decipher one additional phrase, “Up is Down”. Puzzled at first, after listening to his shoulder angel and devil debate his future (ironically they look just like Jack) he figured out the meaning, and coerced his crew into rocking the ship back and forth. Barbossa, realizing Jack had figured out the chart loosed the objects below deck, until at last the Pearl tipped upside down under the waves. As the sun sank below the horizon, the ship returned to the world of the living at sunrise; the ship had literally been turned upside down to pass between dimensions, going from the bottom of the sea, and floating all the way to the top.[5]

As soon as the crew emerged from the Locker, Barbossa pulled his pistol on Jack, leading to a tense stand-off. Barbossa wanted to lead Jack to Shipwreck Cove as he was a pirate, but Jack adamantly wished to leave the pirates to their fate. This turned even Elizabeth and Will against Jack, but determined not to return to the Locker, Jack pulled his pistol on Barbossa. Then it was revealed that none of the crews’ pistols would work due to the wet powder of just passing through the sea. Jack and Barbossa were forced to grudgingly cooperate, and made for the nearest island to find fresh water.[5]

Still thinkin’ of runnin’, Jack? Think you can outrun the world? You know, the problem with bein’ the last of anythin’, is by and by there’ll be none left at all.”
“Sometimes things come back, mate. We’re living proof, you and me.”
“Aye, but that’s a gamble of long odds, ain’t it? There’s never a guarantee of comin’ back, but passin’ on, that’s dead certain.
―Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack and Barbossa at Black Sand Beach.

The island the crew happened upon was the one on which the corpse of the Kraken had been left, after Davy Jones had been forced to kill it by Lord Beckett. Jack had a moment of sympathy for the creature, perhaps seeing the reflection of his own mortality in its dead eye. Jack voiced his fear of death to Barbossa, who reminded him that death, not immortality, was the only certainty. It was at this point that Jack decided to redouble his efforts to discover a way of achieving eternal life. In another turning point, Jack, who originally planned on simply running and becoming the last pirate as the EITC killed them all, finally realized that Beckett had to be stopped, and agreed to meet with the other members of the Brethren Court.[5]

Deal with Beckett

You square things with Jones on my behalf, assure me of my freedom, and in exchange…I will lead you to Shipwreck Cove and deliver up all the Pirate Lords on a silver platter.
―Jack Sparrow to Cutler Beckett[src]

Jack versus Feng

Sao Feng with Jack and Barbossa aboard the Pearl.

However, his quest was postponed by the arrival of the Empress, and the betrayal of Sao Feng. Jack and his crew were confronted by Sao Feng, who punched Jack on the nose in retaliation for a “great insult” paid by Jack at some point in the past. Jack was forced to give up the Black Pearl when it transpired that “Captain” Turner had struck a deal with Feng to take the ship for himself, in order to catch the Flying Dutchman and free his father from servitude. Jack then, realizing that his rescue was a scam, asked the crew if anyone had actually missed him. Five members did: Marty, Cotton, Pintel, Ragetti and Jack the Monkey.[5]

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Jack Sparrow and Cutler Beckett aboard the HMS Endeavour.

Jack was then taken aboard the HMS Endeavour, flagship of Lord Cutler Beckett, where his diminished position did nothing to dampen his creativity at negotiation. He struck his own deal, promising to lead Beckett to Shipwreck Cove, and thus deliver the Brethren Court into his clutches, in exchange for Jack’s freedom from both the company and from Davy Jones. Beckett, however, threatened to kill Jack to “Cut out the middle man”, but Jack promised he would send the Brethren out to him, to ensure their battle. Beckett agreed, as long as Sparrow could accomplish that feat.[5]

You’re mad!”
“Thank goodness for that because if I wasn’t, this’d probably never work.
―Cutler Beckett and Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Escape

Jack using a cannon to escape the Endeavour.

Their final negotiations were cut short through Barbossa and Feng’s agreeing upon a common enemy, resulting in the Pearl’s attack on the Endeavour. Jack hastily shook on a deal, then escaped the flagship and returned to his own vessel via a cannon and rope, to find Elizabeth had been given over to Feng in order for Barbossa to retain the Pearl. He ordered Will Turner to be sent to the brig and had the Pearl set sail to Shipwreck Cove.[5]

Journey to Shipwreck Cove

Look alive and keep a weather eye. Not for naught it’s called Shipwreck Island, where lies Shipwreck Cove and the town of Shipwreck!”
“You heard him. Step lively.”
“You know, for all that pirates are clever clogs, we are an unimaginative lot when it comes to naming things.
―Joshamee Gibbs, Pintel and Jack Sparrow[src]

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Jack talking with Will aboard the Pearl.

By this point, Jack found himself unable to trust Will Turner, as he escaped the brig to attempt to help Jack honor his bargain with Beckett by leaving a trail for Beckett to follow. Jack, in realizing how far apart Will and Elizabeth were growing, conceived an elaborate plan where both he and Will could get what they both want. Jack’s plan was that he would stab the heart of Davy Jones, thereby making him immortal, ensuring his father’s freedom, and Will could still be with Elizabeth. Jack then gave Will his compass, set him overboard while sending his regards to Davy Jones, and then continued on to meeting the Brethren at the Cove.[5]

Gibbs Shipwreck

Jack and Gibbs while arriving to Shipwreck Island.

Arriving at Shipwreck Island, Jack commented on the lack of originality for pirates naming things, such as Larry, a geezer he once sailed with. He also witnessed Tia Dalma being sent below deck, to the Pearl‘s brig, perhaps while overhearing her conversation with Barbossa. When gazing at Shipwreck Cove upon arrival, Barbossa and the crew commented on how many ships are at the Cove, in which Jack realized that he owed them all money. Jack, Barbossa, and the rest of the Pearl‘s crewmen carried on to the meeting at Pirate Hall.[5]

The Brethren Court

Cuttlefish. Eh? Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish. Flipper glorious little sausages. Pen ’em up together and they will devour each other without a second thought. Human nature, isn’t it? Or…or fish nature. So, yes, we could hole up here, well-provisioned and well-armed, and half of us would be dead within the month. Which seems quite grim to me, any way you slice it. Or…uh…As my learned colleague so naively suggests, we can release Calypso, and we can pray that she will be merciful. I rather doubt it. Can we, in fact, pretend that she is anything other than a woman scorned like which fury hell hath no? We cannot. Res ipsa loquitur, tabula in naufragio, we are left with but one option. I agree with, and I cannot believe the words are coming out of me mouth…Captain Swann. We must fight.
―Jack Sparrow to the Brethren Court[src]

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Jack Sparrow agrees with Elizabeth’s plan to fight.

During the meeting of the Fourth Brethren Court, Jack found himself at odds with Barbossa, and attempted to convince the Pirate Lords to unite against the East India Trading Company. Whether this was playing them into the hands of Beckett or just pure logic, one can never guess. Jack skillfully used his extensive knowledge of surviving saying they could hold up within, but it would be devastating for morale, and half of them could die. He also mentioned that they could also released Calypso, as Barbossa petitioned, but Jack thought that to be too risky. Thus, he agreed with Elizabeth, who had finally joined them as the new Pirate Lord of the South China Sea. That they must fight.[5]


Jack and Teague after the Brethren Court meeting.

Everyone agreed to this plan, at least until Barbossa mentioned that the Code specifically mentioned that only the Pirate King can declare war. Jack thought this to be made up, until Barbossa called upon Captain Teague, Jack’s father to consult the Pirata Codex. When a vote had to be made for the next King, Jack voted for Elizabeth, knowing she would support the decision to go to war. After the meeting, Jack went to confer his father. In the reunion, Teague offered Jack advice, concerning his search for immortality, “It’s not just about living forever, Jackie. The trick is living with yourself forever.” Jack then inquired about his mother, to which Teague responded by holding aloft her shrunken, severed head. Jack responded uncomfortably that she looked great. Afterwards, Teague gave the head to Jack for him to keep, and Jack kept it on his belt.[5]

How’s Mum? [Teague shows a shrunken head] …She looks great.
―Jack Sparrow to Teague[src]

Reaching the Dutchman

Jack trades

Jack switching places with Will Turner.

With the meeting adjourned and the Pirate Lords decided upon their course of action, the fleet sailed out to meet the armada of the East India Company, the Black Pearl at its head. When the pirates saw Cutler Beckett’s armada and how many ships they were going against, they all turned angrily towards Jack, and sheepishly Jack called for the forces to parlay. During the parlay, he was traded for Will, who had been recovered by Beckett in order that his debt to Davy Jones would once again, be settled. Due to his escape, the debt had technically been reset. So 100 years aboard the Dutchman were once again required. Because his plan was working, Jack was unconcerned with being sent to the Dutchman, though slightly put off by Jones.[5]

Fight with Jones

Lookee here, boys. A lost bird. A lost bird that never learned to fly.”
“To my great regret. But…never too late to learn, eh?
―Davy Jones and Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack Dutchman Hallucinations

Jack hallucinating in the Dutchman’s brig.

Jack was sent to the brig on board the Flying Dutchman, where he again experienced his hallucinations. Jack weakly told them to go away, but they insisted that they couldn’t go back to the locker without him. Then he saw a hallucination of what he might be like as a Dutchman crewman, and one of his other hallucinations commented that defeating Jones would put an alternative far out of reach. Jack though was adamant, and decided to escape and steal the Dead Man’s Chest. After thinking like Will, Jack fled the brig in the same manner Will had released Jack from Fort Charles over a year before. He was then able to snatch the chest out from under the noses of its arguing guards, Mullroy and Murtogg in addition to recovering his effects. However, he was accosted by Davy Jones and his crew during his escape, thereby forcing Sparrow to “fly” up into the Flying Dutchman’s rigging but Jones teleported to his location. There, a fierce and ferocious duel ensued between the two captains as the Flying Dutchman and the Black Pearl engaged in battle around a maelstrom conjured by Calypso.[5]

Jack fighting Jones on the mast of the Dutchman

Jack Sparrow fighting Davy Jones for the Chest.

At first, Jack held his ground before Jones revealed that he held the Key to the Dead Man’s Chest. Seeing this, Jack gained the upper hand, by slicing off Jones’ tentacle that held the Key, and disarming him. However, Jones broke Jack’s sword, and then took the chest from Jack, sending him flying onto a rope where he reclaimed his pistol from one of Jones’ crew. Swinging on the rope, Jack shot the chest from Jones’ grip, sending it falling to the deck. The two engaged in a race to reach the chest whilst continuing their duel. While Jones was distracted by Will and Elizabeth, Jack ultimately managed to get the key to open the chest and held his broken sword over the heart.[5]

Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?”
“Do you? Heady tonic, holding life and death in the palm of one’s hand.”
“You’re a cruel man, Jack Sparrow!”
“Cruel is a matter of perspective.
―Davy Jones and Jack Sparrow[src]

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Jack holding Davy Jones’ heart.

After Jones asked Will Turner his routine question: “Do you fear death?”, Jack taunted him by asking Jones if he himself feared death. However, Jack was plunged into a quandary when Jones stabbed Will Turner, leaving him to die. Jack knew that the only way to save his old friend and defeat opponent would be to allow him to stab the heart, thus ensuring Will immortality, though at the cost of Jack’s own chance at the same. As Bootstrap Bill Turner snapped out of his delirium and engaged Jones, Jack fought with himself, struggling between his own dream of immortality and his one chance to save Will.[5]


Jack and Elizabeth watch the Dutchman go down.

In the end, Jack’s altruistic nature won over, as Jack forfeited his immortality. He placed his broken sword in Will Turner’s dying hand, guiding it to stab the heart, killing Jones in the process. As the Dutchman’s crewmen were coming towards them, Jack was forced to drag the frantic Elizabeth away from Will’s body, knowing that they only had moments until the Dutchman was swallowed up in the maelstrom. While Will’s heart was carved out by Bootstrap Bill, Jack rigged a makeshift parachute and fled with the distraught Elizabeth back to the Black Pearl with the other pirates.[5]

Close haul her! Luff the sails and lay her in irons!”
“Belay that, or we’ll be a sitting duck!”
“Belay that ‘belay that’!
―Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa[src]

Pearl last battle

Jack Sparrow ordering to attack the Endeavour.

Arriving onboard the Black Pearl, the rest of his crew wanted to flee the field as the ship was damaged and the the Endeavour was now coming upon them. Jack though, perhaps now determined to finish Beckett off, and salvage the cause of Piracy due to losing his shot at immortality, declined. And when the Flying Dutchman burst from the sea, now captained by Will Turner, Jack knew they now had a fighting chance, and quickly readied the ship to turn on Beckett. Together, the flagship of piracy and the ship of supernatural power turned on the Endeavor, dealing a devastating dual broadside on the symbol of British Power. Lord Beckett was killed in the devastation, after which the East India Trading Company Armada fled the battle.[5]


Ladies, will you please shut it? Listen to me. Yes, I lied to you. No, I don’t love you. Of course it makes you look fat. I’ve never been to Brussels. It is pronounced ‘e-gre-gious’. By the way, no, I’ve never actually met Pizarro, but I love his pies. And all of this pales to utter insignificance in light of the fact that my ship is once again gone. Savvy?
―Jack Sparrow to Scarlett and Giselle[src]

Giselle Jack Scarlett

Jack finds out that the his ship is gone.

With the battle won, Jack bade farewell to Elizabeth, who had to be with Will before he leaves to do his duty to ferry souls. He then sailed the Black Pearl to Tortuga, where he was found in the company of Scarlett and Giselle, persuading them with an offer to ride aboard his ship. However, upon returning to the harbor, Jack found the Pearl gone: Barbossa had mutinied once again by taking the Pearl, marooning him and Joshamee Gibbs ashore. This didn’t seem to faze Jack, however, who resorted to using a dinghy left to him. Scarlett and Giselle slapped Jack, after Jack confessed many things to them, which resulted in Gibbs being slapped by Jack.[5]

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Jack Sparrow sails to find the Fountain of Youth.

As Gibbs remained in Tortuga, in the company of Scarlett and Giselle, Jack sails away on his dinghy. Jack had anticipated Barbossa’s treachery, and had cut out the middle part of Sao Feng’s navigational charts for himself. He was running up his pirate flag, while singing “A Pirate’s Life for Me”, in his dinghy. Looking at Sao Feng’s charts, he discovered that the location of the Fountain of Youth is in Florida, as the legends foretold. Using his compass, he located a bottle of rum and began his search for the Fountain of Youth. A happy Jack then sailed off in his dinghy, while drinking the rum, as he began his journey to achieve immortality.[5]

Quest for the Fountain of Youth

Years of searching

What about you, Jack? Last I heard, you were hell-bent to find the Fountain of Youth. Any luck?”
“Circumstances arose and forced a compelling insight regarding discretion and valor.”
“Meaning, you gave up.”
“I did not! I am just as bent as ever. Hellishly so. I shall taste those waters, Master Gibbs. Mark my words.
―Joshamee Gibbs and Jack Sparrow[src]

Even with the help of his map and compass, Jack Sparrow’s search for the Fountain of Youth would last for several years. It weren’t the lure of charmed waters that first sent Jack on a course for the fabled Fountain but rather Jack set off in pursuit of his beloved ship, the Black Pearl, stolen from him by Hector Barbossa. Knowing Barbossa was after the Fountain of Youth as well, Jack attempted to find the Fountain on his own. In his search, Jack was able to find the island where the Fountain was located, and had been close as reaching the cave entrance to the Fountain itself. But Jack never made it to the elusive Fountain and was forced to turn back.[37][38] Despite not finding the Fountain of Youth, Jack gained some renown as the pirate who knew its location, though some misinterpret that he had been to the Fountain himself. Jack also had the way to the Fountain of Youth committed to his memory.[39]

At some point in time, Jack Sparrow would have swallowed one of his teeth, which ended up being a part of his new trinket, and woke up with an “X” on his right cheek. He also owned another pistol for his effects. Fortune sent Jack Sparrow east across the Atlantic, and it was then he heard tell of Joshamee Gibbs’ dire encounter with the authorities of London. So Jack charted a course to London to effect the rescue of his devoted First Mate.[37]


Then I hear a rumor. Jack Sparrow was in London, with a ship, and looking for a crew.”
“Am not.”
“But that’s what I heard. Fact is, you’re signing up men tonight, pub called
Captain’s Daughter.
―Joshamee Gibbs and Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack Sparrow as a Judge in Joshamee Gibbs’ trial.

Soon Jack arrived to London to save Joshamee Gibbs from an appointment with the gallows. However, while Gibbs was set to being put on trial for piracy, he was being mistaken for Jack Sparrow himself. Upon arriving to London, he headed to the Old Bailey courthouse to save Gibbs. He bribed the driver of a prison carriage to transport him and Gibbs to shore when the trial was over.

Jack tied and gagged the real Judge and put him in a closet, after which Jack resumed as disguising himself as the Judge of Gibbs’ trial. Being known as Judge Smith, he had Gibbs pronounced guilty of being innocent of being Jack Sparrow. Much to the surprise of the crowd, Jack had Gibbs condemned to life in prison, rather than a hanging, and allows Gibbs to be transferred to the Tower of London under minimum security.

Hear ye hear ye! Presiding over these trials, all rise and attend for the right honorable Justice Smith!”
“Now…what do we have here?”
“Jack?” [The Jailor hits Gibbs with a club]
“Not necessary! You were saying?
―Bailiff, then Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs[src]

After the trial, Jack took off the Judge disguise as he made his way to signal the prison carriage driver, shortly before joining Gibbs in the prison carriage. Throughout the ride, Gibbs informed Jack about the rumors of him recruiting a crew in the Captain’s Daughter pub, in which Jack renounced as completely false and quite insulting. But Jack also thought to find the imposter, because of the need of a ship to escape from England. Gibbs asked Jack of his search for the Fountain of Youth, which he responded that it was temporarily postponed and vowed that he would taste the water of the Fountain.

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Jack dragged into St. James’s Palace.

The carriage abruptly stopped. Jack and Gibbs then discovered that they were completely surrounded by soldiers of the Royal Guard in front of St. James’s Palace. The Guards had also bribed the carriage driver to betray Jack and Gibbs by bringing them to the palace. Jack was forcibly taken into the palace, while Gibbs was sent to prison. In the custody of the Royal Guards, Jack was dragged inside the main hall of St. James’s Palace for an audience with His Majesty King George II. Inside the royal banquet room, Jack was chained to a regal seat to await the King’s arrival. While he was waiting for the King, he tried to grab a cream puff from the table. Right when the doors open, a surprised Jack kicked the cream puff that he desired up into the air where it got stuck on the room’s chandelier. As the doors opened, King George arrived with many of his loyal subjects and Royal Guards. The King was accompanied by Prime Minister Henry Pelham and Lord John Carteret.

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Jack Sparrow meeting with King George.

Lord Carteret asked Jack if he was “Jack Sparrow”, which Jack responded that the word “Captain” was missing in that statement. After much confusion over if Jack was the real Jack Sparrow, the King ordered Jack’s chains to be removed, as he was annoyed by Jack rattling the chains. Henry Pelham and King George questions Jack about a map to the Fountain of Youth believed to be in Jack’s possession. However, Jack discovered that the map was missing. King George stated that he wanted the Fountain found before the Spanish, as he didn’t want King Ferdinand to gain eternal life. Pelham and Carteret asked Jack if he knew the way to the Fountain well enough to guide an expedition. Jack accepted, assuming that he would be provided with a ship and crew. Jack was then introduced to the leader of the expedition; his old rival, Hector Barbossa.

Hector. How nice to see a fellow pirate make good of himself.”
“Pirate? Nay. Privateer. On a sanctioned mission, under the authority and protection of the Crown.”
“As may be. First…what has become of my beloved
“I lost the
Pearl as I lost my leg!
―Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa[src]

Jack and Barbossa had a brief reunion, in which Jack complemented Barbossa’s new pirate lifestyle. Barbossa debunked this by revealing that he was now a privateer in service to the King. Jack questioned Barbossa concerning the Black Pearl. Barbossa revealed that he lost the Pearl in a battle which also cost him his leg, which he replaced with a peg leg. Jack angrily reacted to hearing about the loss of his beloved ship and the King’s guards had to restrain him to stop him from attacking Barbossa. Before King George and Barbossa resumed their business, Jack made one of his legendary escapes.


Jack attempting an escape.

Jack Sparrow broke free and took out the Royal Guards who held him with their rifles, which he used on the chandelier to make it swing. After taking out some of the guards, Jack got the chance to fly up onto the top of the sill and grabbed the chandelier and swung across the room towards the balcony. King George, Hector Barbossa and the King’s subjects stared at the seemingly impossible escape. Jack grabbed the creme puff that was stuck on the chandelier and ate it as he left.

After retrieving his sword and pistols. He came to a window, which he opened, and prepared to jump over the busy street. By the time the guards had gotten there, Jack had hidden behind one of the banners hanging between the buildings. The guard spotted Jack’s movement and blew his whistle as Jack carefully tried to pull himself back up as another guard appears and hacked at the tassel holding the banner. Jack then plummeted down into a carriage that was driving along the road, landing in a noblewoman’s lap, causing her to shriek in horror. Jack stared and then leaned forward, seemingly kissing her while stealing one of her earrings, before climbing on top of the carriage.

OST JackChase

Jack escaping on top of moving carriages.

Seeing that Royal Guards were after him, Jack managed to stand up on top of the moving carriage and leaped over to the other one. He lost his balance slightly, and put each foot on one carriage. As soon as the carriages parted ways, Jack put both of his feet on one carriage. He eventually made it onto a coal cart. As Jack pushed the cart driver aside, the guards were riding on horses and gaining on Jack as they began to shoot at him, until one shot hit a lantern on the carriage, igniting the coal. Jack jumped to hold onto the sign of the Captain’s Daughter tavern and waited until the guards rode past him, then dropped to the ground. Before Jack could go on, a Royal Guard came up from behind and prepared to fire. A shot went off, but the Guard fell dead without pulling the trigger. Jack turned and saw that he had been saved by his father, Captain Teague.[9]

Dealing with an impostor

You’ve got some nerve there, ain’t ya? Turnin’ up here, dressed like that?! Why, are you some kind of imposter?”
“Do you have any idea who I am, mate?”
[Scrum laughs]”Oi! Muckers! Some bloke here what forgot his own name!
―Scrum and Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack then went with his father into the Captain’s Daughter tavern, where they conversed about the Fountain of Youth and one of the items needed for the Profane Ritual. Teague then told Jack about the ones who were recruiting a crew for a ship, led by Scrum playing the mandola. Teague also warned Jack that the Fountain would test him as they both took gulps of their drinks. Jack glanced at the crewmen singing with some wenches. When Jack turned around, Teague had vanished. Jack then went to question Scrum, holding a small knife to his throat. As Scrum made fun of Jack, not knowing that he was the real Jack Sparrow, Jack saw a shadow on the wall. He followed it into the storeroom of the tavern. As he looked around, the impostor appeared in front of him. The two Jacks pulled out their swords simultaneously and faced each other in a fierce duel in the storeroom.

JackvsImposter Captains Daughter tavern

Jack Sparrow fighting an impostor.

The two ran over to the barbecue pit and circled each other. The impostor copied Jack’s exact movements; Jack ran a hand down his beard and the other Jack did the same. Jack was angered by how the impostor mirrored him so well. They clashed swords again. Jack chased the other Jack up a ramp with barrels all the way to one of the bars near the ceiling. The two continued fighting, carefully balancing, shortly before tumbling down along with several barrels. They resumed fighting, evenly matched. Eventually, the other Jack performed an advance swordfighting technique and then pointed his sword at Jack, who then realized who the impostor was. He and other Jack clashed their swords once more before he grabbed the person and they share a kiss. Jack then gave his greeting to his former lover Angelica.


Jack and Angelica fighting Royal Guards in the storeroom of the Captain’s Daughter.

We are at a disadvantage.”
“Speak for yourself! Unlike some who pretend to be, that cannot in fact hold a candle to, I’m Captain Jack Sparrow.
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]

Jack and Angelica had a brief reunion, conversing on Angelica’s actions of impersonating Jack, with Jack disapproving that he wasn’t being impersonated as captain. Angelica then asked Jack if he had really been to the Fountain of Youth, from rumors she had heard. Suddenly, Scrum came in warning Angelica of King George’s Royal Guards breaking into the tavern. As they bursted into the storeroom, Jack and Angelica fought against the guards together. Jack and Angelica had the upper hand by slicing open barrels, ale spraying at the guards. Jack jabbed one barrel, from which wine sprayed out, and he gulped hungrily from it. Angelica pushed him away as the Royal Guards aim their rifles at them. Jack and Angelica glanced at each other, shortly before Jack ducks at Angelica slash at a lever. They fell through a trapdoor into water and swam away, surfacing in the River Thames.

As the two scramble ashore, Jack learned that Angelica knew about the Profane Ritual. He then inquired about the ritual and what was required. Angelica told him that a mermaid was needed at the exact moment that Jack felt a voodoo dart hit him from behind, shot by Angelica’s associate the Quartermaster, knocking him out cold.[9]


Jack Sparrow aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge

About five days later, Jack woke up aboard Blackbeard’s ship, the Queen Anne’s Revenge, and was forced to work as a deckhand. While doing his duties, he befriended a fellow crewman named Scrum who told him the basics aboard the Revenge, including the zombie officers and Philip Swift, a missionary held captive by being tied on top of the mainmast. Jack also learned that Angelica was the ship’s First Mate and secretly confronted her belowdeck. In their conversation, Angelica reveals to Jack that she conned Blackbeard into believing that she was his long lost daughter. Angelica also told Jack why Blackbeard was searching for the Fountain of Youth, because of a prophesied death in the hands of a one-legged man predicted by the Quartermaster.


Jack confronts Angelica belowdeck of the Revenge.

That night, not satisfied with being in ship full of zombies, Jack met with Scrum and some of the other crewmen to convince them to join a mutiny. During the meeting, Jack unsuccessfully tried to figure out what Blackbeard’s habits from the crewmen, as Blackbeard was never seen outside his cabin. Jack also revealed to the crewmen that their true destination was towards the Fountain of Youth. The crew were shocked by this revelation and knew that their deaths would come for certain, unless they took the ship. After Scrum’s failed attempt to lead the crew into the mutiny, Jack ordered the crew to go and take the ship, in which they woke up some of the other crewmen and started their attack.

Shortly before the fighting started, not wanting Angelica to be in the middle of the oncoming battle, Jack went to Angelica’s cabin to make sure she was safe. When he walked in, he saw that Angelica was sleeping, so he quietly went to grab a sword and a pair of boots and lay down on the bed next to her. Angelica then whispered to Jack that if it was a dream, he could keep the sword and boots. Jack responded by reassuring Angelica that it was a dream, but after she heard some of the fighting on deck, she kicked him away. Getting to his feet, Jack warned her that he was taking the ship. Angelica grabbed a sword and cursed at Jack as he hurried out of the room. After Jack closed the door and locked it, Angelica stabbed her sword through the door, barely an inch away from Jack’s head.

The mutiny began well for Jack and his co-conspirators, fighting well against the other members of Blackbeard’s crew which mostly consisted of the zombie crewmen. As Jack Sparrow waltzed into the battle, he was confronted by Gunner and dueled with him. Gunner attacked Jack fiercely, who was able to counter his attacks one by one, until Salaman threw a net that caught on to Gunner. Jack then nodded to Salaman to join him in saving Philip Swift. As they climbed up the rigging, Jack and Salaman climb to Philip’s position. Philip is cut free by Jack and they make it down to the continuing battle. As Jack made it to the main deck, he is confronted by the Quartermaster, and dueled with him towards the stairway. After a few attacks, Jack kicked the Quartermaster to the ground, ordered his crew to tie him down and made his way to the upper deck. The moment of victory was at hand for the mutineers, with the enemies, mainly Angelica, the Quartermaster and Gunner, were held back. Jack then declared the Queen Anne’s Revenge was theirs. However, at the moment of Jack’s triumph, Blackbeard himself appeared on deck and used the mystical powers of his sword to crush the mutiny by hanging Jack and all of the other crewmen.

Jack Icannamefingersandpointnames

Jack faces Blackbeard aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Captain, I wish to report a mutiny! I can name fingers and point names.”
“No need, Mr. Sparrow. They are sheep. You, their shepherd.
―Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard[src]

After Blackbeard had Jack cut down, he attempted to shoot Jack, but Angelica stopped him stating that they need him to find the Fountain. A few moments later, after Blackbeard attempted to kill Philip Swift, Jack witnessed the punishment of the Cook, whom Blackbeard burned alive with the ship’s Greek fire. Jack was then immediately brought to the captain’s cabin for a conversation with Blackbeard. Sparrow tried convincing Blackbeard that Angelica wasn’t his daughter. But Blackbeard didn’t believe him and, after making a voodoo doll of Jack, stabbed it with a dagger. Angelica arrived as Sparrow immediately felt a heavy pain in his chest and spotted a carved injury on his chest. Angelica and Blackbeard persuaded Jack to lead them to the Fountain of Youth, as Blackbeard held the doll over the fire from a candle, in which Sparrow instantly agreed to take a look at the charts.[9]

Dance of Deception

Can I trust you, Jack? I need you on my side.”
“Oh, my dearest Angelica, you and I are as thick as thieves, love.
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack and Angelica dancing on the Queen Anne’s Revenge.

Later, Jack had Scrum play a romantic tone on the mandola as Angelica arrived on deck. While offering Angelica a drink, Jack recalled their previous encounters in Saint Dominique and La Martinique. As Scrum began playing the mandola more vigorously, Jack and Angelica danced on the deck of the Revenge. While they danced, Jack told Angelica that they could go to the Fountain of Youth together and have equal shares of fame in exchange for knowledge of the Profane Ritual. While Angelica was skeptical into trusting Jack, she reconsidered after Jack gave her a ring that he gave her in their first romance.[40] Angelica then revealed the ritual to Jack: water from the Fountain, a mermaid’s tear, and the Silver Chalices of Ponce de León. She also revealed that those items would be used to take all the years of life from another, a victim, hence why they couldn’t do it by themselves. Upon this revelation, Jack’s willingness to find the Fountain was greatly lessened.


Jack studies Blackbeard’s collection of shrunken ships in bottles.

But to bribe him, by promising him something he wants, Angelica showed Jack a cabinet full of Blackbeard’s trophies; shrunken ships in a bottles, each containing a ship that Blackbeard vanquished. Angelica promised Jack that he would get to choose any of the ships but stated she knew the one he’d choose. Looking through the cabinet, Jack was stunned to see the Black Pearl amongst them, with Barbossa’s monkey Jack inside, which annoyed Sparrow. Angelica tells Jack that she needs those years of the victim for Blackbeard, saying that he is really her father. Jack was then impressed with her lying by telling him the truth and eagerly asked if he could use it. He then tried to warn Angelica otherwise about trying to save Blackbeard, saying that he cannot be redeemed and would kill her. Before they could go further into the discussion, the Queen Anne’s Revenge arrived to an island which lied Whitecap Bay, a mermaid nesting ground.[9]

Mermaid Hunt


Jack overseeing the mermaid attack at Whitecap Bay.

After arriving to Whitecap Bay, Jack and Angelica joined with Blackbeard and his crewmen ashore to hunt a mermaid, as they needed a mermaid’s tear for the ritual. While some of the men deployed large fishing nets in the shallows, Jack joined the others who made their way to the top of the old lighthouse. After Salaman was able to get the lighthouse in working condition, Jack had to watch as Blackbeard launched several longboats in the water to attract the mermaids. The song from one of the men in the boats, Scrum, soon attracted a group of mermaids. The mermaids, after a few minutes of hesitation, attacked the boats and their crews. The Bay turned into a battlefield, where mermaids attempted to kill all of the men in the boats. After a while, the mermaids began to attack the onshore crew by using ropes of seaweed to pull them into the sea. Jack ordered a retreat to the crewmen to escape inland, but Blackbeard forced them to stay in the water by firing his pistol. Angelica was pulled by one of the mermaids’ seaweed ropes, leaving Jack Sparrow to save her.

Did everyone see that? Because I will not be doing it again.
―Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack after jumping off of the exploding lighthouse.

Jack then came up with an idea. He ran towards the lighthouse evading all forms of attacks from the vicious mermaids, losing his sword in the process. As he reached the summit, he began to hit a metal casket full of whale oil until the entire content of oil in it poured out into the fire, which caused an explosion. Jack quickly escaped into the sea as the lighthouse exploded. The fire from the explosion scared off the mermaids further, who Jack viewed swimming away whilst underwater. After a very brief reunion with Marina, a mermaid who Jack knew with in the past, Jack came ashore to find that Blackbeard had successfully captured a young mermaid thanks to Philip Swift. As Angelica gave Jack back his sword, Blackbeard ordered the crewmen to prepare to sail to continue their journey.[9]

Journey through jungles


Jack, Angelica and Blackbeard in a dense jungle island.

After relocating the Queen Anne’s Revenge to a protected cove of the island, the crew prepared to continue their quest for the Fountain of Youth through dense jungle. Blackbeard and Angelica had Jack Sparrow blindfolded as the crew came inland, so that Jack wouldn’t know the exact location of the Revenge. As soon as Blackbeard took off the blindfold, he let Jack lead the way. The crew needed to find Ponce de León’s ship, the Santiago, in order to find the two Chalices of Cartagena, another important item needed for the ritual. Jack led the crew through the jungles and swamps of the island with the help of his compass, but soon discovered an obstacle; a broken bridge in a chasm.


Jack being forced to pick pistols for Blackbeard.

Jack and Angelica briefly argued over which way to go until Blackbeard took Jack’s compass and ordered him to jump over the high cliff. When Jack refused to jump, Blackbeard pulled out his pistol and threatened to kill Angelica. Though Sparrow didn’t believe that he would kill his own daughter, Blackbeard had the Quartermaster placed his pistol with six more pistols, with only two of them being loaded, but with Blackbeard not knowing which. Jack thought that none of them were loaded, until he fired a loaded pistol into air. Jack then knew that Blackbeard was serious and was forced to either jump or choose again. Jack then asked the Quartermaster about the possibility of surviving the jump. The Quartermaster took Jack’s voodoo doll and threw it into the river. Jack screamed as it fell, but the Quartermaster assured him that he would survive. When Angelica attempted to jump, Jack ran and jumped before her, successfully falling into the river unscathed. While Blackbeard and Angelica continued their search for the Fountain, Jack proceeded into finding the Santiago.

Racing through jungles and running across the beachside, Jack found where the Santiago could be seen hanging precariously on a cliffside. After having climbed up to the wreckage, Jack entered the captain’s cabin, spotting Ponce de León’s corpse on a bed, where he reunited with Hector Barbossa.[9]

Retrieving the Chalices


Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa aboard the Santiago.

Seeing that they were both after the same prize, Jack wanted to fight Hector Barbossa. But the balance of the Santiago was so unstable that when they moved, the ship dangerously leaned. As Jack and Barbossa put the ship into balance, a chest slid from under the bed. They knew that the chest held the Chalices they both sought, but caused the ship to go unbalanced again. After getting the ship into balance again, Jack and Barbossa decided to open it together. However, they only discovered that there was nothing inside, except for two stones instead of the two Chalices. They both realized that the Spaniard’s men already took the Chalices. Taking a look at a map in the hands of Ponce de León’s corpse, Jack and Barbossa found where the Spanish would make their camp.


Jack and Hector Barbossa captured by |Spanish soldiers.

Jack and Barbossa later found the location of the Spanish camp where they met up with Barbossa’s men, with Joshamee Gibbs among them. Jack and Gibbs had a brief reunion with Jack realizing that Gibbs stole Jack’s map. As the crew journeyed to the Spanish camp, Jack and Gibbs discussed Jack’s problem of rescuing Angelica, a damsel that he had feelings for long ago and left. Once the group was close to the camp, Barbossa ordered his men to stay back and wait for the signal. Both Jack and Barbossa managed to infiltrate the camp and stealthily steal the Chalices. However, after attempting to just walk out and fighting off some Spanish soldiers, the two are captured.

The Spanish tied both Jack and Barbossa to palm trees in Palm Tree Grove. After minutes of trying to find a way to get free, Jack saw Barbossa drinking up rum from his peg leg, instantly wanting one. While having a drink from the wooden leg, Jack reveals that he saw through Barbossa’s new image from the start, especially when he was more interested in facing Blackbeard rather than finding the Chalices. Because of Jack knowing this, Barbossa told Jack what really happened with the Pearl, which was that Blackbeard took the Pearl by having the ship come to life and turned against him and his crew. Barbossa told Jack that he wanted a chance at Blackbeard, which Jack agreed that it would happen, as he got free of his bonds.

Still tied up, Jack climbs upwards a palm tree with Barbossa looking. Jack was able to reached the top, untie himself, and then catapults into another tree, which Barbossa’s men took as the signal. The Spanish saw Jack escaping and fanned out to find him until coconuts fall on them. Jack swings down the trees and circles around one of the trees and tie some very bewildered Spaniards up. Meeting up with Barbossa and his men, Jack revealed that he had gotten ahold of the Chalices. Jack continued on with his joint enterprise with Barbossa.

Now, before I just go handing them over, I do have one or two conditions.”
“Name them.
―Jack Sparrow and Blackbeard[src]

Jack Angelica Jungle

Jack negotiating with Blackbeard.

In the middle of the jungle, Jack was able to catch up with Angelica and Blackbeard, who were successful at obtaining a mermaid’s tear from the young mermaid they captured, Syrena. Jack presented the Chalices tied onto a wild boar held on a leash by Joshamee Gibbs, but wasn’t willing to give them away without a few conditions. Jack’s conditions were for Blackbeard to bring no harm to Angelica, the return of Jack’s compass and the freedom of Gibbs. Blackbeard considered it done. Jack gave his compass to Gibbs, who was going to retrieve the Black Pearl from the Queen Anne’s Revenge for Jack. The crew went on to find the Fountain of Youth.[9]

The Fountain of Youth

Jack. I’m starting to think you don’t know where you’re going.”
“It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say.
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack finding the cave entrance.

With having the route to the Fountain of Youth memorized, Jack Sparrow searches through the jungles to find the cave entrance to the Fountain. After searching through many huge palm fronds, Jack spotted a water droplet traveling up on one of the fronds, defying gravity. He watched it as it crawled upwards, then starts toying with it between his fingers. Jack then squints through it, spotting a rock wall in front of him with the archaic symbol of the Fountain. The droplet broke free of Jack’s finger and floated upwards, just as Jack discovered the cave entrance. Jack followed the Quartermaster as he led Jack, Angelica, Blackbeard and the rest of the Revenge’s crew into the cavern until they reached across a wall, a dead end. Upon seeing the seemingly end of the quest, Angelica began to suspect that Jack didn’t know where he was going. It wasn’t until Jack unsuccessfully attempted to gain entrance into the Fountain of Youth, by hitting the two Chalices against one another, that everyone realized that Jack had never been to the Fountain.

Jack, have you ever, in fact, seen with your own eyes, the Fountain of Youth?”
“…I’m sorry, could you repeat the question, please?
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]

Angered by the revelation, Blackbeard ordered the Quartermaster to kill Jack Sparrow. The Quartermaster fired his pistol but Jack shielded himself with the Chalices and the bullet ricochets off them. Blackbeard aimed his own pistol at Sparrow, who started to read the words inscribed on the Chalices, “Aqua de Vida”. Water gradually started rising up along the walls, collecting into a pool above their heads. Jack then climbed onto Scrum’s shoulders, holding his sword and poked the pool—the sword was sucked into the water, right before Jack Sparrow himself was sucked into a misty environment. As he went to pick up his sword, Jack found himself in the Fountain of Youth.


Jack Sparrow at the Fountain of Youth.

Jack continued forward as the rest of the crew arrived. Right in front of them was the Fountain itself, a natural stone archway-like basin with water dripping through. Jack walked up to the central stone reaching to touch the water, but Blackbeard stopped him, stating that he’ll be the first to drink from it. However, Hector Barbossa and his men arrived to the Fountain to confront Blackbeard and his men. Angelica realized that Jack had brought them there. Barbossa and Blackbeard both pulled out their swords and ordered their crews to attack. Jack then bursts in between the parties, questioning the sense in both sides fighting just because of Barbossa’s desire to kill Blackbeard. He suggested that the captains fight each other, while everyone else lays back, watches, drinks and place wagers. Scrum agreed to the plan. However, the battle between the crews erupted.

Whoah, whoah, hang on a minute! I just—I just need to understand something. Right, so. You will fight against them, they will fight against you all on account of him wanting to kill him? Where is the sense? Exactly. I say, let them fight each other! While we lay back, watch, have a drink, place some wagers! Eh?!
―Jack Sparrow[src]


Jack fighting against Angelica and Scrum at the Fountain.

As the fight went on, Jack briefly dueled with Scrum for the tear to the Fountain. Jack took the tear from Scrum by kicking him in the stomach—only to find himself threatened by both Scrum and Angelica, who pointed their swords at him. Jack tossed the tear into the air, Angelica tried to grab it, which causes her and Scrum to throw their swords up in the air as well, and both swords end up in Jack’s hands. After another toss around, Jack ends up with the tear and Scrum ends up with the Chalices. Jack kicks the Chalices out of Scrum’s hands over to the other side of the Fountain. Jack and Angelica then end up in a struggle with the Chalices, until The Spaniard and his men arrive.

After the Spaniard killed off Theodore Groves, Jack gave the Chalices to Angelica as the Spaniard walked towards them. The Spaniard then took the Chalices from Angelica and revealed the Spanish’s true intentions—to destroy the Fountain of Youth. He then smashed the Chalices and tossed them into a deep pool. As the Spanish destroyed the temple, Barbossa stabbed Blackbeard with his poisoned sword. Angelica ran to her father’s side to remove the sword, but Jack was too late to warn her as she cut her hand and poisoned herself in the process. Seeing that Angelica was in danger, Jack ran to find the Chalices. As the Spanish began pulling down the columns, Jack searched through the pools where the Spaniard had tossed the Chalices in an attempt to find them. As Angelica desperately tried to help Blackbeard, the remainder of Blackbeard’s crewmen left with Barbossa. The Spanish struggled with a large column as Gunner and the Quartermaster fought off the Spanish soldiers. Jack looked up as the large column was pulled over and crushed the two zombies, as well as the Fountain. The Spanish then leave. Only Jack was left, still searching for the Chalices until Syrena emerged from the water holding the battered silver Chalices. Jack took them as Syrena told him to not waste her tear shortly before she disappeared back into the water. Jack ran quickly to the fallen, cracked basin and managed to fill each Chalice with a few drops of the water from the Fountain before it dried up. He added the tear to one of the cups. Jack then went to Angelica and Blackbeard to perform the Profane Ritual.

Jack offered both Blackbeard and Angelica the Chalices, with Jack attempting to convince Blackbeard to save Angelica by drinking from the Chalice that takes life. But in his greed, Blackbeard quickly drank out of the cup with the tear and told Angelica to save him. Though shocked, Angelica willingly drank from the other Chalice. However, Jack revealed that he may have switched the cups. Blackbeard then tried to attack Sparrow, but staggered, being stuck standing in the same spot. As Angelica’s wound immediately healed as the flowing waters of the Fountain rushed towards Blackbeard. Jack watched as the Fountain’s waters completely surrounded Blackbeard, rotting his flesh away. The waters then cleared away as Blackbeard’s lifeless skeleton collapsed, dead.[9]

You bastard! How could you?!”
“Your father saved you. Perhaps his soul is now redeemed. Eh?
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]

A Pirate’s Life for Me

Gibbs, you filthy besotted shellback, you made it!”
“And I trust we managed to profit from our joint enterprise?”
“Feast your eyes. [shows the
Black Pearl in a bottle] The compass led me straight and true.
―Jack Sparrow and Joshamee Gibbs[src]


Jack and Angelica on Sola Fide Beach.

Later, Jack Sparrow had Angelica tied up aboard a row boat as he took her to Sola Fide Beach. Even though her own life was saved, Angelica told Jack that she hated him because he had her taking years from Blackbeard, her own father. Jack told Angelica that he helped Blackbeard do what any father should do in that situation. Upon arriving to the desert island, Jack threw Angelica a pistol with one shot. Angelica desperately tried to convince Jack not to leave her there by first trying to get him to admit that he still loved her, then telling him about a treasure with jewels and that she was pregnant with his child. Jack refused all those claims, believing them to be lies.

Wait. There’s something I want to say to you. Something I wanted to say from the moment we first met.”
“Go on, then.”
“I love you.”
“As do I. Always have, always will [they lean to a kiss]…I gotta go.
―Angelica and Jack Sparrow[src]

Angelica then told Jack that she loved him, to which Jack stated that he did as well and always will. They lean in to kiss each other, but not before Jack ran for his dinghy. Angelica angrily called out to Jack and then used her pistol with one shot to try and shoot him, but missed. Jack rowed away in his longboat as Angelica was simply left to curse at him.

JackGibbs MovieSurfers

Jack telling Joshamee Gibbs his plan of getting the Black Pearl out of the bottle.

Beached on a sandy shore, Jack rejoins Joshamee Gibbs, who was lying on a piece of driftwood. Jack asked Gibbs about the profit in their cooperation, by using Jack’s compass to locate the Queen Anne’s Revenge and sneak aboard to retrieve the Black Pearl in the bottle. As Jack glanced at his beloved Pearl in his possession once again, Gibbs revealed that he also took all the other ships that Blackbeard had magically shrunk and bottled. As Jack took a closer look on the Pearl, he saw Jack the Monkey swinging at his face, to his disgust. When Gibbs asked Jack if he had any idea to get her out, which Jack said that they needed a crossbow, an hourglass, three goats, and that one of them must play the trumpet while the other wiggles his fingers. Gibbs said that he knew someone with a goat, which made Jack immediately think he could be the one to wiggle his fingers.


Jack saying that it’s a pirate’s life.

As they later walked on the beach of the island during a Caribbean sunset, Gibbs asked Jack why he didn’t choose to use the Fountain of Youth, even though he had all the items, saying that he could’ve lived forever. Jack told Gibbs that the Fountain tests you, and that it’s better to not know your last moment. He also said that he would live forever being named as the discoverer of the Fountain. Jack told Gibbs of his determination to continue a pirate’s life.[9]

Jack, I have to ask. You had the Chalices, the water, the tear. You could’ve lived, maybe forever.”
“The Fountain does test you, Gibbs. But better to not know which moment may be your last, every morsel of your entire being alive to the infinite mystery of it all. And who’s to say I won’t live forever, eh? Discoverer of the Fountain of Youth. [Gibbs chuckles] I have no say in it, Gibbs. It’s a pirate’s life for me. Savvy?
―Joshamee Gibbs and Jack Sparrow[src]

A new start

Oh come, come mates? Did we not find the treasure of Macedonia together?”
“It was a troll of rotten wood.”
“Gold of King Midas.”
“Pile of donkey dung.
―Jack Sparrow, Cremble, and Scrum[src]

Following the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Jack and Gibbs decided to return to piracy. Unable to pull the Black Pearl out of its bottle prison Jack always carried it with him in his journies. Jack and Gibbs assembled a new crew and obtained a new ship, an old sloop called the Dying Gull. Over the next year Jack and his crew embarked on several adventures, searching for mythical treasures like the gold of King Midas and the treasure of Macedonia. However, even though they succeeded in finding those treasure, all of them turned out to be worthless. As Jack’s luck run out, the reward that the British authorities offered for his capture steadily declined from one hundred pounds to just one pound. Some people even believed that Jack was dead and buried in an unmarked grave on the island of Saint Martin.[12]

Quest for the Trident of Poseidon

Hard Times

Jack in the vault

A drunken Jack passed out in a safe.

This may seem a peculiar request but could someone explain to me as to why I’m here?
―Jack Sparrow to the citizens of Saint Martin[src]

A year after the battle for the Fountain of Youth, Jack and his crew found themselves on the island of Saint Martin, a British colony in the Lesser Antilles. With their ship stranded on the shore and the entire crew starving, they made a plan to rob the new bank in the town of Saint Martin. Jack met and seduced Frances, the wife of Mayor Dix while ending up in the bank vault, but he got drunk and passed out.

Carina and Jack

Jack meets Carina Smyth.

He was found in the safe the next morning in the middle of the opening ceremony where he was identified as a pirate. The guards prepared to kill him but the bank was dragged away by his crew along with Jack whose leg was caught by a rope. Soon Jack was freed from the rope and was chased by guards before he eluded them by hiding in an astronomer’s shop. Jack then met and helped a young woman elude the soldiers before meeting back with his crew who he escaped with.[12]

At the ship, the crew prepared to reap the riches only to find that the vault empty (having lost the money along the way). The crew then became fed up with Jack for the lack of money and that his reputation was now insignificant to that of Hector Barbossa who now ruled the seas with his powerful fleet. The crew was further fed when Jack asked them to pay him and decided to leave his services including Gibbs who told his old friend that they have reached the end of the horizon.[12]


May I please have a drink, please?”
“Show me your silver.”
“Silver? How about a trade? Give me the bottle.
―Jack Sparrow and Grimes[src]

Distraught by his lost crew and failing career, Jack traveled into town where he fell in mud before going to the local tavern where he bartered his prized compass while ignoring the shaking caused by the incident. Jack drank his pain away before he was confronted by guards over the robbery and the guards boasted out to the town they have apprehended him.[12]

Meeting another Turner

DMTNT Henry & Jack 6

Jack meets Henry Turner.

Are you sure you’re the Jack Sparrow?”
“The real question is… Who are you?”
“My name is Henry Turner. Son of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann.”
“Ugh! You’re the evil spawn of them two? Does mommy ever ask about me?
―Henry Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

In his cell, Jack devised an escape plan by making a dummy and preparing to attack a guard for his sword. When one guard passed, Jack put his plan into the action, but learned the young man was really pretending to be a soldier as he was wanted for treason. The boy stating he was searching for him though was disappointed, due to what he saw in the real Jack. He then questioned if he was really Sparrow as the latter turned this around on the stranger. The man introduced himself as Henry Turner, the son of Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann as Jack was shocked to learn his old allies had a child. His familiarity confirmed his identity to Henry, who told him that he needs his help in finding the Trident of Poseidon to free his father, but Jack was uninterested in the quest even falling asleep mid-way.

Henry soon revealed that he had a message from Captain Armando Salazar. As Jack recalled the name, he told Henry that the man was long dead to which Henry replied that Salazar died in the Devil’s Triangle, but was resurrected and now leading an army of vengeful ghosts to kill Jack now that he betrayed his compass. Henry tells the surprised and worried Jack that he now needed the trident to defeat them.[12]

Jack agreed to help in the journey and told Henry of where to find his old crew and hire them to help him.[41]

Escaping Execution

Two Jacks

Jack reunites with his Uncle Jack.

How would you like to die, pirate? Hanging, firing squad or… a new invention? The guillotine!”
“Guillotine? Sounds French? I like the French. Did you know they invented mayonnaise? How bad could it be? It’s French, right?
―British soldier and Jack Sparrow[src]

The next morning, Sparrow was taken out of his cell by the guards. As he was dragged through the corridor he heard someone singing Maggie Mae. As he saw the singer in a cell playing cards with two other imprisoned pirates, he mistook him for his father, Captain Teague, but when he called him the man turned around, revealing himself to really be his uncle, Jack. Sparrow and Jack talked for a few moments, with Jack advising his nephew to stay on land where it’s safe as the oceans have turned to blood, but Sparrow replied that he was just about to be executed on land. Sparrow was then taken away for execution.[12]

In the town square Sparrow was asked by the soldiers if he wanted to be executed by hanging, firing squad, or with the new invention, the guillotine. Believing that something that sounded French couldn’t be so dangerous, he picked the guillotine but was dismayed to learn it was a device meant to decapitate him. When the guards strapped him to the instrument, he interrupted the final speech of Carina Smyth resulting in an argument. Their bickering annoyed the crowd so much that Lieutenant Scarfield demanded that they both be executed at once. Fortunately for the two convicts, Henry Turner arrived along with Jack’s crew who were paid to help. The crew fired a cannonball into the platform that held the guillotine, causing a mass confusion. The prisoners and crew were able to escape the area.[12]

Setting Sail

Why did I bother coming to you? The dead are haunting us down and you do nothing.”
“Nothing? You call this nothing?”
“You’re drunk and you’re sleeping.”
“My point exactly. I am doing two things at once.
―Henry Turner and Jack Sparrow[src]

The crew make their way to the Dying Gull where they finally have the ship set sail and though they have a hitch, the ship makes its voyage. During the journey, Jack has Carina serve as navigator with her maps threatening the life of Henry if she doesn’t comply aware she might have feeling for him. Jack has his men throw Henry overboard and after he gets the information, he reveals Henry was thrown in a lifeboat tied to the ship.[12]

Henry Jack standoff

Jack and Henry have a stand-off.

As the ship made its journey, Jack got drunk again as Henry lashed out at him even threatening him with a sword but an unfazed Jack pulled out his pistol telling Henry if he threatened him again to prepare to die. Jack soon noticed the affection Henry had
for Carina offering him some bad advice.[12]


We should’ve never follow a luck less pirate and a witch to sea.”
“Right, that’s it. Kill them all.”
“Kill me and, and I will be dead. And then the other dead won’t be able to have their revenge against me.
―Pike, Bollard, and Jack Sparrow[src]

The crew then continued the journey before seeing they were being tailed by the Silent Mary as the crew were angered by Jack withholding this information and threatened to kill him. Jack managed to persuade them to mutiny surrendering his captain position to Gibbs while he, Henry and Carina sailed off in a rowboat.[12]

Confronting the Past

Jack shark Henry

Jack and Henry are attacked by an undead shark.

You would leave me for some horologist in her knickers?”
“You men are all alike!
―Jack Sparrow and Henry Turner[src]

The Silent Mary continued following them as Carina prepared to dive into the water something Jack admired for being similar to him in that regard. He silenced Henry as she took off her dress and swam ashore as he criticized Henry for stopping her from going further with undressing. The continued rowing before Henry got annoyed with Jack and prepared to follow Carina but Salazar released undead sharks after them as Jack stopped Henry falling overboard.[12]

Salazar on the beach

Sparrow meets the undead Salazar.

Jack and Henry constantly dealt with their repeated attacks as well as the charging Salazar and his crew. Jack managed to dodge a strike from Salazar before taking control of the shark and narrowly save a helpless Henry from being eaten as they crashed on a nearby island where Jack was confronted by the undead specter of his nemesis Salazar but he is relieved that he or his men can’t step foot on land without being destroyed. While Henry runs after a stunned Carina, Jack nervously tells Salazar he has to leave while Salazar tells Jack he will wait for him to escape the island to exact his revenge as the fearful Jack tries to dissuade him before running off.[12]

Reunion with Barbossa

Jack! We meet again!”
“Hector? This is me bestest mate in the whole world.”
“I always knew you’d settle down eventually.
―Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow[src]

As he and Henry ran off in the jungle, Jack poked fun at Henry’s feelings for Carina but was dismayed to learn the island they were on was Hangman’s Bay. They found Carina trapped in a net and moved to help her but were caught in a net as well before one of the island inhabitants came and knocked Jack out.[12]

Jack's wedding

Jack at his forced wedding.

Jack awoke with a rope tied to his neck while finding Henry and Carina tied up before he locked eyes with an old acquaintance Pig Kelly who he was afraid to see since he owed him a large debt. Kelly declared Jack would repay him by marrying his sister, which Jack was terrified of since she had an unappealing appearance and children. Jack was not willing to marry her even when Kelly threatened his life but when Carina and Henry pointed out that union wasn’t legal he was relieved. After they asked if anyone objected, Jack inadvertently said “I do” which caused the wedding to proceed but before she could kiss him Hector Barbossa and his crew arrived. As a “wedding gift”, he dispatches Kelly by shooting him in the leg as the latter and his men run away which saves Jack from the forced marriage, much to his joy.[12]

Barbossa Jack pistol

Barbossa threatens Jack as he takes the Pearl.

Barbossa then tells Jack that he needs him to defeat Salazar for sinking his ships. Jack is skeptical of this plan as he believes there is no ship that could evade the Silent Mary but Barbossa then brought up the Black Pearl, which he knew Jack had on him. He then used the Sword of Triton to stab into the bottle to release the Pearl from imprisonment but it grew halfway since Jack placed it on land so Barbossa threw it into the water as Jack briefly mourned its presumed sinking until the ocean shook. The Black Pearl then rose from the sea, back to its natural size as Jack happily looked at his precious vessel finally restored to its original glory. However, his joy was short-lived as Barbossa held him at gunpoint to assume command of the ship for himself.[12]

Final Destination

Barbossa threatens Jack

Jack attempts to negotiate with Barbossa.

I’d say this puts me in a rather favorable position, daddy.”
“Tell me what you want.”
“I want me compass… two hundred and sixteen barrels of rum… and the monkey.”
“You want Jack?”
“Dinner. I want to eat him. I want to eat that monkey!”
“No deal, Jack. A clever young woman such as that would never believe that a swine like me could ever be her blood. And the Trident will be mine.
―Jack Sparrow and Hector Barbossa[src]

With Barbossa in charge of his precious ship again, a helpless Jack was tied to the foremast of the Black Pearl as the ship set sail. On the seas, Jack protested the idea of moving past land as he knew Salazar couldn’t set foot on land. During his incapacitation, Jack overheard a conversation between Barbossa and Carina in which he recognized Carina’s last name Smyth. He taunted Barbossa by asking about a woman named Margaret Smyth as Barbossa got angry while Jack was pleased he had leverage against him. He soon questioned how Barbossa could have a daughter like Carina before demanding his compass, 216 barrels of rum, and Jack (to eat) but he was gagged by the monkey and ignored.[12]

Walking on cannons 2

Jack jumps between the two ships.

A captive Jack soon witnessed the arrival of the Essex before he watched as it was attacked and destroyed by Salazar, causing him to panic as the ghost ship began attacking the Pearl. As Jack struggled to break free, he was quickly released by Henry before Salazar could reach him. Swinging off a rope, Jack managed to land on one of the Silent Mary’s cannons as Salazar appeared and began chasing him. As he ran away, Jack faced several obstacles with Salazar and his ghost ship before he was blown into the ship. Jack did battle with Salazar who knocked him down but Jack continued to hold his own before his sword was knocked away. As the undead captain prepared to kill him, Jack spotted the Black rock island where the Trident was and with Salazar momentarily distracted, Jack used it as a way to escape back to his ship.[12]

Battle in Poseidon’s tomb

As I told you before, surrender to me now and I’ll let you… live.”
“You want me to surrender?”
“This is where the tale ends!
―Jack Sparrow and Armando Salazar[src]

Arriving at the island, Carina remarked to Jack on how beautiful it was as Jack questioned if she meant the rocks but is told that the island was a reflection of the heavens that her father wanted her to find. Before they transverse the area, Jack told Barbossa of his daughter’s occupation as they set off. Jack then watched Carina take the ruby from her book and put it on the missing half of the ruby on the island which opened the seas to reveal the location of the trident which Sparrow and Smyth fell through. After falling a long way, the two entered Poseidon’s Tomb as Smyth ran off, Jack picked up her diary as they managed to locate the trident. Jack and Carina were attacked by a possessed Henry who began to fight Sparrow, while the crew of the Silent Mary saw them from within the other two parts of the sea. Jack was unable to do much to Salazar without harming Henry in the process.[12]

Salazar Trident Jack

Salazar stabs Sparrow.

The battle ended when Salazar left Henry’s body and obtained the Trident of Poseidon which he used to torture Sparrow by through the water, where Lieutenant Lesaro and the rest of the crew attempted to grab him and drown him. After catching his breath, Sparrow told Salazar his previous words of surrendering as he did years ago, but Salazar was done toying with him and decided to get revenge by stabbing Jack in the chest with the trident, shushing him as he attempted to push the trident more into his body.[12]

Jack broken Trident Salazar

Henry destroys the trident.

However, Jack, now realizing the Trident stabbed Carina’s dairy which he held in his jacket, kept the weapon in place urging Henry to help. Henry grabbed his sword and sent it crashing down on the Trident, breaking it in half, and breaking all the curses of the sea while making Salazar and his men mortal again.[12]

Jack, Henry, and Carina then saw the walls of water coming down and realized that this would mean instant death but they saw the anchor of the Pearl lowering with Hector Barbossa on it imploring them to run. The trio quickly ran to safety and managed to climb on board, but were followed by Salazar and two of his now living crew members. As Salazar began to climb the anchor, he drew his sword, due to not being satisfied with letting Jack escape while still eager for vengeance, and attempted to reach Carina so as to end her life. After Barbossa realized Salazar was making his way toward his daughter, he ordered her to hold on to the anchor. Jack then shouted “Hector!” as he threw him Henry’s sword. Jack was shocked when Barbossa let go of the anchor and grasped the sword and allowed himself to fall. He then witnessed Barbossa piercing Salazar through the back with the blade, causing him to let go of the anchor and knock off both of his crew members who held onto the anchor. Salazar then went tumbling down to the ocean floor, letting out a scream of horror, which was soon silenced by him landing face first on the bottom of the anchor below while killing him for good. His body was then consumed by the surrounding waves, ending El Matador del Mar’s reign of the Seven Seas once and for all. Jack was then stunned to watch as Barbossa soon fell to a similar fate and was washed away by the closing seas. [12]

Following the Stars

Pirate’s life, Hector.
―Jack about Barbossa’s sacrifice.[src]

With Salazar vanquished, Jack and his group returned to the surface. Jack was saddened by the death of his longtime rival, sadly remarking about Barbossa’s sacrifice as the rest of the crew mourned the latter. Jack then noticed Henry watching Carina’s sad expression and helped him in winning her over by giving him her book, so he could comfort her which was successful.[12]

Jack then used the Black Pearl to drop Henry and Carina home. From the ship, Jack used his spy glass and witnessed Elizabeth and Will’s reunion along with the new union of Henry and Carina. Though content, Jack remarked that their happiness was truly a “revolting sight”.[12]

Jack monkey

Jack assumes command of the Pearl again.

Afterwards, with his precious ship returned to him and with his crew (now consisting of the remainder of Barbossa’s and his old one) strengthen in numbers, Sparrow took to the helm when Jack appeared surprising him. Unlike their previous interactions, the Monkey instead gave him back his lost compass as a sign of peace, though put off by this change he nervously accepted the gesture. Gibbs soon asked Jack what their heading was as Jack told they would follow the stars, an order that his first mate happily followed.[12]

As he prepared to set sail, the monkey climbed onto his shoulder as Sparrow looked surprised at first but quickly changed his expression and accepted the monkey back. With the sea tamed, Jack had the Pearl set sail towards his beloved horizon.[12] His further fate is unknown.

Personality and traits

Jack Sparrow -7

Jack Sparrow

I must admit, Jack, I thought I had you figured, but it turns out you’re a hard man to predict.”
“Me? I’m dishonest. And a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly. It’s the honest ones you want to watch out for. Because you can never predict when they’re going to do something incredibly…stupid.
―Hector Barbossa and Jack Sparrow[src]

A notorious and infamous pirate, pillager, brigand, and highwayman; that was how Captain Jack Sparrow would be described by himself. Sailing a fine line between piratical genius and mercurial madness, Jack had an enemy in every port.[39] Even at young age, Jack was the biggest troublemaker on the Seven Seas.[42] A famed pirate; a sun-stroked trickster who knows what he wants and has the means to get it. Jack never backs down and does what he needs to get the job done. Captain of the Black Pearl, this crafty pirate values his freedom and his ship above all else. Although the pirate captain once claimed his first and only love is the sea.[4] Jack Sparrow was noted for his unusual demeanor, characterized by a slightly drunken stagger and wild, flailing arm and hand gestures that made him appear unfocused and possibly ataxic. This was possibly due in part to the hot climate of the Caribbean, and the large amount of time spent on deck of various ships–though it should be noted he seemed fairly sure-footed onboard a ship. However, it is more likely that his demeanor was due to a common affliction of most sailors of that era–a combination of lots of rum, very few fruits and vegetables, and a tendency to accidentally hit one’s head quite often on low-hanging bulkheads below the decks of a ship. It was rumored that Jack suffered heat stroke while marooned on a desert island after Hector Barbossa’s mutiny aboard the Black Pearl.[citation needed] Drinking was one of the most popular of pirate pleasures. Like all pirates, Jack believed that “rum gets you through times of no money better than money gets you through times of no rum.”[2]

Jack could be extremely serious on occasion, such as when Elizabeth Swann burned his rum supply while marooned on an island with her, after shooting Barbossa on Isla de Muerta, or when he was marked with the Black Spot by Bootstrap Bill Turner, and when he saw the Kraken’s corpse lying on the beach. He was also shown to be quite serious when Sao Feng was confronting him on how he had insulted him, and when he witnessed Davy Jones stabbing Will Turner in the heart. As far as danger was concerned, Jack was concerned for Angelica’s well-being and even expressed grief for Barbossa’s death after Armando Salazar’s defeat, despite their troubled history. Jack’s seemingly-perpetual drunkenness may have been the cause of his slurred speech.

Average in height and build, Jack Sparrow relied more on intelligence, agility, and quick wit to protect himself, rather than physical strength. He was seen as both the “worst” and “best” pirate, though he never went into a fight if he didn’t have to, and always took a shortcut out of tough situations. As Jack navigates his way from one perilous adventure to another, enemies become allies and friends become foes. Jack frequently outmaneuvered enemies with his words but when forced to fight he was still a formidable opponent. As long as his own precious hide was at risk, a man could ask for no better comrade in battle.

You’re a good man, and don’t let anyone tell you you’re not.
―Amenirdis to Jack Sparrow[src]

As a notorious pirate, Jack Sparrow was a decent, if self-serving, man who adhered to the Pirate’s Code. He believed pirates could still be “good men,” which was his evaluation of Bootstrap Bill Turner. Unusually altruistic for a pirate, Jack would risk himself to save others, most notably Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, Angelica, and Henry Turner; he regularly showed a desire to avoid killing those who did not specifically wish him harm, preferring to avoid soldiers who were simply after him because he was a pirate rather than because they had some specific vendetta against him as Captain Jack Sparrow. Even after a time where he feared death and was hell-bent on achieving immortality, Jack would not do so if it came at the cost of others. This was evidenced when he was faced with the choice of stabbing Davy Jones’ heart himself or letting Will Turner stab it, using Will’s hand to stab the heart so that his dying friend would take on the role of captain of the Dutchman and be saved from his imminent death.

This reluctance to sacrifice another was also shown when he admitted having less interest in using the Fountain of Youth after learning it required the sacrifice of another individual, the waters of the Fountain and the tear of a mermaid, when drunk from two silver chalices, transferring life from one and giving all the years they had lived or would live to another. With this in mind, Jack only used the Fountain to save Angelica after she was poisoned by Barbossa’s sword, simultaneously tricking the already-villainous Blackbeard into giving his life for the sake of his daughter. Jack also helped Henry Turner win over Carina Smyth by giving him her book so he could return it. It was partly this benevolence that led the crew to the mutiny aboard the Black Pearl, according to Barbossa, with Jack preferring to convince prospective ‘victims’ to give his crew what they sought where Barbossa found it easier to kill the crews and take what they wanted. It is unclear whether this was true or just mocking from Barbossa after he claimed the Pearl.

Every captain needed a reliable first mate, and Joshamee Gibbs was Jack Sparrow’s first choice. They made a great team, but they did have a habit of getting each other into trouble. Gibbs was an old friend of Jack’s, having supposedly known him since his childhood. It was Jack who persuaded Gibbs, a sailor of the Royal Navy, to turn pirate.[43]

As often as Jack Sparrow saved Elizabeth and Will, however, he also tricked them to serve his own purposes and even offered up Will to Davy Jones in exchange for himself; when asked if he could condemn an innocent and friend to serve Jones forever while Jack himself roamed free, Jack merrily replied, “Yep. I’m good with it,” after a brief moment of hesitation (although considering his immediate efforts to find the Dead Man’s Chest after making this arrangement, he may have simply agreed to this ‘deal’ to buy time for him to find Jones’s weakness). In a moment of cowardice, Jack deserted his ship and crew to save himself from the Kraken. However, after checking his compass, Sparrow chose to return and save his shipmates.

Further evidence of his morality was when he refused to transport slaves for the East India Trading Company, and when his extensive criminal record was read during his attempted executions at Port Royal and Fort Alvo Grande, it included no reference to crimes such as rape or murder. Jack later showed sadness at the sacrifice of Hector Barbossa, showing that in spite of their previous enmity and rivalry, he still respected Barbossa after he died to protect his daughter.[12] Jack also claimed to be a man of his word, and often expressed surprise that people would doubt his honesty.

Even though he received no formal education, Jack was far away from being just a typical illiterate pirate. More or less raised by himself, and always wanting to learn about the world, Jack developed a taste for reading poetry, history, and biographies of notable persons from the past. One of his favorite writers was William Shakespeare.[45]

One of the well-known things about Captain Jack Sparrow was his myth. Many tales of adventure and the supernatural have been told of the indomitable trickster pirate, most of which have been embellished by Jack himself. Such tales have made Jack an infamous pirate of the Caribbean, having been known for having created, or at least contributed to, his own reputation. For example, when Gibbs tells Will Turner that he escaped a desert island by strapping two sea turtles together, Jack embellished the story by claiming that the rope was made from human hair from his own back. Will threw this back at the trickster pirate about one year later when Jack asked Will how he got to Isla Cruces, having previously believed Will was with Davy Jones’s crew on the Flying Dutchman. When Will responded with the same story of sea turtles, Jack remarked, “Not so easy, is it?” Additionally, while searching for Jack, a guide told Will that the pirate escaped his execution in Port Royal by grabbing two parrots and flying away. Some say Jack earned the name “Jack the Sparrow” as a young pirate when he trapped the malicious Spanish pirate hunter Capitán Salazar in the Devil’s Triangle.[12]

Sparrow considered himself sensitive to the opposite sex, explaining that he had a “tremendous intuitive sense of the female creature.” However, he was not one to commit to intimate relationships, as he considered marriage to be “like a wager to see who will fall out of love first.” None of the many women in his life was able to make him settle somewhere permanently and start a family. When Kerman princess Amenirdis gave him a golden ring, he worriedly asked her if that meant that they were married. In his youth, Jack Sparrow unsuccessfully flirted with deadly mermaids, pretty henchmen women that lead him to their bloodhirsty boss and occassionaly Tia Dalma[46].

A more mature Jack Sparrow was more adept at sweeping ladies off their feet, however, although his conquests seemed to have a sour memory of him; former flames Giselle and Scarlett slapped him or anyone looking for him. However, Tia Dalma, with whom Jack apparently had a personal history, was rather pleased to see him when he visited her, although his anxiety over their impending reunion indicated they may have parted on less than good terms. Jack’s relationship with Esmeralda Maria Consuela Anna de Sevilla was good at the time when he was not yet experienced in interactions with women who weren’t prostitutes. She considered Jack her best friend (aside from being her lover), but she admitted she wouldn’t marry him even if he asked her.

At one point, Jack had a relationship with a mermaid named Marina, though it most likely ended on a sour note but when they met again, rather than drown him, she instead slapped him, implying a soft spot. Elizabeth Swann was briefly attracted to him when they were searching for the Dead Man’s Chest, but this ‘relationship’ came to its peak when Elizabeth kissed him so that he would be trapped on the Black Pearl when the Kraken attacked, both later admitting that they knew it would never have worked between them while Will Turner was always her choice.

At some point in his life, Jack Sparrow had met the beautiful Angelica, a lady with a past as checkered as Jack’s own. Despite Angelica being a novice in a Spanish convent, which Jack said he mistook it for a brothel, Sparrow would seduce her and then dumped her. Jack would convey to Gibbs that he had feelings for Angelica before leaving her, Gibbs told Jack, even for him, that was low. Legend has it that she was the only woman Jack ever truly loved, but there have been occasions where she tried to kill him. Whether she broke his heart or he smote hers was an endless debate between the two pirates.[47] When Angelica impersonated Jack in London, he took it as a sincerest form of flattery, but he’d also really wish that she didn’t impersonate him as a captain. Angelica was one of the few who can match Jack, particularly in battle. Days after Sparrow was shanghaied aboard the Queen Anne’s Revenge, forced to join Blackbeard’s quest for the Fountain of Youth, it was only Jack’s guilt over Angelica that kept him from escaping with a quick dive overboard. Though they have had many differences in the past, Jack still had feelings for Angelica throughout the adventure, to a point of saving her life. Whether or not Jack retained these feelings after the quest is controversial.

Jack Sparrow was usually in a lot of debt, commonly for more than simply money. He owed Anamaria a boat after stealing the Jolly Mon, and most notably had a debt with Davy Jones, with his soul as payment. Jack also revealed he was in debt with all Pirate Lords at the meeting at Shipwreck Cove; Sao Feng was particularly hateful towards him. Jack was also hateful towards Feng due to committing an act that insulted him deeply, as well as angrily trying to defend himself from him after the latter confronted him on how he had insulted him. After their relationship didn’t work out, Jack seemingly owed a debt to Angelica after breaking her heart, which he repaid by saving her life at the Fountain of Youth. If someone would lend him money, Jack would promise to pay it back, and he’d mean it—but he’d never do it.

As experienced by many of the authorities, from officers of the British Royal Navy to even the King’s Royal Guard, Jack Sparrow was a pirate who made many daring escapes. Whenever he made an escape, Jack sometimes gave a farewell by saying something along the lines of, “This is the day that you will always remember as the day that you almost caught Captain Jack Sparrow!”, which was often humorously cut off.

Equipment and skills

If I had to fight a ship-to-ship battle against three or four adversaries, I would want Jack as the captain of the ship that was fighting alongside me. If I had to invade a fortress, and I wanted to make sure I’d get out alive, I’d have him at my side. If sword-wielding enemies surrounded me, I’d want him at my back. As long as Jack’s own precious hide is at risk, you could ask for no better comrade in battle. He’s a clever and experienced fighter—when he’s cornered.
―Esmeralda Maria Consuela Anna de Sevilla[src]

In his pirate life, Captain Jack Sparrow had become an expert buccaneer, defending himself with his trusty sword and pistol. Marksmanship took him a little longer to master than his swordsmanship.[2] He wore the clothing and effects common to pirates of his time, though marked himself apart from his fellow crewmen by adopting a dress style that projected an air of flamboyance and a touch of the dandy. Jack wore a ragbag of garb from the four corners of the earth. Whether it’s a silk headscarf from Singapore or a pistol belt from Port Royal, he hadn’t paid for any of it.[39]

Jack wore long sea boots and long, hard-wearing linen trousers. A knotted striped-red sash was tied around his waist, where he would stow his pistol when not in use. The sash was made for him by Amenirdis, one of his love interests. It was said the sash had the magical ability to protect Jack from injuries, sickness, or harm. On Jack’s back was a long brown coat that he would remove when the need arose to either swim or if the air got too hot. A faded blue waistcoat with a shorter lightly-coloured back area and a torn white undershirt made up the rest of the ensemble. The left cuff of the undershirt was ripped, and it was through this hole that Jack slipped his left hand. Prior to the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Jack dropped his old waistcoat off, possibly because he couldn’t take the stench of it, and acquired a new silk dark blue waistcoat with a gold/champagne filigree pattern.[48] A red bandanna, a gift from Jack’s lover Esmeralda, was always wrapped around his head, complemented by his piece of eight (a small, ancient Siamese coin woven into Moroccan beads) draped over his forehead. After his piece of eight was destroyed in the ritual to release Calypso, Jack replaced it with a new trinket which appeared to be made from two things Jack has fought and lived through, the Kraken (an engraved tooth) and the East India Trading Company (the pirate “P” brand).[49] Jack later replaced the Kraken tooth with another trinket that had finger bones with a Chinese luck coin tied to some copper wire around one, and a barrel bead around the other, a red bead, and one of Jack’s gold teeth at the bottom, which he lost after swallowing it, embedded with a black pearl.[48]

Jack’s first belt was too long for his waist and so was tied to fit his frame, until about a year later when Jack would come by a second belt with a much more decorative buckle. On this new belt he attached some odd new additions; a chicken paw, two small different pieces of animal pelt, one longer than the other, and two small trinkets. Most would say that the chicken paw was a voodoo trinket, as a form of protection, while some think Jack probably ate it and tied it on because he liked the shape. Hanging on Jack’s belt, the animal skins hanging look like feet or, more than likely, Jack ate a cat.[48] After the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Jack acquired a large snakeskin belt with a massive gold buckle decorated with skulls and beetles, which he wore above his two previous belts.

The distinctive look Jack Sparrow had given to himself was accentuated by dreadlocked dark brown to black hair and a goatee beard. He appeared to have a perpetual sore or abrasion on the right side of his chin, next to his goatee, that never seems to heal which is possibly syphilis.[50] By Jack’s later life, his hair would be adorned with all manner of beads and trinkets gathered from all over the world, each one having a story that reminded him of his previous travels and different adventures. The first of these two beads, one red and one white, were given to him by the mystic Tia Dalma as a means of unlocking the eye of Stone-Eyed Sam. Jack braided these into his hair during a confrontation with the spirit of Hernán Cortés.[51] In his adult pirate life, Jack had metallic Kuchi beads on the left, and later added some pieces of red ribbon to his hair. Among the beads and trinkets in his hair, there was a shinbone from a reindeer hanging off of a single strand. Prior to the quest for the Fountain of Youth, Jack’s dreadlocks had gotten longer, some have grayed, others lightened by the relentless sun of the Caribbean. Somewhere along the line, he received a deliberate “X” scar on his right cheek through mysterious circumstances.[48]

Like some pirates, Jack had been known to wear rings on his finger. Only five rings were known to be worn by Jack. The first of these was an antique ring with a skull on each side and a emerald green stone which Jack wore on the index finger of his right hand. The second was a silver and jade oriental dragon ring which he obtained during an adventure in the Far East. Jack wore this ring on his left index finger until he stole his third ring, a gold and amethyst Greco-Roman ring from Tia Dalma; though was originally a gift to Angelica, who ended up wearing the ring once again. Jack then wore this new acquisition on his left index finger and moved the dragon ring to his left thumb. The fourth ring was a gold onyx Spanish flower ring which he stole from a wealthy Spanish widow,[52] though this was later lost as he was without it for during the quest for the Trident of Poseidon. Jack’s final ring was a gold skull ring with a vertebrae wrap that he wore on his right middle finger. Before he returned to a life of piracy, Jack received a gold ring from Amenirdis. That ring had the ability to summon Amenirdis when Jack sailed near her island, Kerma. However, that ring was lost when Cutler Beckett threw it into the sea before he branded Jack as a pirate. Along with the rings, Jack saw fit to tie pieces of worn fabric onto his hand.

As well as five rings, Jack also wore a shredded wristband on his right wrist, as well as a leather palm glove most likely used for handling weapons, specifically his sword. On Jack’s left wrist was a tattered shred of old lace, which was a trophy piece from Angelica, which was most likely given to him some time after Jack had retrieved the Black Pearl from Hector Barbossa’s cursed crew.[48]


Jack wearing one of his tattoos and a pirate brand.

He had two markings on his right forearm distinguishing him as a pirate; one, the distinctive “P” brand marked on pirates by members of the East India Trading Company—this one in particular administered by Cutler Beckett—and a tattoo of a sparrow flying across a setting sun.[6][4] This was a well-known identifying mark, signifying that the bearer has sailed all of the Seven Seas. Jack’s back was also extensively tattooed with a 15th century poem called the “Desiderata”, although this was rarely seen as it was only visible on Jack’s upper arms and bare back.[53][5]

Commodore Norrington, my effects, please! And my hat.
―Jack Sparrow regarding his effects[src]

Jack was known to carry a number of items about his person at all times, including a flintlock pistol, compass, sword, and a hat; commonly referred to as his “effects”.[6][5] Jack was highly possessive of these items, and became visibly agitated whenever they were taken from him or tampered with. Even while escaping a Port Royal Prison, Jack would not leave without first gathering his effects, much to the consternation of Will Turner, due to Sparrow not using his pistol’s one shot on Will.[6] Jack trained himself to shoot by taking aim at empty wine bottles tossed from the Pearl’s deck rail. A bucket of shot and a sack of gunpowder later, he could hit nine out of ten bottles. Jack’s saber, was also worth noting; the blade was somewhat longer than the cutlass that most other pirates favor. For a pirate who got in trouble as much as Jack, it was important to keep his enemies a couple of extra inches away.[2] The leather scabbard of this sword was slightly bent at the bottom end.

CotBP Jack with his hat Port Royal Prison Promo

Jack wearing his tricorne hat.

Jack’s hat was his most valued part of his appearance; a faded-black tricorne that still served its purpose, despite its aged appearance. It was one of the pirate’s most beloved possessions, possibly because it symbolized his status as a Captain. The hat brim was used to drink water from when arriving at a well and in the crown area were trapped scorpions of a deadly variety.[2] When asking Commodore Norrington for his effects to be handed over to him during his escape attempt while holding Elizabeth Swann hostage, Jack specifically requested his hat.[6] The only known time that Jack had less interest in his hat was after being marked with the Black Spot, when his hat was thrown into the sea by Jack the Monkey; while Gibbs and the crew thought they should try and retrieve the hat, Jack himself was too preoccupied with the Black Spot and felt surviving an attack from the Kraken or a confrontation with Davy Jones was more important. The hat was later recovered and summarily eaten by the Kraken along with the ship it was aboard at the time. Jack attempted to replace the hat several times by taking hats from other pirates during a bar brawl in the Cantina at Tortuga, though ultimately regained it when the Kraken spat it out during their confrontation. Jack wore his hat as the Kraken dragged the Black Pearl back to the depths.[4] Jack almost always wore his hat in his following adventures,[5] though it occasionally went missing.[9][12]

Whenever possible, I prefer not to use brute force, love. Trickery is smarter and works better. Armed assaults tend to be messy, and are often ill-conceived and poorly executed. All that blood and… stuff. Me, I’ll take intelligent cowardice over foolhardy bravery any day.
―Jack Sparrow to Amenirdis[src]

Jack Sparrow had become an expert buccaneer, defending himself with his trusty sword and pistol. He was skilled in all manners of weaponry, but he was especially fairly skilled at swordsmanship. It was known that an Italian fencing master taught him many of his swords skills in exchange for captured Chinese silk.[2] The payment for the fencing lessons came from the merchant ship which Edward Teague captured off the coast of Portugal when Jack served onboard the Troubadour.[11] Although he was frequently disarmed and captured, he usually preferred to negotiate or escape rather than fight. For a pirate who got in trouble as much as Jack, it was important to keep his enemies a couple of extra inches away as Jack’s sword was longer than the cutlass that most pirates favor.[2] However, being the Pirate Lord of the Caribbean, and having the highest bounty on his head out of all other Pirate Lords, might indicate that he was much more skilled in battle than he let on; alternatively he could have just annoyed and escaped more people than the others. When forced into combat, Jack held his own in duels by using a combination of swordplay, trickery, and using any available object as a weapon. His trickery included pulling his flintlock on Will Turner to abruptly end their first duel[6] and exiting the three-way sword-fight with Will Turner and former commodore James Norrington by somersaulting himself off the roof of the old church at Isla Cruces.[4] Jack was also able to hold his own against Hector Barbossa,[6][9] Davy Jones,[5] Angelica,[9] and Armando Salazar,[12]who were both well known for their exceptional dueling abilities. However, during Jack’s battle with Barbossa on Isla de Muerta, he more than matches his archenemy blow for blow,[2] though they were both cursed immortal skeletons at the time.[6] When Angelica posed as an impostor claiming to be the real Jack Sparrow in the Captain’s Daughter pub, Jack himself duels against what he believed to be the best swordsman as the impostor fought just as Jack would through a flash of intricate swordplay. But after his alter ego perfectly mimicked one of his most difficult maneuvers, Jack realized Angelica was the impostor.[9][54] However, as they parried along the side of the battle between the Pearl and the Silent Mary, it became clear that Salazar was the stronger swordsman, as his blade whipped through the air with frightening ferocity as Jack tried to escape by leaping from cannon to cannon.[55]

Marksmanship took him a little longer to master. While it was known that Jack Sparrow trained himself to shoot by taking aim at empty wine bottles tossed from the Pearl’s deck rail,[2] one of his most notable weapons was the flintlock pistol that was given after a Barbossa’s mutiny remained with him for many years. The pistol was loaded with a single shot and given to Jack when he marooned on a desert island, and later the pirate’s legendary escape. Jack carried the pistol with him for the next ten years, intent on killing Barbossa with the one shot he had been left with. Thus, Jack could not bring himself to fire his pistol on anyone else; although he drew his pistol on Will Turner in order to end a duel between them, he did not use his shot, and was thus captured by the Royal Navy. Jack ultimately got his revenge on Barbossa, shooting him in the heart moments before Will reversed the curse that protected Barbossa and the latter died after it took affect.[6] Jack was then free to load his pistol to capacity, and continued to use it years after. The flintlock pistol had its own notability; the handle was filigreed with silver for a decorative effect and the butt end could just as easily be used as a club.[4][5] In addition to his noteworthy pistol, Jack later wore a secondary Queen Anne pistol that he presumably acquired sometime after the War Against Piracy and before the quest for the Fountain of Youth. Though he was never actually seen using this pistol, he did give it to Angelica when he marooned her on Sola Fide Beach.[9] However, Jack was later seen carrying yet another Queen Anne pistol during the quest for the Trident of Poseidon.[12]

Perhaps the most fantastic object Jack carries amongst his ‘effects’ is his Compass. Obtained in a barter from Tia Dalma, Jack’s compass does not point north, but rather towards the thing that the person holding the compass wants most. Since “the thing you want most in this world” is a fairly loose definition, it has been demonstrated to mean people (i.e.: Elizabeth wanting Jack or Will), objects (such as the Black Pearl or the Dead Man’s Chest), or a place (Isle de Muerta or Shipwreck Cove, for example). At a certain level, it seems that all you need know is the name of what you want and the compass will help you find it. For instance, despite never having seen it and only having it described to her, Elizabeth was able to make the compass point towards the Dead Man’s Chest. However, if you don’t want to claim the object you’re searching for, the compass seems to not help you, as it didn’t help Jack find the Dead Man’s Chest; He didn’t really want it for himself, he wanted to trade it for something else. The reason it works for Elizabeth seems to be her motive; she wanted the chest because it was the only way she knew of to save what she really wanted, Will. In this respect, Jack’s compass can also be seen as a effectively moral compass, and even Jack uses it as such when abandoning his crew to the fate of the Kraken. Though it changes hands frequently, Jack always seems to re-obtain the compass somehow, much like his beloved hat.

Prior to the quest for the Trident of Poseidon, Jack obtained a plug bayonet that he kept tucked away in his sash on his left side, though it has never been seen in use.

While traveling across the Seven Seas, Jack learned several languages. Aside from English, which was his native language, Jack fluently spoke Spanish and French. He even knew a few words of the Italian, Japanese, and Latin.

Jack Sparrow was one of the few pirate captains who had more than one pirate flag. His personal flag, which he himself designed, showed a white skull facing right with a bandana and dangling beads, and crossed bones underneath. To the right of the skull was a small red bird, the same as Jack’s tattoo.[56][5] However, the first pirate flag he ever used, though he wasn’t a pirate at that time, was the typical black pirate flag with just skull and crossbones.[57] The same flag was occasionally used by his motley crew during his quest to reclaim the Black Pearl.[30] He also used the black flag with skull and crossed swords, which was most notably used by his nemesis, Hector Barbossa.[58] When he and Will Turner infiltrated Fort Alvo Grande, they lowered the Portuguese flag from the flagpole and raised Barbossa’s Jolly Roger to signal their crew to attack the fort.[59]

Behind the scenes

Johnny’s known for creating his own characters, and he had a definite vision for Jack Sparrow which was completely unique. We just let him go and he came up with this off-center, yet very shrewd pirate, with his dreadlocks, gold teeth and grand assortment of ornamental beads and charms. He can’t quite hold his balance, his speech is a bit slurred, so you assume he’s either drunk, seasick or he’s been on a ship too long. But it’s all an act perpetrated for effect. And strange as it seems, it’s also part of Captain Jack’s charm.
―Jerry Bruckheimer[src]

Jacks Jolly Roger AWE

Jack Sparrow’s Jolly Roger.

  • Jack Sparrow was portrayed by Johnny Depp in several Pirates of the Caribbean media: appearing in all five films, archived footage was used for his appearance in Wedlocked; lending his voice in the video game The Legend of Jack Sparrow. Depp also reprised his role in two Disney Parks attractions: the 2006 revamp of Pirates of the Caribbean and the 2012 attraction The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow. James Arnold Taylor provided his voice in Kingdom Hearts II. Hiroaki Hirata voiced him in the Japanese dub of both The Curse of the Black Pearl and Kingdom Hearts II. Jared Butler provided his voice in the At World’s End video game, Pirates of the Caribbean Online, Disney Infinity, Kingdom Hearts III, Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life, and an uncredited role as Young Jack Sparrow in the flashback scene for Dead Men Tell No Tales/Salazar’s Revenge.
  • Before Johnny Depp was cast, Michael Keaton, Jim Carrey, Christopher Walken, and Hugh Jackman were all considered for the role of Jack Sparrow. The concept of the first film was initially helmed by Steven Spielberg, whose choices for the role were Bill Murray, Steve Martin, or Robin Williams.[citation needed]


Costume illustrations by Darrell Warner.


Early character sketches by Crash McCreery.

  • Although initially conceived as a young Burt Lancaster or Errol Flynn, there are many inspirations for Captain Jack Sparrow. When writing the screenplay for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio envisioned Jack Sparrow as a supporting character[60] in the vein of Bugs Bunny (from Looney Tunes) and Groucho Marx.[61] Actor Johnny Depp researched 18th-century pirates and, seeing parallels with modern rock stars, modeled his performance on The Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards. Depp also compared Jack to Bugs Bunny, seen when Jack distracted Mullroy and Murtogg before sneaking aboard the Interceptor, as well as another Looney Tunes character Pepe Le Pew.
  • According to Pirates writer Terry Rossio, Jack Sparrow’s name was coined by either Jay Wolpert or Stuart Beattie,[60] the screenwriters who worked on The Curse of the Black Pearl.[61]
Well in terms of the characterization, they’re the same character. We created this kind of trickster, fast-talking type of character or rather, just somebody who you didn’t know — was he actually a good pirate who was pretending to be bad at what he did or was he actually bad at it and lucky? — and using a lot of language to kind of confuse people and keep them off guard. But I’ve said this before, Johnny’s performance of that character, I could not have imagined that. It’s just amazing. It took the characterization we created and took it to a whole other level (laughs).”
“One of the joys of filmmaking — and it is just pure joy — is how different disciplines are brought together, so you can take writing, you can take the design of the character, you can take lines of dialogue, and execute those according to an intent. And then a director can come along and a costume designer can come along and execute their fields and then an actor comes along and brings all that knowledge, and ability — capability — of the world of acting to the role as well and in that mix of expertise, when everything works right, you can come up with something that does endure, hopefully, or enters into the popular consciousness. But it’s just a joy to have things come together like that. It doesn’t always happen but when it does, it’s just amazing to be a part of it.
―Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio[src]
  • As maintained by writers Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Jack Sparrow was intended to be a “trickster” character, the light side to his dark side, Hector Barbossa in The Curse of the Black Pearl.[61] Notes Terry Rossio, “One of the archetypes that is really underused in American cinema is the trickster character. Most American movies tend to celebrate the warrior who does the right thing at the right time. But the fun thing about Jack, who is definitely a trickster, is that he’s not particularly good at avoiding getting caught. He will get caught…you just can’t hold on to him for very long. Jack knows that if he can just bide his time, eventually the world will come over to his side, and that give him this sort of supreme confidence that he can handle just about any situation.” Continues Ted Elliott, “The other fun thing about the trickster character is that he basically is just out to have his own good time. He’s following his own self-interests. The things he does will affect other people—the mortals, if you will—and sometimes it will be to good benefit, and sometimes it will be to their detriment. So that goes back to the whole question posed in the first movie: is Jack Sparrow a good guy or is he a bad guy? Is he a pirate hero or pirate villain? Well, it really kind of depends on the perspective you have.”[62] They also point out that while Johnny Depp took the characterization they created for Jack Sparrow, and took it to a whole other level.[63][64] Jack was called a trickster by Blackbeard in On Stranger Tides, and was also said to be the “irreverent trickster of the Caribbean” in a character description.[65]
  • One thing Elliott and Rossio took from their experience on Treasure Planet, based on Treasure Island, was the simple premise of, “Is Long John Silver a delightful Falstaffian character or a contemptible villain?” That idea was something they carried into Jack Sparrow.[63]
  • In the original story for the first Pirates of the Caribbean film, Jack Sparrow was a former member of Captain Blackheart’s crew. Captain Blackheart was later renamed Barbossa.[66]
  • Depp was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, a rarity for a comic performance. Its also the first (and as of 2008 only) time any man has been nominated for that award for their performance in a Disney movie.
  • Depp’s tattoos were covered by clothing and smears of charcoal for the film, though his character’s tattoos (the pirate brand and Sparrow’s insignia) were fake. Depp had a replica of the “Jack Sparrow” tattoo after filming was complete, in honor of his son, Jack. Additionally, Depp asked his dentist to implant real gold teeth for the film, though Disney executive Michael Eisner felt he had too many and asked Depp to remove all but a few.
  • According to the screenwriters’ commentary on the DVD release of The Curse of the Black Pearl, Jack is actually the worst swordsman of the main characters, with Will being the best and Barbossa and Norrington evenly matched.[61] But Jack is also the most experienced, having beaten the three of them by violating the rules of engagement.
  • One of the rings on Jack Sparrow’s fingers (the golden ring with the amethyst center) was, in fact, an original dating back to 2,400 years of age, but said to be either stolen or lost during filming.
  • In Pirates of the Caribbean Online, Jack first appears in the jail cell on the island of Rambleshack but later he can be found in Faithful Bride in Tortuga.



  • Following the success of Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow was incorporated into the Pirates of the Caribbean attractions in the Disneyland and the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World versions in 2006, the Tokyo Disneyland version in 2007, and the Disneyland Paris version in 2017. Jack became a major part of the ride’s plot, appearing in animatronic form in three scenes: hiding in mannequins, hiding behind the Pooped Pirate, and relaxing in a room-full of treasure. Johnny Depp provided the voice, partly singing “Yo Ho (A Pirate’s Life for Me)” with a parrot, for the last scene.
  • In 2012, Johnny Depp once again reprised his role in the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow, which opened at Disney’s Hollywood Studios, an immersive experience where guests follow in the footsteps of Captain Jack himself to see if they have what it takes to be members of his crew, while being guided by an embodied talking skull.[67]
  • When it was announced that Tim Powers’ novel On Stranger Tides was used as the basis of the fourth film, speculations arose that Jack Sparrow would be based on the novel’s protagonist, Jack Shandy. But when interviewed, Powers stated that Shandy and Sparrow are two completely different characters.
  • In 2012, the three gold statues of Jack Sparrow were made by the Kurotani Corporation.[68]
  • According to the interview with Disney Press editor Rich Thomas – one of the people behind the collective pename “Rob Kidd”, Jack Sparrow portrayed in the first thirteen novels (starting from The Coming Storm and ending at The Tale of Billy Turner and Other Stories) was around 15-17 years old, but his age was kept purposefully vague to avoid issues with Jack aging too slowly over the span of too many novels as at the time it was not known how many novels there will be due to the fact that Young Jack Sparrow book series was serialized in a similar way to comics or episodic novels[69].
  • Before the release of At World’s End, it was rumored that Jack Sparrow would appear wearing Chinese garb, after photos that were supposedly leaked from the filming spread throughout the internet, even showing up in magazines. However, no such costume was ever made for the film; it was actually the work of a fan cosplayer. The fakes were so convincing that even Disney was fooled, and made a pin depicting the costume.[70]




  • Jack Sparrow: The Coming Storm
  • Jack Sparrow: The Siren Song
  • Jack Sparrow: The Pirate Chase
  • Jack Sparrow: The Sword of Cortés
  • Jack Sparrow: The Age of Bronze
  • Jack Sparrow: Silver
  • Jack Sparrow: City of Gold
  • Jack Sparrow: The Timekeeper
  • Jack Sparrow: Dance of the Hours
  • Jack Sparrow: Sins of the Father
  • Jack Sparrow: Poseidon’s Peak
  • Jack Sparrow: Bold New Horizons
  • Jack Sparrow: The Tale of Billy Turner and Other Stories
  • The Price of Freedom
  • Legends of the Brethren Court: The Caribbean
  • Legends of the Brethren Court: Rising in the East
  • Legends of the Brethren Court: The Turning Tide
  • Legends of the Brethren Court: Wild Waters
  • Legends of the Brethren Court: Day of the Shadow
  • The Island of Fortune
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Six Sea Shanties
  • Tears of the Goddess
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Isles of War
  • Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (video game)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (First appearance)
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (comic)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
  • The Guardians of Windward Cove
  • Smoke on the Water
  • Banshee’s Boon
  • Mother of Water
  • The Accidental Pirate!
  • Revenge of the Pirates!
  • The Capture of Jack Sparrow!
  • Legend of the Aztec Idol!
  • In Jack We Trust!
  • Open Sesame!
  • A Revolting Development!
  • The Sidekick!
  • The Duel!
  • Enter… the Scarecrow!
  • Chain Reaction!
  • Going Overboard!
  • The Eye of Despair!
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: A Storm at Sea
  • The Sails of Doom!
  • The Black Skull!
  • The Star of the Sea
  • The Eye of Despair!
  • The Black Heart of the Pearl
  • The Return of Jack Sparrow
  • The Lost Sea
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Escape from Davy Jones
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Online
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (video game)
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (comic)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (video game)
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (comic)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Tides of War
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (mobile game)
  • The Brightest Star in the North: The Adventures of Carina Smyth
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
    • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales: Movie Graphic Novel

Non-canon appearances

  • Walt Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean (post-2006 revamp)
  • The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow
  • A Pirate’s Adventure: Treasures of the Seven Seas
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle for the Sunken Treasure
  • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
  • The Buccaneer’s Heart!
  • The Trouble with Pirates!
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • Disney Infinity
  • Pirates of the Caribbean Trading Card Game
  • Pirates of the Caribbean PocketModel game
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Master of the Seas Strategy Game
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Gods and Ghosts M
  • Fantasmic!
  • Kingdom Hearts III
  • Sea of Thieves: A Pirate’s Life


  • Pirates of the Caribbean (film series)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (junior novelization)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (junior novelization)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End (junior novelization)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (junior novelization)
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Visual Guide
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide
  • The Pirates’ Guidelines
  • Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide

External links

  • WP favicon Jack Sparrow on Wikipedia
  • Captain Jack Sparrow – Home | Facebook
  • Jack Sparrow on Kingdom Hearts Wiki

Notes and references

  1. The timeline established in On Stranger Tides (which takes place in 1750) and Dead Men Tell No Tales (which takes place in 1751) sets Jack Sparrow’s birth around 1690.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Complete Visual Guide
  3. James “Jim” Carson‘s calendar of Henry Turner’s waiting for Will Turner’s return from Dead Men Tell No Tales shows that Will’s first visit to his family after ten years of captaining the Flying Dutchman, which is shown in the after credits scene of At World’s End, occurred in August 1739, which means Will was killed by Davy Jones during the Battle of Calypso’s maelstrom in August 1729. The official At World’s End novelization sets the events of At World’s End a few months after the events of Dead Man’s Chest which sets the Skirmish off of the Isla Cruces and Jack’s death in 1729.
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 4.17 4.18 4.19 4.20 4.21 4.22 4.23 4.24 4.25 4.26 4.27 4.28 4.29 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest
  5. 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 5.15 5.16 5.17 5.18 5.19 5.20 5.21 5.22 5.23 5.24 5.25 5.26 5.27 5.28 5.29 5.30 5.31 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
  6. 6.00 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 6.06 6.07 6.08 6.09 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 6.19 6.20 6.21 6.22 6.23 6.24 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.29 6.30 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
  7. Jack Sparrow: Bold New Horizons
  8. The Capture of Jack Sparrow!
  9. 9.00 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
  10. 10.0 10.1 Keith & The Captain: On Set with Johnny and the Rock Legend
  11. 11.00 11.01 11.02 11.03 11.04 11.05 11.06 11.07 11.08 11.09 11.10 11.11 11.12 11.13 11.14 11.15 The Price of Freedom
  12. 12.00 12.01 12.02 12.03 12.04 12.05 12.06 12.07 12.08 12.09 12.10 12.11 12.12 12.13 12.14 12.15 12.16 12.17 12.18 12.19 12.20 12.21 12.22 12.23 12.24 12.25 12.26 12.27 12.28 12.29 12.30 12.31 12.32 12.33 12.34 12.35 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales
  13. Jack Sparrow’s wanted poster
  14. Disney Pirates: The Definitive Collector’s Anthology, p. 131
  15. 15.0 15.1 Jack Sparrow: Sins of the Father
  16. Jack Sparrow: The Coming Storm, p. 131
  17. Jack Sparrow: City of Gold, p. 32
  18. 18.0 18.1 Jack Sparrow: The Coming Storm
  19. Jack Sparrow: The Sword of Cortés
  20. Jack Sparrow: City of Gold
  21. Jack Sparrow: Dance of the Hours
  22. Jack Sparrow: Poseidon’s Peak
  23. Jack Sparrow: The Bold New Horizons
  24. http://piratesonline.go.com/#/community/lore/ch1.html&t=0.020738416461616282
  25. http://piratesonline.go.com/#/community/lore/ch1.html&t=0.020738416461616282
  26. http://piratesonline.go.com/#/community/lore/ch1.html&t=0.020738416461616282
  27. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (video game)
  28. Tales of the Code: Wedlocked
  29. 30.0 30.1 The Accidental Pirate!
  30. 31.0 31.1 31.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
  31. 32.0 32.1 Revenge of the Pirates!
  32. The Capture of Jack Sparrow!
  33. 34.0 34.1 Legend of the Aztec Idol!
  34. In Jack We Trust!
  35. A Revolting Development!
  36. 37.0 37.1 Disney Second Screen: Pirates Of The Caribbean On Stranger Tides
  37. As evidenced by Jack Sparrow’s knowledge throughout On Stranger Tides, he had to have gotten far in his search for the Fountain prior to the film.
  38. 39.0 39.1 39.2 Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, pp. 8-9: “Captain Jack Sparrow”
  39. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides original screenplay
  40. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Novelization, p. 93
  41. Jack Sparrow: City of Gold, p. 89
  42. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, pp. 10-11: “Joshamee Gibbs”
  43. The Price of Freedom
  44. He flirted with a red-tailed mermaid in Jack Sparrow: The Siren Song, one of pretty henchmen women in Jack Sparrow: The Timekeeper.
  45. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides: The Visual Guide, pp. 22-23: “Angelica”
  46. 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 48.4
    STEAL THIS LOOK: Johnny Depp’s Guide to Captain Jack’s Style Entertainment Weekly – May 13, 2011
  47. JackSparrowCostuming – Wig and Bandanna
  48. Interesting info on characters’ health by PotC writer. – the place for all POTC discussion — LiveJournal
  49. Jack Sparrow: The Sword of Cortés pg. 86, 107
  50. Tokens of Affection
  51. “Inside the Brethren Court” featurette on the Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End
  52. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (junior novelization)
  53. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales Novelization
  54. The Price of Freedom Epilogue: “The Black Pearl”
  55. The Price of Freedom, Chapter 14: “Hard Bargains”
  56. The Captain Jack Sparrow Handbook, p. 54
  57. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Legend of Jack Sparrow
  58. 60.0 60.1 2020 Interview with Terry Rossio
  59. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 The Curse of the Black Pearl Audio Commentary with Screenwriters Stuart Beattie, Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and Jay Wolpert
  60. POTC2 Presskit
  61. 63.0 63.1 An Interview with Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, writers of Pirates of the Caribbean – DVDizzy.com
  62. Terry Rossio Interview PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN 4: ON STRANGER TIDES | Collider
  63. ‘Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides’ New Stills Feature Queen Anne’s Revenge, Character Descriptions
  64. Bring Me That Horizon: The Making of Pirates of the Caribbean, p. 45.
  65. Imagineers Talk Working with Johnny Depp on The Legend of Captain Jack Sparrow
  66. Here’s How Much A Solid Gold Statue Of Johnny Depp Will Cost You
  67. Film Fantasy Magazine, 2006. Accessed via tumblr user before-the-black-pearl, who transcribed the interview and posted it.
  68. SithCamaro – Singapore Jack Sparrow

Crew of the Barnacle

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Fitzwilliam P. Dalton III – Timothy Hawk – Constance Magliore – Jean Magliore – Arabella Smith – Tumen

vdeCrew of the Fair Wind

Captain: Nathaniel Bainbridge
Anderson – Barton – Bates –Farmer – Robert Greene – Morton – Nelson – Phelps – Morty Phillips
Richards – Jack Sparrow – Tim – Edward Tomlin – Bartholomew Weaver

vdeCrew of the Wicked Wench
Captain: Morgan
Wicked Wench
Bowen – Jack Sparrow – Jeff – Pirate

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Wicked Wench
William Banks – Nathan Bolton – Chamba – Frank Connery –Lucius Featherstone – Robert Greene
Sam Hopkins – LoganLemuel MatthewsMulligan – Samuel Newton – Dan O’Shaughnessy – Jedidiah Parker
George Perkins – Roger Prescott – Phineas Taylor – Tench – Lee Trafford – Etienne de Ver – Micah Wilson

vdeJack Sparrow’s crew
Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Jan van der Groote – Kwame – Domingo Velasquez

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Alex – Hector Barbossa – Carolina – Gombo – Diego de Leon
Jean Magliore – Marcella Magliore – Catastrophe Shane – Billy Turner

vdeCursed Crew
Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Hector Barbossa – Bo’sun – Clubba – Dog Ear – Grapple – Hawksmoor – Jacoby
Katracho – Ketchum – Koehler – Mallot – Maximo – Monk – Nipperkin – Pintel –Ragetti
Scarus – Scratch – Simbakka – Twigg – Bootstrap Bill Turner – Weatherby

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
Bo’sun – Clubba – Dog Ear – Grapple – Hawksmoor – Jack the Monkey – Jacoby
Katracho – Ketchum – Koehler – Mallot – Maximo – Monk – Nipperkin – Pintel –Ragetti
Scarus – Scratch – Simbakka – Twigg – Weatherby

Motley Crew

Captain: Jack Sparrow
HMS Interceptor
Anamaria – Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Crimp – Duncan – Joshamee Gibbs – Kursar
Ladbroc – Marty – Matelot – Moises – Quartetto – Tearlach – Will Turner

Captain: Joshamee Gibbs
HMS Interceptor/Black Pearl
Anamaria – Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Crimp – Duncan – Kursar – Ladbroc
Marty – Matelot – Moises – Quartetto – Elizabeth Swann – Tearlach – Will Turner

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Anamaria – Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Crimp – Duncan – Joshamee Gibbs – Ladbroc
Marty – Matelot – Moises – Quartetto – Tearlach

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Crimp – Duncan – Joshamee Gibbs – Ho-Kwan – Jack the Monkey – Leech – Lejon – Marty – Matelot – Moises

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Joshamee Gibbs – Jack the Monkey – Lejon – Marty – Pintel – Ragetti – William Turner Jr.

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Crippled man – James Norrington – Joshamee Gibbs – Irish man – Jack the Monkey – Lejon – Marty – Pintel – Ragetti – Elizabeth Swann – Skinny man – Sweepy – Very old man – William Turner Jr.

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Hai Peng
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Tia Dalma – Joshamee Gibbs – Tai Huang – Jack the Monkey
Marty – Pintel – Ragetti – Elizabeth Swann – Will Turner

Captains: Jack Sparrow / Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Tia Dalma – Joshamee Gibbs – Tai Huang – Jack the Monkey
Marty – Pintel – Ragetti – Elizabeth Swann – Will Turner

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
Cotton – Cotton’s Parrot – Jack the Monkey – Marty – Mullroy – Murtogg – Pintel – Ragetti

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Dying Gull
Bollard – Cremble – Joshamee Gibbs – Marty – Pike – Scrum

Captain: Joshamee Gibbs
Dying Gull
Bollard – Cremble – Marty – Pike – Scrum

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Dying Gull
Bollard – Cremble – Joshamee Gibbs – Marty – Pike – Scrum – Carina Smyth – Henry Turner

Captains: Jack Sparrow / Hector Barbossa
Black Pearl
Bollard – Cremble – Joshamee Gibbs – Jack the Monkey – Marty – Mullroy – Murtogg – Pike – Scrum – Carina Smyth – Henry Turner

Captain: Jack Sparrow
Black Pearl
Bollard – Cremble – Joshamee Gibbs – Jack the Monkey – Marty – Mullroy – Murtogg – Pike – Scrum

vdeCrew of the Queen Anne’s Revenge
Captain: Blackbeard (controlled by Jolly Roger)
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Jumbees: LaSchafe

Captain: Blackbeard
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Zombie Officers: Gunner – Master-at-Arms – Quartermaster – Yeoman

Captain: Blackbeard
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Angelica – Cabin Boy – Cook – Derrick – Ezekiel – Garheng
Purser – Salaman – Jack Sparrow – Scrum – Philip Swift
Zombie Officers: Gunner – Master-at-Arms – Quartermaster – Yeoman

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Cabin Boy – Ezekiel – Garheng – Salaman – Scrum

Captain: Hector Barbossa
Queen Anne’s Revenge
Mullroy – Murtogg

vdeCrew of the Dying Gull
Captain: Jack Sparrow
Dying Gull
Bollard – Cremble – Joshamee Gibbs – Marty – Pike – Scrum

Captain: Joshamee Gibbs
Dying Gull
Bollard – Cremble – Marty – Pike – Scrum

Members of the Brethren Court

First Court
Pirate Kings
First Pirate King
Pirate Lords
First Pirate Lord of the Atlantic Ocean

Aides: Davy Jones

Second Court
Pirate Lords
Henry Morgan – Bartholomew – Grandmama

Third Court
Pirate Lords
Sao Feng’s father
Others: Tartaglia

Court of inquiry
Pirate Lords
Ching – Boris Palachnik – Rafael – Edward Teague – Eduardo Villanueva
Aides: Davy Jones
Keeper of the Code: Edward Teague
Others: Hector Barbossa – Jack Sparrow – Ragetti – Melinda – Esmeralda
Prison Dog

Fourth Court
Pirate Kings
Elizabeth Swann
Pirate Lords
Ammand – Sumbhajee Angria – Hector Barbossa – Chevalle
Ching – Jocard – Jack Sparrow – Eduardo Villanueva
Aides: Askay – Pusasn – Ragetti – Joshamee Gibbs
Keeper of the Code: Edward Teague
Others: Sao Feng – Pintel –Prison Dog


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