Как составить study plan

Учебный план (Study Plan) для поступления в университет.

Что это? Многие задаются этим вопросом, когда подают документы в университет. Если с мотивационным письмом все знакомы, то с учебный планом начинаются трудности, так как он необходим только для некоторых университетов. Например, если вы хотите учиться в США по программе Fulbright, то уметь составлять Study-plan вам будет необходимо. И так, что же такое этот учебный план и зачем он нужен? Study Plan – это график, который определяет время обучения и учитывает ваши личные и академические цели во время пребывания в университете. Прием на обучение требует написания учебного плана для стипендии с указанием того, почему вы хотите учиться, каковы ваши цели обучения, как планировать достижение желаемых целей в университете и что вы планируете делать после получения образования. Создание учебного плана увеличит ваши шансы на получение стипендии.

Будьте внимательны, этот план необходим для конкретных университетов, но так же может послужить отличным дополнением для любого пакета документов!

Как написать план обучения для стипендии? Он основывается на расписание университета, но убедитесь, что вы включили 8 основных пунктов:

1. Ваше полное имя и академические достижения
2. Ваше предыдущее образование
3. Ваши образовательные и личные достижения
4. Какие у вас ожидания от обучения и культуры страны?
5. Почему вы хотите учиться в «Name» университете?
6. Ожидаемые цели обучения
7. Как вы планируете учиться в университете
8. Ваши сильные стороны и заключение

Примечание: Не пишите обобщенные вещи в плане обучения, ваш план должен быть уникальным и персонализированным.
Определите цели обучения для каждого семестра. Каждый учебный семестр должен быть адаптирован к учебному процессу. Если у вас есть 3 предстоящих теста, ваша учебная сессия, скорее всего, будет содержать больше учебных часов и конкретных целей, таких как сдача экзаменационных баллов. Если у вас легкая неделя без предстоящих тестов, план вашей учебной сессии может включать чтение новой главы курса или изучение дополнительного материала.

Будьте разумными в создании учебного плана.
Не создавайте учебный план, который требует, чтобы вы учились шесть часов подряд без каких-либо перерывов в учебе. Это загрузит вас и вызовет стресс и беспокойство, что приведет к увеличению времени обучения. Будьте разумны и позвольте себе использовать перерывы, когда это будет необходимо. Обучение надлежащим образом эффективно сократит время обучения и увеличит шансы на достигнутые цели обучения.
Обязательно составьте график и поучаствуйте других мероприятиях.

Если у вас возникают сложности в формировании учебного плана,

Feel free to contact me!
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If you are asked to write a study plan for a scholarship, you may not know where to begin. Basically, a study plan describes what you’ll be studying and why. One common scholarship committee that asks for study plans is the China Scholarship Council (CSC). Start by establishing your main educational goals, and then talk about how you plan to achieve them. Conclude your study plan, and spend time refining your writing.

  1. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 1


    Explain your main educational goals. Begin by talking about what you want to study and why you want to study it. For instance, you could discuss the degree you want to achieve while you’re in China or the program you hope to complete.[1]

    • For instance, maybe your main goals for studying in China are to gain a bachelor’s degree in business and learn Chinese because it’s becoming a global language. You could write, “My main two educational objectives are to gain a bachelor’s degree in business and to learn to speak Chinese. Chinese is becoming a global language, so I feel it’s necessary to learn it.”
  2. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 2


    Explain why you chose a particular school or program. It’s not enough to say what school you want to study at, nor is it enough to say it’s a good school. Rather, you need to provide reasons why that school is a good fit for you or the thing you want to study.[2]

    • Personalize your response.[3]
      Did something inspire you to study business? What was it? Discuss why the school you choose is a good fit for you to study that one thing.
    • For instance, you might write, “I was born in the United States, but my grandparents on both sides are Chinese. I chose this business program because I want to connect with my heritage, improve my Chinese, and eventually, help establish better relations between China and the U.S. by improving trade relations.”


  3. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 3


    Discuss your future research if you’re a postgraduate student. If you’re going to be working on a PhD, then you need to delve into what you plan to do for research, particularly if you’re doing scientific or sociological research that requires test subjects.

    • For example, you might say, “As a PhD candidate, I plan to conduct research on how ancient tradition and ritual influence contemporary Chinese culture, which will include a literature review and extensive interviews with historians and a small sampling of the Chinese population.”
  4. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 4


    Narrow your research to show you’re serious. Often, PhD students take on too many variables in their research. You don’t have to cover every aspect. Narrow down to just the most important ones, the ones that are integral to your topic. That will help show you know how to do research well, making you a better candidate.[4]

    • It can help to draw a conceptual model. Start with the antecedents (the causes) and the mediators (the processes that change the antecedents). Finish with the outcomes. Draw lines between them to help you see which variables are more central to your problem.
    • Consider asking peers or professors to look at your research proposal. They may be able to help you narrow.
  5. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 5


    Talk about how your studies will help your long-term goals. Once you’ve established what your immediate goals, discuss how you see the program helping you with your future goals. That way, the scholarship committee has a better idea of who you are and why you are picking your particular major, school, and location.

    • For instance, you might say, “One of my long-term goals is to open an import business from China to the United States, and learning about business in China will be essential to making my endeavors a success.”
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  1. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 6


    Establish how you plan to meet each goal. The scholarship committee doesn’t just want to hear about your goals. They want to know you have a plan in place for achieving them so that you’re not stuck over there with no way to achieve what you set out to do. Go through your goals one by one to help the committee see you are ready.[5]

    • For instance, if you plan on doing a PhD where you’ll need participants, discuss how you’ll find people for your study. You might say, “I plan to put out an ad to gain participants for a focus group, as well as contact historians by phone and email for interviews.”
  2. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 7


    Talk about how you plan to overcome obstacles. With any study plan, you’re gong to have obstacles in your path. The scholarship committee will be impressed if you can anticipate some of those obstacles and offer a short solution for how you plan to overcome them.

    • For example, you might write, “I anticipate the language barrier will be an issue at first. However, I plan to work hard early on to learn the language, and I am already taking intensive classes now.”
  3. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 8


    Establish the methodology you plan to use. If you’re applying for a PhD, you need to be more specific about your research than with other levels of study. Include what methodology you intend to use for your research. The scholarship judges want to see that you have a detailed plan and that you’re serious about your project.

    • To help you choose, do a thorough literature review. Look at the research that has been done in the area you plan to study. Note the primary methods used to do the research and the pros and cons of each. Choose a method based on what you think will work best for your research.[6]
  4. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 9


    Establish your sampling strategy if you plan on using one. The sample strategy is how you plan to choose a part of the population to represent the whole in your research. The strategy you choose is usually determined by the type of research you’re doing. The scholarship committee will want to know about it to make sure you have a plan in place for your research.[7]

    • For instance, you might use simple random sampling or systematic sampling when the whole population is similar based on the variables for your study. On the other hand, a stratified random sample is often used when you have people who are different from each other based on your variables.
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  1. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 10


    Wrap up your study plan with a short summary. At the end of the plan, reiterate why you want to study at your chosen program, and repeat why it is important for meeting your goals. Also, add a few words about how the scholarship can help you achieve your goals.

    • For example, you might write, “Thank you for considering me for this scholarship. If I receive this award, I can focus solely on my studies. I will work hard to implement my goals of learning Chinese and gaining a business degree at a Chinese university, and your trust in me will not be wasted.”
  2. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 11


    Write plainly and eliminate jargon. Someone who’s not in your field should be able to understand your study plan. That means you need to avoid using jargon and work on explaining your research as simply as possible.

    • You don’t need to write as if you’re talking to a child. However, you should write so someone outside of your discipline can easily understand your plan.
  3. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 12


    Be as detailed as possible.[8]
    Of course, you’re not writing a dissertation in your study plan. However, provide as many details as you can about what you plan to study and how you plan to go about it. That way, the scholarship committee has a better understanding of who you are as a scholar, which can help you stand out among the candidates.

    • The space for the study plan on the CSC application is only a couple of lines. However, the application suggests you attach more paper as needed.
  4. Image titled Write a Study Plan for a Scholarship Step 13


    Have someone proofread the study plan after you. After you’ve gone over your study plan thoroughly looking for typos, have someone else read it, too. They’ll likely catch things you’ll miss. It can help to have a professor or teacher look at it, as they’ve likely read similar plans before.

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Scholarship Study Plan Template

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    I really want to go to a private performing arts school, but it’s expensive, so I would like to get a scholarship to reduce the cost. How can I study/prepare for this?

    Community Answer

    Get the best grades you can, take as many performing arts classes as are available, engage in extracurricular activities, and take advantage of any acting opportunities both school and out (such as community theatre productions). You’ll need to do well academically as well as having performing arts experience in order to stand out from the others who are applying for the same scholarships.

  • Question

    How long should a study plan be?

    Tom De Backer

    Tom De Backer

    Top Answerer

    Roads don’t always go in a straight line from where they start to where they end. There are rivers, mountains, etc. that they have to go around. But all roads everywhere are exactly as long as they need to be, no longer or shorter. So too must your study plan be exactly as long as it needs to be. Mine includes a daily schedule, weekly planning and a yearly overview, and is 5 pages long.

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Article SummaryX

If you’re unsure how to go about writing a study plan for a scholarship, focus on explaining your educational goals and discussing how you’ll achieve them. Begin by briefly stating what you want to study and why. For example, you might say you want to study business management in China so you can learn Chinese, because it will soon be a global language. Then, provide some personalized reasons as to why you chose the school you want to go to, such as research interests or long-term goals. After laying out your goals, show the scholarship committee how you’ll achieve them. If you’ll be carrying out research, for instance, write about how you’ll find participants for your study. You should also try to mention possible obstacles and how you’ll overcome them, since the committee will be impressed to see you’re thinking ahead. For tips on how to proofread your study plan before sending it off, keep reading!

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  • Lusine Ohanyan

    Lusine Ohanyan

    Mar 4, 2019

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Учебный план нужен для разных целей, но так или иначе связан с поступлением на какую-либо учебную программу. Конечно, для разных уровней и разных целей этот план должен включать специфические детали, но в целом его «китайская» композиция примерно одинакова. Сегодня китайские вузы нередко принимают учебные планы и на английском, но в подавляющем большинстве случаев от заявителей ожидают именно китайского его варианта. Как же составить его по всем канонам и впечатлить китайцев?

В общем и целом

В сети можно найти огромное количество примеров study plan (学习计划), и даже версии, заточенные под вашу программу и цели. На первый взгляд в таких наработках достаточно лишь изменить ФИО и направление исследования, но я бы рекомендовала лишь взять такие готовые планы за основу и практически полностью их переписать под вашу ситуацию. Не переживайте слишком сильно насчёт своего китайского языка: стоит досконально проверять с носителем грамматику и синонимы только, если вы поступаете на специальность, где требуется HSK 6. Но минуточку, если у вас такой уровень владения китайским, то ничего проверять не потребуется, верно? В общем, план должен быть максимально понятным читающим, но при этом выглядеть естественно, не стоит усердствовать с редкими фразеологическими оборотами, если вы – химик.

О чём речь

В учебном плане самое важное – дать понять, что вы знаете, чего хотите добиться, и примерно представляете себе процесс написания научных работ разной степени сложности в зависимости от вашего уровня. Сразу нужно сказать, что этого плана совсем не обязательно придерживаться в будущем, если это не постдок (博士后), где под план заключается контракт. Тему можно менять хоть десять раз, главное, чтобы было общее направление, потому что научного руководителя поменять будет сложно.


В первую очередь стоит начать со своего опыта изучения темы, вас интересующей, затронуть смежные вопросы, если это необходимо. Сюда же добавить возможный опыт работы, общения с коллегами, участия в проектах или свои наблюдения практического характера. Имеет смысл упомянуть о том, какими грантами/средствами вы распоряжались и каких при этом достигли результатов. В итоге должен получиться примерно на один большой абзац (возможно со списком внутри) с рассказом о том, как вы пришли к тому, что интересующая вас тема оказывается интересной лично для вас и к тому же мало исследованной.

Лучше не формулировать так, что, мол, про это ещё никто не писал, поэтому буду писать я. Гораздо продуктивней указать на предыдущие исследования (связанные с темой хоть немного), и на их основе вывести причины вашего интереса. Широко распространено мнение, что китайцы неодобрительно относятся к абсолютной новизне темы, но оправдать их можно тем, что такая «новизна» – безосновательная. Вам нужна основа, вполне возможно и с какими-то примерами из реальной жизни. Здесь важно показать, что вы приблизительно ориентируетесь в профессии и видите неисследованные “дыры” и необходимость работать в определённом направлении. Старайтесь придерживаться порядка – от общего к частному, сужая и углубляя повествование.

Дальше стоит максимально подробно указать тему (или темы, или общее направление) вашего будущего исследования, как вы это видите, в чём актуальность, в чём могут возникнуть затруднения, в чём будет предмет и вопрос. Не углубляйтесь в детали, во-первых, вы измените эти пункты, как только начнёте глубже исследовать вопрос. А во-вторых, в китайской традиционной научной картине мира нет таких понятий, как «предмет» и «объект» – здесь дефиниции будут излишними и запутывающими. Сконцентрируйтесь на основном. Этот абзац-два нужны для того, чтобы показать, что вы понимаете, с чем будете работать.

Где-то после этого пункта нужно добавить абзац про литературу, которую вы уже прочитали и собираетесь прочитать. Это должны быть не только книги и учебники, но и статьи, желательно свежие, желательно на разных языках. Бессмысленно просто перечислять книжки на полке, обязательно нужно сделать минимальный анализ, выбрать основные идеи, кратко резюмировать, как развивается идея в разных источниках. Сегодня в Китае очень ценится умение работать с иноязычной литературой, а от иностранцев ожидают в первую очередь продуктивной работы с не-китайскими источниками, ведь для работы с китайскими журналами здесь есть свои кадры. Поэтому рекомендую собрать три языка (русский, китайский/английский/испанский/корейский и т.д.) в пропорции примерно по 1/3 каждого. Для полноты картины. Так и напишите.

Не забудьте указать, каких результатов вы хотели бы добиться и какими способами. Шаги должны быть описаны чётко, понятно и без особой претензии на супер-научность и новизну, работа должна быть стабильной, чётко показывать, что вы собираетесь глубоко изучить опыт предшественников и немного улучшить текущее положение дел или ответить на важные вопросы. При помощи научного руководителя, конечно же.

Дальше нужно написать про сроки и требования университета. Они часто меняются, поэтому текст может быть неточным. Но в этом абзаце или двух-трёх должно быть обязательно упоминание того, что вы собираетесь общаться с научным руководителем и коллегами, активно обсуждать вопросы, изучать литературу, писать статьи, посещать семинары, лекции, салоны, мероприятия, которые будут запланированы университетом в соответствии с внутренним учебным планом факультета. И социализироваться!

Можно приблизительно разделить процесс написания работы на логические части-этапы, по два семестра отвести на каждый этап, разбить на пункты короткого списка. Это никто не будет проверять, но вам нужно показать, что вы не собираетесь охватить необъятное или просидеть без дела, исследуя слишком узкую проблему, а также понимаете, как примерно провидится исследование, что собираетесь следовать требованиям университета и общему графику. Если ваша работа подразумевает долгосрочный эксперимент или сбор данных в других странах, то это стоит отметить отдельно.

Желательно добавить не слишком слащавый абзац про то, какой Китай великий и какие шикарные возможности для молодых специалистов предоставляет. Вот здесь можно добавить красивых оборотов. Почему ваше исследование может быть “выгодно” именно Китаю? Также не забудьте уделить три предложения описанию уникальной возможности во время учебы проникнуться великой 5000-летней культурой и завести китайских друзей, выучить язык и всё такое.

Закончить можно мотивацией на трудоустройство, ссылкой на успехи коллег (научного руководителя главным образом) и похвалой университета. Что-то вроде “при участии коллег и специалистов именно из Вашего Университета я смогу сделать вклад в науку и реальную жизнь, и смогу принести пользу обществу” или подобное.

В итоге

Таким образом строится типовой китайский учебный план. Не заимствуйте красивые расплывчатые и непонятные обороты из примеров в сети, пишите свой собственный текст, который покажет, что вы отлично ориентируетесь в теме, или, по крайней мере, собираетесь. Обычно это 3-4 страницы, может и меньше, может и больше – всё зависит от случая. Детали учебного плана хоть и не рассматриваются строго, однако дают общую картину вашего понимания перспектив и особенностей работы с китайским коллективом в китайском вузе.

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Study plans are schedules that designate studying times and learning objectives for specific courses or classes. Similar to a work schedule or a school schedule, a study plan outlines exact times for certain days and specific courses.

Create a study plan to become more organized and hold yourself accountable for learning objective deadlines. While applying for admissions or scholarships, you may be asked to submit a study plan that outlines your objectives and goals during your next course.

A few colleges demand Motivational letter independently alongside the study plan/research plan.

  • How to write a Study Plan for CSC Scholarship?
  • How to write a Study Plan Essay?

How to write a Study Plan?

You can create a study plan to become more organized and hold yourself accountable for learning objective deadlines.

Your study plan should include (at minimum) these 9 important notes:

  1. Full name
  2. Your most recent education
  3. Achievements made an overview
  4. Outline learning objectives and assignment schedules (if any)
  5. Experiment objectives/expected outcomes
  6. Future academic goals
  7. Changes in study habits
  8. Outline Strengths
  9. Write your Weaknesses & your plans to counter them

5 Steps to Create a Study Plan

Maximize your study plan and its potential with these five essential steps:


First of all, define the purpose of your study plan.  Is it for your college courses?  Is it for applying to scholarships?

A study plan for applying to scholarships requires a little more research and time versus a study plan for college courses.  Be sure you are including all the information that is pertinent to the purpose of the study plan.


A time chart enables you to discover how much time you are spending on each activity throughout your day.  For example, maybe you spend 2 hours a day with your dog in the park.

Create a time chart to take notes about everything you do during the day, whether it’s at work, home, or school.  Be sure that the notes you are taking are very detailed.

So later you can look at your chart and decide where you can plug in an extra hour of studying and where you’re going to lose an hour.


Your time chart should have helped you recognize and determine which days and what times will be the most beneficial for your studying. Take those dates and times and update them into your monthly calendar.

If your time chart shows that Wednesday and Friday from noon to two are your best studying sessions, then be sure you block those times off in your monthly calendar.

Writing it down in your calendar not only helps you remember it better but makes it seem more important, like a doctor’s appointment.


At the beginning of each week or at the beginning of each study session, determine why you need to study, what you need to study the most, what you need to improve on, and what objectives or goals you plan to achieve.


It may seem easy to miss out on one study session to go to the movies with your friends but making up the study time later in the week is going to cause you stress and anxiety.

Work hard to really stick to your time chart and study session calendar. If you skip once, you’re more likely to skip again.  Do your best not to get behind.

Why do you need a Study Plan?

The study plan is a great tool to help you succeed in your educational endeavors. It will aid in the organization of your schedules and make you feel accountable.

The Study plan will help to remind you of important due dates. Personalizing your study plan requires you to sit down and think about your time management skills.

It is the Study Plan that forces you to ask yourself questions such as, “Have I spent enough time on my studies lately?” or “Did I spend more time hanging out with friends than studying for my last exam?”

Therefore, being able to answer those questions will provide insight into your current time management skills. You may find that the hours you spend hanging out with friends or playing video games is three times as much as you spend on your studies.

Tips on Writing a Study Plan

  • Don’t Overbook Dates

Figure out which days are light days and which days are filled to the max on your study plan. On days where your commitments are low, pack in extra hours of studying.

Vice versa, plan on losing a couple of hours of studying on the days that appointments are scheduled on or lots of errands have to run.  Be sure to look ahead and keep in mind any projects or exams that will take up a large amount of your time.

  • Personalize It

A personalized study plan will also help you become aware of how much time you need to put into studying to effectively learn and understand a subject.  All students are different, and some students learn much faster than others.

Students that learn at a slower pace oftentimes need more time to register learning objectives because their brains cannot process information as quickly as faster learners.

You may discover you need to study an extra 2 or 3 hours a night, for 3 nights a week, instead of studying for 45 minutes each night.

  • Keep Updating Your Plan

Prior to each study period, your study plan needs to be updated to outline specific goals, learning outcomes, objectives, and study materials specific to that study session.

Also, create a study plan that answers why you are studying, and what you need to improve on to achieve the learning outcomes you set.

  • Maximize Effectiveness

While you don’t want to skip scheduled sessions in the Study plan, you also do not want to exhaust yourself in your studies.  Be reasonable and allow yourself sufficient study breaks in between sessions and during your sessions.

If further help is needed in your study sessions, consider hiring a tutor or studying with a friend. In fact, having a study partner creates discussions that facilitate the learning process.

Study Plan Sample and Study Plan Example can be download from the link below:

Download: Study plan Sample

The study plan or research proposal is an integral part of the application during the scholarship in any national or international scholarship. In this article, we will provide you with guidelines to help you through the process of writing an effective and impressive study plan or research proposal required to apply for scholarships.

Why write a Study Plan or a Research Proposal?

Your research plan, study plan, or research proposal is a guide for readers about your research questions. Furthermore, your suggestions will guide readers through existing methods to achieve their goals and separate their work from existing ones.

Your research proposal should be 4-7 pages long and contain 2,000-3,500 words. The research plan reveals your level of expertise in the fields mentioned above, as the author of the research plan must have knowledge of the required field.

Although you only provide your research interests, you can streamline the methods and requirements you have outlined for your research.

When writing your research plan, keep in mind that this is only a starting point and the direction of your research may change as the research unfolds. You can ask us at any time to help you write a research plan.

Study Plan Vs Research Proposal

The Study Plan includes the details of why you chose a certain degree program and how you actually schedule and plan your course study. Weather, On the other hand, the research proposal is used to state why it is wanted to work on a specific research direction, research objectives, and novelty of your the proposed research, possible outcomes, equipment, and funding requirements to carry out the investigation and a complete program to carry out its investigation.

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While writing a study plan you need to answer the following questions:

  • Why you chose a specific degree course?
  • How will you organize your study?
  • How you will plan your study?
  • Do you have any mini-research projects in mind?
  • What are your qualifications for the chosen program?
  • Show your skills that will help in course study
  • Discuss how and why that research will be required

If you are thinking to write a Research proposal then you need to focus on the following details:

  • State the problems that require your research to be conducted
  • Talk about the Objectives of your research
  • Discuss the novelty of your research
  • Cite supporting evidence or references
  • Provide a timeline for research completion
  • Unveil your Research Design for the research
  • Share the schedule of your experimentations
  • Ask for resources, funding, and equipment, if required
  • Discuss the possible impact of your research
  • Share your pre-research work in a summarized writing
  • Compare your proposed research with similar top-level citations

Benefits of writing a Study Plan or Research Proposal

The research plan will help you brainstorm and be curious about your research goals. This will help you provide comprehensive skills and questions.

This will also help clarify your research goals. Help clarify the steps for conducting research, answer questions by consulting the literature, and provide an answer to the question.

This step can help you improve your writing and research skills. This also helps to identify various methods and methods for analyzing data and inferring results from it

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How To Write a Study Plan For a Scholarship

Identify the reason for studying the respected program abroad

The identification of the reason why you want to study the selected subject abroad is as important as all the scheduling steps in a study plan.

This identification includes the attractions of the place including the education system, university rankings, sympathy for the subject, culture, and the things that can keep you there.

Identify the time needed to achieve the Academic Goals

Identifying educational goals means you strive to expand your frontiers of knowledge or enter higher studies after graduating from school. The first step is to make a list specifying the field of study and highlighting the reasons for pursuing it.

How will it lead to a decision? continuing education at home after identifying your job needs countryside. So the first 2 steps are the key to knowing your goals.

Identify the reasons for not studying in your own country

This rubric requires you to accumulate points for the reasons why you do not stay and study in your home country. Points may include: your home country does not offer the subject you want to study, the education system does not offer enough facilities, or the research requirements being difficult to meet here. This will strengthen the basis of your decision.

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Conduct research about studying in your home country

This section includes research institutes and programs offered in your own country. This research will help to obtain information about the same courses that are offered abroad and in the city of origin. The difference in the education system and expenses will help make the decision easier.

Consider your educational background

The educational history will include all of your previous courses the names of the schools you attended there and the start and end of the course.

Along with your educational background, including where you have worked and what you gather in the name of experience. This information will strengthen your case and present a bright image to interested parties.

All of the above points can be summarized to finish your letter. This pattern will present your goal of studying abroad and will also show your educational goals. The bottom line should be a thank you note to the recipient.

Study Plan Example and Sample



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