Localized string not found safari ошибка как исправить

The problem with “localized string not found” issues is in the System>Library>Frameworks>WebKit.framework.

Normally the problem is very specific, within the WebKit.framework. The System>Library>Frameworks>WebKit.framework>Versions>A>Resources folder should have the folder English.lproj, but it’s probably missing. If the English.lproj folder is present, then the Localizable.strings file within it is missing.

Many people have mentioned the solution of downloading Safari and reinstalling after trashing the WebKit.framework. While this solution works, it’s overkill and also require more updating. This is because the downloadable version of Safari isn’t the current version, but rather requires the Combo Update to be re-run in order to re-update the entire Safari. Thus you’d need to Restart and wait for the whole Optimization process, a waste of time and effort.

The easier solution is to download Safari and then open the Safari.pkg package with Pacifist and navigate within Pacifist to whatever folder or file you’re missing (hopefully only the English.lproj folder) and then highlight it and hit “Install” using Pacifist. If you’re only missing the English.lproj folder you don’t even need to quit Safari or Restart or anything, the problem will be fixed as soon as Pacifist installs the folder containing the “Localizable.strings” file.

Hi @erindunn,

The 1Password 3 extension is a more complicated affair than what followed it in 1Password 4. Still, the extension routinely tries to sync with the 1Password 3 application so anything that was available in the extension should be in visible in your vault when viewed in 1Password 3. In your first post you mentioned having already re-downloaded the extension so I’m working on the belief that the extension is already in a clean state.

If you’re at all concerned though we can look into this further but we will need a diagnostic report to do so. If this is something you’d like for peace of mind then can you create the following Diagnostic Report please.

  • For 1Password 3 on your Mac

Then attach everything to an email to us: support+ [email protected]

Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums, but please do include a link to this thread in your email, along with your forum handle so that we can “connect the dots” when we see your Diagnostics Report in our inbox.

Once you’ve sent the Report a post here with the ticket ID will help us to keep an eye out for it. 🙂

If everything is in 1Password 3 and you’re happy to continue then it’s back to removing the broken extension.

The first thing we can try is to remove the actual extension file – see if that helps.

  1. Quit Safari if it is running.
  2. Open a Finder window and use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G to open a Go to the folder window.
  3. Use the following location ~/Library/Safari/Extensions/ and click the Go button.
  4. Remove any files in that folder that start with 1Password

When you launch Safari and look in the Extensions tab has the 1Password extension been removed? If it has throw in a reboot of your Mac for good measure and see what happens if you try to install the extension again.

Now if doesn’t work we’ll have to use the sledgehammer approach. This will remove all of your extensions but due to the Keychain entry I’m not aware of a more selective approach.

Wiping Safari’s extensions

To start make sure Safari is not opened.

Preference plist

Open a Finder window and use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G to open a Go to the folder window. Use the following location

~/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Safari.Extensions.plist and click the Go button.

Drag the highlighted file to your Trash.

Extension files

Like above, open a Finder window and use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘G to open a Go to the folder window. Use the following location

~/Library/Safari/Extensions/ and click the Go button.

Drag the highlighted folder to your Trash.

Safari Extensions List

Launch Keychain Access which you can find in /Applications/Utilities/. Search on the word safari and you should have 3 entries in the results. You want to right click on Safari Extensions List and select the Delete “Safari Extensions List” option.

After those two, reboot your Mac and you’ll need to go through the steps of installing your extensions again. With a little luck whatever got messed up was in there and the 1Password extension will now properly load

Let us know how you get along.

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I’ve implemented LiveChat in ios. when I’m going to upload an attachment then got options from where we can upload an attachment. There are showing “localized string not found” on camera and gallery options. like following attachment.
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 Pro Max - 2020-08-24 at 11 29 12


Hi @rupeshmishra90 could you please provide more details on how did you integrate the widget? What are the languages supported by your app? On this screen there are two languages mixed together which is odd. I tested that on our end and the widget in an app supporting Spanish (if I’m not mistaken) language looks like this. All the options are properly translated.



Hi @rupeshmishra90 could you please provide more details on how did you integrate the widget? What are the languages supported by your app? On this screen there are two languages mixed together which is odd. I tested that on our end and the widget in an app supporting Spanish (if I’m not mistaken) language looks like this. All the options are properly translated.


I’m using spanish and english in my application. I’ facing issue in case of spanish


I’m using spanish and english in my application. I’ facing issue in case of spanish

Please provide me solution.


@rupeshmishra90 could you please provide a minimal example reproducing this issue? It works perfectly fine on our end.





I’ve put strings key value but not reflected

“Browse” = “Vistazo”;


Please provide a solution we are struck on it


@rupeshmishra90 the problem starts with this method Bundle.swizzleLocalization() when you will comment out this part the image selection UI starts working as expected. However I feel like this is not your real issue. You just want to see the entire chat widget translated to Spanish, am I correct?


Yes, I want to see the entire chat widget translated to Spanish


@rupeshmishra90 you can set the widget language in the agent app settings. Please let me know if that solves your problem.

Zrzut ekranu 2021-03-17 o 18 06 39


Can we set multiple language from here?


I have a doubt if there are two users and one using english language and other using spanish then which language we have to set here.


@rupeshmishra90 the dynamic language setting is not currently supported in our widget. Please file a separate ticket with a feature request so we will be able to proceed further.



Hi, I’m facing localized string not found issue in chat page
I have used 3 languages in my App
Added strings in localised file like below

"Photo Library" = "Photo Library";
"Choose Files" = "Choose Files";

"Choose Files" = "Photothèque";
"Choose Files"= "Choisir des fichiers";

"Photo Library" = "फोटो लाइब्रेरी";
"Choose Files" = "फ़ाइलें चुनें";

PFA, please anyone help me
Thanks in advance
Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 - 2022-01-05 at 15 32 49



Hi @rupeshmishra90 , Can you please let me know what is the issue there, then how to fix it
For me still this issue is open




Okay @rupeshmishra90
Any options to show English only, is this possible
I mean if I changed English to French in my App Chat page will show only English



Okay, in Chat admin panel right?



I have removed other language strings from my App, added English text alone like below, but still I’m facing same issue

// ---- Live Chat Bot -----//
"PHOTO_LIBRARY" = "Photo Library";
"Choose Files" = "Choose Files";


  • #1

I just updated to Safari 14 beta to test out a couple of things, however for some reason the start page is now called…

localized string not found

Screen Shot 2020-08-22 at 12.57.42 am.png

This phrase is also mentioned elsewhere.

I can’t find any reference to this being an issue with any Safari 14 beta, can anyone enlighten me on this issue and how to correct it?

I am using Catalina 10.15.6 and a 2017 iMac 4K.

  • #2

This means that the localisation for the language you have set is not being found in the application bundle. What language is your Mac set to? Look in Language & Region in System Preferences

  • #3

This means that the localisation for the language you have set is not being found in the application bundle. What language is your Mac set to? Look in Language & Region in System Preferences

English (Australia) – Primary

  • #4

I would guess the (Australia) is the problem. Try adding a second language below. I would note that Safari 14.0 on Catalina with language set to English (UK) and no secondary languages shows the correct strings for those localisation placeholders. Maybe try adding English (UK) as the second language? Or English (US) as it’s normally the implementation localisation and should always have all strings.

  • #5

I would guess the (Australia) is the problem. Try adding a second language below. I would note that Safari 14.0 on Catalina with language set to English (UK) and no secondary languages shows the correct strings for those localisation placeholders. Maybe try adding English (UK) as the second language? Or English (US) as it’s normally the implementation localisation and should always have all strings.

Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried that but still the same.

  • #6

Thanks for the suggestion, I just tried that but still the same.

Did you restart Safari?

  • #7

Yep, full shutdown of Mac.

  • #8

I’ve got the same problem here. Tried to change the language, reisntalled Safari beta and even reinstalled Mac OS through CMD+R on bootup. Safari is still version 14.0 after reinstallation. Any help?

  • #9

Report the bug and wait for the next version.

  • #10

I ended up restoring from my time machine backup if anyone is interested.

  • #11

Developer notes:
This seed build is not fully localized. Safari 14 Beta 4 is available for:

  • macOS Catalina 10.15.6

An application has been written using WKWebView.
Everything works fine on a test server. Moved the web part to the customer’s server. Immediately when trying to load the first page, an error occurred in didFailProvisionalNavigation.

“didFailProvisionalNavigation”, “Error Domain=WKErrorDomain Code=13 “localized string not found” UserInfo={_WKRecoveryAttempterErrorKey=<WKReloadFrameErrorRecoveryAttempter: 0x2807a4020>, NSErrorFailingURLStringKey=https://XXXXXX, NSErrorFailingURLKey=https://XXXXXX, NSLocalizedDescription=localized string not found}”

The application defines the localizations Base, English (en) and Russian (ru).

Everything works fine on the old server.

Old test server:
DB – Oracle
HTTP Server – OHS – 11
OS – WS2012R2

New broken server:
DB – Oracle
OS – Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

WKWebView settings:

let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
configuration.preferences.javaScriptEnabled = true
configuration.preferences.javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically = true
configuration.ignoresViewportScaleLimits = false
configuration.allowsInlineMediaPlayback = true
if #available (iOS 14.0, *) {
     configuration.defaultWebpagePreferences.allowsContentJavaScript = true
     configuration.limitsNavigationsToAppBoundDomains = true

webView = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: configuration)
pullControl.attributedTitle = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "Pull to update"). setColor(.black)
pullControl.addTarget (self, action: #selector(pullAction (_ :)), for: .valueChanged)
if #available (iOS 10.0, *) {
    webView.scrollView.refreshControl = pullControl
} else {
    webView.scrollView.addSubview (pullControl)
    webView.scrollView.bounces = true
webView.customUserAgent = "XXXXX iOS application"
webView.allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures = true
webView.scrollView.bounces = true
webView.navigationDelegate = self
webView.uiDelegate = self
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: URL (string: SITE_URL)!)

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