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Topic: Lumion out of memory (Read 15865 times)
May 20, 2011, 11:12:47 am
I’ve had crashes on two big projects, pop up said «Lumion went out of memory»
Is that the memory of the computer or the memory of the graphics card?
The project I’m working on now has a lot of «heavy» hedges in it. Imported 3ds file.
Also what can I do to work around this problem. Work in Low mem mode? and then when it is time to export the images (I»m working on stills now) switch to normal mode? Or does the low mem mode generates the same pictures as the normal mode, so there’s no need to switch before generating the pictures?
I did move the hedges to a seperate layer, that speed things up in the viewport.
other tips?
sytem specs:Intel Q9300, 3GB Ram, WinXP Pro, Nvidia GTX460 1GB
May 20, 2011, 11:37:23 am
Overall size of textures?
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 11:45:49 am
total size of folder with textures of main model is 4,5Mb, largest textures are 600kb.
Don’t think that’s the problem.
May 20, 2011, 12:06:23 pm
No need to switch.
Your scene is too heavy and it’s a safe bet those nice hedges play a big part in this.
Lumion can perform small miracles but we’ll have to wait a bit before it actually allows you to increase your
physical memory
Can’t you optimize the hedge models? I saw lots and lots of branches in them and perhaps you can just make 2 versions, 1 low poly and 1 high poly for very close to the cam.
May 20, 2011, 12:45:42 pm
600kb jpg… maybe reconsider to scale it down, if you have like 10 of these, it can be a killer in performance.
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 02:23:34 pm
The smart thing to do is what Aaron says I think, optimize the hedge model.
I can reproduce the error now. Lumion crashes when I try to edit/assign a material from the main model.
If I don’t edit the material all is fine, a bit slow, but it works.
I can even add some more hedges
May 22, 2011, 08:06:59 pm
Just use teh 64bit version. I had the same issues lately and after switching to 64bit all was fine.
May 24, 2011, 10:50:40 am
Also you can use the 32 bit version but make sure you use a 64 bit OS for a bit more memory.
October 06, 2011, 07:35:38 am
graphics card is the key of out of memory!My graphics card is 4G DDR3.That will be OK!
October 06, 2011, 10:20:47 am
I don’t think it’s entirely graphics card related.
My situation:
work pc: Winxp, 3Gb, GTX460 1Gb
home pc: Win7-64, 4Gb(upgraded to 12Gb), GTX460 1Gb
Same scene gives «out of memory» errors on work pc, on home pc all is fine.
I have a hunch that it is related to the size/memory of seperate imported models(fbx, dae). With smaller models the work pc is fine, but when working with larger ones sometimes the out of memory error pops up.
October 06, 2011, 11:05:45 am
Running Windows XP (32-bit?) with 3Gb ram is what’s preventing you from working with more complex scenes on your work PC.
The 32-bit version of Windows only lets Lumion (and other applications) use a maximum of 3.5gb of the system memory. More complex projects will require more memory and preferably a 64-bit version of Windows.
Try running Task Manager to monitor the memory consumption of Lumion while you’re working on that project (use the latest version, ie, SP2 Build 8 while you do this).
As an example, I’ve got Windows 7 64-bit with 6Gb ram, and with just Firefox, Skype and MSN Windows is using 2.35Gb. And I haven’t even started Lumion yet.
So if you only have 3Gb ram, there’s not much left for Lumion to play with.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send private messages and emails to members of staff — unless we specifically ask you to send us sensitive information, for example License Keys.
Многие пользователи ПК во время работы с какой-либо программой могут столкнуться с «вылетом» указанной программы, и появившимся сообщением «Out of memory». Возникшая проблема может иметь множество причин, начиная от банального недостатка памяти на пользовательском ПК, и заканчивая некорректной работой с памятью какой-либо программы.
- Причины появления дисфункции
- Как исправить ошибку «Out of memory»
- Заключение
Причины появления дисфункции
Сообщение «Out of memory» (в переводе дословно «вне памяти», или «недостаточно памяти») обычно возникает при недостатке памяти на пользовательском компьютере. В частности же, в появлении данной ошибки «виновен» следующий набор факторов:
- Недостаток памяти RAM на вашем ПК (рабочей памяти, планки которой установлены на материнской плате вашего компьютера). Если на вашем компьютере установлен всего 1 гигабайт памяти, вы будете встречаться с описываемой ошибкой довольно часто. Нормальным же ныне считается наличие на компьютере 4 гигабайт памяти и выше;
- Недостаток места на жёстком диске.
Когда вашему компьютеру не хватает физической R.A.M. памяти, он заимствует часть места на жёстком диске, и создаёт так называемую «виртуальную память». Система временно хранит в такой виртуальной памяти ту часть данных, которая не помещается в памяти обычной. Такие данные обычно хранятся в файле «pagefile.sys», размер которого может увеличиваться или уменьшаться в зависимости от специфики работы вашей ОС. Если на диске будет недостаточно места, файл «pagefile.sys» не сможет расти, и пользователь получит рассматриваемую ошибку.
- При одновременном запуске на ПК большого количества программ, каждая из которых бронирует часть памяти ПК под свои задачи;
- При запуск большого количества вкладок браузера. Веб-навигаторы уровня «Firefox» или «Google Chrome» способны занимать от 500 мегабайт до 1 гигабайта памяти под свой функционал, при этом число открытых вкладок и соответствующей обслуживающей памяти может быть ограничено системой. Специалисты Майрософт называют такую проблему «the desktop heap limitation» — «ограничение кучи рабочего стола»);
- Некорректная работа с памятью ряда программ (наиболее часто это игровые программы);
- Не оптимальный размер файла подкачки, с которым работает система.
Для решения указанной проблемы рекомендую сделать следующее:
- Перезагрузите ваш ПК, и запустите требуемую программу вновь. Возможно, что проблема имеет случайный характер, и более повторяться не будет;
- Перед запуском нужной программы закройте другие ненужные программы (браузер, музыкальный или видео плеер, текстовый или графический редактор, мессенджер и так далее);
- Если проблема возникает во время серфинга в сети, закройте всё множество вкладок вашего браузера (при наличии), оставив лишь одну или две.
Альтернативным вариантом решения проблемы является установка соответствующего фикса от Майкрософт. Или использование расширений или дополнений для браузера уровня «The Great Suspender» для «Google Chrome», хорошо работающего с ненужными вкладками браузера.
- Добавьте оперативной памяти на ваш ПК. Если у вас на компьютере установлено 1-2 гигабайта памяти, будет оптимальным довести её объём до 4 гигабайт (а для 64-битных Виндовс 7, 8 и 10 версии рекомендую 8 и более гигабайт);
- Убедитесь, что на вашем жёстком диске (или SSD) достаточно свободного места. При необходимости, освободите диск от ненужных файлов;
- Используйте инструмент командной строки BCDEdit для изменения параметров загрузки системы. Если у вас на ПК установлена Виндовс 7 и более, запустите командную строку от имени администратора на Виндовс 7 и Виндовс 10, и в ней наберите:
bcdedit/set IncreaseUserVa 3072
И нажмите на ввод, и перезагрузите ваш ПК. Функционал данной команды позволяет выделить пользовательским приложениям 3 гигабайта оперативной памяти для работы. В некоторых системах этого может быть слишком много, потому если после ввода данной команды система начала чаще сбоить, то введите в командной строке от имени администратора:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 2560 — что позволит задействовать 2,5 гигабайта вместо ранее забронированных 3.
Если ситуацию этим исправить не удалось, верните настройки на состояние по умолчанию:
bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa
- Увеличьте объём файла подкачки. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск», в строке поиска введите sysdm.cpl и нажмите ввод. В открывшемся окне настроек системы выберите «Дополнительно» — «Быстродействие» — «Параметры» — «Дополнительно» — «Виртуальная память» — «Изменить». Снимите галочку с опции автоматического размера, поставьте галочку на «Указать размер», и поставьте исходный размер в 8192, и максимальный в 8192. Затем выберите «Задать»;
Установите нужный размер файла подкачки
- Если ошибка возникает при использовании игровой программы, перейдите в её графические настройки, и выберите их минимальные значения;
- Произведите правильную настройку «Java». Для решения проблем с игровой программой «Майнкрафт» перейдите в Панель управления Виндовс, найдите там «Java» и запустите данную среду исполнения. Нажмите на кнопку «View», затем дважды кликните на «Runtime Parametres». Введите туда –Xms256m – Xmx3072m (или больше). Xms – это минимальное выделение ОЗУ, Xmx – максимальное. Значение Xmx рекомендуют устанавливать на процентов 70-80% от общего объёма ОЗУ. Примените изменения, и перезагрузите ваш ПК.
Ошибка «Out of memory» может иметь множество причин, связанных как с физическим недостатком памяти на ПК, так и другими детерминантами, изложенными мной выше. Для решения проблемы советую закрыть ненужные программы (вкладки браузера) на вашем компьютере (тем самым разгрузив его память), а самым эффективным инструментом является установка дополнительной планки памяти на ПК, что в большинстве случаев поможет избавиться от ошибки на вашем компьютере.
May 22, 2022
Hana Trieu
Lumion may occasionally run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory when working on complex projects (for example when importing a very large model). If that happens, it will start to use Virtual Memory. This memory type relies on allocating some free space on the hard disk for virtual storage when the above memory is all used. Lumion recommends at least 50GB and up to 150GB for more complicated projects.
Note: The Virtual Memory will take up the amount of space in the selected drive. Therefore, make sure that there is sufficient free space for the increase. If you selected the drive where your Documents folder is located (usually C), verify that you have more than 30GB of free space after you have made the change. That is necessary for Lumion to work properly.
If Lumion urges you to increase the amount of Virtual Memory, please follow the guidelined steps below.
Step 1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows”.
Step 2: In the “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab and click on “Change” under Virtual Memory.
Step 3: Select a drive with enough free space, click on “Custom size” and enter the value Lumion suggested in both the “Initial size” and the “Maximum size” fields.
Step 4: Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option, then click on “Set”, then “OK”, and restart the PC. In case you need help freeing up space for this procedure, follow the Microsoft website HERE.
If increasing the amount of Virtual Memory on your computer is not feasible and only temporary and you have many large projects and you need to use your computer for other needs, iRender will be a radical alternative.
iRender is proud to be a professional GPU Accelerated Cloud Rendering Service provider in HPC optimization for Rendering, CGI, and VFX tasks with more than 25,000 customers and being appreciated in many global rankings (e.g. CGDirector, Lumion Official, Radarrender, InspirationTuts CAD, All3DP).
We offer GPU-accelerated cloud rendering services, as well as great support for today’s popular architectural design software, particularly Lumion. We have developed the most powerful and well-suited configuration server machine for Lumion rendering: a 1-card GPU package. This server package’s configuration is described in full below.
Try our RTX 3090:
If your personal computer does not have enough memory to handle large projects of Lumion, or you need to use it for other tasks, using iRender’s servers will be a good choice. When using our server, you will use 100% of the performance and capacity of the hardware, not sharing it with anyone.
We believe that with an RTX 3090 GPU, 24GB VRAM, and 128GB RAM, this memory will match the needs of any Lumion project. Even if you use all of the above two types of memory, boosting virtual memory is simple with a 512GB SSD. Furthermore, you can run numerous of these single-card machines simultaneously to boost up the rendering process. The machines you run will all have the same Z drive, making it simple to manage them. Please consider your needs to make a reasonable choice. Learn more about rendering Lumion with iRender HERE.
We also provide many other useful features. They are Machine cloning, change package function, NV Link support, APIs, configuration customizing, etc. Using our service, you will receive dedicated support from our 24/7 technical team. This May, we are running a SPECIAL OFFER: 20% Bonus program. That is for new customers who register an account and top up within 24 hours after registration.
Let’s get started!
If building new hardware is over your budget, try our RTX3090 to turn your computer into a supercomputer and faster your rendering speed now! All you need to do is go through 5 basic steps: Register an account => Recharge => Transfer your Lumion files to the server machine with GPUHub sync => Create a machine to boot it => Connect the super-powerful machine and fully control it.
Become a member of the iRender community today to get a FREE COUPON to save your rendering time and budget. For more information, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +84915875500 or email: [email protected].
Thank You and Happy Rendering!
Reference source:
cloud gpu, cloud rendering, gpuhub, gpurental, graphicscard, Graphicscard For Lumion, iRender, lumion cloud render, Lumion cloud rendering, Lumion Fix Errors, Lumion Online Render Farms, Lumion Out Of Memory, lumion render farm, Lumion Rendering Tips, Lumion Tips, Lumion Tips and Tricks, Lumion Troubleshooting, Lumion Virtual Memory, Lumion With RTX3090, Lumion3D, render farm, render online, Rendering Service
2.1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select ‘Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows’. 2.2: In the ‘Performance Options’ window, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Change’ under Virtual Memory.
What does it mean when Lumion runs out of memory?
One reason for Lumion to crash is that it may sometimes run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory. If that happens, Virtual Memory will be used. This memory type relies on free space on the hard disk. You can follow this link to increase the Virtual Memory.
How do I increase memory for Lumion 10?
2.1: Windows 10:
- Click on the link below.
- Webpage link: Tips to improve PC performance in Windows 10.
- Click on 3. Check memory and memory usage and follow the instructions in the paragraph called Change the paging file size to improve performance.
- Restart the PC.
How can I improve my Lumion performance?
Make the Lumion window smaller and/or reduce the resolution of your monitor (the fewer pixels it needs to render, the higher the framerate is). Or, set the Editor Resolution to a lower percentage than 100% on the Settings screen. Set the Editor Quality to a lower star quality on the Settings screen.
How do I restore a Lumion file?
1. Back-ups in Lumion 9.0 and newer
- In Lumion, using SaveAs to make a separate copy of the LS Project file as a version copy.
- Use back-up or file sync software.
- Windows File History and/or.
- An online cloud back-up service (so long as it does not backup at the same time as you are trying to save files).
How do I increase Virtual Memory?
Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows 10
- Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings.
- Type performance.
- Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
- In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.
What files can Lumion open?
The supported model file formats are as follows:
- DAE (Collada)
- SKP (SketchUp)
- FBX.
- DWG.
- DXF.
- 3DS.
- OBJ.
- MAX (Requires a 3ds Max installation)
How do I import a heavy SketchUp file into Lumion?
2. The best import method for your version of SketchUp and Lumion
- Lumion 11.0.1 or newer: LiveSync or import .SKP file.
- Lumion 11.0: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
- Lumion 10.3 – 10.5: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
Is 8gb RAM enough for Lumion?
Additionally, faster hardware allows for a faster rendering time in Lumion.
Find out if your desktop PC or laptop is fast enough.
Recommended requirements | |
System memory (RAM) | 32 GB or more |
Graphics card memory (VRAM) | 8 GB or more |
How much RAM does Lumion need?
Does Lumion work on your current computer? Lumion requires a PC with a fast NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 2GB memory. If your laptop PC has a slow graphics card with less memory, or, if it only has an Intel HD graphics card, then your laptop PC is unsuitable for Lumion.
How do you purge a Lumion file?
1.1: You can remove files for the Imported Models via the Lumion Imported Model interface by clicking on the Delete model button (Bin icon). 1.2: Note that the model you remove cannot be present in the Project you currently have open.
Why is Lumion so slow?
Some SketchUp models that have curved surfaces, such as a sphere or bottle, might use a so-called projected texture mapping method which is not supported in other applications. The result is that the model will become very slow to display and render in Lumion 8.0 (and older versions).
Я получаю следующую ошибку при попытке позвонить dispatch
в моем проекте Lumen:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /var/www/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php on line 707
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
Моей первой мыслью было увеличение лимита памяти в php.ini
до 1G, но процесс продолжает поглощать всю память приложения, а затем выдает вышеуказанную ошибку.
Внутри моего контроллера у меня есть следующий фрагмент кода:
private function attemptCapture(array $options = [])
$response = array_merge(
'code' => 200,
'message' => '',
dispatch(new ExampleJob());
return $response;
namespace AppJobs;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
class ExampleJob extends Job
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
// dd('got here'); // this gets called
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
Log::info('got here');
Я использую Laravel по умолчанию queue.php
в моем /config/queue.php
файл и я использую redis
и я использую default
как я предполагаю, что будет использовать соединение, которое я установил в моем redis['default']
в database.php
Я озадачен тем, почему это не удается, я получаю те же результаты, даже если я использую sync
водитель, отправка просто, кажется, облажался
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ После дальнейших экспериментов кажется, что когда я звоню dispatch
из контроллера (передаваемого из HTTP-маршрута) диспетчер попытается снова вызвать маршрут вместо того, чтобы запустить задание или отправить задание в очередь.
Этот код вызывается в цепочке отправки:
protected function callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
$action = $routeInfo[1];
if (isset($action['uses'])) {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->callControllerAction($routeInfo));
foreach ($action as $value) {
if ($value instanceof Closure) {
$closure = $value->bindTo(new RoutingClosure);
try {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->call($closure, $routeInfo[2]));
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
return $e->getResponse();
У которого есть: array(1) { ["uses"]=> string(52) "AppHttpControllersOperatorCaptureController@test" }
в качестве полезной нагрузки, которую он получает.
Я не пытаюсь отправить новое действие @test, я хочу отправить ExampleJob
Задача ещё не решена.
Другие решения
Других решений пока нет …
Ошибка «Out of Memory» обычно появляется, когда на компьютере запущено много программ, использующих ресурсы, доступные для компьютера. Компьютерная память или ОЗУ (оперативное запоминающее устройство) используется компьютером для быстрого хранения данных для их обработки.
Структура статьи
- 1 Когда появляется эта ошибка?
- 2 Причина ошибки «Out of Memory»
- 3 Как исправить ошибку «Out of Memory»
- 4 Чтобы избежать проблем, тщательно следуйте этим инструкциям.
- 5
Отсюда, следуйте этим шагам в зависимости от вашей операционной системы
Когда появляется эта ошибка?
Как я уже отмечал выше, запуск сразу нескольких программ может перегрузить объем доступной свободной памяти, что приведет к ошибке «Out of Memory». Это может случиться как с новыми программами, так и с уже запущенными на компьютере программами. Иногда это может произойти, независимо от объема доступной свободной памяти.
Причина этих ошибок немного сложнее. Подсистема WIN32 Windows имеет ограниченный объем доступной памяти. Если память в куче рабочих столов подсистемы WIN32 используется. Windows может выдавать сообщение об ошибке «Out of Memory».
Компьютеры, работающие не так, как операционные системы Microsoft Windows, не слишком уязвимы. Эта проблема в основном существует для пользователей Windows NT 3.5 и Windows NT 3.1
Как исправить ошибку «Out of Memory»
Чтобы исправить эту проблему, вам необходимо отредактировать свой реестр Windows. Редактирование реестра является рискованным занятием. Действовать нужно с осторожностью, и только строго по инструкции:
- Резервное копирование реестра — так что вы можете восстановить его позже, если что-то пойдет не так.
- Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать, как создать резервную копию и восстановить реестр.
Чтобы избежать проблем, тщательно следуйте этим инструкциям.
- Увеличьте размер кучи рабочего стола, чтобы исправить эту проблему.
- Запустите редактор реестра, открыв диалоговое окно RUN с помощью сочетания клавиш Windows_Key + R или из меню «Пуск». В диалоговом окне RUN введите regedit для запуска Regedt32.exe.
- Из поддерева HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Перейдите к следующему разделу: - System CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager SubSystems
- Выберите значение Windows.
- Выберите «Строка» в меню «Правка».
- Увеличить параметр SharedSection
Отсюда, следуйте этим шагам в зависимости от вашей операционной системы
Для Windows NT:
- SharedSection используется для определения размера системы и рабочего стола, он использует следующие параметры
- SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY
- Добавить «, 256» или «, 512» после номера yyyy.
Для Windows 2000, Windows XP и Windows Server 2003:
- SharedSection используется для определения размера системы и рабочего стола, он использует следующие параметры
- SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY, ZZZZ
Для 32-разрядных операционных систем
- Увеличьте значение yyyy до «12288» и увеличьте значение zzzz до «1024».
Для 64-разрядных операционных систем
- Увеличьте значение yyyy до «20480»; Увеличьте значение zzzz до «1024».
Есть свой вариант быстрого решения ошибки «Out of Memory»? Пишите его в форму комментариев к этой статье, и если ваш вариант окажется полезным, мы обязательно дополним руководство.
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes
- How To Stop Microsoft Edge From Running in Background
- Fix: Microsoft Edge Keeps Freezing, Hangs or It’s Not Responding
- Saved Passwords Missing in Edge: How to Recover Them
- 8 Ways to Fix Edge When is Slow or Lagging on Windows 10
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes
- How To Stop Microsoft Edge From Running in Background
- Fix: Microsoft Edge Keeps Freezing, Hangs or It’s Not Responding
- Saved Passwords Missing in Edge: How to Recover Them
- 8 Ways to Fix Edge When is Slow or Lagging on Windows 10
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Здравия ДТФ, произошла проблема при которой вылетают игры Borderlands 3 и PUBG с ошибками run out of memory, компьютер Ryzen 7 1700 GTX 660 2gb 16gb ddr4 2400, с недавних пор эта проблема проявляется в этих играх (в других не проверял) буквально через 1.5 часа что крайне раздражает и не позволяет нормально играть, файл подкачки до этого убавлял до 2 гигов ибо изначально автоматом ставило почти 30ГБ файла. После изменения файла игралось все стабильно и по гиганстким сессиям.
В чем проблема и как решить?
p.s в стресс тестах стабильности системы аида 80 минут беспрерывно с включенным браузером все было ок, загрузки проверял больше 70% озу не ест
May 22, 2022
Hana Trieu
Lumion may occasionally run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory when working on complex projects (for example when importing a very large model). If that happens, it will start to use Virtual Memory. This memory type relies on allocating some free space on the hard disk for virtual storage when the above memory is all used. Lumion recommends at least 50GB and up to 150GB for more complicated projects.
Note: The Virtual Memory will take up the amount of space in the selected drive. Therefore, make sure that there is sufficient free space for the increase. If you selected the drive where your Documents folder is located (usually C), verify that you have more than 30GB of free space after you have made the change. That is necessary for Lumion to work properly.
If Lumion urges you to increase the amount of Virtual Memory, please follow the guidelined steps below.
Step 1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows”.
Step 2: In the “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab and click on “Change” under Virtual Memory.
Step 3: Select a drive with enough free space, click on “Custom size” and enter the value Lumion suggested in both the “Initial size” and the “Maximum size” fields.
Step 4: Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option, then click on “Set”, then “OK”, and restart the PC. In case you need help freeing up space for this procedure, follow the Microsoft website HERE.
If increasing the amount of Virtual Memory on your computer is not feasible and only temporary and you have many large projects and you need to use your computer for other needs, iRender will be a radical alternative.
iRender is proud to be a professional GPU Accelerated Cloud Rendering Service provider in HPC optimization for Rendering, CGI, and VFX tasks with more than 25,000 customers and being appreciated in many global rankings (e.g. CGDirector, Lumion Official, Radarrender, InspirationTuts CAD, All3DP).
We offer GPU-accelerated cloud rendering services, as well as great support for today’s popular architectural design software, particularly Lumion. We have developed the most powerful and well-suited configuration server machine for Lumion rendering: a 1-card GPU package. This server package’s configuration is described in full below.
Try our RTX 3090:
If your personal computer does not have enough memory to handle large projects of Lumion, or you need to use it for other tasks, using iRender’s servers will be a good choice. When using our server, you will use 100% of the performance and capacity of the hardware, not sharing it with anyone.
We believe that with an RTX 3090 GPU, 24GB VRAM, and 128GB RAM, this memory will match the needs of any Lumion project. Even if you use all of the above two types of memory, boosting virtual memory is simple with a 512GB SSD. Furthermore, you can run numerous of these single-card machines simultaneously to boost up the rendering process. The machines you run will all have the same Z drive, making it simple to manage them. Please consider your needs to make a reasonable choice. Learn more about rendering Lumion with iRender HERE.
We also provide many other useful features. They are Machine cloning, change package function, NV Link support, APIs, configuration customizing, etc. Using our service, you will receive dedicated support from our 24/7 technical team. This May, we are running a SPECIAL OFFER: 20% Bonus program. That is for new customers who register an account and top up within 24 hours after registration.
Let’s get started!
If building new hardware is over your budget, try our RTX3090 to turn your computer into a supercomputer and faster your rendering speed now! All you need to do is go through 5 basic steps: Register an account => Recharge => Transfer your Lumion files to the server machine with GPUHub sync => Create a machine to boot it => Connect the super-powerful machine and fully control it.
Become a member of the iRender community today to get a FREE COUPON to save your rendering time and budget. For more information, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +84915875500 or email: [email protected].
Thank You and Happy Rendering!
Reference source:
cloud gpu, cloud rendering, gpuhub, gpurental, graphicscard, Graphicscard For Lumion, iRender, lumion cloud render, Lumion cloud rendering, Lumion Fix Errors, Lumion Online Render Farms, Lumion Out Of Memory, lumion render farm, Lumion Rendering Tips, Lumion Tips, Lumion Tips and Tricks, Lumion Troubleshooting, Lumion Virtual Memory, Lumion With RTX3090, Lumion3D, render farm, render online, Rendering Service
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Topic: Lumion out of memory (Read 16352 times)
May 20, 2011, 11:12:47 am
I’ve had crashes on two big projects, pop up said “Lumion went out of memory”
Is that the memory of the computer or the memory of the graphics card?
The project I’m working on now has a lot of “heavy” hedges in it. Imported 3ds file.
Also what can I do to work around this problem. Work in Low mem mode? and then when it is time to export the images (I”m working on stills now) switch to normal mode? Or does the low mem mode generates the same pictures as the normal mode, so there’s no need to switch before generating the pictures?
I did move the hedges to a seperate layer, that speed things up in the viewport.
other tips?
sytem specs:Intel Q9300, 3GB Ram, WinXP Pro, Nvidia GTX460 1GB
May 20, 2011, 11:37:23 am
Overall size of textures?
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 11:45:49 am
total size of folder with textures of main model is 4,5Mb, largest textures are 600kb.
Don’t think that’s the problem.
May 20, 2011, 12:06:23 pm
No need to switch.
Your scene is too heavy and it’s a safe bet those nice hedges play a big part in this.
Lumion can perform small miracles but we’ll have to wait a bit before it actually allows you to increase your
physical memory
Can’t you optimize the hedge models? I saw lots and lots of branches in them and perhaps you can just make 2 versions, 1 low poly and 1 high poly for very close to the cam.
May 20, 2011, 12:45:42 pm
600kb jpg… maybe reconsider to scale it down, if you have like 10 of these, it can be a killer in performance.
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 02:23:34 pm
The smart thing to do is what Aaron says I think, optimize the hedge model.
I can reproduce the error now. Lumion crashes when I try to edit/assign a material from the main model.
If I don’t edit the material all is fine, a bit slow, but it works.
I can even add some more hedges
May 22, 2011, 08:06:59 pm
Just use teh 64bit version. I had the same issues lately and after switching to 64bit all was fine.
May 24, 2011, 10:50:40 am
Also you can use the 32 bit version but make sure you use a 64 bit OS for a bit more memory.
October 06, 2011, 07:35:38 am
graphics card is the key of out of memory!My graphics card is 4G DDR3.That will be OK!
October 06, 2011, 10:20:47 am
I don’t think it’s entirely graphics card related.
My situation:
work pc: Winxp, 3Gb, GTX460 1Gb
home pc: Win7-64, 4Gb(upgraded to 12Gb), GTX460 1Gb
Same scene gives “out of memory” errors on work pc, on home pc all is fine.
I have a hunch that it is related to the size/memory of seperate imported models(fbx, dae). With smaller models the work pc is fine, but when working with larger ones sometimes the out of memory error pops up.
October 06, 2011, 11:05:45 am
Running Windows XP (32-bit?) with 3Gb ram is what’s preventing you from working with more complex scenes on your work PC.
The 32-bit version of Windows only lets Lumion (and other applications) use a maximum of 3.5gb of the system memory. More complex projects will require more memory and preferably a 64-bit version of Windows.
Try running Task Manager to monitor the memory consumption of Lumion while you’re working on that project (use the latest version, ie, SP2 Build 8 while you do this).
As an example, I’ve got Windows 7 64-bit with 6Gb ram, and with just Firefox, Skype and MSN Windows is using 2.35Gb. And I haven’t even started Lumion yet.
So if you only have 3Gb ram, there’s not much left for Lumion to play with.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send private messages and emails to members of staff – unless we specifically ask you to send us sensitive information, for example License Keys.
2.1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select ‘Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows’. 2.2: In the ‘Performance Options’ window, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Change’ under Virtual Memory.
What does it mean when Lumion runs out of memory?
One reason for Lumion to crash is that it may sometimes run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory. If that happens, Virtual Memory will be used. This memory type relies on free space on the hard disk. You can follow this link to increase the Virtual Memory.
How do I increase memory for Lumion 10?
2.1: Windows 10:
- Click on the link below.
- Webpage link: Tips to improve PC performance in Windows 10.
- Click on 3. Check memory and memory usage and follow the instructions in the paragraph called Change the paging file size to improve performance.
- Restart the PC.
How can I improve my Lumion performance?
Make the Lumion window smaller and/or reduce the resolution of your monitor (the fewer pixels it needs to render, the higher the framerate is). Or, set the Editor Resolution to a lower percentage than 100% on the Settings screen. Set the Editor Quality to a lower star quality on the Settings screen.
How do I restore a Lumion file?
1. Back-ups in Lumion 9.0 and newer
- In Lumion, using SaveAs to make a separate copy of the LS Project file as a version copy.
- Use back-up or file sync software.
- Windows File History and/or.
- An online cloud back-up service (so long as it does not backup at the same time as you are trying to save files).
How do I increase Virtual Memory?
Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows 10
- Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings.
- Type performance.
- Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
- In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.
What files can Lumion open?
The supported model file formats are as follows:
- DAE (Collada)
- SKP (SketchUp)
- FBX.
- DWG.
- DXF.
- 3DS.
- OBJ.
- MAX (Requires a 3ds Max installation)
How do I import a heavy SketchUp file into Lumion?
2. The best import method for your version of SketchUp and Lumion
- Lumion 11.0.1 or newer: LiveSync or import .SKP file.
- Lumion 11.0: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
- Lumion 10.3 – 10.5: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
Is 8gb RAM enough for Lumion?
Additionally, faster hardware allows for a faster rendering time in Lumion.
Find out if your desktop PC or laptop is fast enough.
Recommended requirements | |
System memory (RAM) | 32 GB or more |
Graphics card memory (VRAM) | 8 GB or more |
How much RAM does Lumion need?
Does Lumion work on your current computer? Lumion requires a PC with a fast NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 2GB memory. If your laptop PC has a slow graphics card with less memory, or, if it only has an Intel HD graphics card, then your laptop PC is unsuitable for Lumion.
How do you purge a Lumion file?
1.1: You can remove files for the Imported Models via the Lumion Imported Model interface by clicking on the Delete model button (Bin icon). 1.2: Note that the model you remove cannot be present in the Project you currently have open.
Why is Lumion so slow?
Some SketchUp models that have curved surfaces, such as a sphere or bottle, might use a so-called projected texture mapping method which is not supported in other applications. The result is that the model will become very slow to display and render in Lumion 8.0 (and older versions).
This forum is now closed.
Please join us at the new Lumion Community forum.
Lumion Community
Use your email address and password from the old forum to log in if your account was created before Feb 20 2020.
Otherwise, you will need to create a new Lumion Account at the new forum.
Topic: Lumion out of memory (Read 15930 times)
May 20, 2011, 11:12:47 am
I’ve had crashes on two big projects, pop up said «Lumion went out of memory»
Is that the memory of the computer or the memory of the graphics card?
The project I’m working on now has a lot of «heavy» hedges in it. Imported 3ds file.
Also what can I do to work around this problem. Work in Low mem mode? and then when it is time to export the images (I»m working on stills now) switch to normal mode? Or does the low mem mode generates the same pictures as the normal mode, so there’s no need to switch before generating the pictures?
I did move the hedges to a seperate layer, that speed things up in the viewport.
other tips?
sytem specs:Intel Q9300, 3GB Ram, WinXP Pro, Nvidia GTX460 1GB
May 20, 2011, 11:37:23 am
Overall size of textures?
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 11:45:49 am
total size of folder with textures of main model is 4,5Mb, largest textures are 600kb.
Don’t think that’s the problem.
May 20, 2011, 12:06:23 pm
No need to switch.
Your scene is too heavy and it’s a safe bet those nice hedges play a big part in this.
Lumion can perform small miracles but we’ll have to wait a bit before it actually allows you to increase your
physical memory
Can’t you optimize the hedge models? I saw lots and lots of branches in them and perhaps you can just make 2 versions, 1 low poly and 1 high poly for very close to the cam.
May 20, 2011, 12:45:42 pm
600kb jpg… maybe reconsider to scale it down, if you have like 10 of these, it can be a killer in performance.
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 02:23:34 pm
The smart thing to do is what Aaron says I think, optimize the hedge model.
I can reproduce the error now. Lumion crashes when I try to edit/assign a material from the main model.
If I don’t edit the material all is fine, a bit slow, but it works.
I can even add some more hedges
May 22, 2011, 08:06:59 pm
Just use teh 64bit version. I had the same issues lately and after switching to 64bit all was fine.
May 24, 2011, 10:50:40 am
Also you can use the 32 bit version but make sure you use a 64 bit OS for a bit more memory.
October 06, 2011, 07:35:38 am
graphics card is the key of out of memory!My graphics card is 4G DDR3.That will be OK!
October 06, 2011, 10:20:47 am
I don’t think it’s entirely graphics card related.
My situation:
work pc: Winxp, 3Gb, GTX460 1Gb
home pc: Win7-64, 4Gb(upgraded to 12Gb), GTX460 1Gb
Same scene gives «out of memory» errors on work pc, on home pc all is fine.
I have a hunch that it is related to the size/memory of seperate imported models(fbx, dae). With smaller models the work pc is fine, but when working with larger ones sometimes the out of memory error pops up.
October 06, 2011, 11:05:45 am
Running Windows XP (32-bit?) with 3Gb ram is what’s preventing you from working with more complex scenes on your work PC.
The 32-bit version of Windows only lets Lumion (and other applications) use a maximum of 3.5gb of the system memory. More complex projects will require more memory and preferably a 64-bit version of Windows.
Try running Task Manager to monitor the memory consumption of Lumion while you’re working on that project (use the latest version, ie, SP2 Build 8 while you do this).
As an example, I’ve got Windows 7 64-bit with 6Gb ram, and with just Firefox, Skype and MSN Windows is using 2.35Gb. And I haven’t even started Lumion yet.
So if you only have 3Gb ram, there’s not much left for Lumion to play with.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send private messages and emails to members of staff — unless we specifically ask you to send us sensitive information, for example License Keys.
May 22, 2022
Hana Trieu
Lumion may occasionally run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory when working on complex projects (for example when importing a very large model). If that happens, it will start to use Virtual Memory. This memory type relies on allocating some free space on the hard disk for virtual storage when the above memory is all used. Lumion recommends at least 50GB and up to 150GB for more complicated projects.
Note: The Virtual Memory will take up the amount of space in the selected drive. Therefore, make sure that there is sufficient free space for the increase. If you selected the drive where your Documents folder is located (usually C), verify that you have more than 30GB of free space after you have made the change. That is necessary for Lumion to work properly.
If Lumion urges you to increase the amount of Virtual Memory, please follow the guidelined steps below.
Step 1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows”.
Step 2: In the “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab and click on “Change” under Virtual Memory.
Step 3: Select a drive with enough free space, click on “Custom size” and enter the value Lumion suggested in both the “Initial size” and the “Maximum size” fields.
Step 4: Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option, then click on “Set”, then “OK”, and restart the PC. In case you need help freeing up space for this procedure, follow the Microsoft website HERE.
If increasing the amount of Virtual Memory on your computer is not feasible and only temporary and you have many large projects and you need to use your computer for other needs, iRender will be a radical alternative.
iRender is proud to be a professional GPU Accelerated Cloud Rendering Service provider in HPC optimization for Rendering, CGI, and VFX tasks with more than 25,000 customers and being appreciated in many global rankings (e.g. CGDirector, Lumion Official, Radarrender, InspirationTuts CAD, All3DP).
We offer GPU-accelerated cloud rendering services, as well as great support for today’s popular architectural design software, particularly Lumion. We have developed the most powerful and well-suited configuration server machine for Lumion rendering: a 1-card GPU package. This server package’s configuration is described in full below.
Try our RTX 3090:
If your personal computer does not have enough memory to handle large projects of Lumion, or you need to use it for other tasks, using iRender’s servers will be a good choice. When using our server, you will use 100% of the performance and capacity of the hardware, not sharing it with anyone.
We believe that with an RTX 3090 GPU, 24GB VRAM, and 128GB RAM, this memory will match the needs of any Lumion project. Even if you use all of the above two types of memory, boosting virtual memory is simple with a 512GB SSD. Furthermore, you can run numerous of these single-card machines simultaneously to boost up the rendering process. The machines you run will all have the same Z drive, making it simple to manage them. Please consider your needs to make a reasonable choice. Learn more about rendering Lumion with iRender HERE.
We also provide many other useful features. They are Machine cloning, change package function, NV Link support, APIs, configuration customizing, etc. Using our service, you will receive dedicated support from our 24/7 technical team. This May, we are running a SPECIAL OFFER: 20% Bonus program. That is for new customers who register an account and top up within 24 hours after registration.
Let’s get started!
If building new hardware is over your budget, try our RTX3090 to turn your computer into a supercomputer and faster your rendering speed now! All you need to do is go through 5 basic steps: Register an account => Recharge => Transfer your Lumion files to the server machine with GPUHub sync => Create a machine to boot it => Connect the super-powerful machine and fully control it.
Become a member of the iRender community today to get a FREE COUPON to save your rendering time and budget. For more information, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +84915875500 or email: [email protected].
Thank You and Happy Rendering!
Reference source:
cloud gpu, cloud rendering, gpuhub, gpurental, graphicscard, Graphicscard For Lumion, iRender, lumion cloud render, Lumion cloud rendering, Lumion Fix Errors, Lumion Online Render Farms, Lumion Out Of Memory, lumion render farm, Lumion Rendering Tips, Lumion Tips, Lumion Tips and Tricks, Lumion Troubleshooting, Lumion Virtual Memory, Lumion With RTX3090, Lumion3D, render farm, render online, Rendering Service
Многие пользователи ПК во время работы с какой-либо программой могут столкнуться с «вылетом» указанной программы, и появившимся сообщением «Out of memory». Возникшая проблема может иметь множество причин, начиная от банального недостатка памяти на пользовательском ПК, и заканчивая некорректной работой с памятью какой-либо программы.
- Причины появления дисфункции
- Как исправить ошибку «Out of memory»
- Заключение
Причины появления дисфункции
Сообщение «Out of memory» (в переводе дословно «вне памяти», или «недостаточно памяти») обычно возникает при недостатке памяти на пользовательском компьютере. В частности же, в появлении данной ошибки «виновен» следующий набор факторов:
- Недостаток памяти RAM на вашем ПК (рабочей памяти, планки которой установлены на материнской плате вашего компьютера). Если на вашем компьютере установлен всего 1 гигабайт памяти, вы будете встречаться с описываемой ошибкой довольно часто. Нормальным же ныне считается наличие на компьютере 4 гигабайт памяти и выше;
- Недостаток места на жёстком диске.
Когда вашему компьютеру не хватает физической R.A.M. памяти, он заимствует часть места на жёстком диске, и создаёт так называемую «виртуальную память». Система временно хранит в такой виртуальной памяти ту часть данных, которая не помещается в памяти обычной. Такие данные обычно хранятся в файле «pagefile.sys», размер которого может увеличиваться или уменьшаться в зависимости от специфики работы вашей ОС. Если на диске будет недостаточно места, файл «pagefile.sys» не сможет расти, и пользователь получит рассматриваемую ошибку.
- При одновременном запуске на ПК большого количества программ, каждая из которых бронирует часть памяти ПК под свои задачи;
- При запуск большого количества вкладок браузера. Веб-навигаторы уровня «Firefox» или «Google Chrome» способны занимать от 500 мегабайт до 1 гигабайта памяти под свой функционал, при этом число открытых вкладок и соответствующей обслуживающей памяти может быть ограничено системой. Специалисты Майрософт называют такую проблему «the desktop heap limitation» — «ограничение кучи рабочего стола»);
- Некорректная работа с памятью ряда программ (наиболее часто это игровые программы);
- Не оптимальный размер файла подкачки, с которым работает система.
Для решения указанной проблемы рекомендую сделать следующее:
- Перезагрузите ваш ПК, и запустите требуемую программу вновь. Возможно, что проблема имеет случайный характер, и более повторяться не будет;
- Перед запуском нужной программы закройте другие ненужные программы (браузер, музыкальный или видео плеер, текстовый или графический редактор, мессенджер и так далее);
- Если проблема возникает во время серфинга в сети, закройте всё множество вкладок вашего браузера (при наличии), оставив лишь одну или две.
Альтернативным вариантом решения проблемы является установка соответствующего фикса от Майкрософт. Или использование расширений или дополнений для браузера уровня «The Great Suspender» для «Google Chrome», хорошо работающего с ненужными вкладками браузера.
- Добавьте оперативной памяти на ваш ПК. Если у вас на компьютере установлено 1-2 гигабайта памяти, будет оптимальным довести её объём до 4 гигабайт (а для 64-битных Виндовс 7, 8 и 10 версии рекомендую 8 и более гигабайт);
- Убедитесь, что на вашем жёстком диске (или SSD) достаточно свободного места. При необходимости, освободите диск от ненужных файлов;
- Используйте инструмент командной строки BCDEdit для изменения параметров загрузки системы. Если у вас на ПК установлена Виндовс 7 и более, запустите командную строку от имени администратора на Виндовс 7 и Виндовс 10, и в ней наберите:
bcdedit/set IncreaseUserVa 3072
И нажмите на ввод, и перезагрузите ваш ПК. Функционал данной команды позволяет выделить пользовательским приложениям 3 гигабайта оперативной памяти для работы. В некоторых системах этого может быть слишком много, потому если после ввода данной команды система начала чаще сбоить, то введите в командной строке от имени администратора:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 2560 — что позволит задействовать 2,5 гигабайта вместо ранее забронированных 3.
Если ситуацию этим исправить не удалось, верните настройки на состояние по умолчанию:
bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa
- Увеличьте объём файла подкачки. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск», в строке поиска введите sysdm.cpl и нажмите ввод. В открывшемся окне настроек системы выберите «Дополнительно» — «Быстродействие» — «Параметры» — «Дополнительно» — «Виртуальная память» — «Изменить». Снимите галочку с опции автоматического размера, поставьте галочку на «Указать размер», и поставьте исходный размер в 8192, и максимальный в 8192. Затем выберите «Задать»;
Установите нужный размер файла подкачки
- Если ошибка возникает при использовании игровой программы, перейдите в её графические настройки, и выберите их минимальные значения;
- Произведите правильную настройку «Java». Для решения проблем с игровой программой «Майнкрафт» перейдите в Панель управления Виндовс, найдите там «Java» и запустите данную среду исполнения. Нажмите на кнопку «View», затем дважды кликните на «Runtime Parametres». Введите туда –Xms256m – Xmx3072m (или больше). Xms – это минимальное выделение ОЗУ, Xmx – максимальное. Значение Xmx рекомендуют устанавливать на процентов 70-80% от общего объёма ОЗУ. Примените изменения, и перезагрузите ваш ПК.
Ошибка «Out of memory» может иметь множество причин, связанных как с физическим недостатком памяти на ПК, так и другими детерминантами, изложенными мной выше. Для решения проблемы советую закрыть ненужные программы (вкладки браузера) на вашем компьютере (тем самым разгрузив его память), а самым эффективным инструментом является установка дополнительной планки памяти на ПК, что в большинстве случаев поможет избавиться от ошибки на вашем компьютере.
2.1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select ‘Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows’. 2.2: In the ‘Performance Options’ window, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Change’ under Virtual Memory.
What does it mean when Lumion runs out of memory?
One reason for Lumion to crash is that it may sometimes run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory. If that happens, Virtual Memory will be used. This memory type relies on free space on the hard disk. You can follow this link to increase the Virtual Memory.
How do I increase memory for Lumion 10?
2.1: Windows 10:
- Click on the link below.
- Webpage link: Tips to improve PC performance in Windows 10.
- Click on 3. Check memory and memory usage and follow the instructions in the paragraph called Change the paging file size to improve performance.
- Restart the PC.
How can I improve my Lumion performance?
Make the Lumion window smaller and/or reduce the resolution of your monitor (the fewer pixels it needs to render, the higher the framerate is). Or, set the Editor Resolution to a lower percentage than 100% on the Settings screen. Set the Editor Quality to a lower star quality on the Settings screen.
How do I restore a Lumion file?
1. Back-ups in Lumion 9.0 and newer
- In Lumion, using SaveAs to make a separate copy of the LS Project file as a version copy.
- Use back-up or file sync software.
- Windows File History and/or.
- An online cloud back-up service (so long as it does not backup at the same time as you are trying to save files).
How do I increase Virtual Memory?
Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows 10
- Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings.
- Type performance.
- Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
- In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.
What files can Lumion open?
The supported model file formats are as follows:
- DAE (Collada)
- SKP (SketchUp)
- FBX.
- DWG.
- DXF.
- 3DS.
- OBJ.
- MAX (Requires a 3ds Max installation)
How do I import a heavy SketchUp file into Lumion?
2. The best import method for your version of SketchUp and Lumion
- Lumion 11.0.1 or newer: LiveSync or import .SKP file.
- Lumion 11.0: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
- Lumion 10.3 – 10.5: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
Is 8gb RAM enough for Lumion?
Additionally, faster hardware allows for a faster rendering time in Lumion.
Find out if your desktop PC or laptop is fast enough.
Recommended requirements | |
System memory (RAM) | 32 GB or more |
Graphics card memory (VRAM) | 8 GB or more |
How much RAM does Lumion need?
Does Lumion work on your current computer? Lumion requires a PC with a fast NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 2GB memory. If your laptop PC has a slow graphics card with less memory, or, if it only has an Intel HD graphics card, then your laptop PC is unsuitable for Lumion.
How do you purge a Lumion file?
1.1: You can remove files for the Imported Models via the Lumion Imported Model interface by clicking on the Delete model button (Bin icon). 1.2: Note that the model you remove cannot be present in the Project you currently have open.
Why is Lumion so slow?
Some SketchUp models that have curved surfaces, such as a sphere or bottle, might use a so-called projected texture mapping method which is not supported in other applications. The result is that the model will become very slow to display and render in Lumion 8.0 (and older versions).
This forum is now closed.
Please join us at the new Lumion Community forum.
Lumion Community
Use your email address and password from the old forum to log in if your account was created before Feb 20 2020.
Otherwise, you will need to create a new Lumion Account at the new forum.
Topic: Lumion out of memory (Read 15865 times)
May 20, 2011, 11:12:47 am
I’ve had crashes on two big projects, pop up said «Lumion went out of memory»
Is that the memory of the computer or the memory of the graphics card?
The project I’m working on now has a lot of «heavy» hedges in it. Imported 3ds file.
Also what can I do to work around this problem. Work in Low mem mode? and then when it is time to export the images (I»m working on stills now) switch to normal mode? Or does the low mem mode generates the same pictures as the normal mode, so there’s no need to switch before generating the pictures?
I did move the hedges to a seperate layer, that speed things up in the viewport.
other tips?
sytem specs:Intel Q9300, 3GB Ram, WinXP Pro, Nvidia GTX460 1GB
May 20, 2011, 11:37:23 am
Overall size of textures?
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 11:45:49 am
total size of folder with textures of main model is 4,5Mb, largest textures are 600kb.
Don’t think that’s the problem.
May 20, 2011, 12:06:23 pm
No need to switch.
Your scene is too heavy and it’s a safe bet those nice hedges play a big part in this.
Lumion can perform small miracles but we’ll have to wait a bit before it actually allows you to increase your
physical memory
Can’t you optimize the hedge models? I saw lots and lots of branches in them and perhaps you can just make 2 versions, 1 low poly and 1 high poly for very close to the cam.
May 20, 2011, 12:45:42 pm
600kb jpg… maybe reconsider to scale it down, if you have like 10 of these, it can be a killer in performance.
Lumion, Quest3D and SketchUp reseller, training and support.
May 20, 2011, 02:23:34 pm
The smart thing to do is what Aaron says I think, optimize the hedge model.
I can reproduce the error now. Lumion crashes when I try to edit/assign a material from the main model.
If I don’t edit the material all is fine, a bit slow, but it works.
I can even add some more hedges
May 22, 2011, 08:06:59 pm
Just use teh 64bit version. I had the same issues lately and after switching to 64bit all was fine.
May 24, 2011, 10:50:40 am
Also you can use the 32 bit version but make sure you use a 64 bit OS for a bit more memory.
October 06, 2011, 07:35:38 am
graphics card is the key of out of memory!My graphics card is 4G DDR3.That will be OK!
October 06, 2011, 10:20:47 am
I don’t think it’s entirely graphics card related.
My situation:
work pc: Winxp, 3Gb, GTX460 1Gb
home pc: Win7-64, 4Gb(upgraded to 12Gb), GTX460 1Gb
Same scene gives «out of memory» errors on work pc, on home pc all is fine.
I have a hunch that it is related to the size/memory of seperate imported models(fbx, dae). With smaller models the work pc is fine, but when working with larger ones sometimes the out of memory error pops up.
October 06, 2011, 11:05:45 am
Running Windows XP (32-bit?) with 3Gb ram is what’s preventing you from working with more complex scenes on your work PC.
The 32-bit version of Windows only lets Lumion (and other applications) use a maximum of 3.5gb of the system memory. More complex projects will require more memory and preferably a 64-bit version of Windows.
Try running Task Manager to monitor the memory consumption of Lumion while you’re working on that project (use the latest version, ie, SP2 Build 8 while you do this).
As an example, I’ve got Windows 7 64-bit with 6Gb ram, and with just Firefox, Skype and MSN Windows is using 2.35Gb. And I haven’t even started Lumion yet.
So if you only have 3Gb ram, there’s not much left for Lumion to play with.
IMPORTANT: Please do not send private messages and emails to members of staff — unless we specifically ask you to send us sensitive information, for example License Keys.
Многие пользователи ПК во время работы с какой-либо программой могут столкнуться с «вылетом» указанной программы, и появившимся сообщением «Out of memory». Возникшая проблема может иметь множество причин, начиная от банального недостатка памяти на пользовательском ПК, и заканчивая некорректной работой с памятью какой-либо программы.
- Причины появления дисфункции
- Как исправить ошибку «Out of memory»
- Заключение
Причины появления дисфункции
Сообщение «Out of memory» (в переводе дословно «вне памяти», или «недостаточно памяти») обычно возникает при недостатке памяти на пользовательском компьютере. В частности же, в появлении данной ошибки «виновен» следующий набор факторов:
- Недостаток памяти RAM на вашем ПК (рабочей памяти, планки которой установлены на материнской плате вашего компьютера). Если на вашем компьютере установлен всего 1 гигабайт памяти, вы будете встречаться с описываемой ошибкой довольно часто. Нормальным же ныне считается наличие на компьютере 4 гигабайт памяти и выше;
- Недостаток места на жёстком диске.
Когда вашему компьютеру не хватает физической R.A.M. памяти, он заимствует часть места на жёстком диске, и создаёт так называемую «виртуальную память». Система временно хранит в такой виртуальной памяти ту часть данных, которая не помещается в памяти обычной. Такие данные обычно хранятся в файле «pagefile.sys», размер которого может увеличиваться или уменьшаться в зависимости от специфики работы вашей ОС. Если на диске будет недостаточно места, файл «pagefile.sys» не сможет расти, и пользователь получит рассматриваемую ошибку.
- При одновременном запуске на ПК большого количества программ, каждая из которых бронирует часть памяти ПК под свои задачи;
- При запуск большого количества вкладок браузера. Веб-навигаторы уровня «Firefox» или «Google Chrome» способны занимать от 500 мегабайт до 1 гигабайта памяти под свой функционал, при этом число открытых вкладок и соответствующей обслуживающей памяти может быть ограничено системой. Специалисты Майрософт называют такую проблему «the desktop heap limitation» — «ограничение кучи рабочего стола»);
- Некорректная работа с памятью ряда программ (наиболее часто это игровые программы);
- Не оптимальный размер файла подкачки, с которым работает система.
Для решения указанной проблемы рекомендую сделать следующее:
- Перезагрузите ваш ПК, и запустите требуемую программу вновь. Возможно, что проблема имеет случайный характер, и более повторяться не будет;
- Перед запуском нужной программы закройте другие ненужные программы (браузер, музыкальный или видео плеер, текстовый или графический редактор, мессенджер и так далее);
- Если проблема возникает во время серфинга в сети, закройте всё множество вкладок вашего браузера (при наличии), оставив лишь одну или две.
Альтернативным вариантом решения проблемы является установка соответствующего фикса от Майкрософт. Или использование расширений или дополнений для браузера уровня «The Great Suspender» для «Google Chrome», хорошо работающего с ненужными вкладками браузера.
- Добавьте оперативной памяти на ваш ПК. Если у вас на компьютере установлено 1-2 гигабайта памяти, будет оптимальным довести её объём до 4 гигабайт (а для 64-битных Виндовс 7, 8 и 10 версии рекомендую 8 и более гигабайт);
- Убедитесь, что на вашем жёстком диске (или SSD) достаточно свободного места. При необходимости, освободите диск от ненужных файлов;
- Используйте инструмент командной строки BCDEdit для изменения параметров загрузки системы. Если у вас на ПК установлена Виндовс 7 и более, запустите командную строку от имени администратора на Виндовс 7 и Виндовс 10, и в ней наберите:
bcdedit/set IncreaseUserVa 3072
И нажмите на ввод, и перезагрузите ваш ПК. Функционал данной команды позволяет выделить пользовательским приложениям 3 гигабайта оперативной памяти для работы. В некоторых системах этого может быть слишком много, потому если после ввода данной команды система начала чаще сбоить, то введите в командной строке от имени администратора:
bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 2560 — что позволит задействовать 2,5 гигабайта вместо ранее забронированных 3.
Если ситуацию этим исправить не удалось, верните настройки на состояние по умолчанию:
bcdedit /deletevalue IncreaseUserVa
- Увеличьте объём файла подкачки. Нажмите кнопку «Пуск», в строке поиска введите sysdm.cpl и нажмите ввод. В открывшемся окне настроек системы выберите «Дополнительно» — «Быстродействие» — «Параметры» — «Дополнительно» — «Виртуальная память» — «Изменить». Снимите галочку с опции автоматического размера, поставьте галочку на «Указать размер», и поставьте исходный размер в 8192, и максимальный в 8192. Затем выберите «Задать»;
Установите нужный размер файла подкачки
- Если ошибка возникает при использовании игровой программы, перейдите в её графические настройки, и выберите их минимальные значения;
- Произведите правильную настройку «Java». Для решения проблем с игровой программой «Майнкрафт» перейдите в Панель управления Виндовс, найдите там «Java» и запустите данную среду исполнения. Нажмите на кнопку «View», затем дважды кликните на «Runtime Parametres». Введите туда –Xms256m – Xmx3072m (или больше). Xms – это минимальное выделение ОЗУ, Xmx – максимальное. Значение Xmx рекомендуют устанавливать на процентов 70-80% от общего объёма ОЗУ. Примените изменения, и перезагрузите ваш ПК.
Ошибка «Out of memory» может иметь множество причин, связанных как с физическим недостатком памяти на ПК, так и другими детерминантами, изложенными мной выше. Для решения проблемы советую закрыть ненужные программы (вкладки браузера) на вашем компьютере (тем самым разгрузив его память), а самым эффективным инструментом является установка дополнительной планки памяти на ПК, что в большинстве случаев поможет избавиться от ошибки на вашем компьютере.
May 22, 2022
Hana Trieu
Lumion may occasionally run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory when working on complex projects (for example when importing a very large model). If that happens, it will start to use Virtual Memory. This memory type relies on allocating some free space on the hard disk for virtual storage when the above memory is all used. Lumion recommends at least 50GB and up to 150GB for more complicated projects.
Note: The Virtual Memory will take up the amount of space in the selected drive. Therefore, make sure that there is sufficient free space for the increase. If you selected the drive where your Documents folder is located (usually C), verify that you have more than 30GB of free space after you have made the change. That is necessary for Lumion to work properly.
If Lumion urges you to increase the amount of Virtual Memory, please follow the guidelined steps below.
Step 1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select “Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows”.
Step 2: In the “Performance Options” window, go to the “Advanced” tab and click on “Change” under Virtual Memory.
Step 3: Select a drive with enough free space, click on “Custom size” and enter the value Lumion suggested in both the “Initial size” and the “Maximum size” fields.
Step 4: Uncheck the “Automatically manage paging file size for all drives” option, then click on “Set”, then “OK”, and restart the PC. In case you need help freeing up space for this procedure, follow the Microsoft website HERE.
If increasing the amount of Virtual Memory on your computer is not feasible and only temporary and you have many large projects and you need to use your computer for other needs, iRender will be a radical alternative.
iRender is proud to be a professional GPU Accelerated Cloud Rendering Service provider in HPC optimization for Rendering, CGI, and VFX tasks with more than 25,000 customers and being appreciated in many global rankings (e.g. CGDirector, Lumion Official, Radarrender, InspirationTuts CAD, All3DP).
We offer GPU-accelerated cloud rendering services, as well as great support for today’s popular architectural design software, particularly Lumion. We have developed the most powerful and well-suited configuration server machine for Lumion rendering: a 1-card GPU package. This server package’s configuration is described in full below.
Try our RTX 3090:
If your personal computer does not have enough memory to handle large projects of Lumion, or you need to use it for other tasks, using iRender’s servers will be a good choice. When using our server, you will use 100% of the performance and capacity of the hardware, not sharing it with anyone.
We believe that with an RTX 3090 GPU, 24GB VRAM, and 128GB RAM, this memory will match the needs of any Lumion project. Even if you use all of the above two types of memory, boosting virtual memory is simple with a 512GB SSD. Furthermore, you can run numerous of these single-card machines simultaneously to boost up the rendering process. The machines you run will all have the same Z drive, making it simple to manage them. Please consider your needs to make a reasonable choice. Learn more about rendering Lumion with iRender HERE.
We also provide many other useful features. They are Machine cloning, change package function, NV Link support, APIs, configuration customizing, etc. Using our service, you will receive dedicated support from our 24/7 technical team. This May, we are running a SPECIAL OFFER: 20% Bonus program. That is for new customers who register an account and top up within 24 hours after registration.
Let’s get started!
If building new hardware is over your budget, try our RTX3090 to turn your computer into a supercomputer and faster your rendering speed now! All you need to do is go through 5 basic steps: Register an account => Recharge => Transfer your Lumion files to the server machine with GPUHub sync => Create a machine to boot it => Connect the super-powerful machine and fully control it.
Become a member of the iRender community today to get a FREE COUPON to save your rendering time and budget. For more information, please do not hesitate to reach us via Whatsapp: +84915875500 or email: [email protected].
Thank You and Happy Rendering!
Reference source:
cloud gpu, cloud rendering, gpuhub, gpurental, graphicscard, Graphicscard For Lumion, iRender, lumion cloud render, Lumion cloud rendering, Lumion Fix Errors, Lumion Online Render Farms, Lumion Out Of Memory, lumion render farm, Lumion Rendering Tips, Lumion Tips, Lumion Tips and Tricks, Lumion Troubleshooting, Lumion Virtual Memory, Lumion With RTX3090, Lumion3D, render farm, render online, Rendering Service
2.1: Click on the Windows Start button, type the word “performance” on the search bar and select ‘Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows’. 2.2: In the ‘Performance Options’ window, go to the ‘Advanced’ tab and click on ‘Change’ under Virtual Memory.
What does it mean when Lumion runs out of memory?
One reason for Lumion to crash is that it may sometimes run out of Graphics Card Memory and System Memory. If that happens, Virtual Memory will be used. This memory type relies on free space on the hard disk. You can follow this link to increase the Virtual Memory.
How do I increase memory for Lumion 10?
2.1: Windows 10:
- Click on the link below.
- Webpage link: Tips to improve PC performance in Windows 10.
- Click on 3. Check memory and memory usage and follow the instructions in the paragraph called Change the paging file size to improve performance.
- Restart the PC.
How can I improve my Lumion performance?
Make the Lumion window smaller and/or reduce the resolution of your monitor (the fewer pixels it needs to render, the higher the framerate is). Or, set the Editor Resolution to a lower percentage than 100% on the Settings screen. Set the Editor Quality to a lower star quality on the Settings screen.
How do I restore a Lumion file?
1. Back-ups in Lumion 9.0 and newer
- In Lumion, using SaveAs to make a separate copy of the LS Project file as a version copy.
- Use back-up or file sync software.
- Windows File History and/or.
- An online cloud back-up service (so long as it does not backup at the same time as you are trying to save files).
How do I increase Virtual Memory?
Increasing Virtual Memory in Windows 10
- Go to the Start Menu and click on Settings.
- Type performance.
- Choose Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows.
- In the new window, go to the Advanced tab and under the Virtual memory section, click on Change.
What files can Lumion open?
The supported model file formats are as follows:
- DAE (Collada)
- SKP (SketchUp)
- FBX.
- DWG.
- DXF.
- 3DS.
- OBJ.
- MAX (Requires a 3ds Max installation)
How do I import a heavy SketchUp file into Lumion?
2. The best import method for your version of SketchUp and Lumion
- Lumion 11.0.1 or newer: LiveSync or import .SKP file.
- Lumion 11.0: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
- Lumion 10.3 – 10.5: LiveSync or import .SKP file (File -> Save as -> SketchUp 2020 format)
Is 8gb RAM enough for Lumion?
Additionally, faster hardware allows for a faster rendering time in Lumion.
Find out if your desktop PC or laptop is fast enough.
Recommended requirements | |
System memory (RAM) | 32 GB or more |
Graphics card memory (VRAM) | 8 GB or more |
How much RAM does Lumion need?
Does Lumion work on your current computer? Lumion requires a PC with a fast NVIDIA or AMD graphics card with at least 2GB memory. If your laptop PC has a slow graphics card with less memory, or, if it only has an Intel HD graphics card, then your laptop PC is unsuitable for Lumion.
How do you purge a Lumion file?
1.1: You can remove files for the Imported Models via the Lumion Imported Model interface by clicking on the Delete model button (Bin icon). 1.2: Note that the model you remove cannot be present in the Project you currently have open.
Why is Lumion so slow?
Some SketchUp models that have curved surfaces, such as a sphere or bottle, might use a so-called projected texture mapping method which is not supported in other applications. The result is that the model will become very slow to display and render in Lumion 8.0 (and older versions).
Я получаю следующую ошибку при попытке позвонить dispatch
в моем проекте Lumen:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /var/www/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php on line 707
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
Моей первой мыслью было увеличение лимита памяти в php.ini
до 1G, но процесс продолжает поглощать всю память приложения, а затем выдает вышеуказанную ошибку.
Внутри моего контроллера у меня есть следующий фрагмент кода:
private function attemptCapture(array $options = [])
$response = array_merge(
'code' => 200,
'message' => '',
dispatch(new ExampleJob());
return $response;
namespace AppJobs;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
class ExampleJob extends Job
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
// dd('got here'); // this gets called
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
Log::info('got here');
Я использую Laravel по умолчанию queue.php
в моем /config/queue.php
файл и я использую redis
и я использую default
как я предполагаю, что будет использовать соединение, которое я установил в моем redis['default']
в database.php
Я озадачен тем, почему это не удается, я получаю те же результаты, даже если я использую sync
водитель, отправка просто, кажется, облажался
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ После дальнейших экспериментов кажется, что когда я звоню dispatch
из контроллера (передаваемого из HTTP-маршрута) диспетчер попытается снова вызвать маршрут вместо того, чтобы запустить задание или отправить задание в очередь.
Этот код вызывается в цепочке отправки:
protected function callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
$action = $routeInfo[1];
if (isset($action['uses'])) {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->callControllerAction($routeInfo));
foreach ($action as $value) {
if ($value instanceof Closure) {
$closure = $value->bindTo(new RoutingClosure);
try {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->call($closure, $routeInfo[2]));
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
return $e->getResponse();
У которого есть: array(1) { ["uses"]=> string(52) "AppHttpControllersOperatorCaptureController@test" }
в качестве полезной нагрузки, которую он получает.
Я не пытаюсь отправить новое действие @test, я хочу отправить ExampleJob
Задача ещё не решена.
Другие решения
Других решений пока нет …
Ошибка «Out of Memory» обычно появляется, когда на компьютере запущено много программ, использующих ресурсы, доступные для компьютера. Компьютерная память или ОЗУ (оперативное запоминающее устройство) используется компьютером для быстрого хранения данных для их обработки.
Структура статьи
- 1 Когда появляется эта ошибка?
- 2 Причина ошибки «Out of Memory»
- 3 Как исправить ошибку «Out of Memory»
- 4 Чтобы избежать проблем, тщательно следуйте этим инструкциям.
- 5
Отсюда, следуйте этим шагам в зависимости от вашей операционной системы
Когда появляется эта ошибка?
Как я уже отмечал выше, запуск сразу нескольких программ может перегрузить объем доступной свободной памяти, что приведет к ошибке «Out of Memory». Это может случиться как с новыми программами, так и с уже запущенными на компьютере программами. Иногда это может произойти, независимо от объема доступной свободной памяти.
Причина этих ошибок немного сложнее. Подсистема WIN32 Windows имеет ограниченный объем доступной памяти. Если память в куче рабочих столов подсистемы WIN32 используется. Windows может выдавать сообщение об ошибке «Out of Memory».
Компьютеры, работающие не так, как операционные системы Microsoft Windows, не слишком уязвимы. Эта проблема в основном существует для пользователей Windows NT 3.5 и Windows NT 3.1
Как исправить ошибку «Out of Memory»
Чтобы исправить эту проблему, вам необходимо отредактировать свой реестр Windows. Редактирование реестра является рискованным занятием. Действовать нужно с осторожностью, и только строго по инструкции:
- Резервное копирование реестра — так что вы можете восстановить его позже, если что-то пойдет не так.
- Нажмите здесь, чтобы узнать, как создать резервную копию и восстановить реестр.
Чтобы избежать проблем, тщательно следуйте этим инструкциям.
- Увеличьте размер кучи рабочего стола, чтобы исправить эту проблему.
- Запустите редактор реестра, открыв диалоговое окно RUN с помощью сочетания клавиш Windows_Key + R или из меню «Пуск». В диалоговом окне RUN введите regedit для запуска Regedt32.exe.
- Из поддерева HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
Перейдите к следующему разделу: - System CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager SubSystems
- Выберите значение Windows.
- Выберите «Строка» в меню «Правка».
- Увеличить параметр SharedSection
Отсюда, следуйте этим шагам в зависимости от вашей операционной системы
Для Windows NT:
- SharedSection используется для определения размера системы и рабочего стола, он использует следующие параметры
- SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY
- Добавить «, 256» или «, 512» после номера yyyy.
Для Windows 2000, Windows XP и Windows Server 2003:
- SharedSection используется для определения размера системы и рабочего стола, он использует следующие параметры
- SharedSection = XXXX, YYYY, ZZZZ
Для 32-разрядных операционных систем
- Увеличьте значение yyyy до «12288» и увеличьте значение zzzz до «1024».
Для 64-разрядных операционных систем
- Увеличьте значение yyyy до «20480»; Увеличьте значение zzzz до «1024».
Есть свой вариант быстрого решения ошибки «Out of Memory»? Пишите его в форму комментариев к этой статье, и если ваш вариант окажется полезным, мы обязательно дополним руководство.
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes
- How To Stop Microsoft Edge From Running in Background
- Fix: Microsoft Edge Keeps Freezing, Hangs or It’s Not Responding
- Saved Passwords Missing in Edge: How to Recover Them
- 8 Ways to Fix Edge When is Slow or Lagging on Windows 10
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Edge Shortcut Keeps Appearing on Desktop: 5 Easy Fixes
- How To Stop Microsoft Edge From Running in Background
- Fix: Microsoft Edge Keeps Freezing, Hangs or It’s Not Responding
- Saved Passwords Missing in Edge: How to Recover Them
- 8 Ways to Fix Edge When is Slow or Lagging on Windows 10
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Здравия ДТФ, произошла проблема при которой вылетают игры Borderlands 3 и PUBG с ошибками run out of memory, компьютер Ryzen 7 1700 GTX 660 2gb 16gb ddr4 2400, с недавних пор эта проблема проявляется в этих играх (в других не проверял) буквально через 1.5 часа что крайне раздражает и не позволяет нормально играть, файл подкачки до этого убавлял до 2 гигов ибо изначально автоматом ставило почти 30ГБ файла. После изменения файла игралось все стабильно и по гиганстким сессиям.
В чем проблема и как решить?
p.s в стресс тестах стабильности системы аида 80 минут беспрерывно с включенным браузером все было ок, загрузки проверял больше 70% озу не ест
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Microsoft Edge Keeps Crashing: 4 Easy Ways to Stop That
- Fix error code: status_breakpoint [5 Steps]
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Learn how to get your Edge browser working properly again
by Loredana Harsana
Loredana is a passionate writer with a keen interest in PC software and technology. She started off writing about mobile phones back when Samsung Galaxy S II was… read more
Updated on December 21, 2022
Reviewed by
Vlad Turiceanu
Passionate about technology, Windows, and everything that has a power button, he spent most of his time developing new skills and learning more about the tech world. Coming… read more
- The Out of memory error code in Microsoft Edge occurs when your computer no longer has any spare memory to allocate to the browser or other programs.
- The leading causes of the error are memory-related and browser settings, and there are several ways of correcting the issue.
- How to fix Error code: Out of memory? For example, you may reset the browser using one of the methods below.
- Easy migration: use the Opera assistant to transfer exiting data, such as bookmarks, passwords, etc.
- Optimize resource usage: your RAM memory is used more efficiently than in other browsers
- Enhanced privacy: free and unlimited VPN integrated
- No ads: built-in Ad Blocker speeds up loading of pages and protects against data-mining
- Gaming friendly: Opera GX is the first and best browser for gaming
- Download Opera
Microsoft Edge shares some engines with the Chrome browser, making it use more memory and consume many of the PC resources.
When they open a new web page on the Edge browser, most users get the Out of memory error code. It makes the page not open, inconveniencing the user.
Most of the issues are memory-related and other Chrome settings, and they can go to the extent of slowing the machine due to the processes like network service.
There are several ways to fix this problem, and most methods involve troubleshooting the Edge settings to clear it.
Several issues related to the browser and memory cause this problem. Some of the problems include:
- Having a lot of Edge extensions and add-ons
- Opening many tabs in one window
- Lack of insufficient memory on your PC
- Using an outdated version of Edge
- Interference from the browser’s cookie and cache
What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
This error implies that the resources or memory available in the Edge browser are insufficient to obtain and open the requested web page. In other words, we can say you are out of memory, or there is a Microsoft Edge memory leak.
Because both RAM and hard drive space are casually referred to as memory, some users believe the error message refers to the memory in the hard drive.
Following that, some will begin to delete files from the computer to free up memory. While this will thin the hard drive, it will not resolve your browser’s Out of memory error code.
Moreover, here are some error variations that you may encounter, but nonetheless, fix with the solutions below:
- Error code out of memory Jupyter Notebook, PC, Windows 11, Windows 10
- Browser error code out of memory – Error code out of memory Edge, Chrome, Brave
- Error code out of memory Facebook, YouTube, Canvas, Cypress
- Error code out of memory chrome StackOverflow, PHP
Luckily, there are different ways to fix the issue and enjoy browsing seamlessly.
How do I fix error Out of memory?
- What does Error code: Out of memory mean?
- How do I fix error Out of memory?
- 1. Try an alternative browser
- 2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
- 3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- 4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- 5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- 6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
- 6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- 6.2. Use the Settings option
- 7. Change the page filing
1. Try an alternative browser
Edge is a good and dependable browser, but if you continue to receive error messages, try a browser that focuses on performance.
With built-in CPU and RAM limiting features, Opera GX is one of the best alternatives. Moreover, you can enable it by opening the sidebar panel in just a few clicks.
Built to handle in-browser gaming and streaming without interruption, Opera GX also integrates standard browsing features.
You can bookmark your favorite pages, customize your experience with dedicated extensions, and use the instant messaging sidebar to communicate with your peers quickly.
The browser is also very much focused on privacy, with a built-in anti-tracking feature and a free VPN with unlimited bandwidth. The VPN will hide your IP and also help you bypass geo-blocks.
Opera GX
Browse error-free with this performance-oriented with dedicated CPU and RAM controls and industry-leading privacy features.
2. Clear cache and cookies on Microsoft Edge
1. Open the Edge browser on your PC.
2. Click on the Settings option.
3. Click on the Privacy, search, and services tab to provide more options.
4. Select the Balanced option from the three to improve your privacy.
5. Go to the Clear browsing data tab and click the Choose what to clear button.
6. A pop-up will display where you have to choose the Time range, check the Cookies and other site data and Cached images and files options.
7. After you made your selection, click the Clear now button.
Using a browser such as Microsoft Edge saves information from websites you visit in its cache and cookies. Clearing these can help with a website’s formatting and loading issues and make your browsing more secure.
Clearing cache removes all the Edge errors. So restart the browser and try to re-access the web pages to see if it’s solved.
We recommend CCleaner, a professional tool that automatically cleans your browser’s cookies, trackers, internet history, download history, and cache. Plus, this software can even delete individual session activity.
3. Remove any extensions and add-ons
- Open the Edge browser and click on the three-dotted lines.
- Choose the Extensions option.
- Look for the list of the Installed extensions.
- Click on the extensions button to turn it off, and you may also click the Remove button to uninstall them.
Most users use add-ons and extensions to improve their experience on the web and automate some processes with the help of the add-ons. But too many of them can affect the browser’s performance by using more memory allocated.
4. Reduce memory usage of the browser
- Launch your Microsoft Edge browser.
- Press Shift + Esc on the keyboard to open the Browser Task Manager.
- Locate the browser tab that uses a lot of memory, click on it, and click the End process button.
Some things that affect memory usage include ads, screen resolution, the tab’s content, windows size, number of browser tabs open, e.t.c.
5. Repair Microsoft Edge
- Press Windows key + I to open the Settings app.
- Click on the Apps tab.
- Click on the Apps and features tab.
- Select the Edge browser.
- Click on the three-dotted lines and select Modify.
- Click on the Repair button when you receive a pop-up.
- Microsoft Edge Keeps Crashing: 4 Easy Ways to Stop That
- Fix error code: status_breakpoint [5 Steps]
6. Reset the Microsoft Edge browser
6.1. Use the edge://settings/reset command
- Open the Edge browser.
- Type the following command in the address brand and hit Enter.
- Depending on your browser’s data, it will take a few minutes to pop up. Next, choose the Restore settings to their default values option.
- You will get a notification alerting you of the reset. Click on the Reset button.
Resetting the Edge browser brings all the settings to default. It will clear all the tabs and delete all the cookies and cache, maintaining the history and the saved passwords.
Note that you may also have the error code out of memory Edge error on platforms like Xbox.
6.2. Use the Settings option
- Launch your browser and click on the Settings option.
- Click on the Reset settings option.
- Click the Restore settings to their default values.
- A reset pop-up will emerge. Click on the Reset button.
Once done, double-check to see if the error code out of memory error in Edge is fixed; if not, proceed to a different solution.
7. Change the page filing
- Go to the Search button, search for Advanced System Settings, and hit Enter.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Select the Settings button in the Performance section.
- Click on the Advanced tab.
- Hit the Change button.
- Untick the Automatically manage page file size for all drives option.
- Select the Custom size button and in the Initial size, enter the Recommended size. Then, on the Maximum size box, enter Currently allocated values.
- Click on the Set button, then OK to apply the changes.
Fixing the issue takes a few minutes when you do the right thing. However, it requires fewer skills, and anyone can fix it. The code comes in some variants; sometimes, you may have an error code that says this page is having a problem.
Users need to know that some errors occur when they browse, there is no need to panic but carry out the different troubleshooting methods.
However, it is good to reduce the resources, especially the hardware resources that also affect memory.
Before applying those fixes, when you encounter the problem, perform the basic troubleshooting first, like restarting the PC and browser.
Most browsers also have this issue, and you can use the same steps stated above to correct it. For example, you can check out how to solve the Server execution failed error on Chrome.
Which method helped you fix the error? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments section below.
Я получаю следующую ошибку при попытке позвонить dispatch
в моем проекте Lumen:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in /var/www/vendor/illuminate/container/Container.php on line 707
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in Unknown on line 0
Моей первой мыслью было увеличение лимита памяти в php.ini
до 1G, но процесс продолжает поглощать всю память приложения, а затем выдает вышеуказанную ошибку.
Внутри моего контроллера у меня есть следующий фрагмент кода:
private function attemptCapture(array $options = [])
$response = array_merge(
'code' => 200,
'message' => '',
dispatch(new ExampleJob());
return $response;
namespace AppJobs;
use IlluminateSupportFacadesLog;
class ExampleJob extends Job
* Create a new job instance.
* @return void
public function __construct()
// dd('got here'); // this gets called
* Execute the job.
* @return void
public function handle()
Log::info('got here');
Я использую Laravel по умолчанию queue.php
в моем /config/queue.php
файл и я использую redis
и я использую default
как я предполагаю, что будет использовать соединение, которое я установил в моем redis['default']
в database.php
Я озадачен тем, почему это не удается, я получаю те же результаты, даже если я использую sync
водитель, отправка просто, кажется, облажался
РЕДАКТИРОВАТЬ После дальнейших экспериментов кажется, что когда я звоню dispatch
из контроллера (передаваемого из HTTP-маршрута) диспетчер попытается снова вызвать маршрут вместо того, чтобы запустить задание или отправить задание в очередь.
Этот код вызывается в цепочке отправки:
protected function callActionOnArrayBasedRoute($routeInfo)
$action = $routeInfo[1];
if (isset($action['uses'])) {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->callControllerAction($routeInfo));
foreach ($action as $value) {
if ($value instanceof Closure) {
$closure = $value->bindTo(new RoutingClosure);
try {
return $this->prepareResponse($this->call($closure, $routeInfo[2]));
} catch (HttpResponseException $e) {
return $e->getResponse();
У которого есть: array(1) { ["uses"]=> string(52) "AppHttpControllersOperatorCaptureController@test" }
в качестве полезной нагрузки, которую он получает.
Я не пытаюсь отправить новое действие @test, я хочу отправить ExampleJob
Задача ещё не решена.
Другие решения
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