фото от красноглазки
После одного из побочных квестов Красноглазка дает фото с подсказкой где можно найти клад. Вопрос где это место на карте?
кстати это не просто “клад” . там заныканы гоночные покрышки для колёс. самые последние.
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О, Госпади-Боже ,что же вы все такие ленивые?
Примени логику ,где есть большая бетонная автострада?
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чел с пулемётом.
никто не виноват во всяких тупняках в таких аркадах. ибо сами игры тупые до предела. кругом подсказки. кругом отметки с чем можно взаимодействовать. куда залезть и что взять. на карте маяки на каждом задании. Ну вот и выскакивает сразу. удивляться нечему.
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Кстати, так себе шины, я на предпоследних гоняю.
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Тоже на предпоследних, но на асфальте красноглазкины лучше. Хотя, по асфальту не так уж и часто ездишь.
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Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
Мы больше не будем рекомендовать вам подобный контент.
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# 1 – Бич тирана (лагерь) (Ржавая Гниль). Это место, где можно посетить миссию В свое время. Реликвия находится в центре лагеря, недалеко от моста.
# 2 – Крепость Красноглазки. Вы получите реликвию от Красноглазка после выполнения побочной миссии В свое время.
# 3 – Крепость Красноглазки, на последнем уровне.
# 4 – Пункт воздушной разведки (Вой Ветров).
# 5 – Могильный мост (лагерь) (Шнуровка). Реликвия прошлого можно найти в южной части лагеря, в полуоткрытом контейнере.
# 6 – Твердыня (лагерь) (Вой Ветров). Предмет коллекционирования находится в последней части лагеря – немного дальше (от насоса) там несколько лежащих канистр, а над Реликвия прошлого (после подъема по лестнице).
# 7 – Близнецы (лагерь) (Ржавая Гниль). Идя в сторону лагеря, войдите в открытую башню. Поднимитесь на крышу (пройдя по первой платформе) немного вернитесь к входу, и на земле вы найдете Реликвия прошлого.
# 8 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.10” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Шнуровка). Реликвия находится внутри вагона.
# 9 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.1” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Шнуровка). Вы попадете туда через крушение автобуса, реликвия на крыше.
# 10 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.5” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Шнуровка). В нижней части здания, на котором можно найти снайпер.
# 11 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.6” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Шнуровка). Реликвия спрятана в палатке.
# 12 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.6” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Война Ветров). Реликвия находится внутри здания, из которого выходят враги.
# 13 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.8” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Война Ветров). В одной из палаток, рядом с Ящик с ломом.
# 14 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.14” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Война Ветров). Реликвия находится внутри металлической трубы.
# 15 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.5” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Война Ветров). В контейнере, ниже.
# 16 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.12” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Ржавая Гниль). Рядом с кучей тел.
# 17 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.13” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Ржавая Гниль). Рядом с авиакатастрофой.
# 18 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.11” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Ржавая Гниль). В палатке.
# 19 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.7” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Ржавая Гниль). В контейнере на разрушенном мосту.
# 20 – Пункт воздушной разведки (Плато). Реликвия находится возле воздушного шара.
# 21 – Старая дыра (лагерь) (Высокогорье). В последней части лагеря вы найдете насос, который нужно взорвать, чтобы захватить лагерь. Рядом с ним в контейнере скрыта реликвия.
# 22 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.2” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Высокогорье). Внутри самолета крушение.
# 23 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.4” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Высокогорье). Под лестницей.
# 24 – Одно из Мест поживы (точка “1.5” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Высокогорье). В комнате под землей.
# 25 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.8” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Высокогорье). Реликвия расположена на уступе скалы. Добраться туда можно пешком, через скалы, начиная со стороны дороги.
# 26 – Макушка (лагерь) (Плато). После победы над группой врагов, позади двух контейнеров, брошенных внизу.
# 27 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.5” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Плато). Реликвия находится внутри здания, рядом с трупом, лежащим под стеной.
# 28 – – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.9” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Плато). Внутри палатки.
# 29 – одна из Места поживы (точка “1.13” на карте Территория Красноглазки – Плато).
Предлагаем вашему вниманию несколько советов по игре Mad Max, а также способ получения бесконечного лома.
Бесконечный лом
Езжайте в Высокогорье, находящееся под контролем Красноглазки. На карте данное место находится сверху. Найдите там трамплин и выполните эпический скачок. Возле лагеря находится коробка с 50 единицами лома. Данный лом бесконечный, а поэтому вы можете брать его столько, сколько захотите. На скриншоте можете увидеть точное место, где находится коробка.
Захват лагерей — как можно чаще захватывайте враждебные лагеря. Заниматься этим лучше с самого начала игры, так как они будут приносить вам лом.
Навещайте Гриффа — как только увидите на карте его значок, езжайте к нему. Он позволит вам улучшать способности Макса.
Штормы и бури — во время сильных бурь старайтесь побродить по местности. Иногда в труднодоступных местах можно найти целые сокровища.
Захватывайте ломовозы — если увидите такой на дороге, не медлите — убейте водилу, а машину отвезите в убежище. Они пополнят ваш кошелек большим количеством лома.
- Секреты и пасхалки Mad Max
History Relics are artifacts that can found hidden throughout the vast land of The Wasteland. Each relic holds a different piece of history dating back to the per-apocalypse world. There is a total of 103 History Relics to locate and collect.
Looking for more info on a specific relic? Hit one of the links below to jump right to that artifact!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 |
31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |
41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 |
51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 |
61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 |
71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 |
81 | 82 | 83 | 84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89 | 90 |
91 | 92 | 93 | 94 | 95 | 96 | 97 | 98 | 99 | 100 |
101 | 102 | 103 |
Relic 1
Location: Black Sands, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the abandoned ship and find your way downstairs. When you reach two locked doors, pry your way through the door on the right to find the relic.
Relic 2
Location: Scorched, Gutgash’s Territory
Make it to the area with the two oil tanks. Enter the small shack to find the relic inside.
Relic 3
Location: Skull Top, Pink Eye’s Territory
Once you reach the War Crier, run around the set of transfer tanks and enter the next room you see. The relic will be on the floor to your left.
Relic 4
Location: Great Watcher, Jeet’s Territory
After you defeat the warlord, run past his room and start heading for the statue at the top. Before you hit the first set of stairs, the relic will be near a table.
Relic 5
Location: Blood Beach, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter the camp and get past the main area where the War Crier hangs. Climb up the ladder and you should find the artifact in this next area.
Relic 6
Location: Grave Bridge, Pink Eye’s Territory
You can enter the camp through either side of the bridge, but you can also get up there from underneath the middle section. Just make sure you bring down the ladder with your harpoon! The relic will be inside a cargo crate hanging outside the bridge.
Relic 7
Location: Vantage Outpost, Jeet’s Territory
Stop by this outpost and enter the abandoned ship to find a relic on the floor.
Relic 8
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Find this relic inside an open cargo crate.
Relic 9
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Go inside and climb the stairs. Near the wall is a small pit. The relic will be inside!
Relic 10
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Simply get to the top of this small hideout to find a tent with the relic inside.
Relic 11
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
The abandoned buildings don’t have the relic inside. Climb up the ladder and grab it from the roof!
Relic 12
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Defeat the enemies at this small camp and head for the tent in the back. Grab the Scrap Pallet and snag the historic relic in the same tent.
Relic 13
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Ride over to the abandoned plane and enter it to find the artifact.
Relic 14
Location: Finger Peak, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter the camp and head directly for the abandoned ship. Enter inside the small room to find the relic.
Relic 15
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Walk into the jet bridge connecting the airplane to the airport. Slide through piles of luggage, then grab the relic of the desk.
Relic 16
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Drive out all the way to this camp and run to the end to find scrap and the relic you’re looking for.
Relic 17
Location: Scavenging Location, Deep Friah’s Territory
Enter the camb and climb the tall ladder. Get to the next area and turn the corner. The relic will be next to the armchair!
Relic 18
Location: Parch Moon Vantage Point, Gutgash’s Territory
Once you blast through the door, look to your right to find the photograph.
Relic 19
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Drive out to the downed aircraft and look for the artifact inside one of the more opened sections.
Relic 20
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Head over to this try oasis and look for the worn umbrella on the side. At the bottom of the tree next to the umbrella is the historic relic.
Relic 21
Location: Undertow Camp, Chumbucket’s Territory
Enter the camp and fight off the enemies in the first area. Before you barge through the door, grab the relic from inside the open crate on your right.
Relic 22
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
This scavenging location is hidden inside a cave. Head inside and grab the relic from behind the cargo crate.
Relic 23
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Reach the scavenging location and climb down the stairs inside the tent. This will take you to an underground bunker designed like a modern home. Walk down the stairs and get to the kitchen to find the relic near the sink.
Relic 24
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Another relic found by going through a jet bridge. Get inside and enter the room where you’ll have to face off a few enemies. Once defeated, grab the relic in the center.
Relic 25
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Drive under the bridge and use your harpoon to bring down a ladder against the pillar. Climb the ladder and grab the relic at the top!
Relic 26
Location: Scavenging Location, Gastown
From the main area of Gastown, go up the stairs on the right and keep following the path. Pass Hope and continue on until you reach a table with the relic on top.
Relic 27
Location: Scavenging Location, Deep Friah’s Territory
Ride over to scavenging location and enter the ruined silo. The relic, along with your scrap and ammo, will be at the center.
Relic 28
Location: Scavenging Location, Deep Friah’s Territory
When you get to the scavenging location, head over to the room on the left to find your artifact.
Relic 29
Location: Scavenging Location, Deep Friah’s Territory
Go to the outskirts of Gastown and look for a weak gate blocking an open pipe. Bring it down with your harpoon and head inside. Go to the left and continue on until you reach the artifact laying on the floor.
Relic 30
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Drive up to the campfire and find the relic near the tiny scarecrow.
Relic 31
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeer’s Territory
Climb up the pipe of the abandoned ship and use it to hop over to the relic.
Relic 32
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
At the bottom of the camp, inside the canopy.
Relic 33
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the caves and head to the back to find the relic.
Relic 34
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Find the cargo crate in the swampy waters. Head inside for the artifact!
Relic 35
Location: Fuel Veins, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the compound. Once you are in the area before the lighthouse, enter the room on the right to find this artifact in front of a chair.
Relic 36
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
This one is at the very top of the little camp made of plane wings. Make sure to take down the snipers with your harpoon!
Relic 37
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Ride out to this scavenging location on the east side of the map to find an abandoned ship. Climb up on top of the ship and hop to the higher section. Look down towards the bottom of the ship to see a second floor that can only be accessed by jumping from the top. The relic will be on this floor.
Relic 38
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
This one requires a little more than your average relic. You’ll find a long pipe that extends off the ground at this scavenging location. Walk along the pipe until you reach the bird nest at the end. The relic will be inside! If you have a hard time staying on, slowly walk along the pipe!
Relic 39
Location: Wreck Hill, Jeet’s Territory
Reach the second floor of the oil camp and keep going until you reach the area with the hull of the ship sticking out over the edge. This area has a cargo box with a ladder inside. This will take you to the artifact.
Relic 40
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
This one might be a little frustrating to find. The relic is on top of the mountain, not under or near the road. There is a ladder between the main mountain and another rock. Climb this up and follow the path around the mountain. The relic will be at the very top!
Relic 41
Location: Great Watcher, Jeet’s Territory
After you defeat the warlord in the camp below, run all the way up to the statue. The relic will be on the right side of the base of the statue.
Relic 42
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Ride out all the way east to the edge of the map in Jeet’s Territory. Hop into one of the sewer vents and begin you descent down. The relic will be across the bottomless put!
Relic 43
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Walk up the path that goes along the cliff. This should be to the right of the marker. The relic will be the couch at the end!
Relic 44
Location: Rook Nest, Gutgash’s Territory
There is small section before the second wave of enemies that overlooks the desert. The artifact should be in plain site!
Relic 45
Location: Gutgash’s Stronghold, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter Gutgash’s Stronghold and head upstairs. You’ll find the artifact you’re looking for on a nearby desk.
Relic 46
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
This one is fairly simple as it’s laying out on the sand near the wreck.
Relic 47
Location: Grit Canyon Vantage Point, Gutgash’s Territory
Once you blast through the door, climb up the ladders and keep going until you reach the hot air balloon. Go down the next set of stairs to find a small section with the relic.
Relic 48
Location: Gob Stone Oil Pump Camp, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter the camp through the hole on the right side of the camp. Fight through the hoards of enemies until you reach a shack overlooking the barren desert. The relic can be found inside!
Relic 49
Location: Black Cove, Jeet’s Territory
Once you reach the area with the oil pump, bring down the bridge and cross it. Climb the ladder, bust through the door, and grab the relic and the end of the hallway!
Relic 50
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Walk up the torn down highway and enter the storage crate to find the artifact near the couch.
Relic 51
Location: Large Blade, Gutgash’s Territory
After you climb the first ladder from the ground floor that starts taking you up the camp, go right to find the relic inside.
Relic 52
Location: Proving Grounds, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter the camp and fight off the hoards of enemies. Once you defeat the war lord of the camp, head to the left side of the arena and turn the valve. Enter the now opened room and climb the ladder. Run over the the war lord’s chair to find the relic to the right.
Relic 53
Location: Vantage Outpost, Gutgash’s Territory
Head towards the hot air balloon and enter the room underneath to find the relic.
Relic 54
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Look inside the cargo crate at this scavenging location to find this relic.
Relic 55
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Head around to the back of the mountain and follow the short path to a cave. Enter and keep running through until you reach the cliff. Fight off the enemies and grab the relic near the tent.
Relic 56
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
This one should be easy. Look for it inside the tent!
Relic 57
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Ride over to this location and slide through the rocks and into a cave with a few enemies. The relic will be on the floor right in front of you.
Relic 58
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
The middle section of the train holds this relic!
Relic 59
Location: Stonehold, Pink Eye’s Territory
Get to the very bottom of the camp and find the oil pump that you need to destroy. Near all the gas cans is a room with the artifact inside!
Relic 60
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Walk into the ruined house and go to the left. The relic will be near the campfire.
Relic 61
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Look for this relic inside a cargo crate at the location in the image.
Relic 62
Location: Old Hole, Pink Eye’s Territory
After you destroy the oil pump in this camp, look for the small room to the right to find the artifact.
Relic 63
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Hop down to the scavenging location and find the relic near the two other scrap piles inside the tent area. Watch out for the sniper!
Relic 64
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Open up the hatch at this scavenging location and jump inside. Head through this underground section until you reach the relic!
Relic 65
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
This one is in a small camp hidden at the top of a mountain range. Don’t be afraid to drive through the rounded canyon instead of driving around the entire mountain!
Relic 66
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
This camp is on the side of one of the main roads you use during exploration and during missions. Kill off the enemies and grab the relic inside the tent!
Relic 67
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Walk inside the old diner and look to the right to see the relic sitting on the floor near some booths.
Relic 68
Location: Twin Sisters, Pink Eye’s Territory
Enter the tower on the west and climb up the stairs to find the relic on a walkway.
Relic 69
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Ride up to the scavenging location to find a lone tent. The relic is in plain sight!
Relic 70
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
This little camp sits on top of a mountain. Drive up to the top, thne grab the relic past the pile of dead bodies.
Relic 71
Location: Pink Eye’s Silo, Pink Eye’s Territory
This relic is a reward from Pink Eye for completing the In Due Time mission. To complete it:
- Drive to Tyrant’s Lash camp
- Kill the Top Dog
- Reach the silo
- Secure the silo
- Get to the roof and call for Pink Eye
- Return to Pink Eye
Relic 72
Location: Scavenging Location, Chumbucket’s Territory
Reach the scavenging location and move the gate on the sand with your harpoon. Climb down the ladder, defeat the enemies, pry open the door, and grab the relic!
Relic 73
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Ride out to this abandoned silo and use your harpoon to prop open the weak gate. Walk inside and climb down the ladder. Defeat the enemies and avoid the bear traps, then continue on into the next room where the relic waits.
Relic 74
Location: Scavenging Location, The Dunes
Walk through the entrance of the abandoned shop and head to the back. Climb down the stairs until you reach the underground area. Hop over the flaming pit to get to the relic.
Relic 75
Location: Scavenging Location, Gastown
This one can only be grabbed during The Big Chief story mission. Once you reach your first set of enemies, take a right and go all the way to the back to reach the relic on a table.
Relic 76
Location: Deep Friah’s Territory, Deep Friah’s Territory
Inside the stronghold, head towards the back to find stairs on the left. Follow them to reach the history relic at the end.
Relic 77
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Rip off the weak gate with your harpoon and head inside. Take out the enemies and make your way to the end to find the relic.
Relic 78
Location: Bonecrack, Jeet’s Territory
Go through the entire camp until your reach the oil pump at the end. Inside one of the cargo crates is your precious relic!
Relic 79
Location: The Edge, Jeet’s Territory
Inside the camp, cross the bridge and make your way to the lowest area overlooking the canyon. The relic will be in a small room.
Relic 80
Location: The Pipes, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the camp. After you cross the bridge, the relic will be in the next area.
Relic 81
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Climb up the ladder in this camp to get to the artifact!
Relic 82
Location: Underground Church, The Dunes
This relic is found during the Our Daily Bread mission given to you by Pink Eye in Pink Eye’s Silo. This mission is unlocked once you finish the In Due Time mission. To complete it:
- Mark the first point with a flare
- Mark the second point with a flare
- Reach the third point and scout the area using your binoculars
- Reach the church
- Find the food stash
- Return outside and mark the location for Pink Eye
Relic 83
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the abandoned plane and walk down into the underground areas. Walk over to the fire pit to find the artifact to the left.
Relic 84
Location: Rust Bird, Jeet’s Territory
Enter the camp and find the main area. This artifact can be easily seen inside a tent.
Relic 85
Location: Scavenging Location, Jeet’s Territory
Just get to the location and enter the tent, the relic will be by the campfire.
Relic 86
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Look inside the cargo crate to find this artifact.
Relic 87
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Use your harpoon to bring down the ladder. Climb it and follow the path until you reach the relic.
Relic 88
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
This one is inside the rocky area where the marker is asking you to go to. Enter through the north side.
Relic 89
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Find this relic inside a room guarded with a door that can only be taken down with an explosion. Use a Thunderspoon or bring a gas can!
Relic 90
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Find the path that takes you up the mountain. Once in the sandy area, head towards the marker to find a small camp. The relic will be behind the rock in the center.
Relic 91
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Enter through the door and fall down into the pit. Fight the enemies and make it to the end to find the artifact.
Relic 92
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Once you see the ship hanging off the cliff, ride around to the right side and enter through the lower entrance. Climb up and head to the ship to find the relic inside.
Relic 93
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Get into the camp and follow the path to the right. There should be an area on the left that you can enter. Relic will be in there!
Relic 94
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Ride up to the camp and enter to find the relic near a pile of large rocks.
Relic 95
Location: Scavenging Location, Gutgash’s Territory
Walk along the path to the top of the mountain to get to the small camp. Climb up the stairs to get to the area with the artifact.
Relic 96
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Once inside the scavenging location, walk over to the right and look for a set of stairs that lead underground. Once at the bottom, walk forward to find the relic!
Relic 97
Location: Pink Eye’s Silo, Pink Eye’s Territory
Once inside the stronghold, head to the left and climb the stairs. Make it to the highest floor to find the lone artifact.
Relic 98
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
Inside the center of an abandoned plane. The relic will be towards the back, away from the road.
Relic 99
Location: Vantage Outpost, Pink Eye’s Territory
Enter the tented area to find the artifact near the entrance.
Relic 100
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
As you ride near the scavenging location, notice the crate hanging above. Underneath the crate is the start of the path that leads to the area with the relic!
Relic 101
Location: Vantage Outpost, Pink Eye’s Territory
Get to the top of the area near the hot air balloon to find the relic off to the side.
Relic 102
Location: Tyrant’s Lash, Pink Eye’s Territory
Inside the camp, get to the point where pass the doorway that was previously blocked by flames. Walk up the stairs and the relic should be in this area upstairs.
Relic 103
Location: Scavenging Location, Pink Eye’s Territory
There is only one tent at this scavenging location. Get your scrap and the relic inside!