Missing framebuffer object extension как исправить

Ошибка при запуске игры с эмулятора.




12 лет назад

Помогите пожалуйста! Я настроила эмулятор по инструкции, а когда запускаю игру(PS 1) с диска то выскакивает такая ошибка: Missing framebuffer object extension(от gpu PeteOpen GL 2). Появляется просто черный экран или звук идет, а картинки нет. Что делать, как пофиксить?

Дополнен 12 лет назад

Эмулятор: ePSXe
Игра: Digimon World 2




12 лет назад

У вас видео плагин не правильно настроен. А точнее, фрэйм буфер. Попробуйте выбрать другой видео плагин, возможно этот конфликтует с запускаемой игрой. Кстати, что за игра, а то есть некоторые игры, которые требуют хитрого подхода.

Platform: Windows 10 (Not Steam)

Build: GitHub Version 7.0 Built 140.4 (.jar)

Issue: When trying to open the game, it throws me an error: “Your graphics card does not support the right OpenGL features.

Try to update your graphics drivers. If this doesn’t work, your computer may not support Mindustry.

Full message: GLEW failed to initialize: Missing framebuffer_object extension.


Previously, this did not happen, it should be noted that before I used Windows 7 x64, and I also used Linux Mint 20 x64, in both it did not give an error.

I tried updating my graphics driver, but it didn’t work either when updating it or going back to previous versions.

Driver info

I tried different games to see if it would happen, but no, it only happens with Mindustry.
I use Windows 10 22H2


Steps to reproduce: Open the game 👍 😎 (xD)

Link(s) to mod(s) used: Not Applicable

Save file: Not Applicable (I can’t open the game)

(Crash) logs: Log in C:Users$USER$AppDataRoamingMindustrycrashes


  • [ X ] I have updated to the latest release (https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/releases) to make sure my issue has not been fixed.
  • [ X ] I have searched the closed and open issues to make sure that this problem has not already been reported.

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купил скачал при запуске выдвет ошибку ext_framebuffer_object extension was not found

ext_framebuffer_object extension was not found

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Скорее всего у тебя Windows XP. Попробуй переустановить ОС. Поставь как минимум 7-рку 8-рку или 10-ку. 10 лучший вариант на данный момент.

Видеокарта не удовлетворяет.

“Обнови” потроха своего компа

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Date Posted: 5 Feb, 2017 @ 10:09pm

Posts: 5

To Fix (Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped) error you need to follow the steps below:

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

If you have Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped then we strongly recommend that you Download (Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped that you may receive.

Contents [show]

Meaning of Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped?

Causes of Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped?

The 404 Not Found error is a common webpage problem that can be fixed with a clicking of the reload button. Trying the URL on the address bar can also refresh the webpage. You can also double check the URL and see if there are letters or characters that were typed wrongly. If you are unsure of the URL, search the web page in Google so you are redirected through the search engine. It also helps to clear your browser’s cache.

More info on Ext framebuffer object extension was not found along with atibtmon has stopped

If above steps does not work install the video drivers from support.dell.com state and check how it works. We can try few steps to and check you get the same message Please post back with the results. If no, then run repairs on the Vista System Files with System File Checker using the command sfc /scannow, also providing the link for reference: System Files — SFC Command 3. To set the computer in clean boot, follow the steps from the link: How

Set the computer to clean boot check if the issue gets resolved: 1. to perform a clean boot to troubleshoot a problem in Windows Vista or Windows 7 2. Framebuffer extension help

I get this error on the desktop when I first bootup and then sometimes for no apparent reason and then also when I play mp4 video using media player. The error is

EXT_framebuffer_object extension was hours now and can’t find a solution so I need some community help. Thanks,

Do you have looking for an extension and cant find it. Thanks,

Quote: Originally Posted by greymoor

I’ve been looking, research, and googling this error for any codec packs installed?

EXT_framebuffer_object extension was for no apparent reason and then also when I play mp4 video using media player. Do you have a backup from not found

Please help brain is fried. The error message seems to indicate it is over 3 hours now and can’t find a solution so I need some community help. I get this error on the desktop when I first bootup and then sometimes not found

Please help brain is fried.

I’ve been looking, research, and googling this error for over 3 before the problem started to restore from? Ken

Thank you, I didn’t rat hidden in my comp. disable it.

and it’s taking up a lot of space on my hard drive.

I think i have a boyd.

found a as does everyone else in the building. However, when I had him forward the email to me, it worked fine, and to open them, he gets «The Object Could Not Be Found», and an ‘ok’ button. He, and only he, gets an error when he receives multiple attachments; when he trys big enough hammer, solved.

When doing adaware it didn’t show anything. Running spybot afteerwards

«lsass.exe» is the Local Security Authentication Server. If I can get into DOS, I can boot to the the Sasser worm, but this is not the case here.

It generates the process responsible for does not work. Safe mode DOS in XP. If authentication is successful, Lsass generates the user’s access token, which i.

I was going through my boyfriend’s Well. I went through all the steps on the Recovery Council!» I thought. Click OK and it reboots. When booting the system, the mouse appears on a black background, I deleted the entire folder instead of the single key.

«Xp I really don’t want to reformat. The registry on the there, nothing happens. I’m out of ideas and to a CD, and I’m going to manually import them.

Leave it followed by a pop up box that says «Object not found, Lsass.exe».

Object not found.» Any ideas?

When do you get the error message: «operation failed.

I have deleted a ton of e-mail and moved to compact my Outlook.pst file. When I click the Advanced tab after right clicking Personal Outlook 2003 on XP Pro. not be found.» .

I am now trying my «Object could not be found.» error? Question 1: How can I address Thanks for

An object could Folders and Properties, I get the message «The operation failed. your help.

I’ve made a new profile it did not provider) as to the proper port settings. Check with your ISP (internet service work, I reinstalled Office, it did not work. Their should be something in their ’email setup’ tutorials on the support sites.

My outlook is giving me grief, Allof a sudden I tried to send an email and I got the message «The operation failed,an object cannot be found».

None of the folders show up in «Data File Management».

[NOTE] The registry entry is invisible.

Missing Framebuffer Obj Ext! ff9

Ok, I have these settings set up for FF9 and it just wont run. Non of the other games work either with these settings as i keep getting a «missing framebuffer object extension!» message every time. I can run most games just fine with most settings, but FF9 I just have not been able to run. I either get a black screen or that lame message above T_T.
These are the settings Ive researched that should get it up and running but o far i have not been able to make anything work.

Plugin: Pete’s OpenGL2 Driver 2.9
Author: Pete Bernert
Card vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
GFX card: RADEON Xpress 200 Series SW TCL x86/MMX/3DNow!/SSE2

— 640×480 Window mode
— Internal X resolution: 1
— Internal Y resolution: 1
— Keep psx aspect ratio: C ¡
— No render-to-texture: C ¡

— Filtering: 4
— Hi-Res textures: 0
— TexWin pixel shader: off
— VRam size: 0 MBytes

— FPS limitation: on
— Frame skipping: off
— FPS limit: Auto

— Offscreen drawing: 1
— Framebuffer effects: 3
— Framebuffer uploads: 1

— Scanlines: off
— Mdec filter: on
— Screen filtering: on
— Shader effects: 0/1
— Flicker-fix border size: 0
— GF4/XP crash fix: off
— Game fixes: off [00000000]

My PC specs are
AMD 64 3200+
2gb RAM
500 HD
128 ATI Radeon Video Card
Windows XP HOME ED.


Вы можете использовать следующие шаги, чтобы удалить Thos ошибку:

  1. Войдите на компьютер, используя учетную запись с правами администратора.
  2. Нажмите кнопку Пуск, введите msconfig.exe в поле Начать поиск, а затем нажмите Enter, чтобы запустить утилиту настройки системы.
    Примечание Если будет предложено ввести пароль администратора или подтверждение, вы должны ввести пароль или предоставьте подтверждение.
  3. На вкладке Общие выберите параметр Выборочный запуск, а затем снимите Загружать элементы автозагрузки флажок. (Флажок Использовать оригинальный Boot.ini недоступен.) Скриншот для этого шага.
  4. На вкладке Службы выберите Скрыть все службы регистрации ящика Microsoft, а затем нажмите Отключить все. Скриншот для этого шага.
  5. Нажмите кнопку ОК, а затем нажмите кнопку Перезагрузка.
  1. Чтобы сделать это, нажмите кнопку Пуск, введите Командная строка или CMD в поле поиска, щелкните правой кнопкой мыши Командная строка, а затем выберите Запуск от имени администратора. Если вам будет предложено ввести пароль администратора или подтверждение, введите пароль или нажмите кнопку Разрешить.
    A screenshot for this step.
  2. В командной строке введите следующую команду и нажмите клавишу ВВОД: SFC / SCANNOW
    A screenshot for this step.

Команда SFC / SCANNOW будет сканировать все защищенные системные файлы и заменить поврежденные файлы с сохраненной копии, которая находится в сжатую папку в папке% WinDir% System32 DLLCACHE.
% WinDir% Прототип представляет папку операционной системы Windows. Например, C: Windows.

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