Moderate nat destiny 2 как исправить





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1 Oct, 2019 @ 12:05pm

как убрать moderate NAT?

как убрать moderate NAT? не присоединяется к друзьям из за этого



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Date Posted: 1 Oct, 2019 @ 12:05pm

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Unable to join target player, how to change Nat Type - Destiny 2

Having trouble joining your friends? Here’s what you need to know about the unable to join target player error, as well as how to change your Nat Type in Destiny 2.

Server issues in online games can be a dime a dozen in this day and age, and while Bungie has done a good job overall with their server quality, sometimes things just go wrong. If you’ve been experiencing a network error while trying to party up with friends, then we can point you in the direction of a solution. If you’ve ever run into the Unable to join target player error, then chances are you’ve got a Moderate to Strict Nat Type. In this guide, we’ll break down what each Nat Type means, and even discuss how to resolve the unable to join target player error message in Destiny 2.

Unable to join target player error in Destiny 2

When joining friends or clanmates, players will sometimes find themselves face to face with a network error that warns them “Unable to join target player. Your home network is configured with a “Moderate Nat,” which can cause this problem.” This connection issue can be rather annoying if you don’t know how to fix it. Thankfully, Bungie has outlined an entire section of their help website to assist with this issue.

Unable to join target player, how to change Nat Type - Destiny 2

Players may receive this error if their Nat Type isn’t set to Open.

According to Bungie, this particular message often comes as players have a Nat Type that doesn’t support Destiny 2’s online capabilities to its fullest extent. There are three different Nat Types available:

  • First is Open, or Type 1. This is the best as it makes sure you aren’t getting any kind of hindrances between the information communicated between the Destiny servers and your home server.
  • The second Nat Type is Type 2, or Moderate. This type isn’t as good as Open, however, it still offers a solid connection, though you might run into some issues.
  • Finally, there is Strict or Type 3. This is the worst Nat type to have as it means you’ll often have issues communicating with the Destiny 2 servers, making it much more difficult to voice chat and matchmake with other players.

If you’re having issues with your Nat Type being Moderate or Strict, then you can change it to Open, which will make your connection to the Destiny 2 servers much stronger.

How to change Nat Type

To change your Nat Type, you’re going to need to forward several ports in your home network’s router. This allows the information between the servers and your client to work without any hindrances, as some routers block off specific ports to funnel information away from those particular sockets. The difficulty of forwarding your ports will defer greatly depending on what kind of router you’re using, so you’ll want to look into your instruction manual, or through the support documents online for your specific router.

When you’ve learned how to forward ports, you’re going to want to open the following ports for the consoles each of the consoles that we’ve outlined below.

Platform TCP UDP
PlayStation 4 80, 443, 1935, 3478-3480
2001, 3074-3173, 3478-3479
Xbox One 53, 80, 443, 3074
53, 88, 500, 3074, 3544, 4500, 1200-1299, 1001
PC 80, 443, 1119-1120, 3074, 3724, 4000, 6112-6114
80, 443, 1119-1120, 3074, 3097-3196, 3724, 4000, 6112-6114

 According to the Bungie help page, you’ll also want to forward these ports as well:

Platform TCP UDP
PlayStation 4 1935, 3478-3480 3074, 3478-3479
Xbox ONE 3074 88, 500, 1200, 3074, 3544, 4500
PC N/A 3074, 3097

 With that done, you should now be able to obtain an Open Nat when playing Destiny 2. This should help resolve any connectivity issues you might be having. If you aren’t comfortable working inside your router and forwarding ports, then you can just restart the game a few times until it allows you to join your teammates. However, this is not recommended as you’ll only run into issues down the line.

Now that you know how to resolve the unable to connect to target player error, head back over to our Destiny 2 guide for more help.

Guides Editor

Joshua holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and has been exploring the world of video games for as long as he can remember. He enjoys everything from large-scale RPGs to small, bite-size indie gems and everything in between.

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В последнее время – игроки Destiny 2 сталкиваются с проблемой под названием strict nat или строгий Nat. Это не самая серьезная проблема игры, однако она отличается своей настырностью, и мешает командной игре, которая в Destiny 2 – является залогом успеха.

Поэтому в этой статье – мы разберемся с тем, что представляет собой данная ошибка и как от нее можно избавится.


  1. Что представляет собой строгий Nat
  2. Из-за чего появляется строгий nat
  3. Как исправить строгий nat

Что представляет собой строгий Nat

Говоря профессиональным языком – строгий Nat блокирует порты вашего роутера, которые использует Destiny 2, либо же преобразовывает частный порт в публичный, при рассылке пакетов данных другим игрокам. В результате этого – устройства ваших знакомых попросту не видят ваши порты. Говоря простыми словами – строгий Nat – это ошибка, в результате которой вы и ваши друзья не сможете поиграть вместе.

Из-за чего появляется строгий nat

При правильной настройке маршрутизатора – подобной ошибки у вас не возникнет, но если вы схалтурили, в этом плане – то вам придется вызвать специалиста, который правильно настроит переадресацию ваших портов.

Также – данная ошибка может возникать, если драйвера вашего маршрутизатора устарели. В этом случае – тоже, лучше вызвать специалиста, чтобы не наделать еще больших бед.

Как исправить строгий nat

Самый простой и легкий способ избавиться от строгого nat’a – это установить себе VPN и играть через него.

Есть и еще один способ, но он потребует от вас знания компьютера.

strict nat destiny 2

Вам нужно будет зайти в настройки интернета, открыть командную строку и вписать туда несколько команд, чтобы перенастроить переадресацию портов. Как мы уже сказали выше – в этом случае лучше обойтись без самодеятельности и вызвать специалиста, иначе – останетесь без интернета совсем.

Прочитать позже Отправить статью на e-mail Мы не собираем ваши данные и тем более не передаем их третьим лицам Отправить

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Destiny 2 — захватывающая игра, которая продолжает обновляться с исправлениями ошибок и новым контентом спустя годы его первоначальный выпуск. Даже с новыми испытаниями, оружием и многим другим всегда есть шанс, что ошибки помешают вашему игровому процессу. На самом деле в игре более сотни ошибок с кодовыми названиями. К счастью, для одной ошибки Destiny 2 , Error Code Centipede, есть свои обходные пути, которые вы можете попробовать.

Исправление Error Code Centipede в Destiny 2

Если при попытке загрузить Destiny 2 появляется код ошибки “Сороконожка”, значит, вы столкнулись с ошибкой сетевого подключения. Как только вы входите в систему, игра вылетает, сигнализируя о том, что у вас проблемы с подключением к серверам. В этом случае вы можете предпринять несколько шагов, чтобы решить проблему, независимо от того, используете ли вы ПК или консоль:

  • Будьте в курсе Destiny. 2 статус сервера
  • Проверить сигнал Wi-Fi
  • Обновите игру
  • Проверьте настройки NAT
  • Используйте VPN

< p>Конечно, всегда есть вероятность, что вы находитесь в регионе, где в настоящее время возникают проблемы. Вы всегда можете попробовать переждать код ошибки «Сороконожка» и попытаться перейти в Destiny 2 позже. Иногда простое терпение служит лучшим решением. В противном случае давайте подробно рассмотрим шаги, описанные выше, на случай, если проблема не устранится сама собой.

Вы даже можете перезагрузить компьютер или консоль. Это решение настоятельно рекомендуется попробовать перед тестированием этих исправлений.

Код ошибки, исправление 1: проверьте статус сервера Destiny 2

То же самое и с другими подобными играми, иногда серверы просто отключаются. Техническое обслуживание является большой причиной этого. Итак, посетите страницу справки Bungie в Твиттере, чтобы узнать, было ли сделано объявление.

Destiny 2, исправление кода ошибки 2: сигнал Wi-Fi

Ошибка подключения может означать, что ваше интернет-соединение слишком слабое для подключения к серверам Destiny 2. Итак, проверьте сигнал WiFi. Иногда вам может потребоваться использовать проводное соединение для более надежного подключения.

Исправление кода ошибки 3: обновление игры

Всегда проверяйте, чтобы ваша игра была обновлена. Destiny 2 часто выпускает обновления, и важно установить их все, чтобы ваша игра оставалась стабильной. Настройка ПК или консоли на автоматическую установку обновлений — отличное решение, так как вы никогда не пропустите ни одного обновления.

Исправление кода ошибки 4: настройки NAT

Если вы столкнулись с кодом ошибки «Сороконожка» в Destiny 2, это может быть связано с тем, что ваш NAT (преобразование сетевых адресов) имеет слишком строгие ограничения. Проверьте, установлен ли он на Тип 3 или Строгий. Если это так, измените его на Type 1/Open. Если вы не можете изменить это, возможно, это связано с тем, что вы находитесь в специально ограниченной зоне, например на рабочем месте или в студенческом городке. Вы не можете вносить какие-либо изменения, если у вас нет прав администратора.

Destiny 2, исправление кода ошибки 5: использование VPN

Как упоминалось ранее, иногда вы использование сети, которая естественным образом ограничивает использование Интернета. Если это так, подумайте о подключении к VPN, чтобы иметь неограниченный доступ к серверам Destiny 2. Bungie ничего не имеет против игроков, безопасно использующих VPN, так что в этом случае вам повезло.


Destiny 2: Как получить и позолотить Печать Хранителя Пламени

Destiny 2 доступна на ПК, PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S и Xbox One.

Destiny 2 is a First Person Looter Shooter title developed by Bungie. It is currently one of the best grinding games out there in the market, with a multitude of activities and rewards to chase with your friends and fellow fire team members out in the wild. Veteran players of the first game since 2014 still enjoy it to this day; however, the only roadblocks are the bugs and glitches in Bungie’s Destiny 2, which result in issues like the Centipede error code.

Key Highlights

  • Error Code Centipede mainly occurs on PC with lesser chances on Console, with a different code.
  • The error generally happens because of a restricted NAT type and sometimes because of server issues.
  • Check if restarting the game fixes the error, then try restarting your PC. You can also try Power Cycling by unplugging your PC or Console for a few minutes before booting it up again.
  • If you have a restricted NAT type, you can contact your ISP about it or set up a static IP, as explained in the guide.
  • You can also try port forwarding the game’s respective ports through your router settings.
  • You’ll have to wait if the game’s servers are undergoing maintenance. You can verify this by checking Bungie’s Maintenance List or their Official Bungie Support Twitter account.
  • Sometimes using a VPN can fix the issue. Additionally, you should try connecting to the game through multiple regions when using a VPN.
  • If you’re on WiFi, we’d suggest using an ethernet cable to prevent unstable connectivity from causing issues.
  • Finally, If nothing else works, your last option is to upgrade your network connection.

Every now and then, Destiny 2 will run into seemingly unsolvable and vague errors, such as the annoying setbacks like the Weasel Error Code in Destiny 2, which is quite similar surprisingly to the Centipede issue.

But there is no need to worry as we have managed to put together a list of solutions that players can implement quickly so they can go back to taking down foes of the darkness with their guardians once again! But for now, let’s discuss what this error code means in the game.

What Is The Error Code Centipede In Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Error code Centipede

The error code Centipede

The Destiny 2 Centipede error code is not given exception here since Bungie tries to improve the game’s core state and functionality each day, but it being such a massive game, there is bound to be problems here and there. So, in general, the error code seems to be generated via networking-related elements of the game.

Unlike other errors, the centipede generally only occurs on PC at the given moment while only having the slight chance to transpire on Consoles but with a different title or name.

According to what we can learn from Bungie’s Official Centipede Error Guide, it is mostly due to the game establishing a link with a restricted network connection. In hindsight, the NAT type aspect of your internet plays a huge role here in determining whether you connect to the servers of the game or not, so keep that in mind.

Either that or it can also be due to the servers of the game in your particular region having some sort of issue. However, with the help of the dedicated community of the game on Reddit and Discord, we have enlisted a few fixes and workarounds that can potentially help you overcome this error as quickly as possible. We advise you to follow each method carefully so that you may get the best chance to cure the Centipede error code in Destiny 2.

How To Fix The Centipede Error In Destiny 2

The game has a ton of things that can go wrong at better places. Bungie has proved with Destiny 2 that they are gradually polishing the game each day to prevent it from suffering from problems with the Centipede error code. But no safeguard can fully protect MMO games like it from severe issues.

It is worth mentioning that you can consider it to be the game’s fault most of the time, but if some fixes do not work out, then you might have to consider checking if anything is wrong on your end, like your internet connection or with the game’s files.

There have been threads about the error code Centipede on the Offical Forums of Bungie, as well as the numerous community sites we have mentioned previously. Players encountering the issue have had it resolved thanks to some loopholes and workarounds, which we are now going to discuss as briefly as possible.

More from eXputer: Could Not Connect to Steam Network

Restarting Game Or The PC

Starting with the essential workaround that every gamer must implement is restarting the game or your entire system. It is quite easily one of the oldest tricks in the book to resolve the troublesome issues where the game may freeze or get stuck during some instances.

The majority of gamers will know the universal trick that you instantly close most applications and games by pressing the ALT + F4 keys together on your PC. It is very handy, especially when you are trying to hard reset a game that’s gotten bricked on you for some odd reason.

We highly suggest doing this a couple of times to ensure it isn’t the game acting weird by randomly prompting you with an error code. Furthermore, you can also boot up and log in to the game pretty fast if you have it installed on any of your SSD or M.2 drives.

Most importantly, if restarting the game doesn’t work according to plan, then players should immediately opt to reboot their PC, which can help refresh the core state of the system and its components if they are at fault. You should be able to restart your system relatively with ease if you have your Windows OS installed on an SSD drive.

Alternatively, you can also try a unique workaround that involves “Power Cycling” your PC or console. It isn’t too complicated to do and ensures the Operating System of your PC runs with boosted efficiency.

Switching From Nat Type 3 To Nat Type 1

Now the most crucial steps of fixing the error code centipede, as listed accordingly from Bungie’s website for Destiny 2, revolves around switching some of your internet connection properties. It is basically called the Network Address Translation (NAT), which in layman’s terms can be described as a bridge or internal link between connecting your system’s IP address with the game’s backend servers. It has a total of three kinds:

  • Nat Type 1 (Open)
  • Nat Type 2 (Moderate)
  • Nat Type 3 (Restricted)

So the basic gist is that you must tweak your Router Settings to enable Port Forwarding for Destiny 2 and enable a Moderate or Open Nat Type if you have a Nat Type 3. As long as it isn’t the latter one, you should be fine. We recommend contacting your ISP to learn more, but we will mention also mention a detailed way to do it yourself:

Destiny 2 centipede Ip deatils

The Network Connection information
  • First of all, you will need your Network Connection details to set up a static IP address.
  • Open up the Windows Command Box by pressing together the Windows + R Keys.
  • Type in ‘CMD’ and then run it.
  • In the next menu that opens up, paste the text ipconfig /all”  and hit the enter button.
  • You should now be able to see your IPv4 Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and DNS Servers information which we are going to use later on here.

Next up is assigning the static IP to get a secure connection of your System to your internet router or modem and remove the Nat Type 3 from your PC, which is covered in the following step-by-step procedure:

Command box NCPA

The Command Box
  • Press the Windows + R key to open up the command box once again.
  • Type in “npca.cpl” and hit the Enter key to continue.
  • You should now have a list of your currently available Network connections.
  • Select the one which you are currently using and click on Properties.

Windows Static IP

Configuring internet settings with custom settings
  • In the next menu, click on Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), as shown in the image above, and click on properties to modify its settings.
  • In this menu, select the option to “Use the following IP Address”.
  • Fill in the relevant information we covered in the first steps of the process, which are: IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, and DNS servers.
  • Click on OK to apply the changes that you made, and then head back into Destiny 2 to verify if it fixed the Centipede error code.

Port Forwarding Destiny 2

If even adding a static IP didn’t do the job, you can further add in another ray of hope of connecting to the Bungie servers of destiny 2 in order to resolve the Centipede error code.

It essentially involves heading into your router settings manually and setting up various port numbers from two different port destinations: TCP & UDP. Just keep in mind that the router menu may differ for everyone, so here is how you can enable ports in Destiny 2:

  • The Default Gateway IP address we covered in the NAT type method should be your entry site into the router, and the log-in credentials will be provided by your Internet Service Provider on the back of the router.
  • Once you are logged in, the tricky part is trying to find the Port Forwarding menu, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to find since it won’t be buried deep within the settings of the router.
  • Fill in your Static IP address if it requires it.
  • Now you should see different rows to paste in the Port numbers for Destiny 2, which you need to accordingly need to do with all of the TCP and UDP port routes tailored for the PC version of the game:
  • TCP: 80, 443, 1119-1120, 3074, 3724, 4000, 6112-6114, 7500-7509, 30000-30009
  • UDP: 80, 443, 1119-1120, 3074, 3097-3196, 3724, 4000, 6112-6114, 27015-27200

So using this method should ultimately fix any network issues with your internet connection as well as remove any presence of NAT type 3 from your system.

Evaluate The Server Status

Destiny 2 Centiepede error code servers

Destiny 2 Servers offline

Multiplayer video Games like Destiny 2 strongly follow the principles of functioning on their backend servers provided by the developers at Bungie, it is the backbone of their routine system operations, and without it, you will likely run into issues like the error code Centipede.

When it comes down to it, Destiny 2 has an extremely active community of players that are always on the grind for more loot to be able to upgrade their light levels. However, in most cases, you may run into rare instances where the game has to be taken offline to perform maintenance procedures or fix some major ongoing issues.

These downtime processes last for a scheduled period of time, but in the end, they are highly worth the patience because Bungie may address a game-breaking issue fixed with it in an update or hotfix.

Luckily, Bungie has provided an Up-to-Date Maintenance List where you can stay aware of the latest and upcoming server downtimes for any future dates and timings. Bungie will even go as far as addressing any known issues in the patch notes once the offline status has finished and all services resume normally.

According to the majority of the players over on Reddit and the Official Forums, the Centipede error mostly occurs on Bungie’s side of things, so if the servers are indeed offline, you will be prompted with the Centipede Error code message during the login screen of Destiny 2. Furthermore, as stated by the image above, you can follow the Offical Bungie Support on Twitter to learn more about each minute of the maintenance procedure.

Switching To A VPN Connection

Destiny 2 operates on a secure connection with various regional servers supplied by Bungie. But is important to understand that even if your connection is firm and strong, the game will not establish a proper link unless there is a malfunction that will devoid the connection status completely.

Players of the game can alleviate the issue with ease by implementing a Virtual Protocol Network (VPN). These will essentially provide users with a verified and secure gateway to access most private subroutines of sites with ease as well as bypass any barriers of issues or problems when connecting Destiny 2 with the servers. Thankfully, in this age of modern gaming, there is a wide variety of VPN options to use in conjunction with running various region-locked video games and applications safely that many players use in the world.

There is the option of the well-known and popular premium service, NordVPN. If you are not a fan of paying for premium subscriptions, then you might surely consolidate with the offerings of Windscribe or ProtonVPN. They are both high-quality VPNs that switch up your IP address and let you browse anonymously, which is something everyone should strive for in 2022 if you want complete privacy of your data while gaming.

Lastly, we would advise trying to establish a connection with various different regions if you are not in the US in hopes of easily logging into Destiny 2. As long as you get past the main sign-in screen, you should have no trouble playing the rest of the game, as stated and confirmed, thanks to a few players on the Discord community.

Improving Your Network Connection

If there is a slight chance that none of the aforementioned techniques and methods worked. Then it is prime time to look into upgrading your internet connection. There are endless reports over the past few years where players managed to end up solving the error, particularly by boosting their network connection speed.

Weak or unstable internet speeds often lead to games crashing in several different ways because most powerhouse multiplayer games require a smooth and steady connection to function with relative ease. Ideally, you will want to strive for an adequate bandwidth that will ensure you can play the game without any difficulty. Otherwise, you might run into horrible issues like Latency or lag, preventing any streamlined gameplay.

If you haven’t already, we highly recommend switching to an ethernet cable connection from a wireless one since the latter provides varying speeds with each bump or drop in signal range. Ethernet connection will make sure you have the highest speeds of your internet package without any sort of major loss and instability.

Strong network speeds will be essential, especially during endgame activities of Destiny 2 like Nightfalls. It should be your last hope to cure the Centipede error code in the game. Just be sure to restart the router and game once you switch to ethernet or if you made any necessary changes to it for the NAT type problem.

Fortunately, we have put together the definitive list that will help you resolve one of the more notorious error codes, which is the Centipede error code in Destiny 2. We hope the solutions we have listed will help you get the error fixed in some shape or form so it will rarely occur in the future, and as always, eXputer wishes you luck!

Next: Multiversus Online Not Working

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