Module seaborn has no attribute histplot как исправить

I’m trying to plot using sns.histplot on the Titanic Dataset in Kaggle’s Jupyter Notebook.

This is my code:

sns.histplot(train, x = "Age", hue="Sex")

But it’s throwing me this error:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d14c3b5a0670> in <module>
----> 1 sns.histplot(train, x = "Age", hue="Sex")

AttributeError: module 'seaborn' has no attribute 'histplot'

I have made sure to import seaborn (previous plots using sns.barplot worked fine).

I’m running on Mac OS X 10.15.6, and Seaborn version 0.11.0.

Could somebody point out what went wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Are you facing an error message “module seaborn has no attribute histplot” while working with Seaborn’s histplot function? You’re not alone! This error is a common problem faced by many users while working with this powerful data visualization library.

In this article, we’ll break down the causes of this error and provide step-by-step instructions on how to resolve it, so you can get back to creating beautiful and informative visualizations. Whether you’re a data scientist, analyst, or just hobbyist, this guide will help you navigate this frustrating error and continue working with the Seaborn library seamlessly.

Introduction to the histplot function in Seaborn

Seaborn is a powerful data visualization library in Python. It is widely used by data scientists and analysts to create beautiful and informative visualizations. We can create various types of plots, including histograms, scatter plots, and line plots using this module.

One of the most recent additions to the Seaborn library is the histplot function. This function provides a convenient way to create histograms. It gives us a variety of options, such as different bin sizes, kernel density estimates, and rug plots.

Interpreting the “module seaborn has no attribute histplot” error

However, while working with the histplot function, some users might encounter an error message “module seaborn has no attribute histplot”. This error occurs when library seaborn can’t recognize the histplot() function. It also means that it is not present in the version of the seaborn library that is being used.

Causes of the “module seaborn have no attribute histplot” error

These are the reasons why this error can occur:

1. Using an outdated version of Seaborn

The histplot function was introduced in version 0.11.0 of Seaborn, so if you’re using an older version of the library, this function will not be available. To resolve this, you can upgrade your Seaborn library to the latest version.

2. Importing the wrong library

Sometimes, the error message can occur if you accidentally imported a different library with a similar name. Make sure that you’re importing the correct library and that the import statement is correctly spelled and placed.

3. Incorrect installation

If you’re using a package manager to install Seaborn, such as pip or conda, make sure that you’re installing the correct package. Also, the installation process needs to be completed without any errors.

Efficiently Organize Your Data with Python Trie

How to resolve the “module seaborn has no attribute histplot” error

Checking the version of Seaborn library

To resolve this error, you can check the version of the Seaborn library you have installed by running the following command:

import seaborn

This will give you the version of the Seaborn library currently installed. If it is an older version, you can update it by running the following command:

pip install --upgrade seaborn

The histplot function is not a built-in function of the seaborn library. It is a new function that was added in version 0.11.0. If you are using an older version of the library, upgrading it to the latest version should resolve the issue. You can upgrade seaborn using the following command:

!conda update seaborn

“module seaborn has no attribute histplot” error in jupyter

If you are using an older version of the library, upgrading it to the latest version should resolve the issue.

You can upgrade seaborn using the following command in jupyter notebook:

!pip install seaborn --upgrade

You might need to restart your kernel after upgrading the library.

module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ databricks

If you are running into an issue where the seaborn library in Databricks is not recognizing the histplot function, it could be because the library version installed on the cluster is an older version that does not include that function.

One way to resolve this issue is to install the latest version of seaborn on the cluster by using the dbutils.library.install command. You can do this by running the following command in a Databricks notebook cell:

dbutils.library.install("seaborn", version = "0.11.0")

This command installs the specified version of seaborn on the cluster and should give you access to the histplot function.

You may also need to restart your cluster after installing the library.

You can upgrade seaborn to the latest version by adding the command to the cluster initialization script.

It’s also possible that the library was not installed on the cluster at all. In that case, you can install it with the command:


Tips for avoiding the error in the future

It is important to note that upgrading the library may break the code that is dependent on the older version of the library. So, it is recommended to test the code after upgrading the library.

If the error persists even after upgrading the library, double-check the imports and ensure that the correct library is being imported. Also, check the browser’s developer console for more information about the error.

In conclusion, the “module seaborn has no attribute histplot” error can be caused by various reasons, including using an outdated version of Seaborn, importing the wrong library, or incorrect installation. By understanding the underlying causes of this error, you can quickly and easily resolve it and continue working with the histplot function in Seaborn.


Give the syntax of the histplot function.

The syntax of the histplot function in Seaborn is as follows:
seaborn.histplot(data, x)

What is the advantage of seaborn?

Seaborn is a powerful data visualization library that makes it easier to explore and understand complex data sets.

What other tools can we use to plot histograms?

We can use R, Plotly, Gnuplot, Excel, D3.js, and Matlab to plot histograms.

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Encountering an error attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ in Python?

Don’t worry, we are here to save the day.

In this article, we will show you how to solve the attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ with just a simple step.

The common reason why this error occurs is due to the fact that the ‘histplot‘ function is not recognized by the Seaborn library.

What is Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages.

It is used for developing a wide range of applications.

In addition, Python is a high-level programming language that is used by most developers due to its flexibility.

Returning to our issue, we must take a few actions to fix this error.

So, without further ado, let’s move on to our “how to fix this error” tutorial.

How to solve module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ in Python

Here’s how to resolve the attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ in Python.

Update the version of the seaborn library.

Resolving the attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ is an easy task.

All you have to do is update the seaborn library.

To update the library, open your cmd or command prompt, then input the command:

pip install --upgrade seaborn

This command will update the seaborn library to its latest version.

Update the seaborn library using Anaconda

To update the library using Anaconda, use the command:

conda update seaborn

Update the seaborn library using Jupyter Notebook

To update the library using Jupyter Notebook, use the command:

!pip install seaborn --upgrade

Commands you might need

  • pip list

    This command will display all the packages installed on your system, including their versions.

    If you’re using Jupyter Notebook, use the !pip list command.

    However, if you’re using Anaconda, use the command conda list.

  • python –version

    Use this command if you want to check what version of Python you have.
  • pip –version

    Use this command if you want to check what version of pip you have or have installed on your system.
  • pip install –upgrade pip

    Use this command to upgrade the pip package manager to its newest version.

    If your pip is already in the latest version, this will come out: “Requirement already satisfied.”


In conclusion, the attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ can be easily solved by updating the seaborn library.

By following the guide above, there’s no doubt that you’ll be able to resolve this error quickly.

We hope you’ve learned a lot from this.

Thank you for reading, and have fun coding!

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Я пытаюсь построить график, используя sns.histplot набор данных Titanic в записной книжке Jupyter от Kaggle.

Это мой код:

 sns.histplot(train, x = "Age", hue="Sex")

Но он выдает мне эту ошибку:

AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-11-d14c3b5a0670> in <module>
----> 1 sns.histplot(train, x = "Age", hue="Sex")

AttributeError: module 'seaborn' has no attribute 'histplot'

Я убедился, что импортировал seaborn (предыдущие графики с использованием sns.barplot работали нормально).

Я работаю на Mac OS X 10.15.6 и версии Seaborn 0.11.0.

Может кто-нибудь указать, что пошло не так? Заранее спасибо.


1. У вас есть локальный файл с именем ? Покажите нам результат этого кода: import seaborn; print(seaborn.__file_)

2. Что такое sns ? Я предполагаю, что вы импортируете seaborn и просто присваиваете ему другое имя? Можете ли вы показать нам этот оператор импорта?

3. Правильно, я импортировал seaborn и назначил sns в качестве его псевдонима import seaborn as sns (я использовал sns.barplot ранее, и все прошло нормально). Использование кода seaborn.histplot выдает мне ту же module 'seaborn' has no attribute 'histplot' ошибку.

4. Я думаю, что это все. Я запускаюсь sns.histplot без ошибок при локальной загрузке Jupyter Notebook. Извините, ошибка новичка. Большое вам спасибо за вашу помощь! @JohnGordon

5. @AlexanderVocaet В итоге я использовал matplotlib plt.subplot для построения распределений данных. В качестве альтернативы, вы также можете попробовать установить пакет pip на Kaggle, проверьте эту тему здесь для получения инструкций здесь . Надеюсь, это поможет.

Ответ №1:

Я обновил модуль seaborn, используя:

 pip install -U seaborn

и это решило проблему для меня.


1. Я уже обновил свой seaborn, но ничего не изменилось. Он по-прежнему выдает ошибку атрибута: модуль ‘seaborn’ не имеет атрибута ‘histplot’. Моя версия seaborn — ‘0.10.1’.

2. @TonyBrand попробуйте выполнить обновление до версии 0.11.0. Или вы можете попробовать sns.distplot (). Вот ссылка на документацию для вашей версии .

3. Я обновил seaborn до 0.11.1 , но не работает. sns.distplot работает

Ответ №2:

Просто для того, чтобы расширить ответ от Ahsan Goheer. Попробуйте обновить seaborn с помощью:

 pip install -U seaborn

Затем перезапустите ядро ноутбука.
Уже должно работать


1. Это должен быть комментарий, а не отдельный ответ.

Ответ №3:

Шаг 1: обновите свой seaborn

pip установить seaborn — обновить

Шаг 2: перезапустите Jupyter.

Ответ №4:

Если все предыдущие методы не работают, весьма вероятно, что вы назвали свой файл как « «.

Пожалуйста, переименуйте его из « » к чему — то другому , например « «

Attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ error occurs because of some corruption in Target internal files of installed seaborn. The best way to fix this error is to upgrade seaborn and it will fix the corrupt file. Typically this type of AttributeError occurs mainly when the attribute does not exist in the class of the caller object or somehow we referred to the wrong type object. But this error is a bit different because histplot is always an integral part of seaborn. It is just because of some corruption in files like any target file got deleted or migrated etc.

Anyways we will explore how we can fix module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’ error with commands. So Let’s start-

The core fix will be to reinstall or upgrade seaborn ( Solution 1)  but sometimes even after this action, The error remains the same. Then what are the steps to fix it? We will discuss this in (Solution 2).

Solution 1: Upgrading seaborn using pip –

Here is the command –

pip install -U seaborn

If you are using conda or easy_install package manager then you should use the respective upgrade statement for this.

Attributeerror module 'seaborn' has no attribute 'histplot'

Attributeerror module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘histplot’

Solution 2: Restarting the IDE ( Jupyter Notebook ) –

Even after the upgrade if the error is still blocking then you should restart the IDE or notebook. The reason is some time interpreter holds the older object or target files. The restart will reload from the freshly installed seaborn library.

Similar Error –

Attributeerror: module ‘seaborn’ has no attribute ‘displot’ ( Solved )

Conclusion –

Although this AttributeError is a bit different from the generic one.  But to have a good grip on generic concepts related to AttributeError, Please read the article-

What is AttributeError in Python ? Complete Overview

To make your understanding more strong on seaborn implementation Here is a must-read article.

Seaborn tsplot : How to implement in Python with example?


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