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- No Whisper Target Found
May 8th, 2012, 03:34 AM
No Whisper Target Found
So, I’m trying to set up my whispers, I click “Whisper List” I click “New” I click and enter a hot key, The key I keep choosing is the right arrow key. After I hit my key and it is set as my hot key I drag the person i want to talk to into the big box, they’re name stays. I click “Apply” and “Ok” then I hit my right arrow key, my blue circle turns Red, and a little Red circle appears next to my friends name but I hear the client saying “No Whisper Target Found” I have tried uninstalling and re-installing TS3 to no avail, I am running it in Admin mode too. Any ideas?
May 8th, 2012, 07:38 AM
You also need i_client_whisper_power equal or higher as targets i_client_needed_whisper_power.
This could be another reason, why you can’t whisper to him.
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- No whisper target found
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- How do you set this in beta 36 onwards, as this doesn’t seem to exist anymore
- No whisper target found?
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Thread: Commander Chat Whisper Target Explanation
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Could someone explain how the commander chat whisper targets are supposed to function. I will show you what I want to do, but perhaps a simple explanation as to the ‘scope’ of the different whisper targets would be enough for me to figure out how to setup my channels..
Most of the whisper target options are self explanatory and seem to work as expected and advertised. The two that have me stumped are Channel Family and Complete Channel Family. Could someone explain what they are supposed to do?
Server Lobby
. Battlegrounds
. Red Battle Command
. User-Ted
. Group1
. User-Tom
. Group2
. User-Fred
. Green Battle Command
. User-Jim
. Group1
. User-Tim
. Group2
. User-John
I want everyone in Red Battlegroup using channel command to talk and hear eachother if they are channel commanders. Same for Green Battlegroup. No channel command chat from anything under Red Battleground should be heard by those in Green Battleground and vice versa.
Channel Family: All Subchannels of your channel and any subchannel of these channels etc.
Complete Channel Family: Any channel that your current channel is a subchannel of and all of their subchannels, including any subchannels of those channels. Unlimited in amount of channels.
So in your example if you are User-Tom located in BattlegroundsRed Battle CommandGroup1 and you whisper to Complete Channel Family you will whisper to every user in your example and to every channel that is a direct or indirect sub channel of Battlegrounds. If Battlegrounds itself is also a subchannel (unclear in your example) you would also whisper to the parent of Battlegrounds and all of the subchannels.
If you whisper to Channel Family you will not whisper to anyone because Group1 has no subchannels. If on the other hand you were User-Ted in Red Battle Command you would whisper Tom and Fred since they are both in subchannels of your current channel.
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Thread: No whisper target found
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No whisper target found
I try to configure my server to allow whisper between two groups (MG/Officer). I have set these values:
// MG & Officer groups
i_client_whisper_power 75 true false 75
i_client_needed_whisper_power 50 true false 50
// Other groups
i_client_whisper_power (not set)
i_client_needed_whisper_power 100 false false 100
We have configured our whisper list like that:
Use individual settings in contacts, else allow
Whisper to: Groups
Group Whisper Type: All Clients
Group Whisper Target: All Channels
Each user wo have tried this configuration or any other whisper list configuration got «no whisper target found» notification but we have 2 members of MG group and 6 members of Officer group online.
There is a bug from these permissions with this configuration type?
Note: When i set i_client_whisper_power 100 false false 100 everything works but we whisp all clients, this is not what we need :/
Server version: Linux x64
Clients version: 3.0.14 Window & OS X
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Thread: [No bug] No Whisper Target Found
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I’ve noticed that now when you try to whisper to yourself only, a voice says «No Whisper Target Found».
Whispering only to yourself was a great feature when you have an in-game chat button, and you want to speak in gamee to everyone, but not have your voice echoed in teamspeak to those in your channel.
Has this been unintentionally introduced when the whisper functionality was updated?
Thanks for your time,
Works as intended
Whispering to yourself was never possible and it makes no sense to include such a feature.
Use the mute Mic or Speaker function, to stop sending your voice to everyone.
a weird yet creative way to prevent transmission. There are a few technically superior ways to achieve this (as your way will cause you to actually transfer data to the server).
Add->»ctrl»->Status Change->Deactivate->Push-To-Talk->for all profiles
Answer «yes» to the question if you want to add an «Up-key» for activation.
I would imagine it would be a pretty common use case for people playing a game where they have friends on teamspeak as well as other people in game not on teamspeak, but with built in chat. like any Valve game such as Left 4 Dead.
How do you set this in beta 36 onwards, as this doesn’t seem to exist anymore
Any idea how to set this push to mute button.
Is there any chance it will make it into the main hotkey featureset, a «cough» button as a push to mute preset that doesn’t give an «microphone muted; microphone activated» warnings.
No whisper target found?
this is strange, i wanted to create a new whisper list of people on my teamspeak server, so i added them to the list (from the clients bit so they were online) and assigned a button, the red dots come up next to their name showing im whispering to them and the red dot comes up on my name, but its saying No whisper target found and they are not getting my whispers. What is wrong?
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Thread: Delete target from whisper lists?
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Delete target from whisper lists?
quick question, I seem to have inadvertently added whole channels and groups to my whisper lists. Is there any way to delete them? As I have no desire to whisper to a whole ts channel.
When sending me private messages: Please make sure to include reference link to your forum thread or post.
There is whole channels groups and sub channels in there and it won’t allow me to delete them. Can I just delete the whole thing and start anew? Sorry but I’m new to ts3 AND DON’T EXACTLY NO HOW TO DO THIS.
There are 2 types of whisper lists.
Type1 is for single Client or Channel targets and Type2 is more a global setup for channel, Groups etc.
Just change the entry in Whisper to: from Groups to Clients & Channels.
Now you will be able to add or remove single targets.
When sending me private messages: Please make sure to include reference link to your forum thread or post.
ts3 no whisper target found
1 Antwort
Oben bei der Leiste steht Einstellungen. Klick dadrauf. Dann ist links an der Leiste «Whispern». Da kann man «Whisperlisten» anklicken, entferne einfach alle Leute, denen du whispern willst oder stell die Hotkeys anders ein. Wenn du ein Whisperhotkey drückst und der User nicht da ist, dem du whispern willst, dann kommt «No whisper target found».
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error: Target option 6 is no longer supported. Use 7 or later. ========================
Initial client recompile failed, correct source the run updatemd5
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Добрый вечер
Подскажите пожалуйста – кто как решает вопрос необходимости говорить одному человеку на несколько групп? в ТС необходимы права админа насколько я понял.
В Дискорде такое не получается. Вроде хороший вариант мамбл – но там почему – то никто говорить не может, хотя и от админа запускали.
Подскажите годных идей плз.
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39 минут назад, Zeratul сказал:
Добрый вечер
Подскажите пожалуйста – кто как решает вопрос необходимости говорить одному человеку на несколько групп? в ТС необходимы права админа насколько я понял.
В Дискорде такое не получается. Вроде хороший вариант мамбл – но там почему – то никто говорить не может, хотя и от админа запускали.
Подскажите годных идей плз.
Все давно придумано. В ТС могут настроить шаут все, если права изначально не ограничены.
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10 minutes ago, Bupyc said:
Все давно придумано. В ТС могут настроить шаут все, если права изначально не ограничены.
чот пробовал, но пишет “no whisper target found”, в гугле где не забанили чекал, вроде все как народ говорит делаю, а все равно результат один.
Или это какой-то особый кучерявый сервер нужен?
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1 час назад, Zeratul сказал:
чот пробовал, но пишет “no whisper target found”, в гугле где не забанили чекал, вроде все как народ говорит делаю, а все равно результат один.
Или это какой-то особый кучерявый сервер нужен?
Дак тебе на чистом русском по английски сказали, что цели куда ты хочешь сказать не назначены. Шепот нужно настраивать.
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9 hours ago, Bupyc said:
Дак тебе на чистом русском по английски сказали, что цели куда ты хочешь сказать не назначены. Шепот нужно настраивать.
и это имело было смысл, если было бы правдой, т.к. я перед тем как нажимать whisper шепот, настроил цели каналы
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1 час назад, Zeratul сказал:
и это имело было смысл, если было бы правдой, т.к. я перед тем как нажимать whisper шепот, настроил цели каналы
разве тс не покупная прога? ну вернее проплата сервера должна быть. А не работает мб потому что вы халявные сервера юзаете?
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Всем привет! Такой трабл возник. Если в каналах находится 100+ человек с одной группой сервера, виспер выдает “too many whisper targets”. Кто сталкивался и как эту проблему решить?
16 май 2016
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а в канале 100 человек говорить могут ?
16 май 2016
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Вопрос решен! Спасибо!
16 май 2016
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11 года 10 мес. назад – 10 года 7 мес. назад #1
от Фара
Для того что бы настроить Whisper, необходимо проделать следующие действия:
1)Запустить сам TeamSpeak, и подключится к серверу.
2)Выбрать: “Инструменты” -> “Списки нашептывания”
3)В появившемся окне “Списки нашептывания” в правом нижнем углу нажать кнопку “Новое”
4)Перед вам появится окошко с просьбой назначить Гаричию клавишу (на которую при нажатие будет, включатся виспер)
5)В пункте “Нашептывать” выбираем “Пользователи и каналы”
Дальше вам следует четко определится на кого, и на какие каналы вы хотите вещать.
1 – Вариант.
Нашептывать на каналы
Выбрав “Archangels” -> “Каналы”.
И выбрать нужные вам каналы
2 – Вариант.
Нашептывать на пользователей.
Выбрав “Archangels” -> “Пользователи”.
P.S. Что бы добавлять нужных вам пользователей они должны быть в онлайн в сети в TeamSpeak’e
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Видишь суслика?..Нет..И я не вижу, а он есть….
Последнее редактирование: 10 года 7 мес. назад пользователем Omny.
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