Oblivion failed to initialize renderer nixadapaterdesc getdevicecaps failed как исправить

Проверьте свою версию DirectX, возможно, её придётся обновить. Ну а если DirectX последней версии и другие игры прекрасно работали? Обратите внимание на саму ошибку, если там написано следующее: Try to install DirectX 9 or newer, то программу придётся переустановить. Для этого нужно найти DirectX Happy Uninstall. Попробуйте теперь запустить игру.

Могут быть не те настройки в Skyrim.ini, из-за них выходит ошибка failed to initialize renderer. В Skyrim как исправить ее, не все знают. Нужно найти эти файлы и изменить их. На диске C найдите папку “Пользователь” (User, ваше имя), там понадобятся Documents и My games, а в ней Skyrim. Найдите Skyrim.ini. и SkyrimPrefs.ini. На них необходимо щёлкнуть мышью, правой кнопкой, из выпавшего меню выберите «Свойства», посмотрите, стоит ли галочка в “Параметры атрибутов” в поле “Только для чтения”. Если стоит, снимите её, нажмите «Применить», «ОК». Не помогает? Значит, придётся удалить их. Затем следует запустить SkyrimLauncher.exe, тогда игра сама создаст новые файлы ini. Теперь пробуйте запуск и проверяйте, получилось теперь или нет. Чаще всего это срабатывает.

Всё еще возникает ошибка failed to initialize renderer в Skyrim? Как исправить, думаете вы? А ларчик просто открывался: обновите драйвера для своей видеокарты. Лучше всего сделать это с официальных сайтов. Если вы без понятия, какая у вас видеокарта, нажмите “Пуск”, затем “Стандартные” и “Выполнить”. Появится окошко, надо вписать туда dxdiag и запустить. Нужно найти вкладку “Экран”, раздел “Устройство”, поле “Имя”. В разделе “Драйверы” посмотрите на дату. Чем больше прошло времени, тем желательнее обновление. Рекомендуется перейти на сайт производителя ПК/ноутбука и скачать драйвера оттуда. Если там нет, тогда поможет сайт производителя видеокарты.

Для Windows 8 помогает выбор встроенной видеокарты (интегрированной). Найдите в папке SkyrimLauncher.exe, щёлкните мышкой на нём, правой кнопкой, посмотрите, если ли Run with graphics processor. Если есть, перейдите по стрелочке, выберите Integrated graphics и нажмите.
Несоответствие соотношения сторон и разрешение экрана в игре

Да-да, это тоже может приводить не только к ошибкам, даже к синим экранам смерти, а потом геймеры сидят и думают, как запустить Skyrim, если пишет failed to initialize renderer. В игре найдите меню «Разрешение экрана», далее «Параметры». Теперь выберите соотношение сторон, потом разрешение экрана. Если не отображается желаемое разрешение, выберите другое соотношение.
Изменение прав
Первое, что надо сделать, – найти на диске C папку Program files(x86), в ней steam, а далее steamapps и common. Отыщите Skyrim, по нему следует щёлкнуть мышкой, именно правой кнопкой, далее выбрать в меню “Безопасность”. Нажмите «Изменить», после чего дайте всем пользователям полные разрешения. Нажмите “ОК” и попробуйте войти в игру. не переходи по этим сылка которые они тибе пишат это взлом вк

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion


12 Mar, 2016 @ 6:56am

Game Fails to Start

Failed to initialize renderer.
NiXAdapaterDesc::GetDeviceCaps() failed.

I get that error, and I don’t know what it means, when i googled it nothing came up and i have one started having this problem about 2 hours ago.

Showing 13 of 3 comments

Try pasting this in your TOP search bar, not google or any other, but the main internet search bar, will usually have the page you are on, delete that and put this in.

update::: This sounds like a problem with DirectX this might be more usefull as it is from microsoft explaining what it is. And detailed “what to do” fix it.


13 Mar, 2016 @ 1:29am 

Originally posted by Skyshark:

update::: This sounds like a problem with DirectX this might be more usefull as it is from microsoft explaining what it is. And detailed “what to do” fix it.

yeah it worked, thanks.

Showing 13 of 3 comments

Date Posted: 12 Mar, 2016 @ 6:56am

Posts: 3


Posted 29 July 2016 – 04:44 pm



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Hi all. I have a Lenovo laptop with an Intel i7 processor and a Nvidia GeForce graphics card. Up til now, it’s been running Oblivion fine but today it won’t run it at all, giving me the error message “Failed To Initialize Renderer. NiXAdapaterDesc::GetDeviceCaps()Failed”. I’ve never seen this error message before and I need help figuring out what’s wrong. I checked the display drivers in Device Manager and it told me that everything’s up to date and I already have the best drivers available, so it can’t be that.If it’s not that, though, what is it? I tried running Morrowind and it started up just fine like it always does, so the problem has to be with Oblivion specifically. The only thing I can think of is that I edited the ini file yesterday to turn off borders so I could try the Dragon’s Blood Castle mod, but if that were the issue, it should have given me the error message yesterday, no? Any help would be appreciated.

EDIT: I should probably add that while the game was running fine before, the screen would occasionally flicker like the display drivers were having issues, but again, Morrowind and Skyrim both work just fine so it has to be something about Oblivion specifically.

SECOND EDIT: This morning I edited a small personal mod I made (just a chest in the starting cell with some custom clothing) and OBMM moved it to the end of the load order when previously it had been somewhere in the middle. Could that be the issue? If it is, how do I fix it?

THIRD EDIT: I think I’ve pinpointed the problem. Looking at the Nvidia Control Panel just now, the window that’s supposed to show you a preview of your 3d settings isn’t displaying anything. It’s been over two weeks since I updated the drivers last, so I don’t think that’s the issue. For some reason, it just plain isn’t working. Any idea what to do about this?

FOURTH EDIT: Problem fixed itself with a simple reboot. Huh. Weird. In any case, After talking with Nvidia support, I now have detailed instructions for uninstalling and reinstalling drivers if they ever go for real (it’s complicated).

Thanks for anyone who looked at this anyway, even if no one responded. Perhaps my trouble shooting log here might help someone else in the future.

Edited by veearrell, 29 July 2016 – 09:56 pm.

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Почему возникает ошибка Failed to initialize renderer?

Рендеринг или синтез изображения – это автоматический процесс создания фотореалистичного или нефотореалистичного изображения из 2D или 3D с помощью компьютерных программ, и результат отображения такой модели можно назвать рендером.

При запуске игры игровой движок проверит детали вашей видеокарты и увидит, что она может поддерживать. После этого игровой движок решает, что для него инициализировать. Если это не удается, это означает, что игра не может правильно прочитать вашу видеокарту. Так что, вероятно, это связано с проблема с драйвером видеокарты .

Решение 1. Перезагрузите компьютер.

1) Закройте игру, в которой возникла ошибка.

2) Выключите компьютер.

3) Через некоторое время включите компьютер.

4) Перезапустите игру, чтобы увидеть, исчезла ли ошибка.

Неудачно? Не волнуйся. У нас есть другие решения, которые вы можете попробовать.

Решение 2. Установите последние исправления

После обновления игры до последней версии перезагрузите компьютер и снова запустите.

Решение 3. Обновите драйвер видеокарты

Есть два способа обновить драйвер видеокарты:

Обновите драйвер видеокарты вручную

Вы также можете перейти на сайт производителя видеокарты и найдите правильный драйвер, который соответствует вашей ОС Windows и типу процессора, затем установите его на свой компьютер, что требует времени и навыков работы с компьютером.

Автоматически обновить драйвер видеокарты

Если у вас нет времени или терпения, чтобы вручную обновить графическую карту на вашем компьютере, вы можете сделать это автоматически с помощью Водитель Easy .

Driver Easy автоматически распознает вашу систему и найдет для нее подходящие драйверы. Вам не нужно точно знать, на какой системе работает ваш компьютер, вам не нужно рисковать, загружая и устанавливая неправильный драйвер, и вам не нужно беспокоиться о том, чтобы сделать ошибку при установке.

Вы можете автоматически обновлять драйверы с помощью СВОБОДНЫЙ или За версия Driver Easy. Но с версией Pro требуется всего 2 клика (и вы получаете полную поддержку и 30-дневную гарантию возврата денег):

2) Запустите Driver Easy и нажмите Сканировать сейчас кнопка. Driver Easy просканирует ваш компьютер и обнаружит все проблемные драйверы.

3) Щелкните значок Обновить рядом с отмеченным драйвером видеокарты, чтобы автоматически загрузить и установить правильную версию этого драйвера (вы можете сделать это с помощью СВОБОДНЫЙ версия).

Или нажмите Обновить все для автоматической загрузки и установки правильной версии все драйверы, которые отсутствуют или устарели в вашей системе (для этого требуется Pro версия – вам будет предложено выполнить обновление, когда вы нажмете «Обновить все»).

4) Перезагрузите компьютер и проверьте, можете ли вы сейчас поиграть в игру.

Решения 4. Проверка мастер-файлов для вашей игры

1) Закройте игру и Steam, затем g o в папку Steam и удалите папку с именем appcache . Steam создаст новую папку позже, когда вы ее откроете, не беспокойтесь.

2) Заходим в папку с той игрой, которая выдает ошибку. Обычно это в Диск C> Пользователи> Ваше имя> Документы> Мои игры , или в Документы> Мои игры , затем щелкните файл с названием игры. Например, если Skyrim выдает ошибку Failed to initialize renderer, вы можете открыть файл Skyrim в Document> My games> Skyrim.

3) Удалите файлы .ini с именем XXX.ini и XXXPrefs.ini . Возьмите Skyrim в качестве примера, вы можете удалить файлы с именем Skyrim.ini и SkyrimPrefs.ini .

4) Неисправность ваш компьютер и Начало твой компьютер. Пожалуйста, обратите внимание не перезагружайте компьютер напрямую . выключение компьютера может помочь сбросить все хуки, а перезагрузка компьютера не поможет.

5) Откройте игру, которая выдает ошибку, еще раз, чтобы проверить, работает ли она.

Hey guys, So me and my girlfriend were modding our game of oblivion using the Tweaked ENB from nexus. It was working perfectly fine, all enb’s were working until we installed a couple more mods and then the game crashed with this error: “failed to initialize renderer. No D3D Device description found.” So our initial solution was to disable the mods installed, no fix, then ALL the mods and still same error. Once I removed the “d3d9.dll” from the ENB series rar file did the game relaunch.

It’s a real shame cause the ENB was what made the game look super nice on
top of all the texture mods.

Has anybody run into this issue and has a solution? I’ve tried different compatibility modes, installing a new copy of directx, different ENB’s as well as the injector. Could one of the new mods overwrite a deeper file that just can’t work with the ENB? even though I’ve turned all mods off in Nexus, any solutions? going crazy with this.

18 сен. 2017 в 18:26

After installing ENB the recommendation is always run the Launcher and let it detect your video settings again. perhaps your Oblivion INI changed somehow and that made the information on it invalid?

I’d suggest, go to your My DocumentsMy gamesOblivion folder and rename Oblivion.INI to Oblivion.INI.BAK or something, then run the OblivionLauncher.exe and after it detect your settings again, try running the game.

Be sure to reinstall ENB’s DLL before running the launcher, though.

18 сен. 2017 в 21:30

i don’t know how widespread it necessarily is, but i have heard – and experienced – trouble getting any form of post-process injection (ENB, reshade and sweetfx) to work with oblivion on windows 10, using an nvidia GPU; any d3d9.dll in the root folder would just cause the game to crash, no matter which of the many proposed solutions were tried, namely installing the 2010 directx redists, and using injector rather than wrapper

using an AMD gpu the game would boot, but not all of the graphical options in ENB would ‘take’, like the tintmapping and the DOF

16 ноя. 2019 в 4:16

After the installation, the ENB finally kicks in. You will know when you see text appearing in the top left corner of the game menu.

Hopefully this solves the problem on your side too!

29 янв. 2020 в 5:30

After the installation, the ENB finally kicks in. You will know when you see text appearing in the top left corner of the game menu.

Hopefully this solves the problem on your side too!

Thanks a lot for the tip; it got it working for me. I recently moved my entire modded installation over from Windows 7 to a clean install of Windows 10, and thankfully everything but Simple ENB was working from the get go.

I was getting either “Failed to initialize renderer. No D3D Device description found.” with the wrapper version (d3d9.dll), and the injector exe just wouldn’t allow the game to launch, or when it did crashed to desktop.

I’ve now got the wrapper version working fine now. DirectX definitely seems to fix the issue, since d3d9.dll is a Direct3D library belonging to the DirectX API.

Thanks again for your help, and once again hopefully others will see this if they run into the same issue in future 🙂

5 дек. 2015 в 6:47

Hello Steam Communitiy.

I bought the Oblivion Game of the Year Edition, which is only available in english. I wanted to start the game but there is this error: Failled to initialize renderer. I searched in the Internet and found some opportunities to solve this problem but it hasn’t worked yet. Can somebody help me please? Am I just to stupid?

5 дек. 2015 в 6:49
By the way . I have the same problem with Skyrim..It has worked 100% fine but now. Failed to initialize renderer..
5 дек. 2015 в 12:36
5 дек. 2015 в 13:31

It helps when you give more information. Like, are you running mods, are you using windows etc.

And try this, if you are using win 7, go to the place you installed it, right mouse button on the .exe files, properties, compatiblity, check the “disable desktop composition” checkbox.

6 дек. 2015 в 3:45

I am not running mods. I am using windows 8.1 . I have an Intel Core i7 and a Nvidia Geforce GTX 860 and 8GB RAM.

Yesterday I started to search in the Internet and found out, that I have to run it with the intigrated graphics and NOT with the NVIDIA.

Last month I could play Skyrim on very high graphics. and now just with very low?
There have to be another problem but I’ve really no idea.

Concerning Oblivion.
I cant change the graphic settings which is realy annoying and it crashes always..

I have just recently had to completely reinstall Vista on my Dell Inspiron 1521 because it recently KSoD’d (BlacK Screen Of Death). I was told I also had to reinstall my Drivers and Utilities. I got Windows running after I reinstalled Vista (Finally able to reach the login screen.) and then tried to install The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, I got some kind of Error message during installation and when I clicked Ok, it closed out of the entire thing. So I took my friends advice and popped in the Drivers and Utilities disc that came with my Dell. I extracted, unzipped, and installed all the drivers available on the menu (Except the ones that say like Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile on them, I don’t think those are very important so I didn’t do those ones.). So after I did this, I took another whack at reinstalled Oblivion. This time, it actually completed the installation. I was so excited, I clicked on the oblivion logo on my desktop and when that menu appeared with the classical music (The one that gives you the options to Play, Options, Data Files, Technical Support, etc.) I clicked Play and then the black window pops up as if its going to work and then just stops and this error message appears: Failed to initialize renderer. NiXAdapaterDesc::GetDeviceCaps() failed. Then the whole thing closes out, I tried it multiple times and got the same results each time.

The main reason I am being so thorough about this is so you know EXACTLY what I did which could probably help in finding the root problem. Another thing. I am absololutely stupid with computers, I tried Googling the error message and I found sites where people have had the same problem but they started talking about all this driver stuff that I could not even remotely understand. I have NO internet access on my computer unless there is a way to disconnect a cable from my Home PC and connect it to my laptop so it will (Could this work? If so what cable do I disconnect from my home pc and my laptop? Never tried it before.). So what I am asking is, if anyone out there who is willing to help has the answer to my problem, could you explain to me how to fix it as if you were speaking to a 6 year old? That or just make it so even the dumbest, most computer-illiteriate person could understand. I know next to nothing about all this driver stuff. When I reinstalled the drivers on my pc I just followed the step-by-step instructions that my friend gave to me but had next to no knowledge of what exactly I was doing.

EDIT: I have played Oblivion on my PC countless times before it KSoD’d on me without any problems at all except that it might have been a little laggy..thats all. It worked completely fine before I got the Black Screen of Death on my Dell Inspiron 1521 and had to reinstall vista and all the drivers.

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Here’s the thing.

I had just recently completely reinstall Vista on my Dell Inspiron 1521 because recently there KSoD was (BlacK S Of Death creen). I was told that I also had to reinstall my Drivers and Utilities. I had Windows running after that I reinstalled Vista (finally able to reach the screen connection.) and then tried to install The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, I got some kind of error message during installation and when I clicked okay, it shut out of the whole thing. So, I took my friends advice and jumped into the CD Drivers and Utilities that came with my Dell. I extracted, unpacked and installed all the drivers available on the menu (except those who say such as Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile on them, I don’t think that those who are very important, so I only did those those.). After that I did, so I took another slap at reinstalled Oblivion. This time, he actually completed the installation. I was so excited, I clicked on the logo of oblivion on my desk, and when this menu appeared with classical music (the one that offers you the options game, Options, data files, Technical Support, etc.) I clicked Play and then the black window appears as if its going to work and then just stops and this error message is displayed: failed to initialize renderer. NiXAdapaterDesc::GetDeviceCaps() failed. Then everything closes, I tried several times and got the same results each time.

The main reason I’m being so complete in this regard is to let you know EXACTLY what I could probably help find the problem. Another thing… I’m absolutely stupid with computers, I tried Googling the error message and I found sites where people have had the same problem but they have started talking about all this driver stuff I didn’t understand even remotely. I have NO Internet on my computer, unless there is a way to disconnect a cable from my PC at home and connect it to my laptop so it won’t be (could this work? If so which cable I have unplug my pc at home and my laptop? Never tried it before.). So I ask, if anyone out there who is willing to help has the answer to my problem, could you tell me how to solve this problem, as if you were talking to a 6 year old? That or just make so that even the dumbest, most computer-illiteriate person could understand. I know almost nothing about all this stuff of pilot. When I reinstalled the drivers on my pc I just follow the instructions step by step that my friend gave me, but had next to no knowledge of what exactly I was doing.

EDIT: I played oblivion on my PC countless times before KSoD would have on me without any problems at all except that it could be a bit of lag… That’s all. It has completely worked until I got the black screen of death on my Dell Inspiron 1521 and had to reinstall vista and all the drivers.

Hello DJS4400,

Thank you for using the Microsoft Windows Vista Forums.

 GetDeviceCaps() is a DirectX routine call made by the game engine for you check the details of the video card, what it is capable of supporting, and after that the game engine make certain decisions about what all the things to initialize for her. If that is a failure, it means that the game engine is not able to read your video card correctly.
Most likely, this would be a problem with the drivers and of course, could be a problem with the card itself.

Try running another game and see if it works. If it isn’t, definity your drivers need a second look. If it does, this means, oblivion has a problem with the drivers you are using, or else they have not been installed correctly.

I would first try:

Click Start-> then type ‘ Device Manager “in the field of research-> game controller, select device-> next Manager, select sound and video-> This will drop your card-> with the right button on the map and you should have an option to update the drivers.”  Once you repeat this test.

If still no luck, right click again on the map and select Uninstall (you may have to restart after that) and then return to the driver and reinstall.   In most cases if you need to reboot, when your computer starts it will try updating the driver automatically from the site.

Please let us know status.  Thank you!
Engineer James Microsoft Support answers visit our Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

Tags: Windows

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    Someone else have this error and know why?

    PS the Maps.zip does not get created (or copied) in specified folder, of course, but why?

    PS try another application and it worked but is too has not put its zip file into the folder… rbd/Packaged.  I guess it should not but leaves me clueless as to whats wrong with cards.

    Thank you

    The two directories (in the extensions directory and maps project directory) have permissions to 777.

    But you gave me an idea…

    It turns out that simply by putting


    in setting output wasn’t enough, I need the full path

    for example: “/ Users/username/RippleSites/Maps/packed.”

    and presto, now it works!

    Thank you!

  • get this error at the launch of sequelae

    “WARNING: error while accessing the preference of the files to the Interior/users/xxxxx/Library/Preferences/Adobe/After Effects / 13.5, please check the file permissions and try again.”

    can’t start without this message aftereffects

    Help, please

    fix the permissions problem that prevents to start Adobe applications

  • error in the launch of lightroom


    Launch lightroom 5.3 I have an error window that opens: “application is not free to start correctly (0xc000007b)”, what can I do?

    I had a problem similar with indesign and their in illustrator 64-bit version, is it possible to have a lightroom 32bits version 5?

    Thank you pour your future responses.

    I beg of you. Nice day.

  • Receive a DLL error at the launch of a part of an application thinapped

    I’m new to ThinApp, but have had a pretty decent success so far. I have only one application, however, gives me adjustments; If someone could help it would be greatly appreciated. The application in question is called HEAT, it’s a tracking application tickets call for our people of the Helpdesk. The application runs on an Oracle 10 g database structure. I thinapped Oracle 10 g by itself, then heat by itself, and then set the path to the exe to oracle under applinks required in the .ini to HEAT. It seems to work for most modules in the main application, they all start and run flawlessly. The main executable file, however, throws an error that references a missing .dll file or not. The specific error is Impossible to locate the BCGPOleAcc.dll. To properly view this demo, you need to BCGPOleAcc.dll on your way and save

    On a physical installation of the application, this dll is put in the System32 folder and puts the two entries in the registry – under HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInstallerUserDataS-1-5-18(current user) Components8DA0F8E859E886D4F85A92FD4F1A7D41 and the other HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionSharedDLLs. The phonebook of thinapp, I confirmed that the dll is in the folder % SystemSystem. I also confirmed the two entries above under the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.txt. Also, during the construction, I see that it states the dll has been added successfully (see table). So far, after reading literally all 58 pages on this forum, I tried the following: change between merged and write copy of insulation on the main package, change in isolation in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.txt for the writings of copy write to full, specifying the dll under Applinks required in the .ini and even just have the .dll already existing file on the machine until I try to run the thinapp – pointing the app in the dll file Physics. So far, none of this worked for me, but all the other modules in this application work fine. If someone could give some suggestions, or to report what I may be missing in the registration of this dll, it would be great.

    I think I have a solution: try this:

    Add the following command to ExternalDLL in section BuildOption of the package.ini file.  It should already be BuildOptions branch, so just

    Add the ExternalDLLS line somewhere in this section.   Keep me posted on how it goes as this solves my problem.

    ExternalDLLs = BCGPOleAcc.dll

  • 17.0.1 update causes errors at the launch of Illustrator

    Since the last update Illustrator CC yesterday, I can’t open the app as it says police Verdana must be enabled – I have the latest version of suitcase Version 5 and it is said that Verdana is activated permanently (Tahoma too, I read it from another thread here, it is activated permanently), I tried a stop and restart , an uninstall & reinstall Illustrator CC Creative cloud and again, it won’t work. Any suggestions? I had problems with the activation of CC & fonts for some unknown reason, I have the latest version of Suitcase Fusion 5 I thought I could fix any problems (instead seems to have created them)

    Personified salvation & Monika,

    Embodied with the last AI CC on MAC 17.0.2 update you should not disable all your fonts. Just check that all 4 fonts Verdana family are present and enabled in the State in the system fonts folder.

    @Monika: thank you very much for sharing the thread, but this thread was more related to the problem of crash on MAC with 17.0.1 day which team has corrected in 17.0.2 update.

    Kind regards


  • get the 150:30 error at the launch of DW.

    Said to contact you.

    See the following announcement a few days ago:


  • Error message – ‘the user profile service does not log, failed to load the user profile.

    When you try to log on my laptop running Windows Vista business, I get the error message and cannot access the laptop. This problem started after installing a windows update. Anyone else had this? Does anyone know how to get around and access the laptop?

    You haveanother admin account , you can connect?
    If so, please do and do a system restore, if no help, run the Microsoft Support tutorial below.

    If you don’t have another admin account, go into safe mode.
    Here’s how to get safe mode:
    Shut down your computer > turn it back on and immediately and repeatedly tab key F8 until you see a black and white screen. The top/down arrow and selectSafe Mode with network.

    In the window of logon in safe mode…
    1 can connect to your account administrator in safe mode?
    If so, do a restore system first, if no help, run theMicrosoft tutorial support listed below.

    2. If you can’t log into your own account, you see another admin next to your account in the logon screen?
    If you do, that one is the built-in Administrator account. By default, there is no password. Connect to it and new do a first system restore, if not help, run the Microsoft tutorial support listed below.

    If you are able to log on in safe mode, do a system restore. Choose a date when you were able to log in NORMAL MODE as your restore point.
    How to do system restore: http://www.vistax64.com/tutorials/76905-system-restore-how.html

    Tutorial from Microsoft support :
    There are several methods,go through one by one.
    Method 3 has a “fix it for me” application
    For the benefits of others looking for answers, please mark as answer suggestion if it solves your problem.

  • Error of the ripple: Oh Snap! Build request failed with the message: CreateProcessW


    I installed the Mobile Emulator 0.9.1 ripple with SDK for Tablet WebWorks, following the instructions exacly on a Windows 7 64-bit machine.

    If I try to package virtually any application (HelloWorld, weather, examples, something more complex, whatever), I get the following error:

    Oh Snap! Build request failed with message: CreateProcessW: The system cannot find the file specified.

    I tried a lot of things. I’m guessing that it’s a mistake with the SDK, since I can enter any path to any folder that exists on my HD as the path to the SDK and I get the same error.

    Path SDK: SDK for Tablet WebWorks c:RIMBlackBerry

    The project root: c:UsersUsernameRippleSitesAppName

    Archive name: AppName

    Output folder: c:

    I tried different paths for the foregoing, moving my code and by reinstalling the SDK.

    I’m at my wits end – about to renounce WebWorks.  Any ideas? 

    It seems %SystemRoot%/system32 and any % were missing from my path variable. All good – too bad!


  • Errors during the upgrade and Ininstall of Adobe Reader 10.1.3

    I have problems updating Adobe Reader 10.1.3. The following error is generated: “Fatal error during installation” – error 1603.

    I tried to uninstall 10.1.3 but it crashes with the following error message: “msiexec.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close.”

    What are the steps to perform a manual uninstall?

    I must point out that the current version 10.1.3 seems to work very well.

    OS: Windows XP

    Thank you

    Try http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/acrobatcleaner.html

  • I have neglected to install a plugin. Error message The Add on reflections in Photoshop installation failed: unable to validate the license online.

    tried to install this on my creative cloud and it does not

    Please notify


    Please try to log out of the application and then reconnect.

    Reference: connect and disconnect activate Cloud Creative applications

    Hope that helps!

    Kind regards


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