Расчет как найти скорость

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Velocity is an object’s speed in a particular direction. Mathematically, velocity is often described as the change in position over the change in time.[1]
This fundamental concept shows up in many basic physics problems. Which formula you use depends on what you know about the object, so read carefully to make sure you’ve chosen the right one.

Quick Formulas

  1. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 1


  2. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 2


    Set up an equation with position and time instead. You can also find the velocity from the object’s change in position and time. This works for any problem. Note that, unless the object is moving at a constant velocity, your answer will be the average velocity during the movement, not the specific velocity at a certain time.[4]


  3. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 3


    Find the distance between the start and end points. When measuring velocity, the only positions that matter are where the object started, and where the object ended up. This, along with which direction the object traveled, tells you the displacement, or change in position.[5]
    The path the object took between these two points does not matter.

    • Example 1: A car traveling due east starts at position x = 5 meters. After 8 seconds, the car is at position x = 41 meters. What was the car’s displacement?

      • The car was displaced by (41m – 5m) = 36 meters east.
    • Example 2: A diver leaps 1 meter straight up off a diving board, then falls downward for 5 meters before hitting the water. What is the diver’s displacement?

      • The diver ended up 4 meters below the starting point, so her displacement is 4 meters downward, or -4 meters. (0 + 1 – 5 = -4). Even though the diver traveled six meters (one up, then five down), what matters is that the end point is four meters below the start point.
  4. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 4


    Calculate the change in time. How long did the object take to reach the end point? Many problems will tell you this directly. If it does not, subtract the start time from the end time to find out.[6]

    • Example 1 (cont.): The problem tells us that the car took 8 seconds to go from the start point to the end point, so this is the change in time.
    • Example 2 (cont.): If the diver jumped at t = 7 seconds and hits the water at t = 8 seconds, the change in time = 8s – 7s = 1 second.
  5. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 5


    Divide the total displacement by the total time. In order to find the velocity of the moving object, you will need to divide the change in position by the change in time. Specify the direction moved, and you have the average velocity.[7]


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    Solve problems in two dimensions. Not all word problems involve movement back along one line. If the object turns at some point, you may need to draw a diagram and solve a geometry problem to find the distance.

    • Example 3: A man jogs for 3 meters east, then make a 90º turn and travels 4 meters north. What is his displacement?

      • Draw a diagram and connect the start point and end point with a straight line. This is the hypotenuse of a triangle, so solve for its length of this line using properties of right triangles. In this case, the displacement is 5 meters northeast.
      • At some point, your math teacher may require you to find the exact direction traveled (the angle above the horizontal). You can do this by using geometry or by adding vectors.
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  1. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 7


    Understand the velocity formula for an accelerating object. Acceleration is the change in velocity. If the acceleration is constant, the velocity continues to change at the same rate.[8]
    We can describe this by multiplying acceleration and time, and adding the result to the initial velocity:

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    Multiply the acceleration by the change in time. This will tell you how much the velocity increased (or decreased) over this time period.[9]

    • Example: A ship sailing north at 2 m/s accelerates north at a rate of 10 m/s2. How much did the ship’s velocity increase in the next 5 seconds?

      • a = 10 m/s2
      • t = 5 s
      • (a * t) = (10 m/s2 * 5 s) = 50 m/s increase in velocity.
  3. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 9


    Add the initial velocity. Now you know the total change in the velocity. Add this to the initial velocity of the object, and you have your answer.[10]

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    Specify the direction of movement. Unlike speed, velocity always includes the direction of movement. Make sure to include this in your answer.

    • In our example, since the ship started going north and did not change direction, its final velocity is 52 m/s north.
  5. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 11


    Solve related problems. As long as you know the acceleration, and the velocity at any one point in time, you can use this formula to find the velocity at any other time. Here’s an example solving for the initial velocity:

    • “A train accelerates at 7 m/s2 for 4 seconds, and ends up traveling forward at a velocity of 35 m/s. What was its initial velocity?”
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  1. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 12


    Learn the formula for circular velocity. Circular velocity refers to the velocity that one object must travel in order to maintain its circular orbit around another object, usually a planet or other gravitating mass.[11]

    • The circular velocity of an object is calculated by dividing the circumference of the circular path by the time period over which the object travels.
    • When written as a formula, the equation is:
      • v = (2πr) / T
    • Note that 2πr equals the circumference of the circular path.
    • r stands for “radius”
    • T stands for “time period”
  2. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 13


    Multiply the circular radius by 2π. The first stage of the problem is calculating the circumference. To do this, multiply the radius by 2π. If you are calculating this by hand, you can use 3.14 as an approximation for π.[12]

    • Example: Find the circular velocity of an object traveling a circular path with a radius of 8 m over a full time interval of 45 seconds.
      • r = 8 m
      • T = 45 s
      • Circumference = 2πr = ~ (2)(3.14)(8 m) = 50.24 m
  3. Image titled Calculate Velocity Step 14


    Divide this product by the time period. In order to find the circular velocity of the object in question, you need to divide the calculated circumference by the time period over which the object traveled.[13]

    • Example: v = (2πr) / T = 50.24 m / 45 s = 1.12 m/s
      • The circular velocity of the object is 1.12 m/s.
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    When do we have deceleration?

    Benjamin Walker

    Benjamin Walker

    Community Answer

    As the object loses energy passing through a medium. The medium an object is passing through will determine the deceleration.

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    How do I calculate the velocity of something given its time traveled and distance covered?

    Community Answer

    Divide distance traveled by the time taken to get the average speed.
    Velocity is the term used for speed when the object travels in a uniform direction (i.e. straight line or circle).

  • Question

    How does velocity change if the distance decreases and the time increases?

    Community Answer

    Velocity decreases. Think about it: It takes a longer time to cover a shorter distance.

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  • Meters per second (m/s) is the standard scientific unit for velocity.[14]
    Make sure your units match by measuring distance in meters (m), time in seconds (s), and acceleration in meters per second per second (m/s2).[15]

  • Average velocity measures the average velocity an object travels over the full course of its path. Instantaneous velocity measures the velocity of an object at a specific moment along its path.



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Article SummaryX

Velocity is defined as the speed at which an object travels in a given direction. The right formula to use for calculating velocity depends on a few different factors, such as whether the object is accelerating at a constant rate, or whether it is moving in a circle as opposed to a line. The most basic formula for calculating velocity is velocity (v) = distance (d)/time (t). If you don’t already know the time and distance, you’ll need to calculate them first. Subtract the initial position from the final position to find distance, and subtract the start time from the end time to find the time. For instance, if a runner began sprinting due east at the 22-meter mark along a track and ended up at the 52-meter mark, you’d subtract 22 from 52 to find the distance, or displacement, of 30 meters. Similarly, if they began their sprint at 5:35:01 pm and ended it at 5:35:06 pm, you can find the time by subtracting 1 from 6, giving you 5 seconds. This will tell you that they ran 30 meters in 5 seconds, which means that they maintained an average velocity of 6 m/s east. If you’re finding the velocity of an object that’s accelerating instead of moving at a constant rate, things get a little more complicated. If you know the acceleration rate of the object, you can find the final velocity using the formula vf (final velocity) = vi (initial velocity) + a(t) (acceleration x time). For example, if an object accelerated north at a rate of 5m/s2 over 5 seconds and had a starting velocity of 6 m/s, its final velocity would be 6m/s + (5m/s2 x 5s), or 31m/s north. Once you know both the final and initial velocity, you can calculate the average velocity of an accelerating object. To do this, add initial velocity to final velocity and divide the result by 2. In this case, 6m/s + 30m/s divided by 2 = 18 m/s north. The method for finding the velocity of an object around a circle is a little different. To do this, use the formula v (velocity) = 2πr (the circumference of the circle)/t (time). For example, an object that moves around a circle with a radius of 50 meters in 13 seconds would have a velocity of 2π(50)m/13s, or approximately 24.17 m/s. To learn more, such as how to calculate average or circular velocity, keep reading the article!

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    May 27, 2017

    “Taking college physics, and I know nothing because I dropped out of high school without taking any science or…” more

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S =


t =

Средняя скорость

Vср =



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Средняя скорость

Vср =


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Как найти среднюю скорость зная расстояние (путь) и время

Чему равна средняя скорость Vср если известны путь S и время t за которое этот путь преодолён?


Vср = St


К примеру, поезд преодолел расстояние в 1000 км за 16 часов. Посчитаем с какой средней скоростью он двигался:

Vср = 1000/16 = 62.5 км/ч

Как найти среднюю скорость зная скорости на участках пути

Чтобы найти среднюю скорость Vср на протяжении всего пути, зная показатели скорости на его участках (V1 , V2 , … Vn), следует найти среднее гармоническое этих скоростей.


Vср = n
1V1 + 1V2 + … + 1Vn


Средняя скорость через две скорости

Автомобиль проехал некий путь, при этом первые полпути он ехал со скоростью 80 км/ч, а вторые полпути – со скоростью 20 км/ч. Определим среднюю скорость этого автомобиля:

Vср = 2 = 2 = 32
180 + 120 0.0125 + 0.05

Средняя скорость автомобиля равна 32 км/ч.

Хорошее приложение. Спасибо

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Спасибо гигантское, вы меня выручили

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С какой скоростью должен ехать автомобиль если он за 8 секунд проехал 300 метров

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Один пешеход идёт со скоростью 13км/ч а другой 18км/ч их встреча произойдет через восемь часов. Сколько километров они преодолели до своей встречи?

  • reply

13*8+18*8= 248 км, только 18 км/час это почти мировой рекорд при забеге на 20 км

  • reply

Задача поезд едет 95км ч а машина 140км ч а расстояние между ними 1535 км через сколько времени они встретятся

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Вы тооооп.Спасибо за прекрасный сайт!!!!

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в описании к калькулятору добавьте, что из-за особенностей Javascript он не принимает “,” даже не представляю сколько людей погорело у вас тут.

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359 дн. назад

Поддержку “,” добавили.

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Два пешехода вышли навстречу друг другу. Скорость первого составляет 3 м/мин, а второго — 4 м/мин. Через
сколько минут они встретятся, если расстояние между ними 1680 метров?​

  • reply

Медвежат отвезли за 600 км от населенного пункта. Через 18 дней (432часа) они вернулись в посёлок. Вопрос: Это реально? И с какой скоростью они могли передвигаться в сутки?

  • reply

За какое время пройдёт машина расстояние 10 метров со скоростью 170км/ч

  • reply

задача.1 трактор ехал со скоростью 36 км.в час .2 трактор _32 км в час между ними .растояние 136км.нужно найти время когда встретятся.

  • reply

От города A до города B расстояние 40 км. Два велосипедиста выехали из A и B навстречу друг другу, один со скоростью 10 км/ч, а другой — 15 км/ч. Муха вылетела с первым из A со скоростью 100 км/ч, долетела до второго, села ему на лоб и полетела обратно к первому, села ему на лоб, вернулась ко второму и так далее, пока они не столкнулись лбами и не раздавили ими муху. Сколько километров пролетела муха?

  • reply

машина едет со скоростью 85 км в час ,за сколько минут проедет машина 78 км

  • reply

Если пешеход вышел в деревню со скоростью 4.8 км/ч,возвращался со скоростью 6 км/ч и вернулся на час раньше. Какое расстояние от села до деревни?

  • reply

Если пешеход вышел в деревню со скоростью 4.8 км/ч,возвращался со скоростью 6 км/ч и вернулся на час раньше. Какое расстояние от села до деревни?

  • reply

Скорость автомобиля 110 кмч.
а) за какое время он проедет 33 км
б) какое расстояние он проедет за 1,5 ч

  • reply

Расстояние в 3 км и скорости 30км/ч выдаёт 6 часов пути?!!

  • reply

0.1 часа или 6 минут. Там так написано

  • reply

Если легковая машина едет 70 км в час то сколько она проедет за 1 час 48 минут

  • reply

Онлайн  калькулятор поможет вам рассчитать скорость, время или расстояние. Вычисление производится в любой из возможных единицах измерения скорости  или расстояния. Он может пригодится как учащимся школ так и студентам. 


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Скорость в зависимости от расстояния и времени

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Скорость, время и расстояние


Скорость является физической величиной, определяющей путь, который преодолеет объект за единицу времени. Следовательно, формулу для определения скорости (при равномерном движении) можно представить как:

V = S / T

V — величина скорости;
S — величина пройденного пути;
Т — время в пути.

Показатели скорости чаще всего выражаются в м/сек; км/час; единицы расстояния — в метрах (м), километрах (км); единицами времени могут быть секунды, минуты, часы.

Исходя из вышеприведенной формулы скорости можно вывести формулу пути:

S = V * T

Т.е величину пройденного пути находим как произведение скорости на время в пути.
Если известно расстояние и скорость, определить время можно по формуле:

T = S / V

т.е. для нахождения времени делим расстояние на скорость.

Быстро и без ошибок вычислить время, скорость, расстояние в разных единицах измерения вам поможет онлайн калькулятор.

Расчет скорости, времени и расстояния

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