Receiving tile data complete terraria как исправить

Possible Workaround for getting stuck on “Receiving Tile Data: Complete!” on joining MP

Alt. Title: Possible Solution for getting stuck on “Receiving Tile Data: Complete!” on joining MP

There are several threads about this issue that have remained unanswered in this forum, after much trial and error I was able to find a method to bypass the issue, aka got it to work!

For future reference, anyone getting stuck on “Receiving Tile Data: Complete!” when trying join people in multiplayer can try the following:
A. First double-check that the mods you have aren’t incompatible for multiplayer (IE Pinky mod)
B. Check that the mods you’re using aren’t too obsolete/too old and are made for an older version of the game, if not otherwise poorly-written

If the hoster/server is already up and running, but you’re unable to join due to the issue above, try these steps:
1. Disable ALL your enabled mods (save them as modpack first so you can reload them easily!)
2. While still in the “Mods” menu, click on “Reload Mods” with everything disabled
3. Close the game then restart it, then try to join the server again, make sure that “Download Mods From Servers” is turned ON in your tModLoader Settings
4. Fingers crossed, you should be able to finally join, whenever you get the same issue when rejoining, just follow the steps again
5. If you’re still running into issues, see A and B

Dark Gaming


[12:05:30] [1/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at DMDTerraria.MessageBuffer::GetData(MessageBuffer , Int32 , Int32 , Int32& )
at MagicStorage.Edits.Detours.Vanilla.MessageBuffer_GetData(orig_GetData orig, MessageBuffer self, Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& messageType) in MagicStorageEditsDetoursVanilla.NetMessage.cs:line 164
at DMD<DMD<HookTerraria.MessageBuffer::GetData?16690800>?13234184::HookTerraria.MessageBuffer::GetData?16690800>(MessageBuffer , Int32 , Int32 , Int32& )
at Terraria.NetMessage.CheckBytes(Int32 bufferIndex)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteWithThreadLocal(Task& currentTaskSlot)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ExecuteEntry(Boolean bPreventDoubleExecution)
at System.Threading.Tasks.ThreadPoolTaskScheduler.TryExecuteTaskInline(Task task, Boolean taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskScheduler.TryRunInline(Task task, Boolean taskWasPreviouslyQueued)
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InternalRunSynchronously(TaskScheduler scheduler, Boolean waitForCompletion)
at Terraria.Netplay.OnUpdate()
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime gameTime)
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Tick()
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.SDL2_FNAPlatform.RunLoop(Game game)
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.Run()
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_()
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs)
at Terraria.FNALaunch.Main(String[] args)

Update, I’ve installed the standalone version and tried running the mono and the non mono script with the added export, I ran into the same problem. Here’s a new log

[18:47:02] [1/INFO] [tML]: Starting tModLoader v0.11.7.5 Linux client (9/28/2020)
[18:47:02] [1/INFO] [tML]: Running on Mono 4.6.1
[18:47:02] [1/INFO] [tML]: Executable: /home/goose/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/tModLoader/tModLoader.exe
[18:47:02] [1/INFO] [tML]: Working Directory: /home/goose/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/tModLoader
[18:47:02] [1/INFO] [tML]: Launch Parameters: 
[18:47:02] [1/WARN] [tML]: First-chance exception reporting is not implemented on Mono
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Mono.Cecil, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Ionic.Zip.Reduced, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=edbe51ad942a3f5c
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed
[18:47:02] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry::ValidateOutput(string, Stream, out string) modified by Terraria
[18:47:03] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Steamworks.NET, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:03] [1/INFO] [tML]: Checking Steam installation...
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 105600
Steam_SetMinidumpSteamID:  Caching Steam ID:  76561198025907827 [API loaded no]
[18:47:03] [1/INFO] [tML]: Steam installation OK.
[18:47:03] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Found Terraria steamapp install at: /home/goose/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Terraria
[18:47:03] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Steam Cloud Quota: 953.7 MB available
IGLDevice: OpenGLDevice
OpenGL Device: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Driver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 440.100
OpenGL Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
MojoShader Profile: glsl120
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
[18:47:04] [1/DEBUG] [Terraria]: Graphics Device: HE225DPB 22" {{Width:1920 Height:1080 Format:Color}}
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
[18:47:08] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 1000 vanilla assets
[18:47:09] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 2000 vanilla assets
[18:47:09] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 3000 vanilla assets
[18:47:10] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 4000 vanilla assets
[18:47:11] [1/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 5000 vanilla assets
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
[18:47:13] [1/DEBUG] [tML]: Fallback synchronization context assigned
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
Resolution changed to: 1920x1080.
[18:47:13] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MP3Sharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:13] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> NVorbis, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:13] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Mono.Cecil.Mdb, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=50cebf1cceb9d05e
[18:47:14] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [Terraria]: JIT loading finished
[18:47:16] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Unloading mods
[18:47:16] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Finding Mods...
[18:47:18] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: AccessorySlotsPlus
[18:47:18] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityMod
[18:47:19] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ThoriumMod
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SacredTools
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: SpiritMod
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: CalamityModMusic
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Fargowiltas
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: FargowiltasSouls
[18:47:20] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ElementsAwoken
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: AlchemistNPC
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: AlcNPCButGood
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Antisocial
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ArgantiumReborn
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: AutoReroll
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BaseMod
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BetterMultiplayer
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: BossChecklist
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ExperienceAndClasses
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: HamstarHelpers
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: ExtensibleInventory
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: Fernium
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: GRealm
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: imkSushisMod
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MagicStorage
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: MaxStackExtra
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: RecipeBrowser
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: UpgradedAccessories
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Sandboxing: WingSlot
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Instantiating Mods...
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: AccessorySlotsPlus_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:21] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: ThoriumMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> System.ValueTuple, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=cc7b13ffcd2ddd51
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: AlchemistNPC_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: AlcNPCButGood_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: Antisocial_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: ArgantiumReborn_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: BaseMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: BetterMultiplayer_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: ExperienceAndClasses_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:22] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: ExtensibleInventory_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: GRealm_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: imkSushisMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MagicStorage_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: MaxStackExtra_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: RecipeBrowser_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: WingSlot_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:23] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ModLoader v0.11.7.5
[18:47:24] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: AccessorySlotsPlus v0.1
[18:47:24] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityMod v1.4.5.2
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: CalamityMod_0, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> TerrariaHooks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaHooks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.Utils, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/WARN] [tML]: Upgraded Reference MonoMod.Utils -> Version= ->
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaHooks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> Terraria, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Assembly Resolve: TerrariaHooks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null -> MonoMod.RuntimeDetour, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/WARN] [tML]: Upgraded Reference MonoMod.RuntimeDetour -> Version= ->
[18:47:31] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Wiring::HitWireSingle(int, int) modified by CalamityMod_0
[18:47:32] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.WorldGen::MakeDungeon(int, int) modified by CalamityMod_0
[18:47:32] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::TileInteractionsUse(int, int) added by CalamityMod_0
[18:47:32] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.10
[18:47:34] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::ApplyDamageToNPC(NPC, int, float, int, bool) added by ThoriumMod_0
[18:47:34] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SacredTools v1.1.1.4
[18:47:36] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Wiring::ActuateForced(int, int) added by SacredTools_0
[18:47:36] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Wiring::Actuate(int, int) added by SacredTools_0
[18:47:36] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: SpiritMod v1.4.0.4
[18:47:38] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::DrawProjectiles() added by SpiritMod_0
[18:47:38] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Projectile::NewProjectile(float, float, float, float, int, int, float, int, float, float) added by SpiritMod_0
[18:47:38] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::KeyDoubleTap(int) added by SpiritMod_0
[18:47:38] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Main::DrawDust() added by SpiritMod_0
[18:47:38] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: CalamityModMusic v1.4.5.2
[18:47:39] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Fargowiltas v2.2.2.3
[18:47:39] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: FargowiltasSouls v1.3.90
[18:47:39] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ElementsAwoken v1.3.13.3
[18:47:40] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Player::Update(int) modified by ElementsAwoken_0
[18:47:41] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: AlchemistNPC v9.3
[18:47:41] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: AlcNPCButGood v2.4
[18:47:41] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Antisocial v1.2.1
[18:47:41] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.UI.ItemSlot::MouseHover(Item[], int, int) added by Antisocial_0
[18:47:41] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ArgantiumReborn v1.3.7.1
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: AutoReroll v1.6.2.1
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BaseMod v1.9.0.2
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BetterMultiplayer v1.1
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.GameContent.Events.DD2Event::WinInvasionInternal() added by BossChecklist_0
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Boss Log integration messages will not be logged.
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ExperienceAndClasses v1.3.13
[18:47:42] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: HamstarHelpers v5.9.4
[18:47:43] [Threadpool worker/WARN] [HamstarHelpers]: HamstarHelpers.LogHelpers.Alert - 0:000 - 000020.16         No json file data.
[18:47:43] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: ExtensibleInventory v1.5.2.1
[18:47:43] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: Fernium v1.1.2.1
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
[18:47:43] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: GRealm v1.9.0.3
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: imkSushisMod v4.3.1
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: MaxStackExtra v1.1.0.4
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: RecipeBrowser v0.8.7
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Recipe::FindRecipes() added by RecipeBrowser_0
[18:47:44] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook On.Terraria.Player::AdjTiles() added by RecipeBrowser_0
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: UpgradedAccessories v4.1
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Initializing: WingSlot v1.7.3
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Setting up...
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ModLoader v0.11.7.5
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: AccessorySlotsPlus v0.1
[18:47:45] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityMod v1.4.5.2
[18:47:47] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ThoriumMod v1.6.3.10
[18:47:50] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SacredTools v1.1.1.4
[18:47:50] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: SpiritMod v1.4.0.4
[18:47:51] [Threadpool worker/WARN] [BossChecklist]: Boss Head Icon Texture for Spirit Mod Vinewrath Bane named SpiritMod/NPCs/Boss/ReachBoss/ReachBoss/ReachBoss_Head_Boss is missing
[18:47:51] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: CalamityModMusic v1.4.5.2
[18:47:51] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Hook IL.Terraria.Main::UpdateAudio() modified by CalamityModMusic_0
[18:47:51] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Fargowiltas v2.2.2.3
[18:47:52] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: FargowiltasSouls v1.3.90
[18:47:53] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [Terraria]: Loaded 6000 vanilla assets
[18:47:53] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ElementsAwoken v1.3.13.3
[18:47:54] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: AlchemistNPC v9.3
[18:47:54] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: AlcNPCButGood v2.4
[18:47:54] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Antisocial v1.2.1
[18:47:54] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ArgantiumReborn v1.3.7.1
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: AutoReroll v1.6.2.1
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BaseMod v1.9.0.2
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BetterMultiplayer v1.1
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: BossChecklist v1.1.4.1
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ExperienceAndClasses v1.3.13
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: HamstarHelpers v5.9.4
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: ExtensibleInventory v1.5.2.1
[18:47:55] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: Fernium v1.1.2.1
[18:47:56] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:47:56] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:47:56] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: GRealm v1.9.0.3
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [Terraria]: >---------<
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/ERROR] [Terraria]: GREALM~ POST SETUP CONTENT ERROR:Specified cast is not valid.
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/ERROR] [Terraria]:   at (wrapper castclass) System.Object:__castclass_with_cache (object,intptr,intptr)
at GRealm.ModSupport.SetupSupport () in GRealmModSupport.cs:356 
at GRealm.GRealm.PostSetupContent () in GRealm.cs:566 
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [Terraria]: >---------<
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: imkSushisMod v4.3.1
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MagicStorage v0.4.3.5
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: MaxStackExtra v1.1.0.4
[18:47:57] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: RecipeBrowser v0.8.7
[18:47:58] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: UpgradedAccessories v4.1
[18:47:58] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Loading: WingSlot v1.7.3
[18:47:58] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [tML]: Adding Recipes...
[18:48:00] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddBossWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: Fortune, Fernite, Folivine, Mantid Matriarch
[18:48:00] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddMiniBossWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: [i:13167] Barbarian, [i:13167] Undeadipede, [i:13167] Bumblebirb Rider
[18:48:00] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [BossChecklist]: AddEventWithInfo calls for the following are not utilizing Boss Log features. Mod developers should update mod calls with proper information to improve user experience: [i:13167] The Horde
[18:48:00] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [BossChecklist]: Updated Mod.Call documentation for BossChecklist:
[18:48:00] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:48:01] [Threadpool worker/DEBUG] [tML]: Web Request:
[18:48:01] [Threadpool worker/WARN] [HamstarHelpers]: HamstarHelpers.LogHelpers.Alert - 0:000 - 000038.80         Skimmed 2 bad entries from input:
update, modlist
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
Using EXT_swap_control_tear VSync!
[18:48:21] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [Terraria]: Connecting to
[18:48:22] [1/INFO] [tML]: Server reports AllowVanillaClients set to False
[18:48:23] [1/ERROR] [tML]: Above IOException error caused by world from the Fernium mod.
[18:48:23] [Threadpool worker/INFO] [StatusText]: Receiving tile data

An explanation of the main issue

When me and my friends try joining a multiplayer server that has been up for a while, it will reliably get stuck on “Receiving tile data: Complete!” every time and never actually join the server. And when this happens to one of us it will also happen for anyone else trying to join even after restarting their games. Anybody already in the server have no issues staying connected however. So it seems that the server itself eventually just decides that it’s no longer accepting new connections. Me and my friends almost exclusively play with mods, however I think I remember having this issue regardless of what mods we use and even with vanilla Terraria, but I don’t remember that for certain.

Another issues we get

Sometimes instead of the previous issue, entire chunks of the world can be missing for certain players (Usually the spawn chunk)

How we currently deal with it

As mentioned it seems to be an issue on the server’s end, and sure enough, restarting the server fixes both the issues for a hour or so. But having to restarting the server every time someone wants to join is a major annoyance.

What I am looking for

Anybody know of any mod that would fix any of these issues? Or maybe a server setting that can be changed to fix them? As I mentioned it’s nothing more than a major annoyance but if anybody knows of a more permanent fix for it, it would be much appreciated.

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